2021-04-13 09:25:11 -04:00

577 lines
19 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env perl
# See copyright, etc in below POD section.
use warnings;
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use IO::File;
use Pod::Usage;
use vars qw($Debug);
$Debug = 0;
my $Opt_File;
my $Opt_Time_Per_Char = 0; # rdtsc ticks per char in gantt chart, 0=auto
my $opt_vcd = "profile_threads.vcd";
our %Threads;
our %Mtasks;
our %Global;
autoflush STDOUT 1;
autoflush STDERR 1;
if (! GetOptions(
"help" => \&usage,
"scale=i" => \$Opt_Time_Per_Char,
"debug" => sub { $Debug = 1; },
"vcd=s" => \$opt_vcd,
"no-vcd!" => sub { $opt_vcd = undef; },
"<>" => \&parameter,
)) {
die "%Error: Bad usage, try 'verilator_gantt --help'\n";
$Opt_File = "profile_threads.dat" if !defined $Opt_File;
write_vcd($opt_vcd) if defined $opt_vcd;
sub usage {
pod2usage(-verbose=>2, -exitval=>0, -output=>\*STDOUT);
exit(1); # Unreachable
sub parameter {
my $param = shift;
if (!defined $Opt_File) {
$Opt_File = $param;
} else {
die "%Error: Unknown parameter: $param\n";
sub process {
my $filename = shift;
sub read_data {
my $filename = shift;
%Global = (rdtsc_cycle_time => 0);
my $fh = IO::File->new("<$filename") or die "%Error: $! $filename,";
while (my $line = $fh->getline) {
if ($line =~ m/VLPROF mtask\s(\d+)\sstart\s(\d+)\send\s(\d+)\selapsed\s(\d+)\spredict_time\s(\d+)\scpu\s(\d+)\son thread (\d+)/) {
my $mtask = $1;
my $start = $2;
my $end = $3;
my $elapsed_time = $4;
my $predict_time = $5;
my $cpu = $6;
my $thread = $7;
$Threads{$thread}{$start}{mtask} = $mtask;
$Threads{$thread}{$start}{end} = $end;
$Threads{$thread}{$start}{cpu} = $cpu;
if (!exists $Mtasks{$mtask}{elapsed}) {
$Mtasks{$mtask}{elapsed} = 0;
$Mtasks{$mtask}{elapsed} += $elapsed_time;
$Mtasks{$mtask}{predict} = $predict_time;
$Mtasks{$mtask}{end} = max($Mtasks{$mtask}{end}, $end);
elsif ($line =~ /^VLPROFTHREAD/) {}
elsif ($line =~ m/VLPROF arg\s+(\S+)\+([0-9.])\s*$/
|| $line =~ m/VLPROF arg\s+(\S+)\s+([0-9.])\s*$/) {
$Global{args}{$1} = $2;
elsif ($line =~ m/VLPROF stat\s+(\S+)\s+([0-9.]+)/) {
$Global{stats}{$1} = $2;
elsif ($line =~ /^#/) {}
elsif ($Debug) {
chomp $line;
print "Unk: $line\n";
# TODO -- this is parsing text printed by a client.
# Really, verilator proper should generate this
# if it's useful...
if ($line =~ m/rdtsc time = (\d+) ticks/) {
$Global{rdtsc_cycle_time} = $1;
sub read_cpuinfo {
my $filename = "/proc/cpuinfo";
my $fh = IO::File->new("<$filename") or return;
my $cpu;
while (my $line = $fh->getline) {
chomp $line;
if ($line =~ m/^processor\s*:\s*(\d+)\s*$/) {
$cpu = $1;
if ($cpu && $line =~ m/^([a-z_ ]+)\s*:\s*(.*)$/) {
my ($term, $value) = ($1, $2);
$term =~ s/\s+$//;
$term =~ s/\s+/_/;
$value =~ s/\s+$//;
$Global{cpuinfo}{$cpu}{$term} = $value;
sub report {
print "Verilator Gantt report\n";
print "\nArgument settings:\n";
foreach my $arg (sort keys %{$Global{args}}) {
my $plus = ($arg =~ /^\+/) ? "+" : " ";
printf " %s%s%d\n", $arg, $plus, $Global{args}{$arg};
my $nthreads = scalar keys %Threads;
$Global{cpus} = {};
foreach my $thread (keys %Threads) {
# Make potentially multiple characters per column
foreach my $start (keys %{$Threads{$thread}}) {
my $cpu = $Threads{$thread}{$start}{cpu};
my $elapsed = $Threads{$thread}{$start}{end} - $start;
$Global{cpus}{$cpu}{cpu_time} += $elapsed;
my $mt_mtask_time = 0;
my $long_mtask_time = 0;
my $last_end = 0;
foreach my $mtask (keys %Mtasks) {
$mt_mtask_time += $Mtasks{$mtask}{elapsed};
$last_end = max($last_end, $Mtasks{$mtask}{end});
$long_mtask_time = max($long_mtask_time, $Mtasks{$mtask}{elapsed});
$Global{last_end} = $last_end;
