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// -*- mode: C++; c-file-style: "cc-mode" -*-
// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Data flow graph (DFG) representation of logic
// Code available from: https://verilator.org
// Copyright 2003-2025 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you
// can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
// Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
// Version 2.0.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only OR Artistic-2.0
// This is a data-flow graph based representation of combinational logic,
// the main difference from a V3Graph is that DfgVertex owns the storage
// of it's input edges (operands/sources/arguments), and can access each
// input edge directly by indexing, making modifications more efficient
// than the linked list based structures used by V3Graph.
// A bulk of the DfgVertex sub-types are generated by astgen, and are
// analogous to the corresponding AstNode sub-types.
// See also the internals documentation docs/internals.rst
#include "config_build.h"
#include "verilatedos.h"
#include "V3Ast.h"
#include "V3Error.h"
#include "V3Global.h"
#include "V3Hash.h"
#include "V3List.h"
#include "V3Dfg__gen_forward_class_decls.h" // From ./astgen
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <functional>
#include <new>
#include <type_traits>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#ifndef VL_NOT_FINAL
#define VL_NOT_FINAL // This #define fixes broken code folding in the CLion IDE
class DfgEdge;
class DfgVertex;
class DfgGraph;
class DfgVisitor;
// Specialization of std::hash for a std::pair<const DfgVertex*, const DfgVertex*> for use below
template <>
struct std::hash<std::pair<const DfgVertex*, const DfgVertex*>> final {
size_t operator()(const std::pair<const DfgVertex*, const DfgVertex*>& item) const {
const size_t a = reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t>(item.first);
const size_t b = reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t>(item.second);
constexpr size_t halfWidth = 8 * sizeof(b) / 2;
return a ^ ((b << halfWidth) | (b >> halfWidth));
// Dataflow vertex type enum
class VDfgType final {
#include "V3Dfg__gen_type_enum.h" // From ./astgen
enum en m_e;
VDfgType() = default;
// cppcheck-suppress noExplicitConstructor
constexpr VDfgType(en _e)
: m_e{_e} {}
constexpr operator en() const { return m_e; }
constexpr bool operator==(VDfgType lhs, VDfgType rhs) { return lhs.m_e == rhs.m_e; }
constexpr bool operator==(VDfgType lhs, VDfgType::en rhs) { return lhs.m_e == rhs; }
constexpr bool operator==(VDfgType::en lhs, VDfgType rhs) { return lhs == rhs.m_e; }
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const VDfgType& t) { return os << t.ascii(); }
// Dataflow graph edge
class DfgEdge final {
friend class DfgVertex;
DfgEdge* m_nextp = nullptr; // Next edge in sink list
DfgEdge* m_prevp = nullptr; // Previous edge in sink list
DfgVertex* m_sourcep = nullptr; // The source vertex driving this edge
// Note that the sink vertex owns the edge, so it is immutable, but because we want to be able
// to allocate these as arrays, we use a default constructor + 'init' method to set m_sinkp.
DfgVertex* const m_sinkp = nullptr; // The sink vertex
DfgEdge() {}
void init(DfgVertex* sinkp) { const_cast<DfgVertex*&>(m_sinkp) = sinkp; }
// The source (driver) of this edge
DfgVertex* sourcep() const { return m_sourcep; }
// The sink (consumer) of this edge
DfgVertex* sinkp() const { return m_sinkp; }
// Remove driver of this edge
void unlinkSource() VL_MT_DISABLED;
// Relink this edge to be driven from the given new source vertex
void relinkSource(DfgVertex* newSourcep) VL_MT_DISABLED;
// Dataflow graph vertex
// Base data flow graph vertex
class DfgVertex VL_NOT_FINAL {
friend class DfgGraph;
friend class DfgEdge;
friend class DfgVisitor;
using UserDataStorage = void*; // Storage allocated for user data
V3ListLinks<DfgVertex> m_links; // V3List links
DfgEdge* m_sinksp = nullptr; // List of sinks of this vertex
FileLine* const m_filelinep; // Source location
AstNodeDType* m_dtypep; // Data type of the result of this vertex - mutable for efficiency
DfgGraph* m_graphp; // The containing DfgGraph
const VDfgType m_type; // Vertex type tag
