mirror of
synced 2025-02-11 08:01:46 +00:00
These are necessary to link the executables. So far we have been saved by one of the generated headers forward declaring these functions with extern "C", but changing that header would break these tests.
293 lines
9.4 KiB
293 lines
9.4 KiB
// -*- mode: C++; c-file-style: "cc-mode" -*-
// Copyright 2010-2011 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you can
// redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
// Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
// Version 2.0.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only OR Artistic-2.0
#ifdef IS_VPI
#include "vpi_user.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include "Vt_vpi_get.h"
#include "verilated.h"
#include "svdpi.h"
#include "Vt_vpi_get__Dpi.h"
#include "verilated_vpi.h"
#include "verilated_vcd_c.h"
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include "TestSimulator.h"
#include "TestVpi.h"
// __FILE__ is too long
#define FILENM "t_vpi_get.cpp"
#define TEST_MSG \
if (0) printf
unsigned int main_time = 0;
#define CHECK_RESULT_VH(got, exp) \
if ((got) != (exp)) { \
printf("%%Error: %s:%d: GOT = %p EXP = %p\n", FILENM, __LINE__, (got), (exp)); \
return __LINE__; \
#define CHECK_RESULT_NZ(got) \
if (!(got)) { \
printf("%%Error: %s:%d: GOT = NULL EXP = !NULL\n", FILENM, __LINE__); \
return __LINE__; \
// Use cout to avoid issues with %d/%lx etc
#define CHECK_RESULT(got, exp) \
if ((got) != (exp)) { \
std::cout << std::dec << "%Error: " << FILENM << ":" << __LINE__ << ": GOT = " << (got) \
<< " EXP = " << (exp) << std::endl; \
return __LINE__; \
#define CHECK_RESULT_HEX(got, exp) \
if ((got) != (exp)) { \
std::cout << std::dec << "%Error: " << FILENM << ":" << __LINE__ << std::hex \
<< ": GOT = " << (got) << " EXP = " << (exp) << endl; \
return __LINE__; \
#define CHECK_RESULT_CSTR(got, exp) \
if (strcmp((got), (exp))) { \
printf("%%Error: %s:%d: GOT = '%s' EXP = '%s'\n", FILENM, __LINE__, \
(got) ? (got) : "<null>", (exp) ? (exp) : "<null>"); \
return __LINE__; \
#define CHECK_RESULT_CSTR_STRIP(got, exp) CHECK_RESULT_CSTR(got + strspn(got, " "), exp)
static int _mon_check_props(TestVpiHandle& handle, int size, int direction, int scalar, int type) {
s_vpi_value value;
value.format = vpiIntVal;
value.value.integer = 0;
// check size of object
int vpisize = vpi_get(vpiSize, handle);
CHECK_RESULT(vpisize, size);
// icarus verilog does not support vpiScalar, vpiVector or vpi*Range
if (TestSimulator::has_get_scalar()) {
int vpiscalar = vpi_get(vpiScalar, handle);
CHECK_RESULT((bool)vpiscalar, (bool)scalar);
int vpivector = vpi_get(vpiVector, handle);
CHECK_RESULT((bool)vpivector, (bool)!scalar);
// Icarus only supports ranges on memories
if (!scalar && !(TestSimulator::is_icarus() && type != vpiMemory)) {
TestVpiHandle left_h, right_h;
// check coherency for vectors
// get left hand side of range
left_h = vpi_handle(vpiLeftRange, handle);
vpi_get_value(left_h, &value);
int coherency = value.value.integer;
// get right hand side of range
right_h = vpi_handle(vpiRightRange, handle);
vpi_get_value(right_h, &value);
TEST_MSG("%d:%d\n", coherency, value.value.integer);
coherency -= value.value.integer;
// calculate size & check
coherency = abs(coherency) + 1;
CHECK_RESULT(coherency, size);
// Only check direction on ports
if (type == vpiPort) {
// check direction of object
int vpidir = vpi_get(vpiDirection, handle);
// Don't check port directions in verilator
// see #681
if (!TestSimulator::is_verilator()) CHECK_RESULT(vpidir, direction);
// check type of object
int vpitype = vpi_get(vpiType, handle);
if (!(TestSimulator::is_verilator() && type == vpiPort)) {
// Don't check for ports in verilator
// see #681
CHECK_RESULT(vpitype, type);
return 0; // Ok
struct params {
const char* signal;
struct {
unsigned int size;
unsigned int direction;
unsigned int scalar;
int type;
} attributes, children;
int mon_check_props() {
// This table needs to be function-static.
// This avoids calling is_verilator() below at global-static init time.
// When global-static led to a race between the is_verilator call below, and
// the code that sets up the VerilatedAssertOneThread() check in
// verilated_vpi.cc, it was causing the check to falsely fail
// (due to m_threadid within the check not being initted yet.)
static struct params values[]
= {{"onebit", {1, vpiNoDirection, 1, vpiReg}, {0, 0, 0, 0}},
{"twoone", {2, vpiNoDirection, 0, vpiReg}, {0, 0, 0, 0}},
{2, vpiNoDirection, 0, TestSimulator::is_verilator() ? vpiReg : vpiMemory},
{0, 0, 0, 0}},
{2, vpiNoDirection, 0, vpiMemory},
{2, vpiNoDirection, 0, vpiMemoryWord}},
{"theint", {32, vpiNoDirection, 0, vpiReg}, {0, 0, 0, 0}},
{"clk", {1, vpiInput, 1, vpiPort}, {0, 0, 0, 0}},
{"testin", {16, vpiInput, 0, vpiPort}, {0, 0, 0, 0}},
{"testout", {24, vpiOutput, 0, vpiPort}, {0, 0, 0, 0}},
{"sub.subin", {1, vpiInput, 1, vpiPort}, {0, 0, 0, 0}},
{"sub.subout", {1, vpiOutput, 1, vpiPort}, {0, 0, 0, 0}},
{"sub.subparam", {32, vpiNoDirection, 0, vpiParameter}, {0, 0, 0, 0}},
{"sub.the_intf.bytesig", {8, vpiNoDirection, 0, vpiReg}, {0, 0, 0, 0}},
{"sub.the_intf.param", {32, vpiNoDirection, 0, vpiParameter}, {0, 0, 0, 0}},
{"sub.the_intf.lparam", {32, vpiNoDirection, 0, vpiParameter}, {0, 0, 0, 0}},
{"twobytwo", {4, vpiNoDirection, 0, vpiReg}, {0, 0, 0, 0}},
{NULL, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}}};
struct params* value = values;
while (value->signal) {
TestVpiHandle h = VPI_HANDLE(value->signal);
TEST_MSG("%s\n", value->signal);
if (int status = _mon_check_props(h, value->attributes.size, value->attributes.direction,
value->attributes.scalar, value->attributes.type))
return status;
if (value->children.size) {
int size = 0;
TestVpiHandle iter_h = vpi_iterate(vpiMemoryWord, h);
while (TestVpiHandle word_h = vpi_scan(iter_h)) {
// check size and range
if (int status
= _mon_check_props(word_h, value->children.size, value->children.direction,
value->children.scalar, value->children.type))
return status;
iter_h.freed(); // IEEE 37.2.2 vpi_scan at end does a vpi_release_handle
CHECK_RESULT(size, value->attributes.size);
return 0;
extern "C" int mon_check() {
// Callback from initial block in monitor
if (int status = mon_check_props()) return status;
return 0; // Ok
void dpi_print(const char* somestring) { printf("SOMESTRING = %s\n", somestring); }
#ifdef IS_VPI
static int mon_check_vpi() {
TestVpiHandle href = vpi_handle(vpiSysTfCall, 0);
s_vpi_value vpi_value;
vpi_value.format = vpiIntVal;
vpi_value.value.integer = mon_check();
vpi_put_value(href, &vpi_value, NULL, vpiNoDelay);
return 0;
static s_vpi_systf_data vpi_systf_data[] = {{vpiSysFunc, vpiIntFunc, (PLI_BYTE8*)"$mon_check",
(PLI_INT32(*)(PLI_BYTE8*))mon_check_vpi, 0, 0, 0},
// cver entry
void vpi_compat_bootstrap(void) {
p_vpi_systf_data systf_data_p;
systf_data_p = &(vpi_systf_data[0]);
while (systf_data_p->type != 0) vpi_register_systf(systf_data_p++);
// icarus entry
void (*vlog_startup_routines[])() = {vpi_compat_bootstrap, 0};
double sc_time_stamp() { return main_time; }
int main(int argc, char** argv, char** env) {
vluint64_t sim_time = 1100;
Verilated::commandArgs(argc, argv);
Vt_vpi_get* topp = new Vt_vpi_get(""); // Note null name - we're flattening it out
VL_PRINTF("Enabling waves...\n");
VerilatedVcdC* tfp = new VerilatedVcdC;
topp->trace(tfp, 99);
tfp->open(VL_STRINGIFY(TEST_OBJ_DIR) "/simx.vcd");
topp->clk = 0;
main_time += 10;
while (vl_time_stamp64() < sim_time && !Verilated::gotFinish()) {
main_time += 1;
topp->clk = !topp->clk;
// mon_do();
if (tfp) tfp->dump(main_time);
if (!Verilated::gotFinish()) {
vl_fatal(FILENM, __LINE__, "main", "%Error: Timeout; never got a $finish");
if (tfp) tfp->close();
VL_DO_DANGLING(delete topp, topp);
return 0;