2012-03-24 15:15:32 -04:00

1597 lines
44 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# See copyright, etc in below POD section.
require 5.006_001;
# Magic to allow author testing of perl packages in local directory
use Cwd;
use Getopt::Long;
use IO::File;
use Pod::Usage;
use Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys=1;
use strict;
use vars qw ($Debug %Vars $Driver $Fork);
use POSIX qw(strftime);
$::Driver = 1;
eval "use Parallel::Forker; \$Fork=Parallel::Forker->new(use_sig_child=>1);";
$Fork = Forker->new(use_sig_child=>1) if !$Fork;
$SIG{CHLD} = sub { $Fork->sig_child() if $Fork; };
$SIG{TERM} = sub { $Fork->kill_tree_all('TERM') if $Fork; die "Quitting...\n"; };
our $Have_System_Perl;
eval "use SystemC::Netlist; \$Have_System_Perl=1;";
# main
autoflush STDOUT 1;
autoflush STDERR 1;
our @Orig_ARGV = @ARGV;
our @Orig_ARGV_Sw; foreach (@Orig_ARGV) { push @Orig_ARGV_Sw, $_ if /^-/ && !/^-j/; }
our $Start = time();
$Debug = 0;
my $opt_atsim;
my $opt_benchmark;
my @opt_tests;
my $opt_gdb;
my $opt_gdbbt;
my $opt_gdbsim;
my $opt_ghdl;
my $opt_iv;
my $opt_jobs = 1;
my $opt_nc;
my $opt_optimize;
my $opt_site;
my $opt_stop;
my $opt_trace;
my $opt_vlt;
my $opt_vcs;
my $opt_verbose;
my $Opt_Verilated_Debug;
our @Opt_Driver_Verilator_Flags;
Getopt::Long::config ("pass_through");
if (! GetOptions (
"benchmark:i" => sub { $opt_benchmark = $_[1] ? $_[1] : 1; },
"debug" => \&debug,
#debugi see parameter()
"atsim|athdl!"=> \$opt_atsim,
"gdb!" => \$opt_gdb,
"gdbbt!" => \$opt_gdbbt,
"gdbsim!" => \$opt_gdbsim,
"ghdl!" => \$opt_ghdl,
"golden!" => sub { $ENV{HARNESS_UPDATE_GOLDEN} = 1; },
"help" => \&usage,
"iverilog!" => \$opt_iv,
"j=i" => \$opt_jobs,
"nc!" => \$opt_nc,
"optimize:s" => \$opt_optimize,
"site!" => \$opt_site,
"stop!" => \$opt_stop,
"trace!" => \$opt_trace,
"v3!" => \$opt_vlt, # Old
"vl!" => \$opt_vlt, # Old
"vlt!" => \$opt_vlt,
"vcs!" => \$opt_vcs,
"verbose!" => \$opt_verbose,
"verilated_debug!" => \$Opt_Verilated_Debug,
#W see parameter()
"<>" => \&parameter,
)) {
die "%Error: Bad usage, try '$0 --help'\n";
$opt_jobs = calc_jobs() if defined $opt_jobs && $opt_jobs==0;
if (!$opt_atsim && !$opt_ghdl && !$opt_iv && !$opt_vcs && !$opt_nc && !$opt_vlt) {
$opt_vlt = 1;
our @Test_Dirs = "t";
push @Test_Dirs, split(/:/,$ENV{VERILATOR_TESTS_SITE})
if (($#opt_tests<0 ? $opt_site : 1) && $ENV{VERILATOR_TESTS_SITE});
if ($#opt_tests<0) {
my %uniq;
foreach my $dir (@Test_Dirs) {
my @stats = stat($dir); # Uniquify by inode, so different paths to same place get combined
next if !$stats[1] || $uniq{$stats[1]}++;
push @opt_tests, glob ("${dir}/t_*.pl");
mkdir "obj_dir";
our $Log_Filename = "obj_dir/driver_".strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S.log", localtime);
my $LeftCnt=0; my $OkCnt=0; my $FailCnt=0; my $SkipCnt=0; my $UnsupCnt=0;
my @fails;
foreach my $testpl (@opt_tests) {
one_test(pl_filename => $testpl, atsim=>1) if $opt_atsim;
one_test(pl_filename => $testpl, ghdl=>1) if $opt_ghdl;
one_test(pl_filename => $testpl, iv=>1) if $opt_iv;
one_test(pl_filename => $testpl, nc=>1) if $opt_nc;
one_test(pl_filename => $testpl, vcs=>1) if $opt_vcs;
one_test(pl_filename => $testpl, vlt=>1, 'v3'=>1) if $opt_vlt;
$Fork->wait_all(); # Wait for all children to finish
sub one_test {
my @params = @_;
my %params = (@params);
test_pl_filename => $params{pl_filename},
run_on_start => sub {
# Running in context of child, so can't pass data to parent directly
print ("="x70,"\n");
my $test = VTest->new(@params);
unlink $test->{status_filename};
if ($test->ok) {
$test->oprint("Test PASSED\n");
} elsif ($test->skips && !$test->errors) {
$test->oprint("%Skip: $test->{skips}\n");
} elsif ($test->unsupporteds && !$test->errors) {
$test->oprint("%Unsupported: $test->{unsupporteds}\n");
} else {
$test->error("Missing ok\n") if !$test->errors;
$test->oprint("%Error: $test->{errors}\n");
run_on_finish => sub {
my $test = VTest->new(@params);
if ($test->ok) {
} elsif ($test->skips && !$test->errors) {
} elsif ($test->unsupporteds && !$test->errors) {
} else {
$test->oprint("FAILED: ","*"x60,"\n");
push @fails, "\t#".$test->soprint("%Error: $test->{errors}\n");
