mirror of
synced 2025-02-01 11:14:03 +00:00
2716 lines
95 KiB
Executable File
2716 lines
95 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# See copyright, etc in below POD section.
require 5.006_001;
use warnings;
use Cwd;
if (!$ENV{VERILATOR_ROOT} && -x "../bin/verilator") {
$ENV{VERILATOR_ROOT} = Cwd::getcwd() . "/..";
$ENV{MAKE} ||= "make";
$ENV{CXX} ||= "c++";
use Getopt::Long;
use IO::File;
use Pod::Usage;
use Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
use FindBin qw($RealBin);
use strict;
use vars qw($Debug %Vars $Driver $Fork);
use version;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use lib ".";
use Time::HiRes qw(usleep);
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5);
$::Driver = 1;
$::Have_Forker = 0;
eval "use Parallel::Forker; \$Fork=Parallel::Forker->new(use_sig_child=>1, poll_interval=>10*1000); \$::Have_Forker=1;";
$Fork = Forker->new(use_sig_child => 1) if !$Fork;
my $forker_Min_Version = 1.258;
if ($::Have_Forker && $Parallel::Forker::VERSION < $forker_Min_Version) {
print STDERR "driver.pl: Parallel::Forker is older than $forker_Min_Version, suggest 'cpan install Parallel::Forker'\n";
$::Have_Forker = 0;
$SIG{CHLD} = sub { $Fork->sig_child() if $Fork; };
$SIG{TERM} = sub { $Fork->kill_tree_all('TERM') if $Fork; die "Quitting...\n"; };
# Map of all scenarios, with the names used to enable them
our %All_Scenarios
= (dist => [ "dist"],
atsim => [ "simulator", "simulator_st", "atsim"],
ghdl => ["linter", "simulator", "simulator_st", "ghdl"],
iv => [ "simulator", "simulator_st", "iv"],
ms => ["linter", "simulator", "simulator_st", "ms"],
nc => ["linter", "simulator", "simulator_st", "nc"],
vcs => ["linter", "simulator", "simulator_st", "vcs"],
xsim => ["linter", "simulator", "simulator_st", "xsim"],
vlt => ["linter", "simulator", "simulator_st", "vlt_all", "vlt"],
vltmt => [ "simulator", "vlt_all", "vltmt"],
# main
autoflush STDOUT 1;
autoflush STDERR 1;
our @Orig_ARGV = @ARGV;
our @Orig_ARGV_Sw; foreach (@Orig_ARGV) { push @Orig_ARGV_Sw, $_ if /^-/ && !/^-j/; }
our $Start = time();
our $Vltmt_threads = 3;
$Debug = 0;
my $opt_benchmark;
my @opt_tests;
my $opt_dist;
my $opt_gdb;
my $opt_rr;
my $opt_gdbbt;
my $opt_gdbsim;
my $opt_hashset;
my $opt_jobs = 1;
my $opt_quiet;
my $opt_rerun;
my $opt_rrsim;
my $opt_sanitize;
my %opt_scenarios;
my $opt_site;
my $opt_stop;
my $opt_trace;
my $opt_verbose;
my $Opt_Verilated_Debug;
our $Opt_Verilation = 1;
our @Opt_Driver_Verilator_Flags;
if (! GetOptions(
"benchmark:i" => sub { $opt_benchmark = $_[1] ? $_[1] : 1; },
"debug" => \&debug,
#debugi see parameter()
"gdb!" => \$opt_gdb,
"gdbbt!" => \$opt_gdbbt,
"gdbsim!" => \$opt_gdbsim,
"golden!" => sub { $ENV{HARNESS_UPDATE_GOLDEN} = 1; },
"hashset=s" => \$opt_hashset,
"help" => \&usage,
"j=i" => \$opt_jobs,
"quiet!" => \$opt_quiet,
"rerun!" => \$opt_rerun,
"rr!" => \$opt_rr,
"rrsim!" => \$opt_rrsim,
"sanitize!" => \$opt_sanitize,
"site!" => \$opt_site,
"stop!" => \$opt_stop,
"trace!" => \$opt_trace,
"verbose!" => \$opt_verbose,
"verilation!" => \$Opt_Verilation, # Undocumented debugging
"verilated-debug!" => \$Opt_Verilated_Debug,
#W see parameter()
# Scenarios
"atsim|athdl!"=> sub { $opt_scenarios{atsim} = $_[1]; },
"dist!" => sub { $opt_scenarios{dist} = $_[1]; },
"ghdl!" => sub { $opt_scenarios{ghdl} = $_[1]; },
"iv!" => sub { $opt_scenarios{iv} = $_[1]; },
"ms!" => sub { $opt_scenarios{ms} = $_[1]; },
"nc!" => sub { $opt_scenarios{nc} = $_[1]; },
"vlt!" => sub { $opt_scenarios{vlt} = $_[1]; },
"vltmt!" => sub { $opt_scenarios{vltmt} = $_[1]; },
"vcs!" => sub { $opt_scenarios{vcs} = $_[1]; },
"xsim!" => sub { $opt_scenarios{xsim} = $_[1]; },
"<>" => \¶meter,
)) {
die "%Error: Bad usage, try '$0 --help'\n";
$opt_jobs = calc_jobs() if defined $opt_jobs && $opt_jobs == 0;
if ((scalar keys %opt_scenarios) < 1) {
$opt_scenarios{dist} = 1;
$opt_scenarios{vlt} = 1;
our @Test_Dirs = "t";
push @Test_Dirs, split(/:/, $ENV{VERILATOR_TESTS_SITE})
if (($#opt_tests < 0 ? $opt_site : 1) && $ENV{VERILATOR_TESTS_SITE});
if ($#opt_tests < 0) { # Run everything
my %uniq;
foreach my $dir (@Test_Dirs) {
my @stats = stat($dir); # Uniquify by inode, so different paths to same place get combined
next if !$stats[1] || $uniq{$stats[1]}++;
push @opt_tests, sort(glob("${dir}/t_*.pl"));
@opt_tests = _calc_hashset(@opt_tests) if $opt_hashset;
if ($#opt_tests >= 2 && $opt_jobs >= 2) {
# Read supported into master process, so don't call every subprocess
# Without this tests such as t_debug_sigsegv_bt_bad.pl will occasionally
# block on input and cause a SIGSTOP, then a "fg" was needed to resume testing.
if (!$::Have_Forker) {
print STDERR "driver.pl: NO_FORKER: For faster testing 'sudo cpan install Parallel::Forker'\n";
print STDERR "== Many jobs; redirecting STDIN\n";
open(STDIN, "+>/dev/null");
mkdir "obj_dist";
my $timestart = strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S", localtime);
my $runner;
$runner = Runner->new(
driver_log_filename => "obj_dist/driver_${timestart}.log",
quiet => $opt_quiet);
foreach my $testpl (@opt_tests) {
foreach my $scenario (sort keys %opt_scenarios) {
next if !$opt_scenarios{$scenario};
$runner->one_test(pl_filename => $testpl,
$scenario => 1);
if ($opt_rerun && $runner->fail_count) {
print("=" x 70, "\n");
print("=" x 70, "\n");
print("RERUN ==\n\n");
# Avoid parallel run to ensure that isn't causing problems
# If > 10 failures something more wrong and get results quickly
$Fork->max_proc(1) unless $runner->fail_count > 10;
my $orig_runner = $runner;
$runner = Runner->new(
driver_log_filename => "obj_dist/driver_${timestart}_rerun.log",
quiet => 0,
fail1_cnt => $orig_runner->fail_count,
ok_cnt => $orig_runner->{ok_cnt},
skip_cnt => $orig_runner->{skip_cnt});
foreach my $test (@{$orig_runner->{fail_tests}}) {
# Reschedule test
$test->clean if $test->rerunnable;
$runner->one_test(pl_filename => $test->{pl_filename},
$test->{scenario} => 1,
rerun_skipping => !$test->rerunnable);
exit(10) if $runner->fail_count;
sub usage {
pod2usage(-verbose => 2, -exitval => 0, -output => \*STDOUT);
exit(1); # Unreachable
sub debug {
$Debug = 1;
push @Opt_Driver_Verilator_Flags, "--debug --no-skip-identical";
our $_Parameter_Next_Level;
sub parameter {
my $param = shift;
if ($_Parameter_Next_Level) {
($param =~ /^(\d+)$/)
or die "%Error: Expected number following $_Parameter_Next_Level: $param\n";
push @Opt_Driver_Verilator_Flags, $param;
$_Parameter_Next_Level = undef;
elsif ($param =~ /\.pl/) {
push @opt_tests, $param;
elsif ($param =~ /^-?(-debugi|-dumpi)/) {
push @Opt_Driver_Verilator_Flags, $param;
$_Parameter_Next_Level = $param;
elsif ($param =~ /^-?(-W||-debug-check)/) {
push @Opt_Driver_Verilator_Flags, $param;
else {
die "%Error: Unknown parameter: $param\n";
our $_Max_Procs;
sub max_procs {
if (!defined $_Max_Procs) {
$_Max_Procs = `python3 -c 'import multiprocessing\nprint(multiprocessing.cpu_count())'`;
chomp $_Max_Procs;
if ($_Max_Procs < 2) {
$_Max_Procs = 2;
warn "driver.pl: Python didn't find at least two CPUs\n";
return $_Max_Procs;
sub calc_threads {
my $default = shift;
my $ok = max_procs();
$ok && !$@ or return $default;
return ($ok < $default) ? $ok : $default;
sub calc_jobs {
my $ok = max_procs();
$ok && !$@ or die "%Error: Can't use -j: $@\n";
print "driver.pl: Found $ok cores, using -j ", $ok + 1, "\n";
return $ok + 1;
sub _calc_hashset {
my @in = @_;
return @in if !$opt_hashset;
$opt_hashset =~ m!^(\d+)/(\d+)$!
