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// -*- mode: C++; c-file-style: "cc-mode" -*-
// Code available from: https://verilator.org
// Copyright 2001-2024 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you
// can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
// Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
// Version 2.0.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only OR Artistic-2.0
/// \file
/// \brief Verilated C++ tracing in VCD format implementation code
/// This file must be compiled and linked against all Verilated objects
/// that use --trace.
/// Use "verilator --trace" to add this to the Makefile for the linker.
// clang-format off
#include "verilatedos.h"
#include "verilated.h"
#include "verilated_vcd_c.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cerrno>
#include <fcntl.h>
#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
# include <io.h>
# include <unistd.h>
#ifndef O_LARGEFILE // WIN32 headers omit this
# define O_LARGEFILE 0
#ifndef O_NONBLOCK // WIN32 headers omit this
# define O_NONBLOCK 0
#ifndef O_CLOEXEC // WIN32 headers omit this
# define O_CLOEXEC 0
// clang-format on
// This size comes form VCD allowing use of printable ASCII characters between
// '!' and '~' inclusive, which are a total of 94 different values. Encoding a
// 32 bit code hence needs a maximum of std::ceil(log94(2**32-1)) == 5 bytes.
constexpr unsigned VL_TRACE_MAX_VCD_CODE_SIZE = 5; // Maximum length of a VCD string code
// We use 8 bytes per code in a suffix buffer array.
// 1 byte optional separator + VL_TRACE_MAX_VCD_CODE_SIZE bytes for code
// + 1 byte '\n' + 1 byte suffix size. This luckily comes out to a power of 2,
// meaning the array can be aligned such that entries never straddle multiple
// cache-lines.
constexpr unsigned VL_TRACE_SUFFIX_ENTRY_SIZE = 8; // Size of a suffix entry
// Specialization of the generics for this trace format
#define VL_SUB_T VerilatedVcd
#define VL_BUF_T VerilatedVcdBuffer
#include "verilated_trace_imp.h"
#undef VL_SUB_T
#undef VL_BUF_T
// VerilatedVcdFile
bool VerilatedVcdFile::open(const std::string& name) VL_MT_UNSAFE {
m_fd = ::open(name.c_str(),
return m_fd >= 0;
void VerilatedVcdFile::close() VL_MT_UNSAFE { ::close(m_fd); }
ssize_t VerilatedVcdFile::write(const char* bufp, ssize_t len) VL_MT_UNSAFE {
return ::write(m_fd, bufp, len);
// Opening/Closing
VerilatedVcd::VerilatedVcd(VerilatedVcdFile* filep) {
// Not in header to avoid link issue if header is included without this .cpp file
m_fileNewed = (filep == nullptr);
m_filep = m_fileNewed ? new VerilatedVcdFile : filep;
m_wrChunkSize = 8 * 1024;
m_wrBufp = new char[m_wrChunkSize * 8];
m_wrFlushp = m_wrBufp + m_wrChunkSize * 6;
m_writep = m_wrBufp;
void VerilatedVcd::open(const char* filename) VL_MT_SAFE_EXCLUDES(m_mutex) {
const VerilatedLockGuard lock{m_mutex};
if (isOpen()) return;
// Set member variables
m_filename = filename; // "" is ok, as someone may overload open
openNextImp(m_rolloverSize != 0);
if (!isOpen()) return;
printStr("$version Generated by VerilatedVcd $end\n");
printStr("$timescale ");
printStr(timeResStr().c_str()); // lintok-begin-on-ref
printStr(" $end\n");
// Scope and signal definitions
assert(m_indent >= 0);
assert(m_indent >= 0);
printStr("$enddefinitions $end\n\n\n");
// When using rollover, the first chunk contains the header only.
if (m_rolloverSize) openNextImp(true);
void VerilatedVcd::openNext(bool incFilename) VL_MT_SAFE_EXCLUDES(m_mutex) {
// Open next filename in concat sequence, mangle filename if
// incFilename is true.
const VerilatedLockGuard lock{m_mutex};
void VerilatedVcd::openNextImp(bool incFilename) {
closePrev(); // Close existing
if (incFilename) {
// Find _0000.{ext} in filename
std::string name = m_filename;
const size_t pos = name.rfind('.');
if (pos > 8 && 0 == std::strncmp("_cat", name.c_str() + pos - 8, 4)
&& std::isdigit(name.c_str()[pos - 4]) && std::isdigit(name.c_str()[pos - 3])
&& std::isdigit(name.c_str()[pos - 2]) && std::isdigit(name.c_str()[pos - 1])) {
// Increment code.
if ((++(name[pos - 1])) > '9') {
name[pos - 1] = '0';
if ((++(name[pos - 2])) > '9') {
name[pos - 2] = '0';
if ((++(name[pos - 3])) > '9') {
name[pos - 3] = '0';
if ((++(name[pos - 4])) > '9') { //
name[pos - 4] = '0';
} else {
// Append _cat0000
name.insert(pos, "_cat0000");
m_filename = name;
if (VL_UNCOVERABLE(m_filename[0] == '|')) {
assert(0); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE // Not supported yet.