uint32_t m_userCnt = 0; // User data generation number
UserDataStorage m_userDataStorage; // User data storage
DfgVertex(DfgGraph& dfg, VDfgType type, FileLine* flp, AstNodeDType* dtypep) VL_MT_DISABLED;
virtual ~DfgVertex() VL_MT_DISABLED;
V3ListLinks<DfgVertex>& links() { return m_links; }
// List type that can store Vertex (which must be a DfgVertex) instances via m_links
template <typename Vertex>
using List = V3List<DfgVertex, &DfgVertex::links, Vertex>;
// Visitor accept method
virtual void accept(DfgVisitor& v) = 0;
// Part of Vertex equality only dependent on this vertex
virtual bool selfEquals(const DfgVertex& that) const VL_MT_DISABLED;
// Part of Vertex hash only dependent on this vertex
virtual V3Hash selfHash() const VL_MT_DISABLED;
// Supported packed types
static bool isSupportedPackedDType(const AstNodeDType* dtypep) {
dtypep = dtypep->skipRefp();
if (const AstBasicDType* const typep = VN_CAST(dtypep, BasicDType)) {
return typep->keyword().isIntNumeric();
if (const AstPackArrayDType* const typep = VN_CAST(dtypep, PackArrayDType)) {
return isSupportedPackedDType(typep->subDTypep());
if (const AstNodeUOrStructDType* const typep = VN_CAST(dtypep, NodeUOrStructDType)) {
return typep->packed();
return false;
// Returns true if an AstNode with the given 'dtype' can be represented as a DfgVertex
static bool isSupportedDType(const AstNodeDType* dtypep) {
dtypep = dtypep->skipRefp();
// Support unpacked arrays of packed types
if (const AstUnpackArrayDType* const typep = VN_CAST(dtypep, UnpackArrayDType)) {
return isSupportedPackedDType(typep->subDTypep());
// Support packed types
return isSupportedPackedDType(dtypep);
// Return data type used to represent any packed value of the given 'width'. All packed types
// of a given width use the same canonical data type, as the only interesting information is
// the total width.
static AstNodeDType* dtypeForWidth(uint32_t width) {
return v3Global.rootp()->typeTablep()->findLogicDType(width, width, VSigning::UNSIGNED);
// Return data type used to represent the type of 'nodep' when converted to a DfgVertex
static AstNodeDType* dtypeFor(const AstNode* nodep) {
UDEBUGONLY(UASSERT_OBJ(isSupportedDType(nodep->dtypep()), nodep, "Unsupported dtype"););
// For simplicity, all packed types are represented with a fixed type
if (AstUnpackArrayDType* const typep = VN_CAST(nodep->dtypep(), UnpackArrayDType)) {
AstNodeDType* const adtypep = new AstUnpackArrayDType{
typep->fileline(), dtypeForWidth(typep->subDTypep()->width()),
return adtypep;
return dtypeForWidth(nodep->width());
// Source location
FileLine* fileline() const { return m_filelinep; }
// The data type of the result of the nodes
AstNodeDType* dtypep() const { return m_dtypep; }
void dtypep(AstNodeDType* nodep) { m_dtypep = nodep; }
// The type of this vertex
VDfgType type() const { return m_type; }
// Retrieve user data, constructing it fresh on first try.
template <typename T>
inline T& user();
// Retrieve user data, must be current.
template <typename T>
inline T& getUser();
// Set user data, becomes current.
template <typename T>
inline void setUser(T value);
// Width of result
uint32_t width() const {
// This is a hot enough function that this is an expensive check, so in debug build only.
UDEBUGONLY(UASSERT_OBJ(VN_IS(dtypep(), BasicDType), this, "non-packed has no 'width()'"););
return dtypep()->width();
// Cache type for 'equals' below
using EqualsCache = std::unordered_map<std::pair<const DfgVertex*, const DfgVertex*>, uint8_t>;
// Vertex equality (based on this vertex and all upstream vertices feeding into this vertex).
// Returns true, if the vertices can be substituted for each other without changing the
// semantics of the logic. The 'cache' argument is used to store results to avoid repeat
// evaluations, but it requires that the upstream sources of the compared vertices do not
// change between invocations.
bool equals(const DfgVertex& that, EqualsCache& cache) const VL_MT_DISABLED;
// Uncached version of 'equals'
bool equals(const DfgVertex& that) const {
EqualsCache cache; // Still cache recursive calls within this invocation
return equals(that, cache);
// Hash of vertex (depends on this vertex and all upstream vertices feeding into this vertex).
