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synced 2025-02-01 11:14:03 +00:00
772 lines
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772 lines
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// -*- mode: C++; c-file-style: "cc-mode" -*-
// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Command line options
// Code available from: https://verilator.org
// Copyright 2003-2025 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you
// can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
// Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
// Version 2.0.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only OR Artistic-2.0
#include "config_build.h"
#include "verilatedos.h"
#include "V3Error.h"
#include "V3LangCode.h"
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
class V3OptionsImp;
class FileLine;
class VOptionBool final {
// Class to track options that are either not specified (and default
// true/false), versus user setting the option to true or false
enum en m_e;
// cppcheck-suppress noExplicitConstructor
constexpr VOptionBool(en _e)
: m_e{_e} {}
explicit VOptionBool(int _e)
: m_e(static_cast<en>(_e)) {} // Need () or GCC 4.8 false warning
constexpr operator en() const { return m_e; }
bool isDefault() const { return m_e == OPT_DEFAULT_FALSE || m_e == OPT_DEFAULT_TRUE; }
bool isTrue() const { return m_e == OPT_TRUE || m_e == OPT_DEFAULT_TRUE; }
bool isSetTrue() const { return m_e == OPT_TRUE; }
bool isSetFalse() const { return m_e == OPT_FALSE; }
void setTrueOrFalse(bool flag) { m_e = flag ? OPT_TRUE : OPT_FALSE; }
constexpr bool operator==(const VOptionBool& lhs, const VOptionBool& rhs) {
return lhs.m_e == rhs.m_e;
constexpr bool operator==(const VOptionBool& lhs, VOptionBool::en rhs) { return lhs.m_e == rhs; }
constexpr bool operator==(VOptionBool::en lhs, const VOptionBool& rhs) { return lhs == rhs.m_e; }
// ######################################################################
class VTimescale final {
enum en : uint8_t {
// clang-format off
TS_100S = 0, TS_10S = 1, TS_1S = 2,
TS_100MS = 3, TS_10MS = 4, TS_1MS = 5,
TS_100US = 6, TS_10US = 7, TS_1US = 8,
TS_100NS = 9, TS_10NS = 10, TS_1NS = 11,
TS_100PS = 12, TS_10PS = 13, TS_1PS = 14,
TS_100FS = 15, TS_10FS = 16, TS_1FS = 17,
// clang-format on
NONE = 18,
enum : uint8_t { TS_DEFAULT = TS_1PS };
enum en m_e;
: m_e{NONE} {}
// cppcheck-suppress noExplicitConstructor
constexpr VTimescale(en _e)
: m_e{_e} {}
explicit VTimescale(int _e)
: m_e(static_cast<en>(_e)) {} // Need () or GCC 4.8 false warning
// Construct from string
VTimescale(const string& value, bool& badr);
VTimescale(double value, bool& badr) {
badr = false;
for (int i = TS_100S; i < _ENUM_END; ++i) {
m_e = static_cast<en>(i);
if (multiplier() == value) break;
if (multiplier() != value) {
m_e = NONE;
badr = true;
bool isNone() const { return m_e == NONE; }
// Parse a "unit/precision" string into two VTimescales, with error checking
static void parseSlashed(FileLine* fl, const char* textp, VTimescale& unitr, VTimescale& precr,
bool allowEmpty = false);
const char* ascii() const {
static const char* const names[]
= {"100s", "10s", "1s", "100ms", "10ms", "1ms", "100us", "10us", "1us", "100ns",
"10ns", "1ns", "100ps", "10ps", "1ps", "100fs", "10fs", "1fs", "NONE"};
return names[m_e];
int powerOfTen() const { return 2 - static_cast<int>(m_e); }
double multiplier() const {
static const double values[]
= {100, 10, 1, 1e-1, 1e-2, 1e-3, 1e-4, 1e-5, 1e-6, 1e-7,
1e-8, 1e-9, 1e-10, 1e-11, 1e-12, 1e-13, 1e-14, 1e-15, 0};
return values[m_e];
constexpr bool operator==(const VTimescale& lhs, const VTimescale& rhs) {
return lhs.m_e == rhs.m_e;
constexpr bool operator==(const VTimescale& lhs, VTimescale::en rhs) { return lhs.m_e == rhs; }
constexpr bool operator==(VTimescale::en lhs, const VTimescale& rhs) { return lhs == rhs.m_e; }
// Comparisons are based on time, not enum values, so seconds > milliseconds
constexpr bool operator<(const VTimescale& lhs, const VTimescale& rhs) {
return lhs.m_e > rhs.m_e;
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const VTimescale& rhs) {
return os << rhs.ascii();
