Tests: Fix coverage holes. No functional change.

This commit is contained in:
Wilson Snyder 2021-07-10 07:11:50 -04:00
parent bdceb08963
commit f55177a49f
4 changed files with 171 additions and 46 deletions

View File

@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ module t (/*AUTOARG*/
reg [31:0] b;
wire [2:0] bf; buf BF0 (bf[0], a[0]),
BF1 (bf[1], a[1]),
BF2 (bf[2], a[2]);
BF1 (bf[1], a[1]),
BF2 (bf[2], a[2]);
// verilator lint_off IMPLICIT
not #(0.108) NT0 (nt0, a[0]);
@ -48,43 +48,66 @@ module t (/*AUTOARG*/
// path delays
(A1 *> Q) = (a$A1$Y, a$A1$Y);
(A0 *> Q) = (b$A0$Y, a$A0$Z);
if (C1) (IN => OUT) = (1,1);
ifnone (IN => OUT) = (2,2);
showcancelled Q;
noshowcancelled Q;
pulsestyle_ondetect Q;
pulsestyle_onevent Q;
// other unimplemented stuff
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if (cyc!=0) begin
cyc <= cyc + 1;
if (cyc==1) begin
a <= 32'h18f6b034;
b <= 32'h834bf892;
if (cyc==2) begin
a <= 32'h529ab56f;
b <= 32'h7835a237;
if (bf !== 3'b100) $stop;
if (nt0 !== 1'b1) $stop;
if (an0 !== 1'b0) $stop;
if (nd0 !== 1'b1) $stop;
if (or0 !== 1'b0) $stop;
if (nr0 !== 1'b1) $stop;
if (xo0 !== 1'b0) $stop;
if (xn0 !== 1'b1) $stop;
if (ba != 32'h18f6b034) $stop;
if (cyc==3) begin
if (bf !== 3'b111) $stop;
if (nt0 !== 1'b0) $stop;
if (an0 !== 1'b1) $stop;
if (nd0 !== 1'b0) $stop;
if (or0 !== 1'b1) $stop;
if (nr0 !== 1'b0) $stop;
if (xo0 !== 1'b0) $stop;
if (xn0 !== 1'b0) $stop;
if (cyc==4) begin
$write("*-* All Finished *-*\n");
cyc <= cyc + 1;
if (cyc==1) begin
a <= 32'h18f6b034;
b <= 32'h834bf892;
if (cyc==2) begin
a <= 32'h529ab56f;
b <= 32'h7835a237;
if (bf !== 3'b100) $stop;
if (nt0 !== 1'b1) $stop;
if (an0 !== 1'b0) $stop;
if (nd0 !== 1'b1) $stop;
if (or0 !== 1'b0) $stop;
if (nr0 !== 1'b1) $stop;
if (xo0 !== 1'b0) $stop;
if (xn0 !== 1'b1) $stop;
if (ba != 32'h18f6b034) $stop;
if (cyc==3) begin
if (bf !== 3'b111) $stop;
if (nt0 !== 1'b0) $stop;
if (an0 !== 1'b1) $stop;
if (nd0 !== 1'b0) $stop;
if (or0 !== 1'b1) $stop;
if (nr0 !== 1'b0) $stop;
if (xo0 !== 1'b0) $stop;
if (xn0 !== 1'b0) $stop;
if (cyc==4) begin
$write("*-* All Finished *-*\n");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
if (!$::Driver) { use FindBin; exec("$FindBin::Bin/bootstrap.pl", @ARGV, $0); die; }
# DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test driver/expect definition
# Copyright 2004 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you
# can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
# Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
# Version 2.0.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only OR Artistic-2.0
scenarios(simulator => 1);
verilator_flags2 => ['-bbox-unsup'],