// Uses user data for caching hashes
V3Hash hash() VL_MT_DISABLED;
// Source edges of this vertex
virtual std::pair<DfgEdge*, size_t> sourceEdges() = 0;
// Source edges of this vertex
virtual std::pair<const DfgEdge*, size_t> sourceEdges() const = 0;
// Arity (number of sources) of this vertex
size_t arity() const { return sourceEdges().second; }
// Predicate: has 1 or more sinks
bool hasSinks() const { return m_sinksp != nullptr; }
// Predicate: has 2 or more sinks
bool hasMultipleSinks() const { return m_sinksp && m_sinksp->m_nextp; }
// Fanout (number of sinks) of this vertex (expensive to compute)
uint32_t fanout() const VL_MT_DISABLED;
// Unlink from container (graph or builder), then delete this vertex
void unlinkDelete(DfgGraph& dfg) VL_MT_DISABLED;
// Relink all sinks to be driven from the given new source
void replaceWith(DfgVertex* newSourcep) VL_MT_DISABLED;
// Calls given function 'f' for each source vertex of this vertex
// Unconnected source edges are not iterated.
inline void forEachSource(std::function<void(DfgVertex&)> f) VL_MT_DISABLED;
// Calls given function 'f' for each source vertex of this vertex
// Unconnected source edges are not iterated.
inline void forEachSource(std::function<void(const DfgVertex&)> f) const VL_MT_DISABLED;
// Calls given function 'f' for each source edge of this vertex. Also passes source index.
inline void forEachSourceEdge(std::function<void(DfgEdge&, size_t)> f) VL_MT_DISABLED;
// Calls given function 'f' for each source edge of this vertex. Also passes source index.
inline void
forEachSourceEdge(std::function<void(const DfgEdge&, size_t)> f) const VL_MT_DISABLED;
// Calls given function 'f' for each sink vertex of this vertex
// Unlinking/deleting the given sink during iteration is safe, but not other sinks of this
// vertex.
inline void forEachSink(std::function<void(DfgVertex&)> f) VL_MT_DISABLED;
// Calls given function 'f' for each sink vertex of this vertex
inline void forEachSink(std::function<void(const DfgVertex&)> f) const VL_MT_DISABLED;
// Calls given function 'f' for each sink edge of this vertex.
// Unlinking/deleting the given sink during iteration is safe, but not other sinks of this
// vertex.
inline void forEachSinkEdge(std::function<void(DfgEdge&)> f) VL_MT_DISABLED;
// Calls given function 'f' for each sink edge of this vertex.
inline void forEachSinkEdge(std::function<void(const DfgEdge&)> f) const VL_MT_DISABLED;
// Returns first source edge which satisfies the given predicate 'p', or nullptr if no such
// sink vertex exists
inline const DfgEdge*
findSourceEdge(std::function<bool(const DfgEdge&, size_t)> p) const VL_MT_DISABLED;
// Returns first sink vertex of type 'Vertex' which satisfies the given predicate 'p',
// or nullptr if no such sink vertex exists
template <typename Vertex>
inline Vertex* findSink(std::function<bool(const Vertex&)> p) const VL_MT_DISABLED;
// Returns first sink vertex of type 'Vertex', or nullptr if no such sink vertex exists.
// This is a special case of 'findSink' above with the predicate always true.
template <typename Vertex>
inline Vertex* findSink() const VL_MT_DISABLED;
// Is this a DfgConst that is all zeroes
inline bool isZero() const VL_MT_DISABLED;
// Is this a DfgConst that is all ones
inline bool isOnes() const VL_MT_DISABLED;
// Methods that allow DfgVertex to participate in error reporting/messaging
void v3errorEnd(std::ostringstream& str) const VL_RELEASE(V3Error::s().m_mutex) {
void v3errorEndFatal(std::ostringstream& str) const VL_ATTR_NORETURN
VL_RELEASE(V3Error::s().m_mutex) {
string warnContextPrimary() const VL_REQUIRES(V3Error::s().m_mutex) {
return fileline()->warnContextPrimary();
string warnContextSecondary() const { return fileline()->warnContextSecondary(); }
string warnMore() const VL_REQUIRES(V3Error::s().m_mutex) { return fileline()->warnMore(); }
string warnOther() const VL_REQUIRES(V3Error::s().m_mutex) { return fileline()->warnOther(); }
// For internal use only.