or die "%Error: Need number/number format for --hashset: $opt_hashset\n";
my ($set, $nsets) = ($1, $2);
my @new;
foreach my $t (@opt_tests) {
my $checksum = unpack('L', substr(md5($t), 0, 4));
if (($set % $nsets) == ($checksum % $nsets)) {
push @new, $t;
return @new;
# Verilator utilities
our %_Verilator_Supported;
sub _verilator_get_supported {
my $feature = shift;
# Returns if given feature is supported
if (!defined $_Verilator_Supported{$feature}) {
my @args = ("perl", "$ENV{VERILATOR_ROOT}/bin/verilator", "-get-supported", $feature);
my $args = join(' ', @args);
my $out = `$args`;
$out or die "couldn't run: $! " . join(' ', @args);
chomp $out;
$_Verilator_Supported{$feature} = ($out =~ /1/ ? 1 : 0);
return $_Verilator_Supported{$feature};
sub _have_coroutines {
return 1 if _verilator_get_supported('COROUTINES');
return 0;
sub _have_sc {
return 1 if (defined $ENV{SYSTEMC} || defined $ENV{SYSTEMC_INCLUDE} || $ENV{CFG_HAVE_SYSTEMC});
return 1 if _verilator_get_supported('SYSTEMC');
return 0;
# Runner class
package Runner;
use strict;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = {
# Parameters
driver_log_filename => undef,
quiet => 0,
# Counts
all_cnt => 0,
left_cnt => 0,
ok_cnt => 0,
fail1_cnt => 0,
fail_cnt => 0,
skip_cnt => 0,
skip_msgs => [],
fail_msgs => [],
fail_tests => [],
# Per-task identifiers
running_ids => {},
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
sub fail_count { return $_[0]->{fail_cnt}; }
sub one_test {
my $self = shift;
my @params = @_;
my %params = (@params);
test_pl_filename => $params{pl_filename},
run_pre_start => sub {
my $process = shift;
# Running in context of parent, before run_on_start
# Make an identifier that is unique across all current running jobs
my $i = 1; while (exists $self->{running_ids}{$i}) { ++$i; }
$process->{running_id} = $i;
$self->{running_ids}{$process->{running_id}} = 1;
run_on_start => sub {
my $process = shift;
# Running in context of child, so can't pass data to parent directly
if ($self->{quiet}) {
open(STDOUT, ">/dev/null");
open(STDERR, ">&STDOUT");
print("=" x 70, "\n");
my $test = VTest->new(@params,
running_id => $process->{running_id});
$test->oprint("=" x 50, "\n");
unlink $test->{status_filename} if !$params{rerun_skipping};
if ($params{rerun_skipping}) {
print " ---------- Earlier logfiles below; test was rerunnable = 0\n";
system("cat $test->{obj_dir}/*.log");
print " ---------- Earlier logfiles above; test was rerunnable = 0\n";
} else {
# Don't put anything other than _exit after _read,
# as may call _exit via another path
run_on_finish => sub {
# Running in context of parent
my $process = shift;
my $test = VTest->new(@params,
running_id => $process->{running_id});
if ($test->ok) {
} elsif ($test->scenario_off && !$test->errors) {
} elsif ($test->skips && !$test->errors) {
push @{$self->{skip_msgs}},
("\t#" . $test->soprint("-Skip: $test->{skips}\n"));
} else {
$test->oprint("FAILED: $test->{errors}\n");
my $j = ($opt_jobs > 1 ? " -j" : "");
my $makecmd = $ENV{VERILATOR_MAKE} || "$ENV{MAKE}$j &&";
my $upperdir = (Cwd::getcwd() =~ /test_regress/
? 'test_regress/' : '');
push @{$self->{fail_msgs}},
("\t#" . $test->soprint("%Error: $test->{errors}\n")
. "\t\t$makecmd "
. $upperdir . $test->{pl_filename}
. " " . join(' ', _manual_args())
. " --" . $test->{scenario} . "\n");
push @{$self->{fail_tests}}, $test;
my $other = "";
foreach my $proc ($::Fork->running) {
$other .= " " . $proc->{test_pl_filename};
$test->oprint("Simultaneous running tests:", $other, "\n")
if $other && !$opt_quiet;
if ($opt_stop) { die "%Error: --stop and errors found\n"; }
delete $self->{running_ids}{$process->{running_id}} if $process->{running_id};
sub wait_and_report {
my $self = shift;
$self->print_summary(force => 1);
# Wait for all children to finish
while ($::Fork->is_any_left) {
if ((time() - ($self->{_last_summary_time} || 0) >= 30)
&& (!$opt_gdb && !$opt_gdbsim)) { # Don't show for interactive gdb etc
$self->print_summary(force => 1, show_running => 1);
Time::HiRes::usleep 100 * 1000;
sub report {
my $self = shift;
my $filename = shift;
my $fh = \*STDOUT;
if ($filename) {
$fh = IO::File->new(">$filename") or die "%Error: $! writing $filename,";
$fh->print("=" x 70, "\n");
foreach my $f (sort @{$self->{fail_msgs}}) {
chomp $f;
foreach my $f (sort @{$self->{skip_msgs}}) {
chomp $f;
my $sum = ($self->{fail_cnt} && "FAILED"
|| $self->{skip_cnt} && "PASSED w/SKIPS"
|| "PASSED");
$fh->print("TESTS DONE, $sum: " . $self->sprint_summary . "\n");
sub print_summary {
my $self = shift;
my %params = (force => 0, # Force printing
show_running => 0, # Show running processes
if (!$self->{quiet} || $params{force}
|| ($self->{left_cnt} < 5)
|| (time() - ($self->{_last_summary_time} || 0) >= 15)) { # Don't show for interactive gdb etc
$self->{_last_summary_time} = time();
print STDERR ("==SUMMARY: " . $self->sprint_summary . "\n");
if ($params{show_running}) {
my $other;
foreach my $proc ($::Fork->running) {
$other .= " " . $proc->{test_pl_filename};
print STDERR ("==STILL RUNNING: " . $other . "\n");
sub sprint_summary {
my $self = shift;
my $delta = time() - $::Start;
my $leftmsg = $::Have_Forker ? $self->{left_cnt} : "NO-FORKER";
my $pct = int(100 * ($self->{left_cnt} / ($self->{all_cnt} + 0.001)) + 0.999);
# Fudge of 120% works out about right so ETA correctly predicts completion time
my $eta = 1.2 * (($self->{all_cnt}
* ($delta / (($self->{all_cnt} - $self->{left_cnt})+0.001)))
- $delta);
$eta = 0 if $delta < 10;
my $out = "";
$out .= "Left $leftmsg " if $self->{left_cnt};
$out .= "Passed $self->{ok_cnt}";
# Ordered below most severe to least severe
$out .= " Failed $self->{fail_cnt}";
$out .= " Failed-First $self->{fail1_cnt}" if $self->{fail1_cnt};
$out .= " Skipped $self->{skip_cnt}" if $self->{skip_cnt};
$out .= sprintf(" Eta %d:%02d", int($eta / 60), $eta % 60) if $self->{left_cnt} > 10 && $eta > 10;
$out .= sprintf(" Time %d:%02d", int($delta / 60), $delta % 60);
return $out;
sub _manual_args {
# Return command line with scenarios stripped
my @out;
foreach my $arg (@Orig_ARGV_Sw) {
foreach my $allsc (keys %All_Scenarios) {
foreach my $allscarg (@{$All_Scenarios{$allsc}}) {
next arg if ("--$allscarg" eq $arg);
# Also strip certain flags that per-test debugging won't want
next arg if $arg eq '--rerun';
next arg if $arg eq '--quiet';
push @out, $arg;
return @out;
# Test class
package VTest;
use Carp;
use Cwd;
use Data::Dumper;
use File::Spec;
use File::Path qw(mkpath);
use vars qw($Self $Self);
use strict;
sub defineOpt {
my $xsim = shift;
return $xsim ? "--define " : "+define+";
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = {@_};
$self->{name} ||= $2 if $self->{pl_filename} =~ m!^(.*/)?([^/]*)\.pl$!;
$self->{scenario} = "";
$self->{scenario} ||= "dist" if $self->{dist};
$self->{scenario} ||= "atsim" if $self->{atsim};
$self->{scenario} ||= "ghdl" if $self->{ghdl};
$self->{scenario} ||= "vcs" if $self->{vcs};
$self->{scenario} ||= "vlt" if $self->{vlt};
$self->{scenario} ||= "vltmt" if $self->{vltmt};
$self->{scenario} ||= "nc" if $self->{nc};
$self->{scenario} ||= "ms" if $self->{ms};
$self->{scenario} ||= "iv" if $self->{iv};
$self->{scenario} ||= "xsim" if $self->{xsim};
foreach my $dir (@::Test_Dirs) {
# t_dir used both absolutely and under obj_dir
if (-e "$dir/$self->{name}.pl") {
# Note most tests require error messages of the form t/x.v
# Therefore pl_filename must be t/ for local tests
$self->{pl_filename} = File::Spec->abs2rel("$dir/$self->{name}.pl");
# t_dir must be absolute - used under t or under obj_dir
$self->{t_dir} ||= File::Spec->rel2abs($dir);
$self->{t_dir} or die "%Error: Can't locate dir for $self->{name},";
if (!$self->{obj_dir}) {
my $scen_dir = File::Spec->abs2rel("$self->{t_dir}/../obj_$self->{scenario}");
$scen_dir =~ s!^t/\.\./!!; # Simplify filenames on local runs
mkdir $scen_dir; # Not a mkpath so find out if trying to build somewhere odd
$self->{obj_dir} = "$scen_dir/$self->{name}";
my $define_opt = defineOpt($self->{xsim});
$self = {
name => undef, # Set below, name of this test
pl_filename => undef, # Name of .pl file to get setup from
make_top_shell => 1, # Make a default __top.v file
make_main => 1, # Make __main.cpp
make_pli => 0, # need to compile pli
sc_time_resolution => "SC_PS", # Keep - PS is SystemC default
sim_time => 1100,
threads => -1, # --threads (negative means auto based on scenario)
context_threads => 0, # Number of threads to allocate in the context
benchmark => $opt_benchmark,
verbose => $opt_verbose,
rerunnable => 1, # Rerun if fails
run_env => '',
# All compilers
v_flags => [split(/\s+/,
(($self->{xsim} ? " -f input.xsim.vc " :
(-r 'input.vc' ? " -f input.vc " : ""))
.($self->{t_dir} !~ m!/test_regress! # Don't include standard dir, only site's
? " +incdir+$self->{t_dir} -y $self->{t_dir}" : "")
. " " . $define_opt . "TEST_OBJ_DIR=$self->{obj_dir}"
.($opt_verbose ? " " . $define_opt . "TEST_VERBOSE=1" : "")
.($opt_benchmark ? " " . $define_opt . "TEST_BENCHMARK=$opt_benchmark" : "")
