mirror of
synced 2025-02-02 03:34:05 +00:00
VCD tracing is now parallelized using the same thread pool as the model. We achieve this by breaking the top level trace functions into multiple top level functions (as many as --threads), and after emitting the time stamp to the VCD file on the main thread, we execute the tracing functions in parallel on the same thread pool as the model (which we pass to the trace file during registration), tracing into a secondary per thread buffer. The main thread will then stitch (memcpy) the buffers together into the output file. This makes the `--trace-threads` option redundant with `--trace`, which now only affects `--trace-fst`. FST tracing uses the previous offloading scheme. This obviously helps a lot in VCD tracing performance, and I have seen better than Amdahl speedup, namely I get 3.9x on XiangShan 4T (2.7x on OpenTitan 4T).
897 lines
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897 lines
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// -*- mode: C++; c-file-style: "cc-mode" -*-
// Code available from: https://verilator.org
// Copyright 2003-2022 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you can
// redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
// Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
// Version 2.0.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only OR Artistic-2.0
/// \file
/// \brief Verilated common header, include for all Verilated C files
/// This file is included automatically by Verilator at the top of all C++
/// files it generates. It contains standard macros and classes required
/// by the Verilated code.
/// User wrapper code may need to include this to get appropriate
/// structures, however they would generally just include the
/// Verilated-model's header instead (which then includes this).
/// Those macro/function/variable starting or ending in _ are internal,
/// however many of the other function/macros here are also internal.
// clang-format off
#include "verilatedos.h"
#include "verilated_config.h"
#if VM_SC
# include "verilated_sc.h" // Get SYSTEMC_VERSION and time declarations
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <deque>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
// <iostream> avoided to reduce compile time
# include <atomic>
# include <mutex>
# include <thread>
// Allow user to specify their own include file
// cppcheck-suppress preprocessorErrorDirective
// clang-format on
// Switches
// clang-format off
#if VM_TRACE // Verilator tracing requested
# define WAVES 1 // Set backward compatibility flag
// Version check
#if defined(SYSTEMC_VERSION) && (SYSTEMC_VERSION < 20111121)
# warning "Verilator requires SystemC 2.3.* or newer."
// clang-format on
class VerilatedContextImp;
class VerilatedContextImpData;
class VerilatedCovContext;
class VerilatedEvalMsgQueue;
class VerilatedFst;
class VerilatedFstC;
class VerilatedFstSc;
class VerilatedScope;
class VerilatedScopeNameMap;
class VerilatedVar;
class VerilatedVarNameMap;
class VerilatedVcd;
class VerilatedVcdC;
class VerilatedVcdSc;
// Basic types
// clang-format off
// P // Packed data of bit type (C/S/I/Q/W)
using CData = uint8_t; ///< Data representing 'bit' of 1-8 packed bits
using SData = uint16_t; ///< Data representing 'bit' of 9-16 packed bits
using IData = uint32_t; ///< Data representing 'bit' of 17-32 packed bits
using QData = uint64_t; ///< Data representing 'bit' of 33-64 packed bits
using EData = uint32_t; ///< Data representing one element of WData array
using WData = EData; ///< Data representing >64 packed bits (used as pointer)
// F = float; // No typedef needed; Verilator uses float
// D = double; // No typedef needed; Verilator uses double
// N = std::string; // No typedef needed; Verilator uses string
// clang-format on
using WDataInP = const WData*; ///< 'bit' of >64 packed bits as array input to a function
using WDataOutP = WData*; ///< 'bit' of >64 packed bits as array output from a function
enum VerilatedVarType : uint8_t {
VLVT_PTR, // Pointer to something
VLVT_STRING // C++ string
enum VerilatedVarFlags {
VLVD_0 = 0, // None
VLVD_IN = 1, // == vpiInput
VLVD_OUT = 2, // == vpiOutput
VLVD_INOUT = 3, // == vpiInOut
VLVD_NODIR = 5, // == vpiNoDirection
VLVF_MASK_DIR = 7, // Bit mask for above directions
// Flags
VLVF_PUB_RD = (1 << 8), // Public readable
VLVF_PUB_RW = (1 << 9), // Public writable
VLVF_DPI_CLAY = (1 << 10) // DPI compatible C standard layout
// Mutex and threading support
// Return current thread ID (or 0), not super fast, cache if needed
extern uint32_t VL_THREAD_ID() VL_MT_SAFE;
#define VL_LOCK_SPINS 50000 /// Number of times to spin for a mutex before yielding
/// Mutex, wrapped to allow -fthread_safety checks
class VL_CAPABILITY("mutex") VerilatedMutex final {
std::mutex m_mutex; // Mutex
/// Construct mutex (without locking it)
VerilatedMutex() = default;
~VerilatedMutex() = default;
const VerilatedMutex& operator!() const { return *this; } // For -fthread_safety
/// Acquire/lock mutex
void lock() VL_ACQUIRE() {
// Try to acquire the lock by spinning. If the wait is short,
// avoids a trap to the OS plus OS scheduler overhead.
