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// -*- mode: C++; c-file-style: "cc-mode" -*-
// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Error handling
// Code available from:
2019-01-04 00:17:22 +00:00
// Copyright 2003-2019 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you can
// redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
// Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
// Version 2.0.
// Verilator is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
#include "config_build.h"
#include "verilatedos.h"
#include "V3Error.h"
#include "V3FileLine.h"
#include "V3String.h"
# include "V3Ast.h"
# include "V3Global.h"
# include "V3Stats.h"
# include "V3Config.h"
# include "V3File.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <iomanip>
// FileLineSingleton class functions
const string FileLineSingleton::filenameLetters(int fileno) {
const int size = 1 + (64 / 4); // Each letter retires more than 4 bits of a > 64 bit number
char out[size];
char* op = out+size-1;
*--op = '\0'; // We build backwards
int num = fileno;
do {
*--op = 'a'+num%26;
num /= 26;
} while (num);
return op;
//! Convert filenames to a filenameno
//! This lets us assign a nice small identifier for debug messages, but more
//! importantly lets us use a 4 byte int instead of 8 byte pointer in every
//! FileLine.
//! We associate a language with each source file, so we also set the default
//! for this.
int FileLineSingleton::nameToNumber(const string& filename) {
FileNameNumMap::const_iterator it = m_namemap.find(filename);
if (VL_LIKELY(it != m_namemap.end())) return it->second;
int num = m_names.size();
m_namemap.insert(make_pair(filename, num));
return num;
//! Support XML output
//! Experimental. Updated to also put out the language.
void FileLineSingleton::fileNameNumMapDumpXml(std::ostream& os) {
for (FileNameNumMap::const_iterator it = m_namemap.begin(); it != m_namemap.end(); ++it) {
os<<"<file id=\""<<filenameLetters(it->second)
<<"\" filename=\""<<V3OutFormatter::quoteNameControls(it->first, V3OutFormatter::LA_XML)
<<"\" language=\""<<numberToLang(it->second).ascii()<<"\"/>\n";
// VFileContents class functions
int VFileContent::debug() {
static int level = -1;
if (VL_UNLIKELY(level < 0)) level = v3Global.opt.debugSrcLevel(__FILE__);
return level;
void VFileContent::pushText(const string& text) {
if (m_lines.size() == 0) {
m_lines.push_back(""); // no such thing as line [0]
m_lines.push_back(""); // start with no leftover
// Any leftover text is stored on largest line (might be "")
string leftover = m_lines.back() + text; m_lines.pop_back();
// Insert line-by-line
string::size_type line_start = 0;
while (1) {
string::size_type line_end = leftover.find("\n", line_start);
if (line_end != string::npos) {
string oneline (leftover, line_start, line_end-line_start+1);
m_lines.push_back(oneline); // Keeps newline
UINFO(9, "PushStream[ct"<<m_id<<"+"<<(m_lines.size()-1)<<"]: "<<oneline);
line_start = line_end+1;
} else {
// Keep leftover for next time
m_lines.push_back(string(leftover, line_start)); // Might be ""
string VFileContent::getLine(int lineno) const {
// Return error text rather than asserting so the user isn't left without a message
if (VL_UNCOVERABLE(lineno < 0 || lineno >= (int)m_lines.size())) {
if (debug() || v3Global.opt.debugCheck()) {
return ("%Error-internal-contents-bad-ct"+cvtToStr(m_id)
} else return "";
string text = m_lines[lineno];
UINFO(9, "Get Stream[ct"<<m_id<<"+"<<lineno<<"]: "<<text);
return text;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, VFileContent* contentp) {
if (!contentp) os <<"ct0";
else os <<contentp->ascii();
return os;
// FileLine class functions
FileLine::FileLine(FileLine::EmptySecret) {
// Sort of a singleton
m_firstLineno = 0;
m_lastLineno = 0;
m_firstColumn = 0;
m_lastColumn = 0;
m_filenameno = singleton().nameToNumber(FileLine::builtInFilename());
m_contentp = NULL;
m_contentLineno = 0;
m_parent = NULL;
m_warnOn = 0;
for (int codei=V3ErrorCode::EC_MIN; codei<V3ErrorCode::_ENUM_MAX; codei++) {
V3ErrorCode code = V3ErrorCode(codei);
warnOff(code, code.defaultsOff());
string FileLine::lineDirectiveStrg(int enterExit) const {
char numbuf[20]; sprintf(numbuf, "%d", lastLineno());
char levelbuf[20]; sprintf(levelbuf, "%d", enterExit);
return (string("`line ")+numbuf+" \""+filename()+"\" "+levelbuf+"\n");
void FileLine::lineDirective(const char* textp, int& enterExitRef) {
// Handle `line directive
// Does not parse streamNumber/streamLineno as the next input token
// will come from the same stream as the previous line.