// Note: specializations for particular vertex types are provided by 'astgen'
template <typename T>
inline static bool privateTypeTest(const DfgVertex* nodep);
// Subtype test
template <typename T>
bool is() const {
static_assert(std::is_base_of<DfgVertex, T>::value, "'T' must be a subtype of DfgVertex");
return privateTypeTest<typename std::remove_cv<T>::type>(this);
// Ensure subtype, then cast to that type
template <typename T>
T* as() {
UASSERT_OBJ(is<T>(), this,
"DfgVertex is not of expected type, but instead has type '" << typeName()
<< "'");
return static_cast<T*>(this);
template <typename T>
const T* as() const {
UASSERT_OBJ(is<T>(), this,
"DfgVertex is not of expected type, but instead has type '" << typeName()
<< "'");
return static_cast<const T*>(this);
// Cast to subtype, or null if different
template <typename T>
T* cast() {
return is<T>() ? static_cast<T*>(this) : nullptr;
template <typename T>
const T* cast() const {
return is<T>() ? static_cast<const T*>(this) : nullptr;
// Human-readable vertex type as string for debugging
const string typeName() const { return m_type.ascii(); }
// Human-readable name for source operand with given index for debugging
virtual const string srcName(size_t idx) const = 0;
// Dfg vertex visitor
class DfgVisitor VL_NOT_FINAL {
// Dispatch to most specific 'visit' method on 'vtxp'
void iterate(DfgVertex* vtxp) { vtxp->accept(*this); }
virtual void visit(DfgVertex* nodep) = 0;
#include "V3Dfg__gen_visitor_decls.h" // From ./astgen
// DfgVertex sub-types follow
// Include macros generated by 'astgen'. These include DFGGEN_MEMBERS_<Node>
// for each DfgVertex sub-type. The generated members include boilerplate
// methods related to cloning, visitor dispatch, and other functionality.
// For precise details please read the generated macros.
#include "V3Dfg__gen_macros.h"
// Implementation of dataflow graph vertices with a fixed number of sources
template <size_t N_Arity>
class DfgVertexWithArity VL_NOT_FINAL : public DfgVertex {
static_assert(1 <= N_Arity && N_Arity <= 4, "N_Arity must be between 1 and 4 inclusive");
std::array<DfgEdge, N_Arity> m_srcs; // Source edges
DfgVertexWithArity(DfgGraph& dfg, VDfgType type, FileLine* flp, AstNodeDType* dtypep)
: DfgVertex{dfg, type, flp, dtypep} {
// Initialize source edges
for (size_t i = 0; i < N_Arity; ++i) m_srcs[i].init(this);
~DfgVertexWithArity() override = default;
std::pair<DfgEdge*, size_t> sourceEdges() final override { //
return {m_srcs.data(), N_Arity};
std::pair<const DfgEdge*, size_t> sourceEdges() const final override {
return {m_srcs.data(), N_Arity};
template <size_t N_Index>
DfgEdge* sourceEdge() {
static_assert(N_Index < N_Arity, "Source index out of range");
return &m_srcs[N_Index];
template <size_t N_Index>
const DfgEdge* sourceEdge() const {
static_assert(N_Index < N_Arity, "Source index out of range");
return &m_srcs[N_Index];
template <size_t N_Index>
DfgVertex* source() const {
static_assert(N_Index < N_Arity, "Source index out of range");
return m_srcs[N_Index].sourcep();
template <size_t N_Index>
void relinkSource(DfgVertex* newSourcep) {
static_assert(N_Index < N_Arity, "Source index out of range");
UASSERT_OBJ(m_srcs[N_Index].sinkp() == this, this, "Inconsistent");
class DfgVertexUnary VL_NOT_FINAL : public DfgVertexWithArity<1> {
DfgVertexUnary(DfgGraph& dfg, VDfgType type, FileLine* flp, AstNodeDType* dtypep)
: DfgVertexWithArity<1>{dfg, type, flp, dtypep} {}
// Named getter/setter for sources
DfgVertex* srcp() const { return source<0>(); }
void srcp(DfgVertex* vtxp) { relinkSource<0>(vtxp); }
