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433 lines
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// -*- mode: C++; c-file-style: "cc-mode" -*-
// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Make lookup tables
// Code available from: https://verilator.org
// Copyright 2003-2024 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you
// can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
// Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
// Version 2.0.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only OR Artistic-2.0
// Look at all large always and assignments.
// Count # of input bits and # of output bits, and # of statements
// If high # of statements relative to inpbits*outbits,
// replace with lookup table
#include "V3PchAstNoMT.h" // VL_MT_DISABLED_CODE_UNIT
#include "V3Table.h"
#include "V3Simulate.h"
#include "V3Stats.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
// Table class functions
// 1MB is max table size (better be lots of instructs to be worth it!)
static constexpr int TABLE_MAX_BYTES = 1 * 1024 * 1024;
// 64MB is close to max memory of some systems (256MB or so), so don't get out of control
static constexpr int TABLE_TOTAL_BYTES = 64 * 1024 * 1024;
// Worth no more than 8 bytes of data to replace an instruction
static constexpr int TABLE_SPACE_TIME_MULT = 8;
// If < 32 instructions, not worth the effort
static constexpr int TABLE_MIN_NODE_COUNT = 32;
// Assume an instruction is 4 bytes
static constexpr int TABLE_BYTES_PER_INST = 4;
class TableVisitor;
class TableSimulateVisitor final : public SimulateVisitor {
TableVisitor* const m_cbthis; ///< Class for callback
///< Call other-this function on all new var references
void varRefCb(AstVarRef* nodep) override;
explicit TableSimulateVisitor(TableVisitor* cbthis)
: m_cbthis{cbthis} {}
~TableSimulateVisitor() override = default;
// Class for holding lookup table state during construction
class TableBuilder final {
FileLine* const m_fl; // FileLine used during construction
AstInitArray* m_initp = nullptr; // The lookup table initializer values
AstVarScope* m_varScopep = nullptr; // The scoped variable holding the table
explicit TableBuilder(FileLine* fl)
: m_fl{fl} {}
~TableBuilder() {
if (m_initp) VL_DO_DANGLING(m_initp->deleteTree(), m_initp);
void setTableSize(AstNodeDType* elemDType, unsigned size) {
UASSERT_OBJ(!m_initp, m_fl, "Table size already set");
UASSERT_OBJ(size > 0, m_fl, "Size zero");
// TODO: Assert elemDType is a packed type
// Create data type
const int width = elemDType->width();
AstNodeDType* const subDTypep
= elemDType->isString() || elemDType->isDouble()
? elemDType
: v3Global.rootp()->findBitDType(width, width, VSigning::UNSIGNED);
AstUnpackArrayDType* const tableDTypep = new AstUnpackArrayDType{
m_fl, subDTypep, new AstRange{m_fl, static_cast<int>(size), 0}};
// Create table initializer (with default value 0)
AstConst* const defaultp
= elemDType->isString() ? new AstConst{m_fl, AstConst::String{}, ""}
: elemDType->isDouble() ? new AstConst{m_fl, AstConst::RealDouble{}, 0.0}
: new AstConst{m_fl, AstConst::WidthedValue{}, width, 0};
m_initp = new AstInitArray{m_fl, tableDTypep, defaultp};
void addValue(unsigned index, const V3Number& value) {
UASSERT_OBJ(!m_varScopep, m_fl, "Table variable already created");
// Default value is zero/empty string so don't add it
if (value.isString() ? value.toString().empty() : value.isEqZero()) return;
m_initp->addIndexValuep(index, new AstConst{m_fl, value});
AstVarScope* varScopep() {
if (!m_varScopep) m_varScopep = v3Global.rootp()->constPoolp()->findTable(m_initp);
return m_varScopep;
// Class for holding output variable state during table conversion of logic
class TableOutputVar final {
AstVarScope* const m_varScopep; // The output variable
const unsigned m_ord; // Output ordinal number in this block
bool m_mayBeUnassigned = false; // If true, then this variable may be unassigned through
// some path through the block being table converted
TableBuilder m_tableBuilder;
