mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 02:29:35 +00:00
1062 lines
38 KiB
Executable File
1062 lines
38 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# See copyright, etc in below POD section.
require 5.006_001;
use Getopt::Long;
use IO::File;
use Pod::Usage;
use Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
use Bit::Vector;
use strict;
use vars qw ($Debug);
our @Orig_ARGV = @ARGV;
our $Rerun_Args = $0." ".join(' ',@Orig_ARGV);
$Rerun_Args =~ s/\s+$//;
use vars qw (@Blocks
# width=> Number of bits the output size is, 0=you tell me.
# func=> What to put in output file
# signed=> 0=unsigned output, 1=signed output, '%1'=signed if op1 signed
# lsb=> LSB for variable declarations
# em=> How to calculate emulated return value
# %w Width of this output op ($treeref->{width})
# %v Output value ($treeref->{val})
# %1r First operand ($treeref->{op1})
# %1v First operand value ($treeref->{op1}{val})
# %1w First operand width ($treeref->{op1}{width})
our $Raise_Weight_Max = 50;
%Ops =
'VCONST'=> {weight=>1&&20, width=>0, sc=>1, terminal=>1, v=>'%v', },
'VIDNEW'=> {weight=>1&&10, width=>0, sc=>1, terminal=>0, v=>'%i', },
'VIDOLD'=> {weight=>1&&20, width=>0, sc=>1, terminal=>0, v=>'%i', },
'VIDSAME'=> {weight=>1&&20, width=>0, sc=>1, terminal=>0, v=>'%i', },
'VRANGE'=> {weight=>1&&30, width=>0, signed=>0,sc=>0, terminal=>0, v=>'%i[%2:%3]', },
'VBITSEL'=> {weight=>1&&10, width=>1, signed=>0,sc=>0, terminal=>0, v=>'%i[%2]', },
'VBITSELP'=> {weight=>1&&10, width=>0, signed=>0,sc=>0, terminal=>0, v=>'%i[%2+:%3]', },
'VBITSELM'=> {weight=>1&&10, width=>0, signed=>0,sc=>0, terminal=>0, v=>'%i[%2-:%3]', },
# Unary
'VEXTEND'=> {weight=>1&&3, width=>-2, signed=>0,sc=>0, terminal=>0, v=>'{%xd\'h0,%1}', },
'VLOGNOT'=> {weight=>1&&1, width=>1, signed=>0, sc=>0, terminal=>0, v=>'(! %1)', },
'VREDAND'=> {weight=>1&&1, width=>1, signed=>0, sc=>0, terminal=>0, v=>'(& %1)', },
'VREDOR'=> {weight=>1&&1, width=>1, signed=>0, sc=>0, terminal=>0, v=>'(| %1)', },
'VREDNAND'=> {weight=>1&&1, width=>1, signed=>0, sc=>0, terminal=>0, v=>'(~& %1)', },
'VREDNOR'=> {weight=>1&&1, width=>1, signed=>0, sc=>0, terminal=>0, v=>'(~| %1)', },
'VREDXNOR'=> {weight=>1&&1, width=>1, signed=>0, sc=>0, terminal=>0, v=>'(^~ %1)', },
'VREDXOR'=> {weight=>1&&1, width=>1, signed=>0, sc=>0, terminal=>0, v=>'(^ %1)', },
'VNOT'=> {weight=>1&&3, width=>0, sc=>1, terminal=>0, v=>'(~ %1)', },
'VNEGATE'=> {weight=>1&&2, width=>0, sc=>1, terminal=>0, v=>'(- %1)', },
'VCOUNTONES'=> {weight=>0&&2, width=>32, signed=>0, sc=>0, terminal=>0, v=>'\$countones(%1)', }, # No ncv support
'VONEHOT'=> {weight=>0&&2, width=>1, signed=>0, sc=>0, terminal=>0, v=>'\$onehot(%1)', }, # No ncv support
'VONEHOT0'=> {weight=>0&&2, width=>1, signed=>0, sc=>0, terminal=>0, v=>'\$onehot0(%1)', }, # No ncv support
# Binary
'VAND'=> {weight=>1&&2, width=>0, sc=>1, terminal=>0, v=>'(%1 & %2)', },
'VOR'=> {weight=>1&&2, width=>0, sc=>1, terminal=>0, v=>'(%1 | %2)', },
'VNAND'=> {weight=>1&&0, width=>0, sc=>0, terminal=>0, v=>'(%1 ~& %2)', }, #FIX vcs bug!
'VNOR'=> {weight=>1&&0, width=>0, sc=>0, terminal=>0, v=>'(%1 ~| %2)', }, #FIX vcs bug!
'VXOR'=> {weight=>1&&2, width=>0, sc=>1, terminal=>0, v=>'(%1 ^ %2)', },
'VXNOR'=> {weight=>1&&0, width=>0, sc=>0, terminal=>0, v=>'(%1 ^~ %2)', }, #FIX vcs bug!
