Parse cycle delays and boolean abbrev, still unsupported.

This commit is contained in:
Wilson Snyder 2023-03-05 23:22:41 -05:00
parent d0f5ce0cc4
commit 6d7c04a3de
4 changed files with 263 additions and 74 deletions

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@ -885,8 +885,9 @@ vnum {vnum1}|{vnum2}|{vnum3}|{vnum4}|{vnum5}
"|=>" { FL; return yP_OREQGT; }
/* Some simulators allow whitespace here. Grr */
"["{ws}*"*" { FL; return yP_BRASTAR; }
"["{ws}*"=" { FL; return yP_BRAEQ; }
"["{ws}*"+"{ws}*"]" { FL; return yP_BRAPLUSKET; }
"["{ws}*"->" { FL; return yP_BRAMINUSGT; }
"["{ws}*"=" { FL; return yP_BRAEQ; }
/* SystemVerilog 2009 Operators */

View File

@ -1030,7 +1030,7 @@ BISONPRE_VERSION(3.7,%define api.header.include {"V3ParseBison.h"})
%token<fl> yP_BRASTAR "[*"
%token<fl> yP_BRAEQ "[="
%token<fl> yP_BRAMINUSGT "[->"
//UNSUP %token<fl> yP_BRAPLUSKET "[+]"
%token<fl> yP_BRAPLUSKET "[+]"
%token<fl> yP_PLUSPLUS "++"
%token<fl> yP_MINUSMINUS "--"
@ -1079,9 +1079,9 @@ BISONPRE_VERSION(3.7,%define api.header.include {"V3ParseBison.h"})
%left yWITHIN
// Not specified, but needed higher than yOR, lower than normal non-pexpr expressions
@ -5823,12 +5823,12 @@ property_port_list<nodep>: // ==IEEE: property_port_list
property_port_item<nodep>: // IEEE: property_port_item/sequence_port_item
//UNSUP // // Merged in sequence_port_item
//UNSUP // // IEEE: property_lvar_port_direction ::= yINPUT
//UNSUP // // prop IEEE: [ yLOCAL [ yINPUT ] ] property_formal_type
//UNSUP // // id {variable_dimension} [ '=' property_actual_arg ]
//UNSUP // // seq IEEE: [ yLOCAL [ sequence_lvar_port_direction ] ] sequence_formal_type
//UNSUP // // id {variable_dimension} [ '=' sequence_actual_arg ]
// // Merged in sequence_port_item
// // IEEE: property_lvar_port_direction ::= yINPUT
// // prop IEEE: [ yLOCAL [ yINPUT ] ] property_formal_type
// // id {variable_dimension} [ '=' property_actual_arg ]
// // seq IEEE: [ yLOCAL [ sequence_lvar_port_direction ] ] sequence_formal_type
// // id {variable_dimension} [ '=' sequence_actual_arg ]
property_port_itemFront property_port_itemAssignment { $$ = $2; }
@ -6087,13 +6087,16 @@ sexpr<nodeExprp>: // ==IEEE: sequence_expr (The name sexpr is important as reg
// // IEEE: "cycle_delay_range sequence_expr { cycle_delay_range sequence_expr }"
// // IEEE: "sequence_expr cycle_delay_range sequence_expr { cycle_delay_range sequence_expr }"
// // Both rules basically mean we can repeat sequences, so make it simpler:
//UNSUP cycle_delay_range sexpr %prec yP_POUNDPOUND { }
//UNSUP ~p~sexpr cycle_delay_range sexpr %prec prPOUNDPOUND_MULTI { }
cycle_delay_range sexpr %prec yP_POUNDPOUND
{ $$ = $2; BBUNSUP($2->fileline(), "Unsupported: ## (in sequence expression)"); }
| ~p~sexpr cycle_delay_range sexpr %prec prPOUNDPOUND_MULTI
{ $$ = $1; BBUNSUP($2->fileline(), "Unsupported: ## (in sequence expression)"); }
// // IEEE: expression_or_dist [ boolean_abbrev ]
// // Note expression_or_dist includes "expr"!
// // sexpr/*sexpression_or_dist*/ --- Hardcoded below
//UNSUP ~p~sexpr/*sexpression_or_dist*/ boolean_abbrev { }
| ~p~sexpr/*sexpression_or_dist*/ boolean_abbrev
{ $$ = $1; BBUNSUP($2->fileline(), "Unsupported: boolean abbrev (in sequence expression)"); }
// // IEEE: "sequence_instance [ sequence_abbrev ]"
// // version without sequence_abbrev looks just like normal function call
@ -6105,7 +6108,7 @@ sexpr<nodeExprp>: // ==IEEE: sequence_expr (The name sexpr is important as reg
// // As sequence_expr includes expression_or_dist, and boolean_abbrev includes sequence_abbrev:
// // '(' sequence_expr {',' sequence_match_item } ')' [ boolean_abbrev ]
// // "'(' sexpr ')' boolean_abbrev" matches "[sexpr:'(' expr ')'] boolean_abbrev" so we can drop it
'(' ~p~sexpr ')' { $$ = $2; }
| '(' ~p~sexpr ')' { $$ = $2; }
//UNSUP '(' ~p~sexpr ',' sequence_match_itemList ')' { }
// // AND/OR are between pexprs OR sexprs