class DfgVertexBinary VL_NOT_FINAL : public DfgVertexWithArity<2> {
DfgVertexBinary(DfgGraph& dfg, VDfgType type, FileLine* flp, AstNodeDType* dtypep)
: DfgVertexWithArity<2>{dfg, type, flp, dtypep} {}
// Named getter/setter for sources
DfgVertex* lhsp() const { return source<0>(); }
void lhsp(DfgVertex* vtxp) { relinkSource<0>(vtxp); }
DfgVertex* rhsp() const { return source<1>(); }
void rhsp(DfgVertex* vtxp) { relinkSource<1>(vtxp); }
class DfgVertexTernary VL_NOT_FINAL : public DfgVertexWithArity<3> {
DfgVertexTernary(DfgGraph& dfg, VDfgType type, FileLine* flp, AstNodeDType* dtypep)
: DfgVertexWithArity<3>{dfg, type, flp, dtypep} {}
// Implementation of dataflow graph vertices with a variable number of sources
class DfgVertexVariadic VL_NOT_FINAL : public DfgVertex {
DfgEdge* m_srcsp; // The source edges
uint32_t m_srcCnt = 0; // Number of sources used
uint32_t m_srcCap; // Number of sources allocated
// Allocate a new source edge array
DfgEdge* allocSources(size_t n) {
DfgEdge* const srcsp = new DfgEdge[n];
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) srcsp[i].init(this);
return srcsp;
// Double the capacity of m_srcsp
void growSources() {
m_srcCap *= 2;
DfgEdge* const newsp = allocSources(m_srcCap);
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_srcCnt; ++i) {
DfgEdge* const oldp = m_srcsp + i;
// Skip over unlinked source edge
if (!oldp->sourcep()) continue;
// New edge driven from the same vertex as the old edge
// Unlink the old edge, it will be deleted
// Delete old source edges
delete[] m_srcsp;
// Keep hold of new source edges
m_srcsp = newsp;
DfgVertexVariadic(DfgGraph& dfg, VDfgType type, FileLine* flp, AstNodeDType* dtypep,
uint32_t initialCapacity = 1)
: DfgVertex{dfg, type, flp, dtypep}
, m_srcsp{allocSources(initialCapacity)}
, m_srcCap{initialCapacity} {}
~DfgVertexVariadic() override { delete[] m_srcsp; };
DfgEdge* addSource() {
if (m_srcCnt == m_srcCap) growSources();
return m_srcsp + m_srcCnt++;
void resetSources() {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_srcCnt; ++i) {
UASSERT_OBJ(!m_srcsp[i].sourcep(), m_srcsp[i].sourcep(), "Connected source");
// #endif
m_srcCnt = 0;
DfgEdge* sourceEdge(size_t idx) const { return &m_srcsp[idx]; }
DfgVertex* source(size_t idx) const { return m_srcsp[idx].sourcep(); }
std::pair<DfgEdge*, size_t> sourceEdges() override { return {m_srcsp, m_srcCnt}; }
std::pair<const DfgEdge*, size_t> sourceEdges() const override { return {m_srcsp, m_srcCnt}; }
// DfgVertex subclasses
#include "V3DfgVertices.h"
// The rest of the DfgVertex subclasses are generated by 'astgen' from AstNodeExpr nodes
#include "V3Dfg__gen_auto_classes.h"
// Dataflow graph
class DfgGraph final {
friend class DfgVertex;
// RAII handle for DfgVertex user data
class UserDataInUse final {
DfgGraph* m_graphp; // The referenced graph
// cppcheck-suppress noExplicitConstructor
UserDataInUse(DfgGraph* graphp)
: m_graphp{graphp} {}
// cppcheck-suppress noExplicitConstructor
UserDataInUse(UserDataInUse&& that) {
UASSERT(that.m_graphp, "Moving from empty");
m_graphp = std::exchange(that.m_graphp, nullptr);
UserDataInUse& operator=(UserDataInUse&& that) {
UASSERT(that.m_graphp, "Moving from empty");
m_graphp = std::exchange(that.m_graphp, nullptr);
return *this;
~UserDataInUse() {
if (m_graphp) m_graphp->m_userCurrent = 0;
// Variables and constants make up a significant proportion of vertices (40-50% was observed
// in large designs), and they can often be treated specially in algorithms, which in turn
// enables significant Verilation performance gains, so we keep these in separate lists for
// direct access.