// ######################################################################
class TraceFormat final {
enum en : uint8_t { VCD = 0, FST } m_e;
// cppcheck-suppress noExplicitConstructor
constexpr TraceFormat(en _e = VCD)
: m_e{_e} {}
explicit TraceFormat(int _e)
: m_e(static_cast<en>(_e)) {} // Need () or GCC 4.8 false warning
constexpr operator en() const { return m_e; }
bool fst() const { return m_e == FST; }
bool vcd() const { return m_e == VCD; }
string classBase() const VL_MT_SAFE {
static const char* const names[] = {"VerilatedVcd", "VerilatedFst"};
return names[m_e];
string sourceName() const VL_MT_SAFE {
static const char* const names[] = {"verilated_vcd", "verilated_fst"};
return names[m_e];
constexpr bool operator==(const TraceFormat& lhs, const TraceFormat& rhs) {
return lhs.m_e == rhs.m_e;
constexpr bool operator==(const TraceFormat& lhs, TraceFormat::en rhs) { return lhs.m_e == rhs; }
constexpr bool operator==(TraceFormat::en lhs, const TraceFormat& rhs) { return lhs == rhs.m_e; }
using V3StringList = std::vector<std::string>;
using V3StringSet = std::set<std::string>;
// ######################################################################
// Information given by --hierarchical-block option
class V3HierarchicalBlockOption final {
// key:parameter name, value:value (as string)
using ParamStrMap = std::map<const std::string, std::string>;
string m_origName; // module name
// module name after uniquified
// same as m_origName for non-parameterized module
string m_mangledName;
// overriding parameter values specified by -G option
ParamStrMap m_parameters;
explicit V3HierarchicalBlockOption(const string& optstring);
const string& origName() const { return m_origName; }
const string& mangledName() const { return m_mangledName; }
const ParamStrMap params() const { return m_parameters; }
using V3HierBlockOptSet = std::map<const std::string, V3HierarchicalBlockOption>;
// V3Options - Command line options
class V3Options final {
using DebugLevelMap = std::map<const std::string, unsigned>;
// MEMBERS (general options)
V3OptionsImp* m_impp; // Slow hidden options
// clang-format off
V3StringSet m_cppFiles; // argument: C++ files to link against
V3StringList m_cFlags; // argument: user CFLAGS
V3StringList m_ldLibs; // argument: user LDFLAGS
V3StringList m_makeFlags; // argument: user MAKEFLAGS
V3StringSet m_compilerIncludes; // argument: user --compiler-include
V3StringSet m_futures; // argument: -Wfuture- list
V3StringSet m_future0s; // argument: -future list
V3StringSet m_future1s; // argument: -future1 list
V3StringSet m_libraryFiles; // argument: Verilog -v files
V3StringSet m_clockers; // argument: Verilog -clk signals
V3StringSet m_noClockers; // argument: Verilog -noclk signals
V3StringList m_vFiles; // argument: Verilog files to read
V3StringSet m_vltFiles; // argument: Verilator config files to read
V3StringList m_forceIncs; // argument: -FI
DebugLevelMap m_debugLevel; // argument: --debugi-<srcfile/tag> <level>
DebugLevelMap m_dumpLevel; // argument: --dumpi-<srcfile/tag> <level>
std::map<const string, string> m_parameters; // Parameters
std::map<const string, V3HierarchicalBlockOption> m_hierBlocks; // main switch: --hierarchical-block
V3StringSet m_fDfgPeepholeDisabled; // argument: -f[no-]dfg-peephole-<name>
bool m_preprocOnly = false; // main switch: -E
bool m_makePhony = false; // main switch: -MP
bool m_preprocNoLine = false; // main switch: -P
bool m_assert = false; // main switch: --assert
bool m_assertCase = false; // main switch: --assert-case
bool m_autoflush = false; // main switch: --autoflush
bool m_bboxSys = false; // main switch: --bbox-sys
bool m_bboxUnsup = false; // main switch: --bbox-unsup
bool m_binary = false; // main switch: --binary
bool m_build = false; // main switch: --build
bool m_cmake = false; // main switch: --make cmake
bool m_context = true; // main switch: --Wcontext
bool m_coverageLine = false; // main switch: --coverage-block
bool m_coverageToggle = false; // main switch: --coverage-toggle
bool m_coverageUnderscore = false; // main switch: --coverage-underscore