} else {
// cppcheck-suppress duplicateExpression
if (!m_filep->open(m_filename)) {
// User code can check isOpen()
m_isOpen = false;
m_isOpen = true;
constDump(true); // First dump must containt the const signals
fullDump(true); // First dump must be full
m_wroteBytes = 0;
bool VerilatedVcd::preChangeDump() {
if (VL_UNLIKELY(m_rolloverSize && m_wroteBytes > m_rolloverSize)) openNextImp(true);
return isOpen();
void VerilatedVcd::emitTimeChange(uint64_t timeui) {
const std::string str = std::to_string(timeui);
VerilatedVcd::~VerilatedVcd() {
if (m_wrBufp) VL_DO_CLEAR(delete[] m_wrBufp, m_wrBufp = nullptr);
if (m_filep && m_fileNewed) VL_DO_CLEAR(delete m_filep, m_filep = nullptr);
if (parallel()) {
assert(m_numBuffers == m_freeBuffers.size());
for (auto& pair : m_freeBuffers) VL_DO_CLEAR(delete[] pair.first, pair.first = nullptr);
void VerilatedVcd::closePrev() {
// This function is on the flush() call path
if (!isOpen()) return;
m_isOpen = false;
void VerilatedVcd::closeErr() {
// This function is on the flush() call path
// Close due to an error. We might abort before even getting here,
// depending on the definition of vl_fatal.
if (!isOpen()) return;
// No buffer flush, just fclose
m_isOpen = false;
m_filep->close(); // May get error, just ignore it
void VerilatedVcd::close() VL_MT_SAFE_EXCLUDES(m_mutex) {
// This function is on the flush() call path
const VerilatedLockGuard lock{m_mutex};
if (!isOpen()) return;
// closePrev() called Super::flush(), so we just
// need to shut down the tracing thread here.
void VerilatedVcd::flush() VL_MT_SAFE_EXCLUDES(m_mutex) {
const VerilatedLockGuard lock{m_mutex};
void VerilatedVcd::printStr(const char* str) {
// Not fast...
while (*str) {
*m_writep++ = *str++;
void VerilatedVcd::bufferResize(size_t minsize) {
// minsize is size of largest write. We buffer at least 8 times as much data,
// writing when we are 3/4 full (with thus 2*minsize remaining free)
if (VL_UNLIKELY(minsize > m_wrChunkSize)) {
const char* oldbufp = m_wrBufp;
m_wrChunkSize = roundUpToMultipleOf<1024>(minsize * 2);
m_wrBufp = new char[m_wrChunkSize * 8];
std::memcpy(m_wrBufp, oldbufp, m_writep - oldbufp);
m_writep = m_wrBufp + (m_writep - oldbufp);
m_wrFlushp = m_wrBufp + m_wrChunkSize * 6;
VL_DO_CLEAR(delete[] oldbufp, oldbufp = nullptr);
void VerilatedVcd::bufferFlush() VL_MT_UNSAFE_ONE {
// This function can be called from the trace offload thread
// This function is on the flush() call path
// We add output data to m_writep.
