mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 20:19:35 +00:00
The --prof-threads option has been split into two independent options: 1. --prof-exec, for collecting verilator_gantt and other execution related profiling data, and 2. --prof-pgo, for collecting data needed for PGO The implementation of execution profiling is extricated from VlThreadPool and is now a separate class VlExecutionProfiler. This means --prof-exec can now be used for single-threaded models (though it does not measure a lot of things just yet). For consistency VerilatedProfiler is renamed VlPgoProfiler. Both VlExecutionProfiler and VlPgoProfiler are in verilated_profiler.{h/cpp}, but can be used completely independently. Also re-worked the execution profile format so it now only emits events without holding onto any temporaries. This is in preparation for some future optimizations that would be hindered by the introduction of function locals via AstText. Also removed the Barrier event. Clearing the profile buffers is not notably more expensive as the profiling records are trivially destructible.
514 lines
20 KiB
Executable File
514 lines
20 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# pylint: disable=C0103,C0114,C0116,C0301,R0914,R0912,R0915,W0511,eval-used
import argparse
import collections
import math
import re
import statistics
# from pprint import pprint
Threads = collections.defaultdict(lambda: collections.defaultdict(lambda: {}))
Mtasks = collections.defaultdict(lambda: {})
Evals = collections.defaultdict(lambda: {})
EvalLoops = collections.defaultdict(lambda: {})
Global = {
'args': {},
'cpuinfo': collections.defaultdict(lambda: {}),
'rdtsc_cycle_time': 0,
'stats': {}
def process(filename):
def read_data(filename):
with open(filename) as fh:
re_thread = re.compile(r'^VLPROFTHREAD (\d+)$')
re_record = re.compile(r'^VLPROFEXEC (\S+) (\d+)(.*)$')
re_payload_mtaskBegin = re.compile(
r'id (\d+) predictStart (\d+) cpu (\d+)')
re_payload_mtaskEnd = re.compile(r'id (\d+) predictCost (\d+)')
re_arg1 = re.compile(r'VLPROF arg\s+(\S+)\+([0-9.]*)\s*')
re_arg2 = re.compile(r'VLPROF arg\s+(\S+)\s+([0-9.]*)\s*$')
re_stat = re.compile(r'VLPROF stat\s+(\S+)\s+([0-9.]+)')
re_time = re.compile(r'rdtsc time = (\d+) ticks')
re_proc_cpu = re.compile(r'VLPROFPROC processor\s*:\s*(\d+)\s*$')
re_proc_dat = re.compile(r'VLPROFPROC ([a-z_ ]+)\s*:\s*(.*)$')
cpu = None
thread = None
lastEvalBeginTick = None
lastEvalLoopBeginTick = None
for line in fh:
recordMatch = re_record.match(line)
if recordMatch:
kind, tick, payload = recordMatch.groups()
tick = int(tick)
payload = payload.strip()
if kind == "EVAL_BEGIN":
Evals[tick]['start'] = tick
lastEvalBeginTick = tick
elif kind == "EVAL_END":
Evals[lastEvalBeginTick]['end'] = tick
lastEvalBeginTick = None
elif kind == "EVAL_LOOP_BEGIN":
EvalLoops[tick]['start'] = tick
lastEvalLoopBeginTick = tick
elif kind == "EVAL_LOOP_END":
EvalLoops[lastEvalLoopBeginTick]['end'] = tick
lastEvalLoopBeginTick = None
elif kind == "MTASK_BEGIN":
mtask, predict_start, ecpu = re_payload_mtaskBegin.match(
mtask = int(mtask)
predict_start = int(predict_start)
ecpu = int(ecpu)
Threads[thread][tick]['mtask'] = mtask
Threads[thread][tick]['predict_start'] = predict_start
Threads[thread][tick]['cpu'] = ecpu
if 'elapsed' not in Mtasks[mtask]:
Mtasks[mtask] = {'end': 0, 'elapsed': 0}
Mtasks[mtask]['begin'] = tick
Mtasks[mtask]['thread'] = thread
Mtasks[mtask]['predict_start'] = predict_start
elif kind == "MTASK_END":
mtask, predict_cost = re_payload_mtaskEnd.match(
mtask = int(mtask)
predict_cost = int(predict_cost)
begin = Mtasks[mtask]['begin']
Threads[thread][begin]['end'] = tick
Threads[thread][begin]['predict_cost'] = predict_cost
Mtasks[mtask]['elapsed'] += tick - begin
Mtasks[mtask]['predict_cost'] = predict_cost
Mtasks[mtask]['end'] = max(Mtasks[mtask]['end'], tick)
elif Args.debug:
print("-Unknown execution trace record: %s" % line)
elif re_thread.match(line):
thread = int(re_thread.match(line).group(1))
elif re.match(r'^VLPROF(THREAD|VERSION)', line):
elif re_arg1.match(line):
match = re_arg1.match(line)
Global['args'][match.group(1)] = match.group(2)
elif re_arg2.match(line):
match = re_arg2.match(line)
Global['args'][match.group(1)] = match.group(2)
elif re_stat.match(line):
match = re_stat.match(line)
Global['stats'][match.group(1)] = match.group(2)
elif re_proc_cpu.match(line):
match = re_proc_cpu.match(line)
cpu = int(match.group(1))
elif cpu and re_proc_dat.match(line):
match = re_proc_dat.match(line)
term = match.group(1)
value = match.group(2)
term = re.sub(r'\s+$', '', term)
term = re.sub(r'\s+', '_', term)
value = re.sub(r'\s+$', '', value)
Global['cpuinfo'][cpu][term] = value
elif re.match(r'^#', line):
elif Args.debug:
print("-Unk: %s" % line)
