Tests: Add new tests from Iztok Jeras, bug446, bug450.

This commit is contained in:
Wilson Snyder 2012-03-07 20:00:09 -05:00
parent 31b55d3844
commit 479b497528
10 changed files with 607 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
if (!$::Driver) { use FindBin; exec("$FindBin::Bin/bootstrap.pl", @ARGV, $0); die; }
# DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test driver/expect definition
# Copyright 2003 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you can
# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
# Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
# Version 2.0.
$Self->{vlt} and $Self->skip("Verilator unsupported, bug355");
compile (
execute (

View File

@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test module
// This file ONLY is placed into the Public Domain, for any use,
// without warranty, 2009 by Iztok Jeras.
module t (/*AUTOARG*/
// Inputs
input clk;
// parameters for array sizes
localparam WA = 4; // address dimension size
localparam WB = 4; // bit dimension size
localparam NO = 10; // number of access events
// 2D packed arrays
logic [WA-1:0] [WB-1:0] array_bg; // big endian array
/* verilator lint_off LITENDIAN */
logic [0:WA-1] [0:WB-1] array_lt; // little endian array
/* verilator lint_on LITENDIAN */
integer cnt = 0;
// event counter
always @ (posedge clk) begin
cnt <= cnt + 1;
// finish report
always @ (posedge clk)
if ((cnt[30:2]==(NO-1)) && (cnt[1:0]==2'd3)) begin
$write("*-* All Finished *-*\n");
// big endian
always @ (posedge clk)
if (cnt[1:0]==2'd0) begin
// initialize to defaults (all bits 1'bx)
if (cnt[30:2]==0) array_bg <= {WA{ {WB{1'bx}} }};
else if (cnt[30:2]==1) array_bg <= {WA{ {WB{1'bx}} }};
else if (cnt[30:2]==2) array_bg <= {WA{ {WB{1'bx}} }};
else if (cnt[30:2]==3) array_bg <= {WA{ {WB{1'bx}} }};
else if (cnt[30:2]==4) array_bg <= {WA{ {WB{1'bx}} }};
else if (cnt[30:2]==5) array_bg <= {WA{ {WB{1'bx}} }};
else if (cnt[30:2]==6) array_bg <= {WA{ {WB{1'bx}} }};
else if (cnt[30:2]==7) array_bg <= {WA{ {WB{1'bx}} }};
else if (cnt[30:2]==8) array_bg <= {WA{ {WB{1'bx}} }};
else if (cnt[30:2]==9) array_bg <= {WA{ {WB{1'bx}} }};
end else if (cnt[1:0]==2'd1) begin
// write data into whole or part of the array using literals
if (cnt[30:2]==0) begin end
else if (cnt[30:2]==1) array_bg = '{ 3 ,2 ,1, 0 };
else if (cnt[30:2]==2) array_bg = '{0:4, 1:5, 2:6, 3:7};
else if (cnt[30:2]==3) array_bg = '{default:13};
else if (cnt[30:2]==4) array_bg = '{2:15, default:13};
else if (cnt[30:2]==5) array_bg = '{WA { {WB/2 {2'b10}} }};
else if (cnt[30:2]==6) array_bg = '{WA { {3'b101, {WB/2-1{2'b10}}} }};
else if (cnt[30:2]==7) array_bg = '{WA { {WB/2-1{2'b10}} }};
else if (cnt[30:2]==8) array_bg [WA/2-1:0 ] = '{WA/2{ {WB/2 {2'b10}} }};
else if (cnt[30:2]==9) array_bg [WA -1:WA/2] = '{WA/2{ {WB/2 {2'b01}} }};
end else if (cnt[1:0]==2'd2) begin
// chack array agains expected value
if (cnt[30:2]==0) begin if (array_bg !== 16'bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) begin $display("%b", array_bg); $stop(); end end
else if (cnt[30:2]==1) begin if (array_bg !== 16'b0011001000010000) begin $display("%b", array_bg); $stop(); end end
else if (cnt[30:2]==2) begin if (array_bg !== 16'b0111011001010100) begin $display("%b", array_bg); $stop(); end end
else if (cnt[30:2]==3) begin if (array_bg !== 16'b1101110111011101) begin $display("%b", array_bg); $stop(); end end