bool m_coverageUser = false; // main switch: --coverage-func
bool m_debugCheck = false; // main switch: --debug-check
bool m_debugCollision = false; // main switch: --debug-collision
bool m_debugEmitV = false; // main switch: --debug-emitv
bool m_debugExitParse = false; // main switch: --debug-exit-parse
bool m_debugExitUvm = false; // main switch: --debug-exit-uvm
bool m_debugExitUvm23 = false; // main switch: --debug-exit-uvm23
bool m_debugLeak = true; // main switch: --debug-leak
bool m_debugNondeterminism = false; // main switch: --debug-nondeterminism
bool m_debugPartition = false; // main switch: --debug-partition
bool m_debugProtect = false; // main switch: --debug-protect
bool m_debugSelfTest = false; // main switch: --debug-self-test
bool m_debugStackCheck = false; // main switch: --debug-stack-check
bool m_debugWidth = false; // main switch: --debug-width
bool m_decoration = true; // main switch: --decoration
bool m_decorationNodes = false; // main switch: --decoration=nodes
bool m_dpiHdrOnly = false; // main switch: --dpi-hdr-only
bool m_emitAccessors = false; // main switch: --emit-accessors
bool m_exe = false; // main switch: --exe
bool m_flatten = false; // main switch: --flatten
bool m_hierarchical = false; // main switch: --hierarchical
bool m_ignc = false; // main switch: --ignc
bool m_lintOnly = false; // main switch: --lint-only
bool m_gmake = false; // main switch: --make gmake
bool m_main = false; // main switch: --main
bool m_outFormatOk = false; // main switch: --cc, --sc or --sp was specified
bool m_pedantic = false; // main switch: --Wpedantic
bool m_pinsInoutEnables = false;// main switch: --pins-inout-enables
bool m_pinsScUint = false; // main switch: --pins-sc-uint
bool m_pinsScUintBool = false; // main switch: --pins-sc-uint-bool
bool m_pinsScBigUint = false; // main switch: --pins-sc-biguint
bool m_pinsUint8 = false; // main switch: --pins-uint8
bool m_ppComments = false; // main switch: --pp-comments
bool m_profC = false; // main switch: --prof-c
bool m_profCFuncs = false; // main switch: --prof-cfuncs
bool m_profExec = false; // main switch: --prof-exec
bool m_profPgo = false; // main switch: --prof-pgo
bool m_protectIds = false; // main switch: --protect-ids
bool m_public = false; // main switch: --public
bool m_publicFlatRW = false; // main switch: --public-flat-rw
bool m_public_params = false; // main switch: --public-params
bool m_quietExit = false; // main switch: --quiet-exit
bool m_quietStats = false; // main switch: --quiet-stats
bool m_relativeIncludes = false; // main switch: --relative-includes
bool m_reportUnoptflat = false; // main switch: --report-unoptflat
bool m_savable = false; // main switch: --savable
bool m_stdPackage = true; // main switch: --std-package
bool m_stdWaiver = true; // main switch: --std-waiver
bool m_structsPacked = false; // main switch: --structs-packed
bool m_systemC = false; // main switch: --sc: System C instead of simple C++
bool m_stats = false; // main switch: --stats
bool m_statsVars = false; // main switch: --stats-vars
bool m_threadsCoarsen = true; // main switch: --threads-coarsen
bool m_threadsDpiPure = true; // main switch: --threads-dpi all/pure
bool m_threadsDpiUnpure = false; // main switch: --threads-dpi all
VOptionBool m_timing; // main switch: --timing
bool m_trace = false; // main switch: --trace
bool m_traceCoverage = false; // main switch: --trace-coverage
bool m_traceParams = true; // main switch: --trace-params
bool m_traceStructs = false; // main switch: --trace-structs
bool m_noTraceTop = false; // main switch: --no-trace-top
bool m_traceUnderscore = false; // main switch: --trace-underscore
bool m_underlineZero = false; // main switch: --underline-zero; undocumented old Verilator 2
bool m_verilate = true; // main switch: --verilate
bool m_vpi = false; // main switch: --vpi
bool m_waiverMultiline = false; // main switch: --waiver-multiline
bool m_xInitialEdge = false; // main switch: --x-initial-edge
bool m_xmlOnly = false; // main switch: --xml-only
bool m_jsonOnly = false; // main switch: --json-only
int m_buildJobs = -1; // main switch: --build-jobs, -j