# TODO -- this is parsing text printed by a client.
# Really, verilator proper should generate this
# if it's useful...
if re_time.match(line):
Global['rdtsc_cycle_time'] = re_time.group(1)
def re_match_result(regexp, line, result_to):
result_to = re.match(regexp, line)
return result_to
def report():
print("Verilator Gantt report")
print("\nArgument settings:")
for arg in sorted(Global['args'].keys()):
plus = "+" if re.match(r'^\+', arg) else " "
print(" %s%s%s" % (arg, plus, Global['args'][arg]))
nthreads = int(Global['stats']['threads'])
Global['cpus'] = {}
for thread in Threads:
# Make potentially multiple characters per column
for start in Threads[thread]:
if not Threads[thread][start]: continue
cpu = Threads[thread][start]['cpu']
elapsed = Threads[thread][start]['end'] - start
if cpu not in Global['cpus']:
Global['cpus'][cpu] = {'cpu_time': 0}
Global['cpus'][cpu]['cpu_time'] += elapsed
measured_mt_mtask_time = 0
predict_mt_mtask_time = 0
long_mtask_time = 0
measured_last_end = 0
predict_last_end = 0
for mtask in Mtasks:
measured_mt_mtask_time += Mtasks[mtask]['elapsed']
predict_mt_mtask_time += Mtasks[mtask]['predict_cost']
measured_last_end = max(measured_last_end, Mtasks[mtask]['end'])
predict_last_end = max(
Mtasks[mtask]['predict_start'] + Mtasks[mtask]['predict_cost'])
long_mtask_time = max(long_mtask_time, Mtasks[mtask]['elapsed'])
Global['measured_last_end'] = measured_last_end
Global['predict_last_end'] = predict_last_end
# If we know cycle time in the same (rdtsc) units,
# this will give us an actual utilization number,
# (how effectively we keep the cores busy.)
# It also gives us a number we can compare against
# serial mode, to estimate the overhead of data sharing,
# which will show up in the total elapsed time. (Overhead
# of synchronization and scheduling should not.)
print(" Total threads = %d" % nthreads)
print(" Total mtasks = %d" % len(Mtasks))
ncpus = max(len(Global['cpus']), 1)
print(" Total cpus used = %d" % ncpus)
print(" Total yields = %d" %
int(Global['stats'].get('yields', 0)))
print(" Total evals = %d" % len(Evals))
print(" Total eval loops = %d" % len(EvalLoops))
if Mtasks:
print(" Total eval time = %d rdtsc ticks" %
print(" Longest mtask time = %d rdtsc ticks" % long_mtask_time)
print(" All-thread mtask time = %d rdtsc ticks" %
long_efficiency = long_mtask_time / (Global.get(
'measured_last_end', 1) or 1)
print(" Longest-thread efficiency = %0.1f%%" %
(long_efficiency * 100.0))
mt_efficiency = measured_mt_mtask_time / (
Global.get('measured_last_end', 1) * nthreads or 1)
print(" All-thread efficiency = %0.1f%%" %
(mt_efficiency * 100.0))
print(" All-thread speedup = %0.1f" %
(mt_efficiency * nthreads))
if Global['rdtsc_cycle_time'] > 0:
ut = measured_mt_mtask_time / Global['rdtsc_cycle_time']
print("tot_mtask_cpu=" + measured_mt_mtask_time + " cyc=" +
Global['rdtsc_cycle_time'] + " ut=" + ut)
predict_mt_efficiency = predict_mt_mtask_time / (
Global.get('predict_last_end', 1) * nthreads or 1)
print("\nPrediction (what Verilator used for scheduling):")
print(" All-thread efficiency = %0.1f%%" %
(predict_mt_efficiency * 100.0))
print(" All-thread speedup = %0.1f" %
(predict_mt_efficiency * nthreads))
p2e_ratios = []
min_p2e = 1000000
min_mtask = None
max_p2e = -1000000
max_mtask = None
for mtask in sorted(Mtasks.keys()):
if Mtasks[mtask]['elapsed'] > 0:
if Mtasks[mtask]['predict_cost'] == 0:
Mtasks[mtask]['predict_cost'] = 1 # don't log(0) below
p2e_ratio = math.log(Mtasks[mtask]['predict_cost'] /
if p2e_ratio > max_p2e:
max_p2e = p2e_ratio
max_mtask = mtask
if p2e_ratio < min_p2e:
min_p2e = p2e_ratio
min_mtask = mtask
print("\nMTask statistics:")
print(" min log(p2e) = %0.3f" % min_p2e, end="")
print(" from mtask %d (predict %d," %
(min_mtask, Mtasks[min_mtask]['predict_cost']),
print(" elapsed %d)" % Mtasks[min_mtask]['elapsed'])
print(" max log(p2e) = %0.3f" % max_p2e, end="")
print(" from mtask %d (predict %d," %
(max_mtask, Mtasks[max_mtask]['predict_cost']),
print(" elapsed %d)" % Mtasks[max_mtask]['elapsed'])
stddev = statistics.pstdev(p2e_ratios)
mean = statistics.mean(p2e_ratios)
print(" mean = %0.3f" % mean)
print(" stddev = %0.3f" % stddev)
print(" e ^ stddev = %0.3f" % math.exp(stddev))
if nthreads > ncpus:
print("%%Warning: There were fewer CPUs (%d) then threads (%d)." %
(ncpus, nthreads))
print(" : See docs on use of numactl.")
if 'cpu_socket_cores_warning' in Global:
"%Warning: Multiple threads scheduled on same hyperthreaded core."
print(" : See docs on use of numactl.")
if 'cpu_sockets_warning' in Global:
print("%Warning: Threads scheduled on multiple sockets.")
print(" : See docs on use of numactl.")
def report_cpus():
Global['cpu_sockets'] = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0)
Global['cpu_socket_cores'] = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0)
for cpu in sorted(Global['cpus'].keys()):
print(" cpu %d: " % cpu, end='')
print("cpu_time=%d" % Global['cpus'][cpu]['cpu_time'], end='')
socket = None
if cpu in Global['cpuinfo']:
cpuinfo = Global['cpuinfo'][cpu]
if 'physical_id' in cpuinfo and 'core_id' in cpuinfo:
socket = int(cpuinfo['physical_id'])
Global['cpu_sockets'][socket] += 1
print(" socket=%d" % socket, end='')
core = int(cpuinfo['core_id'])
Global['cpu_socket_cores'][str(socket) + "__" + str(core)] += 1
print(" core=%d" % core, end='')
if 'model_name' in cpuinfo:
model = cpuinfo['model_name']
print(" %s" % model, end='')
if len(Global['cpu_sockets']) > 1:
Global['cpu_sockets_warning'] = True
for scn in Global['cpu_socket_cores'].values():
if scn > 1:
Global['cpu_socket_cores_warning'] = True
def write_vcd(filename):
print("Writing %s" % filename)
with open(filename, "w") as fh:
vcd = {
collections.defaultdict(lambda: {}), # {<time>}{<code>} = value
'sigs': {
'predicted_threads': {},
'measured_threads': {},
'cpus': {},
'evals': {},
'mtasks': {},
'Stats': {}
} # {<module>}{<sig}} = code
code = 0
parallelism = {
'measured': collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0),
'predicted': collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0)
parallelism['measured'][0] = 0
parallelism['predicted'][0] = 0
# Measured graph
for thread in sorted(Threads.keys()):
sig = "thread%d_mtask" % thread
if sig not in vcd['sigs']['measured_threads']:
vcd['sigs']['measured_threads'][sig] = code
code += 1
mcode = vcd['sigs']['measured_threads'][sig]
for start in sorted(Threads[thread]):
mtask = Threads[thread][start]['mtask']
end = Threads[thread][start]['end']
cpu = Threads[thread][start]['cpu']
vcd['values'][start][mcode] = mtask
vcd['values'][end][mcode] = None
parallelism['measured'][start] += 1
parallelism['measured'][end] -= 1
sig = "cpu%d_thread" % cpu
if sig not in vcd['sigs']['cpus']:
vcd['sigs']['cpus'][sig] = code
code += 1
ccode = vcd['sigs']['cpus'][sig]
vcd['values'][start][ccode] = thread
vcd['values'][end][ccode] = None
sig = "mtask%d_cpu" % mtask
if sig not in vcd['sigs']['mtasks']:
vcd['sigs']['mtasks'][sig] = code
code += 1
ccode = vcd['sigs']['mtasks'][sig]
vcd['values'][start][ccode] = cpu
vcd['values'][end][ccode] = None