if (VL_LIKELY(try_lock())) return; // Short circuit loop
for (int i = 0; i < VL_LOCK_SPINS; ++i) {
if (VL_LIKELY(try_lock())) return;
// Spinning hasn't worked, pay the cost of blocking.
/// Release/unlock mutex
void unlock() VL_RELEASE() { m_mutex.unlock(); }
/// Try to acquire mutex. Returns true on success, and false on failure.
bool try_lock() VL_TRY_ACQUIRE(true) { return m_mutex.try_lock(); }
/// Lock guard for mutex (ala std::unique_lock), wrapped to allow -fthread_safety checks
class VL_SCOPED_CAPABILITY VerilatedLockGuard final {
VerilatedMutex& m_mutexr;
/// Construct and hold given mutex lock until destruction or unlock()
explicit VerilatedLockGuard(VerilatedMutex& mutexr) VL_ACQUIRE(mutexr)
: m_mutexr(mutexr) { // Need () or GCC 4.8 false warning
/// Destruct and unlock the mutex
~VerilatedLockGuard() VL_RELEASE() { m_mutexr.unlock(); }
/// Unlock the mutex
void lock() VL_ACQUIRE() { m_mutexr.lock(); }
/// Lock the mutex
void unlock() VL_RELEASE() { m_mutexr.unlock(); }
#else // !VL_THREADED
// Empty non-threaded mutex to avoid #ifdefs in consuming code
class VerilatedMutex final {
void lock() {} // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
void unlock() {} // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
// Empty non-threaded lock guard to avoid #ifdefs in consuming code
class VerilatedLockGuard final {
explicit VerilatedLockGuard(VerilatedMutex&) {}
~VerilatedLockGuard() = default;
void lock() {} // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
void unlock() {} // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
#endif // VL_THREADED
// Internals: Remember the calling thread at construction time, and make
// sure later calls use same thread
class VerilatedAssertOneThread final {
#if defined(VL_THREADED) && defined(VL_DEBUG)
uint32_t m_threadid; // Thread that is legal
// The constructor establishes the thread id for all later calls.
// If necessary, a different class could be made that inits it otherwise.
: m_threadid{VL_THREAD_ID()} {}
~VerilatedAssertOneThread() { check(); }
// Check that the current thread ID is the same as the construction thread ID
void check() VL_MT_UNSAFE_ONE {
if (VL_UNCOVERABLE(m_threadid != VL_THREAD_ID())) {
if (m_threadid == 0) {
m_threadid = VL_THREAD_ID();
} else {
fatal_different(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
static void fatal_different() VL_MT_SAFE;
#else // !VL_THREADED || !VL_DEBUG
void check() {}
/// Base class for all Verilated module classes.
class VerilatedModule VL_NOT_FINAL {
const char* m_namep; // Module name
explicit VerilatedModule(const char* namep); // Create module with given hierarchy name
const char* name() const { return m_namep; } ///< Return name of module
/// Declare a module, ala SC_MODULE
#define VL_MODULE(modname) class modname VL_NOT_FINAL : public VerilatedModule
// Not class final in VL_MODULE, as users might be abstracting our models (--hierarchical)
// Functions overridable by user defines
// (Internals however must use VL_PRINTF_MT, which calls these.)
// clang-format off
#ifndef VL_PRINTF
# define VL_PRINTF printf ///< Print ala printf, called from main thread; redefine if desired
#ifndef VL_VPRINTF
# define VL_VPRINTF vprintf ///< Print ala vprintf, called from main thread; redefine if desired
// clang-format on
// Internal: Base class to allow virtual destruction
class VerilatedVirtualBase VL_NOT_FINAL {
VerilatedVirtualBase() = default;
virtual ~VerilatedVirtualBase() = default;
/// Verilator simulation context
/// The VerilatedContext contains the information common across all models
/// that are interconnected, for example this contains the simulation time
/// and if $finish was executed.