@ -6134,20 +6137,32 @@ sexpr<nodeExprp>: // ==IEEE: sequence_expr (The name sexpr is important as reg
| BISONPRE_COPY_ONCE(expr,{s/~l~/s/g; s/~p~/s/g; s/~noPar__IGNORE~'.'/yP_PAR__IGNORE /g; }) // {copied}
//UNSUPcycle_delay_range<nodep>: // IEEE: ==cycle_delay_range
//UNSUP // // These three terms in 1800-2005 ONLY
//UNSUP | yP_POUNDPOUND '(' constExpr ')' { }
//UNSUP // // In 1800-2009 ONLY:
//UNSUP // // IEEE: yP_POUNDPOUND constant_primary
//UNSUP // // UNSUP: This causes a big grammer ambiguity
//UNSUP // // as ()'s mismatch between primary and the following statement
//UNSUP // // the sv-ac committee has been asked to clarify (Mantis 1901)
//UNSUP | yP_POUNDPOUND anyrange { }
cycle_delay_range<nodep>: // IEEE: ==cycle_delay_range
// // These three terms in 1800-2005 ONLY
yP_POUNDPOUND intnumAsConst
{ $$ = $2;
BBUNSUP($<fl>1, "Unsupported: ## () cycle delay range expression"); }
{ $$ = new AstConst{$1, AstConst::BitFalse{}};
BBUNSUP($<fl>1, "Unsupported: ## id cycle delay range expression"); }
| yP_POUNDPOUND '(' constExpr ')'
{ $$ = $3;
BBUNSUP($<fl>1, "Unsupported: ## () cycle delay range expression"); }
// // In 1800-2009 ONLY:
// // IEEE: yP_POUNDPOUND constant_primary
// // UNSUP: This causes a big grammer ambiguity
// // as ()'s mismatch between primary and the following statement
// // the sv-ac committee has been asked to clarify (Mantis 1901)
| yP_POUNDPOUND anyrange
{ $$ = new AstConst{$1, AstConst::BitFalse{}};
BBUNSUP($<fl>1, "Unsupported: ## range cycle delay range expression"); }
{ $$ = new AstConst{$1, AstConst::BitFalse{}};
BBUNSUP($<fl>1, "Unsupported: ## [*] cycle delay range expression"); }
{ $$ = new AstConst{$1, AstConst::BitFalse{}};
BBUNSUP($<fl>1, "Unsupported: ## [+] cycle delay range expression"); }
//UNSUPsequence_match_itemList<nodep>: // IEEE: [sequence_match_item] part of sequence_expr
//UNSUP sequence_match_item { $$ = $1; }
@ -6162,30 +6177,29 @@ sexpr<nodeExprp>: // ==IEEE: sequence_expr (The name sexpr is important as reg
//UNSUP for_step_assignment { $$ = $1; }
//UNSUPboolean_abbrev<nodep>: // ==IEEE: boolean_abbrev
//UNSUP // // IEEE: consecutive_repetition
//UNSUP yP_BRASTAR const_or_range_expression ']' { }
//UNSUP | yP_BRASTAR ']' { }
//UNSUP | yP_BRAPLUSKET { $$ = $1; }
//UNSUP // // IEEE: non_consecutive_repetition
//UNSUP | yP_BRAEQ const_or_range_expression ']' { }
//UNSUP // // IEEE: goto_repetition
//UNSUP | yP_BRAMINUSGT const_or_range_expression ']' { }
//UNSUPconst_or_range_expression<nodep>: // ==IEEE: const_or_range_expression
//UNSUP constExpr { $$ = $1; }
//UNSUP | cycle_delay_const_range_expression { } // Use anyrange removing [] instead
//UNSUPconstant_range<nodep>: // ==IEEE: constant_range
//UNSUP constExpr ':' constExpr { }
//UNSUPcycle_delay_const_range_expression<nodep>: // ==IEEE: cycle_delay_const_range_expression
//UNSUP // // Note '$' is part of constExpr
//UNSUP constExpr ':' constExpr { }
boolean_abbrev<nodeExprp>: // ==IEEE: boolean_abbrev
// // IEEE: consecutive_repetition
yP_BRASTAR constExpr ']' { }
{ $$ = $2; BBUNSUP($<fl>1, "Unsupported: [*] boolean abbrev expression"); }
| yP_BRASTAR constExpr ':' constExpr ']' { }
{ $$ = $2; BBUNSUP($<fl>1, "Unsupported: [*] boolean abbrev expression"); }
| yP_BRASTAR ']'
{ $$ = new AstConst{$1, AstConst::BitFalse{}};
BBUNSUP($<fl>1, "Unsupported: [*] boolean abbrev expression"); }
{ $$ = new AstConst{$1, AstConst::BitFalse{}};
BBUNSUP($<fl>1, "Unsupported: [+] boolean abbrev expression"); }
// // IEEE: non_consecutive_repetition
| yP_BRAEQ constExpr ']'
{ $$ = $2; BBUNSUP($<fl>1, "Unsupported: [= boolean abbrev expression"); }
| yP_BRAEQ constExpr ':' constExpr ']'
{ $$ = $2; BBUNSUP($<fl>1, "Unsupported: [= boolean abbrev expression"); }
// // IEEE: goto_repetition
| yP_BRAMINUSGT constExpr ']'
{ $$ = $2; BBUNSUP($<fl>1, "Unsupported: [-> boolean abbrev expression"); }
| yP_BRAMINUSGT constExpr ':' constExpr ']'
{ $$ = $2; BBUNSUP($<fl>1, "Unsupported: [-> boolean abbrev expression"); }
// Let