else if (cnt[30:2]==4) begin if (array_bg !== 16'b1101111111011101) begin $display("%b", array_bg); $stop(); end end
else if (cnt[30:2]==5) begin if (array_bg !== 16'b1010101010101010) begin $display("%b", array_bg); $stop(); end end
else if (cnt[30:2]==6) begin if (array_bg !== 16'b0110011001100110) begin $display("%b", array_bg); $stop(); end end
else if (cnt[30:2]==7) begin if (array_bg !== 16'b0010001000100010) begin $display("%b", array_bg); $stop(); end end
else if (cnt[30:2]==8) begin if (array_bg !== 16'b10101010xxxxxxxx) begin $display("%b", array_bg); $stop(); end end
else if (cnt[30:2]==9) begin if (array_bg !== 16'bxxxxxxxx10101010) begin $display("%b", array_bg); $stop(); end end
// little endian
always @ (posedge clk)
if (cnt[1:0]==2'd0) begin
// initialize to defaults (all bits 1'bx)
if (cnt[30:2]==0) array_lt <= {WA{ {WB{1'bx}} }};
else if (cnt[30:2]==1) array_lt <= {WA{ {WB{1'bx}} }};
else if (cnt[30:2]==2) array_lt <= {WA{ {WB{1'bx}} }};
else if (cnt[30:2]==3) array_lt <= {WA{ {WB{1'bx}} }};
else if (cnt[30:2]==4) array_lt <= {WA{ {WB{1'bx}} }};
else if (cnt[30:2]==5) array_lt <= {WA{ {WB{1'bx}} }};
else if (cnt[30:2]==6) array_lt <= {WA{ {WB{1'bx}} }};
else if (cnt[30:2]==7) array_lt <= {WA{ {WB{1'bx}} }};
else if (cnt[30:2]==8) array_lt <= {WA{ {WB{1'bx}} }};
else if (cnt[30:2]==9) array_lt <= {WA{ {WB{1'bx}} }};
end else if (cnt[1:0]==2'd1) begin
// write data into whole or part of the array using literals
if (cnt[30:2]==0) begin end
else if (cnt[30:2]==1) array_lt = '{ 3 ,2 ,1, 0 };
else if (cnt[30:2]==2) array_lt = '{3:4, 2:5, 1:6, 0:7};
else if (cnt[30:2]==3) array_lt = '{default:13};
else if (cnt[30:2]==4) array_lt = '{1:15, default:13};
else if (cnt[30:2]==5) array_lt = '{WA { {WB/2 {2'b10}} }};
else if (cnt[30:2]==6) array_lt = '{WA { {3'b101, {WB/2-1{2'b10}}} }};
else if (cnt[30:2]==7) array_lt = '{WA { {WB/2-1{2'b10}} }};
else if (cnt[30:2]==8) array_lt [0 :WA/2-1] = '{WA/2{ {WB/2 {2'b10}} }};
else if (cnt[30:2]==9) array_lt [WA/2:WA -1] = '{WA/2{ {WB/2 {2'b01}} }};
end else if (cnt[1:0]==2'd2) begin
// chack array agains expected value
if (cnt[30:2]==0) begin if (array_lt !== 16'bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) begin $display("%b", array_lt); $stop(); end end
else if (cnt[30:2]==1) begin if (array_lt !== 16'b0011001000010000) begin $display("%b", array_lt); $stop(); end end
else if (cnt[30:2]==2) begin if (array_lt !== 16'b0111011001010100) begin $display("%b", array_lt); $stop(); end end
else if (cnt[30:2]==3) begin if (array_lt !== 16'b1101110111011101) begin $display("%b", array_lt); $stop(); end end
else if (cnt[30:2]==4) begin if (array_lt !== 16'b1101111111011101) begin $display("%b", array_lt); $stop(); end end
else if (cnt[30:2]==5) begin if (array_lt !== 16'b1010101010101010) begin $display("%b", array_lt); $stop(); end end
else if (cnt[30:2]==6) begin if (array_lt !== 16'b0110011001100110) begin $display("%b", array_lt); $stop(); end end
else if (cnt[30:2]==7) begin if (array_lt !== 16'b0010001000100010) begin $display("%b", array_lt); $stop(); end end
else if (cnt[30:2]==8) begin if (array_lt !== 16'b10101010xxxxxxxx) begin $display("%b", array_lt); $stop(); end end
else if (cnt[30:2]==9) begin if (array_lt !== 16'bxxxxxxxx10101010) begin $display("%b", array_lt); $stop(); end end

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
if (!$::Driver) { use FindBin; exec("$FindBin::Bin/bootstrap.pl", @ARGV, $0); die; }
# DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test driver/expect definition
# Copyright 2003 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you can
# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
# Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
# Version 2.0.
$Self->{vlt} and $Self->skip("Verilator unsupported, bug448");
compile (
execute (

View File

@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test module
// This file ONLY is placed into the Public Domain, for any use,
// without warranty, 2012 by Iztok Jeras.
module t (/*AUTOARG*/
// Inputs
input clk;
// parameters for array sizes
localparam WA = 4;
localparam WB = 6;
localparam WC = 8;
// 2D packed arrays
logic [WA-1:0] [WB-1:0] [WC-1:0] array_bg; // big endian array
/* verilator lint_off LITENDIAN */
logic [0:WA-1] [0:WB-1] [0:WC-1] array_lt; // little endian array
/* verilator lint_on LITENDIAN */
integer cnt = 0;
integer slc = 0; // slice type
integer dim = 0; // dimension
integer wdt = 0; // width
// event counter
always @ (posedge clk) begin
cnt <= cnt + 1;
// finish report
always @ (posedge clk)
if ( (cnt[30:4]==3) && (cnt[3:2]==2'd3) && (cnt[1:0]==2'd3) ) begin
$write("*-* All Finished *-*\n");
// calculation of dimention sizes
always @ (posedge clk)
// slicing tipe counter
case (cnt[3:2])
2'd0 : begin slc = 0; end // full array
2'd1 : begin slc = 1; end // half array
2'd2 : begin slc = 2; end // single array element
default: begin slc = 0; end
// dimmension counter
case (cnt[1:0])
2'd0 : begin dim = 1; wdt = (slc==1) ? WA/2
: (slc==2) ? 1
: WA; end
2'd1 : begin dim = 2; wdt = WB; end
2'd2 : begin dim = 3; wdt = WC; end
default: begin dim = 0; wdt = 0; end
always @ (posedge clk)
if (cnt[30:4]==1) begin
// big endian
if (cnt[3:2]==0) begin
// full array
if ($dimensions (array_bg) != 3) $stop;
if ($bits (array_bg) != WA*WB*WC) $stop;
if ((dim>=1)&&(dim<=3)) begin
if ($left (array_bg, dim) != wdt-1) $stop;
if ($right (array_bg, dim) != 0 ) $stop;
if ($low (array_bg, dim) != 0 ) $stop;
if ($high (array_bg, dim) != wdt-1) $stop;
if ($increment (array_bg, dim) != 1 ) $stop;
if ($size (array_bg, dim) != wdt ) $stop;
end else if (cnt[3:2]==1) begin
// half array
if ($dimensions (array_bg[WA/2-1:0]) != 3) $stop;
if ($bits (array_bg[WA/2-1:0]) != WA/2*WB*WC) $stop;
if ((dim>=1)&&(dim<=3)) begin
if ($left (array_bg[WA/2-1:0], dim) != wdt-1) $stop;
if ($right (array_bg[WA/2-1:0], dim) != 0 ) $stop;
if ($low (array_bg[WA/2-1:0], dim) != 0 ) $stop;
if ($high (array_bg[WA/2-1:0], dim) != wdt-1) $stop;
if ($increment (array_bg[WA/2-1:0], dim) != 1 ) $stop;