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test module
// This file ONLY is placed under the Creative Commons Public Domain, for
// any use, without warranty, 2004 by Wilson Snyder.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
module t (/*AUTOARG*/
// Inputs
input clk;
integer cyc; initial cyc=1;
logic [31:0] a;
// verilator lint_off IMPLICIT
assign (highz0, supply1) nt00 = a[0];
assign (supply0, highz1) nt01 = a[0];
assign (supply0, supply1) nt02 = a[0];
assign (strong0, strong1) nt03 = a[0];
assign (pull0, pull1) nt04 = a[0];
assign (weak0, weak1) nt05 = a[0];
assign (highz0, supply1) nt10 = a[0];
assign (supply0, highz1) nt11 = a[0];
assign (supply0, supply1) nt12 = a[0];
assign (strong0, strong1) nt13 = a[0];
assign (pull0, pull1) nt14 = a[0];
assign (weak0, weak1) nt15 = a[0];
// verilator lint_on IMPLICIT
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if (cyc!=0) begin
cyc <= cyc + 1;
if (cyc==1) begin
a <= 32'h18f6b030;
if (cyc==2) begin
a <= 32'h18f6b03f;
if (nt00 !== 1'b0) $stop;
if (nt01 !== 1'b0) $stop;
if (nt02 !== 1'b0) $stop;
if (nt03 !== 1'b0) $stop;
if (nt04 !== 1'b0) $stop;
if (nt05 !== 1'b0) $stop;
if (nt10 !== 1'b0) $stop;
if (nt11 !== 1'b0) $stop;
if (nt12 !== 1'b0) $stop;
if (nt13 !== 1'b0) $stop;
if (nt14 !== 1'b0) $stop;
if (nt15 !== 1'b0) $stop;
if (cyc==3) begin
if (nt00 !== 1'b1) $stop;
if (nt01 !== 1'b1) $stop;
if (nt02 !== 1'b1) $stop;
if (nt03 !== 1'b1) $stop;
if (nt04 !== 1'b1) $stop;
if (nt05 !== 1'b1) $stop;
if (nt10 !== 1'b1) $stop;
if (nt11 !== 1'b1) $stop;
if (nt12 !== 1'b1) $stop;
if (nt13 !== 1'b1) $stop;
if (nt14 !== 1'b1) $stop;
if (nt15 !== 1'b1) $stop;
if (cyc==4) begin
$write("*-* All Finished *-*\n");

View File

@ -15,9 +15,9 @@ module t (/*AUTOARG*/
task check (integer line, real got, real expec);
real delta;
delta = got-expec;
if (delta > 0.001) begin
$display("Line%d: Got %g Exp %g\n", line, got, expec);
if (delta > 0.001 || delta < -0.001) begin
$write("Line%0d: Got %g Exp %g\n", line, got, expec);
@ -27,21 +27,30 @@ module t (/*AUTOARG*/
sub sub (.*);
initial begin
check(`__LINE__, sqrt(2.0) , 1.414);
check(`__LINE__, pow(2.0,2.0) , 4.0);
check(`__LINE__, ln(2.0) , 0.693147);
check(`__LINE__, log(2.0) , 0.30103);
check(`__LINE__, floor(2.5) , 2.0);
check(`__LINE__, exp(2.0) , 7.38906);
check(`__LINE__, ceil(2.5) , 3.0);
check(`__LINE__, atan(0.5) , 0.463648);
check(`__LINE__, atan2(0.5, 0.3) , 1.03038);
check(`__LINE__, atanh(0.5) , 0.549306);
check(`__LINE__, ceil(2.5) , 3.0);
check(`__LINE__, cos(0.5) , 0.877583);
check(`__LINE__, cosh(0.5) , 1.12763);
check(`__LINE__, exp(2.0) , 7.38906);
check(`__LINE__, floor(2.5) , 2.0);
check(`__LINE__, ln(2.0) , 0.693147);
check(`__LINE__, log(2.0) , 0.30103);
check(`__LINE__, pow(2.0,2.0) , 4.0);
check(`__LINE__, sin(0.5) , 0.479426);
check(`__LINE__, sinh(0.5) , 0.521095);
check(`__LINE__, sqrt(2.0) , 1.414);
check(`__LINE__, tan(0.5) , 0.546302);
check(`__LINE__, tanh(0.5) , 0.462117);
$write("*-* All Finished *-*\n");
module sub (
input wreal wr
input wreal wr
initial begin
if (wr != 1.1) $stop;