my $j = ($opt_jobs>1?" -j":"");
push @fails, "\t\tmake$j && test_regress/"
.$test->{pl_filename}." ".join(' ',@Orig_ARGV_Sw)."\n";
report(\@fails, $Log_Filename);
my $other = "";
foreach my $proc ($Fork->running) {
$other .= " ".$proc->{test_pl_filename};
$test->oprint("Simultaneous running tests:",$other,"\n") if $other;
if ($opt_stop) { die "%Error: --stop and errors found\n"; }
print STDERR "==SUMMARY: Left $LeftCnt Passed $OkCnt Unsup $UnsupCnt Skipped $SkipCnt Failed $FailCnt\n";
report(\@fails, undef);
report(\@fails, $Log_Filename);
exit(10) if $FailCnt;
sub usage {
pod2usage(-verbose=>2, -exitval=>2, -output=>\*STDOUT);
exit (1);
sub debug {
$Debug = 1;
push @Opt_Driver_Verilator_Flags, "--debug";
our $_Parameter_Next_Level;
sub parameter {
my $param = shift;
if ($_Parameter_Next_Level) {
($param =~ /^(\d+)$/)
or die "%Error: Expected number following $_Parameter_Next_Level: $param\n";
push @Opt_Driver_Verilator_Flags, $param;
$_Parameter_Next_Level = undef;
elsif ($param =~ /\.pl/) {
push @opt_tests, $param;
elsif ($param =~ /^-?(-debugi|-dump-treei)/) {
push @Opt_Driver_Verilator_Flags, $param;
$_Parameter_Next_Level = $param;
elsif ($param =~ /^-?-W/) {
push @Opt_Driver_Verilator_Flags, $param;
else {
die "%Error: Unknown parameter: $param\n";
sub calc_jobs {
my $ok = eval "
use Unix::Processors;
return Unix::Processors->new->max_online;
$ok && !$@ or die "%Error: Can't use -j: $@\n";
print " Found $ok cores, using -j ",$ok+1,"\n";
return $ok + 1;
sub report {
my $fails = shift;
my $filename = shift;
my $fh = \*STDOUT;
if ($filename) {
$fh = IO::File->new(">$filename") or die "%Error: $! writing $filename,";
my $delta = time() - $Start;
$fh->printf("TESTS Passed $OkCnt Unsup $UnsupCnt Skipped $SkipCnt Failed $FailCnt Time %d:%02d\n",
foreach my $f (@$fails) {
chomp $f;
$fh->printf("TESTS Passed $OkCnt Unsup $UnsupCnt Skipped $SkipCnt Failed $FailCnt Time %d:%02d\n",
# Test class
package VTest;
use Carp;
use Cwd;
use Data::Dumper;
use File::Spec;
use vars qw ($Self $Self);
use strict;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = {@_};
$self->{name} ||= $2 if $self->{pl_filename} =~ m!^(.*/)?([^/]*)\.pl$!;
$self->{mode} = "";
$self->{mode} ||= "atsim" if $self->{atsim};
$self->{mode} ||= "ghdl" if $self->{ghdl};
$self->{mode} ||= "vcs" if $self->{vcs};
$self->{mode} ||= "vlt" if $self->{vlt};
$self->{mode} ||= "nc" if $self->{nc};
$self->{mode} ||= "iv" if $self->{iv};
# For backward compatibility, the verilator tests have no prefix
$self->{obj_dir} ||= ("obj_dir/".($self->{mode} eq 'vlt' ? "" : $self->{mode}."_")
foreach my $dir (@::Test_Dirs) {
# t_dir used both absolutely and under obj_dir
if (-e "$dir/$self->{name}.pl") {
# Note most tests require error messages of the form t/x.v
# Therefore pl_filename must be t/ for local tests
$self->{pl_filename} = File::Spec->abs2rel("$dir/$self->{name}.pl");
# t_dir must be absolute - used under t or under obj_dir
$self->{t_dir} ||= File::Spec->rel2abs($dir);
$self->{t_dir} or die "%Error: Can't locate dir for $self->{name},";
$self = {
name => undef, # Set below, name of this test
pl_filename => undef, # Name of .pl file to get setup from
make_top_shell => 1, # Make a default __top.v file
make_main => 1, # Make __main.cpp
sim_time => 1100,
benchmark => $opt_benchmark,
run_env => '',
# All compilers
v_flags => [split(/\s+/,(" -f "
.($self->{t_dir} !~ m!/test_regress! # Don't include standard dir, only site's
? " +incdir+$self->{t_dir} -y $self->{t_dir}" : "")
.($opt_verbose ? " +define+TEST_VERBOSE=1":"")
.($opt_benchmark ? " +define+TEST_BENCHMARK=$opt_benchmark":"")
.($opt_trace ? " +define+WAVES=1":"")
v_flags2 => [], # Overridden in some sim files
v_other_filenames => [], # After the filename so we can spec multiple files
all_run_flags => [],
atsim => 0,
atsim_flags => [split(/\s+/,"-c +sv +define+ATSIM"),
atsim_flags2 => [], # Overridden in some sim files
atsim_run_flags => [],
ghdl => 0,
ghdl_work_dir => "$self->{obj_dir}/ghdl_compile",
ghdl_flags => [($::Debug?"-v":""),
"--workdir=$self->{obj_dir}/ghdl_compile", ],
ghdl_flags2 => [], # Overridden in some sim files
ghdl_run_flags => [],
# IV
iv => 0,