int m_convergeLimit = 100; // main switch: --converge-limit
int m_coverageMaxWidth = 256; // main switch: --coverage-max-width
int m_expandLimit = 64; // main switch: --expand-limit
int m_gateStmts = 100; // main switch: --gate-stmts
int m_hierChild = 0; // main switch: --hierarchical-child
int m_ifDepth = 0; // main switch: --if-depth
int m_inlineMult = 2000; // main switch: --inline-mult
int m_instrCountDpi = 200; // main switch: --instr-count-dpi
bool m_jsonEditNums = true; // main switch: --no-json-edit-nums
bool m_jsonIds = true; // main switch: --no-json-ids
int m_localizeMaxSize = 1024; // main switch: --localize-max-size
VOptionBool m_makeDepend; // main switch: -MMD
int m_maxNumWidth = 65536; // main switch: --max-num-width
int m_moduleRecursion = 100; // main switch: --module-recursion-depth
int m_outputGroups = 0; // main switch: --output-groups
int m_outputSplit = 20000; // main switch: --output-split
int m_outputSplitCFuncs = -1; // main switch: --output-split-cfuncs
int m_outputSplitCTrace = -1; // main switch: --output-split-ctrace
int m_pinsBv = 65; // main switch: --pins-bv
int m_publicDepth = 0; // main switch: --public-depth
int m_reloopLimit = 40; // main switch: --reloop-limit
VOptionBool m_skipIdentical; // main switch: --skip-identical
bool m_stopFail = true; // main switch: --stop-fail
int m_threads = 1; // main switch: --threads
int m_threadsMaxMTasks = 0; // main switch: --threads-max-mtasks
VTimescale m_timeDefaultPrec; // main switch: --timescale
VTimescale m_timeDefaultUnit; // main switch: --timescale
VTimescale m_timeOverridePrec; // main switch: --timescale-override
VTimescale m_timeOverrideUnit; // main switch: --timescale-override
int m_traceDepth = 0; // main switch: --trace-depth
TraceFormat m_traceFormat; // main switch: --trace or --trace-fst
int m_traceMaxArray = 32; // main switch: --trace-max-array
int m_traceMaxWidth = 256; // main switch: --trace-max-width
int m_traceThreads = 0; // main switch: --trace-threads
int m_unrollCount = 64; // main switch: --unroll-count
int m_unrollStmts = 30000; // main switch: --unroll-stmts
int m_verilateJobs = -1; // main switch: --verilate-jobs
int m_compLimitBlocks = 0; // compiler selection; number of nested blocks
int m_compLimitMembers = 64; // compiler selection; number of members in struct before make anon array
int m_compLimitParens = 240; // compiler selection; number of nested parens
string m_buildDepBin; // main switch: --build-dep-bin {filename}
string m_exeName; // main switch: -o {name}
string m_flags; // main switch: -f {name}
string m_hierParamsFile; // main switch: --hierarchical-params-file
string m_l2Name; // main switch: --l2name; "" for top-module's name
string m_libCreate; // main switch: --lib-create {lib_name}
string m_mainTopName; // main switch: --main-top-name
string m_makeDir; // main switch: -Mdir
string m_modPrefix; // main switch: --mod-prefix
string m_pipeFilter; // main switch: --pipe-filter
string m_prefix; // main switch: --prefix
string m_protectKey; // main switch: --protect-key
string m_topModule; // main switch: --top-module
string m_unusedRegexp; // main switch: --unused-regexp
string m_waiverOutput; // main switch: --waiver-output {filename}
string m_xAssign; // main switch: --x-assign
string m_xInitial; // main switch: --x-initial
string m_xmlOutput; // main switch: --xml-output
string m_jsonOnlyOutput; // main switch: --json-only-output
string m_jsonOnlyMetaOutput; // main switch: --json-only-meta-output
// Language is now held in FileLine, on a per-node basis. However we still
// have a concept of the default language at a global level.
V3LangCode m_defaultLanguage; // main switch: --language
// MEMBERS (optimizations)
bool m_fAcycSimp; // main switch: -fno-acyc-simp: acyclic pre-optimizations
bool m_fAssemble; // main switch: -fno-assemble: assign assemble
bool m_fCase; // main switch: -fno-case: case tree conversion
bool m_fCombine; // main switch: -fno-combine: common icode packing
bool m_fConst; // main switch: -fno-const: constant folding
bool m_fConstBeforeDfg = true; // main switch: -fno-const-before-dfg for testing only!
