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synced 2025-02-19 00:13:33 +00:00
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163 lines
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// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test module
// This file ONLY is placed under the Creative Commons Public Domain, for
// any use, without warranty, 2009 by Wilson Snyder.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
module t (/*AUTOARG*/
// Inputs
input clk;
integer cyc = 0;
reg [63:0] crc;
reg [63:0] sum;
wire [1:0] a = crc[1 +: 2];
wire [1:0] b = crc[3 +: 2];
wire [1:0] c = crc[5 +: 2];
wire [1:0] d = crc[7 +: 2];
wire [1:0] e = crc[9 +: 2];
wire [1:0] f = crc[11+: 2];
wire [1:0] g = crc[13+: 2];
// left () [] :: .
// unary + - ! ~ & ~& | ~| ^ ~^ ^~ ++ -- (unary)
// left **
// left * / %
// left + - (binary)
// left << >> <<< >>>
// left < <= > >= inside dist
// left == != === !== ==? !=?
// left & (binary)
// left ^ ~^ ^~ (binary)
// left | (binary)
// left &&
// left ||
// left ? :
// right ->
// none = += -= *= /= %= &= ^= |= <<= >>= <<<= >>>= := :/ <=
// {} {{}} concatenation
wire [1:0] bnz = (b==2'b0) ? 2'b11 : b;
wire [1:0] cnz = (c==2'b0) ? 2'b11 : c;
wire [1:0] dnz = (d==2'b0) ? 2'b11 : d;
wire [1:0] enz = (e==2'b0) ? 2'b11 : e;
// verilator lint_off WIDTH
// Do a few in each group
wire [1:0] o1 = ~ a; // Can't get more than one reduction to parse
wire [1:0] o2 = ^ b; // Can't get more than one reduction to parse
wire [1:0] o3 = a ** b ** c; // Some simulators botch this
wire [1:0] o4 = a * b / cnz % dnz * enz;
wire [1:0] o5 = a + b - c + d;
wire [1:0] o6 = a << b >> c <<< d >>> e <<< f;
wire [1:0] o7 = a < b <= c;
wire [1:0] o8 = a == b != c === d == e;
wire [1:0] o9 = a & b & c;
wire [1:0] o10 = a ^ b ~^ c ^~ d ^ a;
wire [1:0] o11 = a | b | c;
wire [1:0] o12 = a && b && c;
wire [1:0] o13 = a || b || c;
wire [1:0] o14 = a ? b ? c : d : e;
wire [1:0] o15 = a ? b : c ? d : e;
// Now cross each pair of groups
wire [1:0] x1 = ~ a ** ~ b ** ~c; // Some simulators botch this
wire [1:0] x2 = a ** b * c ** d; // Some simulators botch this
wire [1:0] x3 = a + b * c + d;
wire [1:0] x4 = a + b << c + d;
wire [1:0] x5 = a == b << c == d;
wire [1:0] x6 = a & b << c & d;
wire [1:0] x7 = a ^ b & c ^ d;
wire [1:0] x8 = a | b ^ c | d;
wire [1:0] x9 = a && b | c && d;
wire [1:0] x10 = a || b && c || d;
wire [1:0] x11 = a ? b || c : d ? e : f;
// verilator lint_on WIDTH
function [1:0] pow (input [1:0] x, input [1:0] y);
casez ({x,y})
4'b00_??: pow = 2'b00;
4'b01_00: pow = 2'b01;
4'b01_01: pow = 2'b01;
4'b01_10: pow = 2'b01;
4'b01_11: pow = 2'b01;
4'b10_00: pow = 2'b01;
4'b10_01: pow = 2'b10;
4'b10_10: pow = 2'b00;
4'b10_11: pow = 2'b00;
4'b11_00: pow = 2'b01;
4'b11_01: pow = 2'b11;
4'b11_10: pow = 2'b01;
4'b11_11: pow = 2'b11;
// Aggregate outputs into a single result vector
wire [63:0] result = {12'h0,
// Test loop
always @ (posedge clk) begin
$write("[%0t] cyc==%0d crc=%x result=%x ", $time, cyc, crc, result);
$write(" %b",o1);
$write(" %b",o2);
$write(" %b",o3);
$write(" %b",o4);
$write(" %b",o5);
$write(" %b",o6);
$write(" %b",o7);
$write(" %b",o8);
$write(" %b",o9);
$write(" %b",o10);
$write(" %b",o11);
$write(" %b",o12);
$write(" %b",o13);
$write(" %b",o14);
$write(" %b",o15);
// Now cross each pair of groups
$write(" %b",x1);
$write(" %b",x2);
$write(" %b",x3);
$write(" %b",x4);
$write(" %b",x5);
$write(" %b",x6);
$write(" %b",x7);
$write(" %b",x8);
$write(" %b",x9);
$write(" %b",x10);
$write(" %b",x11);
cyc <= cyc + 1;
crc <= {crc[62:0], crc[63] ^ crc[2] ^ crc[0]};
sum <= result ^ {sum[62:0], sum[63] ^ sum[2] ^ sum[0]};
if (cyc==0) begin
// Setup
crc <= 64'h5aef0c8d_d70a4497;
sum <= 64'h0;
else if (cyc<10) begin
sum <= 64'h0;
else if (cyc<90) begin
else if (cyc==99) begin
$write("[%0t] cyc==%0d crc=%x sum=%x\n", $time, cyc, crc, sum);
if (crc !== 64'hc77bb9b3784ea091) $stop;
// What checksum will we end up with (above print should match)
`define EXPECTED_SUM 64'h2756ea365ec7520e
if (sum !== `EXPECTED_SUM) $stop;
$write("*-* All Finished *-*\n");