'VEQ'=> {weight=>1&&2, width=>1, signed=>0, sc=>0, terminal=>0, v=>'(%1 == %2)', },
'VNEQ'=> {weight=>1&&2, width=>1, signed=>0, sc=>0, terminal=>0, v=>'(%1 != %2)', },
'VGT'=> {weight=>1&&2, width=>1, signed=>0, sc=>0, terminal=>0, v=>'(%1 > %2)', },
'VGTE'=> {weight=>1&&2, width=>1, signed=>0, sc=>0, terminal=>0, v=>'(%1 >= %2)', },
'VLT'=> {weight=>1&&2, width=>1, signed=>0, sc=>0, terminal=>0, v=>'(%1 < %2)', },
'VLTE'=> {weight=>1&&2, width=>1, signed=>0, sc=>0, terminal=>0, v=>'(%1 <= %2)', },
'VEQCASE'=> {weight=>1&&2, width=>1, signed=>0, sc=>0, terminal=>0, v=>'(%1 === %2)', }, # FIX just a = for now
'VNEQCASE'=> {weight=>1&&2, width=>1, signed=>0, sc=>0, terminal=>0, v=>'(%1 !== %2)', }, # FIX just a != for now
'VLOGOR'=> {weight=>1&&2, width=>1, signed=>0, sc=>0, terminal=>0, v=>'(%1 || %2)', },
'VLOGAND'=> {weight=>1&&2, width=>1, signed=>0, sc=>0, terminal=>0, v=>'(%1 && %2)', },
'VADD'=> {weight=>1&&10, width=>0, sc=>1, terminal=>0, v=>'(%1 + %2)', },
'VSUB'=> {weight=>1&&10, width=>0, sc=>1, terminal=>0, v=>'(%1 - %2)', },
'VMUL'=> {weight=>1&&15,width=>0, sc=>1, terminal=>0, v=>'(%1 * %2)', }, # High % as rarely applyable
# Unspecified behavior with == (a-signed / b) -- see t_math_signed5.v test
'VDIV'=> {weight=>1&&8, width=>0, signed=>0, sc=>1, terminal=>0, v=>'((%2)==%xw\'h0 ? %xw\'%xsh0:(%1 / %2))', },
'VMODDIV'=> {weight=>1&&8, width=>0, signed=>0, sc=>1, terminal=>0, v=>'((%2)==%xw\'h0 ? %xw\'%xsh0:(%1 %% %2))', },
#'VPOW'=> {weight=>2&&0,width=>-64, sc=>0, terminal=>0, v=>'(%1 ** %2)', },
'VSHIFTL'=> {weight=>1&&8, width=>0, signed=>0, sc=>0, terminal=>0, v=>'(%1 << %2)', },
'VSHIFTLS'=> {weight=>1&&8, width=>0, signed=>1, sc=>0, terminal=>0, v=>'(%1 <<< %2)', },
'VSHIFTR'=> {weight=>1&&8, width=>0, signed=>0, sc=>0, terminal=>0, v=>'(%1 >> %2)', },
'VSHIFTRS'=> {weight=>1&&15,width=>0, signed=>1, sc=>0, terminal=>0, v=>'(%1 >>> %2)', }, # ShiftR seems to sign extend differently for <=32 and >32 bits
'VCONCAT'=> {weight=>1&&4, width=>-2,signed=>0, sc=>0, terminal=>0, v=>'{%1,%2}', },
'VREPLIC'=> {weight=>1&&2, width=>0, signed=>0, sc=>0, terminal=>0, v=>'{%1{%2}}', },
'VREPLIC1W'=> {weight=>1&&2, width=>0, signed=>0, sc=>0, terminal=>0, v=>'{%1{%2}}', },
'VSIGNED'=> {weight=>1&&2, width=>0, signed=>1, sc=>0, terminal=>0, v=>'\$signed(%1)', },
'VUNSIGNED'=> {weight=>1&&2, width=>0, signed=>0, sc=>0, terminal=>0, v=>'\$unsigned(%1)', },
# Triops
'VCOND'=> {weight=>1&&4, width=>0, sc=>0, terminal=>0, v=>'(%1 ? %2 : %3)', },
# Control flow
my %ops2 =
'VCONST'=> {pl=>'', rnd=>'rnd_const(%tr);'},
'VIDNEW'=> {pl=>'%tv=$Vars{%i}{val};',
.' $Vars{%i}=gen_leaf(width=>%tw,trunc=>1,signed=>%tg);'
.' $VarAttrs{%i}{lsb} = rnd_lsb();'
.' id_commit(%tr,"%i");1;',},
'VIDOLD'=> {pl=>'%tv=$Vars{%i}{val};', rnd=>'%i=id_old(%tr);', ok_id_width=>1,},
'VIDSAME'=> {pl=>'%tv=$Vars{%i}{val};', rnd=>'%i=id_same(%tr);', ok_id_width=>1,},
# These create IDs they then extract from
'VRANGE'=> {pl=>'VRANGE(%tr,$Vars{%i}{val},%2v,%3v,$VarAttrs{%i}{lsb});',
rnd=>'%i=next_id(%tw); $VarAttrs{%i}{lsb} = 0&&rnd_lsb();'
.' my $lsb=rnd(128-%tw); my $msb=$lsb+%tw-1;'
.' %2r=val_leaf($msb); %3r=val_leaf($lsb);'
.' $Vars{%i}=gen_leaf(width=>($msb+1));'},
'VBITSEL'=> {pl=>'VRANGE(%tr,$Vars{%i}{val},%2v,%2v,$VarAttrs{%i}{lsb});',
rnd=>'%i=next_id(%tw); $VarAttrs{%i}{lsb} = 0&&rnd_lsb();'
.' my $wid=min(128,rnd_width()|3);'
.' %2r=gen_leaf(width=>(log2($wid)-1),signed=>0);'
.' $Vars{%i}=gen_leaf(width=>$wid);'},
'VBITSELP'=> {pl=>'VBITSELP(%tr,$Vars{%i}{val},%2v,%3v,$VarAttrs{%i}{lsb});',
rnd=>'%i=next_id(%tw); $VarAttrs{%i}{lsb} = 0&&rnd_lsb();'
.' my $wid=min(128,(%tw+rnd_width()|3)); %3r=val_leaf(%tw); my $maxval = $wid-%tw; %2r=(($maxval<4)?val_leaf($maxval):gen_leaf(width=>(log2($maxval)-1),signed=>0));'
.' $Vars{%i}=gen_leaf(width=>$wid);'},
'VBITSELM'=> {pl=>'VBITSELM(%tr,$Vars{%i}{val},%2v,%3v,$VarAttrs{%i}{lsb});',
rnd=>'%i=next_id(%tw); $VarAttrs{%i}{lsb} = 0&&rnd_lsb();'
.' my $wid=min(128,(%tw+rnd_width()|3)); %3r=val_leaf(%tw); my $maxval = $wid-1; my $minval=%tw-1; %2r=val_leaf(rnd($maxval-$minval)+$minval);'