.($opt_trace ? " " . $define_opt . "WAVES=1" : "")
v_flags2 => [], # Overridden in some sim files
v_other_filenames => [], # After the filename so we can spec multiple files
all_run_flags => [],
pli_flags => ["-I$ENV{VERILATOR_ROOT}/include/vltstd -fPIC -shared"
. (($^O eq "darwin" )
? " -Wl,-undefined,dynamic_lookup"
: " -export-dynamic")
. ($opt_verbose ? " -DTEST_VERBOSE=1" : "")
. (cfg_with_m32() ? " -m32" : "")
. " -o $self->{obj_dir}/libvpi.so"],
tool_c_flags => [],
atsim => 0,
atsim_define => 'ATSIM',
atsim_flags => [split(/\s+/, "-c +sv +define+ATSIM"),
atsim_flags2 => [], # Overridden in some sim files
atsim_run_flags => [],
ghdl => 0,
ghdl_define => 'GHDL',
ghdl_work_dir => "$self->{obj_dir}/ghdl_compile",
ghdl_flags => [($::Debug ? "-v" : ""),
"--workdir=$self->{obj_dir}/ghdl_compile", ],
ghdl_flags2 => [], # Overridden in some sim files
ghdl_run_flags => [],
# IV
iv => 0,
iv_define => 'IVERILOG',
iv_flags => [split(/\s+/, "+define+IVERILOG -g2012 -o $self->{obj_dir}/simiv")],
iv_flags2 => [], # Overridden in some sim files
iv_pli => 0, # need to use pli
iv_run_flags => [],
vcs => 0,
vcs_define => 'VCS',
vcs_flags => [split(/\s+/, "+vcs+lic+wait +cli -debug_access +define+VCS+1 -q -sverilog -CFLAGS '-DVCS' ")],
vcs_flags2 => [], # Overridden in some sim files
vcs_run_flags => [split(/\s+/, "+vcs+lic_wait")],
# NC
nc => 0,
nc_define => 'NC',
nc_flags => [split(/\s+/, ("+licqueue +nowarn+LIBNOU +define+NC=1 -q +assert +sv -c "
. ($opt_trace ? " +access+r" : "")))],
nc_flags2 => [], # Overridden in some sim files
nc_run_flags => [split(/\s+/, "+licqueue -q +assert +sv -R")],
# ModelSim
ms => 0,
ms_define => 'MS',
ms_flags => [split(/\s+/, ("-sv -work $self->{obj_dir}/work +define+MS=1 -ccflags \"-DMS=1\""))],
ms_flags2 => [], # Overridden in some sim files
ms_pli => 1, # need to use pli
ms_run_flags => [split(/\s+/, "-lib $self->{obj_dir}/work -c -do 'run -all;quit' ")],
# XSim
xsim => 0,
xsim_define => 'XSIM',
xsim_flags => [split(/\s+/, ("--nolog --sv --define XSIM --work $self->{name}=$self->{obj_dir}/xsim"))],
xsim_flags2 => [], # Overridden in some sim files
xsim_run_flags => [split(/\s+/, ("--nolog --runall --lib $self->{name}=$self->{obj_dir}/xsim"
.($opt_trace ? " --debug all" : "")))],
xsim_run_flags2 => [], # Overridden in some sim files
# Verilator
vlt => 0,
vltmt => 0,
verilator_define => 'VERILATOR',
verilator_flags => ["-cc",
"-Mdir $self->{obj_dir}",
"--fdedup", # As currently disabled unless -O3
"--comp-limit-members 10", ],
verilator_flags2 => [],
verilator_flags3 => ["--clk clk"],
verilator_make_gmake => 1,
verilator_make_cmake => 0,
verilated_debug => $Opt_Verilated_Debug,
stdout_filename => undef, # Redirect stdout
bless $self, $class;
$self->{vlt_all} = $self->{vlt} || $self->{vltmt}; # Any Verilator scenario
$self->{vm_prefix} ||= "V" . $self->{name};
$self->{stats} ||= "$self->{obj_dir}/V" . $self->{name} . "__stats.txt";
$self->{status_filename} ||= "$self->{obj_dir}/V" . $self->{name} . ".status";
$self->{run_log_filename} ||= "$self->{obj_dir}/vlt_sim.log";
$self->{coverage_filename} ||= "$self->{obj_dir}/coverage.dat";
$self->{main_filename} ||= "$self->{obj_dir}/$self->{vm_prefix}__main.cpp";
($self->{top_filename} ||= $self->{pl_filename}) =~ s/\.pl$//;
($self->{golden_filename} ||= $self->{pl_filename}) =~ s/\.pl$/.out/;
if (-e ($self->{top_filename} . ".vhd")) { # If VHDL file exists
$self->{vhdl} = 1;
$self->{top_filename} .= ".vhd";
} else {
$self->{top_filename} .= ".v";
if (!$self->{make_top_shell}) {
$self->{top_shell_filename} = $self->{top_filename};
} else {
$self->{top_shell_filename} = "$self->{obj_dir}/$self->{vm_prefix}__top.v";
$self->{pli_filename} ||= $self->{name} . ".cpp";
return $self;
sub benchmarksim_filename {
my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self);
return $self->{obj_dir} . "/$self->{name}_benchmarksim.csv";
sub init_benchmarksim {
my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self);
# Simulations with benchmarksim enabled append to the same file between runs.
# Test files must ensure a clean benchmark data file before executing tests.
my $filename = $self->benchmarksim_filename();
my $fh = IO::File->new(">" . $filename) or die "%Error: $! " . $filename;
print $fh "# Verilator simulation benchmark data\n";
print $fh "# Test name: " . $self->{name} . "\n";
print $fh "# Top file: " . $self->{top_filename} . "\n";
print $fh "evals, time[s]\n";
sub soprint {
my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self);
my $str = "$self->{scenario}/$self->{name}: " . join('', @_);
$str =~ s/\n\n+$/\n/s;
return $str;
sub oprint {
my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self);
print $self->soprint(@_);
sub error {
my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self);
my $msg = join('', @_);
# Called from tests as: error("Reason message"[, ...]);
warn "%Warning: $self->{scenario}/$self->{name}: " . $msg . "\n";
$self->{errors} ||= $msg;
sub error_keep_going {
my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self);
my $msg = join('', @_);
# Called from tests as: error_keep_going("Reason message"[, ...]);
warn "%Warning: $self->{scenario}/$self->{name}: " . $msg . "\n";
$self->{errors_keep_going} ||= $msg;
sub skip {
my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self);
my $msg = join('', @_);
# Called from tests as: skip("Reason message"[, ...]);
warn "-Skip: $self->{scenario}/$self->{name}: " . $msg . "\n";
$self->{skips} ||= "Skip: " . $msg;
sub scenarios {
my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self);
my %params = (@_);
# Called from tests as: scenarios(...);
# to specify which scenarios this test runs under.
# Where ... is one cases listed in All_Scenarios
if ((scalar keys %params) < 1) {
$params{simulators} = 1;
my %enabled_scenarios;
foreach my $scenario (keys %params) {
my $value = $params{$scenario};
my $hit = 0;
foreach my $allsc (keys %All_Scenarios) {
foreach my $allscarg (@{$All_Scenarios{$allsc}}) {
if ($scenario eq $allscarg) {
$hit = 1;
$enabled_scenarios{$allsc} = 1;
if (!$hit) {
$self->error("scenarios('$scenario' => ...) has unknown scenario '$scenario',");
if (!$enabled_scenarios{$self->{scenario}}) {
$self->skip("scenario '$self->{scenario}' not enabled for test");
$self->{scenario_off} ||= 1;
sub _prep {
my $self = shift;
mkdir $self->{obj_dir}; # Ok if already exists
sub _read {
my $self = shift;
# Read the control file
(-r $self->{pl_filename})
or return $self->error("Can't open $self->{pl_filename}\n");
$Self = $self;
delete $INC{$self->{pl_filename}};
require $self->{pl_filename};
sub _exit {
my $self = shift;
if ($self->ok) {
$self->oprint("Self PASSED\n");
} elsif ($self->skips && !$self->errors) {
$self->oprint("-Skip: $self->{skips}\n");
} else {
$self->error("Missing ok\n") if !$self->errors;
$self->oprint("%Error: $self->{errors}\n");
sub _write_status {
my $self = shift;
my $filename = $self->{status_filename};
my $fh = IO::File->new(">$filename") or die "%Error: $! $filename,";
$Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
$Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
print $fh Dumper($self);
print $fh "1;";
sub _read_status {
my $self = shift;
my $filename = $self->{status_filename};
use vars qw($VAR1);
local $VAR1;
if (!-r $filename) {
$self->error("driver.pl _read_status file missing: $filename");
local %INC = ();
require $filename or die "%Error: $! $filename,";
if ($VAR1) {
%{$self} = %{$VAR1};
} else {
$self->error("driver.pl _read_status file empty: $filename");
# Methods invoked by tests
sub clean {
my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self);
# Called on a rerun to cleanup files
if ($self->{clean_command}) {
if (1) {
# Prevents false-failures when switching compilers
# Remove old results to force hard rebuild
system("rm", "-rf", "$self->{obj_dir}__fail1");
system("mv", "$self->{obj_dir}", "$self->{obj_dir}__fail1");
sub clean_objs {
my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self);
system("rm", "-rf", glob("$self->{obj_dir}/*"));
sub compile_vlt_cmd {
my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self);
my %param = (%{$self}, @_); # Default arguments are from $self
return 1 if $self->errors || $self->skips;
my @vlt_cmd = (
"perl", "$ENV{VERILATOR_ROOT}/bin/verilator",
$param{stdout_filename} ? "> " . $param{stdout_filename} : ""
return @vlt_cmd;
sub compile_vlt_flags {
my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self);
my %param = (%{$self}, @_); # Default arguments are from $self
return 1 if $self->errors || $self->skips;
my $checkflags = (' '.join(' ',
.' ');
die "%Error: specify threads via 'threads =>' argument, not as a command line option" unless ($checkflags !~ /(^|\s)-?-threads\s/);
$self->{coverage} = 1 if ($checkflags =~ /-coverage\b/);
$self->{savable} = 1 if ($checkflags =~ /-savable\b/);
$self->{sc} = 1 if ($checkflags =~ /-sc\b/);
$self->{timing} = 1 if ($checkflags =~ / -?-timing\b/ || $checkflags =~ / -?-binary\b/ );
$self->{trace} = ($opt_trace || $checkflags =~ /-trace\b/
|| $checkflags =~ /-trace-fst\b/);
$self->{trace_format} = (($checkflags =~ /-trace-fst/ && $self->{sc} && 'fst-sc')
|| ($checkflags =~ /-trace-fst/ && !$self->{sc} && 'fst-c')
|| ($self->{sc} && 'vcd-sc')
|| (!$self->{sc} && 'vcd-c'));
$self->{sanitize} = $opt_sanitize unless exists($self->{sanitize});
$self->{benchmarksim} = 1 if ($param{benchmarksim});
my @verilator_flags = @{$param{verilator_flags}};
unshift @verilator_flags, "--gdb" if $opt_gdb;
unshift @verilator_flags, "--gdbbt" if $opt_gdbbt;
unshift @verilator_flags, "--rr" if $opt_rr;
unshift @verilator_flags, "--x-assign unique"; # More likely to be buggy
unshift @verilator_flags, "--trace" if $opt_trace;
unshift @verilator_flags, "--threads $param{threads}" if $param{threads} >= 0;
unshift @verilator_flags, "--trace-threads 2" if $param{vltmt} && $checkflags =~ /-trace-fst /;
unshift @verilator_flags, "--debug-partition" if $param{vltmt};
unshift @verilator_flags, "-CFLAGS -ggdb -LDFLAGS -ggdb" if $opt_gdbsim;
unshift @verilator_flags, "-CFLAGS -fsanitize=address,undefined -LDFLAGS -fsanitize=address,undefined" if $param{sanitize};
unshift @verilator_flags, "--make gmake" if $param{verilator_make_gmake};
unshift @verilator_flags, "--make cmake" if $param{verilator_make_cmake};
unshift @verilator_flags, "--exe" if
$param{make_main} && $param{verilator_make_gmake};
unshift @verilator_flags, "../" . $self->{main_filename} if
$param{make_main} && $param{verilator_make_gmake};
my @cmdargs = (
"--prefix " . $param{vm_prefix},
# Flags from driver cmdline override default flags and
# flags from the test itself
return @cmdargs;
sub driver_verilator_flags {
# my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self);
return @Opt_Driver_Verilator_Flags;
sub lint {
my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self);
my %param = (#
%{$self}, # Default arguments are from $self
# Lint specific default overrides
make_main => 0,
make_top_shell => 0,
verilator_flags2 => ["--lint-only"],
verilator_make_gmake => 0,
sub compile {
my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self);
my %param = (tee => 1,
%{$self}, @_); # Default arguments are from $self
return 1 if $self->errors || $self->skips;
$self->oprint("Compile\n") if $self->{verbose};
die "%Error: 'threads =>' argument must be <= 1 for vlt scenario" if $param{vlt} && $param{threads} > 1;
# Compute automatic parameter values
$param{threads} = ::calc_threads($Vltmt_threads) if $param{threads} < 0 && $param{vltmt};
$param{context_threads} = $param{threads} >= 1 ? $param{threads} : 1 if !$param{context_threads};
$self->{threads} = $param{threads};
$self->{context_threads} = $param{context_threads};
my $define_opt = defineOpt($self->{xsim});
if (join(' ', @{$self->{v_flags}}) !~ /TEST_DUMPFILE/) {
push @{$self->{v_flags}}, ($define_opt . "TEST_DUMPFILE=" . $self->trace_filename);
if (!$param{make_top_shell}) {
= $self->{top_shell_filename} = "";
} else {
= $self->{top_shell_filename} = "$self->{obj_dir}/$self->{vm_prefix}__top." . $self->v_suffix;
if ($param{atsim}) {
$param{tool_define} ||= $param{atsim_define};
$self->_make_top() if $param{make_top_shell};
cmd=>[($ENV{VERILATOR_ATSIM} || "atsim"),
elsif ($param{ghdl}) {
$param{tool_define} ||= $param{ghdl_define};
mkdir $self->{ghdl_work_dir};
$self->_make_top() if $param{make_top_shell};
cmd=>[($ENV{VERILATOR_GHDL} || "ghdl"),
# Add -c here, as having -c twice freaks it out
((($ENV{VERILATOR_GHDL} || ' ') =~ / -c\b/) ? "" : "-c"),
#@{$param{v_flags}}, # Not supported
#@{$param{v_flags2}}, # Not supported
"-e t",
elsif ($param{vcs}) {
$param{tool_define} ||= $param{vcs_define};
$self->_make_top() if $param{make_top_shell};
cmd=>[($ENV{VERILATOR_VCS} || "vcs"),
($opt_verbose ? " -CFLAGS -DTEST_VERBOSE=1" : ""),
elsif ($param{nc}) {
$param{tool_define} ||= $param{nc_define};
$self->_make_top() if $param{make_top_shell};
my @more_args;
if ($self->vhdl) {
((my $ts = $param{top_shell_filename}) =~ s!\.v!!);
$ts =~ s!.*/!!;
push @more_args, "-vhdltop", $ts;
cmd=>[($ENV{VERILATOR_NCVERILOG} || "ncverilog"),
elsif ($param{ms}) {
$param{tool_define} ||= $param{ms_define};
$self->_make_top() if $param{make_top_shell};
cmd=>[("vlib $self->{obj_dir}/work && "),
elsif ($param{iv}) {
$param{tool_define} ||= $param{iv_define};
$self->_make_top() if $param{make_top_shell};
my @cmd = (($ENV{VERILATOR_IVERILOG} || "iverilog"),
@cmd = grep { s/\+define\+/-D /g; $_; } @cmd;
elsif ($param{xsim}) {
$param{tool_define} ||= $param{xsim_define};
$self->_make_top() if $param{make_top_shell};
cmd=>[($ENV{VERILATOR_XVLOG} || "xvlog"),
elsif ($param{vlt_all}) {
$param{tool_define} ||= $param{verilator_define};
if ($self->sc && !$self->have_sc) {
$self->skip("Test requires SystemC; ignore error since not installed\n");
return 1;
if ($self->{timing} && !$self->have_coroutines) {
$self->skip("Test requires Coroutines; ignore error since not available\n");
return 1;
if ($param{verilator_make_cmake} && !$self->have_cmake) {
$self->skip("Test requires CMake; ignore error since not available or version too old\n");
return 1;
if (!$param{fails} && $param{make_main}) {
if ($param{verilator_make_gmake}
|| (!$param{verilator_make_gmake} && !$param{verilator_make_cmake})) {
my @vlt_cmd = $self->compile_vlt_cmd(%param);
$self->oprint("Running Verilator (gmake)\n") if $self->{verbose};
$self->_run(logfile => "$self->{obj_dir}/vlt_compile.log",
fails => $param{fails},
tee => $param{tee},
expect => $param{expect},
expect_filename => $param{expect_filename},
verilator_run => 1,
cmd => \@vlt_cmd) if $::Opt_Verilation;
return 1 if $self->errors || $self->skips;
if ($param{verilator_make_cmake}) {
my @vlt_args = $self->compile_vlt_flags(%param);
$self->oprint("Running cmake\n") if $self->{verbose};
mkdir $self->{obj_dir};
my @csources = ();
unshift @csources, $self->{main_filename} if $param{make_main};
$self->_run(logfile => "$self->{obj_dir}/vlt_cmake.log",
fails => $param{fails},
tee => $param{tee},
expect => $param{expect},
expect_filename => $param{expect_filename},
verilator_run => 1,
cmd => ["cd \"" . $self->{obj_dir} . "\" && cmake",
"\"" . $self->{t_dir} . "/..\"",
"-DTEST_VERILATOR_SOURCES=\"$param{top_filename} @{$param{v_other_filenames}}\"",
"-DTEST_VERBOSE=\"" . ($self->{verbose} ? 1 : 0) . "\"",
"-DTEST_SYSTEMC=\"" . ($self->sc ? 1 : 0) . "\"",
"-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=\"" . (($ENV{SYSTEMC_INCLUDE} || $ENV{SYSTEMC} || '') . "/..\""),
"-DTEST_OPT_FAST=\"" . ($param{benchmark} ? "-Os" : "-O0") . "\"",
"-DTEST_OPT_GLOBAL=\"" . ($param{benchmark} ? "-Os" : "-O0") . "\"",
"-DTEST_VERILATION=\"" . $::Opt_Verilation . "\"",
return 1 if $self->errors || $self->skips;
if (!$param{fails} && $param{verilator_make_gmake}) {
$self->oprint("Running make (gmake)\n") if $self->{verbose};
$self->_run(logfile => "$self->{obj_dir}/vlt_gcc.log",
entering => "$self->{obj_dir}",
cmd => [$ENV{MAKE},
"-C " . $self->{obj_dir},
"-f " . $FindBin::RealBin . "/Makefile_obj",
($self->{verbose} ? "" : "--no-print-directory"),
"CPPFLAGS_DRIVER=-D" . uc($self->{name}),
($self->{verbose} ? "CPPFLAGS_DRIVER2=-DTEST_VERBOSE=1" : ""),
($param{benchmark} ? "" : "OPT_FAST=-O0"),
($param{benchmark} ? "" : "OPT_GLOBAL=-O0"),
"$self->{vm_prefix}", # bypass default rule, as we don't need archive
($param{make_flags} || ""),
if (!$param{fails} && $param{verilator_make_cmake}) {
$self->oprint("Running cmake --build\n") if $self->{verbose};
$self->_run(logfile => "$self->{obj_dir}/vlt_cmake_build.log",
cmd => ["cmake",
"--build", $self->{obj_dir},
($self->{verbose} ? "--verbose" : ""),
else {
$self->error("No compile step defined for '$self->{scenario}' scenario");
if ($param{make_pli}) {
$self->oprint("Compile vpi\n") if $self->{verbose};
my @cmd = ($ENV{CXX}, @{$param{pli_flags}},
"-D" . $param{tool_define},
"-DIS_VPI", ($ENV{CFLAGS} || ''),
return 1;
sub execute {
my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self);
return 1 if $self->errors || $self->skips;
my %param = (%{$self}, @_); # Default arguments are from $self
# params may be expect or {tool}_expect
$self->oprint("Run\n") if $self->{verbose};
my $run_env = $param{run_env};
$run_env .= ' ' if $run_env;
if ($param{atsim}) {
cmd=>["echo q | " . $run_env . "$self->{obj_dir}/athdl_sv",
expect=>$param{atsim_run_expect}, # non-verilator expect isn't the same
elsif ($param{ghdl}) {
cmd=>[$run_env . "$self->{obj_dir}/simghdl",
expect=>$param{ghdl_run_expect}, # non-verilator expect isn't the same
elsif ($param{iv}) {
my @cmd = ($run_env . "$self->{obj_dir}/simiv",
if ($param{use_libvpi}) {
# don't enter command line on $stop, include vpi
unshift @cmd, "vvp -n -m $self->{obj_dir}/libvpi.so";
cmd=> \@cmd,
expect=>$param{iv_run_expect}, # non-verilator expect isn't the same
elsif ($param{ms}) {
my @pli_opt = ();
if ($param{use_libvpi}) {
unshift @pli_opt, "-pli $self->{obj_dir}/libvpi.so";
cmd=>["echo q | " . $run_env . ($ENV{VERILATOR_MODELSIM} || "vsim"),