/// VerilatedContexts maybe created by the user wrapper code and passed
/// when a model is created. If this is not done, then Verilator will use
/// the Verilated::defaultContextp()'s global context.
class VerilatedContext VL_NOT_FINAL {
friend class VerilatedContextImp;
// Slow path variables
mutable VerilatedMutex m_mutex; // Mutex for most s_s/s_ns members, when VL_THREADED
struct Serialized { // All these members serialized/deserialized
// No std::strings or pointers or will serialize badly!
// Fast path
bool m_assertOn = true; // Assertions are enabled
bool m_calcUnusedSigs = false; // Waves file on, need all signals calculated
bool m_fatalOnError = true; // Fatal on $stop/non-fatal error
bool m_fatalOnVpiError = true; // Fatal on vpi error/unsupported
bool m_gotError = false; // A $finish statement executed
bool m_gotFinish = false; // A $finish or $stop statement executed
uint64_t m_time = 0; // Current $time (unscaled), 0=at zero, or legacy
// Slow path
int8_t m_timeunit; // Time unit as 0..15
int8_t m_timeprecision; // Time precision as 0..15
int m_errorCount = 0; // Number of errors
int m_errorLimit = 1; // Stop on error number
int m_randReset = 0; // Random reset: 0=all 0s, 1=all 1s, 2=random
int m_randSeed = 0; // Random seed: 0=random
enum { UNITS_NONE = 99 }; // Default based on precision
int m_timeFormatUnits = UNITS_NONE; // $timeformat units
int m_timeFormatPrecision = 0; // $timeformat number of decimal places
int m_timeFormatWidth = 20; // $timeformat character width
~Serialized() = default;
} m_s;
mutable VerilatedMutex m_timeDumpMutex; // Protect misc slow strings
std::string m_timeFormatSuffix VL_GUARDED_BY(m_timeDumpMutex); // $timeformat printf format
std::string m_dumpfile VL_GUARDED_BY(m_timeDumpMutex); // $dumpfile setting
struct NonSerialized { // Non-serialized information
// These are reloaded from on command-line settings, so do not need to persist
// Fast path
uint64_t m_profExecStart = 1; // +prof+exec+start time
uint32_t m_profExecWindow = 2; // +prof+exec+window size
// Slow path
std::string m_profExecFilename; // +prof+exec+file filename
std::string m_profVltFilename; // +prof+vlt filename
} m_ns;
mutable VerilatedMutex m_argMutex; // Protect m_argVec, m_argVecLoaded
// no need to be save-restored (serialized) the
// assumption is that the restore is allowed to pass different arguments
struct NonSerializedCommandArgs {
// Medium speed
bool m_argVecLoaded = false; // Ever loaded argument list
std::vector<std::string> m_argVec; // Aargument list
} m_args VL_GUARDED_BY(m_argMutex);
// Implementation details
const std::unique_ptr<VerilatedContextImpData> m_impdatap;
// Coverage access
std::unique_ptr<VerilatedVirtualBase> m_coveragep; // Pointer for coveragep()
// File I/O
// Not serialized
mutable VerilatedMutex m_fdMutex; // Protect m_fdps, m_fdFree
std::vector<FILE*> m_fdps VL_GUARDED_BY(m_fdMutex); // File descriptors
// List of free descriptors (SLOW - FOPEN/CLOSE only)
std::vector<IData> m_fdFree VL_GUARDED_BY(m_fdMutex);
// List of free descriptors in the MCT region [4, 32)
std::vector<IData> m_fdFreeMct VL_GUARDED_BY(m_fdMutex);
// Magic to check for bad construction
static constexpr uint64_t MAGIC = 0xC35F9A6E5298EE6EULL; // SHA256 "VerilatedContext"
uint64_t m_magic = MAGIC;
/// Construct context. Also sets Verilated::threadContextp to the created context.
// METHODS - User called
/// Enable assertions
void assertOn(bool flag) VL_MT_SAFE;
/// Return if assertions enabled
bool assertOn() const VL_MT_SAFE { return m_s.m_assertOn; }
/// Enable calculation of unused signals (for traces)
void calcUnusedSigs(bool flag) VL_MT_SAFE;
/// Return if calculating of unused signals (for traces)
bool calcUnusedSigs() const VL_MT_SAFE { return m_s.m_calcUnusedSigs; }
/// Record command-line arguments, for retrieval by $test$plusargs/$value$plusargs,
/// and for parsing +verilator+ run-time arguments.