iv_flags => [split(/\s+/,"+define+iverilog -o $self->{obj_dir}/simiv")],
iv_flags2 => [], # Overridden in some sim files
iv_run_flags => [],
vcs => 0,
vcs_flags => [split(/\s+/,"+vcs+lic+wait +cli -I +define+VCS+1 -q -sverilog -CFLAGS '-DVCS' ")],
vcs_flags2 => [], # Overridden in some sim files
vcs_run_flags => [split(/\s+/,"+vcs+lic_wait")],
# NC
nc => 0,
nc_flags => [split(/\s+/,"+licqueue +nowarn+LIBNOU +define+NC=1 -q +assert +sv -c ")],
nc_flags2 => [], # Overridden in some sim files
nc_run_flags => [split(/\s+/,"+licqueue -q +assert +sv -R")],
# Verilator
vlt => 0,
'v3' => 0,
verilator_flags => ["-cc",
"-Mdir $self->{obj_dir}",
verilator_flags2 => [],
verilator_make_gcc => 1,
verilated_debug => $Opt_Verilated_Debug,
stdout_filename => undef, # Redirect stdout
bless $self, $class;
$self->{VM_PREFIX} ||= "V".$self->{name};
$self->{stats} ||= "$self->{obj_dir}/V".$self->{name}."__stats.txt";
$self->{status_filename} ||= "$self->{obj_dir}/V".$self->{name}.".status";
$self->{run_log_filename} ||= "$self->{obj_dir}/vlt_sim.log";
$self->{coverage_filename} ||= "$self->{obj_dir}/";
$self->{vcd_filename} ||= "$self->{obj_dir}/sim.vcd";
$self->{main_filename} ||= "$self->{obj_dir}/$self->{VM_PREFIX}__main.cpp";
($self->{top_filename} = $self->{pl_filename}) =~ s/\.pl$//;
if (-e ($self->{top_filename}.".vhd")) { # If VHDL file exists
$self->{vhdl} = 1;
$self->{top_filename} .= ".vhd";
} else {
$self->{top_filename} .= ".v";
if (!$self->{make_top_shell}) {
$self->{top_shell_filename} = $self->{top_filename};
} else {
$self->{top_shell_filename} = "$self->{obj_dir}/$self->{VM_PREFIX}__top.v";
return $self;
sub soprint {
my $self = shift;
my $str = "$self->{mode}/$self->{name}: ".join('',@_);
$str =~ s/\n\n+$/\n/s;
return $str;
sub oprint {
my $self = shift;
print $self->soprint(@_);
sub error {
my $self = shift;
my $msg = join('',@_);
warn "%Warning: $self->{mode}/$self->{name}: ".$msg."\n";
$self->{errors} ||= $msg;
sub skip {
my $self = shift;
my $msg = join('',@_);
warn "%Skip: $self->{mode}/$self->{name}: ".$msg."\n";
$self->{skips} ||= "Skip: ".$msg;
sub unsupported {
my $self = shift;
my $msg = join('',@_);
warn "%Unsupported: $self->{mode}/$self->{name}: ".$msg."\n";
$self->{unsupporteds} ||= "Unsupported: ".$msg;
sub prep {
my $self = shift;
mkdir $self->{obj_dir}; # Ok if already exists
sub read {
my $self = shift;
# Read the control file
(-r $self->{pl_filename})
or return $self->error("Can't open $self->{pl_filename}\n");
$Self = $self;
delete $INC{$self->{pl_filename}};
require $self->{pl_filename};
sub write_status {
my $self = shift;
my $filename = $self->{status_filename};
my $fh = IO::File->new(">$filename") or die "%Error: $! $filename,";
print $fh Dumper($self);
print $fh "1;";
sub read_status {
my $self = shift;
my $filename = $self->{status_filename};
use vars qw($VAR1);
local $VAR1;
require $filename or die "%Error: $! $filename,";
if ($VAR1) {
%{$self} = %{$VAR1};
# Methods invoked by tests
sub compile_vlt_flags {
my $self = (ref $_[0]? shift : $Self);
my %param = (%{$self}, @_); # Default arguments are from $self
return 1 if $self->errors || $self->skips || $self->unsupporteds;
my $checkflags = join(' ',@{$param{v_flags}},
$self->{sc} = 1 if ($checkflags =~ /-sc\b/);
$self->{sp} = 1 if ($checkflags =~ /-sp\b/);
$self->{trace} = 1 if ($opt_trace || $checkflags =~ /-trace\b/);
$self->{coverage} = 1 if ($checkflags =~ /-coverage\b/);
my @verilator_flags = @{$param{verilator_flags}};
unshift @verilator_flags, "--gdb" if $opt_gdb;
unshift @verilator_flags, "--gdbbt" if $opt_gdbbt;
unshift @verilator_flags, @Opt_Driver_Verilator_Flags;
unshift @verilator_flags, "--x-assign unique"; # More likely to be buggy
unshift @verilator_flags, "--trace" if $opt_trace;
if (defined $opt_optimize) {
my $letters = "";
if ($opt_optimize =~ /[a-zA-Z]/) {
$letters = $opt_optimize;
} else { # Randomly turn on/off different optimizations
foreach my $l ('a'..'z') {
$letters .= ((rand() > 0.5) ? $l : uc $l);
unshift @verilator_flags, "--trace" if rand() > 0.5;
unshift @verilator_flags, "--coverage" if rand() > 0.5;
unshift @verilator_flags, "--O".$letters;
my @cmdargs = ("perl","../bin/verilator",
