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1274 lines
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// -*- mode: C++; c-file-style: "cc-mode" -*-
// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Break variables into separate words to avoid UNOPTFLAT
// Code available from: https://verilator.org
// Copyright 2003-2021 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you
// can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
// Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
// Version 2.0.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only OR Artistic-2.0
// V3SplitVar divides a variable into multiple variables to avoid UNOPTFLAT warning
// and get better perfomance.
// Variables to be split must be marked by /*verilator split_var*/ metacomment.
// There are sveral kinds of data types that may cause the warning.
// 1) Unpacked arrays
// 2) Packed arrays
// 3) Unpacked structs
// 4) Packed structs
// 5) Bitfields within a signal. (Especially Verilog code predating structs/2D arrays.)
// 2-5 above are treated as bitfields in verilator.
// What this pass does looks as below.
// // Original
// logic [1:0] unpcked_array_var[0:1] /*verilator split_var*/;
// always_comb begin
// unpacked_array_var[1][0] = unpacked_array_var[0][0]; // UNOPTFLAT warning
// unpacked_array_var[1][1] = ~unpacked_array_var[0][1]; // UNOPTFLAT warning
// end
// logic [3:0] packed_var /*verilator split_var*/;
// always_comb begin
// if (some_cond) begin
// packed_var = 4'b0;
// end else begin
// packed_var[3] = some_input0;
// packed_var[2:0] = some_input1;
// end
// end
// is initially converted to
// // Intermediate
// logic [1:0] unpcked_array_var0 /*verilator split_var*/;
// logic [1:0] unpcked_array_var1 /*verilator split_var*/;
// always_comb begin
// unpacked_array_var1[0] = unpacked_array_var0[0];
// unpacked_array_var1[1] = ~unpacked_array_var0[1];
// end
// logic [3:0] packed_var /*verilator split_var*/;
// always_comb begin
// if (some_cond) begin
// packed_var = 4'b0;
// end else begin
// packed_var[3] = some_input0;
// packed_var[2:0] = some_input1;
// end
// end
// then converted to
// // Final
// logic unpacked_array_var0__BRA__0__KET__;
// logic unpacked_array_var0__BRA__1__KET__;
// logic unpacked_array_var1__BRA__0__KET__;
// logic unpacked_array_var1__BRA__1__KET__;
// always_comb begin
// unpacked_array_var1__BRA__0__KET__ = unpacked_array_var0__BRA__0__KET__;
// unpacked_array_var1__BRA__1__KET__ = ~unpacked_array_var0__BRA__1__KET__;
// end
// logic packed_var__BRA__3__KET__;
// logic [2:0] packed_var__BRA__2_0__KET__;
// always_comb begin
// if (some_cond) begin
// {packed_var__BRA__3__KET__, packed_var__BRA__2_0__KET__} = 4'b0;
// end else begin
// packed_var__BRA__3__KET__ = some_input0;
// packed_var__BRA__2_0__KET__ = some_input1;
// end
// end
// Two visitor classes are defined here, SplitUnpackedVarVisitor and SplitPackedVarVisitor.
// - SplitUnpackedVarVisitor class splits unpacked arrays. ( 1) in the explanation above.)
// "unpacked_array_var" in the example above is a target of the class.
// The class changes AST from "Original" to "Intermediate".
// The visitor does not change packed variables.
// In addition to splitting unpacked arrays, the visitor collects the following information
// for each module.
// - AstVar
// - AstVarRef
// - AstSel
// They are stored in a RefsInModule instance and will be used in SplitPackedVarVisitor.
// - SplitPackedVarVisitor class splits packed variables ( 2), 3), 4), and 5) in the explanation
// above.)
// "unpacked_array0", "unpacked_array_var1", and "packed_var" in "Intermediate" are split by the
// class.
// Packed variables here include the result of SplitUnpackedVarVisitor.
// The result of this class looks like "Final" above.
// The class visits just necessary AstNode based on RefsInModule collected in the preceding
// SplitUnpackedVarVisitor.
// The visitor does not have to visit the entire AST because the necessary information is
// already in RefsInModule.
#include "config_build.h"
#include "verilatedos.h"
#include "V3Ast.h"
#include "V3Global.h"
#include "V3SplitVar.h"
#include "V3Stats.h"
#include <algorithm> // sort
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
struct SplitVarImpl {
static AstNodeAssign* newAssign(FileLine* fileline, AstNode* lhsp, AstNode* rhsp,
const AstVar* varp) {
if (varp->isFuncLocal() || varp->isFuncReturn()) {
return new AstAssign(fileline, lhsp, rhsp);
} else {
return new AstAssignW(fileline, lhsp, rhsp);
static const char* const notSplitMsg;
// These check functions return valid pointer to the reason text if a variable cannot be split.
// Check if a var type can be split
static const char* cannotSplitVarTypeReason(AstVarType type) {
// Only SplitUnpackedVarVisitor can split WREAL. SplitPackedVarVisitor cannot.
const bool ok
= type == type.VAR || type == type.WIRE || type == type.PORT || type == type.WREAL;
if (ok) return nullptr;
return "it is not one of variable, net, port, nor wreal";
static const char* cannotSplitVarDirectionReason(VDirection dir) {
if (dir == VDirection::REF) return "it is a ref argument";
if (dir == VDirection::INOUT) return "it is an inout port";
return nullptr;
static const char* cannotSplitConnectedPortReason(AstPin* pinp) {
AstVar* varp = pinp->modVarp();
if (!varp) return "it is not connected";
if (const char* reason = cannotSplitVarDirectionReason(varp->direction())) return reason;
return nullptr;
static const char* cannotSplitTaskReason(const AstNodeFTask* taskp) {
if (taskp->prototype()) return "the task is prototype declaration";
if (taskp->dpiImport()) return "the task is imported from DPI-C";
if (taskp->dpiOpenChild()) return "the task takes DPI-C open array";
return nullptr;
static const char* cannotSplitVarCommonReason(const AstVar* varp) {
if (AstNodeFTask* taskp = VN_CAST(varp->backp(), NodeFTask)) {
if (const char* reason = cannotSplitTaskReason(taskp)) return reason;
if (const char* reason = cannotSplitVarTypeReason(varp->varType())) return reason;
if (const char* reason = cannotSplitVarDirectionReason(varp->direction())) return reason;
if (varp->isSigPublic()) return "it is public";
if (varp->isUsedLoopIdx()) return "it is used as a loop variable";
return nullptr;
static const char* cannotSplitPackedVarReason(const AstVar* varp);
template <class T_ALWAYSLIKE>
static void insertBeginCore(T_ALWAYSLIKE* ap, AstNodeStmt* stmtp, AstNodeModule* modp) {
if (ap->isJustOneBodyStmt() && ap->bodysp() == stmtp) {
// Insert begin-end because temp value may be inserted to this block later.
