mirror of
synced 2025-02-19 00:13:33 +00:00
1032 lines
22 KiB
1032 lines
22 KiB
`line 1 "t/t_preproc.v" 1
// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test module
// This file ONLY is placed under the Creative Commons Public Domain, for
// any use, without warranty, 2000-2011 by Wilson Snyder.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
`line 6 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
// Includes
`line 8 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 1 "t/t_preproc_inc2.vh" 1
// DESCRIPTION: Verilog::Preproc: Example source code
`line 2 "t/t_preproc_inc2.vh" 0
// This file ONLY is placed under the Creative Commons Public Domain, for
// any use, without warranty, 2000-2007 by Wilson Snyder.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
At file "t/t_preproc_inc2.vh" line 5
`line 7 "t/t_preproc_inc2.vh" 0
`line 1 "t/t_preproc_inc3.vh" 1
`line 2 "inc3_a_filename_from_line_directive" 0
// DESCRIPTION: Verilog::Preproc: Example source code
// This file ONLY is placed under the Creative Commons Public Domain, for
// any use, without warranty, 2000-2007 by Wilson Snyder.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
`line 7 "inc3_a_filename_from_line_directive" 0
// FOO
At file "inc3_a_filename_from_line_directive" line 11
`line 13 "inc3_a_filename_from_line_directive" 0
// guard
`line 16 "inc3_a_filename_from_line_directive" 0
`line 20 "inc3_a_filename_from_line_directive" 2
`line 7 "t/t_preproc_inc2.vh" 0
`line 9 "t/t_preproc_inc2.vh" 2
`line 8 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 10 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
// Comments
`line 13 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
/* verilator pass_thru comment */
`line 15 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
// verilator pass_thru_comment2
`line 17 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
// Defines
`line 20 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
// DEF_A0 set by command line
wire [3:0] q = {
1'b1 ,
1'b0 ,
1'b1 ,
`line 30 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 32 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
foo /*this */ bar /* this too */
foobar2 // but not
`line 37 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 41 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 46 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
first part
`line 47 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
second part
`line 47 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
third part
`line 48 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 48 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 48 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
Line_Preproc_Check 49
`line 51 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 53 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 55 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
deep deep
`line 59 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
"Inside: `nosubst"
`line 64 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
x y LLZZ x y
p q LLZZ p q r s LLZZ r s LLZZ p q LLZZ p q r s LLZZ r s
`line 70 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
firstline comma","line LLZZ firstline comma","line
`line 72 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
x y LLZZ "x" y // Simulators disagree here; some substitute "a" others do not
`line 75 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 78 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
$display("left side: \"right side\"")
`line 81 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
bar_suffix more
`line 84 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 86 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 87 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 89 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
/* Define inside comment: `DEEPER and `WITHTICK */
// More commentary: `zap(bug1); `zap("bug2");
`line 92 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
// display passthru
`line 95 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
initial begin
//$display(`msg( \`, \`)); // Illegal
$display("pre thrupre thrumid thrupost post: \"right side\"");
$display("left side: \"right side\"");
$display("left side: \"right side\"");
$display("left_side: \"right_side\"");
$display("na: \"right_side\"");
$display("prep ( midp1 left_side midp2 ( outp ) ): \"right_side\"");
$display("na: \"nana\"");
$display("left_side right_side // Doesn't expand: \"left_side right_side // Doesn't expand\""); // Results vary between simulators
$display(": \"\""); // Empty
$display("left side: \"right side\"");
$display("left side: \"right side\"");
`line 116 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
// Unspecified when the stringification has multiple lines
$display("twoline: \"first second\"");
//$display(`msg(left side, \ right side \ )); // Not sure \{space} is legal.
$write("*-* All Finished *-*\n");
`line 126 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
// rt.cpan.org bug34429
`line 129 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 134 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
module add1 ( input wire d1, output wire o1);
`line 135 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
wire tmp_d1 = d1;
`line 135 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
wire tmp_o1 = tmp_d1 + 1;
`line 135 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
assign o1 = tmp_o1 ; // expansion is OK
module add2 ( input wire d2, output wire o2);
`line 138 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
wire tmp_d2 = d2;
`line 138 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
wire tmp_o2 = tmp_d2 + 1;
`line 138 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
assign o2 = tmp_o2 ; // expansion is bad
`line 141 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 147 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
// parameterized macro with arguments that are macros
`line 152 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 152 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
generate for (i=0; i<(3); i=i+1) begin
`line 152 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
psl cover { m5k.f .ctl._ctl_mvldx_m1.d[i] & ~m5k.f .ctl._ctl_mvldx_m1.q[i] & !m5k.f .ctl._ctl_mvldx_m1.cond & ((m5k.f .ctl.alive & m5k.f .ctl.alive_m1))} report "fondNoRise: m5kc_fcl._ctl_mvldx_m1";
`line 152 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
psl cover { ~m5k.f .ctl._ctl_mvldx_m1.d[i] & m5k.f .ctl._ctl_mvldx_m1.q[i] & !m5k.f .ctl._ctl_mvldx_m1.cond & ((m5k.f .ctl.alive & m5k.f .ctl.alive_m1))} report "fondNoFall: m5kc_fcl._ctl_mvldx_m1";
`line 152 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
end endgenerate // ignorecmt
`line 154 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
// Quotes are legal in protected blocks. Grr.
module prot();
`line 160 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 164 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
// Check IEEE1800-2017 `pragma protect encrypted modules
module t_lint_pragma_protected;
`line 168 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`pragma protect begin_protected
`pragma protect version=1
`pragma protect encrypt_agent="XXXXX"
`pragma protect encrypt_agent_info="YYYYY"
`pragma protect data_method="AES128-CBC"
`pragma protect key_keyowner="BIG3#1"
`pragma protect key_keyname="AAAAAA"
`pragma protect key_method="RSA"
`pragma protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 64)
`pragma protect key_block
`line 181 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`pragma protect key_keyowner="BIG3#2"
`pragma protect key_keyname="BBBBBB"
`pragma protect key_method="RSA"
`pragma protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 128)
`pragma protect key_block
`line 190 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`pragma protect key_keyowner="BIG3#3"
`pragma protect key_keyname="CCCCCCCC"
`pragma protect key_method="RSA"
`pragma protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 128)
`pragma protect key_block
`line 199 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`pragma protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 295)
`pragma protect data_block
`line 209 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`pragma protect end_protected
`line 211 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
// encoding envelope
`pragma protect
`pragma protect end
`line 215 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 217 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
// macro call with define that has comma
`line 227 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
begin addr <= (({regs[6], regs[7]} + 1)); rd <= 1; end and begin addr <= (({regs[6], regs[7]})); wdata <= (rdata); wr <= 1; end
begin addr <= ({regs[6], regs[7]} + 1); rd <= 1; end
begin addr <= ({regs[6], regs[7]}); wdata <= (rdata); wr <= 1; end more
`line 231 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
// include of parameterized file
`line 234 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 1 "t/t_preproc_inc4.vh" 1
// DESCRIPTION: Verilog::Preproc: Example source code
`line 2 "t/t_preproc_inc4.vh" 0
// This file ONLY is placed under the Creative Commons Public Domain, for
// any use, without warranty, 2000-2011 by Wilson Snyder.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
`line 6 "t/t_preproc_inc4.vh" 0
`line 8 "t/t_preproc_inc4.vh" 2
`line 234 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 235 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 238 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 240 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 244 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
// macro call with , in {}
`line 247 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
$blah(this.logfile,{blah.name(), " is not foo"});
`line 253 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
// pragma/default net type
`line 256 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`pragma foo = 1
`default_nettype none
`default_nettype uwire
`line 260 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
// Ifdef
`line 263 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 267 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
Line_Preproc_Check 267
`line 269 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
// bug84
`line 272 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
// Hello, comments MIGHT not be legal /*more,,)cmts*/ // But newlines ARE legal... who speced THAT?
`line 279 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
(//Here x,y //Too)
Line_Preproc_Check 280
`line 282 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
// defines split arguments
`line 285 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
beginend // 2001 spec doesn't require two tokens, so "beginend" ok
beginend // 2001 spec doesn't require two tokens, so "beginend" ok
"beginend" // No space "beginend"
`line 293 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
// bug106
`line 299 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
Not a \`define
`line 301 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
// misparsed comma in submacro
x,y)--bee submacro has comma paren
`line 309 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
// bug191
$display("10 %d %d", $bits(foo), 10);
`line 314 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
// 1800-2009
`line 319 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 322 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
// bug202
`line 336 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 336 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 336 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 336 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 336 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 336 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 336 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 336 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 336 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 336 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
assign a3 = ~b3 ;
`line 336 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 338 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
/* multi \
line1*/ \
`line 340 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
/*multi \
`line 347 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 347 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 347 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
/* multi
line 3*/
`line 347 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
def i
`line 349 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 351 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 355 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 361 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
1 // verilator NOT IN DEFINE (nodef)
2 /* verilator PART OF DEFINE */ (hasdef)
`line 363 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
/* verilator NOT PART
OF DEFINE */ (nodef)
`line 364 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 364 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
/* verilator PART
OF DEFINE */ (nodef)
`line 365 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
5 also in
`line 365 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
also3 // CMT NOT (nodef)
`line 368 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 370 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 372 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 385 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 388 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
EXP: clxx_scen
EXP: clxx_scen
EXP: do if (start("verilog/inc1.v", 25)) begin message({"Blah-", "clx_scen", " end"}); end while(0);
`line 394 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 394 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
/* synopsys translate_off */
`line 394 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 394 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 394 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 394 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
if (start("t/t_preproc.v", 394)) begin
`line 394 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 394 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
message({"Blah-", "clx_scen", " end"});
`line 394 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 394 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
/* synopsys translate_on */
`line 394 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 396 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 398 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 402 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 402 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 403 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
//`ifndef def_fooed_2 `error "No def_fooed_2" `endif
EXP: This is fooed
This is fooed
EXP: This is fooed_2
This is fooed_2
`line 410 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
// It's unclear if the spec allows this; is text_macro_idenitfier before or after substitution?
`line 421 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 424 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
// Metaprogramming
`line 432 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 436 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
// Include from stringification
`line 442 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 1 "t/t_preproc_inc4.vh" 1
// DESCRIPTION: Verilog::Preproc: Example source code
`line 2 "t/t_preproc_inc4.vh" 0
// This file ONLY is placed under the Creative Commons Public Domain, for
// any use, without warranty, 2000-2011 by Wilson Snyder.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
`line 6 "t/t_preproc_inc4.vh" 0
`line 8 "t/t_preproc_inc4.vh" 2
`line 442 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 443 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
// Defines doing defines
// Note the newline on the end - required to form the end of a define
`line 451 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
Line_Preproc_Check 455
// Quoted multiline - track line numbers, and ensure \\n gets propagated
Line_Preproc_Check 461
"FOO \
BAR " "arg_line1 \
arg_line2" "FOO \
`line 464 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
Line_Preproc_Check 464
// bug283
`line 468 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
// EXP: abc
`line 478 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
EXP: sonet_frame
`line 484 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
EXP: sonet_frame
// This result varies between simulators
EXP: sonet_frame
`line 494 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
// The existance of non-existance of a base define can make a difference
EXP: module zzz ; endmodule
module zzz ; endmodule
module zzz ; endmodule
`line 501 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
EXP: module a_b ; endmodule
module a_b ; endmodule
module a_b ; endmodule
`line 506 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
// bug311
integer/*NEED_SPACE*/ foo;
// bug441
module t;
// case provided
// note this does NOT escape as suggested in the mail
initial begin : \`LEX_CAT(a[0],_assignment)
`line 518 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
$write("GOT%%m='%m' EXP='%s'\n", "t.\\`LEX_CAT(a[0],_assignment) "); end
// SHOULD(simulator-dependant): Backslash doesn't prevent arguments from
// substituting and the \ staying in the expansion
// Note space after name is important so when substitute it has ending whitespace
initial begin : \a[0]_assignment_a[1]
`line 525 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
$write("GOT%%m='%m' EXP='%s'\n", "t.\\a[0]_assignment_a[1] "); end
// RULE: Ignoring backslash does NOT allow an additional expansion level
// (Because ESC gets expanded then the \ has it's normal escape meaning)
initial begin : \`CAT(pp,suffix) $write("GOT%%m='%m' EXP='%s'\n", "t.\\`CAT(pp,suffix) "); end
// Similar to above; \ does not allow expansion after substitution
initial begin : \`CAT(ff,bb)
`line 539 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
$write("GOT%%m='%m' EXP='%s'\n", "t.\\`CAT(ff,bb) "); end
// MUST: Unknown macro with backslash escape stays as escaped symbol name
initial begin : \`zzz
`line 545 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
$write("GOT%%m='%m' EXP='%s'\n", "t.\\`zzz "); end
// SHOULD(simulator-dependant): Known macro with backslash escape expands
initial begin : \`FOO
`line 552 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
$write("GOT%%m='%m' OTHER_EXP='%s'\n OUR_EXP='%s'", "t.bar ","t.\\`FOO "); end
// SHOULD(simulator-dependant): Prefix breaks the above
initial begin : \xx`FOO
`line 554 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
$write("GOT%%m='%m' EXP='%s'\n", "t.\\xx`FOO "); end
// MUST: Unknown macro not under call with backslash escape doesn't expand
initial begin : \`UNKNOWN $write("GOT%%m='%m' EXP='%s'\n", "t.\\`UNKNOWN "); end
// MUST: Unknown macro not under call doesn't expand
initial begin : \`DEF_NO_EXPAND $write("GOT%%m='%m' EXP='%s'\n", "t.\\`DEF_NO_EXPAND "); end
// bug441 derivative
// SHOULD(simulator-dependant): Quotes doesn't prevent arguments from expanding (like backslashes above)
initial $write("GOT='%s' EXP='%s'\n", "foo bar baz", "foo bar baz");
// RULE: Because there are quotes after substituting STR, the `A does NOT expand
initial $write("GOT='%s' EXP='%s'\n", "foo `A(bar) baz", "foo `A(bar) baz");
// bug845
initial $write("Slashed=`%s'\n", "1//2.3");
// bug915
`line 585 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 588 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 591 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 596 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 601 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
$display("XXE_ is defined");
`line 608 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
$display("XYE_ is defined");
`line 615 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
$display("XXS_some is defined");
`line 622 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
$display("XYS_foo is defined");
`line 629 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 631 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 639 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 646 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 653 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 660 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 662 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 664 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
(.mySig (myInterface.pa5),
`line 668 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
// Stringify bug
`line 671 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`dbg_hdl(UVM_LOW, ("Functional coverage enabled: paramgrp"));
`line 674 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
`line 682 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
module pcc2_cfg;
`line 684 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
covergroup a @(posedge b);
`line 684 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
c: coverpoint d iff ((c) === 1'b1); endgroup
`line 684 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
a u_a;
`line 684 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
initial do begin $display ("DEBUG : %s [%m]", $sformatf ("Functional coverage enabled: u_a")); end while(0);
`line 688 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
// Verilog-Perl bug1668
`line 693 "t/t_preproc.v" 0
// IEEE mandated predefines
// undefineall should have no effect on these
predef 0 0
predef 1 1
predef 2 2
predef 3 3
predef 10 10
predef 11 11
predef 20 20
predef 21 21
predef 22 22
predef 23 23
predef -2 -2
predef -1 -1
predef 0 0
predef 1 1
predef 2 2
// After `undefineall above, for testing --dump-defines
`line 715 "t/t_preproc.v" 2