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234 lines
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// // verilator_coverage annotation
// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test module
// This file ONLY is placed under the Creative Commons Public Domain, for
// any use, without warranty, 2008 by Wilson Snyder.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
module t (/*AUTOARG*/
// Inputs
clk, check_real, check_array_real, check_string
000019 input clk;
+000019 point: comment=clk
input real check_real; // Check issue #2741
000021 input real check_array_real [1:0];
+000021 point: comment=check_array_real[0]
+000021 point: comment=check_array_real[1]
input string check_string; // Check issue #2766
typedef struct packed {
union packed {
logic ua;
logic ub;
} u;
logic b;
} str_t;
%000002 reg toggle; initial toggle='0;
-000002 point: comment=toggle
%000002 str_t stoggle; initial stoggle='0;
-000002 point: comment=stoggle.b
-000002 point: comment=stoggle.u.ua
union {
real val1; // TODO use bit [7:0] here
real val2; // TODO use bit [3:0] here
%000001 } utoggle;
-000001 point: comment=utoggle.val1
const reg aconst = '0;
%000000 reg [1:0][1:0] ptoggle; initial ptoggle=0;
-000002 point: comment=ptoggle[0][0]
-000000 point: comment=ptoggle[0][1]
-000000 point: comment=ptoggle[1][0]
-000000 point: comment=ptoggle[1][1]
integer cyc; initial cyc=1;
%000000 wire [7:0] cyc_copy = cyc[7:0];
+000011 point: comment=cyc_copy[0]
-000005 point: comment=cyc_copy[1]
-000002 point: comment=cyc_copy[2]
-000001 point: comment=cyc_copy[3]
-000000 point: comment=cyc_copy[4]
-000000 point: comment=cyc_copy[5]
-000000 point: comment=cyc_copy[6]
-000000 point: comment=cyc_copy[7]
%000002 wire toggle_up;
-000002 point: comment=toggle_up
typedef struct {
int q[$];
} str_queue_t;
str_queue_t str_queue;
alpha a1 (/*AUTOINST*/
// Outputs
.toggle_up (toggle_up),
// Inputs
.clk (clk),
.toggle (toggle),
.cyc_copy (cyc_copy[7:0]));
alpha a2 (/*AUTOINST*/
// Outputs
.toggle_up (toggle_up),
// Inputs
.clk (clk),
.toggle (toggle),
.cyc_copy (cyc_copy[7:0]));
beta b1 (/*AUTOINST*/
// Inputs
.clk (clk),
.toggle_up (toggle_up));
off o1 (/*AUTOINST*/
// Inputs
.clk (clk),
.toggle (toggle));
%000000 reg [1:0] memory[121:110];
-000001 point: comment=memory[110][0]
-000000 point: comment=memory[110][1]
-000000 point: comment=memory[111][0]
-000000 point: comment=memory[111][1]
-000000 point: comment=memory[112][0]
-000000 point: comment=memory[112][1]
-000000 point: comment=memory[113][0]
-000000 point: comment=memory[113][1]
-000000 point: comment=memory[114][0]
-000000 point: comment=memory[114][1]
-000000 point: comment=memory[115][0]
-000000 point: comment=memory[115][1]
-000000 point: comment=memory[116][0]
-000000 point: comment=memory[116][1]
-000000 point: comment=memory[117][0]
-000000 point: comment=memory[117][1]
-000000 point: comment=memory[118][0]
-000000 point: comment=memory[118][1]
-000000 point: comment=memory[119][0]
-000000 point: comment=memory[119][1]
-000000 point: comment=memory[120][0]
-000000 point: comment=memory[120][1]
-000000 point: comment=memory[121][0]
-000000 point: comment=memory[121][1]
wire [1023:0] largeish = {992'h0, cyc};
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if (cyc != 0) begin
cyc <= cyc + 1;
memory[cyc + 'd100] <= memory[cyc + 'd100] + 2'b1;
toggle <= '0;
stoggle.u <= toggle;
stoggle.b <= toggle;
utoggle.val1 <= real'(cyc[7:0]);
ptoggle[0][0] <= toggle;
if (cyc == 3) begin
toggle <= '1;
if (cyc == 4) begin
if (str_queue.q.size() != 1) $stop;
toggle <= '0;
else if (cyc == 10) begin
$write("*-* All Finished *-*\n");
module alpha (/*AUTOARG*/
// Outputs
// Inputs
clk, toggle, cyc_copy
// t.a1 and t.a2 collapse to a count of 2
000038 input clk;
+000038 point: comment=clk
%000004 input toggle;
-000004 point: comment=toggle
// CHECK_COVER(-1,"top.t.a*",4)
// 2 edges * (t.a1 and t.a2)
%000000 input [7:0] cyc_copy;
+000022 point: comment=cyc_copy[0]
+000010 point: comment=cyc_copy[1]
-000004 point: comment=cyc_copy[2]
-000002 point: comment=cyc_copy[3]
-000000 point: comment=cyc_copy[4]
-000000 point: comment=cyc_copy[5]
-000000 point: comment=cyc_copy[6]
-000000 point: comment=cyc_copy[7]
// CHECK_COVER(-1,"top.t.a*","cyc_copy[0]",22)
// CHECK_COVER(-2,"top.t.a*","cyc_copy[1]",10)
// CHECK_COVER(-3,"top.t.a*","cyc_copy[2]",4)
// CHECK_COVER(-4,"top.t.a*","cyc_copy[3]",2)
// CHECK_COVER(-5,"top.t.a*","cyc_copy[4]",0)
// CHECK_COVER(-6,"top.t.a*","cyc_copy[5]",0)
// CHECK_COVER(-7,"top.t.a*","cyc_copy[6]",0)
// CHECK_COVER(-8,"top.t.a*","cyc_copy[7]",0)
%000004 reg toggle_internal;
-000004 point: comment=toggle_internal
// CHECK_COVER(-1,"top.t.a*",4)
// 2 edges * (t.a1 and t.a2)
%000004 output reg toggle_up;
-000004 point: comment=toggle_up
// CHECK_COVER(-1,"top.t.a*",4)
// 2 edges * (t.a1 and t.a2)
always @ (posedge clk) begin
toggle_internal <= toggle;
toggle_up <= toggle;
module beta (/*AUTOARG*/
// Inputs
clk, toggle_up
000019 input clk;
+000019 point: comment=clk
%000002 input toggle_up;
-000002 point: comment=toggle_up
// CHECK_COVER(-1,"top.t.b1","toggle_up",2)
/* verilator public_module */
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if (0 && toggle_up) begin end
module off (/*AUTOARG*/
// Inputs
clk, toggle
// verilator coverage_off
input clk;
// verilator coverage_on
%000002 input toggle;
-000002 point: comment=toggle
// CHECK_COVER(-1,"top.t.o1","toggle",2)