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312 lines
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// -*- mode: C++; c-file-style: "cc-mode" -*-
// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Variable ordering
// Code available from: https://verilator.org
// Copyright 2003-2024 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you
// can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
// Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
// Version 2.0.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only OR Artistic-2.0
// V3VariableOrder's Transformations:
// Each module:
// Order module variables
#include "V3PchAstMT.h"
#include "V3VariableOrder.h"
#include "V3AstUserAllocator.h"
#include "V3EmitCBase.h"
#include "V3ExecGraph.h"
#include "V3TSP.h"
#include "V3ThreadPool.h"
#include <vector>
using MTaskIdVec = std::vector<bool>; // Used as a bit-set indexed by MTask ID
using MTaskAffinityMap = std::unordered_map<const AstVar*, MTaskIdVec>;
// Trace through code reachable form an MTask and annotate referenced variabels
class GatherMTaskAffinity final : VNVisitorConst {
// AstCFunc::user1() // bool: Already traced this function
// AstVar::user1() // bool: Already traced this variable
const VNUser1InUse m_user1InUse;
MTaskAffinityMap& m_results; // The result map being built;
const uint32_t m_id; // Id of mtask being analysed
const size_t m_usedIds = ExecMTask::numUsedIds(); // Value of max id + 1
GatherMTaskAffinity(const ExecMTask* mTaskp, MTaskAffinityMap& results)
: m_results{results}
, m_id{mTaskp->id()} {
~GatherMTaskAffinity() = default;
void visit(AstNodeVarRef* nodep) override {
// Cheaper than relying on emplace().second
if (nodep->user1SetOnce()) return;
AstVar* const varp = nodep->varp();
// Ignore TriggerVec. They are big and read-only in the MTask bodies
AstBasicDType* const basicp = varp->dtypep()->basicp();
if (basicp && basicp->isTriggerVec()) return;
// Set affinity bit
MTaskIdVec& affinity = m_results
.emplace(std::piecewise_construct, //
std::forward_as_tuple(varp), //
affinity[m_id] = true;
void visit(AstCFunc* nodep) override {
if (nodep->user1SetOnce()) return; // Prevent repeat traversals/recursion
void visit(AstNodeCCall* nodep) override {
iterateChildrenConst(nodep); // Arguments
iterateConst(nodep->funcp()); // Callee
void visit(AstNode* nodep) override { iterateChildrenConst(nodep); }
static void apply(const ExecMTask* mTaskp, MTaskAffinityMap& results) {
GatherMTaskAffinity{mTaskp, results};
// Establish mtask variable sort order in mtasks mode
class VarTspSorter final : public V3TSP::TspStateBase {
const MTaskIdVec& m_mTaskIds; // Mtask we're ordering
static uint32_t s_serialNext; // Unique ID to establish serial order
const uint32_t m_serial = ++s_serialNext; // Serial ordering
explicit VarTspSorter(const MTaskIdVec& mTaskIds)
: m_mTaskIds{mTaskIds} {
UASSERT(mTaskIds.size() == ExecMTask::numUsedIds(), "Wrong size for MTask ID vector");
~VarTspSorter() override = default;
bool operator<(const TspStateBase& other) const override {
return operator<(static_cast<const VarTspSorter&>(other));
bool operator<(const VarTspSorter& other) const { return m_serial < other.m_serial; }
const MTaskIdVec& mTaskIds() const { return m_mTaskIds; }
int cost(const TspStateBase* otherp) const override VL_MT_SAFE {
return cost(static_cast<const VarTspSorter*>(otherp));
int cost(const VarTspSorter* otherp) const VL_MT_SAFE {
// Compute the number of MTasks not shared (Hamming distance)
int cost = 0;
const size_t size = ExecMTask::numUsedIds();
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) cost += m_mTaskIds.at(i) ^ otherp->m_mTaskIds.at(i);
return cost;
uint32_t VarTspSorter::s_serialNext = 0;
struct VarAttributes final {
uint8_t stratum; // Roughly equivalent to alignment requirement, to avoid padding
bool anonOk; // Can be emitted as part of anonymous structure
class VariableOrder final {
std::unordered_map<const AstVar*, VarAttributes> m_attributes;
const MTaskAffinityMap& m_mTaskAffinity;
std::vector<AstVar*>& m_varps;
VariableOrder(AstNodeModule* modp, const MTaskAffinityMap& mTaskAffinity,
std::vector<AstVar*>& varps)
: m_mTaskAffinity{mTaskAffinity}
, m_varps{varps} {
~VariableOrder() = default;
// Simple sort
void simpleSortVars(std::vector<AstVar*>& varps) {
stable_sort(varps.begin(), varps.end(),
[this](const AstVar* ap, const AstVar* bp) -> bool {
if (ap->isStatic() != bp->isStatic()) { // Non-statics before statics
return bp->isStatic();
UASSERT(m_attributes.find(ap) != m_attributes.end()
&& m_attributes.find(bp) != m_attributes.end(),
"m_attributes should be populated for each AstVar");
const auto& attrA = m_attributes.at(ap);
const auto& attrB = m_attributes.at(bp);
if (attrA.anonOk != attrB.anonOk) { // Anons before non-anons
return attrA.anonOk;
return attrA.stratum < attrB.stratum; // Finally sort by stratum
// Sort by MTask-affinity first, then the same as simpleSortVars
void tspSortVars(std::vector<AstVar*>& varps) {
// Map from "MTask affinity" -> "variable list"
std::map<const MTaskIdVec, std::vector<AstVar*>> m2v;
const MTaskIdVec emptyVec(ExecMTask::numUsedIds(), false);
for (AstVar* const varp : varps) {
const auto it = m_mTaskAffinity.find(varp);
const MTaskIdVec& key = it == m_mTaskAffinity.end() ? emptyVec : it->second;
// Create a TSP sort state for each unique MTaskIdSet, except for the empty set
V3TSP::StateVec states;
for (const auto& pair : m2v) {
const MTaskIdVec& vec = pair.first;
const bool empty = std::find(vec.begin(), vec.end(), true) == vec.end();
if (!empty) states.push_back(new VarTspSorter{vec});
// Do the TSP sort
V3TSP::StateVec sortedStates;
V3TSP::tspSort(states, &sortedStates);
// Helper function to sort given vector, then append to 'varps'
const auto sortAndAppend = [this, &varps](std::vector<AstVar*>& subVarps) {
for (AstVar* const varp : subVarps) varps.push_back(varp);
// Enumerate by sorted MTaskIdSet, sort within the set separately
for (const V3TSP::TspStateBase* const stateBasep : sortedStates) {
const VarTspSorter* const statep = dynamic_cast<const VarTspSorter*>(stateBasep);
VL_DO_DANGLING(delete statep, statep);
// Finally add the variables with no known MTask affinity
void orderModuleVars(AstNodeModule* modp) {
// Unlink all module variables from the module, compute attributes
for (AstNode *nodep = modp->stmtsp(), *nextp; nodep; nodep = nextp) {
nextp = nodep->nextp();
if (AstVar* const varp = VN_CAST(nodep, Var)) {
// Compute attributes up front
// Stratum
const int sigbytes = varp->dtypeSkipRefp()->widthAlignBytes();
const uint8_t stratum = (v3Global.opt.hierChild() && varp->isPrimaryIO()) ? 0
: (varp->isUsedClock() && varp->widthMin() == 1) ? 1
: VN_IS(varp->dtypeSkipRefp(), UnpackArrayDType) ? 9
: (varp->basicp() && varp->basicp()->isOpaque()) ? 8
: (varp->isScBv() || varp->isScBigUint()) ? 7
: (sigbytes == 8) ? 6
: (sigbytes == 4) ? 5
: (sigbytes == 2) ? 3
: (sigbytes == 1) ? 2
: 10;
m_attributes.emplace(varp, VarAttributes{stratum, EmitCBase::isAnonOk(varp)});
if (!m_varps.empty()) {
if (!v3Global.opt.mtasks()) {
} else {
static void processModule(AstNodeModule* modp, const MTaskAffinityMap& mTaskAffinity,
std::vector<AstVar*>& varps) VL_MT_STABLE {
VariableOrder{modp, mTaskAffinity, varps};
// V3VariableOrder static functions
void V3VariableOrder::orderAll(AstNetlist* netlistp) {
UINFO(2, __FUNCTION__ << ": " << endl);
MTaskAffinityMap mTaskAffinity;
// Gather MTask affinities
if (v3Global.opt.mtasks()) {
netlistp->topModulep()->foreach([&](AstExecGraph* execGraphp) {
for (const V3GraphVertex& vtx : execGraphp->depGraphp()->vertices()) {
GatherMTaskAffinity::apply(vtx.as<const ExecMTask>(), mTaskAffinity);
if (v3Global.opt.stats()) V3Stats::statsStage("variableorder-gather");
// Sort variables for each module
std::unordered_map<AstNodeModule*, std::vector<AstVar*>> sortedVars;
V3ThreadScope threadScope;
for (AstNodeModule* modp = v3Global.rootp()->modulesp(); modp;
modp = VN_AS(modp->nextp(), NodeModule)) {
std::vector<AstVar*>& varps = sortedVars[modp];
threadScope.enqueue([modp, mTaskAffinity, &varps]() {
VariableOrder::processModule(modp, mTaskAffinity, varps);
if (v3Global.opt.stats()) V3Stats::statsStage("variableorder-sort");
// Insert them back under the module, in the new order, but at
// the front of the list so they come out first in dumps/XML.
for (AstNodeModule* modp = v3Global.rootp()->modulesp(); modp;
modp = VN_AS(modp->nextp(), NodeModule)) {
const std::vector<AstVar*>& varps = sortedVars[modp];
if (!varps.empty()) {
auto it = varps.cbegin();
AstVar* const firstp = *it++;
for (; it != varps.cend(); ++it) {
AstVar* const varp = *it;
if (AstNode* const stmtsp = modp->stmtsp()) {
AstNode::addNext<AstNode, AstNode>(firstp, stmtsp);
// Done
V3Global::dumpCheckGlobalTree("variableorder", 0, dumpTreeEitherLevel() >= 3);