DfgVertex::List<DfgVertexVar> m_varVertices; // The variable vertices in the graph
DfgVertex::List<DfgConst> m_constVertices; // The constant vertices in the graph
DfgVertex::List<DfgVertex> m_opVertices; // The operation vertices in the graph
size_t m_size = 0; // Number of vertices in the graph
uint32_t m_userCurrent = 0; // Vertex user data generation number currently in use
uint32_t m_userCnt = 0; // Vertex user data generation counter
// Parent of the graph (i.e.: the module containing the logic represented by this graph).
AstModule* const m_modulep;
const string m_name; // Name of graph (for debugging)
explicit DfgGraph(AstModule& module, const string& name = "") VL_MT_DISABLED;
// Add DfgVertex to this graph (assumes not yet contained).
inline void addVertex(DfgVertex& vtx);
// Remove DfgVertex form this graph (assumes it is contained).
inline void removeVertex(DfgVertex& vtx);
// Number of vertices in this graph
size_t size() const { return m_size; }
// Parent module
AstModule* modulep() const { return m_modulep; }
// Name of this graph
const string& name() const { return m_name; }
// Reset Vertex user data
UserDataInUse userDataInUse() {
UASSERT(!m_userCurrent, "Conflicting use of DfgVertex user data");
UASSERT(m_userCnt, "'m_userCnt' overflow");
m_userCurrent = m_userCnt;
return UserDataInUse{this};
// Access to vertex lists
DfgVertex::List<DfgVertexVar>& varVertices() { return m_varVertices; }
const DfgVertex::List<DfgVertexVar>& varVertices() const { return m_varVertices; }
DfgVertex::List<DfgConst>& constVertices() { return m_constVertices; }
const DfgVertex::List<DfgConst>& constVertices() const { return m_constVertices; }
DfgVertex::List<DfgVertex>& opVertices() { return m_opVertices; }
const DfgVertex::List<DfgVertex>& opVertices() const { return m_opVertices; }
// Calls given function 'f' for each vertex in the graph. It is safe to manipulate any vertices
// in the graph, or to delete/unlink the vertex passed to 'f' during iteration. It is however
// not safe to delete/unlink any vertex in the same graph other than the one passed to 'f'.
inline void forEachVertex(std::function<void(DfgVertex&)> f);
// 'const' variant of 'forEachVertex'. No mutation allowed.
inline void forEachVertex(std::function<void(const DfgVertex&)> f) const;
// Add contents of other graph to this graph. Leaves other graph empty.
void addGraph(DfgGraph& other) VL_MT_DISABLED;
// Split this graph into individual components (unique sub-graphs with no edges between them).
// Also removes any vertices that are not weakly connected to any variable.
// Leaves 'this' graph empty.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<DfgGraph>> splitIntoComponents(std::string label) VL_MT_DISABLED;
// Extract cyclic sub-graphs from 'this' graph. Cyclic sub-graphs are those that contain at
// least one strongly connected component (SCC) plus any other vertices that feed or sink from
// the SCCs, up to a variable boundary. This means that the returned graphs are guaranteed to
// be cyclic, but they are not guaranteed to be strongly connected (however, they are always
// at least weakly connected). Trivial SCCs that are acyclic (i.e.: vertices that are not part
// of a cycle) are left in 'this' graph. This means that at the end 'this' graph is guaranteed
// to be a DAG (acyclic). 'this' will not necessarily be a connected graph at the end, even if
// it was originally connected.
extractCyclicComponents(std::string label) VL_MT_DISABLED;
// Dump graph in Graphviz format into the given stream 'os'. 'label' is added to the name of
// the graph which is included in the output.
void dumpDot(std::ostream& os, const string& label = "") const VL_MT_DISABLED;
// Dump graph in Graphviz format into a new file with the given 'filename'. 'label' is added to
// the name of the graph which is included in the output.