const std::string name = "__VsplitVarBlk" + cvtToStr(modp->varNumGetInc());
ap->addStmtp(new AstBegin(ap->fileline(), name, stmtp));
static void insertBeginCore(AstInitial* initp, AstNodeStmt* stmtp, AstNodeModule* modp) {
if (initp->isJustOneBodyStmt() && initp->bodysp() == stmtp) {
// Insert begin-end because temp value may be inserted to this block later.
const std::string name = "__VsplitVarBlk" + cvtToStr(modp->varNumGetInc());
new AstInitial(initp->fileline(), new AstBegin(initp->fileline(), name, stmtp)));
VL_DO_DANGLING(initp->deleteTree(), initp);
static void insertBeginIfNecessary(AstNodeStmt* stmtp, AstNodeModule* modp) {
AstNode* backp = stmtp->backp();
if (AstAlways* ap = VN_CAST(backp, Always)) {
insertBeginCore(ap, stmtp, modp);
} else if (AstAlwaysPublic* ap = VN_CAST(backp, AlwaysPublic)) {
insertBeginCore(ap, stmtp, modp);
} else if (AstInitial* ap = VN_CAST(backp, Initial)) {
insertBeginCore(ap, stmtp, modp);
}; // SplitVarImpl
const char* const SplitVarImpl::notSplitMsg
= " has split_var metacomment but will not be split because ";
// Split Unpacked Variables
// Replacement policy:
// AstArraySel -> Just replace with the AstVarRef for the split variable
// AstVarRef -> Create a temporary variable and refer the variable
// AstSliceSel -> Create a temporary variable and refer the variable
// Compare AstNode* to get deterministic ordering when showing messages.
struct AstNodeComparator {
bool operator()(const AstNode* ap, const AstNode* bp) const {
const int lineComp = ap->fileline()->operatorCompare(*bp->fileline());
if (lineComp != 0) return lineComp < 0;
return ap < bp;
class UnpackRef final {
// m_nodep is called in this context (AstNodeStmt, AstCell, AstNodeFTask, or AstAlways)
AstNode* m_contextp;
AstNode* m_nodep; // ArraySel, SliceSel, ArrayVarRef (entire value)
int m_index; // for ArraySel
int m_msb; // for SliceSel
int m_lsb; // for SliceSel
VAccess m_access;
bool m_ftask; // true if the reference is in function/task. false if in module.
UnpackRef(AstNode* stmtp, AstVarRef* nodep, bool ftask)
: m_contextp{stmtp}
, m_nodep{nodep}
, m_index{-1}
, m_msb{0}
, m_lsb{1}
, m_access{nodep->access()}
, m_ftask{ftask} {}
UnpackRef(AstNode* stmtp, AstArraySel* nodep, int idx, const VAccess& access, bool ftask)
: m_contextp{stmtp}
, m_nodep{nodep}
, m_index{idx}
, m_msb{0}
, m_lsb{1}
, m_access{access}
, m_ftask{ftask} {}
UnpackRef(AstNode* stmtp, AstSliceSel* nodep, int msb, int lsb, const VAccess& access,
bool ftask)
: m_contextp{stmtp}
, m_nodep{nodep}
, m_index{msb == lsb ? msb : -1} // Equivalent to ArraySel
, m_msb{msb}
, m_lsb{lsb}
, m_access{access}
, m_ftask{ftask} {}
AstNode* nodep() const { return m_nodep; }
bool isSingleRef() const {
return VN_IS(m_nodep, ArraySel) || (m_msb == m_lsb && m_lsb == m_index);
int index() const {
UASSERT_OBJ(isSingleRef(), m_nodep, "not array sel");
return m_index;
AstNode* context() const { return m_contextp; }
VAccess access() const { return m_access; }
bool ftask() const { return m_ftask; }
bool operator<(const UnpackRef& other) const {
return AstNodeComparator()(m_nodep, other.m_nodep);
class UnpackRefMap final {
typedef std::map<AstVar*, std::set<UnpackRef>, AstNodeComparator> MapType;
typedef MapType::iterator MapIt;
typedef MapType::value_type::second_type::iterator SetIt;
MapType m_map;
bool addCore(AstVarRef* refp, const UnpackRef& ref) {
AstVar* varp = refp->varp();
UASSERT_OBJ(varp->attrSplitVar(), varp, " no split_var metacomment");
MapIt it = m_map.find(varp);
if (it == m_map.end()) return false; // Not registered
const bool ok = m_map[varp].insert(ref).second;
return ok;
// Register a variable to split
void registerVar(AstVar* varp) {
const bool inserted
= m_map.insert(std::make_pair(varp, MapType::value_type::second_type())).second;
UASSERT_OBJ(inserted, varp, "already registered");
// Register the location where a variable is used.