bool m_fConstBitOpTree; // main switch: -fno-const-bit-op-tree constant bit op tree
bool m_fDedupe; // main switch: -fno-dedupe: logic deduplication
bool m_fDfgPeephole = true; // main switch: -fno-dfg-peephole
bool m_fDfgPreInline; // main switch: -fno-dfg-pre-inline and -fno-dfg
bool m_fDfgPostInline; // main switch: -fno-dfg-post-inline and -fno-dfg
bool m_fDeadAssigns; // main switch: -fno-dead-assigns: remove dead assigns
bool m_fDeadCells; // main switch: -fno-dead-cells: remove dead cells
bool m_fExpand; // main switch: -fno-expand: expansion of C macros
bool m_fFuncBalanceCat = true; // main switch: -fno-func-balance-cat: expansion of C macros
bool m_fFuncSplitCat = true; // main switch: -fno-func-split-cat: expansion of C macros
bool m_fGate; // main switch: -fno-gate: gate wire elimination
bool m_fInline; // main switch: -fno-inline: module inlining
bool m_fInlineFuncs = true; // main switch: -fno-inline-funcs: function inlining
bool m_fLife; // main switch: -fno-life: variable lifetime
bool m_fLifePost; // main switch: -fno-life-post: delayed assignment elimination
bool m_fLocalize; // main switch: -fno-localize: convert temps to local variables
bool m_fMergeCond; // main switch: -fno-merge-cond: merge conditionals
bool m_fMergeCondMotion = true; // main switch: -fno-merge-cond-motion: perform code motion
bool m_fMergeConstPool = true; // main switch: -fno-merge-const-pool
bool m_fReloop; // main switch: -fno-reloop: reform loops
bool m_fReorder; // main switch: -fno-reorder: reorder assignments in blocks
bool m_fSlice = true; // main switch: -fno-slice: array assignment slicing
bool m_fSplit; // main switch: -fno-split: always assignment splitting
bool m_fSubst; // main switch: -fno-subst: substitute expression temp values
bool m_fSubstConst; // main switch: -fno-subst-const: final constant substitution
bool m_fTable; // main switch: -fno-table: lookup table creation
bool m_fTaskifyAll = false; // main switch: --ftaskify-all-forked
// clang-format on
bool m_available = false; // Set to true at the end of option parsing
void addLineArg(const string& arg);
void addArg(const string& arg);
void addDefine(const string& defline, bool allowPlus) VL_MT_DISABLED;
void addFuture(const string& flag);
void addFuture0(const string& flag);
void addFuture1(const string& flag);
void addIncDirUser(const string& incdir); // User requested
void addIncDirFallback(const string& incdir); // Low priority if not found otherwise
void addParameter(const string& paramline, bool allowPlus);
void addLangExt(const string& langext, const V3LangCode& lc);
void addLibExtV(const string& libext);
void optimize(int level);
void showVersion(bool verbose);
void coverage(bool flag) { m_coverageLine = m_coverageToggle = m_coverageUser = flag; }
static bool suffixed(const string& sw, const char* arg);
static string parseFileArg(const string& optdir, const string& relfilename);
string filePathCheckOneDir(const string& modname, const string& dirname);
static int stripOptionsForChildRun(const string& opt, bool forTop);
void validateIdentifier(FileLine* fl, const string& arg, const string& opt);
void setDebugMode(int level);
unsigned debugLevel(const string& tag) const VL_MT_SAFE;
unsigned debugSrcLevel(const string& srcfile_path) const VL_MT_SAFE;
unsigned dumpLevel(const string& tag) const VL_MT_SAFE;
unsigned dumpSrcLevel(const string& srcfile_path) const VL_MT_SAFE;
void addCppFile(const string& filename);
void addCFlags(const string& filename);
void addCompilerIncludes(const string& filename);
void addLdLibs(const string& filename);
void addMakeFlags(const string& filename);
void addLibraryFile(const string& filename);
void addClocker(const string& signame);
void addNoClocker(const string& signame);
void addVFile(const string& filename);
void addVltFile(const string& filename);
void addForceInc(const string& filename);
bool available() const VL_MT_SAFE { return m_available; }
void ccSet();
void decorations(FileLine* fl, const string& filename);
void notify() VL_MT_DISABLED;
// ACCESSORS (options)
bool preprocOnly() const { return m_preprocOnly; }
bool makePhony() const { return m_makePhony; }
bool preprocNoLine() const { return m_preprocNoLine; }
bool underlineZero() const { return m_underlineZero; }
string flags() const { return m_flags; }
bool systemC() const VL_MT_SAFE { return m_systemC; }
bool savable() const VL_MT_SAFE { return m_savable; }
bool stats() const { return m_stats; }
bool statsVars() const { return m_statsVars; }
bool stdPackage() const { return m_stdPackage; }
bool stdWaiver() const { return m_stdWaiver; }
bool structsPacked() const { return m_structsPacked; }
bool assertOn() const { return m_assert; } // assertOn as __FILE__ may be defined
