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// -*- mode: C++; c-file-style: "cc-mode" -*-
// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Block code ordering
// Code available from: https://verilator.org
// Copyright 2003-2025 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you
// can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
// Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
// Version 2.0.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only OR Artistic-2.0
// Initial graph dependency builder for ordering
#include "V3PchAstNoMT.h" // VL_MT_DISABLED_CODE_UNIT
#include "V3AstUserAllocator.h"
#include "V3Graph.h"
#include "V3OrderGraph.h"
#include "V3OrderInternal.h"
#include "V3Sched.h"
// Order information stored under each AstNode::user1p()...
class OrderUser final {
// Stored in AstVarScope::user1p, a list of all the various vertices
// that can exist for one given scoped variable
enum class VarVertexType : uint8_t { // Types of vertices we can create
STD = 0,
PRE = 1,
PORD = 2,
POST = 3
// Vertex of each type (if non nullptr)
std::array<OrderVarVertex*, static_cast<size_t>(VarVertexType::POST) + 1> m_vertexps;
OrderVarVertex* getVarVertex(OrderGraph* graphp, AstVarScope* varscp, VarVertexType type) {
const unsigned idx = static_cast<unsigned>(type);
OrderVarVertex* vertexp = m_vertexps[idx];
if (!vertexp) {
switch (type) {
case VarVertexType::STD: vertexp = new OrderVarStdVertex{graphp, varscp}; break;
case VarVertexType::PRE: vertexp = new OrderVarPreVertex{graphp, varscp}; break;
case VarVertexType::PORD: vertexp = new OrderVarPordVertex{graphp, varscp}; break;
case VarVertexType::POST: vertexp = new OrderVarPostVertex{graphp, varscp}; break;
m_vertexps[idx] = vertexp;
return vertexp;
OrderUser() { m_vertexps.fill(nullptr); }
~OrderUser() = default;
// OrderBuildVisitor builds the ordering graph of the entire netlist, and
// removes any nodes that are no longer required once the graph is built
class OrderGraphBuilder final : public VNVisitor {
enum VarUsage : uint8_t { VU_CON = 0x1, VU_GEN = 0x2 };
using VarVertexType = OrderUser::VarVertexType;
// AstVarScope::user1 -> OrderUser instance for variable (via m_orderUser)
// AstVarScope::user2 -> VarUsage within logic blocks
// AstVarScope::user3 -> bool: Hybrid sensitivity
const VNUser1InUse user1InUse;
const VNUser2InUse user2InUse;
const VNUser3InUse user3InUse;
AstUser1Allocator<AstVarScope, OrderUser> m_orderUser;
OrderGraph* const m_graphp = new OrderGraph; // The ordering graph built by this visitor
OrderLogicVertex* m_logicVxp = nullptr; // Current logic block being analyzed
// Map from Trigger reference AstSenItem to the original AstSenTree
const V3Order::TrigToSenMap& m_trigToSen;
// Current AstScope being processed
AstScope* m_scopep = nullptr;
// Sensitivity list for clocked logic, nullptr for combinational and hybrid logic
AstSenTree* m_domainp = nullptr;
// Sensitivity list for hybrid logic, nullptr for everything else
AstSenTree* m_hybridp = nullptr;
bool m_inClocked = false; // Underneath clocked AstActive
bool m_inPre = false; // Underneath AstAssignPre
bool m_inPost = false; // Underneath AstAssignPost/AstAlwaysPost
std::function<bool(const AstVarScope*)> m_readTriggersCombLogic;
void iterateLogic(AstNode* nodep) {
UASSERT_OBJ(!m_logicVxp, nodep, "Should not nest");
// Reset VarUsage
// Create LogicVertex for this logic node
m_logicVxp = new OrderLogicVertex{m_graphp, m_scopep, m_domainp, m_hybridp, nodep};
// Gather variable dependencies based on usage
// Finished with this logic
m_logicVxp = nullptr;
OrderVarVertex* getVarVertex(AstVarScope* varscp, VarVertexType type) {
return m_orderUser(varscp).getVarVertex(m_graphp, varscp, type);
void visit(AstActive* nodep) override {
UASSERT_OBJ(!nodep->sensesStorep(), nodep,
"AstSenTrees should have been made global in V3ActiveTop");
UASSERT_OBJ(m_scopep, nodep, "AstActive not under AstScope");
UASSERT_OBJ(!m_logicVxp, nodep, "AstActive under logic");
UASSERT_OBJ(!m_inClocked && !m_domainp && !m_hybridp, nodep, "Should not nest");
// This is the original sensitivity of the block (i.e.: not the ref into the TRIGGERVEC)
const AstSenTree* const senTreep
= nodep->sensesp()->hasCombo() ? nodep->sensesp() : m_trigToSen.at(nodep->sensesp());
m_inClocked = senTreep->hasClocked();
// Note: We don't need to analyze the sensitivity list, as currently all sensitivity
// lists simply reference an entry in a trigger vector, which are all set external to
// the code being ordered.
