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// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test module
// This file ONLY is placed into the Public Domain, for any use,
// without warranty, 2009 by Iztok Jeras.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
module t (/*AUTOARG*/
// Inputs
input clk;
localparam NO = 10; // number of access events
// packed structures
struct packed {
logic e0;
logic [1:0] e1;
logic [3:0] e2;
logic [7:0] e3;
} struct_dsc; // descending range structure
/* verilator lint_off ASCRANGE */
struct packed {
logic e0;
logic [0:1] e1;
logic [0:3] e2;
logic [0:7] e3;
} struct_asc; // ascending range structure
/* verilator lint_on ASCRANGE */
localparam WS = 15; // $bits(struct_dsc)
integer cnt = 0;
// event counter
always @ (posedge clk)
cnt <= cnt + 1;
// finish report
always @ (posedge clk)
if ((cnt[30:2]==NO) && (cnt[1:0]==2'd0)) begin
$write("*-* All Finished *-*\n");
// descending range
always @ (posedge clk)
if (cnt[1:0]==2'd0) begin
// initialize to defaaults (all bits to 0)
if (cnt[30:2]==0) struct_dsc <= '0;
else if (cnt[30:2]==1) struct_dsc <= '0;
else if (cnt[30:2]==2) struct_dsc <= '0;
else if (cnt[30:2]==3) struct_dsc <= '0;
else if (cnt[30:2]==4) struct_dsc <= '0;
else if (cnt[30:2]==5) struct_dsc <= '0;
end else if (cnt[1:0]==2'd1) begin
// write value to structure
if (cnt[30:2]==0) begin end
else if (cnt[30:2]==1) struct_dsc <= '1;
else if (cnt[30:2]==2) struct_dsc.e0 <= '1;
else if (cnt[30:2]==3) struct_dsc.e1 <= '1;
else if (cnt[30:2]==4) struct_dsc.e2 <= '1;
else if (cnt[30:2]==5) struct_dsc.e3 <= '1;
end else if (cnt[1:0]==2'd2) begin
// check structure value
if (cnt[30:2]==0) begin if (struct_dsc !== 15'b000000000000000) begin $display("%b", struct_dsc); $stop(); end end
else if (cnt[30:2]==1) begin if (struct_dsc !== 15'b111111111111111) begin $display("%b", struct_dsc); $stop(); end end
else if (cnt[30:2]==2) begin if (struct_dsc !== 15'b100000000000000) begin $display("%b", struct_dsc); $stop(); end end
else if (cnt[30:2]==3) begin if (struct_dsc !== 15'b011000000000000) begin $display("%b", struct_dsc); $stop(); end end
else if (cnt[30:2]==4) begin if (struct_dsc !== 15'b000111100000000) begin $display("%b", struct_dsc); $stop(); end end
else if (cnt[30:2]==5) begin if (struct_dsc !== 15'b000000011111111) begin $display("%b", struct_dsc); $stop(); end end
end else if (cnt[1:0]==2'd3) begin
// read value from structure (not a very good test for now)
if (cnt[30:2]==0) begin if (struct_dsc !== {WS{1'b0}}) $stop(); end
else if (cnt[30:2]==1) begin if (struct_dsc !== {WS{1'b1}}) $stop(); end
else if (cnt[30:2]==2) begin if (struct_dsc.e0 !== { 1{1'b1}}) $stop(); end
else if (cnt[30:2]==3) begin if (struct_dsc.e1 !== { 2{1'b1}}) $stop(); end
else if (cnt[30:2]==4) begin if (struct_dsc.e2 !== { 4{1'b1}}) $stop(); end
else if (cnt[30:2]==5) begin if (struct_dsc.e3 !== { 8{1'b1}}) $stop(); end
// ascending range
always @ (posedge clk)
if (cnt[1:0]==2'd0) begin
// initialize to defaaults (all bits to 0)
if (cnt[30:2]==0) struct_asc <= '0;
else if (cnt[30:2]==1) struct_asc <= '0;
else if (cnt[30:2]==2) struct_asc <= '0;
else if (cnt[30:2]==3) struct_asc <= '0;
else if (cnt[30:2]==4) struct_asc <= '0;
else if (cnt[30:2]==5) struct_asc <= '0;
end else if (cnt[1:0]==2'd1) begin
// write value to structure
if (cnt[30:2]==0) begin end
else if (cnt[30:2]==1) struct_asc <= '1;
else if (cnt[30:2]==2) struct_asc.e0 <= '1;
else if (cnt[30:2]==3) struct_asc.e1 <= '1;
else if (cnt[30:2]==4) struct_asc.e2 <= '1;
else if (cnt[30:2]==5) struct_asc.e3 <= '1;
end else if (cnt[1:0]==2'd2) begin
// check structure value
if (cnt[30:2]==0) begin if (struct_asc !== 15'b000000000000000) begin $display("%b", struct_asc); $stop(); end end
else if (cnt[30:2]==1) begin if (struct_asc !== 15'b111111111111111) begin $display("%b", struct_asc); $stop(); end end
else if (cnt[30:2]==2) begin if (struct_asc !== 15'b100000000000000) begin $display("%b", struct_asc); $stop(); end end
else if (cnt[30:2]==3) begin if (struct_asc !== 15'b011000000000000) begin $display("%b", struct_asc); $stop(); end end
else if (cnt[30:2]==4) begin if (struct_asc !== 15'b000111100000000) begin $display("%b", struct_asc); $stop(); end end
else if (cnt[30:2]==5) begin if (struct_asc !== 15'b000000011111111) begin $display("%b", struct_asc); $stop(); end end
end else if (cnt[1:0]==2'd3) begin
// read value from structure (not a very good test for now)
if (cnt[30:2]==0) begin if (struct_asc !== {WS{1'b0}}) $stop(); end
else if (cnt[30:2]==1) begin if (struct_asc !== {WS{1'b1}}) $stop(); end
else if (cnt[30:2]==2) begin if (struct_asc.e0 !== { 1{1'b1}}) $stop(); end
else if (cnt[30:2]==3) begin if (struct_asc.e1 !== { 2{1'b1}}) $stop(); end
else if (cnt[30:2]==4) begin if (struct_asc.e2 !== { 4{1'b1}}) $stop(); end
else if (cnt[30:2]==5) begin if (struct_asc.e3 !== { 8{1'b1}}) $stop(); end