# If we know cycle time in the same (rdtsc) units,
# this will give us an actual utilization number,
# (how effectively we keep the cores busy.)
# It also gives us a number we can compare against
# serial mode, to estimate the overhead of data sharing,
# which will show up in the total elapsed time. (Overhead
# of synchronization and scheduling should not.)
print "\nAnalysis:\n";
printf " Total threads = %d\n", $nthreads;
printf " Total mtasks = %d\n", scalar(keys %Mtasks);
my $ncpus = scalar(keys %{$Global{cpus}});
printf " Total cpus used = %d\n", $ncpus;
printf " Total yields = %d\n", $Global{stats}{yields};
printf " Total eval time = %d rdtsc ticks\n", $Global{last_end};
printf " Longest mtask time = %d rdtsc ticks\n", $long_mtask_time;
printf " All-thread mtask time = %d rdtsc ticks\n", $mt_mtask_time;
my $long_efficiency = $long_mtask_time/($Global{last_end} || 1);
printf " Longest-thread efficiency = %0.1f%%\n", $long_efficiency*100;
my $mt_efficiency = $mt_mtask_time/($Global{last_end}*$nthreads || 1);
printf " All-thread efficiency = %0.1f%%\n", $mt_efficiency*100;
printf " All-thread speedup = %0.1f\n", $mt_efficiency*$nthreads;
if ($Global{rdtsc_cycle_time} > 0) {
my $ut = $mt_mtask_time / $Global{rdtsc_cycle_time};
print "tot_mtask_cpu=$mt_mtask_time cyc=$Global{rdtsc_cycle_time} ut=$ut\n";
my @p2e_ratios;
my $min_p2e = 1000000;
my $min_mtask;
my $max_p2e = -1000000;
my $max_mtask;
foreach my $mtask (sort keys %Mtasks) {
if ($Mtasks{$mtask}{elapsed} > 0) {
if ($Mtasks{$mtask}{predict} == 0) {
$Mtasks{$mtask}{predict} = 1; # don't log(0) below
my $p2e_ratio = log( $Mtasks{$mtask}{predict} / $Mtasks{$mtask}{elapsed} );
#print "log(p2e $mtask) = $p2e_ratio (predict $Mtasks{$mtask}{predict}, elapsed $Mtasks{$mtask}{elapsed})\n";
push @p2e_ratios, $p2e_ratio;
if ($p2e_ratio > $max_p2e) {
$max_p2e = $p2e_ratio;
$max_mtask = $mtask;
if ($p2e_ratio < $min_p2e) {
$min_p2e = $p2e_ratio;
$min_mtask = $mtask;
print "\nStatistics:\n";
printf " min log(p2e) = %0.3f", $min_p2e;
print " from mtask $min_mtask (predict $Mtasks{$min_mtask}{predict},";
print " elapsed $Mtasks{$min_mtask}{elapsed})\n";
printf " max log(p2e) = %0.3f", $max_p2e;
print " from mtask $max_mtask (predict $Mtasks{$max_mtask}{predict},";
print " elapsed $Mtasks{$max_mtask}{elapsed})\n";
my $stddev = stddev(\@p2e_ratios);
my $mean = mean(\@p2e_ratios);
printf " mean = %0.3f\n", $mean;
printf " stddev = %0.3f\n", $stddev;
printf " e ^ stddev = %0.3f\n", exp($stddev);
if ($nthreads > $ncpus) {
print "\n";
print "%Warning: There were fewer CPUs ($ncpus) then threads ($nthreads).\n";
print " : See docs on use of numactl.\n";
} else {
if ($Global{cpu_socket_cores_warning}) {
print "\n";
print "%Warning: Multiple threads scheduled on same hyperthreaded core.\n";
print " : See docs on use of numactl.\n";
if ($Global{cpu_sockets_warning}) {
print "\n";
print "%Warning: Threads scheduled on multiple sockets.\n";
print " : See docs on use of numactl.\n";
print "\n";
sub report_cpus {
print "\nCPUs:\n";
# Test - show all cores
# for (my $i=0; $i<73; ++$i) { $Global{cpus}{$i} ||= {cpu_time => 0}; }
$Global{cpu_sockets} ||= {};
$Global{cpu_socket_cores} ||= {};
foreach my $cpu (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$Global{cpus}}) {
printf " cpu %d: ", $cpu;
printf "cpu_time=%d", $Global{cpus}{$cpu}{cpu_time};
my $socket = $Global{cpuinfo}{$cpu}{physical_id};
$Global{cpu_sockets}{$socket}++ if defined $socket;
printf " socket=%d", $socket if defined $socket;
my $core = $Global{cpuinfo}{$cpu}{core_id};