if ($size (array_bg[WA/2-1:0], dim) != wdt ) $stop;
end else if (cnt[3:2]==2) begin
// single array element
if ($dimensions (array_bg[0]) != 2) $stop;
if ($bits (array_bg[0]) != WB*WC) $stop;
if ((dim>=2)&&(dim<=3)) begin
if ($left (array_bg[0], dim-1) != wdt-1) $stop;
if ($right (array_bg[0], dim-1) != 0 ) $stop;
if ($low (array_bg[0], dim-1) != 0 ) $stop;
if ($high (array_bg[0], dim-1) != wdt-1) $stop;
if ($increment (array_bg[0], dim-1) != 1 ) $stop;
if ($size (array_bg[0], dim-1) != wdt ) $stop;
end else if (cnt[30:4]==2) begin
// little endian
if (cnt[3:2]==0) begin
// full array
if ($dimensions (array_lt) != 3) $stop;
if ($bits (array_lt) != WA*WB*WC) $stop;
if ((dim>=1)&&(dim<=3)) begin
if ($left (array_lt, dim) != 0 ) $stop;
if ($right (array_lt, dim) != wdt-1) $stop;
if ($low (array_lt, dim) != 0 ) $stop;
if ($high (array_lt, dim) != wdt-1) $stop;
if ($increment (array_lt, dim) != -1 ) $stop;
if ($size (array_lt, dim) != wdt ) $stop;
end else if (cnt[3:2]==1) begin
// half array
if ($dimensions (array_lt[0:WA/2-1]) != 3) $stop;
if ($bits (array_lt[0:WA/2-1]) != WA/2*WB*WC) $stop;
if ((dim>=1)&&(dim<=3)) begin
if ($left (array_lt[0:WA/2-1], dim) != 0 ) $stop;
if ($right (array_lt[0:WA/2-1], dim) != wdt-1) $stop;
if ($low (array_lt[0:WA/2-1], dim) != 0 ) $stop;
if ($high (array_lt[0:WA/2-1], dim) != wdt-1) $stop;
if ($increment (array_lt[0:WA/2-1], dim) != -1 ) $stop;
if ($size (array_lt[0:WA/2-1], dim) != wdt ) $stop;
end else if (cnt[3:2]==2) begin
// single array element
if ($dimensions (array_lt[0]) != 2) $stop;
if ($bits (array_lt[0]) != WB*WC) $stop;
if ((dim>=2)&&(dim<=3)) begin
if ($left (array_lt[0], dim-1) != 0 ) $stop;
if ($right (array_lt[0], dim-1) != wdt-1) $stop;
if ($low (array_lt[0], dim-1) != 0 ) $stop;
if ($high (array_lt[0], dim-1) != wdt-1) $stop;
if ($increment (array_lt[0], dim-1) != -1 ) $stop;
if ($size (array_lt[0], dim-1) != wdt ) $stop;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
if (!$::Driver) { use FindBin; exec("$FindBin::Bin/bootstrap.pl", @ARGV, $0); die; }
# DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test driver/expect definition
# Copyright 2003 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you can
# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
# Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
# Version 2.0.
$Self->{vlt} and $Self->skip("Verilator unsupported, bug446");
compile (
execute (

View File

@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test module
// This file ONLY is placed into the Public Domain, for any use,
// without warranty, 2012 by Iztok Jeras.
module t (/*AUTOARG*/
// Inputs
input clk;
// parameters for array sizes
localparam WA = 8; // address dimension size
localparam WB = 8; // bit dimension size
localparam NO = 10; // number of access events
// 2D packed arrays
logic [WA-1:0] [WB-1:0] array_bg; // big endian array
/* verilator lint_off LITENDIAN */
logic [0:WA-1] [0:WB-1] array_lt; // little endian array
/* verilator lint_on LITENDIAN */
integer cnt = 0;
// event counter
always @ (posedge clk) begin
cnt <= cnt + 1;
// finish report
always @ (posedge clk)
if ((cnt[30:2]==NO) && (cnt[1:0]==2'd0)) begin
$write("*-* All Finished *-*\n");
// big endian
always @ (posedge clk)
if (cnt[1:0]==2'd0) begin
// initialize to defaaults (all bits to x)
if (cnt[30:2]==0) array_bg <= {WA *WB{1'bx} };
else if (cnt[30:2]==1) array_bg <= {WA{ {WB{1'bx}} }};
else if (cnt[30:2]==2) array_bg <= {WA{ {WB{1'bx}} }};
else if (cnt[30:2]==3) array_bg <= {WA{ {WB{1'bx}} }};
else if (cnt[30:2]==4) array_bg <= {WA{ {WB{1'bx}} }};
else if (cnt[30:2]==5) array_bg <= {WA{ {WB{1'bx}} }};
else if (cnt[30:2]==6) array_bg <= {WA{ {WB{1'bx}} }};
else if (cnt[30:2]==7) array_bg <= {WA{ {WB{1'bx}} }};
else if (cnt[30:2]==8) array_bg <= {WA{ {WB{1'bx}} }};
else if (cnt[30:2]==9) array_bg <= {WA{ {WB{1'bx}} }};
end else if (cnt[1:0]==2'd1) begin
// write value to array
if (cnt[30:2]==0) begin end
else if (cnt[30:2]==1) array_bg = {WA *WB +0{1'b1}};
else if (cnt[30:2]==2) array_bg [WA/2-1:0 ] = {WA/2*WB +0{1'b1}};
else if (cnt[30:2]==3) array_bg [WA -1:WA/2] = {WA/2*WB +0{1'b1}};
else if (cnt[30:2]==4) array_bg [ 0 ] = {1 *WB +0{1'b1}};
else if (cnt[30:2]==5) array_bg [WA -1 ] = {1 *WB +0{1'b1}};
else if (cnt[30:2]==6) array_bg [ 0 ][WB/2-1:0 ] = {1 *WB/2+0{1'b1}};
else if (cnt[30:2]==7) array_bg [WA -1 ][WB -1:WB/2] = {1 *WB/2+0{1'b1}};
else if (cnt[30:2]==8) array_bg [ 0 ][ 0 ] = {1 *1 +0{1'b1}};
else if (cnt[30:2]==9) array_bg [WA -1 ][WB -1 ] = {1 *1 +0{1'b1}};
end else if (cnt[1:0]==2'd2) begin
// check array value
if (cnt[30:2]==0) begin if (array_bg !== 64'bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) $stop(); end
else if (cnt[30:2]==1) begin if (array_bg !== 64'b1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111) $stop(); end
else if (cnt[30:2]==2) begin if (array_bg !== 64'bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx11111111111111111111111111111111) $stop(); end
else if (cnt[30:2]==3) begin if (array_bg !== 64'b11111111111111111111111111111111xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) $stop(); end
else if (cnt[30:2]==4) begin if (array_bg !== 64'bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx11111111) $stop(); end
else if (cnt[30:2]==5) begin if (array_bg !== 64'b11111111xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) $stop(); end
else if (cnt[30:2]==6) begin if (array_bg !== 64'bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1111) $stop(); end
else if (cnt[30:2]==7) begin if (array_bg !== 64'b1111xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) $stop(); end
else if (cnt[30:2]==8) begin if (array_bg !== 64'bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1) $stop(); end
else if (cnt[30:2]==9) begin if (array_bg !== 64'b1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) $stop(); end
end else if (cnt[1:0]==2'd3) begin
// read value from array (not a very good test for now)
if (cnt[30:2]==0) begin if (array_bg !== {WA *WB {1'bx}}) $stop(); end
else if (cnt[30:2]==1) begin if (array_bg !== {WA *WB +0{1'b1}}) $stop(); end
