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synced 2025-03-03 18:49:36 +00:00
153 lines
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153 lines
6.7 KiB
// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test module
// This file ONLY is placed into the Public Domain, for any use,
// without warranty, 2009 by Iztok Jeras.
module t (/*AUTOARG*/
// Inputs
input clk;
logic [1:0] [3:0] [3:0] array_simp; // big endian array
logic [3:0] array_oned;
initial begin
array_oned = '{2:1'b1, 0:1'b1, default:1'b0};
if (array_oned != 4'b0101) $stop;
array_simp[0] = '{ 4'd3, 4'd2, 4'd1, 4'd0};
if (array_simp[0] !== 16'h3210) $stop;
// verilator lint_off WIDTH
array_simp[0] = '{ 3 ,2 ,1, 0 };
// verilator lint_on WIDTH
if (array_simp[0] !== 16'h3210) $stop;
// Doesn't seem to work for unpacked arrays in other simulators
//if (array_simp[0] !== 16'h3210) $stop;
//array_simp[0] = '{ 1:4'd3, default:13};
//if (array_simp[0] !== 16'hDD3D) $stop;
array_simp = '{ '{ 4'd3, 4'd2, 4'd1, 4'd0 }, '{ 4'd1, 4'd2, 4'd3, 4'd4 }};
if (array_simp !== 32'h3210_1234) $stop;
// IEEE says '{} allowed only on assignments, not !=, ==.
// Doesn't seem to work for unpacked arrays in other simulators
array_simp = '{2{ '{4'd3, 4'd2, 4'd1, 4'd0 } }};
if (array_simp !== 32'h3210_3210) $stop;
array_simp = '{2{ '{4{ 4'd3 }} }};
if (array_simp !== 32'h3333_3333) $stop;
// Not legal in other simulators - replication doesn't match
// However IEEE suggests this is legal.
//array_simp = '{2{ '{2{ 4'd3, 4'd2 }} }}; // Note it's not '{3,2}
$write("*-* All Finished *-*\n");
// parameters for array sizes
localparam WA = 4; // address dimension size
localparam WB = 4; // bit dimension size
localparam NO = 11; // number of access events
// 2D packed arrays
logic [WA-1:0] [WB-1:0] array_bg; // big endian array
/* verilator lint_off LITENDIAN */
logic [0:WA-1] [0:WB-1] array_lt; // little endian array
/* verilator lint_on LITENDIAN */
integer cnt = 0;
// event counter
always @ (posedge clk) begin
cnt <= cnt + 1;
// finish report
always @ (posedge clk)
if ((cnt[30:2]==(NO-1)) && (cnt[1:0]==2'd3)) begin
$write("*-* All Finished *-*\n");
// big endian
always @ (posedge clk)
if (cnt[1:0]==2'd0) begin
// initialize to defaults (all bits 1'b0)
if (cnt[30:2]== 0) array_bg <= '0;
else if (cnt[30:2]== 1) array_bg <= '0;
else if (cnt[30:2]== 2) array_bg <= '0;
else if (cnt[30:2]== 3) array_bg <= '0;
else if (cnt[30:2]== 4) array_bg <= '0;
else if (cnt[30:2]== 5) array_bg <= '0;
else if (cnt[30:2]== 6) array_bg <= '0;
else if (cnt[30:2]== 7) array_bg <= '0;
else if (cnt[30:2]== 8) array_bg <= '0;
else if (cnt[30:2]== 9) array_bg <= '0;
else if (cnt[30:2]==10) array_bg <= '0;
end else if (cnt[1:0]==2'd1) begin
// write data into whole or part of the array using literals
if (cnt[30:2]== 0) begin end
else if (cnt[30:2]== 1) array_bg <= '{ 3 ,2 ,1, 0 };
else if (cnt[30:2]== 2) array_bg <= '{default:13};
else if (cnt[30:2]== 3) array_bg <= '{0:4, 1:5, 2:6, 3:7};
else if (cnt[30:2]== 4) array_bg <= '{2:15, default:13};