$Global{cpu_socket_cores}{$socket."__".$core}++ if defined $socket && defined $core;
printf " core=%d", $core if defined $core;
my $model = $Global{cpuinfo}{$cpu}{model_name};
printf " %s", $model if defined $model;
print "\n";
$Global{cpu_sockets_warning} = 1
if (scalar keys %{$Global{cpu_sockets}} > 1);
foreach my $scn (values %{$Global{cpu_socket_cores}}) {
$Global{cpu_socket_cores_warning} = 1 if $scn > 1;
sub report_graph {
my $time_per = $Opt_Time_Per_Char;
if ($time_per == 0) {
$time_per = ($Global{last_end} / 40); # Start with 40 columns
while ($time_per > 10) {
my ($graph, $conflicts) = _make_graph($time_per);
last if !$conflicts;
$time_per = int($time_per/2);
# One more step so we can fit more labels
$time_per = int($time_per/2);
$time_per ||= 1;
my ($graph, $conflicts) = _make_graph($time_per);
print "\nThread gantt graph:\n";
print " Legend: One character width = $time_per rdtsc ticks\n";
print " Legend: '&' = multiple mtasks in this period (character width)\n";
my $scale = " <-".$Global{last_end}." rdtsc total";
for (my $col = length($scale); # -2 for '->' below
$col < ($Global{last_end}/$time_per); ++$col) {
$scale .= "-";
print " $scale->\n";
foreach my $thread (sort keys %{$graph}) {
print " t: ";
_print_graph_line($graph->{$thread}, '');
sub _make_graph {
my $time_per = shift;
my $graph = {}; # {thread}{column}{char=>'x' or chars=>#}
my $conflicts = 0;
foreach my $thread (keys %Threads) {
# Make potentially multiple characters per column
foreach my $start (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$Threads{$thread}}) {
my $end = $Threads{$thread}{$start}{end};
my $mtask = $Threads{$thread}{$start}{mtask};
my $cpu = $Threads{$thread}{$start}{cpu};
my $startcol = _time_col($time_per, $start);
my $endcol = _time_col($time_per, $end);
my $label = "[";
$label .= "$cpu"; # Maybe make optional in future
my $width = $endcol - $startcol + 1;
while (length($label) < ($width-1)) { # -1 for ']'
$label .= "-";
$label .= "]";
$graph->{$thread}[$startcol]{char} .= $label;
if ($Debug) {
print "# Multicol: "; _print_graph_line($graph->{$thread}, '|');
# Expand line to one char per column
for (my $col = 0; $col <= $#{$graph->{$thread}}; ++$col) {
if (my $chars = $graph->{$thread}[$col]{char}) {
my $ok = 1;
for (my $coladd = 1; $coladd<length($chars); ++$coladd) {
if ($graph->{$thread}[$col + $coladd]{char}) {
$ok = 0; last;
if (!$ok) {
if ($chars =~ /\[.*\[/) { # Two begins or more
$graph->{$thread}[$col]{char} = "&";
} else {
$graph->{$thread}[$col]{char} = "[";
for (my $coladd = 1; $coladd<length($chars); ++$coladd) {
if ($graph->{$thread}[$col + $coladd]{char}) {
} else {
$graph->{$thread}[$col + $coladd]{char} = 'x';
} else {
my $coladd = 0;
foreach my $char (split //, $chars) {
$graph->{$thread}[$col+$coladd]{char} = $char;
if ($Debug) {
print "# Singlcol: "; _print_graph_line($graph->{$thread}, '|');
print "# Conflicts $conflicts\n" if $Debug;
return ($graph, $conflicts);
sub _print_graph_line {
my $graph_thread = shift;
my $sep = shift;
for (my $col = 0; $col <= $#{$graph_thread}; ++$col) {
my $c = $graph_thread->[$col]{char}; $c=' ' if !defined $c;
print $c, $sep;
print "\n";
sub _time_col {
my $time_per = shift;
my $time = shift;
return int($time/$time_per);
sub write_vcd {
my $filename = shift;
print "Writing $filename\n";
my $fh = IO::File->new(">$filename") or die "%Error: $! $filename,";
my $vcd = {values => {}, # {<time>}{<code>} = value
sigs => {}, # {<module>}{<sig}} = code
code => 0,
my %parallelism;
foreach my $thread (keys %Threads) {
