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// -*- C++ -*-
// Copyright 2003-2008 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you can
// redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
// Lesser General Public License or the Perl Artistic License.
// Verilator is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
/// \file
/// \brief Verilator: Common include for OS portability (verilated & verilator)
/// This header is used by both the Verilator source code (run on the
/// build and host system), and the Verilated output (run on the target
/// system). Code needed by only the host system goes into
/// config_build.h.in, code needed by Verilated code only goes into
/// verilated.h, and code needed by both goes here (verilatedos.h).
/// Code available from: http://www.veripool.org/verilator
#define _VERILATEDOS_H_ 1 ///< Header Guard
// Compiler pragma abstraction
#ifdef __GNUC__
# define VL_ATTR_PRINTF(fmtArgNum) __attribute__ ((format (printf, fmtArgNum, fmtArgNum+1)))
# define VL_ATTR_ALIGNED(alignment) __attribute__ ((aligned (alignment)))
# define VL_ATTR_NORETURN __attribute__ ((noreturn))
# define VL_ATTR_UNUSED __attribute__ ((unused))
# define VL_LIKELY(x) __builtin_expect(!!(x), 1)
# define VL_UNLIKELY(x) __builtin_expect(!!(x), 0)
# define VL_PREFETCH_RD(p) __builtin_prefetch((p),0)
# define VL_PREFETCH_RW(p) __builtin_prefetch((p),1)
# define VL_ATTR_PRINTF(fmtArgNum) ///< Function with printf format checking
# define VL_ATTR_ALIGNED(alignment) ///< Align structure to specified byte alignment
# define VL_ATTR_NORETURN ///< Function does not ever return
# define VL_ATTR_UNUSED ///< Function that may be never used
# define VL_LIKELY(x) (!!(x)) ///< Boolean expression more often true than false
# define VL_UNLIKELY(x) (!!(x)) ///< Boolean expression more often false than true
# define VL_PREFETCH_RD(p) ///< Prefetch data with read intent
# define VL_PREFETCH_RW(p) ///< Prefetch data with read/write intent
# ifdef __GNUC__
# define VL_THREAD __thread ///< Storage class for thread-local storage
# else
# error "Unsupported compiler for VL_THREADED: No thread-local declarator"
# endif
# define VL_THREAD ///< Storage class for thread-local storage
#ifdef _MSC_VER
# define VL_ULL(c) (c##ui64) ///< Add appropriate suffix to 64-bit constant
# define VL_ULL(c) (c##ULL) ///< Add appropriate suffix to 64-bit constant
// This is not necessarily the same as #UL, depending on what the IData typedef is.
#define VL_UL(c) ((IData)(c##UL)) ///< Add appropriate suffix to 32-bit constant
// Basic integer types
#elif defined(__CYGWIN__)
# include <stdint.h>
typedef unsigned char uint8_t; ///< 8-bit unsigned type (backward compatibility)
typedef unsigned short int uint16_t; ///< 16-bit unsigned type (backward compatibility)
typedef unsigned long uint32_t; ///< 32-bit unsigned type (backward compatibility)
typedef unsigned char vluint8_t; ///< 8-bit unsigned type
typedef unsigned short int vluint16_t; ///< 16-bit unsigned type
typedef long vlsint32_t; ///< 32-bit signed type
typedef unsigned long vluint32_t; ///< 32-bit unsigned type
typedef long long vlsint64_t; ///< 64-bit signed type
typedef unsigned long long vluint64_t; ///< 64-bit unsigned type
#elif defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__MINGW32__)
typedef unsigned char uint8_t; ///< 8-bit unsigned type (backward compatibility)
typedef unsigned short int uint16_t; ///< 16-bit unsigned type (backward compatibility)
typedef unsigned long uint32_t; ///< 32-bit unsigned type (backward compatibility)
typedef unsigned char vluint8_t; ///< 8-bit unsigned type
typedef unsigned short int vluint16_t; ///< 16-bit unsigned type
typedef int vlsint32_t; ///< 32-bit signed type
typedef unsigned int vluint32_t; ///< 32-bit unsigned type
typedef __int64 vlsint64_t; ///< 64-bit signed type
typedef unsigned __int64 vluint64_t; ///< 64-bit unsigned type
#else // Linux or compliant Unix flavors, -m64
# include <stdint.h> // Linux and most flavors
# include <inttypes.h> // Solaris
typedef uint8_t vluint8_t; ///< 32-bit unsigned type
typedef uint16_t vluint16_t; ///< 32-bit unsigned type
typedef int vlsint32_t; ///< 32-bit signed type
typedef uint32_t vluint32_t; ///< 32-bit signed type
typedef long long vlsint64_t; ///< 64-bit signed type
typedef unsigned long long vluint64_t; ///< 64-bit unsigned type
// Integer size macros
#define VL_BYTESIZE 8 ///< Bits in a byte
#define VL_SHORTSIZE 16 ///< Bits in a short
#define VL_WORDSIZE 32 ///< Bits in a word
#define VL_QUADSIZE 64 ///< Bits in a quadword
#define VL_WORDSIZE_LOG2 5 ///< log2(VL_WORDSIZE)
/// Bytes this number of bits needs (1 bit=1 byte)
#define VL_BYTES_I(nbits) (((nbits)+(VL_BYTESIZE-1))/VL_BYTESIZE)
/// Words this number of bits needs (1 bit=1 word)
#define VL_WORDS_I(nbits) (((nbits)+(VL_WORDSIZE-1))/VL_WORDSIZE)
// Verilated function size macros
#define VL_MULS_MAX_WORDS 16 ///< Max size in words of MULS operation
#define VL_TO_STRING_MAX_WORDS 64 ///< Max size in words of String conversion operation
// Base macros
#define VL_SIZEBITS_I (VL_WORDSIZE-1) ///< Bit mask for bits in a word
#define VL_SIZEBITS_Q (VL_QUADSIZE-1) ///< Bit mask for bits in a quad
/// Mask for words with 1's where relevant bits are (0=all bits)
#define VL_MASK_I(nbits) (((nbits) & VL_SIZEBITS_I) \
? ((1U << ((nbits) & VL_SIZEBITS_I) )-1) : ~0)
/// Mask for quads with 1's where relevant bits are (0=all bits)
#define VL_MASK_Q(nbits) (((nbits) & VL_SIZEBITS_Q) \
? ((VL_ULL(1) << ((nbits) & VL_SIZEBITS_Q) )-VL_ULL(1)) : VL_ULL(~0))
#define VL_BITWORD_I(bit) ((bit)/VL_WORDSIZE) ///< Word number for a wide quantity
#define VL_BITBIT_I(bit) ((bit)&VL_SIZEBITS_I) ///< Bit number for a bit in a long
#define VL_BITBIT_Q(bit) ((bit)&VL_SIZEBITS_Q) ///< Bit number for a bit in a quad
#endif /*guard*/