// When it gets nearly full we dump it using this routine which calls write()
// This is much faster than using buffered I/O
if (VL_UNLIKELY(!m_isOpen)) return;
const char* wp = m_wrBufp;
while (true) {
const ssize_t remaining = (m_writep - wp);
if (remaining == 0) break;
errno = 0;
const ssize_t got = m_filep->write(wp, remaining);
if (got > 0) {
wp += got;
m_wroteBytes += got;
} else if (VL_UNCOVERABLE(got < 0)) {
if (VL_UNCOVERABLE(errno != EAGAIN && errno != EINTR)) {
// write failed, presume error (perhaps out of disk space)
const std::string msg = "VerilatedVcd::bufferFlush: "s + std::strerror(errno);
VL_FATAL_MT("", 0, "", msg.c_str());
// Reset buffer
m_writep = m_wrBufp;
// Definitions
void VerilatedVcd::printIndent(int level_change) {
if (level_change < 0) m_indent += level_change;
for (int i = 0; i < m_indent; ++i) printStr(" ");
if (level_change > 0) m_indent += level_change;
void VerilatedVcd::pushPrefix(const std::string& name, VerilatedTracePrefixType type) {
std::string newPrefix = m_prefixStack.back().first + name;
switch (type) {
case VerilatedTracePrefixType::SCOPE_MODULE:
case VerilatedTracePrefixType::SCOPE_INTERFACE:
case VerilatedTracePrefixType::STRUCT_PACKED:
case VerilatedTracePrefixType::STRUCT_UNPACKED:
case VerilatedTracePrefixType::UNION_PACKED: {
printStr("$scope module ");
const std::string n = lastWord(newPrefix);
printStr(" $end\n");
newPrefix += ' ';
default: break;
m_prefixStack.emplace_back(newPrefix, type);
void VerilatedVcd::popPrefix() {
switch (m_prefixStack.back().second) {
case VerilatedTracePrefixType::SCOPE_MODULE:
case VerilatedTracePrefixType::SCOPE_INTERFACE:
case VerilatedTracePrefixType::STRUCT_PACKED:
case VerilatedTracePrefixType::STRUCT_UNPACKED:
case VerilatedTracePrefixType::UNION_PACKED:
printStr("$upscope $end\n");
default: break;
void VerilatedVcd::declare(uint32_t code, const char* name, const char* wirep, bool array,
int arraynum, bool bussed, int msb, int lsb) {
const int bits = ((msb > lsb) ? (msb - lsb) : (lsb - msb)) + 1;
const std::string hierarchicalName = m_prefixStack.back().first + name;
const bool enabled = Super::declCode(code, hierarchicalName, bits);
if (m_suffixes.size() <= nextCode() * VL_TRACE_SUFFIX_ENTRY_SIZE) {
m_suffixes.resize(nextCode() * VL_TRACE_SUFFIX_ENTRY_SIZE * 2, 0);
// Keep upper bound on bytes a single signal can emit into the buffer
m_maxSignalBytes = std::max<size_t>(m_maxSignalBytes, bits + 32);
// Make sure write buffer is large enough, plus header
bufferResize(m_maxSignalBytes + 1024);
if (!enabled) return;
// Create the VCD code and build the suffix array entry
// Render the VCD code
char* vcdCodeWritep = vcdCode;
uint32_t codeEnc = code;
do {
*vcdCodeWritep++ = static_cast<char>('!' + codeEnc % 94);
codeEnc /= 94;
} while (codeEnc--);
*vcdCodeWritep = '\0';
const size_t vcdCodeLength = vcdCodeWritep - vcdCode;
assert(vcdCodeLength <= VL_TRACE_MAX_VCD_CODE_SIZE);
// Build suffix array entry
char* const entryBeginp = &m_suffixes[code * VL_TRACE_SUFFIX_ENTRY_SIZE];
entryBeginp[0] = ' '; // Separator
// 1 bit values don't have a ' ' separator between value and string code
char* entryWritep = bits == 1 ? entryBeginp : entryBeginp + 1;
// Use memcpy as we know the size, and strcpy is flagged unsafe
std::memcpy(entryWritep, vcdCode, vcdCodeLength);
entryWritep += vcdCodeLength;
// Line terminator
*entryWritep++ = '\n';
// Set length of suffix (used to increment write pointer)
assert(entryWritep <= entryBeginp + VL_TRACE_SUFFIX_ENTRY_SIZE - 1);
entryBeginp[VL_TRACE_SUFFIX_ENTRY_SIZE - 1] = static_cast<char>(entryWritep - entryBeginp);
// Assemble the declaration
std::string decl = "$var ";
decl += wirep;
decl += ' ';
decl += std::to_string(bits);
decl += ' ';
decl += vcdCode;
decl += ' ';
decl += lastWord(hierarchicalName);
if (array) {
decl += '[';
decl += std::to_string(arraynum);
