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synced 2025-02-01 03:04:42 +00:00
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144 lines
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// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test module
// Copyright 2011 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you can
// redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
// Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
// Version 2.0.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only OR Artistic-2.0
`define is_near_real(a,b) (( ((a)<(b)) ? (b)-(a) : (a)-(b)) < (((a)/(b))*0.0001))
module t (/*AUTOARG*/
// Inputs
input clk;
// verilator lint_off SHORTREAL
integer i;
reg [63:0] b;
shortreal r, r2;
integer cyc=0;
realtime uninit;
initial if (uninit != 0.0) $stop;
initial begin
if (1_00_0.0_1 != 1000.01) $stop;
// rtoi truncates
if ($rtoi(36.7) != 36) $stop;
if ($rtoi(36.5) != 36) $stop;
if ($rtoi(36.4) != 36) $stop;
// casting rounds
if ((integer '(36.7)) != 37) $stop;
if ((integer '(36.5)) != 37) $stop;
if ((integer '(36.4)) != 36) $stop;
// assignment rounds
// verilator lint_off REALCVT
i = 36.7; if (i != 37) $stop;
i = 36.5; if (i != 37) $stop;
i = 36.4; if (i != 36) $stop;
r = 10'd38; if (r!=38.0) $stop;
// verilator lint_on REALCVT
// operators
if ((-(1.5)) != -1.5) $stop;
if ((+(1.5)) != 1.5) $stop;
if (((1.5)+(1.25)) != 2.75) $stop;
if (((1.5)-(1.25)) != 0.25) $stop;
if (((1.5)*(1.25)) != 1.875) $stop;
if (((1.5)/(1.25)) != 1.2) $stop;
if (((1.5)==(2)) != 1'b0) $stop; // note 2 becomes real 2.0
if (((1.5)!=(2)) != 1'b1) $stop;
if (((1.5)> (2)) != 1'b0) $stop;
if (((1.5)>=(2)) != 1'b0) $stop;
if (((1.5)< (2)) != 1'b1) $stop;
if (((1.5)<=(2)) != 1'b1) $stop;
if (((1.5)==(1.5)) != 1'b1) $stop;
if (((1.5)!=(1.5)) != 1'b0) $stop;
if (((1.5)> (1.5)) != 1'b0) $stop;
if (((1.5)>=(1.5)) != 1'b1) $stop;
if (((1.5)< (1.5)) != 1'b0) $stop;
if (((1.5)<=(1.5)) != 1'b1) $stop;
if (((1.6)==(1.5)) != 1'b0) $stop;
if (((1.6)!=(1.5)) != 1'b1) $stop;
if (((1.6)> (1.5)) != 1'b1) $stop;
if (((1.6)>=(1.5)) != 1'b1) $stop;
if (((1.6)< (1.5)) != 1'b0) $stop;
if (((1.6)<=(1.5)) != 1'b0) $stop;
if (((0.0)?(2.0):(1.1)) != 1.1) $stop;
if (((1.5)?(2.0):(1.1)) != 2.0) $stop;
if (!1.7) $stop;
if (!(!0.0)) $stop;
if (1.8 && 0.0) $stop;
if (!(1.8 || 0.0)) $stop;
for (r=1.0; r<2.0; r=r+0.1) i++;
if (i!=10) $stop;
// bug
r = $bitstoshortreal($shortrealtobits(1.414));
if (r != 1.414) $stop;
// Test loop
always @ (posedge clk) begin
$write("[%0t] cyc==%0d crc=%x result=%x\n",$time, cyc, crc, result);
cyc <= cyc + 1;
if (cyc==0) begin
// Setup
else if (cyc<90) begin
if ($time != {32'h0, $rtoi($realtime)}) $stop;
if ($itor(cyc) != cyc) $stop;
//Unsup: if ((real `($time)) != $realtime) $stop;
r = $itor(cyc*2);
i = $rtoi(r);
if (i!=cyc*2) $stop;
r = $itor(cyc)/1.5;
b = $realtobits(r);
r2 = $bitstoreal(b);
if (r != r2) $stop;
// Trust the integer math as a comparison
r = $itor(cyc);
if ($rtoi(-r) != -cyc) $stop;
if ($rtoi(+r) != cyc) $stop;
if ($rtoi(r+2.0) != (cyc+2)) $stop;
if ($rtoi(r-2.0) != (cyc-2)) $stop;
if ($rtoi(r*2.0) != (cyc*2)) $stop;
if ($rtoi(r/2.0) != (cyc/2)) $stop;
r2 = (2.0/(r-60)); // When zero, result indeterminate, but no crash
r2 = $itor(cyc);
case (r)
(r2-1.0): $stop;
r2: ;
default: $stop;
r = $itor(cyc);
if ((r==50.0) != (cyc==50)) $stop;
if ((r!=50.0) != (cyc!=50)) $stop;
if ((r> 50.0) != (cyc> 50)) $stop;
if ((r>=50.0) != (cyc>=50)) $stop;
if ((r< 50.0) != (cyc< 50)) $stop;
if ((r<=50.0) != (cyc<=50)) $stop;
if ($rtoi((r-50.0) ? 10.0 : 20.0)
!= (((cyc-50)!=0) ? 10 : 20)) $stop;
if ((!(r-50.0)) != (!((cyc-50) != 0))) $stop;
else if (cyc==99) begin
$write("*-* All Finished *-*\n");