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// -*- mode: C++; c-file-style: "cc-mode" -*-
// Copyright 2001-2019 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software;
// you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
// Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License Version 2.0.
// This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.
/// \file
/// \brief C++ Tracing in VCD Format
#define _VERILATED_VCD_C_H_ 1
#include "verilatedos.h"
#include "verilated.h"
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
class VerilatedVcd;
class VerilatedVcdCallInfo;
// VerilatedFile
/// File handling routines, which can be overrode for e.g. socket I/O
class VerilatedVcdFile {
int m_fd; ///< File descriptor we're writing to
VerilatedVcdFile() : m_fd(0) {}
virtual ~VerilatedVcdFile() {}
virtual bool open(const std::string& name) VL_MT_UNSAFE;
virtual void close() VL_MT_UNSAFE;
virtual ssize_t write(const char* bufp, ssize_t len) VL_MT_UNSAFE;
// VerilatedVcdSig
/// Internal data on one signal being traced.
class VerilatedVcdSig {
friend class VerilatedVcd;
vluint32_t m_code; ///< VCD file code number
int m_bits; ///< Size of value in bits
VerilatedVcdSig(vluint32_t code, int bits)
: m_code(code), m_bits(bits) {}
~VerilatedVcdSig() {}
typedef void (*VerilatedVcdCallback_t)(VerilatedVcd* vcdp, void* userthis, vluint32_t code);
// VerilatedVcd
/// Base class to create a Verilator VCD dump
/// This is an internally used class - see VerilatedVcdC for what to call from applications
class VerilatedVcd {
VerilatedVcdFile* m_filep; ///< File we're writing to
bool m_fileNewed; ///< m_filep needs destruction
bool m_isOpen; ///< True indicates open file
bool m_evcd; ///< True for evcd format
std::string m_filename; ///< Filename we're writing to (if open)
vluint64_t m_rolloverMB; ///< MB of file size to rollover at
char m_scopeEscape; ///< Character to separate scope components
int m_modDepth; ///< Depth of module hierarchy
bool m_fullDump; ///< True indicates dump ignoring if changed
vluint32_t m_nextCode; ///< Next code number to assign
std::string m_modName; ///< Module name being traced now
double m_timeRes; ///< Time resolution (ns/ms etc)
double m_timeUnit; ///< Time units (ns/ms etc)
vluint64_t m_timeLastDump; ///< Last time we did a dump
char* m_wrBufp; ///< Output buffer
char* m_wrFlushp; ///< Output buffer flush trigger location
char* m_writep; ///< Write pointer into output buffer
vluint64_t m_wrChunkSize; ///< Output buffer size
vluint64_t m_wroteBytes; ///< Number of bytes written to this file
vluint32_t* m_sigs_oldvalp; ///< Pointer to old signal values
typedef std::vector<VerilatedVcdSig> SigVec;
SigVec m_sigs; ///< Pointer to signal information
typedef std::vector<VerilatedVcdCallInfo*> CallbackVec;
CallbackVec m_callbacks; ///< Routines to perform dumping
typedef std::map<std::string,std::string> NameMap;
NameMap* m_namemapp; ///< List of names for the header
VerilatedAssertOneThread m_assertOne; ///< Assert only called from single thread
void bufferResize(vluint64_t minsize);
void bufferFlush() VL_MT_UNSAFE_ONE;
inline void bufferCheck() {
// Flush the write buffer if there's not enough space left for new information
// We only call this once per vector, so we need enough slop for a very wide "b###" line
if (VL_UNLIKELY(m_writep > m_wrFlushp)) {
void closePrev();
void closeErr();
void openNext();
void makeNameMap();
void deleteNameMap();
void printIndent(int level_change);
void printStr(const char* str);
void printQuad(vluint64_t n);
void printTime(vluint64_t timeui);
void declare(vluint32_t code, const char* name, const char* wirep,
int arraynum, bool tri, bool bussed, int msb, int lsb);
void dumpHeader();
void dumpPrep(vluint64_t timeui);
void dumpFull(vluint64_t timeui);
// cppcheck-suppress functionConst
void dumpDone();
inline void printCode(vluint32_t code) {
if (code>=(94*94*94)) *m_writep++ = static_cast<char>((code/94/94/94)%94+33);
if (code>=(94*94)) *m_writep++ = static_cast<char>((code/94/94)%94+33);
if (code>=(94)) *m_writep++ = static_cast<char>((code/94)%94+33);
*m_writep++ = static_cast<char>((code)%94+33);
static std::string stringCode(vluint32_t code) VL_PURE {
std::string out;
if (code>=(94*94*94)) out += static_cast<char>((code/94/94/94)%94+33);
if (code>=(94*94)) out += static_cast<char>((code/94/94)%94+33);
if (code>=(94)) out += static_cast<char>((code/94)%94+33);
return out + static_cast<char>((code)%94+33);
explicit VerilatedVcd(VerilatedVcdFile* filep=NULL);
/// Set size in megabytes after which new file should be created
void rolloverMB(vluint64_t rolloverMB) { m_rolloverMB=rolloverMB; };
/// Is file open?