decl += ']';
if (bussed) {
decl += " [";
decl += std::to_string(msb);
decl += ':';
decl += std::to_string(lsb);
decl += ']';
decl += " $end\n";
void VerilatedVcd::declEvent(uint32_t code, uint32_t fidx, const char* name, int dtypenum,
VerilatedTraceSigDirection, VerilatedTraceSigKind,
VerilatedTraceSigType, bool array, int arraynum) {
declare(code, name, "event", array, arraynum, false, 0, 0);
void VerilatedVcd::declBit(uint32_t code, uint32_t fidx, const char* name, int dtypenum,
VerilatedTraceSigDirection, VerilatedTraceSigKind,
VerilatedTraceSigType, bool array, int arraynum) {
declare(code, name, "wire", array, arraynum, false, 0, 0);
void VerilatedVcd::declBus(uint32_t code, uint32_t fidx, const char* name, int dtypenum,
VerilatedTraceSigDirection, VerilatedTraceSigKind,
VerilatedTraceSigType, bool array, int arraynum, int msb, int lsb) {
declare(code, name, "wire", array, arraynum, true, msb, lsb);
void VerilatedVcd::declQuad(uint32_t code, uint32_t fidx, const char* name, int dtypenum,
VerilatedTraceSigDirection, VerilatedTraceSigKind,
VerilatedTraceSigType, bool array, int arraynum, int msb, int lsb) {
declare(code, name, "wire", array, arraynum, true, msb, lsb);
void VerilatedVcd::declArray(uint32_t code, uint32_t fidx, const char* name, int dtypenum,
VerilatedTraceSigDirection, VerilatedTraceSigKind,
VerilatedTraceSigType, bool array, int arraynum, int msb, int lsb) {
declare(code, name, "wire", array, arraynum, true, msb, lsb);
void VerilatedVcd::declDouble(uint32_t code, uint32_t fidx, const char* name, int dtypenum,
VerilatedTraceSigDirection, VerilatedTraceSigKind,
VerilatedTraceSigType, bool array, int arraynum) {
declare(code, name, "real", array, arraynum, false, 63, 0);
// Get/commit trace buffer
VerilatedVcd::Buffer* VerilatedVcd::getTraceBuffer(uint32_t fidx) {
VerilatedVcd::Buffer* const bufp = new Buffer{*this};
if (parallel()) {
// Note: This is called from VerilatedVcd::dump, which already holds the lock
// If no buffer available, allocate a new one
if (m_freeBuffers.empty()) {
constexpr size_t pageSize = 4096;
// 4 * m_maxSignalBytes, so we can reserve 2 * m_maxSignalBytes at the end for safety
size_t startingSize = roundUpToMultipleOf<pageSize>(4 * m_maxSignalBytes);
m_freeBuffers.emplace_back(new char[startingSize], startingSize);
// Grab a buffer
const auto pair = m_freeBuffers.back();
// Initialize
bufp->m_writep = bufp->m_bufp = pair.first;
bufp->m_size = pair.second;
// Return the buffer
return bufp;
void VerilatedVcd::commitTraceBuffer(VerilatedVcd::Buffer* bufp) {
if (parallel()) {
// Note: This is called from VerilatedVcd::dump, which already holds the lock
// Resize output buffer. Note, we use the full size of the trace buffer, as
// this is a lot more stable than the actual occupancy of the trace buffer.
// This helps us to avoid re-allocations due to small size changes.
// Compute occupancy of buffer
const size_t usedSize = bufp->m_writep - bufp->m_bufp;
// Copy to output buffer
std::memcpy(m_writep, bufp->m_bufp, usedSize);
// Adjust write pointer
m_writep += usedSize;
// Flush if necessary
// Put buffer back on free list
m_freeBuffers.emplace_back(bufp->m_bufp, bufp->m_size);
} else {
// Needs adjusting for emitTimeChange
m_writep = bufp->m_writep;
delete bufp;
// VerilatedVcdBuffer implementation
// Trace rendering primitives
static void VerilatedVcdCCopyAndAppendNewLine(char* writep,
const char* suffixp) VL_ATTR_NO_SANITIZE_ALIGN;
static void VerilatedVcdCCopyAndAppendNewLine(char* writep, const char* suffixp) {
// Copy the whole suffix (this avoid having hard to predict branches which
// helps a lot). Note: The maximum length of the suffix is
// VL_TRACE_MAX_VCD_CODE_SIZE + 2 == 7, but we unroll this here for speed.
#ifdef VL_X86_64
// Copy the whole 8 bytes in one go, this works on little-endian machines
// supporting unaligned stores.
*reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(writep) = *reinterpret_cast<const uint64_t*>(suffixp);
// Portable variant
writep[0] = suffixp[0];
writep[1] = suffixp[1];
writep[2] = suffixp[2];
writep[3] = suffixp[3];
writep[4] = suffixp[4];
writep[5] = suffixp[5];
writep[6] = '\n'; // The 6th index is always '\n' if it's relevant, no need to fetch it.
void VerilatedVcdBuffer::finishLine(uint32_t code, char* writep) {
const char* const suffixp = m_suffixes + code * VL_TRACE_SUFFIX_ENTRY_SIZE;
VerilatedVcdCCopyAndAppendNewLine(writep, suffixp);
// Now write back the write pointer incremented by the actual size of the
// suffix, which was stored in the last byte of the suffix buffer entry.
m_writep = writep + suffixp[VL_TRACE_SUFFIX_ENTRY_SIZE - 1];
if (m_owner.parallel()) {
// Double the size of the buffer if necessary
if (VL_UNLIKELY(m_writep >= m_growp)) {
// Compute occupied size of current buffer
const size_t usedSize = m_writep - m_bufp;
// We are always doubling the size
m_size *= 2;
// Allocate the new buffer
char* const newBufp = new char[m_size];
// Copy from current buffer to new buffer
std::memcpy(newBufp, m_bufp, usedSize);
// Delete current buffer
delete[] m_bufp;
// Make new buffer the current buffer
m_bufp = newBufp;
// Adjust write pointer
m_writep = m_bufp + usedSize;
// Adjust resize limit
} else {
// Flush the write buffer if there's not enough space left for new information
// We only call this once per vector, so we need enough slop for a very wide "b###" line
if (VL_UNLIKELY(m_writep > m_wrFlushp)) {
m_owner.m_writep = m_writep;
m_writep = m_owner.m_writep;
// emit* trace routines
// Note: emit* are only ever called from one place (full* in
// verilated_trace_imp.h, which is included in this file at the top),
// so always inline them.
void VerilatedVcdBuffer::emitEvent(uint32_t code, const VlEventBase* newval) {
const bool triggered = newval->isTriggered();
// TODO : It seems that untriggered events are not filtered
// should be tested before this last step
if (triggered) {
// Don't prefetch suffix as it's a bit too late;
char* wp = m_writep;
*wp++ = '1';
finishLine(code, wp);
void VerilatedVcdBuffer::emitBit(uint32_t code, CData newval) {
// Don't prefetch suffix as it's a bit too late;
char* wp = m_writep;
*wp++ = '0' | static_cast<char>(newval);
finishLine(code, wp);
void VerilatedVcdBuffer::emitCData(uint32_t code, CData newval, int bits) {
char* wp = m_writep;
*wp++ = 'b';
cvtCDataToStr(wp, newval << (VL_BYTESIZE - bits));
finishLine(code, wp + bits);
void VerilatedVcdBuffer::emitSData(uint32_t code, SData newval, int bits) {
char* wp = m_writep;
*wp++ = 'b';
cvtSDataToStr(wp, newval << (VL_SHORTSIZE - bits));
finishLine(code, wp + bits);
void VerilatedVcdBuffer::emitIData(uint32_t code, IData newval, int bits) {
char* wp = m_writep;
*wp++ = 'b';
cvtIDataToStr(wp, newval << (VL_IDATASIZE - bits));
finishLine(code, wp + bits);
void VerilatedVcdBuffer::emitQData(uint32_t code, QData newval, int bits) {
char* wp = m_writep;
*wp++ = 'b';
cvtQDataToStr(wp, newval << (VL_QUADSIZE - bits));
finishLine(code, wp + bits);
void VerilatedVcdBuffer::emitWData(uint32_t code, const WData* newvalp, int bits) {
int words = VL_WORDS_I(bits);
char* wp = m_writep;
*wp++ = 'b';
// Handle the most significant word
const int bitsInMSW = VL_BITBIT_E(bits) ? VL_BITBIT_E(bits) : VL_EDATASIZE;
cvtEDataToStr(wp, newvalp[--words] << (VL_EDATASIZE - bitsInMSW));
wp += bitsInMSW;
// Handle the remaining words
while (words > 0) {
cvtEDataToStr(wp, newvalp[--words]);
finishLine(code, wp);
void VerilatedVcdBuffer::emitDouble(uint32_t code, double newval) {
char* wp = m_writep;
// Buffer can't overflow before VL_SNPRINTF; we sized during declaration
VL_SNPRINTF(wp, m_maxSignalBytes, "r%.16g", newval);
wp += std::strlen(wp);
finishLine(code, wp);