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synced 2025-02-01 19:24:05 +00:00
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56 lines
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// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test module
// This file ONLY is placed into the Public Domain, for any use,
// without warranty, 2008 by Wilson Snyder.
`include "verilated.v"
module t;
// Note $sscanf already tested elsewhere
reg [3:0] n;
reg [63:0] q;
reg [16*8:1] wide;
reg [48*8:1] str;
reg [48*8:1] str2;
real r;
initial begin
n = 4'b1100;
q = 64'h1234_5678_abcd_0123;
wide = "hello-there12345";
$sformat(str, "n=%b q=%d w=%s", n, q, wide);
`ifdef TEST_VERBOSE $display("str=%0s",str); `endif
if (str !== "n=1100 q= 1311768467750060323 w=hello-there12345") $stop;
q = {q[62:0],1'b1};
$swrite(str2, "n=%b q=%d w=%s", n, q, wide);
`ifdef TEST_VERBOSE $display("str2=%0s",str2); `endif
if (str2 !== "n=1100 q= 2623536935500120647 w=hello-there12345") $stop;
$swrite(str2, "e=%e", r);
$swrite(str2, "e=%f", r);
$swrite(str2, "e=%g", r);
r = 0.01;
$swrite(str2, "e=%e f=%f g=%g", r, r, r);
`ifdef TEST_VERBOSE $display("str2=%0s",str2); `endif
if (str2 !== "e=1.000000e-02 f=0.010000 g=0.01") $stop;
$swrite(str2, "mod=%m");
`ifdef TEST_VERBOSE $display("str2=%0s",str2); `endif
`ifdef verilator
if (str2 !== "mod=top.v") $stop;
if (str2 !== "mod=top.t") $stop;
$write("*-* All Finished *-*\n");