bool tryAdd(AstNode* context, AstVarRef* refp, AstArraySel* selp, int idx, bool ftask) {
return addCore(refp, UnpackRef(context, selp, idx, refp->access(), ftask));
bool tryAdd(AstNode* context, AstVarRef* refp, AstSliceSel* selp, int msb, int lsb,
bool ftask) {
return addCore(refp, UnpackRef(context, selp, msb, lsb, refp->access(), ftask));
bool tryAdd(AstNode* context, AstVarRef* refp, bool ftask) {
return addCore(refp, UnpackRef(context, refp, ftask));
// Remove a variable from the list to split
void remove(AstVar* varp) {
UASSERT_OBJ(varp->attrSplitVar(), varp, " no split_var metacomment");
bool empty() const { return m_map.empty(); }
void swap(UnpackRefMap& other) { other.m_map.swap(m_map); }
MapIt begin() { return m_map.begin(); }
MapIt end() { return m_map.end(); }
// Found nodes for SplitPackedVarVisitor
struct RefsInModule {
typedef std::set<AstVar*, AstNodeComparator> VarSet;
typedef std::set<AstVarRef*, AstNodeComparator> VarRefSet;
typedef std::set<AstSel*, AstNodeComparator> SelSet;
VarSet m_vars;
VarRefSet m_refs;
SelSet m_sels;
void add(AstVar* nodep) { m_vars.insert(nodep); }
void add(AstVarRef* nodep) { m_refs.insert(nodep); }
void add(AstSel* nodep) { m_sels.insert(nodep); }
void remove(AstNode* nodep) {
struct Visitor : public AstNVisitor {
RefsInModule& m_parent;
virtual void visit(AstNode* nodep) override { iterateChildren(nodep); }
virtual void visit(AstVar* nodep) override { m_parent.m_vars.erase(nodep); }
virtual void visit(AstVarRef* nodep) override { m_parent.m_refs.erase(nodep); }
virtual void visit(AstSel* nodep) override {
explicit Visitor(RefsInModule& p)
: m_parent(p) {} // Need () or GCC 4.8 false warning
} v(*this);
void visit(AstNVisitor* visitor) {
for (const auto& varp : m_vars) visitor->iterate(varp);
for (SelSet::iterator it = m_sels.begin(), it_end = m_sels.end(); it != it_end; ++it) {
// If m_refs includes VarRef from ArraySel, remove it
// because the VarRef would not be visited in SplitPackedVarVisitor::visit(AstSel*).
if (AstVarRef* refp = VN_CAST((*it)->fromp(), VarRef)) {
} else if (AstVarRef* refp = VN_CAST((*it)->lsbp(), VarRef)) {
} else if (AstVarRef* refp = VN_CAST((*it)->widthp(), VarRef)) {
UASSERT_OBJ(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>((*it)->op1p()) != 1, *it, "stale");
for (VarRefSet::iterator it = m_refs.begin(), it_end = m_refs.end(); it != it_end; ++it) {
UASSERT_OBJ(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>((*it)->op1p()) != 1, *it, "stale");
typedef std::map<AstNodeModule*, RefsInModule, AstNodeComparator> SplitVarRefsMap;
class SplitUnpackedVarVisitor final : public AstNVisitor, public SplitVarImpl {
typedef std::set<AstVar*, AstNodeComparator> VarSet;
VarSet m_foundTargetVar;
UnpackRefMap m_refs;
AstNodeModule* m_modp = nullptr;
// AstNodeStmt, AstCell, AstNodeFTaskRef, or AstAlways(Public) for sensitivity
AstNode* m_contextp = nullptr;
AstNodeFTask* m_inFTask = nullptr;
size_t m_numSplit = 0;
// List for SplitPackedVarVisitor
SplitVarRefsMap m_refsForPackedSplit;
static AstVarRef* isTargetVref(AstNode* nodep) {
if (AstVarRef* refp = VN_CAST(nodep, VarRef)) {
if (refp->varp()->attrSplitVar()) return refp;
return nullptr;
static int outerMostSizeOfUnpackedArray(AstVar* nodep) {
AstUnpackArrayDType* dtypep = VN_CAST(nodep->dtypep()->skipRefp(), UnpackArrayDType);
UASSERT_OBJ(dtypep, nodep, "Must be unapcked array");
return dtypep->elementsConst();
void setContextAndIterateChildren(AstNode* nodep) {
m_contextp = nodep;
void setContextAndIterate(AstNode* contextp, AstNode* nodep) {
m_contextp = contextp;
void pushDeletep(AstNode* nodep) { // overriding AstNVisitor::pusDeletep()
UASSERT_OBJ(m_modp, nodep, "Must not nullptr");
AstVar* newVar(FileLine* fl, AstVarType type, const std::string& name, AstNodeDType* dtp) {
AstVar* varp = new AstVar(fl, type, name, dtp);
UASSERT_OBJ(m_modp, varp, "Must not nullptr");
return varp;
AstVarRef* newVarRef(FileLine* fl, AstVar* varp, const VAccess& access) {
AstVarRef* refp = new AstVarRef(fl, varp, access);
UASSERT_OBJ(m_modp, refp, "Must not nullptr");
return refp;
virtual void visit(AstNode* nodep) override { iterateChildren(nodep); }
virtual void visit(AstNodeModule* nodep) override {
UINFO(4, "Start checking " << nodep->prettyNameQ() << "\n");
if (!VN_IS(nodep, Module)) {
UINFO(4, "Skip " << nodep->prettyNameQ() << "\n");
UASSERT_OBJ(!m_modp, m_modp, "Nested module declaration");
UASSERT_OBJ(m_refs.empty(), nodep, "The last module didn't finish split()");
m_modp = nodep;
m_modp = nullptr;
virtual void visit(AstNodeStmt* nodep) override { setContextAndIterateChildren(nodep); }
virtual void visit(AstCell* nodep) override { setContextAndIterateChildren(nodep); }
virtual void visit(AstAlways* nodep) override {
if (nodep->sensesp()) { // When visiting sensitivity list, always is the context
setContextAndIterate(nodep, nodep->sensesp());
for (AstNode* bodysp = nodep->bodysp(); bodysp; bodysp = bodysp->nextp()) {
virtual void visit(AstAlwaysPublic* nodep) override {
if (nodep->sensesp()) { // When visiting sensitivity list, always is the context
setContextAndIterate(nodep, nodep->sensesp());
for (AstNode* bodysp = nodep->bodysp(); bodysp; bodysp = bodysp->nextp()) {
virtual void visit(AstNodeFTaskRef* nodep) override {
m_contextp = nodep;
AstNodeFTask* ftaskp = nodep->taskp();
UASSERT_OBJ(ftaskp, nodep, "Unlinked");
// Iterate arguments of a function/task.