View File

@ -1,32 +1,144 @@
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:25:14: Unsupported: within (in sequence expression)
25 | weak(a within(b));
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:27:14: Unsupported: within (in sequence expression)
27 | weak(a within(b));
| ^~~~~~
... For error description see
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:25:11: Unsupported: weak (in property expression)
25 | weak(a within(b));
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:27:11: Unsupported: weak (in property expression)
27 | weak(a within(b));
| ^
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:29:14: Unsupported: and (in sequence expression)
29 | weak(a and b);
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:31:14: Unsupported: and (in sequence expression)
31 | weak(a and b);
| ^~~
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:29:11: Unsupported: weak (in property expression)
29 | weak(a and b);
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:31:11: Unsupported: weak (in property expression)
31 | weak(a and b);
| ^
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:33:14: Unsupported: or (in sequence expression)
33 | weak(a or b);
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:35:14: Unsupported: or (in sequence expression)
35 | weak(a or b);
| ^~
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:33:11: Unsupported: weak (in property expression)
33 | weak(a or b);
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:35:11: Unsupported: weak (in property expression)
35 | weak(a or b);
| ^
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:37:14: Unsupported: throughout (in sequence expression)
37 | weak(a throughout b);
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:39:14: Unsupported: throughout (in sequence expression)
39 | weak(a throughout b);
| ^~~~~~~~~~
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:37:11: Unsupported: weak (in property expression)
37 | weak(a throughout b);
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:39:11: Unsupported: weak (in property expression)
39 | weak(a throughout b);
| ^
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:41:14: Unsupported: intersect (in sequence expression)
41 | weak(a intersect b);
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:43:14: Unsupported: intersect (in sequence expression)
43 | weak(a intersect b);
| ^~~~~~~~~
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:41:11: Unsupported: weak (in property expression)
41 | weak(a intersect b);
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:43:11: Unsupported: weak (in property expression)
43 | weak(a intersect b);
| ^
%Error: Exiting due to
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:47:12: Unsupported: ## () cycle delay range expression
47 | weak(## 1 b);
| ^~
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:47:17: Unsupported: ## (in sequence expression)
47 | weak(## 1 b);
| ^
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:47:11: Unsupported: weak (in property expression)
47 | weak(## 1 b);
| ^
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:50:12: Unsupported: ## id cycle delay range expression
50 | weak(## DELAY b);
| ^~
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:50:21: Unsupported: ## (in sequence expression)
50 | weak(## DELAY b);
| ^
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:50:11: Unsupported: weak (in property expression)
50 | weak(## DELAY b);
| ^
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:53:12: Unsupported: ## () cycle delay range expression
53 | weak(## ( DELAY ) b);
| ^~
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:53:25: Unsupported: ## (in sequence expression)
53 | weak(## ( DELAY ) b);
| ^
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:53:11: Unsupported: weak (in property expression)
53 | weak(## ( DELAY ) b);
| ^
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:56:12: Unsupported: ## range cycle delay range expression
56 | weak(## [1:2] b);
| ^~
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:56:21: Unsupported: ## (in sequence expression)
56 | weak(## [1:2] b);
| ^
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:56:11: Unsupported: weak (in property expression)
56 | weak(## [1:2] b);
| ^
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:59:12: Unsupported: ## [*] cycle delay range expression
59 | weak(## [*] b);
| ^~