"--prefix ".$param{VM_PREFIX},
($param{stdout_filename}?"> ".$param{stdout_filename}:""),
return @cmdargs;
sub compile {
my $self = (ref $_[0]? shift : $Self);
my %param = (%{$self}, @_); # Default arguments are from $self
return 1 if $self->errors || $self->skips || $self->unsupporteds;
if (!$self->{make_top_shell}) {
= $self->{top_shell_filename} = $self->{top_filename};
} else {
= $self->{top_shell_filename} = "$self->{obj_dir}/$self->{VM_PREFIX}__top.".$self->v_suffix;
if ($param{atsim}) {
elsif ($param{ghdl}) {
mkdir $self->{ghdl_work_dir};
# Add -c here, as having -c twice freaks it out
((($ENV{VERILATOR_GHDL}||' ') =~ / -c\b/) ? "" : "-c"),
#@{$param{v_flags}}, # Not supported
#@{$param{v_flags2}}, # Not supported
"-e t",
elsif ($param{vcs}) {
elsif ($param{nc}) {
my @more_args;
if ($self->vhdl) {
((my $ts = $param{top_shell_filename}) =~ s!\.v!!);
$ts =~ s!.*/!!;;
push @more_args, "-vhdltop", $ts;
elsif ($param{iv}) {
my @cmd = (($ENV{VERILATOR_IVERILOG}||"iverilog"),
@cmd = grep { s/\+define\+/-D /g; $_; } @cmd;
elsif ($param{vlt}) {
my @cmdargs = $self->compile_vlt_flags(%param);
if ($self->sc_or_sp && !defined $ENV{SYSTEMC} && !defined $ENV{SYSTEMC_INCLUDE}) {
$self->skip("Test requires SystemC; ignore error since not installed\n");
return 1;
elsif ($self->{coverage} && !$Have_System_Perl) {
$self->skip("Test requires SystemPerl; ignore error since not installed\n");
return 1;
if (!$param{fails} && $param{verilator_make_gcc}
&& $param{make_main}) {
return 1 if $self->errors || $self->skips || $self->unsupporteds;
if (!$param{fails} && $param{verilator_make_gcc}) {
if ($self->sp) {
cmd=>["cd $self->{obj_dir} && ",
"make", "-f".getcwd()."/Makefile_obj",
($opt_verbose ? "CPPFLAGS_DRIVER2=-DTEST_VERBOSE=1":""),
"$self->{VM_PREFIX}", # bypass default rule, as we don't need archive
else {
$self->error("No compile step for this simulator");
return 1;
sub execute {
my $self = (ref $_[0]? shift : $Self);
return 1 if $self->errors || $self->skips || $self->unsupporteds;
my %param = (%{$self}, @_); # Default arguments are from $self
# params may be expect or {tool}_expect
my $run_env = $param{run_env};
$run_env .= ' ' if $run_env;
if ($param{atsim}) {
cmd=>["echo q | ".$run_env."$self->{obj_dir}/athdl_sv",
expect=>$param{atsim_run_expect}, # non-verilator expect isn't the same
elsif ($param{ghdl}) {
expect=>$param{ghdl_run_expect}, # non-verilator expect isn't the same
elsif ($param{iv}) {
expect=>$param{iv_run_expect}, # non-verilator expect isn't the same
elsif ($param{nc}) {
cmd=>["echo q | ".$run_env.($ENV{VERILATOR_NCVERILOG}||"ncverilog"),
expect=>$param{nc_run_expect}, # non-verilator expect isn't the same
elsif ($param{vcs}) {
#my $fh = IO::File->new(">simv.key") or die "%Error: $! simv.key,";
#$fh->print("quit\n"); $fh->close;
cmd=>["echo q | ".$run_env."./simv",
expect=>$param{vcs_run_expect}, # non-verilator expect isn't the same
elsif ($param{vlt}
#&& (!$param{needs_v4} || -r "$ENV{VERILATOR_ROOT}/src/V3Gate.cpp")
) {
$param{executable} ||= "$self->{obj_dir}/$param{VM_PREFIX}";
.($opt_gdbsim ? ("gdb"||$ENV{VERILATOR_GDB})." " : "")
.($opt_gdbsim ? " -ex 'run " : "")),
($opt_gdbsim ? "'" : ""),
expect=>$param{expect}, # backward compatible name
else {
$self->error("No execute step for this simulator");
sub inline_checks {
my $self = (ref $_[0]? shift : $Self);
return 1 if $self->errors || $self->skips || $self->unsupporteds;
return 1 if !$self->{vlt};
my %param = (%{$self}, @_); # Default arguments are from $self
my $covfn = $Self->{coverage_filename};
my $contents = $self->file_contents($covfn);
$self->oprint("Extract checks\n");
my $fh = IO::File->new("<$self->{top_filename}");
while (defined(my $line = $fh->getline)) {
if ($line =~ /CHECK/) {
if ($line =~ /CHECK_COVER *\( *([---0-9]+) *, *"([^"]+)" *, *("([^"]+)" *,|) *(\d+) *\)/) {
my $lineno=($. + $1); my $hier=$2; my $comment=$4; my $count=$5;
my $regexp = "\001l\002".$lineno;
$regexp .= ".*\001o\002".quotemeta($comment) if $comment;
$regexp .= ".*\001h\002".quotemeta($hier);
$regexp .= ".*' ".$count;
if ($contents !~ /$regexp/) {
$self->error("CHECK_COVER: $covfn: Regexp not found: $regexp\n".