TableOutputVar(AstVarScope* varScopep, unsigned ord)
: m_varScopep{varScopep}
, m_ord{ord}
, m_tableBuilder{varScopep->fileline()} {}
AstVarScope* varScopep() const { return m_varScopep; }
string name() const { return varScopep()->varp()->name(); }
unsigned ord() const { return m_ord; }
void setMayBeUnassigned() { m_mayBeUnassigned = true; }
bool mayBeUnassigned() const { return m_mayBeUnassigned; }
void setTableSize(unsigned size) { m_tableBuilder.setTableSize(varScopep()->dtypep(), size); }
void addValue(unsigned index, const V3Number& value) { m_tableBuilder.addValue(index, value); }
AstVarScope* tabeVarScopep() { return m_tableBuilder.varScopep(); }
// Table class functions
class TableVisitor final : public VNVisitor {
// Cleared on each always/assignw
double m_totalBytes = 0; // Total bytes in tables created
VDouble0 m_statTablesCre; // Statistic tracking
// State cleared on each module
AstNodeModule* m_modp = nullptr; // Current MODULE
int m_modTables = 0; // Number of tables created in this module
// State cleared on each scope
AstScope* m_scopep = nullptr; // Current SCOPE
// State cleared on each always/assignw
bool m_assignDly = false; // Consists of delayed assignments instead of normal assignments
unsigned m_inWidthBits = 0; // Input table width - in bits
unsigned m_outWidthBytes = 0; // Output table width - in bytes
std::vector<AstVarScope*> m_inVarps; // Input variable list
std::vector<TableOutputVar> m_outVarps; // Output variable list
void simulateVarRefCb(AstVarRef* nodep) {
// Called by TableSimulateVisitor on each unique varref encountered
UINFO(9, " SimVARREF " << nodep << endl);
AstVarScope* const vscp = nodep->varScopep();
if (nodep->access().isWriteOrRW()) {
// We'll make the table with a separate natural alignment for each output var, so
// always have 8, 16 or 32 bit widths, so use widthTotalBytes
m_outWidthBytes += nodep->varp()->dtypeSkipRefp()->widthTotalBytes();
m_outVarps.emplace_back(vscp, static_cast<unsigned>(m_outVarps.size()));
if (nodep->access().isReadOrRW()) {
m_inWidthBits += nodep->varp()->width();
bool treeTest(AstAlways* nodep) {
// Process alw/assign tree
m_inWidthBits = 0;
m_outWidthBytes = 0;
// Collect stats
TableSimulateVisitor chkvis{this};
m_assignDly = chkvis.isAssignDly();
// Also sets m_inWidthBits
// Also sets m_outWidthBytes
// Also sets m_inVarps
// Also sets m_outVarps
// Calc data storage in bytes
const size_t chgWidth = m_outVarps.size();
const double space = std::pow<double>(2.0, m_inWidthBits) * (m_outWidthBytes + chgWidth);
// Instruction count bytes (ok, it's space also not time :)
const double time // max(_, 1), so we won't divide by zero
= std::max<double>(chkvis.instrCount() * TABLE_BYTES_PER_INST + chkvis.dataCount(), 1);
if (chkvis.isImpure()) chkvis.clearOptimizable(nodep, "Table creates side effects");
if (chkvis.isCoverage()) {
chkvis.clearOptimizable(nodep, "Table removes coverage points");
if (!m_outWidthBytes || !m_inWidthBits) {
chkvis.clearOptimizable(nodep, "Table has no outputs");
if (chkvis.instrCount() < TABLE_MIN_NODE_COUNT) {
chkvis.clearOptimizable(nodep, "Table has too few nodes involved");
if (space > TABLE_MAX_BYTES) {
chkvis.clearOptimizable(nodep, "Table takes too much space");
if (space > time * TABLE_SPACE_TIME_MULT) {
chkvis.clearOptimizable(nodep, "Table has bad tradeoff");
if (m_totalBytes > TABLE_TOTAL_BYTES) {
chkvis.clearOptimizable(nodep, "Table out of memory");
UINFO(4, " Test: Opt=" << (chkvis.optimizable() ? "OK" : "NO") << ", Instrs="
<< chkvis.instrCount() << " Data=" << chkvis.dataCount()
<< " in width (bits)=" << m_inWidthBits << " out width (bytes)="
<< m_outWidthBytes << " Spacetime=" << (space / time) << "("
<< space << "/" << time << ")"
<< ": " << nodep << endl);
if (chkvis.optimizable()) {
UINFO(3, " Table Optimize spacetime=" << (space / time) << " " << nodep << endl);
m_totalBytes += space;
return chkvis.optimizable();
void replaceWithTable(AstAlways* nodep) {
// We've determined this table of nodes is optimizable, do it.
FileLine* const fl = nodep->fileline();
// We will need a table index variable, create it here.
AstVar* const indexVarp
= new AstVar{fl, VVarType::BLOCKTEMP, "__Vtableidx" + cvtToStr(m_modTables),
VFlagBitPacked{}, static_cast<int>(m_inWidthBits)};
AstVarScope* const indexVscp = new AstVarScope{indexVarp->fileline(), m_scopep, indexVarp};
// The 'output assigned' table builder
TableBuilder outputAssignedTableBuilder{fl};
nodep->findBitDType(m_outVarps.size(), m_outVarps.size(), VSigning::UNSIGNED),
// Set sizes of output tables
for (TableOutputVar& tov : m_outVarps) tov.setTableSize(VL_MASK_I(m_inWidthBits));
// Populate the tables
createTables(nodep, outputAssignedTableBuilder);
AstNode* const stmtsp = createLookupInput(fl, indexVscp);
createOutputAssigns(nodep, stmtsp, indexVscp, outputAssignedTableBuilder.varScopep());
// Link it in.
// Keep sensitivity list, but delete all else
if (debug() >= 6) nodep->dumpTree("- table_new: ");
void createTables(AstAlways* nodep, TableBuilder& outputAssignedTableBuilder) {
// Create table
// There may be a simulation path by which the output doesn't change value.
// We could bail on these cases, or we can have a "change it" boolean.
// We've chosen the latter route, since recirc is common in large FSMs.
TableSimulateVisitor simvis{this};
for (uint32_t i = 0; i <= VL_MASK_I(m_inWidthBits); ++i) {
const uint32_t inValue = i;
// Make a new simulation structure so we can set new input values
UINFO(8, " Simulating " << std::hex << inValue << endl);
// Above simulateVisitor clears user 3, so
// all outputs default to nullptr to mean 'recirculating'.
// Set all inputs to the constant
uint32_t shift = 0;
for (AstVarScope* invscp : m_inVarps) {
// LSB is first variable, so extract it that way
const AstConst cnst{invscp->fileline(), AstConst::WidthedValue{}, invscp->width(),
VL_MASK_I(invscp->width()) & (inValue >> shift)};
simvis.newValue(invscp, &cnst);
shift += invscp->width();
// We are using 32 bit arithmetic, because there's no way the input table can be
// 2^32 bytes!
UASSERT_OBJ(shift <= 32, nodep, "shift overflow");
UINFO(8, " Input " << invscp->name() << " = " << cnst.name() << endl);
// Simulate
UASSERT_OBJ(simvis.optimizable(), simvis.whyNotNodep(),
"Optimizable cleared, even though earlier test run said not: "
<< simvis.whyNotMessage());
// Build output value tables and the assigned flags table
V3Number outputAssignedMask{nodep, static_cast<int>(m_outVarps.size()), 0};
for (TableOutputVar& tov : m_outVarps) {
if (V3Number* const outnump = simvis.fetchOutNumberNull(tov.varScopep())) {
UINFO(8, " Output " << tov.name() << " = " << *outnump << endl);
UASSERT_OBJ(!outnump->isAnyXZ(), outnump, "Table should not contain X/Z");
outputAssignedMask.setBit(tov.ord(), 1); // Mark output as assigned
tov.addValue(inValue, *outnump);
} else {
UINFO(8, " Output " << tov.name() << " not set for this input\n");
// Set changed table
outputAssignedTableBuilder.addValue(inValue, outputAssignedMask);
} // each value
AstNode* createLookupInput(FileLine* fl, AstVarScope* indexVscp) {
// Concat inputs into a single temp variable (inside always)
// First var in inVars becomes the LSB of the concat
AstNodeExpr* concatp = nullptr;
for (AstVarScope* invscp : m_inVarps) {
AstVarRef* const refp = new AstVarRef{fl, invscp, VAccess::READ};
if (concatp) {
concatp = new AstConcat{fl, refp, concatp};
} else {
concatp = refp;
return new AstAssign{fl, new AstVarRef{fl, indexVscp, VAccess::WRITE}, concatp};
AstArraySel* select(FileLine* fl, AstVarScope* fromp, AstVarScope* indexp) {
AstVarRef* const fromRefp = new AstVarRef{fl, fromp, VAccess::READ};
AstVarRef* const indexRefp = new AstVarRef{fl, indexp, VAccess::READ};
return new AstArraySel{fl, fromRefp, indexRefp};
void createOutputAssigns(AstNode* nodep, AstNode* stmtsp, AstVarScope* indexVscp,
AstVarScope* outputAssignedTableVscp) {
FileLine* const fl = nodep->fileline();
for (TableOutputVar& tov : m_outVarps) {
AstNodeExpr* const alhsp = new AstVarRef{fl, tov.varScopep(), VAccess::WRITE};
AstNodeExpr* const arhsp = select(fl, tov.tabeVarScopep(), indexVscp);
AstNode* outsetp = m_assignDly
? static_cast<AstNode*>(new AstAssignDly{fl, alhsp, arhsp})
: static_cast<AstNode*>(new AstAssign{fl, alhsp, arhsp});
// If this output is unassigned on some code paths, wrap the assignment in an If
if (tov.mayBeUnassigned()) {
V3Number outputChgMask{nodep, static_cast<int>(m_outVarps.size()), 0};
outputChgMask.setBit(tov.ord(), 1);
AstNodeExpr* const condp
= new AstAnd{fl, select(fl, outputAssignedTableVscp, indexVscp),
new AstConst{fl, outputChgMask}};
outsetp = new AstIf{fl, condp, outsetp};
void visit(AstNode* nodep) override { iterateChildren(nodep); }
void visit(AstNodeModule* nodep) override {
m_modp = nodep;
m_modTables = 0;
void visit(AstScope* nodep) override {
UINFO(4, " SCOPE " << nodep << endl);
m_scopep = nodep;
m_scopep = nullptr;
void visit(AstAlways* nodep) override {
UINFO(4, " ALWAYS " << nodep << endl);
if (treeTest(nodep)) {
// Well, then, I'll be a memory hog.
void visit(AstNodeAssign* nodep) override {
// It's nearly impossible to have a large enough assign to make this worthwhile
// For now we won't bother.
// Accelerated: no iterate
explicit TableVisitor(AstNetlist* nodep) { iterate(nodep); }
~TableVisitor() override { //
V3Stats::addStat("Optimizations, Tables created", m_statTablesCre);
void TableSimulateVisitor::varRefCb(AstVarRef* nodep) {
// Called by checking on each new varref encountered
// We cross-call into a TableVisitor function.
// Table class functions
void V3Table::tableAll(AstNetlist* nodep) {
UINFO(2, __FUNCTION__ << ": " << endl);
{ TableVisitor{nodep}; } // Destruct before checking
V3Global::dumpCheckGlobalTree("table", 0, dumpTreeEitherLevel() >= 3);