.' $Vars{%i}=gen_leaf(width=>$wid);'}, # No easy way to make expr with specified minimum
# Unary
'VEXTEND'=> {pl=>'VRESIZE (%tr,%1v);', rnd=>'%1r=gen_leaf(width=>rnd_width(%tw-1));'},
'VLOGNOT'=> {pl=>'VLOGNOT (%tr,%1v);', rnd=>'%1r=gen_leaf(width=>0);'},
'VREDAND'=> {pl=>'VREDAND (%tr,%1v);', rnd=>'%1r=gen_leaf(width=>0);'},
'VREDOR'=> {pl=>'VREDOR (%tr,%1v);', rnd=>'%1r=gen_leaf(width=>0);'},
'VREDNAND'=> {pl=>'VREDNAND (%tr,%1v);', rnd=>'%1r=gen_leaf(width=>0);'},
'VREDNOR'=> {pl=>'VREDNOR (%tr,%1v);', rnd=>'%1r=gen_leaf(width=>0);'},
'VREDXOR'=> {pl=>'VREDXOR (%tr,%1v);', rnd=>'%1r=gen_leaf(width=>0);'},
'VREDXNOR'=> {pl=>'VREDXNOR (%tr,%1v);', rnd=>'%1r=gen_leaf(width=>0);'},
'VNOT'=> {pl=>'VNOT (%tr,%1v);', rnd=>'%1r=gen_leaf(width=>%tw,signed=>%tg);'},
'VNEGATE'=> {pl=>'VNEGATE (%tr,%1v);', rnd=>'%1r=gen_leaf(width=>%tw,signed=>%tg);'},
'VCOUNTONES'=> {pl=>'VCOUNTONES(%tr,%1v);', rnd=>'%1r=gen_leaf(width=>0);'},
'VONEHOT'=> {pl=>'VONEHOT (%tr,%1v);', rnd=>'%1r=gen_leaf(width=>0);'},
'VONEHOT0'=> {pl=>'VONEHOT0 (%tr,%1v);', rnd=>'%1r=gen_leaf(width=>0);'},
# Binary
'VAND'=> {pl=>'VAND (%tr,%1v,%2v);', rnd=>'%1r=gen_leaf(width=>%tw,signed=>%tg); %2r=gen_leaf(width=>%tw,signed=>%tg);'},
'VOR'=> {pl=>'VOR (%tr,%1v,%2v);', rnd=>'%1r=gen_leaf(width=>%tw,signed=>%tg); %2r=gen_leaf(width=>%tw,signed=>%tg);'},
'VNAND'=> {pl=>'VNAND (%tr,%1v,%2v);', rnd=>'%1r=gen_leaf(width=>%tw,signed=>%tg); %2r=gen_leaf(width=>%tw,signed=>%tg);'},
'VNOR'=> {pl=>'VNOR (%tr,%1v,%2v);', rnd=>'%1r=gen_leaf(width=>%tw,signed=>%tg); %2r=gen_leaf(width=>%tw,signed=>%tg);'},
'VXOR'=> {pl=>'VXOR (%tr,%1v,%2v);', rnd=>'%1r=gen_leaf(width=>%tw,signed=>%tg); %2r=gen_leaf(width=>%tw,signed=>%tg);'},
'VXNOR'=> {pl=>'VXNOR (%tr,%1v,%2v);', rnd=>'%1r=gen_leaf(width=>%tw,signed=>%tg); %2r=gen_leaf(width=>%tw,signed=>%tg);'},
'VEQ'=> {pl=>'VEQ (%tr,%1r,%2r);', rnd=>'%1r=gen_leaf(width=>0); %2r=gen_leaf(width=>%1w,signed=>%1g);'},
'VNEQ'=> {pl=>'VNE (%tr,%1r,%2r);', rnd=>'%1r=gen_leaf(width=>0); %2r=gen_leaf(width=>%1w,signed=>%1g);'},
'VGT'=> {pl=>'VGT (%tr,%1r,%2r);', rnd=>'%1r=gen_leaf(width=>0); %2r=gen_leaf(width=>%1w,signed=>%1g);'},
'VGTE'=> {pl=>'VGE (%tr,%1r,%2r);', rnd=>'%1r=gen_leaf(width=>0); %2r=gen_leaf(width=>%1w,signed=>%1g);'},
'VLT'=> {pl=>'VLT (%tr,%1r,%2r);', rnd=>'%1r=gen_leaf(width=>0); %2r=gen_leaf(width=>%1w,signed=>%1g);'},
'VLTE'=> {pl=>'VLE (%tr,%1r,%2r);', rnd=>'%1r=gen_leaf(width=>0); %2r=gen_leaf(width=>%1w,signed=>%1g);'},
'VEQCASE'=> {pl=>'VEQ (%tr,%1r,%2r);', rnd=>'%1r=gen_leaf(width=>0); %2r=gen_leaf(width=>%1w,signed=>%1g);'},
'VNEQCASE'=> {pl=>'VNE (%tr,%1r,%2r);', rnd=>'%1r=gen_leaf(width=>0); %2r=gen_leaf(width=>%1w,signed=>%1g);'},
'VLOGOR'=> {pl=>'VLOGOR (%tr,%1v,%2v);', rnd=>'%1r=gen_leaf(width=>0); %2r=gen_leaf(width=>0);'},
'VLOGAND'=> {pl=>'VLOGAND(%tr,%1v,%2v);', rnd=>'%1r=gen_leaf(width=>0); %2r=gen_leaf(width=>0);'},
'VADD'=> {pl=>'VADD (%tr,%1v,%2v);', rnd=>'%1r=gen_leaf(width=>%tw,signed=>%tg); %2r=gen_leaf(width=>%tw,signed=>%tg);', trunc=>1,},
'VSUB'=> {pl=>'VSUB (%tr,%1v,%2v);', rnd=>'%1r=gen_leaf(width=>%tw,signed=>%tg); %2r=gen_leaf(width=>%tw,signed=>%tg);', trunc=>1,},
'VMUL'=> {pl=>'VMUL (%tr,%1v,%2v);', rnd=>'%1r=gen_leaf(width=>%tw,signed=>%tg); %2r=gen_leaf(width=>%tw,signed=>%tg);', trunc=>1,}, # Multiply generates larger width, so need truncate for safety
'VDIV'=> {pl=>'VDIV (%tr,%1r,%2r,0);', rnd=>'%1r=gen_leaf(width=>%tw,signed=>%tg); %2r=gen_leaf(width=>%tw,signed=>%tg);'},
'VMODDIV'=> {pl=>'VDIV (%tr,%1r,%2r,1);', rnd=>'%1r=gen_leaf(width=>%tw,signed=>%tg); %2r=gen_leaf(width=>%tw,signed=>%tg);'},
#'VPOW'=> {pl=>'VPOW (%tr,%1r,%2r);', rnd=>'%1r=gen_leaf(width=>min(%tw,6),signed=>%tg); %2r=gen_leaf(width=>min(%tw,8),signed=>%tg);', trunc=>1,}, # Generates larger width, so need truncate for safety
'VSHIFTL'=> {pl=>'VSHIFTL(%tr,%1v,%2v);', rnd=>'%1r=gen_leaf(width=>%tw,signed=>%tg); %2r=gen_leaf(width=>log2(%tw)+1,signed=>%tg);'},
'VSHIFTLS'=> {pl=>'VSHIFTL(%tr,%1v,%2v);', rnd=>'%1r=gen_leaf(width=>%tw,signed=>%tg); %2r=gen_leaf(width=>log2(%tw)+1,signed=>%tg);'},
