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// -*- mode: C++; c-file-style: "cc-mode" -*-
// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Symbol table
2019-11-08 03:33:59 +00:00
// Code available from:
// Copyright 2003-2020 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you
// can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
// Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
// Version 2.0.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only OR Artistic-2.0
2020-06-02 03:16:02 +00:00
#ifndef _V3SYMTABLE_H_
#define _V3SYMTABLE_H_ 1
#include "config_build.h"
#include "verilatedos.h"
#include "V3Global.h"
#include "V3Ast.h"
#include "V3File.h"
#include "V3String.h"
#include <cstdarg>
#include <map>
#include <iomanip>
#include <memory>
class VSymGraph;
class VSymEnt;
// Symbol table
typedef std::unordered_set<const VSymEnt*> VSymConstMap;
class VSymEnt final {
// Symbol table that can have a "superior" table for resolving upper references
typedef std::multimap<string, VSymEnt*> IdNameMap;
IdNameMap m_idNameMap; // Hash of variables by name
AstNode* m_nodep; // Node that entry belongs to
VSymEnt* m_fallbackp; // Table "above" this one in name scope, for fallback resolution
VSymEnt* m_parentp; // Table that created this table, dot notation needed to resolve into it
AstNodeModule* m_classOrPackagep; // Package node is in (for V3LinkDot, unused here)
string m_symPrefix; // String to prefix symbols with (for V3LinkDot, unused here)
bool m_exported; // Allow importing
bool m_imported; // Was imported
#ifdef VL_DEBUG
static int debug() {
static int level = -1;
if (VL_UNLIKELY(level < 0)) level = v3Global.opt.debugSrcLevel("V3LinkDot.cpp");
return level;
static inline int debug() { return 0; } // NOT runtime, too hot of a function
typedef IdNameMap::const_iterator const_iterator;
const_iterator begin() const { return m_idNameMap.begin(); }
const_iterator end() const { return m_idNameMap.end(); }
2018-03-10 21:51:34 +00:00
void dumpIterate(std::ostream& os, VSymConstMap& doneSymsr, const string& indent,
int numLevels, const string& searchName) const {
os << indent << "+ " << std::left << std::setw(30)
<< (searchName == "" ? "\"\"" : searchName) << std::setw(0) << std::right;
os << " se" << cvtToHex(this) << std::setw(0);
os << " fallb=se" << cvtToHex(m_fallbackp);
if (m_symPrefix != "") os << " symPrefix=" << m_symPrefix;
os << " n=" << nodep();
os << '\n';
2020-05-29 23:35:54 +00:00
if (VL_UNCOVERABLE(doneSymsr.find(this) != doneSymsr.end())) {
os << indent << "| ^ duplicate, so no children printed\n"; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
} else {
for (IdNameMap::const_iterator it = m_idNameMap.begin(); it != m_idNameMap.end();
++it) {
if (numLevels >= 1) {
it->second->dumpIterate(os, doneSymsr, indent + "| ", numLevels - 1,
void dump(std::ostream& os, const string& indent = "", int numLevels = 1) const {
VSymConstMap doneSyms;
dumpIterate(os, doneSyms, indent, numLevels, "TOP");
VSymEnt(VSymGraph* graphp, const VSymEnt* symp); // Below
VSymEnt(VSymGraph* graphp, AstNode* nodep); // Below
~VSymEnt() {
// Change links so we coredump if used
#ifdef VL_DEBUG
m_nodep = reinterpret_cast<AstNode*>(1);
m_fallbackp = reinterpret_cast<VSymEnt*>(1);
m_parentp = reinterpret_cast<VSymEnt*>(1);
m_classOrPackagep = reinterpret_cast<AstNodeModule*>(1);
#if defined(VL_DEBUG) && !defined(VL_LEAK_CHECKS)
// For testing, leak so above destructor 1 assignments work
void operator delete(void* objp, size_t size) {}
void fallbackp(VSymEnt* entp) { m_fallbackp = entp; }
2020-10-08 11:54:01 +00:00
VSymEnt* fallbackp() const { return m_fallbackp; }
void parentp(VSymEnt* entp) { m_parentp = entp; }
VSymEnt* parentp() const { return m_parentp; }
void classOrPackagep(AstNodeModule* entp) { m_classOrPackagep = entp; }
AstNodeModule* classOrPackagep() const { return m_classOrPackagep; }
AstNode* nodep() const { return m_nodep; }
string symPrefix() const { return m_symPrefix; }
void symPrefix(const string& name) { m_symPrefix = name; }
bool exported() const { return m_exported; }