(" top")
expect=>$param{ms_run_expect}, # non-verilator expect isn't the same
elsif ($param{nc}) {
cmd=>["echo q | " . $run_env . ($ENV{VERILATOR_NCVERILOG} || "ncverilog"),
expect=>$param{nc_run_expect}, # non-verilator expect isn't the same
elsif ($param{vcs}) {
#my $fh = IO::File->new(">simv.key") or die "%Error: $! simv.key,";
#$fh->print("quit\n"); $fh->close;
cmd=>["echo q | " . $run_env . "./simv",
expect=>$param{vcs_run_expect}, # non-verilator expect isn't the same
elsif ($param{xsim}) {
cmd=>[$run_env.($ENV{VERILATOR_XELAB} || "xelab"),
(" $self->{name}.top")
expect=>$param{xsim_run_expect}, # non-verilator expect isn't the same
elsif ($param{vlt_all}
#&& (!$param{needs_v4} || -r "$ENV{VERILATOR_ROOT}/src/V3Gate.cpp")
) {
$param{executable} ||= "$self->{obj_dir}/$param{vm_prefix}";
my $debugger = "";
if ($opt_gdbsim) {
$debugger = ($ENV{VERILATOR_GDB} || "gdb") . " ";
} elsif ($opt_rrsim) {
$debugger = "rr record ";
.($opt_gdbsim ? " -ex 'run " : "")),
($opt_gdbsim ? "'" : ""),
expect=>$param{expect}, # backward compatible name
expect_filename=>$param{expect_filename}, # backward compatible name
else {
$self->error("No execute step for this simulator");
sub setenv {
my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self);
my $var = shift;
my $val = shift;
print "\texport $var='$val'\n";
$ENV{$var} = $val;
sub inline_checks {
my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self);
return 1 if $self->errors || $self->skips;
return 1 if !$self->{vlt_all};
my %param = (%{$self}, @_); # Default arguments are from $self
my $covfn = $Self->{coverage_filename};
my $contents = $self->file_contents($covfn);
$self->oprint("Extract checks\n") if $self->{verbose};
my $fh = IO::File->new("<$self->{top_filename}");
while (defined(my $line = $fh->getline)) {
if ($line =~ /CHECK/) {
if ($line =~ /CHECK_COVER *\( *([---0-9]+) *, *"([^"]+)" *, *("([^"]+)" *,|) *(\d+) *\)/) {
my $lineno = ($. + $1); my $hier = $2; my $comment = $4; my $count = $5;
my $regexp = "\001l\002" . $lineno;
$regexp .= ".*\001o\002" . quotemeta($comment) if $comment;
$regexp .= ".*\001h\002" . quotemeta($hier) if $hier;
$regexp .= ".*' " . $count;
if ($contents !~ /$regexp/) {
$self->error("CHECK_COVER: $covfn: Regexp not found: $regexp\n" .
"From $self->{top_filename}:$.: $line");
elsif ($line =~ /CHECK_COVER_MISSING *\( *([---0-9]+) *\)/) {
my $lineno = ($. + $1);
my $regexp = "\001l\002" . $lineno;
if ($contents =~ /$regexp/) {
$self->error("CHECK_COVER_MISSING: $covfn: Regexp found: $regexp\n" .
"From $self->{top_filename}:$.: $line");
else {
$self->error("$self->{top_filename}:$.: Unknown CHECK request: $line");
# Accessors
sub ok {
my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self);
$self->{ok} = $_[0] if defined $_[0];
$self->{ok} = 0 if $self->{errors} || $self->{errors_keep_going} || $self->{skips};
return $self->{ok};
sub continuing {
my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self);
return !($self->errors || $self->skips);
sub errors {
my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self);
return $self->{errors};
sub golden_filename {
my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self);
$self->{golden_filename} = shift if defined $_[0];
return $self->{golden_filename};
sub scenario_off {
my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self);
return $self->{scenario_off};
sub skips {
my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self);
return $self->{skips};
sub top_filename {
my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self);
$self->{top_filename} = shift if defined $_[0];
return $self->{top_filename};
sub vhdl {
my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self);
$self->{vhdl} = shift if defined $_[0];
if ($self->{vhdl}) {
$self->{top_filename} =~ s/\.v$/\.vhdl/;
return $self->{vhdl};
sub v_suffix {
my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self);
# Suffix for file type, e.g. .vhdl or .v
return $self->{vhdl} ? "vhdl" : "v";
sub sc {
my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self);
return $self->{sc};
sub have_sc {
return ::_have_sc();
sub have_coroutines {
return ::_have_coroutines();
sub make_version {
my $ver = `$ENV{MAKE} --version`;
if ($ver =~ /make ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/i) {
return $1;
} else {
return -1;
sub have_cmake {
return cmake_version() >= version->declare("3.8");
sub cmake_version {
chomp(my $cmake_bin = `which cmake`);
if (!$cmake_bin) {
return undef;
my $cmake_version = `cmake --version`;
if ($cmake_version !~ /cmake version (\d+)\.(\d+)/) {
return undef;
$cmake_version = "$1.$2";
return version->declare($cmake_version);
sub trace_filename {
my $self = shift;
return "$self->{obj_dir}/simx.fst" if $self->{trace_format} =~ /^fst/;
return "$self->{obj_dir}/simx.vcd";
sub obj_dir {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{obj_dir};
sub get_default_vltmt_threads {
return $Vltmt_threads;
sub pli_filename {
my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self);
$self->{pli_filename} = shift if defined $_[0];
return $self->{pli_filename};
sub rerunnable {
my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self);
$self->{rerunnable} = shift if defined $_[0];
return $self->{rerunnable};
sub too_few_cores {
my $threads = ::calc_threads($Vltmt_threads);
return $threads < $Vltmt_threads;
sub skip_if_too_few_cores {
my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self);
if (too_few_cores()) {
$self->skip("Skipping due to too few cores\n");
sub wno_unopthreads_for_few_cores {
if (too_few_cores()) {
warn "Too few cores, using -Wno-UNOPTTHREADS\n";
return "-Wno-UNOPTTHREADS";
return "";
sub vm_prefix {
my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self);
$self->{vm_prefix} = shift if defined $_[0];
return $self->{vm_prefix};
sub run {
my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self);
sub _run {
my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self);
my %param = (tee => 1,
#entering => # Print entering directory information
#verilator_run => # Move gcov data to parallel area
my $command = join(' ', @{$param{cmd}});
$command = "time $command" if $opt_benchmark && $command !~ /^cd /;
if ($param{verilator_run}) {
# Gcov fails when parallel jobs write same data file,
# so we make sure .gcda output dir is unique across all running jobs.
# We can't just put each one in an unique obj_dir as it uses too much disk.
# Must use absolute path as some execute()s have different PWD
$ENV{GCOV_PREFIX} = File::Spec->rel2abs("$FindBin::RealBin/obj_dist/gcov_$self->{running_id}");
print "export GCOV_PREFIX_STRIP=99 GCOV_PREFIX=$ENV{GCOV_PREFIX}\n" if $self->{verbose};
} else {
print "\t$command";
print " > $param{logfile}" if $param{logfile};
print "\n";
# Execute command redirecting output, keeping order between stderr and stdout.
# Must do low-level IO so GCC interaction works (can't be line-based)
my $status;
pipe(PARENTRD, CHILDWR) or die "%Error: Can't Pipe, stopped";
autoflush PARENTRD 1;
autoflush CHILDWR 1;
my $logfh;
if ($param{logfile}) {
$logfh = IO::File->new(">$param{logfile}") or die "%Error: Can't open $param{logfile}";
my $pid = fork();
if ($pid) { # Parent
close CHILDWR;
print "driver: Entering directory '",
File::Spec->rel2abs($param{entering}), "'\n" if $param{entering};
while (1) {
my $buf = '';
my $got = sysread PARENTRD, $buf, 10000;
last if defined $got && $got == 0;
print $buf if $param{tee};
print $logfh $buf if $logfh;
close $logfh if $logfh;
print "driver: Leaving directory '",
File::Spec->rel2abs($param{entering}), "'\n" if $param{entering};
else { # Child
close $logfh if $logfh;
# Reset signals
# Logging
open(STDOUT, ">&CHILDWR") or croak "%Error: Can't redirect stdout, stopped";
open(STDERR, ">&STDOUT") or croak "%Error: Can't dup stdout, stopped";
autoflush STDOUT 1;
autoflush STDERR 1;
system "$command";
my $status = $?;
if (($status & 127) == 4 # SIGILL
|| ($status & 127) == 8 # SIGFPA
|| ($status & 127) == 11) { # SIGSEGV
$Self->error("Exec failed with core dump");
exit($? ? 10 : 0); # $?>>8 misses coredumps
waitpid($pid, 0);
$status = $? || 0;
flush STDOUT;
flush STDERR;
if (!$param{fails} && $status) {
my $firstline = "";
if (my $fh = IO::File->new("<$param{logfile}")) {
while (defined(my $line = $fh->getline)) {
next if $line =~ /^- /; # Debug message
$firstline = $line;
chomp $firstline;
$self->error("Exec of $param{cmd}[0] failed: $firstline\n");
if ($param{fails} && $status) {
print "(Exec expected to fail, and did.)\n";
if ($param{fails} && !$status) {
$self->error("Exec of $param{cmd}[0] ok, but expected to fail\n");
return if $self->errors || $self->skips;
# Read the log file a couple of times to allow for NFS delays
if ($param{check_finished} || $param{expect}) {
for (my $try = $self->tries - 1; $try >= 0; $try--) {
sleep 1 if ($try != $self->tries - 1);
my $moretry = $try != 0;
my $fh = IO::File->new("<$param{logfile}");
next if !$fh && $moretry;
local $/; undef $/;
my $wholefile = <$fh>;