"From $self->{top_filename}:$.: $line");
elsif ($line =~ /CHECK_COVER_MISSING *\( *([---0-9]+) *\)/) {
my $lineno=($. + $1);
my $regexp = "\001l\002".$lineno;
if ($contents =~ /$regexp/) {
$self->error("CHECK_COVER_MISSING: $covfn: Regexp found: $regexp\n".
"From $self->{top_filename}:$.: $line");
else {
$self->error("$self->{top_filename}:$.: Unknown CHECK request: $line");
# Accessors
sub ok {
my $self = (ref $_[0]? shift : $Self);
$self->{ok} = $_[0] if defined $_[0];
$self->{ok} = 0 if $self->{errors} || $self->{skips} || $self->unsupporteds;
return $self->{ok};
sub errors {
my $self = (ref $_[0]? shift : $Self);
return $self->{errors};
sub skips {
my $self = (ref $_[0]? shift : $Self);
return $self->{skips};
sub unsupporteds {
my $self = (ref $_[0]? shift : $Self);
return $self->{unsupporteds};
sub top_filename {
my $self = (ref $_[0]? shift : $Self);
$self->{top_filename} = shift if defined $_[0];
return $self->{top_filename};
sub vhdl {
my $self = (ref $_[0]? shift : $Self);
$self->{vhdl} = shift if defined $_[0];
if ($self->{vhdl}) {
$self->{top_filename} =~ s/\.v$/\.vhdl/;
return $self->{vhdl};
sub v_suffix {
my $self = (ref $_[0]? shift : $Self);
# Suffix for file type, e.g. .vhdl or .v
return $self->{vhdl} ? "vhdl" : "v";
sub sp {
my $self = (ref $_[0]? shift : $Self);
return $self->{sp};
sub sc {
my $self = (ref $_[0]? shift : $Self);
return $self->{sc};
sub sc_or_sp {
return sc($_[0]) || sp($_[0]);
sub _run {
my $self = (ref $_[0]? shift : $Self);
my %param = (tee=>1,
my $command = join(' ',@{$param{cmd}});
$command = "time $command" if $opt_benchmark;
print "\t$command";
print " > $param{logfile}" if $param{logfile};
print "\n";
if ($param{logfile}) {
open(SAVEOUT, ">&STDOUT") or die "%Error: Can't dup stdout";
open(SAVEERR, ">&STDERR") or die "%Error: Can't dup stderr";
if (0) {close(SAVEOUT); close(SAVEERR);} # Prevent unused warning
if ($param{tee}) {
open(STDOUT, "|tee $param{logfile}") or die "%Error: Can't redirect stdout";
} else {
open(STDOUT, ">$param{logfile}") or die "%Error: Can't open $param{logfile}";
open(STDERR, ">&STDOUT") or die "%Error: Can't dup stdout";
autoflush STDOUT 1;
autoflush STDERR 1;
system "$command";
my $status = $?;
flush STDOUT;
flush STDERR;
if ($param{logfile}) {
open (STDOUT, ">&SAVEOUT");
open (STDERR, ">&SAVEERR");
if (!$param{fails} && $status) {
$self->error("Exec of $param{cmd}[0] failed\n");
if ($param{fails} && $status) {
print "(Exec expected to fail, and did.)\n";
if ($param{fails} && !$status) {
$self->error("Exec of $param{cmd}[0] ok, but expected to fail\n");
return if $self->errors || $self->skips || $self->unsupporteds;
# Read the log file a couple of times to allow for NFS delays
if ($param{check_finished} || $param{expect}) {
for (my $try=7; $try>=0; $try--) {
sleep 1 if ($try!=7);
my $moretry = $try!=0;
my $fh = IO::File->new("<$param{logfile}");
next if !$fh && $moretry;
local $/; undef $/;
my $wholefile = <$fh>;
# Strip debugging comments
$wholefile =~ s/^- [^\n]+\n//mig;
$wholefile =~ s/^- [a-z.0-9]+:\d+:[^\n]+\n//mig;
$wholefile =~ s/^dot [^\n]+\n//mig;