for (AstNode *argp = nodep->pinsp(), *paramp = ftaskp->stmtsp(); argp;
argp = argp->nextp(), paramp = paramp ? paramp->nextp() : nullptr) {
const char* reason = nullptr;
AstVar* vparamp = nullptr;
while (paramp) {
vparamp = VN_CAST(paramp, Var);
if (vparamp && vparamp->isIO()) {
reason = cannotSplitVarDirectionReason(vparamp->direction());
paramp = paramp->nextp();
vparamp = nullptr;
if (!reason && !vparamp) {
reason = "the number of argument to the task/function mismatches";
if (reason) {
for (VarSet::iterator it = m_foundTargetVar.begin(),
it_end = m_foundTargetVar.end();
it != it_end; ++it) {
argp->v3warn(SPLITVAR, (*it)->prettyNameQ()
<< notSplitMsg << reason << ".\n");
virtual void visit(AstPin* nodep) override {
UINFO(5, nodep->modVarp()->prettyNameQ() << " pin \n");
AstNode* exprp = nodep->exprp();
if (!exprp) return; // Not connected pin
if (const char* reason = cannotSplitConnectedPortReason(nodep)) {
for (VarSet::iterator it = m_foundTargetVar.begin(), it_end = m_foundTargetVar.end();
it != it_end; ++it) {
nodep->v3warn(SPLITVAR, (*it)->prettyNameQ() << notSplitMsg << reason << ".\n");
virtual void visit(AstNodeFTask* nodep) override {
UASSERT_OBJ(!m_inFTask, nodep, "Nested func/task");
if (!cannotSplitTaskReason(nodep)) {
m_inFTask = nodep;
m_inFTask = nullptr;
virtual void visit(AstVar* nodep) override {
if (!nodep->attrSplitVar()) return; // Nothing to do
if (!cannotSplitReason(nodep)) {
UINFO(4, nodep->name() << " is added to candidate list.\n");
virtual void visit(AstVarRef* nodep) override {
if (!nodep->varp()->attrSplitVar()) return; // Nothing to do
if (m_refs.tryAdd(m_contextp, nodep, m_inFTask)) {
virtual void visit(AstSel* nodep) override {
if (VN_IS(nodep->fromp(), VarRef)) m_refsForPackedSplit[m_modp].add(nodep);
virtual void visit(AstArraySel* nodep) override {
if (AstVarRef* refp = isTargetVref(nodep->fromp())) {
AstConst* indexp = VN_CAST(nodep->bitp(), Const);
if (indexp) { // OK
UINFO(4, "add " << nodep << " for " << refp->varp()->prettyName() << "\n");
if (indexp->toSInt() < outerMostSizeOfUnpackedArray(refp->varp())) {
m_refs.tryAdd(m_contextp, refp, nodep, indexp->toSInt(), m_inFTask);
} else {
nodep->bitp()->v3warn(SPLITVAR, refp->prettyNameQ()
<< notSplitMsg
<< "index is out of range.\n");
} else {
nodep->bitp()->v3warn(SPLITVAR, refp->prettyNameQ()
<< notSplitMsg
<< "index cannot be determined statically.\n");
} else {
virtual void visit(AstSliceSel* nodep) override {
if (AstVarRef* refp = isTargetVref(nodep->fromp())) {
AstUnpackArrayDType* dtypep
= VN_CAST(refp->varp()->dtypep()->skipRefp(), UnpackArrayDType);
// declRange() of AstSliceSel is shifted by dtypep->declRange().lo() in V3WidthSel.cpp
// restore the original decl range here.
const VNumRange selRange{nodep->declRange().hi() + dtypep->declRange().lo(),
nodep->declRange().lo() + dtypep->declRange().lo(),
UASSERT_OBJ(dtypep->lo() <= selRange.lo() && selRange.hi() <= dtypep->hi(), nodep,
"Range check for AstSliceSel must have been finished in V3Width.cpp");
UINFO(4, "add " << nodep << " for " << refp->varp()->prettyName() << "\n");
m_refs.tryAdd(m_contextp, refp, nodep, nodep->declRange().hi(),
nodep->declRange().lo(), m_inFTask);
} else {
static AstNode* toInsertPoint(AstNode* insertp) {
if (AstNodeStmt* stmtp = VN_CAST(insertp, NodeStmt)) {
if (!stmtp->isStatement()) insertp = stmtp->backp();
return insertp;
AstVarRef* createTempVar(AstNode* context, AstNode* nodep, AstUnpackArrayDType* dtypep,
const std::string& name_prefix, std::vector<AstVar*>& vars,
int start_idx, bool lvalue, bool ftask) {
const std::string name
= "__VsplitVar" + cvtToStr(m_modp->varNumGetInc()) + "__" + name_prefix;
AstNodeAssign* assignp = VN_CAST(context, NodeAssign);
if (assignp) {
// "always_comb a = b;" to "always_comb begin a = b; end" so that local
// variable can be added.
insertBeginIfNecessary(assignp, m_modp);
AstVar* varp = newVar(nodep->fileline(), AstVarType::VAR, name, dtypep);
// Variable will be registered in the caller side.
UINFO(3, varp->prettyNameQ()
<< " is created lsb:" << dtypep->lo() << " msb:" << dtypep->hi() << "\n");
// Use AstAssign if true, otherwise AstAssignW
const bool use_simple_assign
= (context && VN_IS(context, NodeFTaskRef)) || (assignp && VN_IS(assignp, Assign));
for (int i = 0; i < dtypep->elementsConst(); ++i) {
AstNode* lhsp = newVarRef(nodep->fileline(), vars.at(start_idx + i),
lvalue ? VAccess::WRITE : VAccess::READ);
AstNode* rhsp = new AstArraySel(
newVarRef(nodep->fileline(), varp, !lvalue ? VAccess::WRITE : VAccess::READ), i);
AstNode* refp = lhsp;
UINFO(9, "Creating assign idx:" << i << " + " << start_idx << "\n");
if (!lvalue) std::swap(lhsp, rhsp);
AstNode* newassignp;
if (use_simple_assign) {
AstNode* insertp = toInsertPoint(context);
newassignp = new AstAssign(nodep->fileline(), lhsp, rhsp);
if (lvalue) {
// If varp is LHS, this assignment must appear after the original
// assignment(context).
} else {
// If varp is RHS, this assignment comes just before the original assignment
} else {
newassignp = new AstAssignW(nodep->fileline(), lhsp, rhsp);
// Continuous assignment must be in module context.
