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synced 2025-03-03 18:49:36 +00:00
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// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test module
// This file ONLY is placed into the Public Domain, for any use,
// without warranty, 2004 by Wilson Snyder.
`define checkh(gotv,expv) do if ((gotv) !== (expv)) begin $write("%%Error: %s:%0d: got='h%x exp='h%x\n", `__FILE__,`__LINE__, (gotv), (expv)); fail=1; end while(0)
module t (/*AUTOARG*/);
bit fail;
// IEEE says for ** the size is L(i). Thus Icarus Verilog is wrong in sizing some of the below.
initial begin
// NC=67b6cfc1b29a21 VCS=c1b29a20(wrong) IV=67b6cfc1b29a21 Verilator=67b6cfc1b29a21
$display("15 ** 14 = %0x expect 67b6cfc1b29a21", 64'b1111 ** 64'b1110);
// NC=1 VCS=0 IV=0 Verilator=1 (wrong,fixed)
$display("15 **-4'sd2 = %0x expect 0 (per IEEE negative power)", ((-4'd1 ** -4'sd2)));
// NC=1 VCS=0 IV=67b6cfc1b29a21(wrong) Verilator=1
$display("15 ** 14 = %0x expect 1 (LSB 4-bits of 67b6cfc1b29a21)", ((-4'd1 ** -4'd2)));
// NC=1 VCS=0 IV=67b6cfc1b29a21(wrong) Verilator=1
$display("15 ** 14 = %0x expect 1 (LSB 4-bits of 67b6cfc1b29a21)", ((4'd15 ** 4'd14)));
// NC=8765432187654321 VCS=8765432187654000(wrong) IV=8765432187654321 Verilator=8765432187654321
$display("64'big ** 1 = %0x expect %0x", 64'h8765432187654321 ** 1, 64'h8765432187654321);
`checkh( (64'b1111 ** 64'b1110), 64'h67b6cfc1b29a21);
`checkh( (-4'd1 ** -4'sd2), 4'h0); //bug730
`checkh( (-4'd1 ** -4'd2), 4'h1);
`checkh( (4'd15 ** 4'd14), 4'h1);
`checkh( (64'h8765432187654321 ** 4'h1), 64'h8765432187654321);
`checkh((-8'sh3 ** 8'h3) , 8'he5 ); // a**b (-27)
`checkh((-8'sh1 ** 8'h2) , 8'h1 ); // -1^odd=-1, -1^even=1
`checkh((-8'sh1 ** 8'h3) , 8'hff ); // -1^odd=-1, -1^even=1
`checkh(( 8'h0 ** 8'h3) , 8'h0 ); // 0
`checkh(( 8'h1 ** 8'h3) , 8'h1 ); // 1
`checkh(( 8'h3 ** 8'h3) , 8'h1b ); // a**b (27)
`checkh(( 8'sh3 ** 8'h3) , 8'h1b ); // a**b (27)
`checkh(( 8'h6 ** 8'h3) , 8'hd8 ); // a**b (216)
`checkh(( 8'sh6 ** 8'h3) , 8'hd8 ); // a**b (216)
`checkh((-8'sh3 ** 8'sh3), 8'he5 ); // a**b
`checkh((-8'sh1 ** 8'sh2), 8'h1 ); // -1^odd=-1, -1^even=1
`checkh((-8'sh1 ** 8'sh3), 8'hff ); // -1^odd=-1, -1^even=1
`checkh(( 8'h0 ** 8'sh3), 8'h0 ); // 0
`checkh(( 8'h1 ** 8'sh3), 8'h1 ); // 1
`checkh(( 8'h3 ** 8'sh3), 8'h1b ); // a**b (27)
`checkh(( 8'sh3 ** 8'sh3), 8'h1b ); // a**b (27)
`checkh(( 8'h6 ** 8'sh3), 8'hd8 ); // a**b (216)
`checkh(( 8'sh6 ** 8'sh3), 8'hd8 ); // a**b (216)
`checkh((-8'sh3 ** -8'sh0), 8'h1 ); // a**0 always 1
`checkh((-8'sh1 ** -8'sh0), 8'h1 ); // a**0 always 1
`checkh((-8'sh1 ** -8'sh0), 8'h1 ); // a**0 always 1
`checkh(( 8'h0 ** -8'sh0), 8'h1 ); // a**0 always 1
`checkh(( 8'h1 ** -8'sh0), 8'h1 ); // a**0 always 1
`checkh(( 8'h3 ** -8'sh0), 8'h1 ); // a**0 always 1
`checkh(( 8'sh3 ** -8'sh0), 8'h1 ); // a**0 always 1
`checkh((-8'sh3 ** -8'sh0), 8'h1 ); // a**0 always 1
`checkh((-8'sh1 ** -8'sh0), 8'h1 ); // a**0 always 1
`checkh((-8'sh1 ** -8'sh0), 8'h1 ); // a**0 always 1
`checkh(( 8'h0 ** -8'sh0), 8'h1 ); // a**0 always 1
`checkh(( 8'h1 ** -8'sh0), 8'h1 ); // a**0 always 1
`checkh(( 8'h3 ** -8'sh0), 8'h1 ); // a**0 always 1
`checkh(( 8'sh3 ** -8'sh0), 8'h1 ); // a**0 always 1
`checkh((-8'sh3 ** -8'sh3), 8'h0 ); // 0 (a<-1) // NCVERILOG bug
`checkh((-8'sh1 ** -8'sh2), 8'h1 ); // -1^odd=-1, -1^even=1
`checkh((-8'sh1 ** -8'sh3), 8'hff); // -1^odd=-1, -1^even=1
// `checkh(( 8'h0 ** -8'sh3), 8'hx ); // x // NCVERILOG bug
`checkh(( 8'h1 ** -8'sh3), 8'h1 ); // 1**b always 1
`checkh(( 8'h3 ** -8'sh3), 8'h0 ); // 0 // NCVERILOG bug
`checkh(( 8'sh3 ** -8'sh3), 8'h0 ); // 0 // NCVERILOG bug
if (fail) $stop;
else $write("*-* All Finished *-*\n");