# Finished?
if ($param{check_finished} && $wholefile !~ /\*\-\* All Finished \*\-\*/) {
next if $moretry;
$self->error("Missing All Finished\n");
if ($param{expect}) {
# Compare
my $quoted = quotemeta ($param{expect});
my $bad = ($wholefile !~ /$param{expect}/ms
&& $wholefile !~ /$quoted/ms);
if ($bad) {
#print "**BAD $self->{name} $param{logfile} MT $moretry $try\n";
next if $moretry;
$self->error("Mismatch in output from $param{cmd}[0]\n");
print "GOT:\n";
print $wholefile;
print "ENDGOT\n";
print "EXPECT:\n";
print $param{expect};
print "ENDEXPECT\n";
# Little utilities
sub _make_main {
my $self = shift;
if ($self->vhdl) {
} else {
my $filename = $self->{main_filename};
my $fh = IO::File->new(">$filename") or die "%Error: $! $filename,";
print $fh "// Test defines\n";
print $fh "#define VL_TIME_MULTIPLIER $self->{vl_time_multiplier}\n" if $self->{vl_time_multiplier};
print $fh "// Generated header\n";
my $VM_PREFIX = $self->{VM_PREFIX};
print $fh "#include \"$VM_PREFIX.h\"\n";
print $fh "// General headers\n";
print $fh "#include \"verilated.h\"\n";
print $fh "#include \"systemc.h\"\n" if $self->sc;
print $fh "#include \"systemperl.h\"\n" if $self->sp;
print $fh "#include \"verilated_vcd_c.h\"\n" if $self->{trace} && !$self->sp;
print $fh "#include \"SpTraceVcd.h\"\n" if $self->{trace} && $self->sp;
print $fh "$VM_PREFIX * topp;\n";
if (!$self->sc_or_sp) {
print $fh "unsigned int main_time = false;\n";
print $fh "double sc_time_stamp () {\n";
print $fh " return main_time;\n";
print $fh "}\n";
if ($self->sc_or_sp) {
print $fh "extern int sc_main(int argc, char **argv);\n";
print $fh "int sc_main(int argc, char **argv) {\n";
print $fh " sc_signal<bool> fastclk;\n" if $self->{inputs}{fastclk};
print $fh " sc_signal<bool> clk;\n" if $self->{inputs}{clk};
print $fh " sc_time sim_time ($self->{sim_time}, SC_NS);\n";
} else {
print $fh "int main(int argc, char **argv, char **env) {\n";
print $fh " double sim_time = $self->{sim_time};\n";
print $fh " Verilated::commandArgs(argc, argv);\n";
print $fh " Verilated::debug(".($self->{verilated_debug}?1:0).");\n";
print $fh " Verilated::randReset(".$self->{verilated_randReset}.");\n" if defined $self->{verilated_randReset};
print $fh " topp = new $VM_PREFIX (\"top\");\n";
my $set;
if ($self->sp) {
print $fh " SP_PIN(topp,fastclk,fastclk);\n" if $self->{inputs}{fastclk};
print $fh " SP_PIN(topp,clk,clk);\n" if $self->{inputs}{clk};
$set = "";
} elsif ($self->sc) {
print $fh " topp->fastclk(fastclk);\n" if $self->{inputs}{fastclk};
print $fh " topp->clk(clk);\n" if $self->{inputs}{clk};
$set = "";
} else {
print $fh " topp->eval();\n";
$set = "topp->";
if ($self->{trace}) {
$fh->print("#if VM_TRACE\n");
$fh->print(" Verilated::traceEverOn(true);\n");
if ($self->{sp}) {
$fh->print(" SpTraceFile* tfp = new SpTraceFile;\n");
} else {
$fh->print(" VerilatedVcdC* tfp = new VerilatedVcdC;\n");
$fh->print(" topp->trace (tfp, 99);\n");
$fh->print(" tfp->open (\"$self->{obj_dir}/simx.vcd\");\n");
print $fh " ${set}fastclk = false;\n" if $self->{inputs}{fastclk};
print $fh " ${set}clk = false;\n" if $self->{inputs}{clk};
_print_advance_time($self, $fh, 10);
print $fh " while (sc_time_stamp() < sim_time && !Verilated::gotFinish()) {\n";
for (my $i=0; $i<5; $i++) {
my $action = 0;
if ($self->{inputs}{fastclk}) {
print $fh " ${set}fastclk=!${set}fastclk;\n";
$action = 1;
if ($i==0 && $self->{inputs}{clk}) {
print $fh " ${set}clk=!${set}clk;\n";
$action = 1;
_print_advance_time($self, $fh, 1, $action);
print $fh " }\n";
print $fh " if (!Verilated::gotFinish()) {\n";
print $fh ' vl_fatal(__FILE__,__LINE__,"main", "%Error: Timeout; never got a $finish");',"\n";
print $fh " }\n";
print $fh " topp->final();\n";
if ($self->{coverage}) {
$fh->print("#if VM_COVERAGE\n");
$fh->print(" SpCoverage::write(\"",$self->{coverage_filename},"\");\n");
$fh->print("#endif //VM_COVERAGE\n");
if ($self->{trace}) {
$fh->print("#if VM_TRACE\n");
$fh->print(" if (tfp) tfp->close();\n");
$fh->print("#endif //VM_TRACE\n");
print $fh " delete topp; topp=NULL;\n";
print $fh " exit(0L);\n";
print $fh "}\n";
sub _print_advance_time {
my $self = shift;
my $fh = shift;
my $time = shift;
my $action = shift;
my $set;
if ($self->sp) { $set = ""; }
elsif ($self->sc) { $set = ""; }
else { $set = "topp->"; }
if ($self->sc_or_sp) {
print $fh "#if (SYSTEMC_VERSION>=20070314)\n";
print $fh " sc_start(${time},SC_NS);\n";
print $fh "#else\n";
print $fh " sc_start(${time});\n";
print $fh "#endif\n";
} else {
if ($action) {
print $fh " ${set}eval();\n";
if ($self->{trace} && !$self->{sp}) {
$fh->print("#if VM_TRACE\n");
$fh->print(" if (tfp) tfp->dump (main_time);\n");
$fh->print("#endif //VM_TRACE\n");
print $fh " main_time += ${time};\n";
sub _make_top {
my $self = shift;
if ($self->vhdl) {
} else {
sub _make_top_v {
