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// -*- mode: C++; c-file-style: "cc-mode" -*-
// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Emit CMake file list
2019-11-08 03:33:59 +00:00
// Code available from:
2021-01-01 15:29:54 +00:00
// Copyright 2004-2021 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you
// can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
// Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
// Version 2.0.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only OR Artistic-2.0
#include "config_build.h"
#include "verilatedos.h"
#include "V3Global.h"
#include "V3Os.h"
#include "V3EmitCMake.h"
#include "V3EmitCBase.h"
#include "V3HierBlock.h"
#include <memory>
// Emit statements
class CMakeEmitter final {
VL_DEBUG_FUNC; // Declare debug()
// Concatenate all strings in 'strs' with ' ' between them.
template <typename List> static string cmake_list(const List& strs) {
string s;
if (strs.begin() != strs.end()) {
s.append(VString::quoteAny(*strs.begin(), '"', '\\'));
for (typename List::const_iterator it = ++strs.begin(); it != strs.end(); ++it) {
s.append(" \"");
s.append(VString::quoteAny(*it, '"', '\\'));
return s;
// Print CMake variable set command: output raw_value unmodified
// cache_type should be empty for a normal variable
// "BOOL", "FILEPATH", "PATH", "STRING" or "INTERNAL" for a CACHE variable
// See
static void cmake_set_raw(std::ofstream& of, const string& name, const string& raw_value,
const string& cache_type = "", const string& docstring = "") {
of << "set(" << name << " " << raw_value;
if (!cache_type.empty()) of << " CACHE " << cache_type << " \"" << docstring << "\"";
of << ")\n";
static void cmake_set(std::ofstream& of, const string& name, const string& value,
const string& cache_type = "", const string& docstring = "") {
string raw_value = "\"" + value + "\"";
cmake_set_raw(of, name, raw_value, cache_type, docstring);
// Swap all backslashes for forward slashes, because of Windows
static string deslash(const string& s) {
std::string res = s;
for (char& c : res) {
if (c == '\\') c = '/';
return res;
static void emitOverallCMake() {
const std::unique_ptr<std::ofstream> of(
V3File::new_ofstream(v3Global.opt.makeDir() + "/" + v3Global.opt.prefix() + ".cmake"));
string name = v3Global.opt.prefix();
*of << "# Verilated -*- CMake -*-\n";
*of << "# DESCR"
"IPTION: Verilator output: CMake include script with class lists\n";
*of << "#\n";
*of << "# This CMake script lists generated Verilated files, for "
"including in higher level CMake scripts.\n";
*of << "# This file is meant to be consumed by the verilate() function,\n";
*of << "# which becomes available after executing `find_package(verilator).\n";
*of << "\n### Constants...\n";
cmake_set(*of, "PERL", deslash(V3Options::getenvPERL()), "FILEPATH",
"Perl executable (from $PERL)");
cmake_set(*of, "VERILATOR_ROOT", deslash(V3Options::getenvVERILATOR_ROOT()), "PATH",
"Path to Verilator kit (from $VERILATOR_ROOT)");
*of << "\n### Compiler flags...\n";
*of << "# User CFLAGS (from -CFLAGS on Verilator command line)\n";
cmake_set_raw(*of, name + "_USER_CFLAGS", cmake_list(v3Global.opt.cFlags()));
*of << "# User LDLIBS (from -LDFLAGS on Verilator command line)\n";
cmake_set_raw(*of, name + "_USER_LDLIBS", cmake_list(v3Global.opt.ldLibs()));
*of << "\n### Switches...\n";
*of << "# SystemC output mode? 0/1 (from --sc)\n";
cmake_set_raw(*of, name + "_SC", v3Global.opt.systemC() ? "1" : "0");
*of << "# Coverage output mode? 0/1 (from --coverage)\n";
cmake_set_raw(*of, name + "_COVERAGE", v3Global.opt.coverage() ? "1" : "0");
*of << "# Threaded output mode? 0/1/N threads (from --threads)\n";
cmake_set_raw(*of, name + "_THREADS", cvtToStr(v3Global.opt.threads()));
2021-05-08 12:18:08 +00:00
*of << "# Threaded tracing output mode? 0/1/N threads (from --trace-threads)\n";
cmake_set_raw(*of, name + "_TRACE_THREADS", cvtToStr(v3Global.opt.traceThreads()));
*of << "# Struct output mode? 0/1 (from --trace-structs)\n";
cmake_set_raw(*of, name + "_TRACE_STRUCTS", cvtToStr(v3Global.opt.traceStructs()));
*of << "# VCD Tracing output mode? 0/1 (from --trace)\n";
cmake_set_raw(*of, name + "_TRACE_VCD",
(v3Global.opt.trace() && (v3Global.opt.traceFormat() == TraceFormat::VCD))
? "1"
: "0");
*of << "# FST Tracing output mode? 0/1 (from --fst-trace)\n";
cmake_set_raw(*of, name + "_TRACE_FST",
(v3Global.opt.trace() && (v3Global.opt.traceFormat() != TraceFormat::VCD))
? "1"
: "0");
*of << "\n### Sources...\n";
