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132 lines
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// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test module
// This file ONLY is placed into the Public Domain, for any use,
// without warranty, 2004-2007 by Wilson Snyder.
// Includes
`include "t_preproc_inc2.v"
// Comments
/* verilator pass_thru comment */
// verilator pass_thru_comment2
// Defines
`define DEF_A3
`define DEF_A1
// DEF_A0 set by command line
wire [3:0] q = {
`ifdef DEF_A3 1'b1 `else 1'b0 `endif ,
`ifdef DEF_A2 1'b1 `else 1'b0 `endif ,
`ifdef DEF_A1 1'b1 `else 1'b0 `endif ,
`ifdef DEF_A0 1'b1 `else 1'b0 `endif
`define FOOBAR foo /*but not */ bar /* or this either */
`define FOOBAR2 foobar2 // but not
`define MULTILINE first part \
second part \
third part
Line_Preproc_Check `__LINE__
`define syn_negedge_reset_l or negedge reset_l
`define DEEP deep
`define nosubst NOT_SUBSTITUTED
`define WITHTICK "`nosubst"
"Inside: `nosubst"
`define withparam(a, b) a b LLZZ a b
`withparam(`withparam(p,q),`withparam ( r , s ))
`define withquote(a, bar) a bar LLZZ "a" bar
`withquote( x , y)
`define noparam (a,b)
`define msg(x,y) `"x: `\`"y`\`"`"
$display(`msg(left side, right side))
`define foo(f) f``_suffix
`define zap(which) \
// rt.cpan.org bug34429
`define ADD_UP(a,c) \
wire tmp_``a = a; \
wire tmp_``c = tmp_``a + 1; \
assign c = tmp_``c ;
`ADD_UP(d1,o1) // expansion is OK
`ADD_UP( d2 , o2 ) // expansion is bad
`define check(mod, width, flopname, gate, path) \
generate for (i=0; i<(width); i=i+1) begin \
psl cover { path.d[i] & ~path.q[i] & !path.cond & (gate)} report `"fondNoRise: mod.flopname`"; \
psl cover { ~path.d[i] & path.q[i] & !path.cond & (gate)} report `"fondNoFall: mod.flopname`"; \
end endgenerate
// parameterized macro with arguments that are macros
`define MK m5k.f
`define MF `MK .ctl
`define CK_fr (`MF.alive & `MF.alive_m1)
`check(m5kc_fcl, 3, _ctl_mvldx_m1, `CK_fr, `MF._ctl_mvldx_m1) // ignorecmt
// macro call with define that has comma
`define REG_H 6
`define REG_L 7
`define _H regs[`REG_H]
`define _L regs[`REG_L]
`define _HL {`_H, `_L}
`define EX_WRITE(ad, da) begin addr <= (ad); wdata <= (da); wr <= 1; end
`define EX_READ(ad) begin addr <= (ad); rd <= 1; end
`EX_READ((`_HL + 1)) and `EX_WRITE((`_HL), rdata)
`EX_READ(`_HL + 1)
`EX_WRITE(`_HL, rdata)
// Ifdef
`define EMPTY_TRUE
`ifndef EMPTY_TRUE
`error "Empty is still true"
Line_Preproc_Check `__LINE__