// Skip `line
while (*textp && isspace(*textp)) textp++;
while (*textp && !isspace(*textp)) textp++;
while (*textp && (isspace(*textp) || *textp=='"')) textp++;
// Grab linenumber
const char *ln = textp;
while (*textp && !isspace(*textp)) textp++;
if (isdigit(*ln)) {
while (*textp && (isspace(*textp) || *textp=='"')) textp++;
// Grab filename
const char *fn = textp;
while (*textp && !(isspace(*textp) || *textp=='"')) textp++;
if (textp != fn) {
string strfn = fn;
strfn = strfn.substr(0, textp-fn);
// Grab level
while (*textp && (isspace(*textp) || *textp=='"')) textp++;
if (isdigit(*textp)) enterExitRef = atoi(textp);
else enterExitRef = 0;
//printf ("PPLINE %d '%s'\n", s_lineno, s_filename.c_str());
void FileLine::forwardToken(const char* textp, size_t size, bool trackLines) {
for (const char* sp = textp; size && *sp; ++sp, --size) {
if (*sp == '\n') {
if (trackLines) linenoInc();
m_lastColumn = 1;
} else if (*sp == '\r') {
} else { // Tabs are considered one column; hence column means number of chars
FileLine* FileLine::copyOrSameFileLine() {
// When a fileline is "used" to produce a node, calls this function.
// Return this, or a copy of this
// There are often more than one token per line, thus we use the
// same pointer as long as we're on the same line, file & warn state.
V3Config::applyIgnores(this); // Toggle warnings based on global config file
static FileLine* lastNewp = NULL;
if (lastNewp && *lastNewp == *this) { // Compares lineno, filename, etc
return lastNewp;
FileLine* newp = new FileLine(this);
lastNewp = newp;
return newp;
const string FileLine::filebasename() const {
string name = filename();
string::size_type pos;
if ((pos = name.rfind('/')) != string::npos) {
name.erase(0, pos+1);
return name;
const string FileLine::filebasenameNoExt() const {
string name = filebasename();
string::size_type pos;
if ((pos = name.find('.')) != string::npos) {
name = name.substr(0, pos);
return name;
const string FileLine::profileFuncname() const {
// Return string that is OK as a function name - for profiling
string name = filebasenameNoExt();
string::size_type pos;
while ((pos = name.find_first_not_of("abcdefghijlkmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJLKMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_"))
!= string::npos) {
name.replace(pos, 1, "_");
name += "__l"+cvtToStr(lastLineno());
return name;
string FileLine::asciiLineCol() const {
return (cvtToStr(firstLineno())+"-"+cvtToStr(lastLineno())
+"["+(m_contentp ? m_contentp->ascii() : "ct0")
string FileLine::ascii() const {
// For most errors especially in the parser the lastLineno is more accurate than firstLineno
return filename()+":"+cvtToStr(lastLineno());
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, FileLine* fileline) {
os <<fileline->ascii()<<": "<<std::hex;
bool FileLine::warnOff(const string& msg, bool flag) {
V3ErrorCode code (msg.c_str());
if (code < V3ErrorCode::EC_FIRST_WARN) {
return false;
} else if (v3Global.opt.lintOnly() // Lint mode is allowed to suppress some errors
&& code < V3ErrorCode::EC_MIN) {
return false;
} else {
warnOff(code, flag);
return true;
void FileLine::warnLintOff(bool flag) {
for (int codei=V3ErrorCode::EC_MIN; codei<V3ErrorCode::_ENUM_MAX; codei++) {
V3ErrorCode code = V3ErrorCode(codei);
if (code.lintError()) warnOff(code, flag);
void FileLine::warnStyleOff(bool flag) {
for (int codei=V3ErrorCode::EC_MIN; codei<V3ErrorCode::_ENUM_MAX; codei++) {
V3ErrorCode code = V3ErrorCode(codei);
if (code.styleError()) warnOff(code, flag);
bool FileLine::warnIsOff(V3ErrorCode code) const {
if (!m_warnOn.test(code)) return true;
if (!defaultFileLine().m_warnOn.test(code)) return true; // Global overrides local
if (code==V3ErrorCode::UNOPT && !m_warnOn.test(V3ErrorCode::UNOPTFLAT)) return true;
if ((code.lintError() || code.styleError())
&& !m_warnOn.test(V3ErrorCode::I_LINT)) return true;
return false;
void FileLine::modifyStateInherit(const FileLine* fromp) {
// Any warnings that are off in "from", become off in "this".