std::vector<string> classes_fast;
std::vector<string> classes_slow;
std::vector<string> support_fast;
std::vector<string> support_slow;
std::vector<string> global;
for (AstNodeFile* nodep = v3Global.rootp()->filesp(); nodep;
nodep = VN_CAST(nodep->nextp(), NodeFile)) {
AstCFile* cfilep = VN_CAST(nodep, CFile);
if (cfilep && cfilep->source()) {
if (cfilep->support()) {
if (cfilep->slow()) {
} else {
} else {
if (cfilep->slow()) {
} else {
if (v3Global.dpi()) { //
if (v3Global.opt.vpi()) {
if (v3Global.opt.savable()) {
if (v3Global.opt.coverage()) {
if (v3Global.opt.trace()) {
global.emplace_back("${VERILATOR_ROOT}/include/" + v3Global.opt.traceSourceBase()
+ "_c.cpp");
if (v3Global.opt.systemC()) {
global.emplace_back("${VERILATOR_ROOT}/include/" + v3Global.opt.traceSourceLang()
+ ".cpp");
if (v3Global.opt.mtasks()) {
if (!v3Global.opt.protectLib().empty()) {
global.emplace_back(v3Global.opt.makeDir() + "/" + v3Global.opt.protectLib() + ".cpp");
*of << "# Global classes, need linked once per executable\n";
cmake_set_raw(*of, name + "_GLOBAL", deslash(cmake_list(global)));
*of << "# Generated module classes, non-fast-path, compile with low/medium optimization\n";
cmake_set_raw(*of, name + "_CLASSES_SLOW", deslash(cmake_list(classes_slow)));
*of << "# Generated module classes, fast-path, compile with highest optimization\n";
cmake_set_raw(*of, name + "_CLASSES_FAST", deslash(cmake_list(classes_fast)));
*of << "# Generated support classes, non-fast-path, compile with "
"low/medium optimization\n";
cmake_set_raw(*of, name + "_SUPPORT_SLOW", deslash(cmake_list(support_slow)));
*of << "# Generated support classes, fast-path, compile with highest optimization\n";
cmake_set_raw(*of, name + "_SUPPORT_FAST", deslash(cmake_list(support_fast)));
*of << "# All dependencies\n";
cmake_set_raw(*of, name + "_DEPS", deslash(cmake_list(V3File::getAllDeps())));
*of << "# User .cpp files (from .cpp's on Verilator command line)\n";
cmake_set_raw(*of, name + "_USER_CLASSES", deslash(cmake_list(v3Global.opt.cppFiles())));
if (const V3HierBlockPlan* planp = v3Global.hierPlanp()) {
*of << "# Verilate hierarchical blocks\n";
// Sorted hierarchical blocks in order of leaf-first.
const V3HierBlockPlan::HierVector& hierBlocks = planp->hierBlocksSorted();
*of << "get_target_property(TOP_TARGET_NAME \"${TARGET}\" NAME)\n";
for (V3HierBlockPlan::HierVector::const_iterator it = hierBlocks.begin();
it != hierBlocks.end(); ++it) {
const V3HierBlock* hblockp = *it;
const V3HierBlock::HierBlockSet& children = hblockp->children();
const string prefix = hblockp->hierPrefix();
*of << "add_library(" << prefix << " STATIC)\n";
*of << "target_link_libraries(${TOP_TARGET_NAME} PRIVATE " << prefix << ")\n";
if (!children.empty()) {
*of << "target_link_libraries(" << prefix << " INTERFACE";
for (V3HierBlock::HierBlockSet::const_iterator child = children.begin();
child != children.end(); ++child) {
*of << " " << (*child)->hierPrefix();
*of << ")\n";
*of << "verilate(" << prefix << " PREFIX " << prefix << " TOP_MODULE "
<< hblockp->modp()->name() << " DIRECTORY "
<< deslash(v3Global.opt.makeDir() + "/" + prefix) << " SOURCES ";
for (V3HierBlock::HierBlockSet::const_iterator child = children.begin();
child != children.end(); ++child) {
*of << " "
<< deslash(v3Global.opt.makeDir() + "/" + (*child)->hierWrapper(true));
*of << " ";
const string vFile = hblockp->vFileIfNecessary();
if (!vFile.empty()) *of << vFile << " ";
const V3StringList& vFiles = v3Global.opt.vFiles();
for (const string& i : vFiles) *of << V3Os::filenameRealPath(i) << " ";
*of << " VERILATOR_ARGS ";
*of << "-f " << deslash(hblockp->commandArgsFileName(true))
<< " -CFLAGS -fPIC" // hierarchical block will be static, but may be linked
// with .so
<< ")\n";
*of << "\n# Verilate the top module that refers protect-lib wrappers of above\n";
*of << "verilate(${TOP_TARGET_NAME} PREFIX " << v3Global.opt.prefix() << " TOP_MODULE "
<< v3Global.rootp()->topModulep()->name() << " DIRECTORY "
<< deslash(v3Global.opt.makeDir()) << " SOURCES ";
for (const auto& itr : *planp) {
*of << " "
<< deslash(v3Global.opt.makeDir() + "/" + itr.second->hierWrapper(true));
*of << " " << deslash(cmake_list(v3Global.opt.vFiles()));
*of << " VERILATOR_ARGS ";
*of << "-f " << deslash(planp->topCommandArgsFileName(true));
*of << ")\n";
explicit CMakeEmitter() { emitOverallCMake(); }
virtual ~CMakeEmitter() = default;
void V3EmitCMake::emit() {
UINFO(2, __FUNCTION__ << ": " << endl);
CMakeEmitter emitter;