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synced 2025-01-31 18:54:03 +00:00
VCD tracing is now parallelized using the same thread pool as the model. We achieve this by breaking the top level trace functions into multiple top level functions (as many as --threads), and after emitting the time stamp to the VCD file on the main thread, we execute the tracing functions in parallel on the same thread pool as the model (which we pass to the trace file during registration), tracing into a secondary per thread buffer. The main thread will then stitch (memcpy) the buffers together into the output file. This makes the `--trace-threads` option redundant with `--trace`, which now only affects `--trace-fst`. FST tracing uses the previous offloading scheme. This obviously helps a lot in VCD tracing performance, and I have seen better than Amdahl speedup, namely I get 3.9x on XiangShan 4T (2.7x on OpenTitan 4T).
310 lines
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310 lines
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// -*- mode: C++; c-file-style: "cc-mode" -*-
// Code available from: https://verilator.org
// Copyright 2001-2022 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you
// can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
// Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
// Version 2.0.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only OR Artistic-2.0
/// \file
/// \brief Verilated tracing in VCD format header
/// User wrapper code should use this header when creating VCD traces.
#include "verilated.h"
#include "verilated_trace.h"
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
class VerilatedVcdBuffer;
class VerilatedVcdFile;
// VerilatedVcd
// Base class to create a Verilator VCD dump
// This is an internally used class - see VerilatedVcdC for what to call from applications
class VerilatedVcd VL_NOT_FINAL : public VerilatedTrace<VerilatedVcd, VerilatedVcdBuffer> {
using Super = VerilatedTrace<VerilatedVcd, VerilatedVcdBuffer>;
friend Buffer; // Give the buffer access to the private bits
// VCD specific internals
VerilatedVcdFile* m_filep; // File we're writing to
bool m_fileNewed; // m_filep needs destruction
bool m_isOpen = false; // True indicates open file
bool m_evcd = false; // True for evcd format
std::string m_filename; // Filename we're writing to (if open)
uint64_t m_rolloverMB = 0; // MB of file size to rollover at
int m_modDepth = 0; // Depth of module hierarchy
char* m_wrBufp; // Output buffer
char* m_wrFlushp; // Output buffer flush trigger location
char* m_writep; // Write pointer into output buffer
size_t m_wrChunkSize; // Output buffer size
size_t m_maxSignalBytes = 0; // Upper bound on number of bytes a single signal can generate
uint64_t m_wroteBytes = 0; // Number of bytes written to this file
std::vector<char> m_suffixes; // VCD line end string codes + metadata
using NameMap = std::map<const std::string, const std::string>;
NameMap* m_namemapp = nullptr; // List of names for the header
// Vector of free trace buffers as (pointer, size) pairs.
std::vector<std::pair<char*, size_t>> m_freeBuffers;
size_t m_numBuffers = 0; // Number of trace buffers allocated
void bufferResize(size_t minsize);
void bufferFlush() VL_MT_UNSAFE_ONE;
inline void bufferCheck() {
// Flush the write buffer if there's not enough space left for new information
// We only call this once per vector, so we need enough slop for a very wide "b###" line
if (VL_UNLIKELY(m_writep > m_wrFlushp)) bufferFlush();
void openNextImp(bool incFilename);
void closePrev();
void closeErr();
void makeNameMap();
void deleteNameMap();
void printIndent(int level_change);
void printStr(const char* str);
void printQuad(uint64_t n);