# Finished?
if ($param{check_finished} && $wholefile !~ /\*\-\* All Finished \*\-\*/) {
next if $moretry;
$self->error("Missing All Finished\n");
if ($param{expect}) {
# Strip debugging comments
# See also files_identical
$wholefile =~ s/^- [^\n]+\n//mig;
$wholefile =~ s/^- [a-z.0-9]+:\d+:[^\n]+\n//mig;
$wholefile =~ s/^dot [^\n]+\n//mig;
# Compare
my $quoted = quotemeta($param{expect});
my $ok = ($wholefile eq $param{expect}
|| _try_regex($wholefile, $param{expect}) == 1
|| $wholefile =~ /$quoted/ms);
if (!$ok) {
#print "**BAD $self->{name} $param{logfile} MT $moretry $try\n";
next if $moretry;
$self->error("Miscompares in output from $param{cmd}[0]\n");
$self->error("Might be error in regexp format\n") if $ok < 1;
print "GOT:\n";
print $wholefile;
print "ENDGOT\n";
print "EXPECT:\n";
print $param{expect};
print "ENDEXPECT\n";
if ($param{expect_filename}) {
files_identical($param{logfile}, $param{expect_filename}, 'logfile');
# Little utilities
sub _try_regex {
# Try to eval a regexp
# Returns:
# 1 if $text ~= /$regex/ms
# 0 if no match
# -1 if $regex is invalid, doesn't compile
my ($text, $regex) = @_;
my $result;
local $@;
eval {
$result = ($text =~ /$regex/ms);
$result = -1 if $@;
return $result;
sub _make_main {
my $self = shift;
my $timing_loop = shift;
if ($timing_loop && $self->sc) {
$self->error("Cannot use timing loop and SystemC together!\n");
if ($self->vhdl) {
} else {
my $filename = $self->{main_filename};
my $fh = IO::File->new(">$filename") or die "%Error: $! $filename,";
print $fh "// Test defines\n";
print $fh "#define MAIN_TIME_MULTIPLIER " . ($self->{main_time_multiplier} || 1) . "\n";
print $fh "#include <memory>\n";
print $fh "#include <fstream>\n" if $self->{benchmarksim};
print $fh "#include <chrono>\n" if $self->{benchmarksim};
print $fh "#include <iomanip>\n" if $self->{benchmarksim};
print $fh "// OS header\n";
print $fh "#include \"verilatedos.h\"\n";
print $fh "// Generated header\n";
my $vm_prefix = $self->{vm_prefix};
print $fh "#include \"${vm_prefix}.h\"\n";
print $fh "// General headers\n";
print $fh "#include \"verilated.h\"\n";
print $fh "#include \"systemc.h\"\n" if $self->sc;
print $fh "#include \"verilated_fst_c.h\"\n" if $self->{trace} && $self->{trace_format} eq 'fst-c';
print $fh "#include \"verilated_fst_sc.h\"\n" if $self->{trace} && $self->{trace_format} eq 'fst-sc';
print $fh "#include \"verilated_vcd_c.h\"\n" if $self->{trace} && $self->{trace_format} eq 'vcd-c';
print $fh "#include \"verilated_vcd_sc.h\"\n" if $self->{trace} && $self->{trace_format} eq 'vcd-sc';
print $fh "#include \"verilated_save.h\"\n" if $self->{savable};
print $fh "std::unique_ptr<${vm_prefix}> topp;\n";
if ($self->{savable}) {
$fh->print("void save_model(const char* filenamep) {\n");
$fh->print(" VL_PRINTF(\"Saving model to '%s'\\n\", filenamep);\n");
$fh->print(" VerilatedSave os;\n");
$fh->print(" os.open(filenamep);\n");
$fh->print(" os << *topp;\n");
$fh->print(" os.close();\n");
$fh->print("void restore_model(const char* filenamep) {\n");
$fh->print(" VL_PRINTF(\"Restoring model from '%s'\\n\", filenamep);\n");
$fh->print(" VerilatedRestore os;\n");
$fh->print(" os.open(filenamep);\n");
$fh->print(" os >> *topp;\n");
$fh->print(" os.close();\n");
#### Main
if ($self->sc) {
print $fh "extern int sc_main(int argc, char** argv);\n";
print $fh "int sc_main(int argc, char** argv) {\n";
print $fh " sc_signal<bool> fastclk;\n" if $self->{inputs}{fastclk};
print $fh " sc_signal<bool> clk;\n" if $self->{inputs}{clk};
print $fh " sc_set_time_resolution(1, $Self->{sc_time_resolution});\n";
print $fh " sc_time sim_time($self->{sim_time}, $Self->{sc_time_resolution});\n";
} else {
print $fh "int main(int argc, char** argv) {\n";
print $fh " uint64_t sim_time = $self->{sim_time};\n";
print $fh " const std::unique_ptr<VerilatedContext> contextp{new VerilatedContext};\n";
print $fh " contextp->threads($self->{context_threads});\n";
print $fh " contextp->commandArgs(argc, argv);\n";
print $fh " contextp->debug(" . ($self->{verilated_debug} ? 1 : 0) . ");\n";
print $fh " srand48(5);\n"; # Ensure determinism
print $fh " contextp->randReset(" . $self->{verilated_randReset} . ");\n"
if defined $self->{verilated_randReset};
print $fh " topp.reset(new ${vm_prefix}(\"top\"));\n";
print $fh " contextp->internalsDump()\n;" if $self->{verilated_debug};
my $set;
if ($self->sc) {
print $fh " topp->fastclk(fastclk);\n" if $self->{inputs}{fastclk};
print $fh " topp->clk(clk);\n" if $self->{inputs}{clk};
$set = "";
} else {
print $fh " topp->eval();\n";
$set = "topp->";
if ($self->{benchmarksim}) {
$fh->print(" std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock> starttime;\n");
$fh->print(" bool warm = false;\n");
$fh->print(" uint64_t n_evals = 0;\n");
if ($self->{trace}) {
$fh->print("#if VM_TRACE\n");
$fh->print(" contextp->traceEverOn(true);\n");
$fh->print(" std::unique_ptr<VerilatedFstC> tfp{new VerilatedFstC};\n") if $self->{trace_format} eq 'fst-c';
$fh->print(" std::unique_ptr<VerilatedFstSc> tfp{new VerilatedFstSc};\n") if $self->{trace_format} eq 'fst-sc';
$fh->print(" std::unique_ptr<VerilatedVcdC> tfp{new VerilatedVcdC};\n") if $self->{trace_format} eq 'vcd-c';
$fh->print(" std::unique_ptr<VerilatedVcdSc> tfp{new VerilatedVcdSc};\n") if $self->{trace_format} eq 'vcd-sc';
$fh->print(" sc_core::sc_start(sc_core::SC_ZERO_TIME); // Finish elaboration before trace and open\n") if $self->sc;
$fh->print(" topp->trace(tfp.get(), 99);\n");
$fh->print(" tfp->open(\"" . $self->trace_filename . "\");\n");
if ($self->{trace} && !$self->sc) {
$fh->print(" if (tfp) tfp->dump(contextp->time());\n");
if ($self->{savable}) {
$fh->print(" const char* save_time_strp = contextp->commandArgsPlusMatch(\"save_time=\");\n");
$fh->print(" unsigned int save_time = !save_time_strp[0] ? 0 : std::atoi(save_time_strp + std::strlen(\"+save_time=\"));\n");
$fh->print(" const char* save_restore_strp = contextp->commandArgsPlusMatch(\"save_restore=\");\n");
$fh->print(" unsigned int save_restore = !save_restore_strp[0] ? 0 : 1;\n");
if ($self->{savable}) {
$fh->print(" if (save_restore) {\n");
$fh->print(" restore_model(\"$self->{obj_dir}/saved.vltsv\");\n");
$fh->print(" } else {\n");
} else {
$fh->print(" {\n");
print $fh " ${set}fastclk = false;\n" if $self->{inputs}{fastclk};
print $fh " ${set}clk = false;\n" if $self->{inputs}{clk};
if (!$timing_loop) {
_print_advance_time($self, $fh, 10);
print $fh " }\n";
my $time = $self->sc ? "sc_time_stamp()" : "contextp->time()";
print $fh " while (";
if (!$timing_loop || $self->{inputs}{clk}) {
print $fh "(${time} < sim_time * MAIN_TIME_MULTIPLIER) && ";
print $fh "!contextp->gotFinish()) {\n";
if ($timing_loop) {
print $fh " topp->eval();\n";
if ($self->{trace}) {
$fh->print("#if VM_TRACE\n");
$fh->print(" if (tfp) tfp->dump(contextp->time());\n");
$fh->print("#endif // VM_TRACE\n");
if ($self->{inputs}{clk}) {
print $fh " uint64_t cycles = contextp->time() / MAIN_TIME_MULTIPLIER;\n";
print $fh " uint64_t new_time = (cycles + 1) * MAIN_TIME_MULTIPLIER;\n";
print $fh " if (topp->eventsPending() &&\n";
print $fh " topp->nextTimeSlot() / MAIN_TIME_MULTIPLIER <= cycles) {\n";
print $fh " new_time = topp->nextTimeSlot();\n";
print $fh " } else {\n";
print $fh " ${set}clk = !${set}clk;\n";
print $fh " }\n";
print $fh " contextp->time(new_time);\n";
} else {
print $fh " if (!topp->eventsPending()) break;\n";
print $fh " contextp->time(topp->nextTimeSlot());\n";
} else {
for (my $i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
my $action = 0;
if ($self->{inputs}{fastclk}) {
print $fh " ${set}fastclk = !${set}fastclk;\n";
$action = 1;
if ($i == 0 && $self->{inputs}{clk}) {
print $fh " ${set}clk = !${set}clk;\n";
$action = 1;
if ($self->{savable}) {
$fh->print(" if (save_time && ${time} == save_time) {\n");
$fh->print(" save_model(\"$self->{obj_dir}/saved.vltsv\");\n");
$fh->print(" printf(\"Exiting after save_model\\n\");\n");