bool assertCaseOn() const { return m_assertCase || m_assert; }
bool autoflush() const { return m_autoflush; }
bool bboxSys() const { return m_bboxSys; }
bool bboxUnsup() const { return m_bboxUnsup; }
bool binary() const { return m_binary; }
bool build() const { return m_build; }
string buildDepBin() const { return m_buildDepBin; }
void buildDepBin(const string& flag) { m_buildDepBin = flag; }
bool cmake() const { return m_cmake; }
bool context() const VL_MT_SAFE { return m_context; }
bool coverage() const VL_MT_SAFE {
return m_coverageLine || m_coverageToggle || m_coverageUser;
bool coverageLine() const { return m_coverageLine; }
bool coverageToggle() const { return m_coverageToggle; }
bool coverageUnderscore() const { return m_coverageUnderscore; }
bool coverageUser() const { return m_coverageUser; }
bool debugCheck() const VL_MT_SAFE { return m_debugCheck; }
bool debugCollision() const { return m_debugCollision; }
bool debugEmitV() const VL_MT_SAFE { return m_debugEmitV; }
bool debugExitParse() const { return m_debugExitParse; }
bool debugExitUvm() const { return m_debugExitUvm; }
bool debugExitUvm23() const { return m_debugExitUvm23; }
bool debugLeak() const { return m_debugLeak; }
bool debugNondeterminism() const { return m_debugNondeterminism; }
bool debugPartition() const { return m_debugPartition; }
bool debugProtect() const VL_MT_SAFE { return m_debugProtect; }
bool debugSelfTest() const { return m_debugSelfTest; }
bool debugStackCheck() const { return m_debugStackCheck; }
bool debugWidth() const VL_PURE { return m_debugWidth; }
bool decoration() const VL_MT_SAFE { return m_decoration; }
bool decorationNodes() const VL_MT_SAFE { return m_decorationNodes; }
bool dpiHdrOnly() const { return m_dpiHdrOnly; }
bool dumpDefines() const { return m_dumpLevel.count("defines") && m_dumpLevel.at("defines"); }
bool dumpTreeDot() const {
return m_dumpLevel.count("tree-dot") && m_dumpLevel.at("tree-dot");
bool emitAccessors() const { return m_emitAccessors; }
bool exe() const { return m_exe; }
bool flatten() const { return m_flatten; }
bool gmake() const { return m_gmake; }
bool threadsDpiPure() const { return m_threadsDpiPure; }
bool threadsDpiUnpure() const { return m_threadsDpiUnpure; }
bool threadsCoarsen() const { return m_threadsCoarsen; }
VOptionBool timing() const { return m_timing; }
bool trace() const { return m_trace; }
bool traceCoverage() const { return m_traceCoverage; }
bool traceParams() const { return m_traceParams; }
bool traceStructs() const { return m_traceStructs; }
bool traceUnderscore() const { return m_traceUnderscore; }
bool main() const { return m_main; }
bool outFormatOk() const { return m_outFormatOk; }
bool keepTempFiles() const { return (V3Error::debugDefault() != 0); }
bool pedantic() const { return m_pedantic; }
bool pinsInoutEnables() const { return m_pinsInoutEnables; }
bool pinsScUint() const { return m_pinsScUint; }
bool pinsScUintBool() const { return m_pinsScUintBool; }
bool pinsScBigUint() const VL_MT_SAFE { return m_pinsScBigUint; }
bool pinsUint8() const { return m_pinsUint8; }
bool ppComments() const { return m_ppComments; }
bool profC() const { return m_profC; }
bool profCFuncs() const { return m_profCFuncs; }
bool profExec() const { return m_profExec; }
bool profPgo() const { return m_profPgo; }
bool usesProfiler() const { return profExec() || profPgo(); }
bool protectIds() const VL_MT_SAFE { return m_protectIds; }
bool allPublic() const { return m_public; }
bool publicParams() const { return m_public_params; }
bool publicFlatRW() const { return m_publicFlatRW; }
bool lintOnly() const VL_MT_SAFE { return m_lintOnly; }
bool ignc() const { return m_ignc; }
bool quietExit() const VL_MT_SAFE { return m_quietExit; }
bool quietStats() const VL_MT_SAFE { return m_quietStats; }
bool reportUnoptflat() const { return m_reportUnoptflat; }
bool verilate() const { return m_verilate; }
bool vpi() const { return m_vpi; }
bool waiverMultiline() const { return m_waiverMultiline; }
bool xInitialEdge() const { return m_xInitialEdge; }
bool xmlOnly() const { return m_xmlOnly; }
bool jsonOnly() const { return m_jsonOnly; }
bool serializeOnly() const { return m_xmlOnly || m_jsonOnly; }
bool topIfacesSupported() const { return lintOnly() && !hierarchical(); }
int buildJobs() const VL_MT_SAFE { return m_buildJobs; }
int convergeLimit() const { return m_convergeLimit; }
int coverageMaxWidth() const { return m_coverageMaxWidth; }
bool dumpTreeAddrids() const VL_MT_SAFE;
int expandLimit() const { return m_expandLimit; }
int gateStmts() const { return m_gateStmts; }
int ifDepth() const { return m_ifDepth; }
int inlineMult() const { return m_inlineMult; }
int instrCountDpi() const { return m_instrCountDpi; }