void printTime(uint64_t timeui);
void declare(uint32_t code, const char* name, const char* wirep, bool array, int arraynum,
bool tri, bool bussed, int msb, int lsb);
void dumpHeader();
static char* writeCode(char* writep, uint32_t code);
// Implementation of VerilatedTrace interface
// Called when the trace moves forward to a new time point
virtual void emitTimeChange(uint64_t timeui) override;
// Hooks called from VerilatedTrace
virtual bool preFullDump() override { return isOpen(); }
virtual bool preChangeDump() override;
// Trace buffer management
virtual VerilatedVcdBuffer* getTraceBuffer() override;
virtual void commitTraceBuffer(VerilatedVcdBuffer*) override;
// External interface to client code
explicit VerilatedVcd(VerilatedVcdFile* filep = nullptr);
// Set size in megabytes after which new file should be created
void rolloverMB(uint64_t rolloverMB) { m_rolloverMB = rolloverMB; }
// METHODS - All must be thread safe
// Open the file; call isOpen() to see if errors
void open(const char* filename) VL_MT_SAFE_EXCLUDES(m_mutex);
// Open next data-only file
void openNext(bool incFilename) VL_MT_SAFE_EXCLUDES(m_mutex);
// Close the file
void close() VL_MT_SAFE_EXCLUDES(m_mutex);
// Flush any remaining data to this file
void flush() VL_MT_SAFE_EXCLUDES(m_mutex);
// Return if file is open
bool isOpen() const VL_MT_SAFE { return m_isOpen; }
// Internal interface to Verilator generated code
void declBit(uint32_t code, const char* name, bool array, int arraynum);
void declBus(uint32_t code, const char* name, bool array, int arraynum, int msb, int lsb);
void declQuad(uint32_t code, const char* name, bool array, int arraynum, int msb, int lsb);
void declArray(uint32_t code, const char* name, bool array, int arraynum, int msb, int lsb);
void declDouble(uint32_t code, const char* name, bool array, int arraynum);
#ifndef DOXYGEN
// Declare specialization here as it's used in VerilatedFstC just below
template <> void VerilatedVcd::Super::dump(uint64_t time);
template <> void VerilatedVcd::Super::set_time_unit(const char* unitp);
template <> void VerilatedVcd::Super::set_time_unit(const std::string& unit);
template <> void VerilatedVcd::Super::set_time_resolution(const char* unitp);
template <> void VerilatedVcd::Super::set_time_resolution(const std::string& unit);
template <> void VerilatedVcd::Super::dumpvars(int level, const std::string& hier);
#endif // DOXYGEN
// VerilatedVcdBuffer
class VerilatedVcdBuffer final : public VerilatedTraceBuffer<VerilatedVcd, VerilatedVcdBuffer> {
// Give the trace file access to the private bits
friend VerilatedVcd;
friend VerilatedVcd::Super;
char* m_writep; // Write pointer into m_bufp
char* m_bufp; // The beginning of the trace buffer
size_t m_size; // The size of the buffer at m_bufp
char* m_growp; // Resize limit pointer
char* m_writep = m_owner.m_writep; // Write pointer into output buffer
char* const m_wrFlushp = m_owner.m_wrFlushp; // Output buffer flush trigger location
// VCD line end string codes + metadata
const char* const m_suffixes = m_owner.m_suffixes.data();
// The maximum number of bytes a single signal can emit
const size_t m_maxSignalBytes = m_owner.m_maxSignalBytes;
void finishLine(uint32_t code, char* writep);
void adjustGrowp() {
m_growp = (m_bufp + m_size) - (2 * m_maxSignalBytes);
assert(m_growp >= m_bufp + m_maxSignalBytes);
explicit VerilatedVcdBuffer(VerilatedVcd& owner, char* bufp, size_t size);
explicit VerilatedVcdBuffer(VerilatedVcd& owner);
~VerilatedVcdBuffer() = default;
// Implementation of VerilatedTraceBuffer interface
// Implementations of duck-typed methods for VerilatedTraceBuffer. These are
// called from only one place (the full* methods), so always inline them.
VL_ATTR_ALWINLINE inline void emitBit(uint32_t code, CData newval);
VL_ATTR_ALWINLINE inline void emitCData(uint32_t code, CData newval, int bits);
VL_ATTR_ALWINLINE inline void emitSData(uint32_t code, SData newval, int bits);
VL_ATTR_ALWINLINE inline void emitIData(uint32_t code, IData newval, int bits);
VL_ATTR_ALWINLINE inline void emitQData(uint32_t code, QData newval, int bits);
VL_ATTR_ALWINLINE inline void emitWData(uint32_t code, const WData* newvalp, int bits);
VL_ATTR_ALWINLINE inline void emitDouble(uint32_t code, double newval);
// VerilatedFile
/// Class representing a file to write to. These virtual methods can be
/// overrode for e.g. socket I/O.
class VerilatedVcdFile VL_NOT_FINAL {
int m_fd = 0; // File descriptor we're writing to
/// Construct a (as yet) closed file
VerilatedVcdFile() = default;
/// Close and destruct
virtual ~VerilatedVcdFile() = default;
/// Open a file with given filename
virtual bool open(const std::string& name) VL_MT_UNSAFE;
/// Close object's file
virtual void close() VL_MT_UNSAFE;
/// Write data to file (if it is open)
virtual ssize_t write(const char* bufp, ssize_t len) VL_MT_UNSAFE;
// VerilatedVcdC
/// Class representing a VCD dump file in C standalone (no SystemC)
/// simulations. Also derived for use in SystemC simulations.
class VerilatedVcdC VL_NOT_FINAL {
VerilatedVcd m_sptrace; // Trace file being created
/// Construct the dump. Optional argument is a preconstructed file.
explicit VerilatedVcdC(VerilatedVcdFile* filep = nullptr)
: m_sptrace{filep} {}
/// Destruct, flush, and close the dump
virtual ~VerilatedVcdC() { close(); }
// METHODS - User called
/// Return if file is open
bool isOpen() const VL_MT_SAFE { return m_sptrace.isOpen(); }
/// Open a new VCD file
/// This includes a complete header dump each time it is called,
/// just as if this object was deleted and reconstructed.
virtual void open(const char* filename) VL_MT_SAFE { m_sptrace.open(filename); }
/// Continue a VCD dump by rotating to a new file name
/// The header is only in the first file created, this allows
/// "cat" to be used to combine the header plus any number of data files.
void openNext(bool incFilename = true) VL_MT_SAFE { m_sptrace.openNext(incFilename); }
/// Set size in megabytes after which new file should be created
void rolloverMB(size_t rolloverMB) VL_MT_SAFE { m_sptrace.rolloverMB(rolloverMB); }
/// Close dump
void close() VL_MT_SAFE { m_sptrace.close(); }
/// Flush dump
void flush() VL_MT_SAFE { m_sptrace.flush(); }
/// Write one cycle of dump data
/// Call with the current context's time just after eval'ed,
/// e.g. ->dump(contextp->time())
void dump(uint64_t timeui) VL_MT_SAFE { m_sptrace.dump(timeui); }
/// Write one cycle of dump data - backward compatible and to reduce
/// conversion warnings. It's better to use a uint64_t time instead.
void dump(double timestamp) { dump(static_cast<uint64_t>(timestamp)); }
void dump(uint32_t timestamp) { dump(static_cast<uint64_t>(timestamp)); }
void dump(int timestamp) { dump(static_cast<uint64_t>(timestamp)); }
// METHODS - Internal/backward compatible
// \protectedsection
// Set time units (s/ms, defaults to ns)
// Users should not need to call this, as for Verilated models, these
// propage from the Verilated default timeunit
void set_time_unit(const char* unit) VL_MT_SAFE { m_sptrace.set_time_unit(unit); }
void set_time_unit(const std::string& unit) VL_MT_SAFE { m_sptrace.set_time_unit(unit); }
// Set time resolution (s/ms, defaults to ns)
// Users should not need to call this, as for Verilated models, these
// propage from the Verilated default timeprecision
void set_time_resolution(const char* unit) VL_MT_SAFE { m_sptrace.set_time_resolution(unit); }
void set_time_resolution(const std::string& unit) VL_MT_SAFE {
// Set variables to dump, using $dumpvars format
// If level = 0, dump everything and hier is then ignored
void dumpvars(int level, const std::string& hier) VL_MT_SAFE {
m_sptrace.dumpvars(level, hier);
// Internal class access
inline VerilatedVcd* spTrace() { return &m_sptrace; }
#endif // guard