void exported(bool flag) { m_exported = flag; }
bool imported() const { return m_imported; }
void imported(bool flag) { m_imported = flag; }
void insert(const string& name, VSymEnt* entp) {
UINFO(9, " SymInsert se" << cvtToHex(this) << " '" << name << "' se" << cvtToHex(entp)
<< " " << entp->nodep() << endl);
if (name != "" && m_idNameMap.find(name) != m_idNameMap.end()) {
if (!V3Error::errorCount()) { // Else may have just reported warning
if (debug() >= 9 || V3Error::debugDefault()) dump(cout, "- err-dump: ", 1);
entp->nodep()->v3fatalSrc("Inserting two symbols with same name: " << name);
} else {
m_idNameMap.insert(make_pair(name, entp));
void reinsert(const string& name, VSymEnt* entp) {
const auto it = m_idNameMap.find(name);
if (name != "" && it != m_idNameMap.end()) {
UINFO(9, " SymReinsert se" << cvtToHex(this) << " '" << name << "' se"
<< cvtToHex(entp) << " " << entp->nodep() << endl);
it->second = entp; // Replace
} else {
insert(name, entp);
VSymEnt* findIdFlat(const string& name) const {
// Find identifier without looking upward through symbol hierarchy
// First, scan this begin/end block or module for the name
const auto it = m_idNameMap.find(name);
UINFO(9, " SymFind se"
<< cvtToHex(this) << " '" << name << "' -> "
<< (it == m_idNameMap.end()
? "NONE"
: "se" + cvtToHex(it->second) + " n=" + cvtToHex(it->second->nodep()))
<< endl);
if (it != m_idNameMap.end()) return (it->second);
return nullptr;
VSymEnt* findIdFallback(const string& name) const {
// Find identifier looking upward through symbol hierarchy
// First, scan this begin/end block or module for the name
if (VSymEnt* entp = findIdFlat(name)) return entp;
// Then scan the upper begin/end block or module for the name
if (m_fallbackp) return m_fallbackp->findIdFallback(name);
return nullptr;
void candidateIdFlat(VSpellCheck* spellerp, const VNodeMatcher* matcherp) const {
// Suggest alternative symbol candidates without looking upward through symbol hierarchy
for (IdNameMap::const_iterator it = m_idNameMap.begin(); it != m_idNameMap.end(); ++it) {
const AstNode* itemp = it->second->nodep();
if (itemp && (!matcherp || matcherp->nodeMatch(itemp))) {
void candidateIdFallback(VSpellCheck* spellerp, const VNodeMatcher* matcherp) const {
// Suggest alternative symbol candidates with looking upward through symbol hierarchy
// Note VSpellCheck wants the most important (closest) items pushed first
candidateIdFlat(spellerp, matcherp);
// Then suggest the upper begin/end block or module
if (m_fallbackp) m_fallbackp->candidateIdFallback(spellerp, matcherp);
void importOneSymbol(VSymGraph* graphp, const string& name, const VSymEnt* srcp,
bool honorExport) {
if ((!honorExport || srcp->exported())
&& !findIdFlat(name)) { // Don't insert over existing entry
VSymEnt* symp = new VSymEnt(graphp, srcp);
symp->exported(false); // Can't reimport an import without an export
reinsert(name, symp);
2017-09-21 01:04:59 +00:00
2020-06-02 03:16:02 +00:00
void exportOneSymbol(VSymGraph* graphp, const string& name, const VSymEnt* srcp) const {
if (srcp->exported()) {
if (VSymEnt* symp = findIdFlat(name)) { // Should already exist in current table
if (!symp->exported()) symp->exported(true);
void importFromClass(VSymGraph* graphp, const VSymEnt* srcp) {
// Import tokens from source symbol table into this symbol table
// Used for classes in early parsing only to handle "extends"
for (IdNameMap::const_iterator it = srcp->m_idNameMap.begin();
it != srcp->m_idNameMap.end(); ++it) {
importOneSymbol(graphp, it->first, it->second, false);
2017-09-21 01:04:59 +00:00
void importFromPackage(VSymGraph* graphp, const VSymEnt* srcp, const string& id_or_star) {
// Import tokens from source symbol table into this symbol table
if (id_or_star != "*") {
const auto it = srcp->m_idNameMap.find(id_or_star);
if (it != srcp->m_idNameMap.end()) {
importOneSymbol(graphp, it->first, it->second, true);
} else {
for (IdNameMap::const_iterator it = srcp->m_idNameMap.begin();
it != srcp->m_idNameMap.end(); ++it) {
importOneSymbol(graphp, it->first, it->second, true);
2017-09-21 01:04:59 +00:00