else if (cnt[30:2]== 5) array_bg <= '{WA { {WB/2 {2'b10}} }};
else if (cnt[30:2]== 6) array_bg <= '{cnt[3:0]+0, cnt[3:0]+1, cnt[3:0]+2, cnt[3:0]+3};
end else if (cnt[1:0]==2'd2) begin
// chack array agains expected value
if (cnt[30:2]== 0) begin if (array_bg !== 16'b0000000000000000) begin $display("%b", array_bg); $stop(); end end
else if (cnt[30:2]== 1) begin if (array_bg !== 16'b0011001000010000) begin $display("%b", array_bg); $stop(); end end
else if (cnt[30:2]== 2) begin if (array_bg !== 16'b1101110111011101) begin $display("%b", array_bg); $stop(); end end
else if (cnt[30:2]== 3) begin if (array_bg !== 16'b0111011001010100) begin $display("%b", array_bg); $stop(); end end
else if (cnt[30:2]== 4) begin if (array_bg !== 16'b1101111111011101) begin $display("%b", array_bg); $stop(); end end
else if (cnt[30:2]== 5) begin if (array_bg !== 16'b1010101010101010) begin $display("%b", array_bg); $stop(); end end
else if (cnt[30:2]== 6) begin if (array_bg !== 16'b1001101010111100) begin $display("%b", array_bg); $stop(); end end
// little endian
always @ (posedge clk)
if (cnt[1:0]==2'd0) begin
// initialize to defaults (all bits 1'b0)
if (cnt[30:2]== 0) array_lt <= '0;
else if (cnt[30:2]== 1) array_lt <= '0;
else if (cnt[30:2]== 2) array_lt <= '0;
else if (cnt[30:2]== 3) array_lt <= '0;
else if (cnt[30:2]== 4) array_lt <= '0;
else if (cnt[30:2]== 5) array_lt <= '0;
else if (cnt[30:2]== 6) array_lt <= '0;
else if (cnt[30:2]== 7) array_lt <= '0;
else if (cnt[30:2]== 8) array_lt <= '0;
else if (cnt[30:2]== 9) array_lt <= '0;
else if (cnt[30:2]==10) array_lt <= '0;
end else if (cnt[1:0]==2'd1) begin
// write data into whole or part of the array using literals
if (cnt[30:2]== 0) begin end
else if (cnt[30:2]== 1) array_lt <= '{ 3 ,2 ,1, 0 };
else if (cnt[30:2]== 2) array_lt <= '{default:13};
else if (cnt[30:2]== 3) array_lt <= '{3:4, 2:5, 1:6, 0:7};
else if (cnt[30:2]== 4) array_lt <= '{1:15, default:13};
else if (cnt[30:2]== 5) array_lt <= '{WA { {WB/2 {2'b10}} }};
else if (cnt[30:2]==10) array_lt <= '{cnt[3:0]+0, cnt[3:0]+1, cnt[3:0]+2, cnt[3:0]+3};
end else if (cnt[1:0]==2'd2) begin
// chack array agains expected value
if (cnt[30:2]== 0) begin if (array_lt !== 16'b0000000000000000) begin $display("%b", array_lt); $stop(); end end
else if (cnt[30:2]== 1) begin if (array_lt !== 16'b0011001000010000) begin $display("%b", array_lt); $stop(); end end
else if (cnt[30:2]== 2) begin if (array_lt !== 16'b1101110111011101) begin $display("%b", array_lt); $stop(); end end
else if (cnt[30:2]== 3) begin if (array_lt !== 16'b0111011001010100) begin $display("%b", array_lt); $stop(); end end
else if (cnt[30:2]== 4) begin if (array_lt !== 16'b1101111111011101) begin $display("%b", array_lt); $stop(); end end
else if (cnt[30:2]== 5) begin if (array_lt !== 16'b1010101010101010) begin $display("%b", array_lt); $stop(); end end
else if (cnt[30:2]==10) begin if (array_lt !== 16'b1001101010111100) begin $display("%b", array_lt); $stop(); end end