$fh->print(" topp.reset(nullptr);\n");
$fh->print(" return 0;\n");
$fh->print(" }\n");
_print_advance_time($self, $fh, 1, $action);
if ($self->{benchmarksim}) {
$fh->print(" if (VL_UNLIKELY(!warm)) {\n");
$fh->print(" starttime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();\n");
$fh->print(" warm = true;\n");
$fh->print(" } else {\n");
$fh->print(" ++n_evals;\n");
$fh->print(" }\n");
print $fh " }\n";
if ($self->{benchmarksim}) {
$fh->print(" {\n");
$fh->print(" const std::chrono::duration<double> exec_s = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - starttime;\n");
$fh->print(" std::ofstream benchfile(\"" . $self->benchmarksim_filename() . "\", std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::app);\n");
$fh->print(" benchfile << std::fixed << std::setprecision(9) << n_evals << \",\" << exec_s.count() << std::endl;\n");
$fh->print(" benchfile.close();\n");
$fh->print(" }\n");
print $fh " if (!contextp->gotFinish()) {\n";
print $fh ' vl_fatal(__FILE__, __LINE__, "main", "%Error: Timeout; never got a $finish");', "\n";
print $fh " }\n";
print $fh " topp->final();\n";
if ($self->{coverage}) {
$fh->print("#if VM_COVERAGE\n");
$fh->print(" VerilatedCov::write(\"", $self->{coverage_filename}, "\");\n");
$fh->print("#endif // VM_COVERAGE\n");
if ($self->{trace}) {
$fh->print("#if VM_TRACE\n");
$fh->print(" if (tfp) tfp->close();\n");
$fh->print(" tfp.reset();\n");
$fh->print("#endif // VM_TRACE\n");
print $fh " topp.reset();\n";
print $fh " return 0;\n";
print $fh "}\n";
sub _print_advance_time {
my $self = shift;
my $fh = shift;
my $time = shift;
my $action = shift;
my $set;
if ($self->sc) { $set = ""; }
else { $set = "topp->"; }
if ($self->sc) {
print $fh " sc_start(${time} * MAIN_TIME_MULTIPLIER, $Self->{sc_time_resolution});\n";
} else {
if ($action) {
print $fh " ${set}eval();\n";
if ($self->{trace} && !$self->sc) {
$fh->print("#if VM_TRACE\n");
$fh->print(" if (tfp) tfp->dump(contextp->time());\n");
$fh->print("#endif // VM_TRACE\n");
print $fh " contextp->timeInc(${time} * MAIN_TIME_MULTIPLIER);\n";
sub _make_top {
my $self = shift;
if ($self->vhdl) {
} else {
sub _make_top_v {
my $self = shift;
my $fh = IO::File->new(">$self->{top_shell_filename}")
or die "%Error: $! $self->{top_shell_filename},";
print $fh "module top;\n";
foreach my $inp (sort (keys %{$self->{inputs}})) {
print $fh " reg ${inp};\n";
# Inst
print $fh " t t (\n";
my $comma = "";
foreach my $inp (sort (keys %{$self->{inputs}})) {
print $fh " ${comma}.${inp} (${inp})\n";
$comma = ",";
print $fh " );\n";
# Waves
print $fh "\n";
print $fh "`ifdef WAVES\n";
print $fh " initial begin\n";
print $fh " \$display(\"-Tracing Waves to Dumpfile: " . $self->trace_filename . "\");\n";
print $fh " \$dumpfile(\"" . $self->trace_filename . "\");\n";
print $fh " \$dumpvars(0, top);\n";
print $fh " end\n";
print $fh "`endif\n";
# Test
print $fh "\n";
print $fh " initial begin\n";
print $fh " fastclk = 0;\n" if $self->{inputs}{fastclk};
print $fh " clk = 0;\n" if $self->{inputs}{clk};
print $fh " #10;\n";
print $fh " fastclk = 1;\n" if $self->{inputs}{fastclk};
print $fh " clk = 1;\n" if $self->{inputs}{clk};
print $fh " while (\$time < $self->{sim_time}) begin\n";
for (my $i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
print $fh " #1;\n";
print $fh " fastclk = !fastclk;\n" if $self->{inputs}{fastclk};
print $fh " clk = !clk;\n" if $i == 4 && $self->{inputs}{clk};
print $fh " end\n";
print $fh " end\n";
print $fh "endmodule\n";
sub _make_top_vhdl {
my $self = shift;
my $fh = IO::File->new(">$self->{top_shell_filename}") or die "%Error: $! $self->{top_shell_filename},";
print $fh "library ieee;\n";
my @ports = sort (keys %{$self->{inputs}});
print $fh "entity t_ent is\n";
if ($#ports >= 0) {
print $fh " port(\n";
my $semi = "";
foreach my $inp (@ports) {
print $fh " ${semi}${inp} : in std_logic\n";
$semi = ";";
print $fh " );\n";
print $fh "end;\n";
print $fh "entity top is\n";
print $fh "end;\n";
# Inst
print $fh "architecture t_beh of t_ent is\n";
if ($#ports >= 0) {
foreach my $inp (@ports) {
print $fh " signal ${inp} : std_logic := '0';\n";
print $fh " begin\n";
print $fh " t : t_ent\n";
if ($#ports >= 0) {
print $fh " port map(\n";
my $comma = "";
foreach my $inp (@ports) {
print $fh "\t${comma}${inp} => ${inp}\n";
$comma = ",";
print $fh " )\n";
print $fh " ;\n";
print $fh " end;\n";
# Waves TBD
# Test TBD
print $fh "end;\n";
sub _read_inputs_v {
my $self = shift;
my $filename = $self->top_filename;
$filename = "$self->{t_dir}/$filename" if !-r $filename;
my $fh = IO::File->new("<$filename") or die "%Error: $! $filename,";
my $get_sigs = 1;
my %inputs;
while (defined(my $line = $fh->getline)) {
if ($get_sigs) {
if ($line =~ /^\s*input\s*(\S+)\s*(\/[^\/]+\/|)\s*;/) {
$inputs{$1} = $1;
if ($line =~ /^\s*(function|task|endmodule)/) {
$get_sigs = 0;
if ($line =~ /^\s*module\s+t\b/) { # Ignore any earlier inputs; Module 't' has precedence
%inputs = ();
$get_sigs = 1;
$self->{inputs}{$_} = $inputs{$_} foreach keys %inputs;
sub _read_inputs_vhdl {
my $self = shift;
my $filename = $self->top_filename;
$filename = "$self->{t_dir}/$filename" if !-r $filename;
my $fh = IO::File->new("<$filename") or die "%Error: $! $filename,";
while (defined(my $line = $fh->getline)) {
# Only supports this form right now:
# signal: in ...
# signal: out ...
if ($line =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s*:\s*(in)\b\s*/) {
$self->{inputs}{$1} = $1;
if ($line =~ /^\s*(architecture)/) {
# File utilities
sub files_identical {
my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self);
my $fn1 = shift;
my $fn2 = shift;
my $fn1_is_logfile = shift;
return 1 if $self->errors || $self->skips;
for (my $try = $self->tries - 1; $try >= 0; $try--) {
sleep 1 if ($try != $self->tries - 1);
my $moretry = $try != 0;
my $f1 = IO::File->new("<$fn1");
my $f2 = IO::File->new("<$fn2");
if (!$f1) {
next try if $moretry;
$self->error("Files_identical file does not exist $fn1\n");
return 0;
next try if $moretry;
$self->error("Files_identical file does not exist $fn2\n");
return 0;
my @l1 = $f1 && $f1->getlines();
my @l2 = $f2 && $f2->getlines();
if ($fn1_is_logfile) {
@l1 = grep {
!/^- [^\n]+\n/
&& !/^- [a-z.0-9]+:\d+:[^\n]+\n/
&& !/^-node:/
&& !/^dot [^\n]+\n/
&& !/^In file: .*\/sc_.*:\d+/
&& !/^libgcov.*/
&& !/--- \/tmp\// # t_difftree.pl
&& !/\+\+\+ \/tmp\// # t_difftree.pl
} @l1;
@l1 = map {
while (s/(Internal Error: [^\n]+\.(cpp|h)):[0-9]+/$1:#/g) {}
s/^-V\{t[0-9]+,[0-9]+\}/-V{t#,#}/; # --vlt vs --vltmt run differences
} @l1;
for (my $l = 0; $l <= $#l1; ++$l) {
# Don't put control chars into our source repository
$l1[$l] =~ s/\r/<#013>/mig;
$l1[$l] =~ s/Command Failed[^\n]+/Command Failed/mig;
$l1[$l] =~ s/Version: Verilator[^\n]+/Version: Verilator ###/mig;
$l1[$l] =~ s/CPU Time: +[0-9.]+ seconds[^\n]+/CPU Time: ###/mig;
$l1[$l] =~ s/\?v=[0-9.]+/?v=latest/mig; # warning URL
$l1[$l] =~ s/_h[0-9a-f]{8}_/_h########_/mg;
$l1[$l] =~ s/ \/[^ ]+\/verilated_std.sv/ verilated_std.sv/mg;
if ($l1[$l] =~ s/Exiting due to.*/Exiting due to/mig) {
splice @l1, $l+1; # Trunc rest
my $nl = $#l1; $nl = $#l2 if ($#l2 > $nl);
for (my $l=0; $l<=$nl; ++$l) {
if (($l1[$l] || "") ne ($l2[$l] || "")) {
next try if $moretry;
$self->error_keep_going("Line " . ($l+1) . " miscompares; $fn1 != $fn2");
warn("F1: " . ($l1[$l] || "*EOF*\n")
. "F2: " . ($l2[$l] || "*EOF*\n"));
if ($ENV{HARNESS_UPDATE_GOLDEN}) { # Update golden files with current
warn "%Warning: HARNESS_UPDATE_GOLDEN set: cp $fn1 $fn2\n";
my $fhw = IO::File->new(">$fn2") or $self->error("Files_identical $! $fn2\n");
$fhw->print(join('', @l1));
} else {
warn "To update reference: HARNESS_UPDATE_GOLDEN=1 {command} or --golden\n";
return 0;
return 1;
sub files_identical_sorted {
my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self);
my $fn1 = shift;
my $fn2 = shift;
my $fn1_is_logfile = shift;
return 1 if $self->errors || $self->skips;
# Set LC_ALL as suggested in the sort manpage to avoid sort order
# changes from the locale.
setenv('LC_ALL', "C");
my $fn1sort = "$fn1.sort";
run(cmd => ["sort", "$fn1", "> $fn1sort"]);
return $self->files_identical($fn1sort, $fn2, $fn1_is_logfile);
sub copy_if_golden {
my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self);
my $fn1 = shift;
my $fn2 = shift;
if ($ENV{HARNESS_UPDATE_GOLDEN}) { # Update golden files with current
warn "%Warning: HARNESS_UPDATE_GOLDEN set: cp $fn1 $fn2\n";
eval "use File::Copy;";
File::Copy::copy($fn1, $fn2);
sub vcd_identical {
my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self);
my $fn1 = shift;
my $fn2 = shift;
return 0 if $self->errors || $self->skips;
if (!-r $fn1) { $self->error("Vcd_identical file does not exist $fn1\n"); return 0; }
if (!-r $fn2) { $self->error("Vcd_identical file does not exist $fn2\n"); return 0; }
# vcddiff to check transitions, if installed
my $cmd = qq{vcddiff --help};
print "\t$cmd\n" if $::Debug;
my $out = `$cmd`;
if (!$out || $out !~ /Usage:/) { $self->skip("No vcddiff installed\n"); return 1; }
$cmd = qq{vcddiff "$fn1" "$fn2"};
print "\t$cmd\n" if $::Debug;
$out = `$cmd`;
if ($? != 0 || $out ne '') {
$cmd = qq{vcddiff "$fn2" "$fn1"};
print "\t$cmd\n" if $::Debug;
$out = `$cmd`;
if ($? != 0 || $out ne '') {
print $out;
$self->error("VCD miscompares $fn2 $fn1\n");
$self->copy_if_golden($fn1, $fn2);
return 0;
# vcddiff doesn't check module and variable scope, so check that
# Also provides backup if vcddiff not installed
my $h1 = $self->_vcd_read($fn1);
my $h2 = $self->_vcd_read($fn2);
$Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
my $a = Dumper($h1);
my $b = Dumper($h2);
if ($a ne $b) {
print "$a\n$b\n" if $::Debug;
$self->error("VCD hier miscompares $fn1 $fn2\n");
$self->copy_if_golden($fn1, $fn2);
return 0;
return 1;
sub fst2vcd {
my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self);
my $fn1 = shift;
my $fn2 = shift;
if (!-r $fn1) { $self->error("File does not exist $fn1\n"); return 0; }
my $cmd = qq{fst2vcd -h};
print "\t$cmd\n" if $::Debug;
my $out = `$cmd`;
if (!$out || $out !~ /Usage:/) { $self->skip("No fst2vcd installed\n"); return 1; }
$cmd = qq{fst2vcd -e -f "$fn1" -o "$fn2"};
print "\t$cmd\n"; # Always print to help debug race cases
$out = `$cmd`;
return 1;
sub fst_identical {
my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self);
my $fn1 = shift;
my $fn2 = shift;
return 0 if $self->errors || $self->skips;
my $tmp = $fn1 . ".vcd";
fst2vcd($fn1, $tmp);
return vcd_identical($tmp, $fn2);
sub _vcd_read {
my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self);
my $filename = shift;
my $data = {};
my $fh = IO::File->new("<$filename");
if (!$fh) { warn "%Error: $! $filename\n"; return $data; }
my @hier = ($data);
my $lasthier;
while (defined(my $line = $fh->getline)) {
if ($line =~ /\$scope (module|struct|interface)\s+(\S+)/) {
$hier[$#hier]->{$1} ||= {};
push @hier, $hier[$#hier]->{$1};
$lasthier = $hier[$#hier];
} elsif ($line =~ /(\$var \S+\s+\d+\s+)\S+\s+(\S+)/) {
$hier[$#hier]->{$1 . $2} ||= {};
$lasthier = $hier[$#hier];
} elsif ($line =~ /(\$attrbegin .* \$end)/) {
if ($lasthier) { $lasthier->{$1} ||= 1; }
} elsif ($line =~ /\$enddefinitions/) {
while ($line =~ s/\$upscope//) {
pop @hier;
$lasthier = undef;
return $data;
our $_Cxx_Version;
sub cxx_version {
$_Cxx_Version ||= `$ENV{MAKE} -C $ENV{VERILATOR_ROOT}/test_regress -f Makefile print-cxx-version`;
return $_Cxx_Version;
our $_Cfg_with_ccache;
sub cfg_with_ccache {
$_Cfg_with_ccache ||= `grep "OBJCACHE \?= ccache" "$ENV{VERILATOR_ROOT}/include/verilated.mk"` ne "";
return $_Cfg_with_ccache;
our $_Cfg_with_m32;
sub cfg_with_m32 {
$_Cfg_with_m32 ||= `grep "CXX.*=.*-m32" "$ENV{VERILATOR_ROOT}/include/verilated.mk"` ne "";
return $_Cfg_with_m32;
sub tries {
# Number of retries when reading logfiles, generally only need many
# retries when system is busy running a lot of tests
return 2 if !$::Fork->running;
return 7 if (scalar($::Fork->running)) > 1;
return 2;
sub glob_all {
my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self);
my $pattern = shift;
return glob($pattern);
sub glob_one {
my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self);
my $pattern = shift;
return if $self->errors || $self->skips;
my @files = glob($pattern);
my $n = scalar @files;
if ($n == 0) {
$self->error("glob_one: pattern '$pattern' does not match any files\n");
} elsif ($n != 1) {
my $msg = "glob_one: pattern '$pattern' matches multiple files:\n";
foreach my $file (@files) {
$msg .= $file . "\n";
} else {
return $files[0];
sub file_grep_not {
my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self);
my $filename = shift;
my $regexp = shift;
my $expvalue = shift;
return if $self->errors || $self->skips;
!defined $expvalue or $self->error("file_grep_not: Unexpected 3rd argument: $expvalue");
my $contents = $self->file_contents($filename);
return if ($contents eq "_Already_Errored_");
if ($contents =~ /$regexp/) {
$self->error("File_grep_not: $filename: Regexp found: $regexp\n");
sub file_grep {
my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self);
my $filename = shift;
my $regexp = shift;
my $expvalue = shift;
return if $self->errors || $self->skips;
my $contents = $self->file_contents($filename);
return if ($contents eq "_Already_Errored_");
if ($contents !~ /$regexp/) {
$self->error("File_grep: $filename: Regexp not found: $regexp\n");
} elsif (defined($expvalue) && $expvalue ne $1) {
$self->error("File_grep: $filename: Got='$1' Expected='$expvalue' in regexp: $regexp\n");
sub file_grep_any {
my $self = $Self;
my @filenames = @{$_[0]}; shift;
my $regexp = shift;
my $expvalue = shift;
return if $self->errors || $self->skips;
foreach my $filename (@filenames) {
my $contents = $self->file_contents($filename);
return if ($contents eq "_Already_Errored_");
if ($contents =~ /$regexp/) {
if ($expvalue && $expvalue ne $1) {
$self->error("file_grep: $filename: Got='$1' Expected='$expvalue' in regexp: $regexp\n");
my $msg = "file_grep_any: Regexp '$regexp' not found in any of the following files:\n";
foreach my $filename (@filenames) {
$msg .= $filename . "\n";
my %_File_Contents_Cache;
sub file_contents {
my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self);
my $filename = shift;
if (!$_File_Contents_Cache{$filename}) {
my $fh = IO::File->new("<$filename");
if (!$fh) {
$_File_Contents_Cache{$filename} = "_Already_Errored_";
$self->error("File_contents file not found: " . $filename . "\n");
return $_File_Contents_Cache{$filename};
local $/; undef $/;
my $wholefile = <$fh>;
$_File_Contents_Cache{$filename} = $wholefile;
return $_File_Contents_Cache{$filename};
sub write_wholefile {
my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self);
my $filename = shift;
my $contents = shift;
my $fh = IO::File->new(">$filename") or die "%Error: $! writing $filename,";
print $fh $contents;
delete $_File_Contents_Cache{$filename};
sub file_sed {
my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self);
my $infilename = shift;
my $outfilename = shift;
my $editcb = shift;
my $contents = $self->file_contents($infilename);
$_ = $contents;
$contents = $_;
$self->write_wholefile($outfilename, $contents);
sub extract {
my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self);
my %param = ( #in =>,
#out =>
regexp => qr/.*/,
lineno_adjust => -9999,
lines => undef, #'#, #-#',
my $temp_fn = $param{out};
$temp_fn =~ s!.*/!!g;
$temp_fn = $self->{obj_dir} . "/" . $temp_fn;
my @out;
my $emph = "";
my $lineno = 0;
my $lineno_out = 0;
my $fh = IO::File->new("<$param{in}") or die "%Error: $! $param{in},";
while (defined(my $line = $fh->getline)) {
if ($line =~ /$param{regexp}/
&& _lineno_match($lineno, $param{lines})) {
if ($line =~ m!t/[A-Za-z0-9_]+.v:(\d+):(\d+):!) {
my $lineno = $1;
my $col = $2;
$lineno += $param{lineno_adjust};
$lineno = 1 if $lineno < 1;
$line =~ s!t/[A-Za-z0-9_]+.v:(\d+):(\d+):!example.v:${lineno}:${col}!;
push @out, " " . $line;
if ($line =~ /<--/) {
$emph .= "," if $emph;
$emph .= $lineno_out;
my $fhw = IO::File->new(">$temp_fn") or die "%Error: $! $temp_fn,";
my $lang = "";
$lang = " sv" if $param{in} =~ /\.s?vh?$/;
$fhw->print(".. comment: generated by " . $self->{name} . "\n");
$fhw->print(".. code-block::${lang}\n");
$fhw->print(" :linenos:\n") if $lang && $#out > 0;
$fhw->print(" :emphasize-lines: ${emph}\n") if $emph;
foreach my $line (@out) {
$self->files_identical($temp_fn, $param{out});
sub _lineno_match {
my $lineno = shift;
my $lines = shift;
return 1 if !defined $lines;
foreach my $lc (split /,/, $lines) {
if ($lc =~ /^(\d+)$/) {
return 1 if $1 == $lineno;
} elsif ($lc =~ /^(\d+)-(\d+)$/) {
return 1 if $1 <= $lineno && $2 >= $lineno;
return 0;
# Forker class
package Forker;
use strict;
# This is a shell that matches Parallel::Forker.
# If that package is not installed, this runs the tests in *series*
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = {@_};
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
sub schedule {
my $self = shift;
my %params = (@_);
if (my $pid = fork()) { # Parent
waitpid($pid, 0);
} else { # Child
exit(0); # Don't close anything
return $self;
sub max_proc { }
sub sig_child { }
sub kill_tree_all { }
sub wait_all { }
sub ready { }
sub running { }
sub is_any_left { return 0; }
package main;
=head1 NAME
driver.pl - Run regression tests
make test # In Verilator directory
./driver.pl # Or, to run directly
driver.pl invokes Verilator or another simulator on each test file.
See docs/internals.rst in the distribution for more information.
The latest version is available from L<https://verilator.org>.
Copyright 2003-2023 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
Version 2.0.
SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only OR Artistic-2.0
=head1 AUTHORS
Wilson Snyder <wsnyder@wsnyder.org>
=head1 SEE ALSO