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:59:19: Unsupported: ## (in sequence expression)
59 | weak(## [*] b);
| ^
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:59:11: Unsupported: weak (in property expression)
59 | weak(## [*] b);
| ^
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:62:12: Unsupported: ## [+] cycle delay range expression
62 | weak(## [+] b);
| ^~
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:62:19: Unsupported: ## (in sequence expression)
62 | weak(## [+] b);
| ^
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:62:11: Unsupported: weak (in property expression)
62 | weak(## [+] b);
| ^
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:66:14: Unsupported: ## () cycle delay range expression
66 | weak(a ## 1 b);
| ^~
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:66:17: Unsupported: ## (in sequence expression)
66 | weak(a ## 1 b);
| ^
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:66:11: Unsupported: weak (in property expression)
66 | weak(a ## 1 b);
| ^
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:69:14: Unsupported: ## id cycle delay range expression
69 | weak(a ## DELAY b);
| ^~
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:69:14: Unsupported: ## (in sequence expression)
69 | weak(a ## DELAY b);
| ^~
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:69:11: Unsupported: weak (in property expression)
69 | weak(a ## DELAY b);
| ^
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:72:14: Unsupported: ## () cycle delay range expression
72 | weak(a ## ( DELAY ) b);
| ^~
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:72:19: Unsupported: ## (in sequence expression)
72 | weak(a ## ( DELAY ) b);
| ^~~~~
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:72:11: Unsupported: weak (in property expression)
72 | weak(a ## ( DELAY ) b);
| ^
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:75:14: Unsupported: ## range cycle delay range expression
75 | weak(a ## [1:2] b);
| ^~
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:75:14: Unsupported: ## (in sequence expression)
75 | weak(a ## [1:2] b);
| ^~
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:75:11: Unsupported: weak (in property expression)
75 | weak(a ## [1:2] b);
| ^
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:78:14: Unsupported: ## [*] cycle delay range expression
78 | weak(a ## [*] b);
| ^~
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:78:14: Unsupported: ## (in sequence expression)
78 | weak(a ## [*] b);
| ^~
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:78:11: Unsupported: weak (in property expression)
78 | weak(a ## [*] b);
| ^
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:81:14: Unsupported: ## [+] cycle delay range expression
81 | weak(a ## [+] b);
| ^~
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:81:14: Unsupported: ## (in sequence expression)
81 | weak(a ## [+] b);
| ^~
%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:81:11: Unsupported: weak (in property expression)
81 | weak(a ## [+] b);
| ^
%Error: t/t_sequence_sexpr_unsup.v:85:12: syntax error, unexpected [*, expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER
85 | weak([* 1 ] a);
| ^~
%Error: Cannot continue
... See the manual at for more assistance.

View File

@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ module t (/*AUTOARG*/
int b;
int cyc = 0;
localparam DELAY = 1;
always @(posedge clk) begin
cyc <= cyc + 1;
@ -41,6 +43,66 @@ module t (/*AUTOARG*/
weak(a intersect b);
property s_uni_cycdelay_int;
weak(## 1 b);
property s_uni_cycdelay_id;
weak(## DELAY b);
property s_uni_cycdelay_pid;
weak(## ( DELAY ) b);
property s_uni_cycdelay_range;
weak(## [1:2] b);
property s_uni_cycdelay_star;
weak(## [*] b);
property s_uni_cycdelay_plus;
weak(## [+] b);
property s_cycdelay_int;
weak(a ## 1 b);
property s_cycdelay_id;
weak(a ## DELAY b);
property s_cycdelay_pid;
weak(a ## ( DELAY ) b);
property s_cycdelay_range;
weak(a ## [1:2] b);
property s_cycdelay_star;
weak(a ## [*] b);
property s_cycdelay_plus;
weak(a ## [+] b);
property s_booleanabbrev_brastar_int;
weak([* 1 ] a);
property s_booleanabbrev_brastar;
weak([*] a);
property s_booleanabbrev_plus;
weak([+] a);
property s_booleanabbrev_eq;
weak([= 1] a);
property s_booleanabbrev_eq_range;
weak([= 1:2] a);
property s_booleanabbrev_minusgt;
weak([-> 1] a);
property s_booleanabbrev_minusgt_range;
weak([-> 1:2] a);
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (cyc == 10) begin
$write("*-* All Finished *-*\n");