// Combinational and hybrid logic will have it's domain assigned based on the driver
// domains. For clocked logic, we already know its domain.
if (!senTreep->hasCombo() && !senTreep->hasHybrid()) m_domainp = nodep->sensesp();
// Hybrid logic also includes additional sensitivities
if (senTreep->hasHybrid()) {
m_hybridp = nodep->sensesp();
// Mark AstVarScopes that are explicit sensitivities
senTreep->foreach([](const AstVarRef* refp) { //
m_readTriggersCombLogic = [](const AstVarScope* vscp) { return !vscp->user3(); };
} else {
// Always triggers
m_readTriggersCombLogic = [](const AstVarScope*) { return true; };
// Analyze logic underneath
m_inClocked = false;
m_domainp = nullptr;
m_hybridp = nullptr;
void visit(AstNodeVarRef* nodep) override {
// As we explicitly not visit (see ignored nodes below) any subtree that is not relevant
// for ordering, we should be able to assert this:
UASSERT_OBJ(m_scopep, nodep, "AstVarRef not under scope");
UASSERT_OBJ(m_logicVxp, nodep, "AstVarRef not under logic");
AstVarScope* const varscp = nodep->varScopep();
UASSERT_OBJ(varscp, nodep, "Var didn't get varscoped in V3Scope.cpp");
// Variable reference in logic. Add data dependency.
// Check whether this variable was already generated/consumed in the same logic. We
// don't want to add extra edges if the logic has many usages of the same variable,
// so only proceed on first encounter.
const bool prevGen = varscp->user2() & VU_GEN;
const bool prevCon = varscp->user2() & VU_CON;
// Compute whether the variable is produced (written) here
bool gen = !prevGen && nodep->access().isWriteOrRW();
// Compute whether the value is consumed (read) here
bool con = false;
if (!prevCon && nodep->access().isReadOrRW()) {
con = true;
if (prevGen && !m_inClocked) {
// Dangerous assumption:
// If a variable is consumed in the same combinational process that produced it
// earlier, consider it something like:
// foo = 1
// foo = foo + 1
// and still optimize. Note this will break though:
// if (sometimes) foo = 1
// foo = foo + 1
// TODO: Do this properly with liveness analysis (i.e.: if live, it's consumed)
// Note however that this construct is not nicely synthesizable (yields
// latch?).
con = false;
// Note: See V3OrderGraph.h about the roles of the various vertex types
// Variable is produced
if (gen) {
// Update VarUsage
varscp->user2(varscp->user2() | VU_GEN);
// Add edges for produced variables
if (m_inPost) {
if (!varscp->varp()->ignorePostWrite()) {
// Add edge from producing LogicVertex -> produced VarStdVertex
OrderVarVertex* const varVxp = getVarVertex(varscp, VarVertexType::STD);
m_graphp->addHardEdge(m_logicVxp, varVxp, WEIGHT_NORMAL);
OrderVarVertex* const postVxp = getVarVertex(varscp, VarVertexType::POST);
// Add edge from produced VarPostVertex -> to producing LogicVertex
m_graphp->addHardEdge(postVxp, m_logicVxp, WEIGHT_POST);
} else if (!m_inClocked) { // Combinational logic
// Add edge from producing LogicVertex -> produced VarStdVertex
OrderVarVertex* const varVxp = getVarVertex(varscp, VarVertexType::STD);
m_graphp->addHardEdge(m_logicVxp, varVxp, WEIGHT_NORMAL);
// Add edge from produced VarPostVertex -> to producing LogicVertex
OrderVarVertex* const postVxp = getVarVertex(varscp, VarVertexType::POST);
m_graphp->addHardEdge(postVxp, m_logicVxp, WEIGHT_POST);
} else if (m_inPre) { // AstAssignPre
// Add edge from producing LogicVertex -> produced VarPordVertex
OrderVarVertex* const ordVxp = getVarVertex(varscp, VarVertexType::PORD);
m_graphp->addHardEdge(m_logicVxp, ordVxp, WEIGHT_NORMAL);
// Add edge from producing LogicVertex -> produced VarStdVertex
OrderVarVertex* const varVxp = getVarVertex(varscp, VarVertexType::STD);
m_graphp->addHardEdge(m_logicVxp, varVxp, WEIGHT_NORMAL);
} else {
// Sequential (clocked) logic
// Add edge from produced VarPordVertex -> to producing LogicVertex
OrderVarVertex* const ordVxp = getVarVertex(varscp, VarVertexType::PORD);
m_graphp->addHardEdge(ordVxp, m_logicVxp, WEIGHT_NORMAL);
// Add edge from producing LogicVertex-> to produced VarStdVertex
OrderVarVertex* const varVxp = getVarVertex(varscp, VarVertexType::STD);
m_graphp->addHardEdge(m_logicVxp, varVxp, WEIGHT_NORMAL);
// Variable is consumed
if (con) {
// Update VarUsage