my $mcode = ($vcd->{sigs}{threads}{"thread${thread}_mtask"} ||= $vcd->{code}++);
foreach my $start (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$Threads{$thread}}) {
my $end = $Threads{$thread}{$start}{end};
my $mtask = $Threads{$thread}{$start}{mtask};
my $cpu = $Threads{$thread}{$start}{cpu};
$vcd->{values}{$start}{$mcode} = $mtask;
$vcd->{values}{$end}{$mcode} = undef;
my $ccode = $vcd->{sigs}{cpus}{"cpu${cpu}_thread"} ||= $vcd->{code}++;
$vcd->{values}{$start}{$ccode} = $thread;
$vcd->{values}{$end}{$ccode} = undef;
my $mcode = $vcd->{sigs}{mtasks}{"mtask${mtask}_cpu"} ||= $vcd->{code}++;
$vcd->{values}{$start}{$mcode} = $cpu;
$vcd->{values}{$end}{$mcode} = undef;
my $pcode = ($vcd->{sigs}{Stats}{"parallelism"} ||= $vcd->{code}++);
my $value = 0;
foreach my $time (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %parallelism) {
$value += $parallelism{$time};
$vcd->{values}{$time}{$pcode} = $value;
$fh->print('$version Generated by verilator_gantt $end'."\n");
$fh->print('$timescale 1ns $end'."\n");
my %all_codes;
$fh->print(' $scope module gantt $end'."\n");
foreach my $module (sort keys %{$vcd->{sigs}}) {
$fh->printf(' $scope module %s $end'."\n", $module);
foreach my $sig (sort keys %{$vcd->{sigs}{$module}}) {
my $code = $vcd->{sigs}{$module}{$sig};
$fh->printf(' $var wire 32 v%x %s [31:0] $end'."\n",
$code, $sig);
$all_codes{$code} = 1;
$fh->print(' $upscope $end'."\n");
$fh->print(' $upscope $end'."\n");
$fh->print('$enddefinitions $end'."\n");
my $first = 1;
foreach my $time (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$vcd->{values}}) {
if ($first) {
$first = 0;
# Start with Z for any signals without time zero data
foreach my $code (keys %all_codes) {
if (!defined $vcd->{values}{$time}{$code}) {
$vcd->{values}{$time}{$code} = undef;
$fh->printf("#%d\n", $time);
foreach my $code (sort keys %{$vcd->{values}{$time}}) {
my $value = $vcd->{values}{$time}{$code};
if (defined $value) {
$fh->printf("b%b v%x\n", $value, $code);
} else {
$fh->printf("bz v%x\n", $code);
# Similar to Statistics::Basic functions, but avoid a package dependency
sub max {
my $n = $_[0]; shift;
while (defined $_[0]) {
$n = $_[0] if !defined $n || $_[0] > $n;
return $n;
sub mean {
my $arrayref = shift;
my $n = 0;
my $sum = 0;
foreach my $v (@$arrayref) {
$sum += $v;
return undef if !$n;
return $sum/$n;
sub stddev {
my $arrayref = shift;
my $n = 0;
my $sum = 0;
my $sumsq = 0;
foreach my $v (@$arrayref) {
$sum += $v;
$sumsq += $v**2;
return undef if !$n;
return sqrt(($sumsq/$n) - ($sum/$n)**2);
=head1 NAME
verilator_gantt - Create Gantt chart of multi-threaded execution
Verilator_gantt creates a visual representation to help analyze Verilator
multithreaded simulation performance, by showing when each macro-task
starts and ends, and showing when each thread is busy or idle.
For documentation see
<filename> Filename to read data from, default "profile_threads.dat".
--help Displays this message and program version and exits.
--scale I<n> Number of characters per time step.
--no-vcd Do not create a VCD file.
--vcd <filename> Set output filename for vcd dump, default "verilator_gantt.vcd."
The latest version is available from L<>.
Copyright 2018-2021 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
Version 2.0.
SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only OR Artistic-2.0
=head1 SEE ALSO
and L<> for
detailed documentation.
### Local Variables:
### compile-command: "$V4/bin/verilator_gantt $V4/test_regress/obj_vltmt/t_gantt/vlt_sim.log"
### End: