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synced 2025-03-04 02:59:34 +00:00
The --prof-threads option has been split into two independent options: 1. --prof-exec, for collecting verilator_gantt and other execution related profiling data, and 2. --prof-pgo, for collecting data needed for PGO The implementation of execution profiling is extricated from VlThreadPool and is now a separate class VlExecutionProfiler. This means --prof-exec can now be used for single-threaded models (though it does not measure a lot of things just yet). For consistency VerilatedProfiler is renamed VlPgoProfiler. Both VlExecutionProfiler and VlPgoProfiler are in verilated_profiler.{h/cpp}, but can be used completely independently. Also re-worked the execution profile format so it now only emits events without holding onto any temporaries. This is in preparation for some future optimizations that would be hindered by the introduction of function locals via AstText. Also removed the Barrier event. Clearing the profile buffers is not notably more expensive as the profiling records are trivially destructible.
131 lines
4.3 KiB
Executable File
131 lines
4.3 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env perl
if (!$::Driver) { use FindBin; exec("$FindBin::Bin/bootstrap.pl", @ARGV, $0); die; }
# DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test driver/expect definition
# Copyright 2003 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you
# can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
# Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
# Version 2.0.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only OR Artistic-2.0
use IO::File;
#use Data::Dumper;
use strict;
use vars qw($Self);
scenarios(simulator => 1);
my $width = 64 * ($ENV{VERILATOR_TEST_WIDTH} || 4);
my $vars = 64;
$Self->{cycles} = ($Self->{benchmark} ? 1_000_000 : 100);
$Self->{sim_time} = $Self->{cycles} * 10 + 1000;
sub gen {
my $filename = shift;
my $fh = IO::File->new(">$filename");
$fh->print("// Generated by t_gate_tree.pl\n");
$fh->print("module t (clk);\n");
$fh->print(" input clk;\n");
$fh->print(" integer cyc=0;\n");
$fh->print(" reg reset;\n");
my %tree;
my $fanin = 8;
my $stages = int(log($vars) / log($fanin) + 0.99999) + 1;
my $result = 0;
for (my $n = 0; $n < $vars; $n++) {
$result += ($n || 1);
$tree{0}{$n}{$n} = 1;
my $nl = $n;
for (my $stage=1; $stage < $stages; $stage++) {
my $lastn = $nl;
$nl = int($nl / $fanin);
$tree{$stage}{$nl}{$lastn} = 1;
#print Dumper(\%tree);
my $workingset = 0;
foreach my $stage (sort { $a <=> $b} keys %tree) {
foreach my $n (sort { $a <=> $b} keys %{$tree{$stage}}) {
$fh->print( " reg [" . ($width - 1) . ":0] v${stage}_${n};\n");
$workingset += int($width/8 + 7);
$fh->print(" always @ (posedge clk) begin\n");
$fh->print(" cyc <= cyc + 1;\n");
$fh->print("`ifdef TEST_VERBOSE\n");
$fh->print(" \$write(\"[%0t] rst=%0x v0_0=%0x v1_0=%0x result=%0x\\n\""
.", \$time, reset, v0_0, v1_0, v" . ($stages - 1) . "_0);\n");
$fh->print(" if (cyc==0) begin\n");
$fh->print(" reset <= 1;\n");
$fh->print(" end\n");
$fh->print(" else if (cyc==10) begin\n");
$fh->print(" reset <= 0;\n");
$fh->print(" end\n");
$fh->print("`ifndef SIM_CYCLES\n");
$fh->print(" `define SIM_CYCLES 99\n");
$fh->print(" else if (cyc==`SIM_CYCLES) begin\n");
$fh->print(" if (v" . ($stages - 1) . "_0 != ${width}'d${result}) \$stop;\n");
$fh->print(" \$write(\"VARS=${vars} WIDTH=${width}"
." WORKINGSET=" . (int($workingset / 1024)) . "KB\\n\");\n");
$fh->print(' $write("*-* All Finished *-*\n");', "\n");
$fh->print(' $finish;', "\n");
$fh->print(" end\n");
$fh->print(" end\n");
for (my $n=0; $n<$vars; $n++) {
$fh->print(" always @ (posedge clk)"
. " v0_${n} <= reset ? ${width}'d" . (${n} || 1) . " : v0_"
. ((int($n / $fanin) * $fanin) + (($n + 1) % $fanin)) . ";\n");
foreach my $stage (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %tree) {
next if $stage == 0;
foreach my $n (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$tree{$stage}}) {
$fh->print(" always @ (posedge clk)"
. " v${stage}_${n} <=");
my $op = "";
foreach my $ni (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$tree{$stage}{$n}}) {
$fh->print($op . " v" . (${stage} - 1) . "_${ni}");
$op = " +";
v_flags2 => ["+define+SIM_CYCLES=$Self->{cycles}",],
verilator_flags2=>["--stats --x-assign fast --x-initial fast",
all_run_flags => ["+verilator+prof+exec+start+100",
" +verilator+prof+exec+window+2",
" +verilator+prof+exec+file+$Self->{obj_dir}/profile_exec.dat",
" +verilator+prof+vlt+file+$Self->{obj_dir}/profile.vlt",
check_finished => 1,