my $self = shift;
my $fh = IO::File->new(">$self->{top_shell_filename}") or die "%Error: $! $self->{top_shell_filename},";
print $fh "module top;\n";
foreach my $inp (sort (keys %{$self->{inputs}})) {
print $fh " reg ${inp};\n";
# Inst
print $fh " t t (\n";
my $comma="";
foreach my $inp (sort (keys %{$self->{inputs}})) {
print $fh "\t${comma}.${inp} (${inp})\n";
print $fh " );\n";
# Waves
print $fh "\n";
print $fh "`ifdef WAVES\n";
print $fh " initial begin\n";
print $fh " \$display(\"-Tracing Waves to Dumpfile: $self->{vcd_filename}\");\n";
print $fh " \$dumpfile(\"$self->{vcd_filename}\");\n";
print $fh " \$dumpvars(12, t);\n";
print $fh " end\n";
print $fh "`endif\n";
# Test
print $fh "\n";
print $fh " initial begin\n";
print $fh " fastclk=0;\n" if $self->{inputs}{fastclk};
print $fh " clk=0;\n" if $self->{inputs}{clk};
print $fh " #10;\n";
print $fh " fastclk=1;\n" if $self->{inputs}{fastclk};
print $fh " clk=1;\n" if $self->{inputs}{clk};
print $fh " while (\$time < $self->{sim_time}) begin\n";
for (my $i=0; $i<5; $i++) {
print $fh " #1;\n";
print $fh " fastclk=!fastclk;\n" if $self->{inputs}{fastclk};
print $fh " clk=!clk;\n" if $i==4 && $self->{inputs}{clk};
print $fh " end\n";
print $fh " end\n";
print $fh "endmodule\n";
sub _make_top_vhdl {
my $self = shift;
my $fh = IO::File->new(">$self->{top_shell_filename}") or die "%Error: $! $self->{top_shell_filename},";
print $fh "library ieee;\n";
my @ports = sort (keys %{$self->{inputs}});
print $fh "entity t_ent is\n";
if ($#ports >= 0) {
print $fh " port(\n";
my $semi = "";
foreach my $inp (@ports) {
print $fh "\t${semi}${inp} : in std_logic\n";
print $fh " );\n";
print $fh "end;\n";
print $fh "entity top is\n";
print $fh "end;\n";
# Inst
print $fh "architecture t_beh of t_ent is\n";
if ($#ports >= 0) {
foreach my $inp (@ports) {
print $fh "\tsignal ${inp} : std_logic := '0';\n";
print $fh " begin\n";
print $fh " t : t_ent\n";
if ($#ports >= 0) {
print $fh " port map(\n";
my $comma="";
foreach my $inp (@ports) {
print $fh "\t${comma}${inp} => ${inp}\n";
print $fh " )\n";
print $fh " ;\n";
print $fh " end;\n";
# Waves TBD
# Test TBD
print $fh "end;\n";
sub _sp_preproc {
my $self = shift;
my %param = (%{$self}, @_); # Default arguments are from $self
cmd=>["cd $self->{obj_dir} ; sp_preproc",
sub _read_inputs_v {
my $self = shift;
my $filename = $self->top_filename;
$filename = "$self->{t_dir}/$filename" if !-r $filename;
my $fh = IO::File->new("<$filename") or die "%Error: $! $filename,";
while (defined(my $line = $fh->getline)) {
if ($line =~ /^\s*input\s*(\S+)\s*(\/[^\/]+\/|)\s*;/) {
$self->{inputs}{$1} = $1;
if ($line =~ /^\s*(function|task|endmodule)/) {
sub _read_inputs_vhdl {
my $self = shift;
my $filename = $self->top_filename;
$filename = "$self->{t_dir}/$filename" if !-r $filename;
my $fh = IO::File->new("<$filename") or die "%Error: $! $filename,";
while (defined(my $line = $fh->getline)) {
# Only supports this form right now:
# signal: in ...
# signal: out ...
if ($line =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s*:\s*(in)\b\s*/) {
$self->{inputs}{$1} = $1;
if ($line =~ /^\s*(architecture)/) {
# Verilator utilities
our $_Verilator_Version;
sub verilator_version {
if (!defined $_Verilator_Version) {
my @args = ("perl","../bin/verilator", "--version");
my $args = join(' ',@args);
$_Verilator_Version = `$args`;
$_Verilator_Version or die "can't fork: $! ".join(' ',@args);
chomp $_Verilator_Version;
return $_Verilator_Version if defined $_Verilator_Version;
# File utilities
sub files_identical {
my $fn1 = shift;
my $fn2 = shift;
my $f1 = IO::File->new ("<$fn1"); if (!$f1) { warn "%Error: $! $fn1\n"; return 0; }
my $f2 = IO::File->new ("<$fn2"); if (!$f2) { warn "%Error: $! $fn2\n"; return 0; }
my @l1 = $f1->getlines();
my @l2 = $f2->getlines();
my $nl = $#l1; $nl = $#l2 if ($#l2 > $nl);
for (my $l=0; $l<=$nl; $l++) {
if (($l1[$l]||"") ne ($l2[$l]||"")) {
warn ("%Warning: Line ".($l+1)." mismatches; $fn1 != $fn2\n"
."F1: ".($l1[$l]||"*EOF*\n")
."F2: ".($l2[$l]||"*EOF*\n"));
if ($ENV{HARNESS_UPDATE_GOLDEN}) { # Update golden files with current
warn "%Warning: HARNESS_UPDATE_GOLDEN set: cp $fn1 $fn2\n";
eval "use File::Copy;";
} else {
warn "To update reference: HARNESS_UPDATE_GOLDEN=1 {command} or --golden\n";
return 0;
return 1;
sub vcd_identical {
my $self = (ref $_[0]? shift : $Self);
my $fn1 = shift;
my $fn2 = shift;
if (!-r $fn1) { $self->error("File does not exist $fn1\n"); return 0; }
if (!-r $fn2) { $self->error("File does not exist $fn2\n"); return 0; }
# vcddiff to check transitions, if installed
my $out = `vcddiff --help`;
if ($out !~ /Usage:/) { $self->skip("No vcddiff installed\n"); return 0; }
my $cmd = qq{vcddiff "$fn1" "$fn2"};
print "\t$cmd\n" if $::Debug;
$out = `$cmd`;
if ($out ne '') {
print $out;