/// This should be called before the first model is created.
void commandArgs(int argc, const char** argv) VL_MT_SAFE_EXCLUDES(m_argMutex);
void commandArgs(int argc, char** argv) VL_MT_SAFE {
commandArgs(argc, const_cast<const char**>(argv));
/// Add a command-line argument to existing arguments
void commandArgsAdd(int argc, const char** argv) VL_MT_SAFE_EXCLUDES(m_argMutex);
/// Match plusargs with a given prefix. Returns static char* valid only for a single call
const char* commandArgsPlusMatch(const char* prefixp) VL_MT_SAFE_EXCLUDES(m_argMutex);
/// Return VerilatedCovContext, allocate if needed
/// Note if get unresolved reference then likely forgot to link verilated_cov.cpp
VerilatedCovContext* coveragep() VL_MT_SAFE;
/// Set debug level
/// Debug is currently global, but for forward compatibility have a per-context method
static void debug(int val) VL_MT_SAFE;
/// Return debug level
static int debug() VL_MT_SAFE;
/// Set current number of errors/assertions
void errorCount(int val) VL_MT_SAFE;
/// Increment current number of errors/assertions
void errorCountInc() VL_MT_SAFE;
/// Return current number of errors/assertions
int errorCount() const VL_MT_SAFE { return m_s.m_errorCount; }
/// Set number of errors/assertions before stop
void errorLimit(int val) VL_MT_SAFE;
/// Return number of errors/assertions before stop
int errorLimit() const VL_MT_SAFE { return m_s.m_errorLimit; }
/// Set to throw fatal error on $stop/non-fatal ettot
void fatalOnError(bool flag) VL_MT_SAFE;
/// Return if to throw fatal error on $stop/non-fatal
bool fatalOnError() const VL_MT_SAFE { return m_s.m_fatalOnError; }
/// Set to throw fatal error on VPI errors
void fatalOnVpiError(bool flag) VL_MT_SAFE;
/// Return if to throw fatal error on VPI errors
bool fatalOnVpiError() const VL_MT_SAFE { return m_s.m_fatalOnVpiError; }
/// Set if got a $stop or non-fatal error
void gotError(bool flag) VL_MT_SAFE;
/// Return if got a $stop or non-fatal error
bool gotError() const VL_MT_SAFE { return m_s.m_gotError; }
/// Set if got a $finish or $stop/error
void gotFinish(bool flag) VL_MT_SAFE;
/// Return if got a $finish or $stop/error
bool gotFinish() const VL_MT_SAFE { return m_s.m_gotFinish; }
/// Select initial value of otherwise uninitialized signals.
/// 0 = Set to zeros
/// 1 = Set all bits to one
/// 2 = Randomize all bits
void randReset(int val) VL_MT_SAFE;
/// Return randReset value
int randReset() VL_MT_SAFE { return m_s.m_randReset; }
/// Return default random seed
void randSeed(int val) VL_MT_SAFE;
/// Set default random seed, 0 = seed it automatically
int randSeed() const VL_MT_SAFE { return m_s.m_randSeed; }
// Time handling
/// Returns current simulation time.
/// How Verilator runtime gets the current simulation time:
/// * If using SystemC, time comes from the SystemC kernel-defined
/// sc_time_stamp64(). User's wrapper must not call
/// SimulationContext::time(value) nor timeInc(value).
/// * Else, if SimulationContext::time(value) or
/// SimulationContext::timeInc(value) is ever called with non-zero,
/// then time will come via the context. This allows multiple contexts
/// to exist and have different simulation times. This must not be used
/// with SystemC. Note Verilated::time(value) and
/// Verilated::timeInc(value) call into SimulationContext::time and
/// timeInc, operating on the thread's context.
/// * Else, if VL_TIME_STAMP64 is defined, time comes from the legacy
/// 'uint64_t vl_time_stamp64()' which must a function be defined by
/// the user's wrapper.
/// * Else, time comes from the legacy 'double sc_time_stamp()' which
/// must be a function defined by the user's wrapper.
uint64_t time() const VL_MT_SAFE;
/// Set current simulation time. See time() for side effect details
void time(uint64_t value) VL_MT_SAFE { m_s.m_time = value; }
/// Advance current simulation time. See time() for side effect details
void timeInc(uint64_t add) VL_MT_UNSAFE { m_s.m_time += add; }
/// Return time units as power-of-ten
int timeunit() const VL_MT_SAFE { return -m_s.m_timeunit; }
/// Set time units as power-of-ten
void timeunit(int value) VL_MT_SAFE;
/// Return time units as IEEE-standard text
const char* timeunitString() const VL_MT_SAFE;
/// Get time precision as power-of-ten
int timeprecision() const VL_MT_SAFE { return -m_s.m_timeprecision; }
/// Return time precision as power-of-ten
void timeprecision(int value) VL_MT_SAFE;
/// Get time precision as IEEE-standard text
const char* timeprecisionString() const VL_MT_SAFE;
/// Allow traces to at some point be enabled (disables some optimizations)
void traceEverOn(bool flag) VL_MT_SAFE {
if (flag) calcUnusedSigs(true);
/// For debugging, print much of the Verilator internal state.