UASSERT_OBJ(!m_contextp, m_contextp, "must be null");
setContextAndIterate(newassignp, refp);
return newVarRef(nodep->fileline(), varp, lvalue ? VAccess::WRITE : VAccess::READ);
void connectPort(AstVar* varp, std::vector<AstVar*>& vars, AstNode* insertp) {
UASSERT_OBJ(varp->isIO(), varp, "must be port");
insertp = insertp ? toInsertPoint(insertp) : nullptr;
const bool lvalue = varp->direction().isWritable();
for (size_t i = 0; i < vars.size(); ++i) {
AstNode* nodes[] = {
new AstArraySel(
newVarRef(varp->fileline(), varp, lvalue ? VAccess::WRITE : VAccess::READ), i),
newVarRef(varp->fileline(), vars.at(i), !lvalue ? VAccess::WRITE : VAccess::READ)};
AstNode* lhsp = nodes[lvalue ? 0 : 1];
AstNode* rhsp = nodes[lvalue ? 1 : 0];
AstNodeAssign* assignp = newAssign(varp->fileline(), lhsp, rhsp, varp);
if (insertp) {
if (lvalue) { // Just after writing to the temporary variable
} else { // Just before reading the temporary variable
} else {
UASSERT_OBJ(VN_IS(assignp, AssignW), varp, "must be AssginW");
setContextAndIterate(assignp, nodes[1]);
size_t collapse(UnpackRefMap& refs) {
size_t numSplit = 0;
for (UnpackRefMap::MapIt it = refs.begin(), it_end = refs.end(); it != it_end; ++it) {
UINFO(3, "In module " << m_modp->name() << " var " << it->first->prettyNameQ()
<< " which has " << it->second.size()
<< " refs will be split.\n");
AstVar* varp = it->first;
AstNode* insertp = varp;
AstUnpackArrayDType* dtypep = VN_CAST(varp->dtypep()->skipRefp(), UnpackArrayDType);
AstNodeDType* subTypep = dtypep->subDTypep();
const bool needNext = VN_IS(subTypep, UnpackArrayDType); // Still unpacked array.
std::vector<AstVar*> vars;
// Add the split variables
for (vlsint32_t i = 0; i < dtypep->elementsConst(); ++i) {
// Unpacked array is traced as var(idx), not var[idx].
const std::string name
= varp->name() + AstNode::encodeName('(' + cvtToStr(i + dtypep->lo()) + ')');
AstVar* newp = newVar(varp->fileline(), AstVarType::VAR, name, subTypep);
// If varp is an IO, varp will remain and will be traced.
newp->trace(!varp->isIO() && varp->isTrace());
newp->funcLocal(varp->isFuncLocal() || varp->isFuncReturn());
insertp = newp;
newp->attrSplitVar(needNext || !cannotSplitPackedVarReason(newp));
setContextAndIterate(nullptr, newp);
for (UnpackRefMap::SetIt sit = it->second.begin(), sit_end = it->second.end();
sit != sit_end; ++sit) {
AstNode* newp = nullptr;
if (sit->isSingleRef()) {
newp = newVarRef(sit->nodep()->fileline(), vars.at(sit->index()),
} else {
AstVarRef* refp = VN_CAST(sit->nodep(), VarRef);
AstUnpackArrayDType* adtypep;
int lsb = 0;
if (refp) {
adtypep = VN_CAST(refp->dtypep()->skipRefp(), UnpackArrayDType);
} else {
AstSliceSel* selp = VN_CAST(sit->nodep(), SliceSel);
UASSERT_OBJ(selp, sit->nodep(), "Unexpected op is registered");
refp = VN_CAST(selp->fromp(), VarRef);
UASSERT_OBJ(refp, selp, "Unexpected op is registered");
adtypep = VN_CAST(selp->dtypep()->skipRefp(), UnpackArrayDType);
lsb = adtypep->lo();
AstVarRef* newrefp = createTempVar(sit->context(), refp, adtypep, varp->name(),
vars, lsb, refp->access(), sit->ftask());
newp = newrefp;
"Create " << newrefp->varp()->prettyNameQ() << " for " << refp << "\n");
setContextAndIterate(sit->context(), newp->backp());
// AstAssign is used. So assignment is necessary for each reference.
if (varp->isIO() && (varp->isFuncLocal() || varp->isFuncReturn()))
connectPort(varp, vars, sit->context());
if (varp->isIO()) {
// AssignW will be created, so just once
if (!varp->isFuncLocal() && !varp->isFuncReturn()) {
connectPort(varp, vars, nullptr);
} else {
return numSplit;
void split() {
for (int trial = 0; !m_refs.empty(); ++trial) {
UnpackRefMap next;
const size_t n = collapse(next);
UINFO(2, n << " Variables are split " << trial << " th trial in "
<< m_modp->prettyNameQ() << '\n');
if (trial == 0) m_numSplit += n;
explicit SplitUnpackedVarVisitor(AstNetlist* nodep)
: m_refs{} {
~SplitUnpackedVarVisitor() override {
UASSERT(m_refs.empty(), "Don't forget to call split()");
V3Stats::addStat("SplitVar, Split unpacked arrays", m_numSplit);
const SplitVarRefsMap& getPackedVarRefs() const { return m_refsForPackedSplit; }
VL_DEBUG_FUNC; // Declare debug()
// Check if the passed variable can be split.
// Even if this function returns true, the variable may not be split
// because the access to the variable cannot be determined statically.
static const char* cannotSplitReason(const AstVar* nodep) {
const std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> dim = nodep->dtypep()->dimensions(false);
UINFO(7, nodep->prettyNameQ()
<< " pub:" << nodep->isSigPublic() << " pri:" << nodep->isPrimaryIO()
<< " io:" << nodep->isInoutish() << " typ:" << nodep->varType() << "\n");
const char* reason = nullptr;
// Public variable cannot be split.