void dumpDotFile(const string& filename, const string& label = "") const VL_MT_DISABLED;
// Dump graph in Graphviz format into a new automatically numbered debug file. 'label' is
// added to the name of the graph, which is included in the file name and the output.
void dumpDotFilePrefixed(const string& label = "") const VL_MT_DISABLED;
// Dump upstream (source) logic cone starting from given vertex into a file with the given
// 'filename'. 'name' is the name of the graph, which is included in the output.
void dumpDotUpstreamCone(const string& filename, const DfgVertex& vtx,
const string& name = "") const VL_MT_DISABLED;
// Dump all individual logic cones driving external variables in Graphviz format into separate
// new automatically numbered debug files. 'label' is added to the name of the graph, which is
// included in the file names and the output. This is useful for very large graphs that are
// otherwise difficult to browse visually due to their size.
void dumpDotAllVarConesPrefixed(const string& label = "") const VL_MT_DISABLED;
// Specializations of privateTypeTest
#include "V3Dfg__gen_type_tests.h" // From ./astgen
// Inline method definitions - for DfgVertex
template <typename T>
T& DfgVertex::user() {
static_assert(sizeof(T) <= sizeof(UserDataStorage),
"Size of user data type 'T' is too large for allocated storage");
static_assert(alignof(T) <= alignof(UserDataStorage),
"Alignment of user data type 'T' is larger than allocated storage");
T* const storagep = reinterpret_cast<T*>(&m_userDataStorage);
const uint32_t userCurrent = m_graphp->m_userCurrent;
UDEBUGONLY(UASSERT_OBJ(userCurrent, this, "DfgVertex user data used without reserving"););
if (m_userCnt != userCurrent) {
m_userCnt = userCurrent;
// cppcheck-has-bug-suppress uninitvar
VL_ATTR_UNUSED T* const resultp = new (storagep) T{};
UDEBUGONLY(UASSERT_OBJ(resultp == storagep, this, "Something is odd"););
return *storagep;
template <typename T>
T& DfgVertex::getUser() {
static_assert(sizeof(T) <= sizeof(UserDataStorage),
"Size of user data type 'T' is too large for allocated storage");
static_assert(alignof(T) <= alignof(UserDataStorage),
"Alignment of user data type 'T' is larger than allocated storage");
T* const storagep = reinterpret_cast<T*>(&m_userDataStorage);
const uint32_t userCurrent = m_graphp->m_userCurrent;
UASSERT_OBJ(userCurrent, this, "DfgVertex user data used without reserving");
UASSERT_OBJ(m_userCnt == userCurrent, this, "DfgVertex user data is stale");
return *storagep;
template <typename T>
void DfgVertex::setUser(T value) {
static_assert(sizeof(T) <= sizeof(UserDataStorage),
"Size of user data type 'T' is too large for allocated storage");
static_assert(alignof(T) <= alignof(UserDataStorage),
"Alignment of user data type 'T' is larger than allocated storage");
T* const storagep = reinterpret_cast<T*>(&m_userDataStorage);
const uint32_t userCurrent = m_graphp->m_userCurrent;
UASSERT_OBJ(userCurrent, this, "DfgVertex user data used without reserving");
m_userCnt = userCurrent;
*storagep = value;
void DfgVertex::forEachSource(std::function<void(DfgVertex&)> f) {
const auto pair = sourceEdges();
const DfgEdge* const edgesp = pair.first;
const size_t arity = pair.second;
for (size_t i = 0; i < arity; ++i) {
if (DfgVertex* const sourcep = edgesp[i].m_sourcep) f(*sourcep);
void DfgVertex::forEachSource(std::function<void(const DfgVertex&)> f) const {
const auto pair = sourceEdges();
const DfgEdge* const edgesp = pair.first;
const size_t arity = pair.second;