/// The output of this function may change in future
/// releases - contact the authors before production use.
void internalsDump() const VL_MT_SAFE;
/// For debugging, print text list of all scope names with
/// dpiImport/Export context. This function may change in future
/// releases - contact the authors before production use.
void scopesDump() const VL_MT_SAFE;
public: // But for internal use only
// Internal: access to implementation class
VerilatedContextImp* impp() { return reinterpret_cast<VerilatedContextImp*>(this); }
const VerilatedContextImp* impp() const {
return reinterpret_cast<const VerilatedContextImp*>(this);
// Internal: $dumpfile
void dumpfile(const std::string& flag) VL_MT_SAFE_EXCLUDES(m_timeDumpMutex);
std::string dumpfile() const VL_MT_SAFE_EXCLUDES(m_timeDumpMutex);
std::string dumpfileCheck() const VL_MT_SAFE_EXCLUDES(m_timeDumpMutex);
// Internal: --prof-exec related settings
void profExecStart(uint64_t flag) VL_MT_SAFE;
uint64_t profExecStart() const VL_MT_SAFE { return m_ns.m_profExecStart; }
void profExecWindow(uint64_t flag) VL_MT_SAFE;
uint32_t profExecWindow() const VL_MT_SAFE { return m_ns.m_profExecWindow; }
void profExecFilename(const std::string& flag) VL_MT_SAFE;
std::string profExecFilename() const VL_MT_SAFE;
void profVltFilename(const std::string& flag) VL_MT_SAFE;
std::string profVltFilename() const VL_MT_SAFE;
// Internal: Find scope
const VerilatedScope* scopeFind(const char* namep) const VL_MT_SAFE;
const VerilatedScopeNameMap* scopeNameMap() VL_MT_SAFE;
// Internal: Serialization setup
static constexpr size_t serialized1Size() VL_PURE { return sizeof(m_s); }
void* serialized1Ptr() VL_MT_UNSAFE { return &m_s; }
// Internal: Check magic number
static void checkMagic(const VerilatedContext* contextp);
void selfTestClearMagic() { m_magic = 0x2; }
// Verilator symbol table base class
// Used for internal VPI implementation, and introspection into scopes
class VerilatedSyms VL_NOT_FINAL {
public: // But for internal use only
// Keep first so is at zero offset for fastest code
VerilatedContext* const _vm_contextp__; // Context for current model
VerilatedEvalMsgQueue* __Vm_evalMsgQp;
explicit VerilatedSyms(VerilatedContext* contextp); // Pass null for default context
// Verilator scope information class
// Used for internal VPI implementation, and introspection into scopes
class VerilatedScope final {
enum Type : uint8_t {
}; // Type of a scope, currently module is only interesting
// Fastpath:
VerilatedSyms* m_symsp = nullptr; // Symbol table
void** m_callbacksp = nullptr; // Callback table pointer (Fastpath)
int m_funcnumMax = 0; // Maxium function number stored (Fastpath)
// 4 bytes padding (on -m64), for rent.
VerilatedVarNameMap* m_varsp = nullptr; // Variable map
const char* m_namep = nullptr; // Scope name (Slowpath)
const char* m_identifierp = nullptr; // Identifier of scope (with escapes removed)
int8_t m_timeunit = 0; // Timeunit in negative power-of-10
Type m_type = SCOPE_OTHER; // Type of the scope
public: // But internals only - called from VerilatedModule's
VerilatedScope() = default;
void configure(VerilatedSyms* symsp, const char* prefixp, const char* suffixp,
const char* identifier, int8_t timeunit, const Type& type) VL_MT_UNSAFE;
void exportInsert(int finalize, const char* namep, void* cb) VL_MT_UNSAFE;
void varInsert(int finalize, const char* namep, void* datap, bool isParam,
VerilatedVarType vltype, int vlflags, int dims, ...) VL_MT_UNSAFE;
const char* name() const { return m_namep; }
const char* identifier() const { return m_identifierp; }
int8_t timeunit() const { return m_timeunit; }
inline VerilatedSyms* symsp() const { return m_symsp; }
VerilatedVar* varFind(const char* namep) const VL_MT_SAFE_POSTINIT;
VerilatedVarNameMap* varsp() const VL_MT_SAFE_POSTINIT { return m_varsp; }
void scopeDump() const;
void* exportFindError(int funcnum) const;
static void* exportFindNullError(int funcnum) VL_MT_SAFE;
static inline void* exportFind(const VerilatedScope* scopep, int funcnum) VL_MT_SAFE {
if (VL_UNLIKELY(!scopep)) return exportFindNullError(funcnum);
if (VL_LIKELY(funcnum < scopep->m_funcnumMax)) {
// m_callbacksp must be declared, as Max'es are > 0
return scopep->m_callbacksp[funcnum];
} else { // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
return scopep->exportFindError(funcnum); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
Type type() const { return m_type; }
class VerilatedHierarchy final {
static void add(VerilatedScope* fromp, VerilatedScope* top);
static void remove(VerilatedScope* fromp, VerilatedScope* top);
/// Verilator global static information class
class Verilated final {
// Internal Note: There should be no Serialized state in Verilated::,
// instead serialized state should all be in VerilatedContext:: as by
// definition it needs to vary per-simulation
// Internal note: Globals may multi-construct, see verilated.cpp top.
// Debug is reloaded from on command-line settings, so do not need to persist
static int s_debug; // See accessors... only when VL_DEBUG set
static VerilatedContext* s_lastContextp; // Last context constructed/attached
// Not covered by mutex, as per-thread
static VL_THREAD_LOCAL struct ThreadLocal {
// No non-POD objects here due to this:
// Internal note: Globals may multi-construct, see verilated.cpp top.
// Fast path
VerilatedContext* t_contextp = nullptr; // Thread's context
uint32_t t_mtaskId = 0; // mtask# executing on this thread
// Messages maybe pending on thread, needs end-of-eval calls
uint32_t t_endOfEvalReqd = 0;
const VerilatedScope* t_dpiScopep = nullptr; // DPI context scope
const char* t_dpiFilename = nullptr; // DPI context filename
int t_dpiLineno = 0; // DPI context line number
ThreadLocal() = default;
~ThreadLocal() = default;
} t_s;
friend struct VerilatedInitializer;
// METHODS - User called
/// Enable debug of internal verilated code
static void debug(int level) VL_MT_SAFE;
#ifdef VL_DEBUG
/// Return debug level
/// When multithreaded this may not immediately react to another thread
/// changing the level (no mutex)
static inline int debug() VL_MT_SAFE { return s_debug; }
/// Return constant 0 debug level, so C++'s optimizer rips up
static constexpr int debug() VL_PURE { return 0; }
/// Set the last VerilatedContext accessed
/// Generally threadContextp(value) should be called instead
static void lastContextp(VerilatedContext* contextp) VL_MT_SAFE { s_lastContextp = contextp; }
/// Return the last VerilatedContext accessed
/// Generally threadContextp() should be called instead
static VerilatedContext* lastContextp() VL_MT_SAFE {
if (!s_lastContextp) lastContextp(defaultContextp());
return s_lastContextp;
/// Set the VerilatedContext used by the current thread
/// If using multiple contexts, and threads are created by the user's
/// wrapper (not Verilator itself) then this must be called to set the
/// context that applies to each thread
static void threadContextp(VerilatedContext* contextp) VL_MT_SAFE {
t_s.t_contextp = contextp;
/// Return the VerilatedContext for the current thread
static VerilatedContext* threadContextp() {
if (VL_UNLIKELY(!t_s.t_contextp)) t_s.t_contextp = lastContextp();
return t_s.t_contextp;
/// Return the global VerilatedContext, used if none created by user
static VerilatedContext* defaultContextp() VL_MT_SAFE {
static VerilatedContext s_s;
return &s_s;
#ifndef VL_NO_LEGACY
/// Call VerilatedContext::assertOn using current thread's VerilatedContext
static void assertOn(bool flag) VL_MT_SAFE { Verilated::threadContextp()->assertOn(flag); }
/// Return VerilatedContext::assertOn() using current thread's VerilatedContext
static bool assertOn() VL_MT_SAFE { return Verilated::threadContextp()->assertOn(); }
/// Call VerilatedContext::calcUnusedSigs using current thread's VerilatedContext
static void calcUnusedSigs(bool flag) VL_MT_SAFE {
/// Return VerilatedContext::calcUnusedSigs using current thread's VerilatedContext
static bool calcUnusedSigs() VL_MT_SAFE {
return Verilated::threadContextp()->calcUnusedSigs();
/// Call VerilatedContext::commandArgs using current thread's VerilatedContext
static void commandArgs(int argc, const char** argv) VL_MT_SAFE {
Verilated::threadContextp()->commandArgs(argc, argv);
static void commandArgs(int argc, char** argv) VL_MT_SAFE {
commandArgs(argc, const_cast<const char**>(argv));
/// Call VerilatedContext::commandArgsAdd using current thread's VerilatedContext
static void commandArgsAdd(int argc, const char** argv) {
Verilated::threadContextp()->commandArgsAdd(argc, argv);
/// Return VerilatedContext::commandArgsPlusMatch using current thread's VerilatedContext
static const char* commandArgsPlusMatch(const char* prefixp) VL_MT_SAFE {
return Verilated::threadContextp()->commandArgsPlusMatch(prefixp);
/// Call VerilatedContext::errorLimit using current thread's VerilatedContext
static void errorLimit(int val) VL_MT_SAFE { Verilated::threadContextp()->errorLimit(val); }
/// Return VerilatedContext::errorLimit using current thread's VerilatedContext
static int errorLimit() VL_MT_SAFE { return Verilated::threadContextp()->errorLimit(); }
/// Call VerilatedContext::fatalOnError using current thread's VerilatedContext
static void fatalOnError(bool flag) VL_MT_SAFE {
/// Return VerilatedContext::fatalOnError using current thread's VerilatedContext
static bool fatalOnError() VL_MT_SAFE { return Verilated::threadContextp()->fatalOnError(); }
/// Call VerilatedContext::fatalOnVpiError using current thread's VerilatedContext
static void fatalOnVpiError(bool flag) VL_MT_SAFE {
/// Return VerilatedContext::fatalOnVpiError using current thread's VerilatedContext
static bool fatalOnVpiError() VL_MT_SAFE {
return Verilated::threadContextp()->fatalOnVpiError();
/// Call VerilatedContext::gotError using current thread's VerilatedContext
static void gotError(bool flag) VL_MT_SAFE { Verilated::threadContextp()->gotError(flag); }
/// Return VerilatedContext::gotError using current thread's VerilatedContext
static bool gotError() VL_MT_SAFE { return Verilated::threadContextp()->gotError(); }
/// Call VerilatedContext::gotFinish using current thread's VerilatedContext
static void gotFinish(bool flag) VL_MT_SAFE { Verilated::threadContextp()->gotFinish(flag); }
/// Return VerilatedContext::gotFinish using current thread's VerilatedContext
static bool gotFinish() VL_MT_SAFE { return Verilated::threadContextp()->gotFinish(); }
/// Call VerilatedContext::randReset using current thread's VerilatedContext
static void randReset(int val) VL_MT_SAFE { Verilated::threadContextp()->randReset(val); }
/// Return VerilatedContext::randReset using current thread's VerilatedContext
static int randReset() VL_MT_SAFE { return Verilated::threadContextp()->randReset(); }
/// Call VerilatedContext::randSeed using current thread's VerilatedContext
static void randSeed(int val) VL_MT_SAFE { Verilated::threadContextp()->randSeed(val); }
/// Return VerilatedContext::randSeed using current thread's VerilatedContext
static int randSeed() VL_MT_SAFE { return Verilated::threadContextp()->randSeed(); }
/// Call VerilatedContext::time using current thread's VerilatedContext
static void time(uint64_t val) VL_MT_SAFE { Verilated::threadContextp()->time(val); }
/// Return VerilatedContext::time using current thread's VerilatedContext
static uint64_t time() VL_MT_SAFE { return Verilated::threadContextp()->time(); }
/// Call VerilatedContext::timeInc using current thread's VerilatedContext
static void timeInc(uint64_t add) VL_MT_UNSAFE { Verilated::threadContextp()->timeInc(add); }
// Deprecated
static int timeunit() VL_MT_SAFE { return Verilated::threadContextp()->timeunit(); }
static int timeprecision() VL_MT_SAFE { return Verilated::threadContextp()->timeprecision(); }
/// Call VerilatedContext::tracesEverOn using current thread's VerilatedContext
static void traceEverOn(bool flag) VL_MT_SAFE {
/// Callback typedef for addFlushCb, addExitCb
using VoidPCb = void (*)(void*);
/// Add callback to run on global flush
static void addFlushCb(VoidPCb cb, void* datap) VL_MT_SAFE;
/// Remove callback to run on global flush
static void removeFlushCb(VoidPCb cb, void* datap) VL_MT_SAFE;
/// Run flush callbacks registered with addFlushCb
static void runFlushCallbacks() VL_MT_SAFE;
#ifndef VL_NO_LEGACY
static void flushCall() VL_MT_SAFE { runFlushCallbacks(); } // Deprecated
/// Add callback to run prior to exit termination
static void addExitCb(VoidPCb cb, void* datap) VL_MT_SAFE;
/// Remove callback to run prior to exit termination
static void removeExitCb(VoidPCb cb, void* datap) VL_MT_SAFE;
/// Run exit callbacks registered with addExitCb
static void runExitCallbacks() VL_MT_SAFE;
/// Return product name for (at least) VPI
static const char* productName() VL_PURE;
/// Return product version for (at least) VPI
static const char* productVersion() VL_PURE;
/// Call OS to make a directory
static void mkdir(const char* dirname) VL_MT_UNSAFE;
/// When multithreaded, quiesce the model to prepare for trace/saves/coverage
/// This may only be called when no locks are held.
static void quiesce() VL_MT_SAFE;
#ifndef VL_NO_LEGACY
/// For debugging, print much of the Verilator internal state.
/// The output of this function may change in future
/// releases - contact the authors before production use.
static void internalsDump() VL_MT_SAFE { Verilated::threadContextp()->internalsDump(); }
/// For debugging, print text list of all scope names with
/// dpiImport/Export context. This function may change in future
/// releases - contact the authors before production use.
static void scopesDump() VL_MT_SAFE { Verilated::threadContextp()->scopesDump(); }
// Internal: Find scope
static const VerilatedScope* scopeFind(const char* namep) VL_MT_SAFE {
return Verilated::threadContextp()->scopeFind(namep);
static const VerilatedScopeNameMap* scopeNameMap() VL_MT_SAFE {
return Verilated::threadContextp()->scopeNameMap();
// METHODS - INTERNAL USE ONLY (but public due to what uses it)
// Internal: Create a new module name by concatenating two strings
// Returns pointer to thread-local static data (overwritten on next call)
static const char* catName(const char* n1, const char* n2, const char* delimiter = ".");
// Internal: Throw signal assertion
static void nullPointerError(const char* filename, int linenum) VL_ATTR_NORETURN VL_MT_SAFE;
static void overWidthError(const char* signame) VL_ATTR_NORETURN VL_MT_SAFE;
// Internal: Get and set DPI context
static const VerilatedScope* dpiScope() VL_MT_SAFE { return t_s.t_dpiScopep; }
static void dpiScope(const VerilatedScope* scopep) VL_MT_SAFE { t_s.t_dpiScopep = scopep; }
static void dpiContext(const VerilatedScope* scopep, const char* filenamep,
int lineno) VL_MT_SAFE {
t_s.t_dpiScopep = scopep;
t_s.t_dpiFilename = filenamep;
t_s.t_dpiLineno = lineno;
static void dpiClearContext() VL_MT_SAFE { t_s.t_dpiScopep = nullptr; }
static bool dpiInContext() VL_MT_SAFE { return t_s.t_dpiScopep != nullptr; }
static const char* dpiFilenamep() VL_MT_SAFE { return t_s.t_dpiFilename; }
static int dpiLineno() VL_MT_SAFE { return t_s.t_dpiLineno; }
static int exportFuncNum(const char* namep) VL_MT_SAFE;
// Internal: Set the mtaskId, called when an mtask starts
// Per thread, so no need to be in VerilatedContext
static void mtaskId(uint32_t id) VL_MT_SAFE { t_s.t_mtaskId = id; }
static uint32_t mtaskId() VL_MT_SAFE { return t_s.t_mtaskId; }
static void endOfEvalReqdInc() VL_MT_SAFE { ++t_s.t_endOfEvalReqd; }
static void endOfEvalReqdDec() VL_MT_SAFE { --t_s.t_endOfEvalReqd; }
// Internal: Called at end of each thread mtask, before finishing eval
static void endOfThreadMTask(VerilatedEvalMsgQueue* evalMsgQp) VL_MT_SAFE {
if (VL_UNLIKELY(t_s.t_endOfEvalReqd)) endOfThreadMTaskGuts(evalMsgQp);
// Internal: Called at end of eval loop
static void endOfEval(VerilatedEvalMsgQueue* evalMsgQp) VL_MT_SAFE;
static void endOfThreadMTaskGuts(VerilatedEvalMsgQueue* evalMsgQp) VL_MT_SAFE;
inline void VerilatedContext::debug(int val) VL_MT_SAFE { Verilated::debug(val); }
inline int VerilatedContext::debug() VL_MT_SAFE { return Verilated::debug(); }
// Data Types
#include "verilated_types.h"
// Functions
#include "verilated_funcs.h"
#endif // Guard