else if (cnt[30:2]==2) begin if (array_bg [WA/2-1:0 ] !== {WA/2*WB +0{1'b1}}) $stop(); end
else if (cnt[30:2]==3) begin if (array_bg [WA -1:WA/2] !== {WA/2*WB +0{1'b1}}) $stop(); end
else if (cnt[30:2]==4) begin if (array_bg [ 0 ] !== {1 *WB +0{1'b1}}) $stop(); end
else if (cnt[30:2]==5) begin if (array_bg [WA -1 ] !== {1 *WB +0{1'b1}}) $stop(); end
else if (cnt[30:2]==6) begin if (array_bg [ 0 ][WB/2-1:0 ] !== {1 *WB/2+0{1'b1}}) $stop(); end
else if (cnt[30:2]==7) begin if (array_bg [WA -1 ][WB -1:WB/2] !== {1 *WB/2+0{1'b1}}) $stop(); end
else if (cnt[30:2]==8) begin if (array_bg [ 0 ][ 0 ] !== {1 *1 +0{1'b1}}) $stop(); end
else if (cnt[30:2]==9) begin if (array_bg [WA -1 ][WB -1 ] !== {1 *1 +0{1'b1}}) $stop(); end
// little endian
always @ (posedge clk)
if (cnt[1:0]==2'd0) begin
// initialize to defaaults (all bits to x)
if (cnt[30:2]==0) array_lt <= {WA *WB{1'bx} };
else if (cnt[30:2]==1) array_lt <= {WA{ {WB{1'bx}} }};
else if (cnt[30:2]==2) array_lt <= {WA{ {WB{1'bx}} }};
else if (cnt[30:2]==3) array_lt <= {WA{ {WB{1'bx}} }};
else if (cnt[30:2]==4) array_lt <= {WA{ {WB{1'bx}} }};
else if (cnt[30:2]==5) array_lt <= {WA{ {WB{1'bx}} }};
else if (cnt[30:2]==6) array_lt <= {WA{ {WB{1'bx}} }};
else if (cnt[30:2]==7) array_lt <= {WA{ {WB{1'bx}} }};
else if (cnt[30:2]==8) array_lt <= {WA{ {WB{1'bx}} }};
else if (cnt[30:2]==9) array_lt <= {WA{ {WB{1'bx}} }};
end else if (cnt[1:0]==2'd1) begin
// write value to array
if (cnt[30:2]==0) begin end
else if (cnt[30:2]==1) array_lt = {WA *WB +0{1'b1}};
else if (cnt[30:2]==2) array_lt [0 :WA/2-1] = {WA/2*WB +0{1'b1}};
else if (cnt[30:2]==3) array_lt [WA/2:WA -1] = {WA/2*WB +0{1'b1}};
else if (cnt[30:2]==4) array_lt [0 ] = {1 *WB +0{1'b1}};
else if (cnt[30:2]==5) array_lt [ WA -1] = {1 *WB +0{1'b1}};
else if (cnt[30:2]==6) array_lt [0 ][0 :WB/2-1] = {1 *WB/2+0{1'b1}};
else if (cnt[30:2]==7) array_lt [ WA -1][WB/2:WB -1] = {1 *WB/2+0{1'b1}};
else if (cnt[30:2]==8) array_lt [0 ][0 ] = {1 *1 +0{1'b1}};
else if (cnt[30:2]==9) array_lt [ WA -1][ WB -1] = {1 *1 +0{1'b1}};
end else if (cnt[1:0]==2'd2) begin
// check array value
if (cnt[30:2]==0) begin if (array_lt !== 64'bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) $stop(); end
else if (cnt[30:2]==1) begin if (array_lt !== 64'b1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111) $stop(); end
else if (cnt[30:2]==2) begin if (array_lt !== 64'b11111111111111111111111111111111xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) $stop(); end
else if (cnt[30:2]==3) begin if (array_lt !== 64'bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx11111111111111111111111111111111) $stop(); end
else if (cnt[30:2]==4) begin if (array_lt !== 64'b11111111xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) $stop(); end
else if (cnt[30:2]==5) begin if (array_lt !== 64'bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx11111111) $stop(); end
else if (cnt[30:2]==6) begin if (array_lt !== 64'b1111xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) $stop(); end
else if (cnt[30:2]==7) begin if (array_lt !== 64'bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1111) $stop(); end
else if (cnt[30:2]==8) begin if (array_lt !== 64'b1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) $stop(); end
else if (cnt[30:2]==9) begin if (array_lt !== 64'bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1) $stop(); end
end else if (cnt[1:0]==2'd3) begin
// read value from array (not a very good test for now)