'VSHIFTR'=> {pl=>'VSHIFTR(%tr,%1v,%2v);', rnd=>'%1r=gen_leaf(width=>%tw,signed=>%tg); %2r=gen_leaf(width=>log2(%tw)+1,signed=>%tg);'},
'VSHIFTRS'=> {pl=>'VSHIFTRS(%tr,%1v,%2v);', rnd=>'%1r=gen_leaf(width=>%tw,signed=>%tg); %2r=gen_leaf(width=>log2(%tw)+1,signed=>%tg);'},
'VCONCAT'=> {pl=>'VCONCAT(%tr,%1v,%2v);', rnd=>'my $d=(rnd(%tw-2)+1); %1r=gen_leaf(width=>$d,signed=>0); %2r=gen_leaf(width=>(%tw-$d),signed=>0);'},
'VREPLIC'=> {pl=>'VREPLIC(%tr,%1v,%2v);', rnd=>'my $d=rnd_rep_width(%tw); %1r=val_leaf($d); %2r=gen_leaf(width=>(%tw/$d),signed=>0);'},
'VREPLIC1W'=> {pl=>'VREPLIC(%tr,%1v,%2v);', rnd=>'%1r=val_leaf(%tw); %2r=gen_leaf(width=>1,signed=>0);'},
'VSIGNED'=> {pl=>'VCLONE (%tr,%1v,0);', rnd=>'%1r=gen_leaf(width=>%tw);'},
'VUNSIGNED'=> {pl=>'VCLONE (%tr,%1v,0);', rnd=>'%1r=gen_leaf(width=>%tw);'},
# Triops
'VCOND'=> {pl=>'VCOND(%tr,%1v,%2v,%3v);', rnd=>'%1r=gen_leaf(width=>1); %2r=gen_leaf(width=>%tw,signed=>%tg); %3r=gen_leaf(width=>%tw,signed=>%tg);'},
foreach my $op (keys %ops2) {
while ((my $key,my $val) = each %{$ops2{$op}}) {
$Ops{$op}{$key} = $val;
# main
my $opt_seed=5;
our $Opt_NumOps = 30;
our $Opt_Depth = 4;
our $Opt_Output;
our $Opt_Signed = 1;
our $Opt_Raise;
our $Opt_BlockStmts = 2;
our $Signed_Pct = 60;
$Debug = 0;
if (! GetOptions (
"help" => \&usage,
"debug" => \&debug,
"depth=i" => \$Opt_Depth,
"blockstmts=i"=> \$Opt_BlockStmts,
"numops=i" => \$Opt_NumOps,
"o=s" => \$Opt_Output,
"raise=i" => \$Opt_Raise,
"seed=i" => \$opt_seed,
"signed!" => \$Opt_Signed,
"<>" => \¶meter,
)) {
if ($opt_seed==0) {
$opt_seed = rnd(1<<20)+1;
$Rerun_Args =~ s/-seed[= ]+0/-seed=$opt_seed/;
print " $Rerun_Args\n";
$Opt_Output or die "%Error: Need -o option,";
sub usage {
pod2usage(-verbose=>2, -exitval=>2, -output=>\*STDOUT);
exit (1);
sub debug {
$Debug = 1;
sub parameter {
my $param = shift;
die "%Error: Unknown parameter: $param\n";
# Global Functions
sub init {
for my $op (keys %Ops) {
my $opref = $Ops{$op};
$opref->{name} = $op;
sub raise {
for (my $i=0; $i<($Opt_Raise||0); $i++) {
my @ops = (values %Ops);
while (1) {
my $rndop = $ops[rnd($#ops + 1)];
next if !$rndop->{weight}; # Don't turn on disabled ops
$rndop->{weight} += rnd($Raise_Weight_Max);
printf "\tWeight %-15s +%d\n",$rndop->{name},$rndop->{weight};
sub gentest {
for (my $opn=0; $opn<$Opt_NumOps/$Opt_BlockStmts; $opn++) {
# Randomization
sub _rnd_op_ok {
my $opref = shift;
my $paramref = shift;
return (($opref->{width} == 0
|| $opref->{width} == $paramref->{width}
# Note -2 means >, while -32 means <!
|| ($opref->{width}==-31 && $paramref->{width}<=31) # -31... must be <31 bits
|| ($opref->{width}==-32 && $paramref->{width}<=32) # -32... must be <32 bits
|| ($opref->{width}==-63 && $paramref->{width}<=63) # -63... must be <63 bits
|| ($opref->{width}==-64 && $paramref->{width}<=64) # -64... must be <64 bits
|| ($opref->{width}==-2 && $paramref->{width}>=2) # -2... must be >2 bits
&& (!$opref->{ok_id_width} || $IdWidth{$paramref->{width}}{$paramref->{signed}||0})
&& (!defined $opref->{signed} || ($opref->{signed} == ($paramref->{signed}||0)))
&& (!$opref->{trunc} || $paramref->{trunc})
&& (!$opref->{opt_signed} || $Opt_Signed)
&& (($Depth < $Opt_Depth && !$paramref->{need_terminal})
|| $opref->{terminal}));
sub rnd_op {
my $paramref = shift;
my $totweight = 0;
foreach my $opref (values %Ops) {
if (_rnd_op_ok($opref,$paramref)) {
$totweight += $opref->{weight};
my $chooseweight = rnd($totweight);
$totweight = 0;
foreach my $opref (values %Ops) {
if (_rnd_op_ok($opref,$paramref)) {
$totweight += $opref->{weight};
if ($chooseweight < $totweight) {
return $opref;
die "%Error: No instructions match,";
sub rnd_width {
my $max = shift;
my $v = rnd(100);
my $n = (0
|| (($v<20) && 1)
|| (($v<25) && 2)
|| (($v<30) && 31)
|| (($v<35) && 32)
|| (($v<40) && 63)
|| (($v<45) && 64)
|| (($v<50) && 95)
|| (($v<55) && 96)
|| (rnd(128)+1));
if ($max && $n>=$max) { $n = rnd($max-1)+1; }
return $n;
sub rnd_rep_width {
my $out = shift;
return 1 if $out==1;
# We'd like to pick any divisor that works.
my @factors;
for (my $div=1; $div<$out; $div++) {
if (int($out/$div)==($out/$div)) {
push @factors, $div;
my $fac = $factors[rnd($#factors+1)];
#print "RND REP $out -> $fac (@factors)\n" if $Debug;
return $fac;
sub rnd_const {
my $treeref = shift;
my $width = $treeref->{width} or die;
my $v = rnd(100);
my $val = Bit::Vector->new($width);
if ($v<25) { # zero
} elsif ($v<50) { # ones
for (my $w=0; $w<$val->Word_Size; ++$w) {
} elsif ($v<60) { # one
} else { #random
for (my $w=0; $w<$val->Word_Size; ++$w) {
$treeref->{val} = $val;
sub rnd_int {
my $v = rnd(100);
return 0 if ($v<25);
return ~0 if ($v<50);
return 1 if ($v<60);
return rnd32();
sub rnd_lsb {
return 0;
#return rnd(8)-4; # Not working yet
sub rnd {
return (int(rand($_[0]))) if ($_[0] < (1<<15));
return (rnd32() % $_[0]);
sub rnd32 {
my $vp = int(rand(1<<16));
$vp ^= (int(rand(1<<8)))<<16;# Single 1<<16 doesn't work
$vp ^= (int(rand(1<<8)))<<24;
return ($vp);
our $Next_Id = 0;
sub next_id {
# Note width hasn't been determined yet
my $id = sprintf("W%04d",$Next_Id);
return $id;
sub id_commit {
my $treeref = shift;
my $width = $treeref->{width};
my $signed = $treeref->{signed};
my $id = shift;
push @Commit, sub {
$IdWidth{$width}{$signed} = [] if !$IdWidth{$width}{$signed};
push @{$IdWidth{$width}{$signed}}, $id;
$VarsBlock{$id}{set} = 1;
sub id_old {
my $treeref = shift;
my $width = $treeref->{width};
my $signed = $treeref->{signed};
my $n = $#{$IdWidth{$width}{$signed}} + 1;
my $idn = rnd($n);
my $id = $IdWidth{$width}{$signed}[$idn];
$VarsBlock{$id}{used} = 1;
return $id;
sub id_same {
my $treeref = shift;
my $width = $treeref->{width};
my $signed = $treeref->{signed};
my @possible;
foreach my $id (keys %VarsBlock) {
next if !$VarsBlock{$id}{used};
my $varref = $Vars{$id};
next if $varref->{signed} != $signed;
next if $varref->{width} != $width;
push @possible, $id;
my $n = $#possible + 1;
if ($n<1) { # Nothing, grab another!
return id_old($treeref,$width,$signed);
my $idn = rnd($n);
my $id = $possible[$idn];
$VarsBlock{$id}{used} = 1;
return $id;
sub write_output_v {
my $filename = shift;
my $fh = IO::File->new($filename, "w") or die("%Error: $! $filename,\n");
print $fh "// Created by: $Rerun_Args\n";
print $fh "module vgen (clk);\n";
print $fh " input clk;\n";
print $fh " reg check; initial check = '0;\n";
print $fh ' initial $write("\n*** Vgen.v starting, seed = ',$opt_seed,'\n");',"\n";
print $fh " // verilator lint_off UNSIGNED\n";
print $fh " // verilator lint_off CMPCONST\n";
print $fh " // verilator lint_off WIDTH\n";
print $fh "\n";
my $cycles = 2;
foreach my $var (sort (keys %Vars)) {
print $fh "",decl_text ($var),"\n";
foreach my $block (@Blocks) {
print $fh "\t//".('='x60)."\n";
my $style = rnd(100);
if ($style < 15) {
# This allows statements to get split up, and constants to propagate
print $fh " always @(", join(" or ", ('check', @{$block->{inputs}}));
print $fh ") begin : $block->{name}\n";
print $fh @{$block->{preass}};
print $fh " end\n";
print $fh " always @(posedge clk) begin : $block->{name}Check\n";
print $fh @{$block->{body}};
print $fh " end\n";
elsif ($style < 40) {
print $fh " always @(", join(" or ", ('check', @{$block->{inputs}}));
print $fh ") begin : $block->{name}\n";
print $fh @{$block->{preass}};
print $fh @{$block->{body}};
print $fh " end\n";
else {
foreach my $stmt (@{$block->{preass}}) {
print $fh " always @(posedge clk) begin\n";
$stmt =~ s/ = / <= /mg;
print $fh $stmt;
print $fh " end\n";
print $fh " always @(posedge clk) begin\n";
print $fh @{$block->{body}};
print $fh " end\n";
print $fh "\n";
print $fh " parameter [31:0] CYCLES /*verilator public*/ = $cycles;\n";
print $fh "\n";
print $fh " integer cyc; initial cyc = 0;\n";
print $fh " always @(posedge clk) begin\n";
print $fh "`ifdef TEST_VERBOSE\n";
print $fh ' $write("[%0t] cyc=%0d check=%d\n", $time, cyc, check);',"\n";
print $fh "`endif\n";
print $fh " cyc <= cyc + 1;\n";
print $fh " if (cyc < CYCLES) begin\n";
print $fh " check <= 1'b0;\n";
print $fh " end\n";
print $fh " else if (cyc >= CYCLES) begin\n";
print $fh " check <= 1'b1;\n";
print $fh " if (cyc >= (CYCLES+10)) begin\n";
print $fh ' $write("*-* All Finished *-*\n");',"\n";
print $fh ' $finish;',"\n";
print $fh " end\n";
print $fh " end\n";
print $fh " end\n";
print $fh "endmodule\n";
sub callers {
for (my $i=0; ; $i++) {
my @c = caller($i);
last if !$c[0];
print "Caller $i: ",join(' ',@c[0..3]),"\n";