for (int codei=V3ErrorCode::EC_MIN; codei<V3ErrorCode::_ENUM_MAX; codei++) {
V3ErrorCode code = V3ErrorCode(codei);
if (fromp->warnIsOff(code)) { warnOff(code, true); }
void FileLine::v3errorEnd(std::ostringstream& str, const string& locationStr) {
std::ostringstream nsstr;
if (lastLineno()) nsstr<<this;
std::ostringstream lstr;
if (!locationStr.empty()) {
lstr<<std::setw(ascii().length())<<" "<<": "<<locationStr;
if (warnIsOff(V3Error::errorCode())) V3Error::suppressThisWarning();
else if (!V3Error::errorContexted()) nsstr<<warnContextPrimary();
V3Error::v3errorEnd(nsstr, lstr.str());
string FileLine::warnMore() const {
if (lastLineno()) {
return V3Error::warnMore()+string(ascii().size(), ' ')+": ";
} else {
return V3Error::warnMore();
string FileLine::warnOther() const {
if (lastLineno()) {
return V3Error::warnMore()+ascii()+": ";
} else {
return V3Error::warnMore();
string FileLine::source() const {
if (VL_UNCOVERABLE(!m_contentp)) {
if (debug() || v3Global.opt.debugCheck()) return "%Error-internal-no-contents";
else return "";
return m_contentp->getLine(m_contentLineno);
string FileLine::prettySource() const {
string out = source();
// Drop ignore trailing newline
string::size_type pos = out.find('\n');
if (pos != string::npos) out = string(out, 0, pos);
// Column tracking counts tabs = 1, so match that when print source
return VString::spaceUnprintable(out);
string FileLine::warnContext(bool secondary) const {
string out = "";
if (firstLineno()==lastLineno() && firstColumn()) {
string sourceLine = prettySource();
// Don't show super-long lines as can fill screen and unlikely to help user
if (!sourceLine.empty()
&& sourceLine.length() < SHOW_SOURCE_MAX_LENGTH
2019-10-01 01:55:31 +00:00
&& sourceLine.length() >= (size_t)(lastColumn()-1)) {
out += sourceLine+"\n";
out += string((firstColumn()-1), ' ')+'^';
// Can't use UASSERT_OBJ used in warnings already inside the error end handler
UASSERT_STATIC(lastColumn() >= firstColumn(), "Column numbers backwards");
if (lastColumn() != firstColumn()) {
out += string((lastColumn()-firstColumn()-1), '~');
out += "\n";
if (!secondary) { // Avoid printing long paths on informational part of error
for (FileLine* parentFl = parent(); parentFl; parentFl = parentFl->parent()) {
if (parentFl->filenameIsGlobal()) break;
out += parentFl->warnOther()+"... note: In file included from "
return out;
typedef vl_unordered_set<FileLine*> FileLineCheckSet;
FileLineCheckSet fileLineLeakChecks;
void* FileLine::operator new(size_t size) {
FileLine* objp = static_cast<FileLine*>(::operator new(size));
return objp;
void FileLine::operator delete(void* objp, size_t size) {
if (!objp) return;
FileLine* flp = static_cast<FileLine*>(objp);
FileLineCheckSet::iterator it = fileLineLeakChecks.find(flp);
if (it != fileLineLeakChecks.end()) {
} else {
flp->v3fatalSrc("Deleting FileLine object that was never tracked");
::operator delete(objp);
void FileLine::deleteAllRemaining() {
// FileLines are allocated, but never nicely freed, as it's much faster
// that way. Unfortunately this makes our leak checking a big mess, so
// only when leak checking we'll track them all and cleanup.
while (1) {
FileLineCheckSet::iterator it = fileLineLeakChecks.begin();
if (it==fileLineLeakChecks.end()) break;
delete *it;
// Operator delete will remove the iterated object from the list.
// Eventually the list will be empty and terminate the loop.