# Eval graph
vcd['sigs']['evals']["eval"] = code
elcode = code
code += 1
n = 0
for eval_start in Evals:
eval_end = Evals[eval_start]['end']
n += 1
vcd['values'][eval_start][elcode] = n
vcd['values'][eval_end][elcode] = None
# Eval_loop graph
vcd['sigs']['evals']["eval_loop"] = code
elcode = code
code += 1
n = 0
for eval_start in EvalLoops:
eval_end = EvalLoops[eval_start]['end']
n += 1
vcd['values'][eval_start][elcode] = n
vcd['values'][eval_end][elcode] = None
if Mtasks:
# Predicted graph
for eval_start in EvalLoops:
eval_end = EvalLoops[eval_start]['end']
# Compute scale so predicted graph is of same width as eval
measured_scaling = (eval_end -
eval_start) / Global['predict_last_end']
# Predict mtasks that fill the time the eval occupied
for mtask in Mtasks:
thread = Mtasks[mtask]['thread']
pred_scaled_start = eval_start + int(
Mtasks[mtask]['predict_start'] * measured_scaling)
pred_scaled_end = eval_start + int(
(Mtasks[mtask]['predict_start'] +
Mtasks[mtask]['predict_cost']) * measured_scaling)
if pred_scaled_start == pred_scaled_end:
sig = "predicted_thread%d_mtask" % thread
if sig not in vcd['sigs']['predicted_threads']:
vcd['sigs']['predicted_threads'][sig] = code
code += 1
mcode = vcd['sigs']['predicted_threads'][sig]
vcd['values'][pred_scaled_start][mcode] = mtask
vcd['values'][pred_scaled_end][mcode] = None
parallelism['predicted'][pred_scaled_start] += 1
parallelism['predicted'][pred_scaled_end] -= 1
# Parallelism graph
for measpred in ('measured', 'predicted'):
vcd['sigs']['Stats']["%s_parallelism" % measpred] = code
pcode = code
code += 1
value = 0
for time in sorted(parallelism[measpred].keys()):
value += parallelism[measpred][time]
vcd['values'][time][pcode] = value
# Create output file
fh.write("$version Generated by verilator_gantt $end\n")
fh.write("$timescale 1ns $end\n")
all_codes = {}
fh.write(" $scope module gantt $end\n")
for module in sorted(vcd['sigs'].keys()):
fh.write(" $scope module %s $end\n" % module)
for sig in sorted(vcd['sigs'][module].keys()):
code = vcd['sigs'][module][sig]
fh.write(" $var wire 32 v%x %s [31:0] $end\n" % (code, sig))
all_codes[code] = 1
fh.write(" $upscope $end\n")
fh.write(" $upscope $end\n")
fh.write("$enddefinitions $end\n")
first = True
for time in sorted(vcd['values']):
if first:
first = False
# Start with Z for any signals without time zero data
for code in sorted(all_codes.keys()):
if code not in vcd['values'][time]:
vcd['values'][time][code] = None
fh.write("#%d\n" % time)
for code in sorted(vcd['values'][time].keys()):
value = vcd['values'][time][code]
if value is None:
fh.write("bz v%x\n" % code)
fh.write("b%s v%x\n" % (format(value, 'b'), code))
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="""Create Gantt chart of multi-threaded execution""",
"""Verilator_gantt creates a visual representation to help analyze Verilator
#xmultithreaded simulation performance, by showing when each macro-task
#xstarts and ends, and showing when each thread is busy or idle.
For documentation see
Copyright 2018-2022 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
Version 2.0.
SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only OR Artistic-2.0""")
parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true', help='enable debug')
help='disable creating vcd',
help='filename for vcd outpue',
help='input profile_exec.dat filename to process',
Args = parser.parse_args()
if not Args.no_vcd:
# Local Variables:
# compile-command: "./verilator_gantt ../test_regress/t/t_gantt_io.dat"
# End: