2025-01-01 08:30:25 -05:00

2026 lines
94 KiB

// -*- mode: C++; c-file-style: "cc-mode" -*-
// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Add temporaries, such as for task nodes
// Code available from:
// Copyright 2003-2025 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you
// can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
// Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
// Version 2.0.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only OR Artistic-2.0
// V3Task's Transformations:
// Each module:
// Look for TASKREF
// Insert task's statements into the referrer
// Look for TASKs
// Remove them, they're inlined
#include "V3PchAstNoMT.h" // VL_MT_DISABLED_CODE_UNIT
#include "V3Task.h"
#include "V3Const.h"
#include "V3EmitCBase.h"
#include "V3Graph.h"
#include "V3Stats.h"
#include <tuple>
// Graph subclasses
class TaskBaseVertex VL_NOT_FINAL : public V3GraphVertex {
AstNode* m_impurep = nullptr; // Node causing impure function w/ outside references
bool m_noInline = false; // Marked with pragma
explicit TaskBaseVertex(V3Graph* graphp)
: V3GraphVertex{graphp} {}
~TaskBaseVertex() override = default;
bool pure() const { return m_impurep == nullptr; }
AstNode* impureNode() const { return m_impurep; }
void impure(AstNode* nodep) { m_impurep = nodep; }
bool noInline() const { return m_noInline; }
void noInline(bool flag) { m_noInline = flag; }
class TaskFTaskVertex final : public TaskBaseVertex {
// Every task gets a vertex, and we link tasks together based on funcrefs.
AstNodeFTask* const m_nodep;
AstCFunc* m_cFuncp = nullptr;
TaskFTaskVertex(V3Graph* graphp, AstNodeFTask* nodep)
: TaskBaseVertex{graphp}
, m_nodep{nodep} {}
~TaskFTaskVertex() override = default;
AstNodeFTask* nodep() const VL_MT_STABLE { return m_nodep; }
string name() const override VL_MT_STABLE { return nodep()->name(); }
string dotColor() const override { return pure() ? "black" : "red"; }
AstCFunc* cFuncp() const { return m_cFuncp; }
void cFuncp(AstCFunc* nodep) { m_cFuncp = nodep; }
class TaskCodeVertex final : public TaskBaseVertex {
// Top vertex for all calls not under another task
explicit TaskCodeVertex(V3Graph* graphp)
: TaskBaseVertex{graphp} {}
~TaskCodeVertex() override = default;
string name() const override VL_MT_STABLE { return "*CODE*"; }
string dotColor() const override { return "green"; }
class TaskEdge final : public V3GraphEdge {
VL_RTTI_IMPL(TaskEdge, V3GraphEdge)
TaskEdge(V3Graph* graphp, TaskBaseVertex* fromp, TaskBaseVertex* top)
: V3GraphEdge{graphp, fromp, top, 1, false} {}
~TaskEdge() override = default;
string dotLabel() const override { return "w" + cvtToStr(weight()); }
class TaskStateVisitor final : public VNVisitor {
// Output:
// AstNodeFTask::user3p // AstScope* this FTask is under
// AstNodeFTask::user4p // GraphFTaskVertex* this FTask is under
// AstVar::user4p // GraphFTaskVertex* this variable is declared in
const VNUser3InUse m_inuser3;
const VNUser4InUse m_inuser4;
using VarToScopeMap = std::map<std::pair<AstScope*, AstVar*>, AstVarScope*>;
using FuncToClassMap = std::unordered_map<const AstNodeFTask*, AstClass*>;
VarToScopeMap m_varToScopeMap; // Map for Var -> VarScope mappings
FuncToClassMap m_funcToClassMap; // Map for ctor func -> class
AstAssignW* m_assignwp = nullptr; // Current assignment
AstNodeFTask* m_ctorp = nullptr; // Class constructor
AstClass* m_classp = nullptr; // Current class
V3Graph m_callGraph; // Task call graph
TaskBaseVertex* m_curVxp; // Current vertex we're adding to
std::vector<AstInitialAutomatic*> m_initialps; // Initial blocks to move
AstScope* getScope(AstNodeFTask* nodep) {
AstScope* const scopep = VN_AS(nodep->user3p(), Scope);
UASSERT_OBJ(scopep, nodep, "No scope for function");
return scopep;
AstVarScope* findVarScope(AstScope* scopep, AstVar* nodep) {
const auto iter = m_varToScopeMap.find(std::make_pair(scopep, nodep));
UASSERT_OBJ(iter != m_varToScopeMap.end(), nodep, "No scope for var");
return iter->second;
AstClass* getClassp(AstNodeFTask* nodep) {
AstClass* const classp = m_funcToClassMap[nodep];
UASSERT_OBJ(classp, nodep, "No class for ctor func");
return classp;
void remapFuncClassp(AstNodeFTask* nodep, AstNodeFTask* newp) {
m_funcToClassMap[newp] = getClassp(nodep);
bool ftaskNoInline(AstNodeFTask* nodep) {
return !v3Global.opt.fInlineFuncs() || getFTaskVertex(nodep)->noInline();
AstCFunc* ftaskCFuncp(AstNodeFTask* nodep) { return getFTaskVertex(nodep)->cFuncp(); }
void ftaskCFuncp(AstNodeFTask* nodep, AstCFunc* cfuncp) {
void checkPurity(AstNodeFTask* nodep) { checkPurity(nodep, getFTaskVertex(nodep)); }
void checkPurity(AstNodeFTask* nodep, TaskBaseVertex* vxp) {
if (nodep->recursive()) return; // Impure, but no warning
if (!vxp->pure()) {
IMPURE, "Unsupported: External variable referenced by non-inlined function/task: "
<< nodep->prettyNameQ() << '\n'
<< nodep->warnContextPrimary() << '\n'
<< vxp->impureNode()->warnOther()
<< "... Location of the external reference: "
<< vxp->impureNode()->prettyNameQ() << '\n'
<< vxp->impureNode()->warnContextSecondary());
// And, we need to check all tasks this task calls
for (V3GraphEdge& edge : vxp->outEdges()) {
checkPurity(nodep, static_cast<TaskBaseVertex*>(;
TaskFTaskVertex* getFTaskVertex(AstNodeFTask* nodep) {
if (!nodep->user4p()) nodep->user4p(new TaskFTaskVertex{&m_callGraph, nodep});
return static_cast<TaskFTaskVertex*>(nodep->user4u().toGraphVertex());
void visit(AstScope* nodep) override {
// Each FTask is unique per-scope, so AstNodeFTaskRefs do not need
// pointers to what scope the FTask is to be invoked under.
// However, to create variables, we need to track the scopes involved.
// Find all var->varscope mappings, for later cleanup
for (AstNode* stmtp = nodep->varsp(); stmtp; stmtp = stmtp->nextp()) {
if (AstVarScope* const vscp = VN_CAST(stmtp, VarScope)) {
if (vscp->varp()->isFuncLocal() || vscp->varp()->isUsedLoopIdx()) {
UINFO(9, " funcvsc " << vscp << endl);
m_varToScopeMap.emplace(std::make_pair(nodep, vscp->varp()), vscp);
// Likewise, all FTask->scope mappings
for (AstNode* stmtp = nodep->blocksp(); stmtp; stmtp = stmtp->nextp()) {
if (AstNodeFTask* const taskp = VN_CAST(stmtp, NodeFTask)) taskp->user3p(nodep);
void visit(AstAssignW* nodep) override {
m_assignwp = nodep;
VL_DO_DANGLING(iterateChildren(nodep), nodep); // May delete nodep.
void visit(AstNodeFTaskRef* nodep) override {
// Includes handling AstMethodCall, AstNew
if (m_assignwp) {
// Wire assigns must become always statements to deal with insertion
// of multiple statements. Perhaps someday make all wassigns into always's?
UINFO(5, " IM_WireRep " << m_assignwp << endl);
VL_DO_CLEAR(pushDeletep(m_assignwp), m_assignwp = nullptr);
// We make multiple edges if a task is called multiple times from another task.
UASSERT_OBJ(nodep->taskp(), nodep, "Unlinked task");
TaskFTaskVertex* const taskVtxp = getFTaskVertex(nodep->taskp());
new TaskEdge{&m_callGraph, m_curVxp, taskVtxp};
// Do we have to disable inlining the function?
const V3TaskConnects tconnects = V3Task::taskConnects(nodep, nodep->taskp()->stmtsp());
if (!taskVtxp->noInline()) { // Else short-circuit below
for (const auto& itr : tconnects) {
const AstVar* const portp = itr.first;
const AstArg* const argp = itr.second;
if (const AstNodeExpr* const pinp = argp->exprp()) {
if ((portp->isRef() || portp->isConstRef()) && !VN_IS(pinp, VarRef)) {
UINFO(9, "No function inline due to ref " << pinp << endl);
void visit(AstNodeFTask* nodep) override {
UINFO(9, " TASK " << nodep << endl);
m_curVxp = getFTaskVertex(nodep);
if (nodep->dpiImport()) m_curVxp->noInline(true);
if (nodep->classMethod()) m_curVxp->noInline(true); // Until V3Task supports it
if (nodep->recursive()) m_curVxp->noInline(true);
if (nodep->isConstructor()) {
m_ctorp = nodep;
UASSERT_OBJ(m_classp, nodep, "Ctor not under class");
m_funcToClassMap[nodep] = m_classp;
void visit(AstPragma* nodep) override {
if (nodep->pragType() == VPragmaType::NO_INLINE_TASK) {
// Just mark for the next steps, and we're done with it.
VL_DO_DANGLING(nodep->unlinkFrBack()->deleteTree(), nodep);
} else {
void visit(AstVar* nodep) override {
nodep->user4p(m_curVxp); // Remember what task it's under
void visit(AstVarRef* nodep) override {
if (nodep->varp()->user4u().toGraphVertex() != m_curVxp) {
if (m_curVxp->pure() && !nodep->varp()->isXTemp()) m_curVxp->impure(nodep);
void visit(AstClass* nodep) override {
// Move initial statements into the constructor
m_ctorp = nullptr;
m_classp = nodep;
{ // Find m_initialps, m_ctor
UASSERT_OBJ(m_ctorp, nodep, "class constructor missing"); // LinkDot always makes it
for (AstInitialAutomatic* initialp : m_initialps) {
if (AstNode* const newp = initialp->stmtsp()) {
if (!m_ctorp->stmtsp()) {
} else {
VL_DO_DANGLING(pushDeletep(initialp->unlinkFrBack()), initialp);
m_ctorp = nullptr;
m_classp = nullptr;
void visit(AstInitialAutomatic* nodep) override {
void visit(AstNode* nodep) override { iterateChildren(nodep); }
explicit TaskStateVisitor(AstNetlist* nodep) {
m_curVxp = new TaskCodeVertex{&m_callGraph};
if (dumpGraphLevel()) m_callGraph.dumpDotFilePrefixed("task_call");
~TaskStateVisitor() override = default;
// DPI related utility functions
struct TaskDpiUtils final {
static std::vector<std::pair<AstUnpackArrayDType*, int>>
unpackDimsAndStrides(AstNodeDType* dtypep) {
std::vector<std::pair<AstUnpackArrayDType*, int>> dimStrides;
if (AstUnpackArrayDType* const unpackp = VN_CAST(dtypep->skipRefp(), UnpackArrayDType)) {
const std::vector<AstUnpackArrayDType*> dims = unpackp->unpackDimensions();
dimStrides.resize(dims.size(), {nullptr, 0});
dimStrides.back() = {dims.back(), 1};
for (ssize_t i = dims.size() - 2; i >= 0; --i) {
dimStrides[i].first = dims[i];
dimStrides[i].second = dimStrides[i + 1].second * dims[i + 1]->elementsConst();
return dimStrides;
static bool dpiToInternalFrStmt(AstVar* portp, const string& frName, string& frstmt,
string& ket) {
if (portp->basicp() && portp->basicp()->keyword() == VBasicDTypeKwd::CHANDLE) {
frstmt = "VL_CVT_VP_Q(" + frName;
ket = ")";
} else if (portp->basicp() && portp->basicp()->keyword() == VBasicDTypeKwd::STRING) {
frstmt = "VL_CVT_N_CSTR(" + frName;
ket = ")";
} else if ((portp->basicp() && portp->basicp()->isDpiPrimitive())) {
frstmt = frName;
} else {
const string frSvType = portp->basicp()->isDpiBitVec() ? "SVBV" : "SVLV";
if (portp->isWide()) {
// Need to convert to wide, using special function
frstmt = "VL_SET_W_" + frSvType + "(" + cvtToStr(portp->width()) + ",";
return true;
} else {
const AstNodeDType* const dtypep = portp->dtypep()->skipRefp();
frstmt = "VL_SET_" + string{dtypep->charIQWN()} + "_" + frSvType + "(";
if (VN_IS(dtypep, UnpackArrayDType)) frstmt += "&";
frstmt += frName;
ket = ")";
return false;
// Task state, as a visitor of each AstNode
class TaskVisitor final : public VNVisitor {
// Each module:
// AstNodeFTask::user1 // True if its been expanded
// Each funccall
// to 'relink' function:
// AstVar::user2p // AstVarScope* to replace varref with
const VNUser1InUse m_inuser1;
const VNUser2InUse m_inuser2;
using DpiCFuncs = std::map<const string, std::tuple<AstNodeFTask*, std::string, AstCFunc*>>;
TaskStateVisitor* const m_statep; // Common state between visitors
AstNodeModule* m_modp = nullptr; // Current module
AstTopScope* const m_topScopep = v3Global.rootp()->topScopep(); // The AstTopScope
AstScope* m_scopep = nullptr; // Current scope
AstNode* m_insStmtp = nullptr; // Where to insert statement
bool m_inSensesp = false; // Are we under a senitem?
int m_modNCalls = 0; // Incrementing func # for making symbols
// STATE - across all visitors
DpiCFuncs m_dpiNames; // Map of all created DPI functions
VDouble0 m_statInlines; // Statistic tracking
AstVarScope* createFuncVar(AstCFunc* funcp, const string& name, AstVar* examplep) {
AstVar* const newvarp = new AstVar{funcp->fileline(), VVarType::BLOCKTEMP, name, examplep};
AstVarScope* const newvscp = new AstVarScope{funcp->fileline(), m_scopep, newvarp};
return newvscp;
AstVarScope* createInputVar(AstCFunc* funcp, const string& name, VBasicDTypeKwd kwd) {
AstVar* const newvarp
= new AstVar{funcp->fileline(), VVarType::BLOCKTEMP, name, funcp->findBasicDType(kwd)};
AstVarScope* const newvscp = new AstVarScope{funcp->fileline(), m_scopep, newvarp};
return newvscp;
AstVarScope* createVarScope(AstVar* invarp, const string& name) {
if (invarp->isParam() && VN_IS(invarp->valuep(), InitArray)) {
// Move array params in functions into constant pool
return v3Global.rootp()->constPoolp()->findTable(VN_AS(invarp->valuep(), InitArray));
} else {
// We could create under either the ref's scope or the ftask's scope.
// It shouldn't matter, as they are only local variables.
// We choose to do it under whichever called this function, which results
// in more cache locality.
AstVar* const newvarp
= new AstVar{invarp->fileline(), VVarType::BLOCKTEMP, name, invarp};
AstVarScope* const newvscp = new AstVarScope{newvarp->fileline(), m_scopep, newvarp};
return newvscp;
// Replace varrefs with new var pointer
void relink(AstNode* nodep) {
nodep->foreachAndNext([](AstVarRef* refp) {
if (refp->varp()->user2p()) { // It's being converted to an alias.
AstVarScope* const newvscp = VN_AS(refp->varp()->user2p(), VarScope);
AstAssign* connectPortMakeInAssign(AstNodeExpr* pinp, AstVarScope* newvscp, bool pureCheck) {
// Create input assignment to go in FRONT of function call
AstNodeExpr* inPinp = pinp;
if (AstResizeLValue* sinPinp = VN_CAST(inPinp, ResizeLValue)) inPinp = sinPinp->lhsp();
AstNodeExpr* const inPinClonep
= pureCheck ? inPinp->cloneTreePure(true) : inPinp->cloneTree(true);
AstAssign* const assp = new AstAssign{
pinp->fileline(), new AstVarRef{newvscp->fileline(), newvscp, VAccess::WRITE},
assp->fileline()->modifyWarnOff(V3ErrorCode::BLKSEQ, true); // Ok if in <= block
return assp;
AstAssign* connectPortMakeOutAssign(AstVar* portp, AstNodeExpr* pinp, AstVarScope* newvscp,
bool pureCheck) {
// If needed, remap size of function to caller's output size
AstNodeExpr* outPinp = pinp;
AstNodeExpr* postRhsp = new AstVarRef{newvscp->fileline(), newvscp, VAccess::READ};
if (AstResizeLValue* soutPinp = VN_CAST(outPinp, ResizeLValue)) {
outPinp = soutPinp->lhsp();
if (AstNodeUniop* soutPinp = VN_CAST(outPinp, Extend)) {
outPinp = soutPinp->lhsp();
} else if (AstNodeUniop* soutPinp = VN_CAST(outPinp, ExtendS)) {
outPinp = soutPinp->lhsp();
} else if (AstSel* soutPinp = VN_CAST(outPinp, Sel)) {
outPinp = soutPinp->fromp();
} else {
outPinp->v3fatalSrc("Inout pin resizing should have had extend or select");
if (outPinp->width() < portp->width()) {
postRhsp = new AstSel{pinp->fileline(), postRhsp, 0, pinp->width()};
} else { // pin width > port width
if (pinp->isSigned() && postRhsp->isSigned()) {
postRhsp = new AstExtendS{pinp->fileline(), postRhsp};
} else {
postRhsp = new AstExtend{pinp->fileline(), postRhsp};
// Put output assignment AFTER function call
AstNodeExpr* const outPinClonep
= pureCheck ? outPinp->cloneTreePure(true) : outPinp->cloneTree(true);
AstAssign* const assp = new AstAssign{pinp->fileline(), outPinClonep, postRhsp};
assp->fileline()->modifyWarnOff(V3ErrorCode::BLKSEQ, true); // Ok if in <= block
return assp;
void connectPort(AstVar* portp, AstArg* argp, const string& namePrefix, AstNode* beginp,
bool inlineTask) {
AstNodeExpr* const pinp = argp->exprp();
if (inlineTask) {
pushDeletep(portp); // Remove it from the clone (not original)
if (!pinp) {
// Too few arguments in function call
} else {
UINFO(9, " Port " << portp << endl);
UINFO(9, " pin " << pinp << endl);
if (inlineTask) {
pushDeletep(pinp->unlinkFrBack()); // Cloned in assignment below
VL_DO_DANGLING(argp->unlinkFrBack()->deleteTree(), argp); // Args no longer needed
if (portp->isWritable() && VN_IS(pinp, Const)) {
pinp->v3error("Function/task " + portp->direction().prettyName() // e.g. "output"
+ " connected to constant instead of variable: "
+ portp->prettyNameQ());
} else if (portp->isRef() || portp->isConstRef()) {
bool refArgOk = false;
if (VN_IS(pinp, VarRef) || VN_IS(pinp, MemberSel) || VN_IS(pinp, StructSel)
|| VN_IS(pinp, ArraySel)) {
refArgOk = true;
} else if (AstCMethodHard* const cMethodp = VN_CAST(pinp, CMethodHard)) {
if (VN_IS(cMethodp->fromp()->dtypep()->skipRefp(), QueueDType)) {
refArgOk = cMethodp->name() == "atWriteAppend"
|| cMethodp->name() == "atWriteAppendBack";
} else {
refArgOk = cMethodp->name() == "at" || cMethodp->name() == "atBack";
if (refArgOk) {
if (AstVarRef* const varrefp = VN_CAST(pinp, VarRef)) {
} else {
pinp->v3error("Function/task ref argument is not of allowed type");
if (inlineTask) {
if (AstVarRef* const varrefp = VN_CAST(pinp, VarRef)) {
// Connect to this exact variable
AstVarScope* const localVscp = varrefp->varScopep();
UASSERT_OBJ(localVscp, varrefp, "Null var scope");
} else {
pinp->v3fatalSrc("ref argument should have caused non-inline of function");
} else if (portp->isInout()) {
// if (debug() >= 9) pinp->dumpTree("-pinrsize- ");
AstVarScope* const newvscp
= createVarScope(portp, namePrefix + "__" + portp->shortName());
if (!inlineTask) {
new AstVarRef{newvscp->fileline(), newvscp, VAccess::READWRITE});
pushDeletep(pinp); // Cloned by connectPortMakeInAssign
// Put input assignment in FRONT of all other statements
AstAssign* const preassp = connectPortMakeInAssign(pinp, newvscp, true);
if (AstNode* const afterp = beginp->nextp()) {
AstNode::addNext<AstNode, AstNode>(preassp, afterp);
AstAssign* const postassp = connectPortMakeOutAssign(portp, pinp, newvscp, true);
// if (debug() >= 9) beginp->dumpTreeAndNext(cout, "-pinrsize-out- ");
} else if (portp->isWritable()) {
// Even if it's referencing a varref, we still make a temporary
// Else task(x,x,x) might produce incorrect results
AstVarScope* const newvscp
= createVarScope(portp, namePrefix + "__" + portp->shortName());
if (!inlineTask) {
pinp->replaceWith(new AstVarRef{newvscp->fileline(), newvscp, VAccess::WRITE});
pushDeletep(pinp); // Cloned by connectPortMakeOutAssign
AstAssign* const postassp = connectPortMakeOutAssign(portp, pinp, newvscp, false);
// Put assignment BEHIND of all other statements
} else if (inlineTask && portp->isNonOutput()) {
// Make input variable
AstVarScope* const newvscp
= createVarScope(portp, namePrefix + "__" + portp->shortName());
AstAssign* const preassp = connectPortMakeInAssign(pinp, newvscp, false);
// Put assignment in FRONT of all other statements
if (AstNode* const afterp = beginp->nextp()) {
AstNode::addNext<AstNode, AstNode>(preassp, afterp);
AstNode* createInlinedFTask(AstNodeFTaskRef* refp, const string& namePrefix,
AstVarScope* outvscp) {
// outvscp is the variable for functions only, if nullptr, it's a task
UASSERT_OBJ(refp->taskp(), refp, "Unlinked?");
AstNode* const newbodysp
= refp->taskp()->stmtsp() ? refp->taskp()->stmtsp()->cloneTree(true) : nullptr;
AstNode* const beginp
= new AstComment{refp->fileline(), "Function: "s + refp->name(), true};
if (newbodysp) beginp->addNext(newbodysp);
if (debug() >= 9) beginp->dumpTreeAndNext(cout, "- newbegi: ");
// Create input variables
const V3TaskConnects tconnects = V3Task::taskConnects(refp, beginp);
for (const auto& itr : tconnects) {
AstVar* const portp = itr.first;
AstArg* const argp = itr.second;
connectPort(portp, argp, namePrefix, beginp, true);
UASSERT_OBJ(!refp->pinsp(), refp, "Pin wasn't removed by above loop");
AstNode* nextstmtp;
for (AstNode* stmtp = beginp; stmtp; stmtp = nextstmtp) {
nextstmtp = stmtp->nextp();
if (AstVar* const portp = VN_CAST(stmtp, Var)) {
// Any I/O variables that fell out of above loop were already linked
if (!portp->user2p()) {
// Move it to a new localized variable
pushDeletep(portp); // Remove it from the clone (not original)
AstVarScope* const localVscp
= createVarScope(portp, namePrefix + "__" + portp->shortName());
// Create function output variables
if (outvscp) {
// UINFO(0, "setflag on " << funcp->fvarp() << " to " << outvscp << endl);
// Replace variable refs
if (debug() >= 9) beginp->dumpTreeAndNext(cout, "- iotask: ");
return beginp;
AstNode* createNonInlinedFTask(AstNodeFTaskRef* refp, const string& namePrefix,
AstVarScope* outvscp, AstCNew*& cnewpr) {
// outvscp is the variable for functions only, if nullptr, it's a task
UASSERT_OBJ(refp->taskp(), refp, "Unlinked?");
AstCFunc* const cfuncp = m_statep->ftaskCFuncp(refp->taskp());
UASSERT_OBJ(cfuncp, refp, "No non-inline task associated with this task call?");
AstNode* const beginp
= new AstComment{refp->fileline(), "Function: "s + refp->name(), true};
AstNodeCCall* ccallp;
if (VN_IS(refp, New)) {
AstCNew* const cnewp = new AstCNew{refp->fileline(), cfuncp};
ccallp = cnewp;
// Parent AstNew will replace with this CNew
cnewpr = cnewp;
} else if (const AstMethodCall* const mrefp = VN_CAST(refp, MethodCall)) {
ccallp = new AstCMethodCall{refp->fileline(), mrefp->fromp()->unlinkFrBack(), cfuncp};
} else {
ccallp = new AstCCall{refp->fileline(), cfuncp};
if (const AstFuncRef* const funcRefp = VN_CAST(refp, FuncRef)) {
} else if (const AstTaskRef* const taskRefp = VN_CAST(refp, TaskRef)) {
// Convert complicated outputs to temp signals
const V3TaskConnects tconnects = V3Task::taskConnects(refp, refp->taskp()->stmtsp());
for (const auto& itr : tconnects) {
AstVar* const portp = itr.first;
AstArg* const argp = itr.second;
connectPort(portp, argp, namePrefix, beginp, false);
// First argument is symbol table, then output if a function
const bool needSyms = !refp->taskp()->dpiImport();
if (needSyms) ccallp->argTypes("vlSymsp");
if (refp->taskp()->dpiContext()) {
// __Vscopep
AstScopeName* const snp = refp->scopeNamep()->unlinkFrBack();
UASSERT_OBJ(snp, refp, "Missing scoping context");
// __Vfilenamep
ccallp->addArgsp(new AstCExpr{refp->fileline(),
"\"" + refp->fileline()->filename() + "\"", 64, true});
// __Vlineno
ccallp->addArgsp(new AstConst(refp->fileline(), refp->fileline()->lineno()));
// Create connections
AstNode* nextpinp;
for (AstNode* pinp = refp->pinsp(); pinp; pinp = nextpinp) {
nextpinp = pinp->nextp();
// Move pin to the CCall, removing all Arg's
AstNodeExpr* const exprp = VN_AS(pinp, Arg)->exprp();
if (outvscp) ccallp->addArgsp(new AstVarRef{refp->fileline(), outvscp, VAccess::WRITE});
if (debug() >= 9) beginp->dumpTreeAndNext(cout, "- nitask: ");
return beginp;
string dpiSignature(AstNodeFTask* nodep, AstVar* rtnvarp) const {
// Return fancy signature for DPI function. Variable names are not included so differences
// in only argument names will not matter (as required by the standard).
string dpiproto;
if (nodep->dpiPure()) dpiproto += "pure ";
if (nodep->dpiContext()) dpiproto += "context ";
dpiproto += rtnvarp ? rtnvarp->dpiArgType(true, true) : "void";
dpiproto += " " + nodep->cname() + " (";
string args;
for (AstNode* stmtp = nodep->stmtsp(); stmtp; stmtp = stmtp->nextp()) {
if (const AstVar* const portp = VN_CAST(stmtp, Var)) {
if (portp->isIO() && !portp->isFuncReturn() && portp != rtnvarp) {
if (args != "") {
args += ", ";
dpiproto += ", ";
// Include both the Verilator and C type names, as if either
// differ we may get C compilation problems later
const std::string dpiType = portp->dpiArgType(false, false);
dpiproto += dpiType;
const std::string vType = portp->dtypep()->prettyDTypeName(false);
if (!portp->isDpiOpenArray() && dpiType != vType) {
dpiproto += " /* " + vType + " */ ";
args += portp->name(); // Leftover so ,'s look nice
dpiproto += ")";
return dpiproto;
static void checkLegalCIdentifier(AstNode* nodep, const string& name) {
if (name.end() != std::find_if(name.begin(), name.end(), [](char c) {
return !std::isalnum(c) && c != '_';
})) {
nodep->v3error("DPI function has illegal characters in C identifier name: " << name);
static AstNode* createDpiTemp(AstVar* portp, const string& suffix) {
const string stmt = portp->dpiTmpVarType(portp->name() + suffix) + ";\n";
return new AstCStmt{portp->fileline(), stmt};
void unlinkAndClone(AstNodeFTask* funcp, AstNode* nodep, bool withNext) {
UASSERT_OBJ(nodep, funcp, "null in function object clone");
if (funcp->recursive()) {
VNRelinker relinkHandle;
if (withNext) {
} else {
// Recursive functions require the original argument list to
// still be live for linking purposes.
// The old function gets clone, so that node pointers are mostly
// retained through the V3Task transformations
AstNode* const newp = nodep->cloneTree(withNext);
} else {
if (withNext) {
} else {
static AstNode* createAssignInternalToDpi(AstVar* portp, bool isPtr, const string& frSuffix,
const string& toSuffix) {
const string stmt = V3Task::assignInternalToDpi(portp, isPtr, frSuffix, toSuffix);
return new AstCStmt{portp->fileline(), stmt};
AstNode* createAssignDpiToInternal(AstVarScope* portvscp, const string& frName) {
// Create assignment from DPI temporary into internal format
// DPI temporary is scalar or 1D array (if unpacked array)
// Internal representation is scalar, 1D, or multi-dimensional array (similar to SV)
AstVar* const portp = portvscp->varp();
string frstmt;
string ket;
const bool useSetWSvlv = TaskDpiUtils::dpiToInternalFrStmt(portp, frName, frstmt, ket);
// Use a AstCExpr, as we want V3Clean to mask off bits that don't make sense.
int cwidth = VL_IDATASIZE;
if (!useSetWSvlv && portp->basicp()) {
if (portp->basicp()->keyword().isBitLogic()) {
cwidth = VL_EDATASIZE * portp->widthWords();
} else {
cwidth = portp->basicp()->keyword().width();
const std::vector<std::pair<AstUnpackArrayDType*, int>> dimStrides
= TaskDpiUtils::unpackDimsAndStrides(portp->dtypep());
const int total = dimStrides.empty() ? 1
: dimStrides.front().first->elementsConst()
* dimStrides.front().second;
AstNode* newp = nullptr;
const int widthWords = portp->basicp()->widthWords();
for (int i = 0; i < total; ++i) {
AstNodeExpr* srcp = new AstVarRef{portvscp->fileline(), portvscp, VAccess::WRITE};
// extract a scalar from multi-dimensional array (internal format)
for (auto&& dimStride : dimStrides) {
const size_t dimIdx = (i / dimStride.second) % dimStride.first->elementsConst();
srcp = new AstArraySel(portvscp->fileline(), srcp, dimIdx);
AstNode* stmtp = nullptr;
// extract a scalar from DPI temporary var that is scalar or 1D array
if (useSetWSvlv) {
AstNode* const linesp = new AstText{portvscp->fileline(), frstmt + ket};
new AstText{portvscp->fileline(),
"," + frName + " + " + cvtToStr(i * widthWords) + ");\n"});
stmtp = new AstCStmt{portvscp->fileline(), linesp};
} else {
string from = frstmt;
if (!dimStrides.empty()) {
// e.g. time is 64bit svLogicVector
const int coef = portp->basicp()->isDpiLogicVec() ? widthWords : 1;
from += "[" + cvtToStr(i * coef) + "]";
from += ket;
AstNodeExpr* const rhsp = new AstSel{
portp->fileline(), new AstCExpr{portp->fileline(), from, cwidth, false}, 0,
stmtp = new AstAssign{portp->fileline(), srcp, rhsp};
if (i > 0) {
} else {
newp = stmtp;
return newp;
AstCFunc* makeDpiExportDispatcher(AstNodeFTask* nodep, AstVar* rtnvarp) {
// Verilog name has __ conversion and other tricks, to match DPI C code, back that out
const string name = AstNode::prettyName(nodep->cname());
checkLegalCIdentifier(nodep, name);
const char* const tmpSuffixp = V3Task::dpiTemporaryVarSuffix();
AstCFunc* const funcp = new AstCFunc{nodep->fileline(), name, m_scopep,
(rtnvarp ? rtnvarp->dpiArgType(true, true) : "")};
// Add DPI Export to top, since it's a global function
{ // Create dispatch wrapper
// Note this function may dispatch to myfunc on a different class.
// Thus we need to be careful not to assume a particular function layout.
// Func numbers must be the same for each function, even when there are
// completely different models with the same function name.
// Thus we can't just use a constant computed at Verilation time.
// We could use 64-bits of a MD5/SHA hash rather than a string here,
// but the compare is only done on first call then memoized, so
// it's not worth optimizing.
string stmt;
// Static doesn't need save-restore as if below will re-fill proper value
stmt += "static int __Vfuncnum = -1;\n";
// First time init (faster than what the compiler does if we did a singleton
stmt += "if (VL_UNLIKELY(__Vfuncnum == -1)) __Vfuncnum = Verilated::exportFuncNum(\""
+ nodep->cname() + "\");\n";
// If the find fails, it will throw an error
stmt += "const VerilatedScope* __Vscopep = Verilated::dpiScope();\n";
// If dpiScope is fails and is null; the exportFind function throws and error
const string cbtype
= VIdProtect::protect(v3Global.opt.prefix() + "__Vcb_" + nodep->cname() + "_t");
stmt += cbtype + " __Vcb = (" + cbtype
+ ")(VerilatedScope::exportFind(__Vscopep, __Vfuncnum));\n"; // Can't use
// static_cast
// If __Vcb is null the exportFind function throws and error
funcp->addStmtsp(new AstCStmt{nodep->fileline(), stmt});
// Convert input/inout DPI arguments to Internal types
string args;
args += ("(" + EmitCBase::symClassName()
+ "*)(__Vscopep->symsp())"); // Upcast w/o overhead
AstNode* argnodesp = nullptr;
for (AstNode* stmtp = nodep->stmtsp(); stmtp; stmtp = stmtp->nextp()) {
if (AstVar* const portp = VN_CAST(stmtp, Var)) {
if (portp->isIO() && !portp->isFuncReturn() && portp != rtnvarp) {
// No createDpiTemp; we make a real internal variable instead
args += ", ";
if (args != "") {
argnodesp = argnodesp->addNext(new AstText{portp->fileline(), args, true});
args = "";
AstVarScope* const outvscp
= createFuncVar(funcp, portp->name() + tmpSuffixp, portp);
// No information exposure; is already visible in import/export func template
AstVarRef* const refp
= new AstVarRef{portp->fileline(), outvscp,
portp->isWritable() ? VAccess::WRITE : VAccess::READ};
argnodesp = argnodesp->addNext(refp);
if (portp->isNonOutput()) {
std::string frName
= portp->isInout() && portp->basicp()->isDpiPrimitive()
&& portp->dtypep()->skipRefp()->arrayUnpackedElements() == 1
? "*"
: "";
frName += portp->name();
funcp->addStmtsp(createAssignDpiToInternal(outvscp, frName));
if (rtnvarp) {
AstVar* const portp = rtnvarp;
args += ", ";
if (args != "") {
argnodesp = argnodesp->addNext(new AstText{portp->fileline(), args, true});
args = "";
AstVarScope* const outvscp = createFuncVar(funcp, portp->name() + tmpSuffixp, portp);
// No information exposure; is already visible in import/export func template
AstVarRef* const refp = new AstVarRef{
portp->fileline(), outvscp, portp->isWritable() ? VAccess::WRITE : VAccess::READ};
argnodesp = argnodesp->addNext(refp);
{ // Call the user function
// Add the variables referenced as VarRef's so that lifetime analysis
// doesn't rip up the variables on us
args += ");\n";
AstCStmt* const newp = new AstCStmt{nodep->fileline(), "(*__Vcb)("};
newp->addExprsp(new AstText{nodep->fileline(), args, true});
// Convert output/inout arguments back to internal type
for (AstNode* stmtp = nodep->stmtsp(); stmtp; stmtp = stmtp->nextp()) {
if (AstVar* const portp = VN_CAST(stmtp, Var)) {
if (portp->isIO() && portp->isWritable() && !portp->isFuncReturn()) {
funcp->addStmtsp(createAssignInternalToDpi(portp, true, tmpSuffixp, ""));
if (rtnvarp) {
funcp->addStmtsp(createDpiTemp(rtnvarp, ""));
funcp->addStmtsp(createAssignInternalToDpi(rtnvarp, false, tmpSuffixp, ""));
string stmt = "return " + rtnvarp->name();
stmt += rtnvarp->basicp()->isDpiPrimitive() ? ";\n" : "[0];\n";
funcp->addStmtsp(new AstCStmt{nodep->fileline(), stmt});
makePortList(nodep, funcp);
return funcp;
AstCFunc* makeDpiImportPrototype(AstNodeFTask* nodep, AstVar* rtnvarp) {
// Verilog name has __ conversion and other tricks, to match DPI C code, back that out
const string name = AstNode::prettyName(nodep->cname());
checkLegalCIdentifier(nodep, name);
// Tasks (but not void functions) return a boolean 'int' indicating disabled
const string rtnType = rtnvarp ? rtnvarp->dpiArgType(true, true)
: nodep->dpiTask() ? "int"
: "";
AstCFunc* const funcp = new AstCFunc{nodep->fileline(), name, m_scopep, rtnType};
// Add DPI Import to top, since it's a global function
makePortList(nodep, funcp);
return funcp;
AstCFunc* getDpiFunc(AstNodeFTask* nodep, AstVar* rtnvarp) {
UASSERT_OBJ(nodep->dpiImport() || nodep->dpiExport(), nodep, "Not a DPI function");
// Compute unique signature of this DPI function
const string signature = dpiSignature(nodep, rtnvarp);
// Only create one DPI Import prototype or DPI Export entry point for each unique cname as
// it is illegal for the user to attach multiple tasks with different signatures to one DPI
// cname.
const auto pair = m_dpiNames.emplace(std::piecewise_construct, //
std::forward_as_tuple(nodep, signature, nullptr));
if (pair.second) {
// First time encountering this cname. Create Import prototype / Export entry point
AstCFunc* const funcp = nodep->dpiExport() ? makeDpiExportDispatcher(nodep, rtnvarp)
: makeDpiImportPrototype(nodep, rtnvarp);
std::get<2>(pair.first->second) = funcp;
return funcp;
} else {
// Seen this cname import before. Check if it's the same prototype.
const AstNodeFTask* firstNodep;
string firstSignature;
AstCFunc* firstFuncp;
std::tie(firstNodep, firstSignature, firstFuncp) = pair.first->second;
if (signature != firstSignature) {
// Different signature, so error.
nodep->v3error("Duplicate declaration of DPI function with different signature: '"
<< nodep->cname() << "'\n"
<< nodep->warnContextPrimary() << '\n'
<< nodep->warnMore() //
<< "... New signature: " << signature << '\n' //
<< firstNodep->warnOther()
<< "... Original signature: " << firstSignature << '\n' //
<< firstNodep->warnContextSecondary());
return nullptr;
} else {
// Same signature, return the previously created CFunc
return firstFuncp;
static void makePortList(AstNodeFTask* nodep, AstCFunc* dpip) {
// Copy nodep's list of function I/O to the new dpip c function
for (AstNode* stmtp = nodep->stmtsp(); stmtp; stmtp = stmtp->nextp()) {
if (AstVar* const portp = VN_CAST(stmtp, Var)) {
if (portp->isIO()) {
// Move it to new function
AstVar* const newPortp = portp->cloneTree(false);
if (!portp->basicp()) {
"Unsupported: DPI argument of type "
<< portp->dtypep()->prettyTypeName() << '\n'
<< portp->warnMore()
<< "... For best portability, use bit, byte, int, or longint");
// We don't warn on logic either, although the 4-stateness is lost.
// That's what other simulators do.
void bodyDpiImportFunc(AstNodeFTask* nodep, AstVarScope* rtnvscp, AstCFunc* cfuncp,
AstCFunc* dpiFuncp) {
const char* const tmpSuffixp = V3Task::dpiTemporaryVarSuffix();
// Convert input/inout arguments to DPI types
string args;
for (AstNode* stmtp = cfuncp->argsp(); stmtp; stmtp = stmtp->nextp()) {
if (AstVar* const portp = VN_CAST(stmtp, Var)) {
AstVarScope* const portvscp
= VN_AS(portp->user2p(), VarScope); // Remembered when we created it earlier
if (portp->isIO() && !portp->isFuncReturn() && portvscp != rtnvscp
&& portp->name() != "__Vscopep" // Passed to dpiContext, not callee
&& portp->name() != "__Vfilenamep" && portp->name() != "__Vlineno") {
if (args != "") args += ", ";
if (portp->isDpiOpenArray()) {
AstNodeDType* const dtypep = portp->dtypep()->skipRefp();
UASSERT_OBJ(!VN_IS(dtypep, DynArrayDType) && !VN_IS(dtypep, QueueDType),
"Passing dynamic array or queue as actual argument to DPI "
"open array is not yet supported");
// Ideally we'd make a table of variable
// characteristics, and reuse it wherever we can
// At least put them into the module's CTOR as static?
const string propName = portp->name() + "__Vopenprops";
const string propCode = portp->vlPropDecl(propName);
cfuncp->addStmtsp(new AstCStmt{portp->fileline(), propCode});
// At runtime we need the svOpenArrayHandle to
// point to this task & thread's data, in addition
// to static info about the variable
const string name = portp->name() + "__Vopenarray";
const string varCode
= ("VerilatedDpiOpenVar "
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(performance-inefficient-string-concatenation)
+ name + " (&" + propName + ", &" + portp->name() + ");\n");
cfuncp->addStmtsp(new AstCStmt{portp->fileline(), varCode});
args += "&" + name;
} else {
if (portp->isWritable() && portp->basicp()->isDpiPrimitive()) {
if (!VN_IS(portp->dtypep()->skipRefp(), UnpackArrayDType)) args += "&";
args += portp->name() + tmpSuffixp;
cfuncp->addStmtsp(createDpiTemp(portp, tmpSuffixp));
if (portp->isNonOutput()) {
createAssignInternalToDpi(portp, false, "", tmpSuffixp));
// Store context, if needed
if (nodep->dpiContext()) {
const string stmt = "Verilated::dpiContext(__Vscopep, __Vfilenamep, __Vlineno);\n";
cfuncp->addStmtsp(new AstCStmt{nodep->fileline(), stmt});
{ // Call the imported function
if (rtnvscp) { // isFunction will no longer work as we unlinked the return var
cfuncp->addStmtsp(createDpiTemp(rtnvscp->varp(), tmpSuffixp));
string stmt = rtnvscp->varp()->name();
stmt += tmpSuffixp;
stmt += rtnvscp->varp()->basicp()->isDpiPrimitive() ? " = " : "[0] = ";
cfuncp->addStmtsp(new AstText{nodep->fileline(), stmt, /* tracking: */ true});
AstCCall* const callp = new AstCCall{nodep->fileline(), dpiFuncp};
// Convert output/inout arguments back to internal type
for (AstNode* stmtp = cfuncp->argsp(); stmtp; stmtp = stmtp->nextp()) {
if (AstVar* const portp = VN_CAST(stmtp, Var)) {
portp->protect(false); // No additional exposure - already part of shown proto
if (portp->isIO() && (portp->isWritable() || portp->isFuncReturn())
&& !portp->isDpiOpenArray()) {
AstVarScope* const portvscp = VN_AS(
portp->user2p(), VarScope); // Remembered when we created it earlier
createAssignDpiToInternal(portvscp, portp->name() + tmpSuffixp));
AstVarScope* getDpiExporTrigger() {
AstNetlist* const netlistp = v3Global.rootp();
AstVarScope* dpiExportTriggerp = netlistp->dpiExportTriggerp();
if (!dpiExportTriggerp) {
// Create the global DPI export trigger flag the first time we encounter a DPI export.
// This flag is set any time a DPI export is invoked, and cleared at the end of eval.
FileLine* const fl = m_topScopep->fileline();
const string name{"__Vdpi_export_trigger"};
AstVar* const varp = new AstVar{fl, VVarType::VAR, name, VFlagBitPacked{}, 1};
dpiExportTriggerp = new AstVarScope{fl, m_topScopep->scopep(), varp};
return dpiExportTriggerp;
AstCFunc* makeUserFunc(AstNodeFTask* nodep, bool ftaskNoInline) {
// Given a already cloned node, make a public C function, or a non-inline C function
// Probably some of this work should be done later, but...
// should the type of the function be bool/uint32/64 etc (based on lookup) or IData?
AstVar* rtnvarp = nullptr;
if (nodep->isFunction()) {
AstVar* const portp = VN_AS(nodep->fvarp(), Var);
UASSERT_OBJ(portp, nodep, "function without function output variable");
UASSERT_OBJ(portp->isFuncReturn(), nodep, "Not marked as function return var");
if (nodep->dpiImport() || nodep->dpiExport()) {
AstBasicDType* const bdtypep = portp->dtypep()->basicp();
if (!bdtypep->isDpiPrimitive()) {
if (bdtypep->isDpiBitVec() && portp->width() > 32) {
portp->v3error("DPI function may not return a > 32 bits wide type "
"other than basic types.\n"
+ portp->warnMore()
+ "... Suggest make it an output argument instead?");
if (bdtypep->isDpiLogicVec()) {
portp->v3error("DPI function may not return a 4-state type "
"other than a single 'logic' (IEEE 1800-2023 35.5.5)");
} else if (nodep->taskPublic()) {
if (portp->isWide()) {
"Unsupported: Public functions with return > 64 bits wide.\n"
+ nodep->warnMore()
+ "... Suggest make it an output argument instead?");
if (ftaskNoInline || nodep->dpiExport()) {
portp->funcReturn(false); // Converting return to 'outputs'
unlinkAndClone(nodep, portp, false);
rtnvarp = portp;
+ "__Vfuncrtn"); // Avoid conflict with DPI function name
if (nodep->dpiImport() || nodep->dpiExport()) rtnvarp->protect(false);
// Create/pick up the DPI CFunc for DPI Import/ DPI Export.
AstCFunc* dpiFuncp = nullptr;
if (nodep->dpiImport() || nodep->dpiExport()) {
UASSERT_OBJ(!(nodep->dpiOpenParent() && nodep->dpiOpenChild()), nodep,
"DPI task should not be both parent and child");
dpiFuncp = getDpiFunc(nodep, rtnvarp);
if (!dpiFuncp) return nullptr; // There was an error, so bail
if (nodep->dpiImport() && nodep->dpiOpenParent()) {
// No need to make more than just the DPI Import prototype, the children will
// create the wrapper implementations.
VL_DO_DANGLING(pushDeletep(nodep), nodep);
return nullptr;
AstVarScope* rtnvscp = nullptr;
if (rtnvarp) {
rtnvscp = new AstVarScope{rtnvarp->fileline(), m_scopep, rtnvarp};
string prefix;
if (nodep->dpiImport()) {
prefix = "__Vdpiimwrap_";
} else if (nodep->dpiExport()) {
prefix = "__Vdpiexp_";
} else if (ftaskNoInline) {
prefix = "__VnoInFunc_";
// Unless public, v3Descope will not uniquify function names even if duplicate per-scope,
// so make it unique now.
string suffix; // So, make them unique
if (!nodep->taskPublic() && !nodep->classMethod()) suffix = "_" + m_scopep->nameDotless();
const string name = ((nodep->name() == "new") ? "new" : prefix + nodep->name() + suffix);
AstCFunc* const cfuncp = new AstCFunc{
nodep->fileline(), name, m_scopep,
((nodep->taskPublic() && rtnvarp) ? rtnvarp->cPubArgType(true, true) : "")};
// It's ok to combine imports because this is just a wrapper;
// duplicate wrappers can get merged.
if (nodep->dpiImport() || nodep->dpiExport()) {
} else {
if (nodep->name() == "new") cfuncp->isConstructor(true);
if (cfuncp->dpiExportImpl()) cfuncp->cname(nodep->cname());
if (!nodep->dpiImport() && !nodep->taskPublic()) {
// Need symbol table
if (cfuncp->name() == "new") {
const string stmt = VIdProtect::protect("_ctor_var_reset") + "(vlSymsp);\n";
cfuncp->addInitsp(new AstCStmt{nodep->fileline(), stmt});
if (nodep->dpiContext()) {
// First three args go to dpiContext call
createInputVar(cfuncp, "__Vscopep", VBasicDTypeKwd::SCOPEPTR);
createInputVar(cfuncp, "__Vfilenamep", VBasicDTypeKwd::CHARPTR);
createInputVar(cfuncp, "__Vlineno", VBasicDTypeKwd::INT);
if (nodep->dpiExport()) {
AstScopeName* const snp = nodep->scopeNamep();
UASSERT_OBJ(snp, nodep, "Missing scoping context");
true); // The AstScopeName is really a statement(ish) for tracking, not a function
// Create list of arguments and move to function
for (AstNode *nextp, *stmtp = nodep->stmtsp(); stmtp; stmtp = nextp) {
nextp = stmtp->nextp();
if (AstVar* const portp = VN_CAST(stmtp, Var)) {
if (portp->isParam() && VN_IS(portp->valuep(), InitArray)) {
// Move array parameters in functions into constant pool
AstNode* const tablep = v3Global.rootp()->constPoolp()->findTable(
VN_AS(portp->valuep(), InitArray));
} else {
if (portp->isIO()) {
// Move it to new function
unlinkAndClone(nodep, portp, false);
} else {
// "Normal" variable, mark inside function
AstVarScope* const newvscp
= new AstVarScope{portp->fileline(), m_scopep, portp};
// Fake output variable if was a function. It's more efficient to
// have it last, rather than first, as the C compiler can sometimes
// avoid copying variables when calling shells if argument 1
// remains argument 1 (which it wouldn't if a return got added).
if (rtnvarp) cfuncp->addArgsp(rtnvarp);
// Move body
AstNode* bodysp = nodep->stmtsp();
if (bodysp) {
unlinkAndClone(nodep, bodysp, true);
AstBegin* const tempp = new AstBegin{nodep->fileline(), "[EditWrapper]", bodysp};
// If we cloned due to recursion, now need to rip out the ports
// (that remained in place) then got cloned
for (AstNode *nextp, *stmtp = tempp->stmtsp(); stmtp; stmtp = nextp) {
nextp = stmtp->nextp();
if (AstVar* const portp = VN_CAST(stmtp, Var)) {
if (portp->isIO()) portp->unlinkFrBack();
if (tempp->stmtsp()) cfuncp->addStmtsp(tempp->stmtsp()->unlinkFrBackWithNext());
VL_DO_DANGLING(tempp->deleteTree(), tempp);
if (nodep->dpiImport()) bodyDpiImportFunc(nodep, rtnvscp, cfuncp, dpiFuncp);
// Return statement
if (rtnvscp && nodep->taskPublic()) {
cfuncp->addFinalsp(new AstCReturn{
rtnvscp->fileline(), new AstVarRef{rtnvscp->fileline(), rtnvscp, VAccess::READ}});
// Replace variable refs
if (cfuncp->dpiExportImpl()) {
// Mark all non-local variables written by the DPI exported function as being updated
// by DPI exports. This ensures correct ordering and change detection later.
// Mark non-local variables written by the exported function
bool writesNonLocals = false;
cfuncp->foreach([&writesNonLocals](AstVarRef* refp) {
if (refp->access().isReadOnly()) return; // Ignore read reference
AstVar* const varp = refp->varScopep()->varp();
// We are ignoring function locals as they should not be referenced anywhere
// outside the enclosing AstCFunc, hence they are irrelevant for code ordering.
if (varp->isFuncLocal()) return;
// Mark it as written by DPI export
// Remember we had some
writesNonLocals = true;
// If this DPI export writes some non-local variables, set the DPI Export Trigger flag
// in the function.
if (writesNonLocals) {
AstVarScope* const dpiExportTriggerp = getDpiExporTrigger();
FileLine* const flp = cfuncp->fileline();
// Set DPI export trigger flag every time the DPI export is called.
AstAssign* const assignp
= new AstAssign{flp, new AstVarRef{flp, dpiExportTriggerp, VAccess::WRITE},
new AstConst{flp, AstConst::BitTrue{}}};
// Add as first statement (to avoid issues with early returns) to exported function
if (cfuncp->stmtsp()) {
} else {
// Mark the fact that this function allocates std::process
if (nodep->needProcess()) cfuncp->setNeedProcess();
// Delete rest of cloned task and return new func
VL_DO_DANGLING(pushDeletep(nodep), nodep);
if (debug() >= 9) cfuncp->dumpTree("- userFunc: ");
return cfuncp;
void iterateIntoFTask(AstNodeFTask* nodep) {
// Iterate into the FTask we are calling. Note it may be under a different
// scope then the caller, so we need to restore state.
m_scopep = m_statep->getScope(nodep);
void insertBeforeStmt(AstNode* nodep, AstNode* newp) {
if (debug() >= 9) nodep->dumpTree("- newstmt: ");
UASSERT_OBJ(m_insStmtp, nodep, "Function call not underneath a statement");
if (debug() >= 9) newp->dumpTree("- newfunc: ");
void visit(AstNodeModule* nodep) override {
m_modp = nodep;
m_insStmtp = nullptr;
m_modNCalls = 0;
void visit(AstWith* nodep) override {
if (nodep->user1SetOnce()) {
// Make sure that the return expression is converted only once
AstNodeExpr* const withExprp = VN_AS(nodep->exprp()->unlinkFrBack(), NodeExpr);
nodep->addExprp(new AstCReturn{withExprp->fileline(), withExprp});
void visit(AstScope* nodep) override {
m_scopep = nodep;
m_insStmtp = nullptr;
m_scopep = nullptr;
void visit(AstNodeFTaskRef* nodep) override {
if (m_inSensesp) {
nodep->v3warn(E_UNSUPPORTED, "Unsupported: function calls in sensitivity lists");
nodep->taskp(nullptr); // So V3Broken doesn't complain
// Includes handling AstMethodCall, AstNew
UASSERT_OBJ(nodep->taskp(), nodep, "Unlinked?");
iterateIntoFTask(nodep->taskp()); // First, do hierarchical funcs
UINFO(4, " FTask REF " << nodep << endl);
if (debug() >= 9) nodep->dumpTree("- inlfunc: ");
UASSERT_OBJ(m_scopep, nodep, "func ref not under scope");
const string namePrefix = ((VN_IS(nodep, FuncRef) ? "__Vfunc_" : "__Vtask_")
+ nodep->taskp()->shortName() + "__" + cvtToStr(m_modNCalls++));
// Create output variable
AstVarScope* outvscp = nullptr;
if (nodep->taskp()->isFunction()) {
// Not that it's a FUNCREF, but that we're calling a function (perhaps as a task)
= createVarScope(VN_AS(nodep->taskp()->fvarp(), Var), namePrefix + "__Vfuncout");
// Create cloned statements
AstNode* beginp;
AstCNew* cnewp = nullptr;
if (m_statep->ftaskNoInline(nodep->taskp())) {
// This may share VarScope's with a public task, if any. Yuk.
beginp = createNonInlinedFTask(nodep, namePrefix, outvscp, cnewp /*ref*/);
} else {
beginp = createInlinedFTask(nodep, namePrefix, outvscp);
if (VN_IS(nodep, New)) {
insertBeforeStmt(nodep, beginp);
UASSERT_OBJ(cnewp, nodep, "didn't create cnew for new");
VL_DO_DANGLING(nodep->deleteTree(), nodep);
} else if (VN_IS(nodep->backp(), NodeAssign)) {
UASSERT_OBJ(nodep->taskp()->isFunction(), nodep,
"funcref-like assign to non-function");
insertBeforeStmt(nodep, beginp);
AstVarRef* const outrefp = new AstVarRef{nodep->fileline(), outvscp, VAccess::READ};
VL_DO_DANGLING(nodep->deleteTree(), nodep);
} else if (!VN_IS(nodep->backp(), StmtExpr)) {
UASSERT_OBJ(nodep->taskp()->isFunction(), nodep,
"funcref-like expression to non-function");
AstVarRef* const outrefp = new AstVarRef{nodep->fileline(), outvscp, VAccess::READ};
beginp = new AstExprStmt{nodep->fileline(), beginp, outrefp};
// AstExprStmt is currently treated as impure, so clear the cached purity of its
// parents
VL_DO_DANGLING(nodep->deleteTree(), nodep);
} else {
insertBeforeStmt(nodep, beginp);
if (nodep->taskp()->isFunction()) {
"Ignoring return value of non-void function (IEEE 1800-2023 13.4.1)");
VL_DO_DANGLING(nodep->deleteTree(), nodep);
UINFO(4, " FTask REF Done.\n");
void visit(AstNodeFTask* nodep) override {
UINFO(4, " visitFTask " << nodep << endl);
m_insStmtp = nodep->stmtsp(); // Might be null if no statements, but we won't use it
if (!nodep->user1SetOnce()) { // Just one creation needed per function
// Expand functions in it
int modes = 0;
if (nodep->dpiImport()) modes++;
if (nodep->dpiExport()) modes++;
if (nodep->taskPublic()) modes++;
if (nodep->classMethod()) modes++;
if (v3Global.opt.protectIds() && nodep->taskPublic()) {
// We always call protect() on names, we don't check if public or not
// Hence any external references wouldn't be able to find the refed public object.
"Unsupported: Using --protect-ids with public function");
if (modes > 1) {
nodep->v3error("Cannot mix DPI import, DPI export, class methods, and/or public "
"on same function: "
<< nodep->prettyNameQ());
if (nodep->dpiImport() || nodep->dpiExport() || nodep->taskPublic()
|| m_statep->ftaskNoInline(nodep)) {
// Clone it first, because we may have later FTaskRef's that still need
// the original version.
if (m_statep->ftaskNoInline(nodep) && !nodep->classMethod()) {
AstNodeFTask* const clonedFuncp = nodep->cloneTree(false);
if (nodep->isConstructor()) m_statep->remapFuncClassp(nodep, clonedFuncp);
AstCFunc* const cfuncp = makeUserFunc(clonedFuncp, m_statep->ftaskNoInline(nodep));
if (cfuncp) {
if (nodep->dpiImport() || m_statep->ftaskNoInline(nodep)) {
m_statep->ftaskCFuncp(nodep, cfuncp);
iterateIntoFTask(clonedFuncp); // Do the clone too
// Any variables inside the function still have varscopes pointing to them.
// We're going to delete the vars, so delete the varscopes.
if (nodep->isFunction()) {
if (AstVar* const portp = VN_CAST(nodep->fvarp(), Var)) {
AstVarScope* const vscp = m_statep->findVarScope(m_scopep, portp);
UINFO(9, " funcremovevsc " << vscp << endl);
VL_DO_DANGLING(pushDeletep(vscp->unlinkFrBack()), vscp);
for (AstNode *nextp, *stmtp = nodep->stmtsp(); stmtp; stmtp = nextp) {
nextp = stmtp->nextp();
if (AstVar* const portp = VN_CAST(stmtp, Var)) {
AstVarScope* const vscp = m_statep->findVarScope(m_scopep, portp);
UINFO(9, " funcremovevsc " << vscp << endl);
VL_DO_DANGLING(pushDeletep(vscp->unlinkFrBack()), vscp);
// Just push for deletion, as other references to func may
// remain until visitor exits
VL_DO_DANGLING(pushDeletep(nodep), nodep);
void visit(AstWhile* nodep) override {
// Special, as statements need to be put in different places
// Preconditions insert first just before themselves (the normal
// rule for other statement types)
m_insStmtp = nullptr; // First thing should be new statement
// Conditions insert first at end of precondsp.
m_insStmtp = nodep;
// Body insert just before themselves
m_insStmtp = nullptr; // First thing should be new statement
// Done the loop
m_insStmtp = nullptr; // Next thing should be new statement
void visit(AstNodeForeach* nodep) override { // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
"Foreach statements should have been converted to while statements in V3Begin.cpp");
void visit(AstNodeFor* nodep) override { // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
"For statements should have been converted to while statements in V3Begin.cpp");
void visit(AstNodeStmt* nodep) override {
m_insStmtp = nodep;
m_insStmtp = nullptr; // Next thing should be new statement
void visit(AstStmtExpr* nodep) override {
m_insStmtp = nodep;
if (!nodep->exprp()) VL_DO_DANGLING(nodep->unlinkFrBack()->deleteTree(), nodep);
m_insStmtp = nullptr; // Next thing should be new statement
void visit(AstSenItem* nodep) override {
UASSERT_OBJ(!m_inSensesp, nodep, "Senitem under senitem?");
m_inSensesp = true;
void visit(AstNode* nodep) override { iterateChildren(nodep); }
TaskVisitor(AstNetlist* nodep, TaskStateVisitor* statep)
: m_statep{statep} {
~TaskVisitor() { V3Stats::addStat("Optimizations, Functions inlined", m_statInlines); }
// Task class functions
const char* const V3Task::s_dpiTemporaryVarSuffix = "__Vcvt";
V3TaskConnects V3Task::taskConnects(AstNodeFTaskRef* nodep, AstNode* taskStmtsp,
V3TaskConnectState* statep, bool makeChanges) {
// Output list will be in order of the port declaration variables (so
// func calls are made right in C)
// Missing pin/expr? We return (pinvar, nullptr)
// Extra pin/expr? We clean it up
UINFO(9, "taskConnects " << nodep << endl);
std::map<const std::string, int> nameToIndex;
V3TaskConnects tconnects;
UASSERT_OBJ(nodep->taskp(), nodep, "unlinked");
// Find ports
int tpinnum = 0;
AstVar* sformatp = nullptr;
for (AstNode* stmtp = taskStmtsp; stmtp; stmtp = stmtp->nextp()) {
if (AstVar* const portp = VN_CAST(stmtp, Var)) {
if (portp->isIO()) {
tconnects.emplace_back(portp, static_cast<AstArg*>(nullptr));
nameToIndex.emplace(portp->name(), tpinnum); // For name based connections
if (portp->attrSFormat()) {
sformatp = portp;
} else if (sformatp) {
portp->v3error("/*verilator sformat*/ can only be applied to last argument of "
"a function");
// Find pins
int ppinnum = 0;
bool reorganize = false;
for (AstNode *nextp, *pinp = nodep->pinsp(); pinp; pinp = nextp) {
nextp = pinp->nextp();
if (VN_IS(pinp, With)) continue;
AstArg* const argp = VN_AS(pinp, Arg);
UASSERT_OBJ(argp, pinp, "Non-arg under ftask reference");
if (argp->name() != "") {
// By name
const auto it = nameToIndex.find(argp->name());
if (it == nameToIndex.end()) {
if (makeChanges) {
pinp->v3error("No such argument " << argp->prettyNameQ()
<< " in function call to "
<< nodep->taskp()->prettyTypeName());
// We'll just delete it; seems less error prone than making a false argument
VL_DO_DANGLING(pinp->unlinkFrBack()->deleteTree(), pinp);
} else {
if (tconnects[it->second].second && makeChanges) {
pinp->v3error("Duplicate argument " << argp->prettyNameQ()
<< " in function call to "
<< nodep->taskp()->prettyTypeName());
tconnects[it->second].second = argp;
reorganize = true;
} else { // By pin number
if (nodep->taskp()->prettyName() == "randomize") {
// Arguments to randomize() are special, will be handled in V3Randomize
} else if (ppinnum >= tpinnum) {
if (sformatp) {
tconnects.emplace_back(sformatp, static_cast<AstArg*>(nullptr));
tconnects[ppinnum].second = argp;
} else if (makeChanges) {
pinp->v3error("Too many arguments in function call to "
<< nodep->taskp()->prettyTypeName());
// We'll just delete it; seems less error prone than making a false argument
VL_DO_DANGLING(pinp->unlinkFrBack()->deleteTree(), pinp);
} else {
tconnects[ppinnum].second = argp;
if (!makeChanges) return tconnects;
// Connect missing ones
std::set<const AstVar*> argWrap; // Which ports are defaulted, forcing arg wrapper creation
for (int i = 0; i < tpinnum; ++i) {
AstVar* const portp = tconnects[i].first;
if (!tconnects[i].second || !tconnects[i].second->exprp()) {
AstNodeExpr* newvaluep = nullptr;
if (!portp->valuep()) {
nodep->v3error("Missing argument on non-defaulted argument "
<< portp->prettyNameQ() << " in function call to "
<< nodep->taskp()->prettyTypeName());
newvaluep = new AstConst{nodep->fileline(), AstConst::Unsized32{}, 0};
} else if (AstFuncRef* const funcRefp = VN_CAST(portp->valuep(), FuncRef)) {
const AstNodeFTask* const funcp = funcRefp->taskp();
if (funcp->classMethod() && funcp->isStatic()) newvaluep = funcRefp;
} else if (AstConst* const constp = VN_CAST(portp->valuep(), Const)) {
newvaluep = constp;
if (!newvaluep) {
// The default value for this port might be a constant
// expression that hasn't been folded yet. Try folding it
// now; we don't have much to lose if it fails.
newvaluep = V3Const::constifyEdit(VN_AS(portp->valuep(), NodeExpr));
if (!VN_IS(newvaluep, Const)) {
if (statep) {
portp->pinNum(i + 1); // Make sure correct, will use to build name
UINFO(9, "taskConnects arg wrapper needed " << portp->valuep() << endl);
} else { // statep = nullptr, called too late or otherwise to handle args
// Problem otherwise is we might have a varref, task
// call, or something else that only makes sense in the
// domain of the function (or class containing the method),
// versus that of the callee.
"Unsupported: Non-constant default value in missing argument "
<< portp->prettyNameQ() << " in function call to "
<< nodep->taskp()->prettyTypeName());
newvaluep = new AstConst{nodep->fileline(), AstConst::Unsized32{}, 0};
newvaluep = newvaluep->cloneTree(true);
// To avoid problems with callee needing to know to deleteTree
// or not, we make this into a pin
UINFO(9, "Default pin for " << portp << endl);
AstArg* const newp = new AstArg{nodep->fileline(), portp->name(), newvaluep};
if (tconnects[i].second) { // Have a "nullptr" pin already defined for it
tconnects[i].second = nullptr);
tconnects[i].second = newp;
reorganize = true;
if (tconnects[i].second) {
UINFO(9, "Connect " << portp << " -> " << tconnects[i].second << endl);
} else {
UINFO(9, "Connect " << portp << " -> NONE" << endl);
for (const auto& tconnect : tconnects) {
AstArg* const argp = tconnect.second;
argp->name(""); // Can forget name as will add back in pin order
if (reorganize) {
// To simplify downstream, put argument list back into pure pinnumber ordering
while (nodep->pinsp()) {
// Must unlink each pin, not all pins linked together as one list
for (int i = 0; i < tpinnum; ++i) {
AstArg* const argp = tconnects[i].second;
UASSERT_OBJ(argp, nodep, "Lost argument in func conversion");
if (debug() >= 9) { // LCOV_EXCL_START
nodep->dumpTree("- ftref-out: ");
for (int i = 0; i < tpinnum; ++i) {
UINFO(0, " pin " << i << " pin=" << cvtToHex(tconnects[i].first)
<< " conn=" << cvtToHex(tconnects[i].second) << endl);
if (!argWrap.empty()) {
UINFO(9, "Arg wrapper generation " << nodep << endl);
// Create wrapper function with default argument settings.
// Needed because the default needs symbol table of the called function.
taskConnectWrap(nodep, tconnects, statep, argWrap);
// Regenerate all connections, this time connecting to the wrapper
return taskConnects(nodep, nodep->taskp()->stmtsp(),
// statep null, so can't recurse forever
return tconnects;
void V3Task::taskConnectWrap(AstNodeFTaskRef* nodep, const V3TaskConnects& tconnects,
V3TaskConnectState* statep, const std::set<const AstVar*>& argWrap) {
// Make wrapper name such that is same iff same args are defaulted
std::string newname = nodep->name() + "__Vtcwrap";
for (const AstVar* varp : argWrap) newname += "_" + cvtToStr(varp->pinNum());
const auto pair = statep->wrapMap().emplace(std::piecewise_construct,
std::forward_as_tuple(nodep->taskp(), newname),
if (pair.second) {
pair.first->second = taskConnectWrapNew(nodep->taskp(), newname, tconnects, argWrap);
AstNodeFTask* const newTaskp = pair.first->second;
// Remove the defaulted arguments from original outside call
for (const auto& tconnect : tconnects) {
const AstVar* const portp = tconnect.first;
AstArg* const argp = tconnect.second;
if (argWrap.find(portp) != argWrap.end()) { // Removed arg
// Change outside call to connect to new function
// if (debug() >= 9) nodep->dumpTree("-taskConnectWrap-call ");
AstNodeFTask* V3Task::taskConnectWrapNew(AstNodeFTask* taskp, const string& newname,
const V3TaskConnects& tconnects,
const std::set<const AstVar*>& argWrap) {
std::map<const AstVar*, AstVar*> oldNewVars; // Old -> new var mappings
AstNodeFTask* const newTaskp = taskp->cloneType(newname);
AstNodeFTaskRef* newCallp = nullptr;
AstNode* newCallInsertp = nullptr;
if (VN_IS(taskp, Func)) {
AstVar* const fvarp = VN_AS(taskp->fvarp(), Var);
UASSERT(fvarp, "FuncRef without fvar");
AstVar* const newFVarp = fvarp->cloneTree(true);
oldNewVars.emplace(fvarp, newFVarp);
newCallp = new AstFuncRef{taskp->fileline(), VN_AS(taskp, Func), nullptr};
= new AstAssign{taskp->fileline(),
new AstVarRef{fvarp->fileline(), newFVarp, VAccess::WRITE}, newCallp};
} else if (VN_IS(taskp, Task)) {
newCallp = new AstTaskRef{taskp->fileline(), VN_AS(taskp, Task), nullptr};
newCallInsertp = new AstStmtExpr{taskp->fileline(), newCallp};
} else {
taskp->v3fatalSrc("Unsupported: Non-constant default value in missing argument in a "
<< taskp->prettyTypeName());
// Create wrapper's ports matching original's
for (const auto& tconnect : tconnects) {
AstVar* const portp = tconnect.first;
AstVar* newPortp;
if (argWrap.find(portp) == argWrap.end()) { // Not removed arg
newPortp = new AstVar{portp->fileline(), portp->varType(), portp->name(), portp};
if (newPortp->valuep()) newPortp->valuep()->unlinkFrBack()->deleteTree();
} else { // Defaulting arg
AstNodeExpr* const valuep = VN_AS(portp->valuep(), NodeExpr);
// Create local temporary
newPortp = new AstVar{portp->fileline(), VVarType::BLOCKTEMP, portp->name(),
// Runtime-assign it to the default
if (!VN_IS(valuep, EmptyQueue)) {
AstAssign* const newAssignp
= new AstAssign{valuep->fileline(),
new AstVarRef{valuep->fileline(), newPortp, VAccess::WRITE},
oldNewVars.emplace(portp, newPortp);
const VAccess pinAccess = portp->isWritable() ? VAccess::WRITE : VAccess::READ;
AstArg* const newArgp = new AstArg{portp->fileline(), portp->name(),
new AstVarRef{portp->fileline(), newPortp, pinAccess}};
// Create wrapper call to original, passing arguments, adding setting of return value
// Replace any varref's to original to new ports (e.g. in argument equations)
newTaskp->foreach([=](AstVarRef* refp) {
const auto it = oldNewVars.find(refp->varp());
if (it != oldNewVars.end()) refp->varp(it->second);
// if (debug() >= 9) newTaskp->dumpTree("-taskConnectWrap-new ");
return newTaskp;
string V3Task::assignInternalToDpi(AstVar* portp, bool isPtr, const string& frSuffix,
const string& toSuffix, const string& frPrefix) {
// Create assignment from internal format into DPI temporary
// Internal representation is scalar, 1D, or multi-dimensional array (similar to SV)
// DPI temporary is scalar or 1D array (if unpacked array)
string stmt;
string ket;
// Someday we'll have better type support, and this can make variables and casts.
// But for now, we'll just text-bash it.
const string frName = frPrefix + portp->name() + frSuffix;
const string toName = portp->name() + toSuffix;
size_t unpackSize = 1; // non-unpacked array is treated as size 1
int unpackDim = 0;
if (AstUnpackArrayDType* const unpackp
= VN_CAST(portp->dtypep()->skipRefp(), UnpackArrayDType)) {
unpackSize = unpackp->arrayUnpackedElements();
unpackDim = unpackp->dimensions(false).second;
if (unpackDim > 0) UASSERT_OBJ(unpackSize > 0, portp, "size must be greater than 0");
if (portp->basicp()->isDpiBitVec() || portp->basicp()->isDpiLogicVec()) {
const bool isBit = portp->basicp()->isDpiBitVec();
const string idx = portp->name() + "__Vidx";
stmt = "for (size_t " + idx + " = 0; " + idx + " < " + cvtToStr(unpackSize) + "; ++" + idx
+ ") ";
stmt += (isBit ? "VL_SET_SVBV_" : "VL_SET_SVLV_")
+ string{portp->dtypep()->skipRefp()->charIQWN()} + "(" + cvtToStr(portp->width())
+ ", ";
stmt += toName + " + " + cvtToStr(portp->dtypep()->skipRefp()->widthWords()) + " * " + idx
+ ", ";
if (unpackDim > 0) { // Access multi-dimensional array as a 1D array
stmt += "(&" + frName;
for (int i = 0; i < unpackDim; ++i) stmt += "[0]";
stmt += ")[" + idx + "])";
} else {
stmt += frName + ")";
} else {
const bool isChandle
= portp->basicp() && portp->basicp()->keyword() == VBasicDTypeKwd::CHANDLE;
const bool isString
= portp->basicp() && portp->basicp()->keyword() == VBasicDTypeKwd::STRING;
const string idx = portp->name() + "__Vidx";
stmt = "for (size_t " + idx + " = 0; " + idx + " < " + cvtToStr(unpackSize) + "; ++" + idx
+ ") ";
if (unpackDim > 0) {
stmt += toName + "[" + idx + "]";
} else {
if (isPtr) stmt += "*"; // DPI outputs are pointers
stmt += toName;
stmt += " = ";
if (isChandle) {
stmt += "VL_CVT_Q_VP(";
ket += ")";
if (unpackDim > 0) {
stmt += "(&" + frName;
for (int i = 0; i < unpackDim; ++i) stmt += "[0]";
stmt += ")[" + idx + "]";
} else {
stmt += frName;
if (isString) stmt += ".c_str()";
stmt += ket + ";\n";
return stmt;
string V3Task::assignDpiToInternal(const string& lhsName, AstVar* varp) {
// Create assignment from DPI temporary into internal format
// DPI temporary is scalar or 1D array (if unpacked array)
// Internal representation is scalar, 1D, or multi-dimensional array (similar to SV)
const string frName = varp->name();
string frstmt;
string ket;
const bool useSetWSvlv = TaskDpiUtils::dpiToInternalFrStmt(varp, frName, frstmt, ket);
const std::vector<std::pair<AstUnpackArrayDType*, int>> dimStrides
= TaskDpiUtils::unpackDimsAndStrides(varp->dtypep());
const int total = dimStrides.empty()
? 1
: dimStrides.front().first->elementsConst() * dimStrides.front().second;
const int widthWords = varp->basicp()->widthWords();
string statements;
for (int i = 0; i < total; ++i) {
string lhs = lhsName;
// extract a scalar from multi-dimensional array (internal format)
for (auto&& dimStride : dimStrides) {
const size_t dimIdx = (i / dimStride.second) % dimStride.first->elementsConst();
lhs += "[" + cvtToStr(dimIdx) + "]";
// extract a scalar from DPI temporary var that is scalar or 1D array
if (useSetWSvlv) {
statements += frstmt + ket + " " + lhs + ", " + frName + " + "
+ cvtToStr(i * widthWords) + ");\n";
} else {
string rhs = frstmt;
if (!dimStrides.empty()) {
// e.g. time is 64bit svLogicVector
const int coef = varp->basicp()->isDpiLogicVec() ? widthWords : 1;
rhs += "[" + cvtToStr(i * coef) + "]";
rhs += ket;
statements += lhs + " = " + rhs + ";\n";
return statements;
void V3Task::taskAll(AstNetlist* nodep) {
UINFO(2, __FUNCTION__ << ": " << endl);
TaskStateVisitor visitors{nodep};
const TaskVisitor visitor{nodep, &visitors};
} // Destruct before checking
V3Global::dumpCheckGlobalTree("task", 0, dumpTreeEitherLevel() >= 3);