// at least one unpacked dimension must exist
if (dim.second < 1 || !VN_IS(nodep->dtypep()->skipRefp(), UnpackArrayDType))
reason = "it is not an unpacked array";
if (!reason) reason = cannotSplitVarCommonReason(nodep);
if (reason) {
"Check " << nodep->prettyNameQ() << " cannot split because" << reason << ".\n");
return reason;
// Split packed variables
// Split variable
class SplitNewVar final {
int m_lsb; // LSB in the original bitvector
int m_bitwidth;
AstVar* m_varp; // The LSB of this variable is always 0, not m_lsb
SplitNewVar(int lsb, int bitwidth, AstVar* varp = nullptr)
: m_lsb{lsb}
, m_bitwidth{bitwidth}
, m_varp{varp} {}
int lsb() const { return m_lsb; }
int msb() const { return m_lsb + m_bitwidth - 1; }
int bitwidth() const { return m_bitwidth; }
void varp(AstVar* vp) {
UASSERT_OBJ(!m_varp, m_varp, "must be nullptr");
m_varp = vp;
AstVar* varp() const { return m_varp; }
struct Match {
bool operator()(int bit, const SplitNewVar& a) const {
return bit < a.m_lsb + a.m_bitwidth;
// One Entry instance for an AstVarRef instance
class PackedVarRefEntry final {
AstNode* m_nodep; // Either AstSel or AstVarRef is expected.
int m_lsb;
int m_bitwidth;
PackedVarRefEntry(AstSel* selp, int lsb, int bitwidth)
: m_nodep{selp}
, m_lsb{lsb}
, m_bitwidth{bitwidth} {}
PackedVarRefEntry(AstVarRef* refp, int lsb, int bitwidth)
: m_nodep{refp}
, m_lsb{lsb}
, m_bitwidth{bitwidth} {}
AstNode* nodep() const { return m_nodep; }
int lsb() const { return m_lsb; }
int msb() const { return m_lsb + m_bitwidth - 1; }
int bitwidth() const { return m_bitwidth; }
void replaceNodeWith(AstNode* nodep) {
VL_DO_DANGLING(m_nodep->deleteTree(), m_nodep);
// If this is AstVarRef and referred in the sensitivity list of always@,
// return the sensitivity item
AstSenItem* backSenItemp() const {
if (AstVarRef* refp = VN_CAST(m_nodep, VarRef)) { return VN_CAST(refp->backp(), SenItem); }
return nullptr;
// How a variable is used
class PackedVarRef final {
struct SortByFirst {
bool operator()(const std::pair<int, bool>& a, const std::pair<int, bool>& b) const {
if (a.first == b.first) return a.second < b.second;
return a.first < b.first;
std::vector<PackedVarRefEntry> m_lhs, m_rhs;
AstBasicDType* m_basicp; // Cache the ptr since varp->dtypep()->basicp() is expensive
bool m_dedupDone = false;
static void dedupRefs(std::vector<PackedVarRefEntry>& refs) {
// Use raw pointer to dedup
typedef std::map<AstNode*, size_t, AstNodeComparator> NodeIndices;
NodeIndices nodes;
for (size_t i = 0; i < refs.size(); ++i) { nodes.emplace(refs[i].nodep(), i); }
std::vector<PackedVarRefEntry> vect;
for (NodeIndices::const_iterator it = nodes.begin(), it_end = nodes.end(); it != it_end;
++it) {
typedef std::vector<PackedVarRefEntry>::iterator iterator;
typedef std::vector<PackedVarRefEntry>::const_iterator const_iterator;
std::vector<PackedVarRefEntry>& lhs() {
UASSERT(m_dedupDone, "cannot read before dedup()");
return m_lhs;
std::vector<PackedVarRefEntry>& rhs() {
UASSERT(m_dedupDone, "cannot read before dedup()");
return m_rhs;
explicit PackedVarRef(AstVar* varp)
: m_basicp{varp->dtypep()->basicp()} {}
void append(const PackedVarRefEntry& e, const VAccess& access) {
UASSERT(!m_dedupDone, "cannot add after dedup()");
if (access.isWriteOrRW()) m_lhs.push_back(e);
if (access.isReadOrRW()) m_rhs.push_back(e);
void dedup() {
UASSERT(!m_dedupDone, "dedup() called twice");
m_dedupDone = true;
const AstBasicDType* basicp() const { return m_basicp; }
// Make a plan for variables after split
// when skipUnused==true, split variable for unread bits will not be created.
std::vector<SplitNewVar> splitPlan(bool skipUnused) const {
UASSERT(m_dedupDone, "dedup() must be called before");
std::vector<SplitNewVar> plan;
std::vector<std::pair<int, bool>> points; // <bit location, is end>
points.reserve(m_lhs.size() * 2 + 2); // 2 points will be added per one PackedVarRefEntry
for (const_iterator it = m_lhs.begin(), itend = m_lhs.end(); it != itend; ++it) {
points.emplace_back(std::make_pair(it->lsb(), false)); // Start of a region
points.emplace_back(std::make_pair(it->msb() + 1, true)); // End of a region
if (skipUnused && !m_rhs.empty()) { // Range to be read must be kept, so add points here
int lsb = m_basicp->hi() + 1;
int msb = m_basicp->lo() - 1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_rhs.size(); ++i) {
lsb = std::min(lsb, m_rhs[i].lsb());
msb = std::max(msb, m_rhs[i].msb());
UASSERT_OBJ(lsb <= msb, m_basicp, "lsb:" << lsb << " msb:" << msb << " are wrong");
points.emplace_back(std::make_pair(lsb, false));
points.emplace_back(std::make_pair(msb + 1, true));
if (!skipUnused) { // All bits are necessary
points.emplace_back(std::make_pair(m_basicp->lo(), false));
points.emplace_back(std::make_pair(m_basicp->hi() + 1, true));
std::sort(points.begin(), points.end(), SortByFirst());
// Scan the sorted points and sub bitfields
int refcount = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i + 1 < points.size(); ++i) {
const int bitwidth = points[i + 1].first - points[i].first;
if (points[i].second) {
--refcount; // End of a region
} else {
++refcount; // Start of a region
UASSERT(refcount >= 0, "refcounut must not be negative");
if (bitwidth == 0 || refcount == 0) continue; // Vacant region
plan.emplace_back(SplitNewVar(points[i].first, bitwidth));
return plan;
class SplitPackedVarVisitor final : public AstNVisitor, public SplitVarImpl {
typedef std::map<AstVar*, PackedVarRef, AstNodeComparator> PackedVarRefMap;
AstNetlist* m_netp;
AstNodeModule* m_modp = nullptr; // Current module (just for log)
int m_numSplit = 0; // Total number of split variables
// key:variable to be split. value:location where the variable is referenced.
PackedVarRefMap m_refs;
virtual void visit(AstNodeFTask* nodep) override {
if (!cannotSplitTaskReason(nodep)) iterateChildren(nodep);
virtual void visit(AstVar* nodep) override {
if (!nodep->attrSplitVar()) return; // Nothing to do
if (const char* reason = cannotSplitReason(nodep, true)) {
nodep->v3warn(SPLITVAR, nodep->prettyNameQ() << notSplitMsg << reason);
} else { // Finally find a good candidate
const bool inserted = m_refs.insert(std::make_pair(nodep, PackedVarRef(nodep))).second;
if (inserted) { UINFO(3, nodep->prettyNameQ() << " is added to candidate list.\n"); }
virtual void visit(AstVarRef* nodep) override {
AstVar* varp = nodep->varp();
const auto refit = m_refs.find(varp);
if (refit == m_refs.end()) return; // variable without split_var metacomment
UASSERT_OBJ(varp->attrSplitVar(), varp, "split_var attribute must be attached");
UASSERT_OBJ(!nodep->classOrPackagep(), nodep,
"variable in package must have been dropped beforehand.");
const AstBasicDType* basicp = refit->second.basicp();
refit->second.append(PackedVarRefEntry(nodep, basicp->lo(), varp->width()),
UINFO(5, varp->prettyName()
<< " Entire bit of [" << basicp->lo() << "+:" << varp->width() << "] \n");
virtual void visit(AstSel* nodep) override {
AstVarRef* vrefp = VN_CAST(nodep->fromp(), VarRef);
if (!vrefp) {
AstVar* varp = vrefp->varp();
const auto refit = m_refs.find(varp);
if (refit == m_refs.end()) {
return; // Variable without split_var metacomment
UASSERT_OBJ(varp->attrSplitVar(), varp, "split_var attribute must be attached");
std::array<AstConst*, 2> consts
= {{VN_CAST(nodep->lsbp(), Const),
VN_CAST(nodep->widthp(), Const)}}; // GCC 3.8.0 wants {{}}
if (consts[0] && consts[1]) { // OK
PackedVarRefEntry(nodep, consts[0]->toSInt() + refit->second.basicp()->lo(),
UINFO(5, varp->prettyName()
<< " [" << consts[0]->toSInt() << ":+" << consts[1]->toSInt()
<< "] lsb:" << refit->second.basicp()->lo() << "\n");
} else {
nodep->v3warn(SPLITVAR, vrefp->prettyNameQ()
<< notSplitMsg
<< "its bit range cannot be determined statically.");
if (!consts[0]) {
UINFO(4, "LSB " << nodep->lsbp() << " is expected to be constant, but not\n");
if (!consts[1]) {
UINFO(4, "WIDTH " << nodep->widthp() << " is expected to be constant, but not\n");
virtual void visit(AstNode* nodep) override { iterateChildren(nodep); }
// Extract necessary bit range from a newly created variable to meet ref
static AstNode* extractBits(const PackedVarRefEntry& ref, const SplitNewVar& var,
const VAccess access) {
AstVarRef* refp = new AstVarRef(ref.nodep()->fileline(), var.varp(), access);
if (ref.lsb() <= var.lsb() && var.msb() <= ref.msb()) { // Use the entire bits
return refp;
} else { // Use slice
const int lsb = std::max(ref.lsb(), var.lsb());
const int msb = std::min(ref.msb(), var.msb());
const int bitwidth = msb + 1 - lsb;
UINFO(4, var.varp()->prettyNameQ() << "[" << msb << ":" << lsb << "] used for "
<< ref.nodep()->prettyNameQ() << '\n');
// LSB of varp is always 0. "lsb - var.lsb()" means this. see also SplitNewVar
AstSel* selp = new AstSel(ref.nodep()->fileline(), refp, lsb - var.lsb(), bitwidth);
return selp;
static void connectPortAndVar(const std::vector<SplitNewVar>& vars, AstVar* portp,
AstNode* insertp) {
for (; insertp; insertp = insertp->backp()) {
if (AstNodeStmt* stmtp = VN_CAST(insertp, NodeStmt)) {
if (stmtp->isStatement()) break;
const bool in = portp->isReadOnly();
for (size_t i = 0; i < vars.size(); ++i) {
AstNode* rhsp = new AstSel(
new AstVarRef(portp->fileline(), portp, !in ? VAccess::WRITE : VAccess::READ),
vars[i].lsb(), vars[i].bitwidth());
AstNode* lhsp = new AstVarRef(portp->fileline(), vars[i].varp(),
in ? VAccess::WRITE : VAccess::READ);
if (!in) std::swap(lhsp, rhsp);
AstNodeAssign* assignp = newAssign(portp->fileline(), lhsp, rhsp, portp);
if (insertp) {
if (in) {
} else {
} else {
void createVars(AstVar* varp, const AstBasicDType* basicp, std::vector<SplitNewVar>& vars) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < vars.size(); ++i) {
SplitNewVar* newvarp = &vars[i];
int left = newvarp->msb();
int right = newvarp->lsb();
if (basicp->littleEndian()) std::swap(left, right);
const std::string name
= (left == right)
? varp->name() + "__BRA__" + AstNode::encodeNumber(left) + "__KET__"
: varp->name() + "__BRA__" + AstNode::encodeNumber(left)
+ AstNode::encodeName(":") + AstNode::encodeNumber(right) + "__KET__";
AstBasicDType* dtypep;
switch (basicp->keyword()) {
case AstBasicDTypeKwd::BIT:
dtypep = new AstBasicDType(varp->subDTypep()->fileline(), VFlagBitPacked(),
case AstBasicDTypeKwd::LOGIC:
dtypep = new AstBasicDType(varp->subDTypep()->fileline(), VFlagLogicPacked(),
default: UASSERT_OBJ(false, basicp, "Only bit and logic are allowed");
dtypep->rangep(new AstRange{varp->fileline(), VNumRange{newvarp->msb(), newvarp->lsb(),
newvarp->varp(new AstVar(varp->fileline(), AstVarType::VAR, name, dtypep));
newvarp->varp()->funcLocal(varp->isFuncLocal() || varp->isFuncReturn());
// Enable this line to trace split variable directly:
// newvarp->varp()->trace(varp->isTrace());
UINFO(4, newvarp->varp()->prettyNameQ()
<< " is added for " << varp->prettyNameQ() << '\n');
static void updateReferences(AstVar* varp, PackedVarRef& ref,
const std::vector<SplitNewVar>& vars) {
for (int lvalue = 0; lvalue <= 1; ++lvalue) { // Refer the new split variables
std::vector<PackedVarRefEntry>& refs = lvalue ? ref.lhs() : ref.rhs();
for (PackedVarRef::iterator refit = refs.begin(), refitend = refs.end();
refit != refitend; ++refit) {
auto varit = std::upper_bound(vars.begin(), vars.end(), refit->lsb(),
UASSERT_OBJ(varit != vars.end(), refit->nodep(), "Not found");
UASSERT(!(varit->msb() < refit->lsb() || refit->msb() < varit->lsb()),
"wrong search result");
AstNode* prevp;
bool inSentitivityList = false;
if (AstSenItem* senitemp = refit->backSenItemp()) {
AstNode* oldsenrefp = senitemp->sensp();
new AstVarRef(senitemp->fileline(), varit->varp(), VAccess::READ));
VL_DO_DANGLING(oldsenrefp->deleteTree(), oldsenrefp);
prevp = senitemp;
inSentitivityList = true;
} else {
prevp = extractBits(*refit, *varit, lvalue ? VAccess::WRITE : VAccess::READ);
for (int residue = refit->msb() - varit->msb(); residue > 0;
residue -= varit->bitwidth()) {
UASSERT_OBJ(varit != vars.end(), refit->nodep(), "not enough split variables");
if (AstSenItem* senitemp = VN_CAST(prevp, SenItem)) {
prevp = new AstSenItem(
senitemp->fileline(), senitemp->edgeType(),
new AstVarRef(senitemp->fileline(), varit->varp(), VAccess::READ));
} else {
AstNode* bitsp
= extractBits(*refit, *varit, lvalue ? VAccess::WRITE : VAccess::READ);
prevp = new AstConcat(refit->nodep()->fileline(), bitsp, prevp);
// If varp is an argument of task/func, need to update temporary var
// everytime the var is updated. See also another call of connectPortAndVar() in
// split()
if (varp->isIO() && (varp->isFuncLocal() || varp->isFuncReturn()))
connectPortAndVar(vars, varp, refit->nodep());
if (!inSentitivityList) refit->replaceNodeWith(prevp);
UASSERT_OBJ(varit->msb() >= refit->msb(), varit->varp(), "Out of range");
// Do the actual splitting operation
void split() {
for (PackedVarRefMap::iterator it = m_refs.begin(), it_end = m_refs.end(); it != it_end;
++it) {
AstVar* varp = it->first;
UINFO(3, "In module " << m_modp->name() << " var " << varp->prettyNameQ()
<< " which has " << it->second.lhs().size() << " lhs refs and "
<< it->second.rhs().size() << " rhs refs will be split.\n");
std::vector<SplitNewVar> vars
= it->second.splitPlan(!varp->isTrace()); // If traced, all bit must be kept
if (vars.empty()) continue;
if (vars.size() == 1 && vars.front().bitwidth() == varp->width())
continue; // No split
createVars(varp, it->second.basicp(), vars); // Add the split variables
updateReferences(varp, it->second, vars);
if (varp->isIO()) { // port cannot be deleted
// If varp is a port of a module, single AssignW is sufficient
if (!(varp->isFuncLocal() || varp->isFuncReturn()))
connectPortAndVar(vars, varp, nullptr);
} else if (varp->isTrace()) {
// Let's reuse the original variable for tracing
AstNode* rhsp = new AstVarRef(vars.front().varp()->fileline(), vars.front().varp(),
for (size_t i = 1; i < vars.size(); ++i) {
rhsp = new AstConcat(
new AstVarRef(varp->fileline(), vars[i].varp(), VAccess::READ), rhsp);
new AstVarRef(varp->fileline(), varp, VAccess::WRITE),
rhsp, varp));
} else { // the original variable is not used anymore.
VL_DO_DANGLING(varp->unlinkFrBack()->deleteTree(), varp);
m_refs.clear(); // Done
// When reusing the information from SplitUnpackedVarVisitor
SplitPackedVarVisitor(AstNetlist* nodep, SplitVarRefsMap& refs)
: m_netp{nodep} {
// If you want ignore refs and walk the tne entire AST,
// just call iterateChildren(m_modp) and split() for each module
for (auto& i : refs) {
m_modp = i.first;
m_modp = nullptr;
~SplitPackedVarVisitor() override {
UASSERT(m_refs.empty(), "Forgot to call split()");
V3Stats::addStat("SplitVar, Split packed variables", m_numSplit);
// Check if the passed variable can be split.
// Even if this function returns true, the variable may not be split
// when the access to the variable cannot be determined statically.
static const char* cannotSplitReason(const AstVar* nodep, bool checkUnpacked) {
const char* reason = nullptr;
if (AstBasicDType* const basicp = nodep->dtypep()->basicp()) {
const std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> dim = nodep->dtypep()->dimensions(false);
// Unpacked array will be split in SplitUnpackedVarVisitor() beforehand
if (!((!checkUnpacked || dim.second == 0) && nodep->dtypep()->widthMin() > 1))
reason = "its bitwidth is 1";
if (!reason && !basicp->isBitLogic()) // Floating point and string are not supported
reason = "it is not an aggregate type of bit nor logic";
if (!reason) reason = cannotSplitVarCommonReason(nodep);
} else {
reason = "its type is unknown"; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
if (reason)
"Check " << nodep->prettyNameQ() << " cannot split because" << reason << endl);
return reason;
VL_DEBUG_FUNC; // Declare debug()
const char* SplitVarImpl::cannotSplitPackedVarReason(const AstVar* varp) {
return SplitPackedVarVisitor::cannotSplitReason(varp, true);
// Split class functions
void V3SplitVar::splitVariable(AstNetlist* nodep) {
UINFO(2, __FUNCTION__ << ": " << endl);
SplitVarRefsMap refs;
SplitUnpackedVarVisitor visitor(nodep);
refs = visitor.getPackedVarRefs();
V3Global::dumpCheckGlobalTree("split_var", 0, v3Global.opt.dumpTreeLevel(__FILE__) >= 9);
{ SplitPackedVarVisitor visitor(nodep, refs); }
V3Global::dumpCheckGlobalTree("split_var", 0, v3Global.opt.dumpTreeLevel(__FILE__) >= 9);
bool V3SplitVar::canSplitVar(const AstVar* varp) {
// If either SplitUnpackedVarVisitor or SplitPackedVarVisitor can handle,
// then accept varp.
return !SplitUnpackedVarVisitor::cannotSplitReason(varp)
|| !SplitPackedVarVisitor::cannotSplitReason(varp, false);