
118 lines
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// -*- mode: C++; c-file-style: "cc-mode" -*-
// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Netlist (top level) functions
2019-11-08 03:33:59 +00:00
// Code available from:
// Copyright 2003-2020 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you
// can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
// Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
// Version 2.0.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only OR Artistic-2.0
#define _V3ERROR_NO_GLOBAL_ 1
#include <config_build.h>
#include "verilatedos.h"
#include "V3Error.cpp"
#include "V3FileLine.cpp"
#include "V3Number.cpp"
#include "V3Number.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdarg>
void test(const string& lhss, const string& op, const string& rhss, const string& exps) {
char* l1 = strdup(lhss.c_str());
char* r1 = strdup(rhss.c_str());
char* e1 = strdup(exps.c_str());
FileLine fl = new FileLine(FileLine::builtInFinename());
V3Number lhnum (fl, l1);
V3Number rhnum (fl, r1);
V3Number expnum (fl, e1);
V3Number gotnum (fl, expnum.width());
if (op=="redOr") gotnum.opRedOr (lhnum);
else if (op=="redAnd") gotnum.opRedAnd (lhnum);
else if (op=="redXor") gotnum.opRedXor (lhnum);
else if (op=="redXnor") gotnum.opRedXnor (lhnum);
else if (op=="concat") gotnum.opConcat (lhnum, rhnum);
else if (op=="repl") gotnum.opRepl (lhnum, rhnum);
else if (op=="~") gotnum.opNot (lhnum);
else if (op=="!") gotnum.opLogNot (lhnum);
else if (op=="negate") gotnum.opNegate (lhnum);
else if (op=="+") gotnum.opAdd (lhnum, rhnum);
else if (op=="-") gotnum.opSub (lhnum, rhnum);
else if (op=="*") gotnum.opMul (lhnum, rhnum);
else if (op=="/") gotnum.opDiv (lhnum, rhnum);
else if (op=="%") gotnum.opModDiv (lhnum, rhnum);
else if (op=="&") gotnum.opAnd (lhnum, rhnum);
else if (op=="|") gotnum.opOr (lhnum, rhnum);
else if (op=="<") gotnum.opLt (lhnum, rhnum);
else if (op==">") gotnum.opGt (lhnum, rhnum);
else if (op==">>") gotnum.opShiftR (lhnum, rhnum);
else if (op=="<<") gotnum.opShiftL (lhnum, rhnum);
else if (op=="==") gotnum.opEq (lhnum, rhnum);
else if (op=="===") gotnum.opCaseEq (lhnum, rhnum);
else if (op=="==?") gotnum.opWildEq (lhnum, rhnum);
else if (op=="!=") gotnum.opNeq (lhnum, rhnum);
else if (op=="!==") gotnum.opCaseNeq (lhnum, rhnum);
else if (op=="!=?") gotnum.opWildNeq (lhnum, rhnum);
else if (op=="<=") gotnum.opLte (lhnum, rhnum);
else if (op==">=") gotnum.opGte (lhnum, rhnum);
else if (op=="&&") gotnum.opLogAnd (lhnum, rhnum);
else if (op=="||") gotnum.opLogOr (lhnum, rhnum);
else v3fatalSrc("Bad opcode: "<<op);
UINFO(0,"------- Test:\n"
<<" "<<lhnum<<" "<<op<<endl
<<" "<<rhnum<<endl
<<" = "<<expnum<<endl
<<" =? "<<gotnum<<endl);
V3Number ok (fl, 1);
ok.opCaseEq(expnum, gotnum);
if (ok.toUInt()!=1) {
v3fatalSrc("%Error:Test FAILED");
int main() {
UINFO(0,"Test starting\n");
test("32'b10", "|", "32'b10", "32'b10");
test( "2'bx0", "|", "2'b10", "2'b10");
test("32'b0x", "|", "32'b10", "32'b1x");
test("32'b10", "&", "32'b11", "32'b10");
test("32'b10", "+", "32'b10", "32'b100");
test("3'b000", "negate", "", "3'b000");
test("3'b001", "negate", "", "3'b111");
test("32'b11", "-", "32'b001", "32'b10");
test("3'b000", "-", "3'b111", "3'b001");
test("3'b000", "-", "3'b000", "3'b000");
test("57'h000000010F0CCE7", "*", "57'h10", "57'h10F0CCE70");
test("57'h000000010F0CCE7", "*", "57'h0DE34E7FFFFFFFF", "57'h02A9D57EF0F3319");
test("67'h7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", "*", "67'h4000000003C8A8D6A", "67'h3FFFFFFFFC3757296");
test("99'h7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", "*", "99'h0000000000000000091338A80", "99'h7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF6ECC7580");
cout<<"Test completed\n";
// Local Variables:
// compile-command: "make V3Number_test && ./V3Number_test "
// End: