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// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test module
// This file ONLY is placed into the Public Domain, for any use,
// without warranty, 2009 by Wilson Snyder.
module t (/*AUTOARG*/
// Outputs
q0, q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, q6a, q6b,
// Inputs
clk, d, rst0_n
input clk;
input d;
// OK -- from primary
input rst0_n;
output wire q0;
Flop flop0 (.q(q0), .rst_n(rst0_n), .clk(clk), .d(d));
// OK -- from flop
reg rst1_n;
always @ (posedge clk) rst1_n <= rst0_n;
output wire q1;
Flop flop1 (.q(q1), .rst_n(rst1_n), .clk(clk), .d(d));
// Bad - logic
wire rst2_bad_n = rst0_n | rst1_n;
output wire q2;
Flop flop2 (.q(q2), .rst_n(rst2_bad_n), .clk(clk), .d(d));
// Bad - logic in submodule
wire rst3_bad_n;
Sub sub (.z(rst3_bad_n), .a(rst0_n), .b(rst1_n));
output wire q3;
Flop flop3 (.q(q3), .rst_n(rst3_bad_n), .clk(clk), .d(d));
// OK - bit selection
reg [3:0] rst4_n;
always @ (posedge clk) rst4_n <= {4{rst0_n}};
output wire q4;
Flop flop4 (.q(q4), .rst_n(rst4_n[1]), .clk(clk), .d(d));
// Bad - logic, but waived
// verilator lint_off CDCRSTLOGIC
wire rst5_waive_n = rst0_n & rst1_n;
// verilator lint_on CDCRSTLOGIC
output wire q5;
Flop flop5 (.q(q5), .rst_n(rst5_waive_n), .clk(clk), .d(d));
// Bad - for graph test - logic feeds two signals, three destinations
wire rst6_bad_n = rst0_n ^ rst1_n;
wire rst6a_bad_n = rst6_bad_n ^ $c1("0"); // $c prevents optimization
wire rst6b_bad_n = rst6_bad_n ^ $c1("1");
output wire q6a;
output wire q6b;
Flop flop6a (.q(q6a), .rst_n(rst6a_bad_n), .clk(clk), .d(d));
Flop flop6v (.q(q6b), .rst_n(rst6b_bad_n), .clk(clk), .d(d));
initial begin
$display("%%Error: Not a runnable test");
module Flop (
input clk,
input d,
input rst_n,
output q);
always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin
if (!rst_n) q <= 1'b0;
else q <= d;
module Sub (input a, b,
output z);
wire z = a|b;