int localizeMaxSize() const { return m_localizeMaxSize; }
bool jsonEditNums() const { return m_jsonEditNums; }
bool jsonIds() const { return m_jsonIds; }
VOptionBool makeDepend() const { return m_makeDepend; }
int maxNumWidth() const { return m_maxNumWidth; }
int moduleRecursionDepth() const { return m_moduleRecursion; }
int outputSplit() const { return m_outputSplit; }
int outputSplitCFuncs() const { return m_outputSplitCFuncs; }
int outputSplitCTrace() const { return m_outputSplitCTrace; }
int outputGroups() const { return m_outputGroups; }
int pinsBv() const VL_MT_SAFE { return m_pinsBv; }
int publicDepth() const { return m_publicDepth; }
int reloopLimit() const { return m_reloopLimit; }
VOptionBool skipIdentical() const { return m_skipIdentical; }
bool stopFail() const { return m_stopFail; }
int threads() const VL_MT_SAFE { return m_threads; }
int threadsMaxMTasks() const { return m_threadsMaxMTasks; }
bool mtasks() const VL_MT_SAFE { return (m_threads > 1); }
VTimescale timeDefaultPrec() const { return m_timeDefaultPrec; }
VTimescale timeDefaultUnit() const { return m_timeDefaultUnit; }
VTimescale timeOverridePrec() const { return m_timeOverridePrec; }
VTimescale timeOverrideUnit() const { return m_timeOverrideUnit; }
VTimescale timeComputePrec(const VTimescale& flag) const;
VTimescale timeComputeUnit(const VTimescale& flag) const;
int traceDepth() const { return m_traceDepth; }
TraceFormat traceFormat() const { return m_traceFormat; }
int traceMaxArray() const { return m_traceMaxArray; }
int traceMaxWidth() const { return m_traceMaxWidth; }
int traceThreads() const { return m_traceThreads; }
bool useTraceOffload() const { return trace() && traceFormat().fst() && traceThreads() > 1; }
bool useTraceParallel() const {
return trace() && traceFormat().vcd() && (threads() > 1 || hierChild() > 1);
bool useFstWriterThread() const { return traceThreads() && traceFormat().fst(); }
unsigned vmTraceThreads() const {
return useTraceParallel() ? threads() : useTraceOffload() ? 1 : 0;
int unrollCount() const { return m_unrollCount; }
int unrollCountAdjusted(const VOptionBool& full, bool generate, bool simulate);
int unrollStmts() const { return m_unrollStmts; }
int verilateJobs() const { return m_verilateJobs; }
int compLimitBlocks() const { return m_compLimitBlocks; }
int compLimitMembers() const VL_MT_SAFE { return m_compLimitMembers; }
int compLimitParens() const { return m_compLimitParens; }
string exeName() const { return m_exeName != "" ? m_exeName : prefix(); }
string hierParamFile() const { return m_hierParamsFile; }
string l2Name() const { return m_l2Name; }
string libCreate() const { return m_libCreate; }
string libCreateName(bool shared) {
string libName = "lib" + libCreate();
if (shared) {
libName += ".so";
} else {
libName += ".a";
return libName;
string mainTopName() const { return m_mainTopName; }
string makeDir() const VL_MT_SAFE { return m_makeDir; }
string modPrefix() const VL_MT_SAFE { return m_modPrefix; }
string pipeFilter() const { return m_pipeFilter; }
string prefix() const VL_MT_SAFE { return m_prefix; }
// Not just called protectKey() to avoid bugs of not using protectKeyDefaulted()
bool protectKeyProvided() const { return !m_protectKey.empty(); }
string protectKeyDefaulted() VL_MT_SAFE; // Set default key if not set by user
string topModule() const { return m_topModule; }
bool noTraceTop() const { return m_noTraceTop; }
string unusedRegexp() const { return m_unusedRegexp; }
string waiverOutput() const { return m_waiverOutput; }
bool isWaiverOutput() const { return !m_waiverOutput.empty(); }
string xAssign() const { return m_xAssign; }
string xInitial() const { return m_xInitial; }
string xmlOutput() const { return m_xmlOutput; }
string jsonOnlyOutput() const { return m_jsonOnlyOutput; }
string jsonOnlyMetaOutput() const { return m_jsonOnlyMetaOutput; }
const V3StringSet& cppFiles() const { return m_cppFiles; }
const V3StringList& cFlags() const { return m_cFlags; }
const V3StringSet& compilerIncludes() const { return m_compilerIncludes; }
const V3StringList& ldLibs() const { return m_ldLibs; }
const V3StringList& makeFlags() const { return m_makeFlags; }
const V3StringSet& libraryFiles() const { return m_libraryFiles; }
const V3StringList& vFiles() const { return m_vFiles; }
const V3StringSet& vltFiles() const { return m_vltFiles; }
const V3StringList& forceIncs() const { return m_forceIncs; }
bool hasParameter(const string& name);
string parameter(const string& name);
void checkParameters();
bool isFuture(const string& flag) const;
bool isFuture0(const string& flag) const;
bool isFuture1(const string& flag) const;
bool isLibraryFile(const string& filename) const;
bool isClocker(const string& signame) const;