$self->error("VCD miscompare $fn1 $fn2\n");
return 0;
# vcddiff doesn't check module and variable scope, so check that
# Also provides backup if vcddiff not installed
my $h1 = $self->_vcd_read($fn1);
my $h2 = $self->_vcd_read($fn2);
my $a = Dumper($h1);
my $b = Dumper($h2);
if ($a ne $b) {
print "$a\n$b\n" if $::Debug;
$self->error("VCD hier mismatch $fn1 $fn2\n");
return 0;
return 1;
sub _vcd_read {
my $self = (ref $_[0]? shift : $Self);
my $filename = shift;
my $data = {};
my $fh = IO::File->new ("<$filename");
if (!$fh) { warn "%Error: $! $filename\n"; return $data; }
my @hier = ($data);
while (defined(my $line = $fh->getline)) {
if ($line =~ /\$scope module\s+(\S+)/) {
$hier[$#hier]->{$1} ||= {};
push @hier, $hier[$#hier]->{$1};
} elsif ($line =~ /(\$var \S+\s+\d+\s+)\S+\s+(\S+)/) {
$hier[$#hier]->{$1.$2} ||= 1;
} elsif ($line =~ /\$enddefinitions/) {
while ($line =~ s/\$upscope//) {
pop @hier;
return $data;
sub file_grep_not {
my $self = (ref $_[0]? shift : $Self);
my $filename = shift;
my $regexp = shift;
return if $self->errors || $self->skips || $self->unsupporteds;
my $contents = $self->file_contents($filename);
return if ($contents eq "_Already_Errored_");
if ($contents =~ /$regexp/) {
$self->error("File_grep_not: $filename: Regexp found: $regexp\n");
sub file_grep {
my $self = (ref $_[0]? shift : $Self);
my $filename = shift;
my $regexp = shift;
return if $self->errors || $self->skips || $self->unsupporteds;
my $contents = $self->file_contents($filename);
return if ($contents eq "_Already_Errored_");
if ($contents !~ /$regexp/) {
$self->error("File_grep: $filename: Regexp not found: $regexp\n");
my %_File_Contents_Cache;
sub file_contents {
my $self = (ref $_[0]? shift : $Self);
my $filename = shift;
if (!$_File_Contents_Cache{$filename}) {
my $fh = IO::File->new("<$filename");
if (!$fh) {
$_File_Contents_Cache{$filename} = "_Already_Errored_";
$self->error("File_grep file not found: ".$filename."\n");
return $_File_Contents_Cache{$filename};
local $/; undef $/;
my $wholefile = <$fh>;
$_File_Contents_Cache{$filename} = $wholefile;
return $_File_Contents_Cache{$filename};
sub write_wholefile {
my $self = (ref $_[0]? shift : $Self);
my $filename = shift;
my $contents = shift;
my $fh = IO::File->new(">$filename") or die "%Error: $! writing $filename,";
print $fh $contents;
# Forker class
package Forker;
use strict;
# This is a shell that matches Parallel::Forker.
# If that package is not installed, this runs the tests in *series*
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = {@_};
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
sub schedule {
my $self = shift;
my %params = (@_);
return $self;
sub max_proc {}
sub sig_child {}
sub kill_tree_all {}
sub wait_all {}
sub ready {}
package main;
=head1 NAME - Run regression tests
=head1 DESCRIPTION invokes Verilator or another simulator on each test file.
The driver reports the number of tests which pass, fail, skipped (some
resource required by the test is not available, such as SystemC), or are
unsupported (buggy or require a feature change before will pass.)
=over 4
=item --atsim
Run using ATSIM.
=item --benchmark [<cycles>]
Show execution times of each step. If an optional number is given,
specifies the number of simulation cycles (for tests that support it).
=item --gdb
Run Verilator under the debugger.
=item --gdbbt
Run Verilator under the debugger, only to print backtrace information.
Requires --debug.
=item --gdbsim
Run Verilator generated executable under the debugger.
=item --ghdl
Run using GHDL.
=item --golden
Update golden files, equivalent to setting HARNESS_UPDATE_GOLDEN=1.
=item --help
Displays this message and program version and exits.
=item --j #
Run number of parallel tests, or 0 to determine the count based on the
number of cores installed. Requires Perl's Parallel::Forker package.
=item --optimize
Randomly turn on/off different optimizations. With specific flags,
use those optimization settings
=item --nc
Run using NC-Verilog.
=item --site
Run site specific tests also.
=item --stop
Stop on the first error.
=item --vcs
Run using VCS.
=item --verbose
Enable test verbose messages.
=item --vlt
Run using Verilator.
=over 4
Root directory name of SystemC kit. Only used if SYSTEMC_INCLUDE not set.
Directory name with systemc.h in it.
Command to use to invoke GHDL.
Command to use to invoke Icarus Verilog.
Command to use to invoke ncverilog.
With --site, directory of tests to be added to testlist.
Command to use to invoke VCS.
The latest version is available from L<>.
Copyright 2003-2012 by Wilson Snyder. Verilator is free software; you can
redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU Lesser
General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License Version 2.0.
=head1 AUTHORS
Wilson Snyder <>
=head1 SEE ALSO