# Code generation/emitting Functions
sub do_a_test {
local $Depth = 0;
@Commit = ();
%VarsBlock = ();
my $block = {
for (my $i=0; $i<$Opt_BlockStmts; $i++) {
my $treeref = gen_leaf(width=>0);
push @{$block->{body}},
"\tif ($treeref->{text} != ".$treeref->val_to_text().") if (check) ".stop_text().";\n";
foreach my $var (keys %VarsBlock) {
push @{$block->{inputs}}, $var
if $VarsBlock{$var}{used} && !$VarsBlock{$var}{set};
foreach my $var (reverse (sort (keys %Vars))) {
my $varref = $Vars{$var};
next if $varref->{printedit};
$varref->{printedit} = 1;
push @{$block->{outputs}}, $var;
push @{$block->{preass}}, sprintf ("\t$var = %s;\n"
foreach my $com (@Commit) {
&{$com} or die "%Error: Can't eval:\n$com\n $@ ";
push @Blocks, $block;
sub gen_leaf {
my $inforef = {width=>0, # Anything
#trunc=>undef, # Allow multiply op
$inforef->{width} ||= rnd_width();
$inforef->{signed} = ($Opt_Signed && $inforef->{width}>1 && (rnd(100)<$Signed_Pct))?1:0
if !defined $inforef->{signed};
print +((" "x$Depth)."Leaf of width $inforef->{width}\n") if $Debug;
my $op = rnd_op($inforef);
my $treeref = new Vg::Base;
while ((my $key,my $val) = each %{$op}) {
$treeref->{$key} = $val;
while ((my $key,my $val) = each %{$inforef}) {
$treeref->{$key} = $val;
local $Depth = $Depth+1;
print "RndSub $treeref->{rnd_sub_text}\n" if $Debug;
$treeref->tree_dump() if $Debug;
print "RndPl\n" if $Debug;
print "RndV\n" if $Debug;
$treeref->{text} = $treeref->{v_sub}($treeref);
print "Done\n" if $Debug;
print " Value ",$treeref->{val}," = ",$treeref->val_to_text(),"\n" if $Debug;
#$treeref->tree_dump() if $Debug;
$treeref->{val_size} = $treeref->{val}->Size; #Debugging
$treeref->{val_text} = $treeref->{val}->to_Hex; #Debugging
($treeref->{val}->Size == $treeref->{width})
or die "%Error: Size mismatch ",$treeref->{val}->Size,"!=",$treeref->{width},"\n",Dumper($treeref);
return $treeref;
sub gen_v {
my $opref = shift;
my $fmt = $opref->{v};
$fmt =~ s/%1/%s/g;
$fmt =~ s/%2/%s/g;
$fmt =~ s/%3/%s/g;
$fmt =~ s/%v/%s/g;
$fmt =~ s/%i/%s/g;
$fmt =~ s/%x[wds]/%s/g;
my $argl = $opref->{v};
my @args;
while ($argl =~ s/(%x.|%.)//) {
my $arg = $1;
push @args, '$treeref->{op1}{text}' if $arg =~ /%1/;
push @args, '$treeref->{op2}{text}' if $arg =~ /%2/;
push @args, '$treeref->{op3}{text}' if $arg =~ /%3/;
push @args, '$treeref->val_to_text' if $arg =~ /%v/;
push @args, '$treeref->{id}' if $arg =~ /%i/;
push @args, '$treeref->{signed}?"s":""' if $arg =~ /%xs/;
push @args, '$treeref->{width}' if $arg =~ /%xw/;
push @args, '$treeref->{width}-$treeref->{op1}{width}' if $arg =~ /%xd/;
my $func = ("sub { "
." my \$treeref = shift;"
." sprintf(\"$fmt\",".join(',',@args).");"
my $set = ("\$opref->{v_sub} = $func; 1;");
$opref->{v_sub_text} = $func; # For seeing it in debugging dumps
#print "Op V $opref->{name} $set\n";
eval($set) or die "%Error: Can't eval:\n$set\n $@ ";
sub escapes {
my $str = shift;
my $cmt = shift;
$str =~ s/%tr/\$treeref/g;
$str =~ s/%tg/\$treeref->{signed}/g;
$str =~ s/%tv/\$treeref->{val}/g;
$str =~ s/%tw/\$treeref->{width}/g;
$str =~ s/%1r/\$treeref->{op1}/g;
$str =~ s/%1g/\$treeref->{op1}{signed}/g;
$str =~ s/%1n/(\$treeref->{op1}{val}->Word_Read(0))/g;
$str =~ s/%1v/\$treeref->{op1}{val}/g;
$str =~ s/%1w/\$treeref->{op1}{width}/g;
$str =~ s/%2r/\$treeref->{op2}/g;
$str =~ s/%2g/\$treeref->{op2}{signed}/g;
$str =~ s/%2n/(\$treeref->{op2}{val}->Word_Read(0))/g;
$str =~ s/%2v/\$treeref->{op2}{val}/g;
$str =~ s/%2w/\$treeref->{op2}{width}/g;
$str =~ s/%3r/\$treeref->{op3}/g;
$str =~ s/%3g/\$treeref->{op3}{signed}/g;
$str =~ s/%3n/(\$treeref->{op3}{val}->Word_Read(0))/g;
$str =~ s/%3v/\$treeref->{op3}{val}/g;
$str =~ s/%3w/\$treeref->{op3}{width}/g;
$str =~ s/%i/\$treeref->{id}/g;
($str !~ /%/) or die "%Error: $cmt: Unknown %% escape in $str,";
return $str;
sub gen_pl {
my $opref = shift;
my $str = escapes($opref->{pl}, $opref->{name});
my $func = ("sub { "
." my \$treeref = shift;"
." $str;"
my $set = ("\$opref->{pl_sub} = $func; 1;");
$opref->{pl_sub_text} = $func; # For seeing it in debugging dumps
#print "Op PL $opref->{name} $set\n";
eval($set) or die "%Error: Can't eval:\n$set\n $@ ";
sub gen_rnd {
my $opref = shift;
my $str = escapes($opref->{rnd}, $opref->{name});
my $func = ("sub { "
." my \$treeref = shift;"
." $str;"
my $set = ("\$opref->{rnd_sub} = $func; 1;");
$opref->{rnd_sub_text} = $func; # For seeing it in debugging dumps
#print "Op RND $opref->{name} $set\n";
eval($set) or die "%Error: Can't eval:\n$set\n $@ ";
sub stop_text {