bool isNoClocker(const string& signame) const;
// ACCESSORS (optimization options)
bool fAcycSimp() const { return m_fAcycSimp; }
bool fAssemble() const { return m_fAssemble; }
bool fCase() const { return m_fCase; }
bool fCombine() const { return m_fCombine; }
bool fConst() const { return m_fConst; }
bool fConstBeforeDfg() const { return m_fConstBeforeDfg; }
bool fConstBitOpTree() const { return m_fConstBitOpTree; }
bool fDedupe() const { return m_fDedupe; }
bool fDfgPeephole() const { return m_fDfgPeephole; }
bool fDfgPreInline() const { return m_fDfgPreInline; }
bool fDfgPostInline() const { return m_fDfgPostInline; }
bool fDfgPeepholeEnabled(const std::string& name) const {
return !m_fDfgPeepholeDisabled.count(name);
bool fDeadAssigns() const { return m_fDeadAssigns; }
bool fDeadCells() const { return m_fDeadCells; }
bool fExpand() const { return m_fExpand; }
bool fFuncBalanceCat() const { return m_fFuncBalanceCat; }
bool fFuncSplitCat() const { return m_fFuncSplitCat; }
bool fFunc() const { return fFuncSplitCat() || fFuncBalanceCat(); }
bool fGate() const { return m_fGate; }
bool fInline() const { return m_fInline; }
bool fInlineFuncs() const { return m_fInlineFuncs; }
bool fLife() const { return m_fLife; }
bool fLifePost() const { return m_fLifePost; }
bool fLocalize() const { return m_fLocalize; }
bool fMergeCond() const { return m_fMergeCond; }
bool fMergeCondMotion() const { return m_fMergeCondMotion; }
bool fMergeConstPool() const { return m_fMergeConstPool; }
bool fReloop() const { return m_fReloop; }
bool fReorder() const { return m_fReorder; }
bool fSlice() const { return m_fSlice; }
bool fSplit() const { return m_fSplit; }
bool fSubst() const { return m_fSubst; }
bool fSubstConst() const { return m_fSubstConst; }
bool fTable() const { return m_fTable; }
bool fTaskifyAll() const { return m_fTaskifyAll; }
string traceClassBase() const VL_MT_SAFE { return m_traceFormat.classBase(); }
string traceClassLang() const { return m_traceFormat.classBase() + (systemC() ? "Sc" : "C"); }
string traceSourceBase() const { return m_traceFormat.sourceName(); }
string traceSourceLang() const VL_MT_SAFE {
return m_traceFormat.sourceName() + (systemC() ? "_sc" : "_c");
bool hierarchical() const { return m_hierarchical; }
int hierChild() const VL_MT_SAFE { return m_hierChild; }
bool hierTop() const VL_MT_SAFE { return !m_hierChild && !m_hierBlocks.empty(); }
const V3HierBlockOptSet& hierBlocks() const { return m_hierBlocks; }
// Directory to save .tree, .dot, .dat, .vpp for hierarchical block top
// Returns makeDir() unless top module of hierarchical Verilation.
string hierTopDataDir() const VL_MT_SAFE {
return hierTop() ? (makeDir() + '/' + prefix() + "__hier.dir") : makeDir();
// METHODS (from main)
static string version() VL_PURE;
static string argString(int argc, char** argv); ///< Return list of arguments as simple string
string allArgsString() const VL_MT_SAFE; ///< Return all passed arguments as simple string
// Return options for child hierarchical blocks when forTop==false, otherwise returns args for
// the top module.
string allArgsStringForHierBlock(bool forTop) const;
void parseOpts(FileLine* fl, int argc, char** argv) VL_MT_DISABLED;
void parseOptsList(FileLine* fl, const string& optdir, int argc, char** argv) VL_MT_DISABLED;
void parseOptsFile(FileLine* fl, const string& filename, bool rel) VL_MT_DISABLED;
// METHODS (environment)
// Most of these may be built into the executable with --enable-defenv,
// see the README. If adding new variables, also see src/Makefile_obj.in
// Also add to V3Options::showVersion()
static string getenvBuiltins(const string& var);
static string getenvMAKE();
static string getenvMAKEFLAGS();
static string getenvPERL();
static string getenvPYTHON3();
static string getenvSYSTEMC();
static string getenvSYSTEMC_ARCH();
static string getenvSYSTEMC_INCLUDE();
static string getenvSYSTEMC_LIBDIR();
static string getenvVERILATOR_ROOT();
static string getenvVERILATOR_SOLVER();
static string getStdPackagePath();
static string getStdWaiverPath();
static string getSupported(const string& var);
static bool systemCSystemWide();
static bool systemCFound(); // SystemC installed, or environment points to it
static bool coroutineSupport(); // Compiler supports coroutines
// METHODS (file utilities using these options)
string fileExists(const string& filename);
string filePath(FileLine* fl, const string& modname, const string& lastpath,
const string& errmsg);
void filePathLookedMsg(FileLine* fl, const string& modname);
V3LangCode fileLanguage(const string& filename);
static bool fileStatNormal(const string& filename);
// METHODS (other OS)
static void throwSigsegv();
#endif // guard