for (size_t i = 0; i < arity; ++i) {
if (DfgVertex* const sourcep = edgesp[i].m_sourcep) f(*sourcep);
void DfgVertex::forEachSink(std::function<void(DfgVertex&)> f) {
for (const DfgEdge *edgep = m_sinksp, *nextp; edgep; edgep = nextp) {
nextp = edgep->m_nextp;
void DfgVertex::forEachSink(std::function<void(const DfgVertex&)> f) const {
for (const DfgEdge* edgep = m_sinksp; edgep; edgep = edgep->m_nextp) f(*edgep->m_sinkp);
void DfgVertex::forEachSourceEdge(std::function<void(DfgEdge&, size_t)> f) {
const auto pair = sourceEdges();
DfgEdge* const edgesp = pair.first;
const size_t arity = pair.second;
for (size_t i = 0; i < arity; ++i) f(edgesp[i], i);
void DfgVertex::forEachSourceEdge(std::function<void(const DfgEdge&, size_t)> f) const {
const auto pair = sourceEdges();
const DfgEdge* const edgesp = pair.first;
const size_t arity = pair.second;
for (size_t i = 0; i < arity; ++i) f(edgesp[i], i);
void DfgVertex::forEachSinkEdge(std::function<void(DfgEdge&)> f) {
for (DfgEdge *edgep = m_sinksp, *nextp; edgep; edgep = nextp) {
nextp = edgep->m_nextp;
void DfgVertex::forEachSinkEdge(std::function<void(const DfgEdge&)> f) const {
for (DfgEdge *edgep = m_sinksp, *nextp; edgep; edgep = nextp) {
nextp = edgep->m_nextp;
const DfgEdge* DfgVertex::findSourceEdge(std::function<bool(const DfgEdge&, size_t)> p) const {
const auto pair = sourceEdges();
const DfgEdge* const edgesp = pair.first;
const size_t arity = pair.second;
for (size_t i = 0; i < arity; ++i) {
const DfgEdge& edge = edgesp[i];
if (p(edge, i)) return &edge;
return nullptr;
template <typename Vertex>
Vertex* DfgVertex::findSink(std::function<bool(const Vertex&)> p) const {
static_assert(std::is_base_of<DfgVertex, Vertex>::value,
"'Vertex' must be subclass of 'DfgVertex'");
for (DfgEdge* edgep = m_sinksp; edgep; edgep = edgep->m_nextp) {
if (Vertex* const sinkp = edgep->m_sinkp->cast<Vertex>()) {
if (p(*sinkp)) return sinkp;
return nullptr;
template <typename Vertex>
Vertex* DfgVertex::findSink() const {
static_assert(!std::is_same<DfgVertex, Vertex>::value,
"'Vertex' must be proper subclass of 'DfgVertex'");
return findSink<Vertex>([](const Vertex&) { return true; });
bool DfgVertex::isZero() const {
if (const DfgConst* const constp = cast<DfgConst>()) return constp->isZero();
return false;
bool DfgVertex::isOnes() const {
if (const DfgConst* const constp = cast<DfgConst>()) return constp->isOnes();
return false;
// Inline method definitions - for DfgGraph
void DfgGraph::addVertex(DfgVertex& vtx) {
// Note: changes here need to be replicated in DfgGraph::addGraph
if (DfgConst* const cVtxp = vtx.cast<DfgConst>()) {
} else if (DfgVertexVar* const vVtxp = vtx.cast<DfgVertexVar>()) {
} else {
vtx.m_userCnt = 0;
vtx.m_graphp = this;
void DfgGraph::removeVertex(DfgVertex& vtx) {
// Note: changes here need to be replicated in DfgGraph::addGraph
if (DfgConst* const cVtxp = vtx.cast<DfgConst>()) {
} else if (DfgVertexVar* const vVtxp = vtx.cast<DfgVertexVar>()) {
} else {
vtx.m_userCnt = 0;
vtx.m_graphp = nullptr;
void DfgGraph::forEachVertex(std::function<void(DfgVertex&)> f) {
for (DfgVertexVar* const vtxp : m_varVertices.unlinkable()) f(*vtxp);
for (DfgConst* const vtxp : m_constVertices.unlinkable()) f(*vtxp);
for (DfgVertex* const vtxp : m_opVertices.unlinkable()) f(*vtxp);
void DfgGraph::forEachVertex(std::function<void(const DfgVertex&)> f) const {
for (const DfgVertexVar& vtx : m_varVertices) f(vtx);
for (const DfgConst& vtx : m_constVertices) f(vtx);
for (const DfgVertex& vtx : m_opVertices) f(vtx);