bool isOpen() const { return m_isOpen; }
/// Change character that splits scopes. Note whitespace are ALWAYS escapes.
void scopeEscape(char flag) { m_scopeEscape = flag; }
/// Is this an escape?
inline bool isScopeEscape(char c) { return isspace(c) || c==m_scopeEscape; }
void open(const char* filename) VL_MT_UNSAFE_ONE; ///< Open the file; call isOpen() to see if errors
void openNext(bool incFilename); ///< Open next data-only file
void close() VL_MT_UNSAFE_ONE; ///< Close the file
/// Flush any remaining data to this file
void flush() VL_MT_UNSAFE_ONE { bufferFlush(); }
/// Flush any remaining data from all files
static void flush_all() VL_MT_UNSAFE_ONE;
void set_time_unit(const char* unitp); ///< Set time units (s/ms, defaults to ns)
void set_time_unit(const std::string& unit) { set_time_unit(unit.c_str()); }
void set_time_resolution(const char* unitp); ///< Set time resolution (s/ms, defaults to ns)
void set_time_resolution(const std::string& unit) { set_time_resolution(unit.c_str()); }
double timescaleToDouble(const char* unitp);
std::string doubleToTimescale(double value);
/// Inside dumping routines, called each cycle to make the dump
void dump(vluint64_t timeui);
/// Call dump with a absolute unscaled time in seconds
void dumpSeconds(double secs) { dump(static_cast<vluint64_t>(secs * m_timeRes)); }
/// Inside dumping routines, declare callbacks for tracings
void addCallback(VerilatedVcdCallback_t initcb, VerilatedVcdCallback_t fullcb,
VerilatedVcdCallback_t changecb,
void* userthis) VL_MT_UNSAFE_ONE;
/// Inside dumping routines, declare a module
void module(const std::string& name);
/// Inside dumping routines, declare a signal
void declBit (vluint32_t code, const char* name, int arraynum);
void declBus (vluint32_t code, const char* name, int arraynum, int msb, int lsb);
void declQuad (vluint32_t code, const char* name, int arraynum, int msb, int lsb);
void declArray (vluint32_t code, const char* name, int arraynum, int msb, int lsb);
void declTriBit (vluint32_t code, const char* name, int arraynum);
void declTriBus (vluint32_t code, const char* name, int arraynum, int msb, int lsb);
void declTriQuad (vluint32_t code, const char* name, int arraynum, int msb, int lsb);
void declTriArray (vluint32_t code, const char* name, int arraynum, int msb, int lsb);
void declDouble (vluint32_t code, const char* name, int arraynum);
void declFloat (vluint32_t code, const char* name, int arraynum);
// ... other module_start for submodules (based on cell name)
/// Inside dumping routines, dump one signal
void fullBit(vluint32_t code, const vluint32_t newval) {
// Note the &1, so we don't require clean input -- makes more common no change case faster
m_sigs_oldvalp[code] = newval;
*m_writep++=('0'+static_cast<char>(newval&1)); printCode(code); *m_writep++='\n';
void fullBus(vluint32_t code, const vluint32_t newval, int bits) {
m_sigs_oldvalp[code] = newval;
for (int bit=bits-1; bit>=0; --bit) {
*m_writep++=' '; printCode(code); *m_writep++='\n';
void fullQuad(vluint32_t code, const vluint64_t newval, int bits) {
(*(reinterpret_cast<vluint64_t*>(&m_sigs_oldvalp[code]))) = newval;
for (int bit=bits-1; bit>=0; --bit) {
*m_writep++=' '; printCode(code); *m_writep++='\n';
void fullArray(vluint32_t code, const vluint32_t* newval, int bits) {
for (int word=0; word<(((bits-1)/32)+1); ++word) {
m_sigs_oldvalp[code+word] = newval[word];
for (int bit=bits-1; bit>=0; --bit) {
*m_writep++=' '; printCode(code); *m_writep++='\n';
void fullTriBit(vluint32_t code, const vluint32_t newval, const vluint32_t newtri) {
m_sigs_oldvalp[code] = newval;
m_sigs_oldvalp[code+1] = newtri;
*m_writep++ = "01zz"[m_sigs_oldvalp[code]
| (m_sigs_oldvalp[code+1]<<1)];
printCode(code); *m_writep++='\n';
void fullTriBus(vluint32_t code, const vluint32_t newval, const vluint32_t newtri, int bits) {
m_sigs_oldvalp[code] = newval;
m_sigs_oldvalp[code+1] = newtri;
for (int bit=bits-1; bit>=0; --bit) {
*m_writep++ = "01zz"[((newval >> bit)&1)
| (((newtri >> bit)&1)<<1)];
*m_writep++=' '; printCode(code); *m_writep++='\n';
void fullTriQuad(vluint32_t code, const vluint64_t newval, const vluint32_t newtri, int bits) {
(*(reinterpret_cast<vluint64_t*>(&m_sigs_oldvalp[code]))) = newval;
(*(reinterpret_cast<vluint64_t*>(&m_sigs_oldvalp[code+1]))) = newtri;
for (int bit=bits-1; bit>=0; --bit) {
*m_writep++ = "01zz"[((newval >> bit)&1ULL)
| (((newtri >> bit)&1ULL)<<1ULL)];
*m_writep++=' '; printCode(code); *m_writep++='\n';
void fullTriArray(vluint32_t code, const vluint32_t* newvalp, const vluint32_t* newtrip, int bits) {
for (int word=0; word<(((bits-1)/32)+1); ++word) {
m_sigs_oldvalp[code+word*2] = newvalp[word];
m_sigs_oldvalp[code+word*2+1] = newtrip[word];
for (int bit=bits-1; bit>=0; --bit) {
vluint32_t valbit = (newvalp[(bit/32)]>>(bit&0x1f)) & 1;
vluint32_t tribit = (newtrip[(bit/32)]>>(bit&0x1f)) & 1;
*m_writep++ = "01zz"[valbit | (tribit<<1)];
*m_writep++=' '; printCode(code); *m_writep++='\n';
void fullDouble(vluint32_t code, const double newval);
void fullFloat(vluint32_t code, const float newval);
/// Inside dumping routines, dump one signal as unknowns
/// Presently this code doesn't change the oldval vector.
/// Thus this is for special standalone applications that after calling
/// fullBitX, must when then value goes non-X call fullBit.
inline void fullBitX(vluint32_t code) {
*m_writep++='x'; printCode(code); *m_writep++='\n';
inline void fullBusX(vluint32_t code, int bits) {
for (int bit=bits-1; bit>=0; --bit) {
*m_writep++=' '; printCode(code); *m_writep++='\n';
inline void fullQuadX(vluint32_t code, int bits) { fullBusX(code, bits); }
inline void fullArrayX(vluint32_t code, int bits) { fullBusX(code, bits); }
/// Inside dumping routines, dump one signal if it has changed
inline void chgBit(vluint32_t code, const vluint32_t newval) {
vluint32_t diff = m_sigs_oldvalp[code] ^ newval;
if (VL_UNLIKELY(diff)) {
// Verilator 3.510 and newer provide clean input, so the below is only for back compatibility
if (VL_UNLIKELY(diff & 1)) { // Change after clean?
fullBit(code, newval);
inline void chgBus(vluint32_t code, const vluint32_t newval, int bits) {
vluint32_t diff = m_sigs_oldvalp[code] ^ newval;
if (VL_UNLIKELY(diff)) {
if (VL_UNLIKELY(bits==32 || (diff & ((1U<<bits)-1) ))) {
fullBus(code, newval, bits);
inline void chgQuad(vluint32_t code, const vluint64_t newval, int bits) {
vluint64_t diff = (*(reinterpret_cast<vluint64_t*>(&m_sigs_oldvalp[code]))) ^ newval;
if (VL_UNLIKELY(diff)) {
if (VL_UNLIKELY(bits==64 || (diff & ((1ULL<<bits)-1) ))) {
fullQuad(code, newval, bits);
inline void chgArray(vluint32_t code, const vluint32_t* newval, int bits) {
for (int word=0; word<(((bits-1)/32)+1); ++word) {
if (VL_UNLIKELY(m_sigs_oldvalp[code+word] ^ newval[word])) {
inline void chgTriBit(vluint32_t code, const vluint32_t newval, const vluint32_t newtri) {
vluint32_t diff = ((m_sigs_oldvalp[code] ^ newval)
| (m_sigs_oldvalp[code+1] ^ newtri));
if (VL_UNLIKELY(diff)) {
// Verilator 3.510 and newer provide clean input, so the below is only for back compatibility
if (VL_UNLIKELY(diff & 1)) { // Change after clean?
fullTriBit(code, newval, newtri);
inline void chgTriBus(vluint32_t code, const vluint32_t newval, const vluint32_t newtri, int bits) {
vluint32_t diff = ((m_sigs_oldvalp[code] ^ newval)
| (m_sigs_oldvalp[code+1] ^ newtri));
if (VL_UNLIKELY(diff)) {
if (VL_UNLIKELY(bits==32 || (diff & ((1U<<bits)-1) ))) {
fullTriBus(code, newval, newtri, bits);
inline void chgTriQuad(vluint32_t code, const vluint64_t newval, const vluint32_t newtri, int bits) {
vluint64_t diff = ( ((*(reinterpret_cast<vluint64_t*>(&m_sigs_oldvalp[code]))) ^ newval)
| ((*(reinterpret_cast<vluint64_t*>(&m_sigs_oldvalp[code+1]))) ^ newtri));
if (VL_UNLIKELY(diff)) {
if (VL_UNLIKELY(bits==64 || (diff & ((1ULL<<bits)-1) ))) {
fullTriQuad(code, newval, newtri, bits);
inline void chgTriArray(vluint32_t code, const vluint32_t* newvalp, const vluint32_t* newtrip, int bits) {
for (int word=0; word<(((bits-1)/32)+1); ++word) {
if (VL_UNLIKELY((m_sigs_oldvalp[code+word*2] ^ newvalp[word])
| (m_sigs_oldvalp[code+word*2+1] ^ newtrip[word]))) {
inline void chgDouble(vluint32_t code, const double newval) {
// cppcheck-suppress invalidPointerCast
if (VL_UNLIKELY((*(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&m_sigs_oldvalp[code]))) != newval)) {
fullDouble(code, newval);
inline void chgFloat(vluint32_t code, const float newval) {
// cppcheck-suppress invalidPointerCast
if (VL_UNLIKELY((*(reinterpret_cast<float*>(&m_sigs_oldvalp[code]))) != newval)) {
fullFloat(code, newval);
void evcd(bool flag) { m_evcd = flag; }
// VerilatedVcdC
/// Create a VCD dump file in C standalone (no SystemC) simulations.
/// Also derived for use in SystemC simulations.
/// Thread safety: Unless otherwise indicated, every function is VL_MT_UNSAFE_ONE
class VerilatedVcdC {
VerilatedVcd m_sptrace; ///< Trace file being created
explicit VerilatedVcdC(VerilatedVcdFile* filep=NULL) : m_sptrace(filep) {}
~VerilatedVcdC() {}
/// Is file open?
bool isOpen() const { return m_sptrace.isOpen(); }
/// Open a new VCD file
/// This includes a complete header dump each time it is called,
/// just as if this object was deleted and reconstructed.
void open(const char* filename) VL_MT_UNSAFE_ONE { m_sptrace.open(filename); }
/// Continue a VCD dump by rotating to a new file name
/// The header is only in the first file created, this allows
/// "cat" to be used to combine the header plus any number of data files.
void openNext(bool incFilename=true) VL_MT_UNSAFE_ONE { m_sptrace.openNext(incFilename); }
/// Set size in megabytes after which new file should be created
void rolloverMB(size_t rolloverMB) { m_sptrace.rolloverMB(rolloverMB); };
/// Close dump
void close() VL_MT_UNSAFE_ONE { m_sptrace.close(); }
/// Flush dump
void flush() VL_MT_UNSAFE_ONE { m_sptrace.flush(); }
/// Write one cycle of dump data
void dump(vluint64_t timeui) { m_sptrace.dump(timeui); }
/// Write one cycle of dump data - backward compatible and to reduce
/// conversion warnings. It's better to use a vluint64_t time instead.
void dump(double timestamp) { dump(static_cast<vluint64_t>(timestamp)); }
void dump(vluint32_t timestamp) { dump(static_cast<vluint64_t>(timestamp)); }
void dump(int timestamp) { dump(static_cast<vluint64_t>(timestamp)); }
/// Set time units (s/ms, defaults to ns)
/// See also VL_TIME_PRECISION, and VL_TIME_MULTIPLIER in verilated.h
void set_time_unit(const char* unit) { m_sptrace.set_time_unit(unit); }
void set_time_unit(const std::string& unit) { set_time_unit(unit.c_str()); }
/// Set time resolution (s/ms, defaults to ns)
/// See also VL_TIME_PRECISION, and VL_TIME_MULTIPLIER in verilated.h
void set_time_resolution(const char* unit) { m_sptrace.set_time_resolution(unit); }
void set_time_resolution(const std::string& unit) { set_time_resolution(unit.c_str()); }
/// Internal class access
inline VerilatedVcd* spTrace() { return &m_sptrace; };
#endif // guard