return '$stop';
sub decl_text {
my $var = shift;
my $decl_with = shift;
my $varref = $Vars{$var};
return sprintf (" reg %s [%3d:%3d] %s %s; //=%d'h%s"
, ($varref->{signed}?"signed":" ")
, ($varref->{val}->Size)-1+$VarAttrs{$var}{lsb},
, $VarAttrs{$var}{lsb}
, $var
, (rnd(100)<30 ? "/*verilator public*/":(" "x length("/*verilator public*/")))
, $varref->{val}->Size
, lc $varref->{val}->to_Hex);
# Math Functions
sub selftest {
my $o = {};
VDIV($o, {val=>Bit::Vector->new_Dec(8,0xff)}, {val=>Bit::Vector->new_Dec(8,0x13)}, 0);
($o->{val}->Word_Read(0) == 0x0d) or die;
VDIV($o, {val=>Bit::Vector->new_Dec(8,0xff)}, {val=>Bit::Vector->new_Dec(8,0x13)}, 1);
($o->{val}->Word_Read(0) == 0x08) or die;
VDIV($o, {val=>Bit::Vector->new_Dec(8,0xff), signed=>1}, {val=>Bit::Vector->new_Dec(8,0x13), signed=>1}, 0);
($o->{val}->Word_Read(0) == 0x00) or die;
VDIV($o, {val=>Bit::Vector->new_Dec(8,0xff), signed=>1}, {val=>Bit::Vector->new_Dec(8,0x13), signed=>1}, 1);
($o->{val}->Word_Read(0) == 0xff) or die;
VDIV($o, {val=>Bit::Vector->new_Dec(8,0xff), signed=>1}, {val=>Bit::Vector->new_Dec(8,0xdb), signed=>1}, 1);
($o->{val}->Word_Read(0) == 0xff) or die;
VDIV($o, {val=>Bit::Vector->new_Dec(8,0x72), signed=>1}, {val=>Bit::Vector->new_Dec(8,0xdb), signed=>1}, 1);
($o->{val}->Word_Read(0) == 0x3) or die;
sub val_leaf { return {width=>32, signed=>0, val=>Bit::Vector->new_Dec(32,$_[0]), text=>$_[0],}; }
sub makebool { return (Bit::Vector->new_Dec(1,$_[0])); }
sub newsized { return (Bit::Vector->new($_[0]->Size)); }
sub max { return $_[0]<$_[1] ? $_[1] : $_[0]; }
sub min { return $_[0]>$_[1] ? $_[1] : $_[0]; }
sub log2 {
for (my $i=31; $i>=0; $i--) {
return $i+1 if $_[0]>(1<<$i);
return 0;
sub countones {
my $out = 0;
for (my $bit=0; $bit < $_[0]->Size; $bit++) {
$out ++ if $_[0]->bit_test($bit);
return $out;
sub VLOGNOT { $_[0]{val} = makebool(($_[1]->is_empty)?1:0); }
sub VNEGATE { $_[0]{val} = my $o = newsized($_[1]); $o->Negate($_[1]); }
sub VCOUNTONES { $_[0]{val} = Bit::Vector->new_Dec(32,countones($_[1])); }
sub VONEHOT { $_[0]{val} = makebool((countones($_[1])==1)?1:0); }
sub VONEHOT0 { $_[0]{val} = makebool((countones($_[1])<=1)?1:0); }
sub VLOGAND { $_[0]{val} = makebool((!($_[1]->is_empty) && !($_[2]->is_empty))?1:0); }
sub VLOGOR { $_[0]{val} = makebool((!($_[1]->is_empty) || !($_[2]->is_empty))?1:0); }
sub VCOND { if (!($_[1]->is_empty)) { $_[0]{val}=$_[2]->Clone; } else { $_[0]{val}=$_[3]->Clone; } }
sub VREDAND { $_[0]{val} = makebool(($_[1]->is_full)?1:0); }
sub VREDOR { $_[0]{val} = makebool(($_[1]->is_empty)?0:1); }
sub VREDNAND { $_[0]{val} = makebool(($_[1]->is_full)?0:1); }
sub VREDNOR { $_[0]{val} = makebool(($_[1]->is_empty)?1:0); }
my $out = 0;
for (my $bit=0; $bit < $_[1]->Size; $bit++) {
$out ^= $_[1]->bit_test($bit);
$_[0]{val} = makebool($out);
my $out = 1;
for (my $bit=0; $bit < $_[1]->Size; $bit++) {
$out ^= $_[1]->bit_test($bit);
$_[0]{val} = makebool($out);
sub eithercompare { ($_[1]->{signed} && $_[2]->{signed})
? $_[1]{val}->Compare($_[2]{val})
: $_[1]{val}->Lexicompare($_[2]{val}); }
sub VEQ { $_[0]{val} = makebool( (eithercompare($_[0],$_[1],$_[2])==0) ?1:0); }
sub VNE { $_[0]{val} = makebool( (eithercompare($_[0],$_[1],$_[2])!=0) ?1:0); }
sub VLT { $_[0]{val} = makebool( (eithercompare($_[0],$_[1],$_[2])< 0) ?1:0); }
sub VLE { $_[0]{val} = makebool( (eithercompare($_[0],$_[1],$_[2])<=0) ?1:0); }
sub VGT { $_[0]{val} = makebool( (eithercompare($_[0],$_[1],$_[2])> 0) ?1:0); }
sub VGE { $_[0]{val} = makebool( (eithercompare($_[0],$_[1],$_[2])>=0) ?1:0); }
sub VSHIFTLxx {
print "$Vars{vq}->ShiftL($_[0],$_[1]);\n";
print " ",$_[0]->to_Hex," ",$_[1]->to_Hex,";\n";
my $out = $_[0]->Clone;
print $out->to_Hex,"\n";
return $out; }
sub VAND { $_[0]{val}=my $o=newsized($_[1]); $o->Intersection($_[1],$_[2]); }
sub VOR { $_[0]{val}=my $o=newsized($_[1]); $o->Union($_[1],$_[2]); }
sub VNAND { $_[0]{val}=my $o=newsized($_[1]); $o->Intersection($_[1],$_[2]); $o->Complement($o); }
sub VNOR { $_[0]{val}=my $o=newsized($_[1]); $o->Union($_[1],$_[2]); $o->Complement($o); }
sub VXOR { $_[0]{val}=my $o=newsized($_[1]); $o->ExclusiveOr($_[1],$_[2]); }
sub VXNOR{ $_[0]{val}=my $o=newsized($_[1]); $o->ExclusiveOr($_[1],$_[2]); $o->Complement($o); }
sub VNOT { $_[0]{val}=my $o=newsized($_[1]); $o->Complement($_[1]); }
sub VSHIFTL{ $_[0]{val}=my $o=$_[1]->Clone; $o->Move_Left ($_[2]->Word_Read(0)); }
sub VSHIFTR{ $_[0]{val}=my $o=$_[1]->Clone; $o->Move_Right($_[2]->Word_Read(0)); }