varscp->user2(varscp->user2() | VU_CON);
// Add edges
if (!m_inClocked || m_inPost) {
// Combinational logic
if (m_readTriggersCombLogic(varscp)) {
// Ignore explicit sensitivities
OrderVarVertex* const varVxp = getVarVertex(varscp, VarVertexType::STD);
// Add edge from consumed VarStdVertex -> to consuming LogicVertex
m_graphp->addHardEdge(varVxp, m_logicVxp, WEIGHT_MEDIUM);
} else if (m_inPre) {
// AstAssignPre logic
// Add edge from consumed VarPreVertex -> to consuming LogicVertex
// This one is cutable (vs the producer) as there's only one such consumer,
// but may be many producers
OrderVarVertex* const preVxp = getVarVertex(varscp, VarVertexType::PRE);
m_graphp->addSoftEdge(preVxp, m_logicVxp, WEIGHT_PRE);
} else {
// Sequential (clocked) logic
// Add edge from consuming LogicVertex -> to consumed VarPreVertex
// Generation of 'pre' because we want to indicate it should be before
// AstAssignPre
OrderVarVertex* const preVxp = getVarVertex(varscp, VarVertexType::PRE);
m_graphp->addHardEdge(m_logicVxp, preVxp, WEIGHT_NORMAL);
// Add edge from consuming LogicVertex -> to consumed VarPostVertex
OrderVarVertex* const postVxp = getVarVertex(varscp, VarVertexType::POST);
m_graphp->addHardEdge(m_logicVxp, postVxp, WEIGHT_POST);
void visit(AstCCall* nodep) override { iterateChildren(nodep); }
//--- Logic akin to SystemVerilog Processes (AstNodeProcedure)
void visit(AstInitial* nodep) override { // LCOV_EXCL_START
nodep->v3fatalSrc("AstInitial should not need ordering");
void visit(AstInitialStatic* nodep) override { // LCOV_EXCL_START
nodep->v3fatalSrc("AstInitialStatic should not need ordering");
void visit(AstInitialAutomatic* nodep) override { //
void visit(AstAlways* nodep) override { //
void visit(AstAlwaysPost* nodep) override {
UASSERT_OBJ(!m_inPost, nodep, "Should not nest");
m_inPost = true;
m_inPost = false;
void visit(AstAlwaysObserved* nodep) override { //
void visit(AstAlwaysReactive* nodep) override { //
void visit(AstFinal* nodep) override { // LCOV_EXCL_START
nodep->v3fatalSrc("AstFinal should not need ordering");
//--- Logic akin go SystemVerilog continuous assignments
void visit(AstAssignAlias* nodep) override { //
void visit(AstAssignW* nodep) override { iterateLogic(nodep); }
void visit(AstAssignPre* nodep) override {
UASSERT_OBJ(!m_inPre, nodep, "Should not nest");
m_inPre = true;
void visit(AstAssignPost* nodep) override {
UASSERT_OBJ(!m_inPost, nodep, "Should not nest");
m_inPost = true;
//--- Verilator concoctions
void visit(AstAlwaysPublic* nodep) override { //
void visit(AstCoverToggle* nodep) override { //
//--- Ignored nodes
void visit(AstVar*) override {}
void visit(AstVarScope* nodep) override {}
void visit(AstCell*) override {} // Only interested in the respective AstScope
void visit(AstTypeTable*) override {}
void visit(AstConstPool*) override {}
void visit(AstClass*) override {}
void visit(AstCFunc*) override {
// Calls to DPI exports handled with AstCCall. /* verilator public */ functions are
// ignored for now (and hence potentially mis-ordered), but could use the same or
// similar mechanism as DPI exports. Every other impure function (including those
// that may set a non-local variable) must have been inlined in V3Task.
void visit(AstNode* nodep) override { iterateChildren(nodep); }
OrderGraphBuilder(AstNetlist* /*nodep*/, const std::vector<V3Sched::LogicByScope*>& coll,
const V3Order::TrigToSenMap& trigToSen)
: m_trigToSen{trigToSen} {
// Build the graph
for (const V3Sched::LogicByScope* const lbsp : coll) {
for (const auto& pair : *lbsp) {
m_scopep = pair.first;
m_scopep = nullptr;
~OrderGraphBuilder() override = default;
// Process the netlist and return the constructed ordering graph. It's 'process' because
// this visitor does change the tree (removes some nodes related to DPI export trigger).
static std::unique_ptr<OrderGraph> apply(AstNetlist* nodep,
const std::vector<V3Sched::LogicByScope*>& coll,
const V3Order::TrigToSenMap& trigToSen) {
return std::unique_ptr<OrderGraph>{OrderGraphBuilder{nodep, coll, trigToSen}.m_graphp};
V3Order::buildOrderGraph(AstNetlist* netlistp, //
const std::vector<V3Sched::LogicByScope*>& coll, //
const V3Order::TrigToSenMap& trigToSen) {
return OrderGraphBuilder::apply(netlistp, coll, trigToSen);