void exportFromPackage(VSymGraph* graphp, const VSymEnt* srcp, const string& id_or_star) {
// Export tokens from source symbol table into this symbol table
if (id_or_star != "*") {
const auto it = vlstd::as_const(srcp->m_idNameMap).find(id_or_star);
if (it != srcp->m_idNameMap.end()) exportOneSymbol(graphp, it->first, it->second);
} else {
for (IdNameMap::const_iterator it = srcp->m_idNameMap.begin();
it != srcp->m_idNameMap.end(); ++it) {
exportOneSymbol(graphp, it->first, it->second);
2017-09-21 01:04:59 +00:00
void exportStarStar(VSymGraph* graphp) {
// Export *:*: Export all tokens from imported packages
for (IdNameMap::const_iterator it = m_idNameMap.begin(); it != m_idNameMap.end(); ++it) {
VSymEnt* symp = it->second;
if (!symp->exported()) symp->exported(true);
2009-11-10 00:07:59 +00:00
void importFromIface(VSymGraph* graphp, const VSymEnt* srcp, bool onlyUnmodportable = false) {
// Import interface tokens from source symbol table into this symbol table, recursively
UINFO(9, " importIf se" << cvtToHex(this) << " from se" << cvtToHex(srcp) << endl);
for (IdNameMap::const_iterator it = srcp->m_idNameMap.begin();
it != srcp->m_idNameMap.end(); ++it) {
const string& name = it->first;
VSymEnt* subSrcp = it->second;
const AstVar* varp = VN_CAST(subSrcp->nodep(), Var);
if (!onlyUnmodportable || (varp && varp->varType() == AstVarType::GPARAM)) {
VSymEnt* subSymp = new VSymEnt(graphp, subSrcp);
reinsert(name, subSymp);
// And recurse to create children
subSymp->importFromIface(graphp, subSrcp);
void cellErrorScopes(AstNode* lookp, string prettyName = "") {
if (prettyName == "") prettyName = lookp->prettyName();
string scopes;
for (IdNameMap::iterator it = m_idNameMap.begin(); it != m_idNameMap.end(); ++it) {
AstNode* itemp = it->second->nodep();
if (VN_IS(itemp, Cell) || (VN_IS(itemp, Module) && VN_CAST(itemp, Module)->isTop())) {
if (scopes != "") scopes += ", ";
scopes += AstNode::prettyName(it->first);
if (scopes == "") scopes = "<no cells found>";
std::cerr << V3Error::warnMore() << "... Known scopes under '" << prettyName
<< "': " << scopes << endl;
2019-10-05 21:35:08 +00:00
if (debug()) dump(std::cerr, " KnownScope: ", 1);
// Symbol tables
class VSymGraph final {
// Collection of symbol tables
typedef std::vector<VSymEnt*> SymStack;
VSymEnt* m_symRootp; // Root symbol table
SymStack m_symsp; // All symbol tables, to cleanup
explicit VSymGraph(AstNetlist* nodep) { m_symRootp = new VSymEnt(this, nodep); }
~VSymGraph() {
for (const VSymEnt* entp : m_symsp) delete entp;
VSymEnt* rootp() const { return m_symRootp; }
// Debug
void dump(std::ostream& os, const string& indent = "") {
VSymConstMap doneSyms;
os << "SymEnt Dump:\n";
m_symRootp->dumpIterate(os, doneSyms, indent, 9999, "$root");
bool first = true;
for (SymStack::iterator it = m_symsp.begin(); it != m_symsp.end(); ++it) {
if (doneSyms.find(*it) == doneSyms.end()) {
if (first) {
first = false;
os << "%%Warning: SymEnt Orphans:\n";
(*it)->dumpIterate(os, doneSyms, indent, 9999, "Orphan");
void dumpFilePrefixed(const string& nameComment) {
if (v3Global.opt.dumpTree()) {
string filename = v3Global.debugFilename(nameComment) + ".txt";
UINFO(2, "Dumping " << filename << endl);
const std::unique_ptr<std::ofstream> logp(V3File::new_ofstream(filename));
if (logp->fail()) v3fatal("Can't write " << filename);
dump(*logp, "");
friend class VSymEnt;
void pushNewEnt(VSymEnt* entp) { m_symsp.push_back(entp); }
inline VSymEnt::VSymEnt(VSymGraph* graphp, AstNode* nodep)
: m_nodep(nodep) {
// No argument to set fallbackp, as generally it's wrong to set it in the new call,
// Instead it needs to be set on a "findOrNew()" return, as it may have been new'ed
// by an earlier search insertion.
m_fallbackp = nullptr;
m_parentp = nullptr;
m_classOrPackagep = nullptr;
m_exported = true;
m_imported = false;
inline VSymEnt::VSymEnt(VSymGraph* graphp, const VSymEnt* symp)
: m_nodep(symp->m_nodep) {
m_fallbackp = symp->m_fallbackp;
m_parentp = symp->m_parentp;
m_classOrPackagep = symp->m_classOrPackagep;
m_exported = symp->m_exported;
m_imported = symp->m_imported;
#endif // guard