if (cnt[30:2]==0) begin if (array_lt !== {WA *WB {1'bx}}) $stop(); end
else if (cnt[30:2]==1) begin if (array_lt !== {WA *WB +0{1'b1}}) $stop(); end
else if (cnt[30:2]==2) begin if (array_lt [0 :WA/2-1] !== {WA/2*WB +0{1'b1}}) $stop(); end
else if (cnt[30:2]==3) begin if (array_lt [WA/2:WA -1] !== {WA/2*WB +0{1'b1}}) $stop(); end
else if (cnt[30:2]==4) begin if (array_lt [0 ] !== {1 *WB +0{1'b1}}) $stop(); end
else if (cnt[30:2]==5) begin if (array_lt [ WA -1] !== {1 *WB +0{1'b1}}) $stop(); end
else if (cnt[30:2]==6) begin if (array_lt [0 ][0 :WB/2-1] !== {1 *WB/2+0{1'b1}}) $stop(); end
else if (cnt[30:2]==7) begin if (array_lt [ WA -1][WB/2:WB -1] !== {1 *WB/2+0{1'b1}}) $stop(); end
else if (cnt[30:2]==8) begin if (array_lt [0 ][0 ] !== {1 *1 +0{1'b1}}) $stop(); end
else if (cnt[30:2]==9) begin if (array_lt [ WA -1][ WB -1] !== {1 *1 +0{1'b1}}) $stop(); end

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
if (!$::Driver) { use FindBin; exec("$FindBin::Bin/bootstrap.pl", @ARGV, $0); die; }
# DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test driver/expect definition
# Copyright 2003 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you can
# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
# Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
# Version 2.0.
compile (
execute (

View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test module
// This file ONLY is placed into the Public Domain, for any use,
// without warranty, 2012 by Iztok Jeras.
module t (/*AUTOARG*/
// Inputs
input clk;
parameter SIZE = 8;
integer cnt = 0;
logic [SIZE-1:0] vld_for;
logic vld_if = 1'b0;
logic vld_else = 1'b0;
genvar i;
// event counter
always @ (posedge clk) begin
cnt <= cnt + 1;
// finish report
always @ (posedge clk)
if (cnt==SIZE) begin : if_cnt_finish
$write("*-* All Finished *-*\n");
end : if_cnt_finish
for (i=0; i<SIZE; i=i+1) begin : generate_for
always @ (posedge clk)
if (cnt == i) vld_for[i] <= 1'b1;
end : generate_for
if (SIZE>0) begin : generate_if_if
always @ (posedge clk)
vld_if <= 1'b1;
end : generate_if_if
else begin : generate_if_else
always @ (posedge clk)
vld_else <= 1'b1;
end : generate_if_else
endmodule : t

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
if (!$::Driver) { use FindBin; exec("$FindBin::Bin/bootstrap.pl", @ARGV, $0); die; }
# DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test driver/expect definition
# Copyright 2003 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you can
# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
# Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
# Version 2.0.
compile (
execute (

View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test module
// This file ONLY is placed into the Public Domain, for any use,
// without warranty, 2012 by Iztok Jeras.
module t (/*AUTOARG*/
// Inputs
input clk;
parameter SIZE = 8;
integer cnt = 0;
logic [SIZE-1:0] vld_for;
logic vld_if = 1'b0;
logic vld_else = 1'b0;
genvar i;
// event counter
always @ (posedge clk) begin
cnt <= cnt + 1;
// finish report
always @ (posedge clk)
if (cnt==SIZE) begin : if_cnt_finish
$write("*-* All Finished *-*\n");
end : if_cnt_finish_bad
for (i=0; i<SIZE; i=i+1) begin : generate_for
always @ (posedge clk)
if (cnt == i) vld_for[i] <= 1'b1;
end : generate_for_bad
if (SIZE>0) begin : generate_if_if
always @ (posedge clk)
vld_if <= 1'b1;
end : generate_if_if_bad
else begin : generate_if_else
always @ (posedge clk)
vld_else <= 1'b1;
end : generate_if_else_bad
endmodule : t_bad