sub VSHIFTRS{$_[0]{val}=my $o=$_[1]->Clone; $o->Move_Right($_[2]->Word_Read(0));
if ($_[1]->msb() && $_[2]->Word_Read(0)>0) {$o->Interval_Fill(max(0,$o->Size-1-$_[2]->Word_Read(0)), $o->Size-1); }
#print (" SHI ",$_[0]{val}->to_Hex,' = ',$_[1]->to_Hex,' >>> ',$_[2]->Word_Read(0),"\n");
sub VCLONE { $_[0]{val}=$_[1]->Clone; }
sub VADD { $_[0]{val}=my $o=newsized($_[1]); $o->add($_[1],$_[2],0); }
sub VSUB { $_[0]{val}=my $o=newsized($_[1]); $o->subtract($_[1],$_[2],0); }
sub VMUL {
# Multiply is signed, so need an additional sign bit
my $a=$_[1]->Clone; $a->Resize($a->Size + 1);
my $b=$_[2]->Clone; $b->Resize($b->Size + 1);
my $mo=Bit::Vector->new($_[1]->Size + $_[2]->Size + 1);
my $o=newsized($_[1]); $o->Interval_Copy($mo,0,0,$_[1]->Size);
sub VDIV {
my $is_mod = $_[3];
if ($_[2]{val}->is_empty) { # Avoid divide by zero
my $a=$_[1]{val}->Clone; if (!$_[1]->{signed}) { $a->Resize($a->Size + 1); }
my $b=$_[2]{val}->Clone; if (!$_[2]->{signed}) { $b->Resize($b->Size + 1); }
#print ("//DIVpp ",$_[1]->to_Hex,' ',$_[2]->to_Hex,' ',$_[1]->Size,'.',$_[2]->Size," \n");
#print ("//DIVpp ",$a->to_Hex,' ',$b->to_Hex,' ',$a->Size,'.',$b->Size," \n");
my $quo=newsized($a); my $rem=newsized($a);
$quo->Divide($a,$b,$rem); # No division by zero - handled by if above
my $o=newsized($_[1]{val});
$o->Interval_Copy($is_mod ? $rem : $quo,0,0,$_[1]{val}->Size);
#print "//DIV",($_[1]->{signed}?"S":" "),' w',$a->Size,' ',$_[1]{val}->to_Hex,' ',$_[2]{val}->to_Hex,' =',$quo->to_Hex,'.',$rem->to_Hex," \n";
sub VPOW { # Power is a signed operation
my $a=$_[1]{val}->Clone; if (!$_[1]->{signed}) { $a->Resize($_[1]{val}->Size + 1); }
my $b=$_[2]{val}->Clone; if (!$_[2]->{signed}) { $b->Resize($_[2]{val}->Size + 1); }
print "VVpow = ",$_[1]{val}->to_Hex," ** ",$_[2]{val}->to_Hex,"\n";
my $mo=Bit::Vector->new($_[1]{val}->Size + 1);
my $o=Bit::Vector->new($_[0]{width}); $o->Interval_Copy($mo,0,0,$_[1]{val}->Size);
print "VV = $o\n";
sub VRANGE { #print "RANGE ",$_[1]->to_Hex,' ',$_[2]->to_Hex,' ',$_[3]->to_Hex," \n";
return VRANGE_CONST($_[0],$_[1],$_[2]->Word_Read(0),$_[3]->Word_Read(0), $_[4]); }
return VRANGE_CONST($_[0],$_[1],$_[2]->Word_Read(0)+$_[3]->Word_Read(0)-1, $_[2]->Word_Read(0), $_[4]); }
return VRANGE_CONST($_[0],$_[1],$_[2]->Word_Read(0), $_[2]->Word_Read(0)-$_[3]->Word_Read(0)+1, $_[4]); }
# to, from, msb, lsb, variable_lsb_to_subtract
#print "RANGE ",$_[1]->to_Hex,' ',$_[2],' ',$_[3],' ',$_[4]," \n";
my $size = $_[2] - $_[3] + 1;
my $o=Bit::Vector->new($size);
if ($_[3] < $_[1]->Size) {
$_[0]{val}=$o; }
my $o=Bit::Vector->new($_[1]->Size + $_[2]->Size);
my $o=Bit::Vector->new($_[1]->Word_Read(0) * $_[2]->Size);
my $pos = 0;
for (my $time=0; $time<($_[1]->Word_Read(0)); $time++) {
$pos += $_[2]->Size;
package Vg::Base;
use Data::Dumper;
use strict;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = {
width=>0, # Width of expression, 0=Pick a width
#signed=>0/1, # Undef = pick a sign
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
sub val_to_text {
my $treeref = shift;
my $val = lc $treeref->{val}->to_Hex();
$val = "0" if $treeref->{val}->is_empty;
return ($treeref->{width}
sub tree_dump {
my $treeref = shift;
print Dumper($treeref);
=head1 NAME
vgen.pl - Generate random verilog code
vgen.pl -o vgen.v
vgen.pl generates automatic random verilog programs.
=over 4
=item --help
Displays this message and program version and exits.
=item --blockstmts
Number of statements per block. Defaults to 2.
=item --depth
Maximum depth of generated expressions.
=item --initial
Put all statements into an initial block. This will probably be optimized
down to a NOP.
=item --numops
Number of operations to create.
=item -o I<filename>
Specify output filename.
=item --raise
Pick the specified number of random opcodes, and raise their frequency.
=item --seed
Seed for the random number generator. Defaults to 5, 0=randomize.
=item --signed
Include some signed arithmetic in the generated code. Experimental.
Copyright 2001-2018 by Wilson Snyder. Verilator is free software; you can
redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU Lesser
General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License Version 2.0.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
more details.
=head1 AUTHORS
Wilson Snyder <wsnyder@wsnyder.org>
=head1 SEE ALSO
### Local Variables:
### compile-command: "./vgen.pl --depth=10 --blockstmts=10 -o obj_dir/vgen.v"
### compile-command: "v4make test_regress/t/t_vgen.pl "
### End: