mirror of https://github.com/verilator/verilator.git synced 2025-03-03 10:39:35 +00:00

204 lines
7.5 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# pylint: disable=C0103,C0114,C0116,C0209,R0914,R0912,R0915,eval-used
import argparse
import collections
import re
# from pprint import pprint
def profcfunc(filename):
funcs = {}
with open(filename, "r", encoding="utf8") as fh:
for line in fh:
# %time cumesec selfsec calls {stuff} name
match = re.match(
if match:
pct = float(match.group(1))
sec = float(match.group(2))
calls = float(match.group(3))
func = match.group(4)
if func not in funcs:
funcs[func] = {'pct': 0, 'sec': 0, 'calls': 0}
funcs[func]['pct'] += pct
funcs[func]['sec'] += sec
funcs[func]['calls'] += calls
# Older gprofs have no call column for single-call functions
# %time cumesec selfsec {stuff} name
match = re.match(
if match:
pct = float(match.group(1))
sec = float(match.group(2))
calls = 1
func = match.group(3)
if func not in funcs:
funcs[func] = {'pct': 0, 'sec': 0, 'calls': 0}
funcs[func]['pct'] += pct
funcs[func]['sec'] += sec
funcs[func]['calls'] += calls
# Find modules
verilated_mods = {}
for func in funcs:
match = re.search(r'(.*)::eval(_step)?\(', func)
if match:
prefix = match.group(1)
if Args.debug:
print("-got _eval %s prefix=%s" % (func, prefix))
verilated_mods[prefix] = re.compile(r'^' + prefix)
# pprint(verilated_mods)
# Sort by Verilog name
vfuncs = {}
groups = {}
groups['type'] = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0)
groups['design'] = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0)
groups['module'] = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0)
for func, func_item in funcs.items():
pct = func_item['pct']
vfunc = func
funcarg = re.sub(r'^.*\(', '', func)
design = None
for vde, vde_item in verilated_mods.items():
if vde_item.match(func) or vde_item.match(funcarg):
design = vde
vdesign = "-"
prof_match = re.search(r'__PROF__([a-zA-Z_0-9]+)__l?([0-9]+)\(', vfunc)
if design and prof_match:
linefunc = prof_match.group(1)
lineno = int(prof_match.group(2))
vfunc = "VBlock %s:%d" % (linefunc, lineno)
vdesign = design
groups['type']["Verilog Blocks under " + design] += pct
groups['design'][design] += pct
groups['module'][linefunc] += pct
elif design:
vfunc = "VCommon " + func
vdesign = design
groups['type']["Common code under " + design] += pct
groups['design'][design] += pct
groups['module'][design + " common code"] += pct
elif re.match(r'(VL_[A-Z0-9_]+|_?vl_[a-zA-Z0-9_]+|Verilated)', vfunc):
vfunc = "VLib " + func
groups['type']['VLib'] += pct
groups['design']['VLib'] += pct
groups['module']['VLib'] += pct
elif re.match(r'^_mcount_private', vfunc):
vfunc = "Prof " + func
groups['type']['Prof'] += pct
groups['design']['Prof'] += pct
groups['module']['Prof'] += pct
vfunc = "C++ " + func
groups['type']['C++'] += pct
groups['design']['C++'] += pct
groups['module']['C++'] += pct
if vfunc not in vfuncs:
vfuncs[vfunc] = func_item
vfuncs[vfunc]['design'] = vdesign
vfuncs[vfunc]['pct'] += func_item['pct']
vfuncs[vfunc]['calls'] += func_item['calls']
vfuncs[vfunc]['sec'] += func_item['sec']
for ftype in ['type', 'design', 'module']:
missing = 100
for item in groups[ftype].keys():
missing -= groups[ftype][item]
groups[ftype]["\377Unaccounted for/rounding error"] = missing
print("Overall summary by %s:" % ftype)
print(" %-6s %s" % ("% time", ftype))
for what in sorted(groups[ftype].keys()):
# \377 used to establish sort order
pwhat = re.sub(r'^\377', '', what)
print(" %6.2f %s" % (groups[ftype][what], pwhat))
design_width = 1
for func, func_item in vfuncs.items():
if design_width < len(func_item['design']):
design_width = len(func_item['design'])
print("Verilog code profile:")
print(" These are split into three categories:")
print(" C++: Time in non-Verilated C++ code")
print(" Prof: Time in profile overhead")
print(" VBlock: Time attributable to a block in a" +
" Verilog file and line")
print(" VCommon: Time in a Verilated module," +
" due to all parts of the design")
print(" VLib: Time in Verilated common libraries," +
" called by the Verilated code")
print(" % cumulative self ")
print((" time seconds seconds calls %-" + str(design_width) +
"s type filename and line number") % "design")
cume = 0
for func in sorted(vfuncs.keys(),
key=lambda f: vfuncs[f]['sec'],
cume += vfuncs[func]['sec']
print(("%6.2f %9.2f %8.2f %10d %-" + str(design_width) + "s %s") %
(vfuncs[func]['pct'], cume, vfuncs[func]['sec'],
vfuncs[func]['calls'], vfuncs[func]['design'], func))
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="""Read gprof report created with --prof-cfuncs.
Verilator_profcfunc reads a profile report created by gprof. The names of
the functions are then transformed, assuming the user used Verilator's
--prof-cfuncs, and a report printed showing the percentage of time, etc,
in each Verilog block.
For documentation see
"""Copyright 2002-2023 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
Version 2.0.
SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only OR Artistic-2.0""")
help='enable debug')
parser.add_argument('filename', help='input gprof output to process')
Args = parser.parse_args()
# Local Variables:
# compile-command: "./verilator_profcfunc ../test_regress/t/t_profcfunc.gprof"
# End: