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// -*- mode: C++; c-file-style: "cc-mode" -*-
// Code available from: https://verilator.org
// Copyright 2012-2023 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you
// can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
// Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
// Version 2.0.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only OR Artistic-2.0
/// \file
/// \brief Verilated run-time profiling header
/// This file is not part of the Verilated public-facing API.
/// It is only for internal use by Verilated library routines.
#include "verilatedos.h"
#include "verilated.h"
#include <array>
#include <atomic>
#include <cassert>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
class VlExecutionProfiler;
class VlThreadPool;
// Macros to simplify generated code
#define VL_EXEC_TRACE_ADD_RECORD(vlSymsp) \
if (VL_UNLIKELY((vlSymsp)->__Vm_executionProfilerp->enabled())) \
// Return high-precision counter for profiling, or 0x0 if not available
uint64_t val;
return val;
// Private class used by VlExecutionProfiler
#define _VL_FOREACH_APPLY(macro, arg) macro(arg, #arg)
// clang-format off
#define FOREACH_VlExecutionRecord_TYPE(macro) \
// clang-format on
class VlExecutionRecord final {
friend class VlExecutionProfiler;
enum class Type : uint8_t {
#define VL_FOREACH_MACRO(id, name) id,
static constexpr const char* const s_ascii[] = {
#define VL_FOREACH_MACRO(id, name) name,
union Payload {
struct {
uint32_t m_id; // MTask id
uint32_t m_predictStart; // Time scheduler predicted would start
uint32_t m_cpu; // Executing CPU id
} mtaskBegin;
struct {
uint32_t m_id; // MTask id
uint32_t m_predictCost; // How long scheduler predicted would take
} mtaskEnd;
// Layout below allows efficient packing.
const uint64_t m_tick = VL_CPU_TICK(); // Tick at construction
Payload m_payload; // The record payload
Type m_type; // The record type
static_assert(alignof(uint64_t) >= alignof(Payload), "Padding not allowed");
static_assert(alignof(Payload) >= alignof(Type), "Padding not allowed");
static uint16_t getcpu(); // Return currently executing CPU id
VlExecutionRecord() = default;
void evalBegin() { m_type = Type::EVAL_BEGIN; }
void evalEnd() { m_type = Type::EVAL_END; }
void evalLoopBegin() { m_type = Type::EVAL_LOOP_BEGIN; }
void evalLoopEnd() { m_type = Type::EVAL_LOOP_END; }
void mtaskBegin(uint32_t id, uint32_t predictStart) {
m_payload.mtaskBegin.m_id = id;
m_payload.mtaskBegin.m_predictStart = predictStart;
m_payload.mtaskBegin.m_cpu = getcpu();
m_type = Type::MTASK_BEGIN;
void mtaskEnd(uint32_t id, uint32_t predictCost) {
m_payload.mtaskEnd.m_id = id;
m_payload.mtaskEnd.m_predictCost = predictCost;
m_type = Type::MTASK_END;
"VlExecutionRecord should be trivially destructible for fast buffer clearing");
// VlExecutionProfiler is for collecting profiling data about model execution
class VlExecutionProfiler final : public VerilatedVirtualBase {
// In order to try to avoid dynamic memory allocations during the actual profiling phase,
// trace buffers are pre-allocated to be able to hold [a multiple] of this many records.
static constexpr size_t RESERVED_TRACE_CAPACITY = 4096;
// Execution traces are recorded into thread local vectors. We can append records of profiling
// events to this vector with very low overhead, and then dump them out later. This prevents
// the overhead of printf/malloc/IO from corrupting the profiling data. It's super cheap to
// append a VlProfileRec struct on the end of a pre-allocated vector; this is the only cost we
// pay in real-time during a profiling cycle. Internal note: Globals may multi-construct, see
// verilated.cpp top.
using ExecutionTrace = std::vector<VlExecutionRecord>;
VerilatedContext& m_context; // The context this profiler is under
static thread_local ExecutionTrace t_trace; // thread-local trace buffers
mutable VerilatedMutex m_mutex;
// Map from thread id to &t_trace of given thread
std::map<uint32_t, ExecutionTrace*> m_traceps VL_GUARDED_BY(m_mutex);
bool m_enabled = false; // Is profiling currently enabled
uint64_t m_tickBegin = 0; // Sample time (rdtsc() on x86) at beginning of collection
uint64_t m_lastStartReq = 0; // Last requested profiling start (in simulation time)
uint32_t m_windowCount = 0; // Track our position in the cache warmup and profile window
explicit VlExecutionProfiler(VerilatedContext& context);
~VlExecutionProfiler() override = default;
// Is profiling enabled
bool enabled() const { return m_enabled; }
// Append a trace record to the trace buffer of the current thread
static VlExecutionRecord& addRecord() {
return t_trace.back();
// Configure profiler (called in beginning of 'eval')
void configure();
// Setup profiling on a particular thread;
void setupThread(uint32_t threadId);
// Clear all profiling data
void clear() VL_MT_SAFE_EXCLUDES(m_mutex);
// Write profiling data into file
void dump(const char* filenamep, uint64_t tickEnd) VL_MT_SAFE_EXCLUDES(m_mutex);
// Passed to VerilatedContext to create the VlExecutionProfiler profiler instance
static VerilatedVirtualBase* construct(VerilatedContext& context);
// VlPgoProfiler is for collecting profiling data for PGO
template <std::size_t T_Entries>
class VlPgoProfiler final {
struct Record final {
const std::string m_name; // Hashed name of mtask/etc
const size_t m_counterNumber = 0; // Which counter has data
// Counters are stored packed, all together to reduce cache effects
std::array<uint64_t, T_Entries> m_counters; // Time spent on this record
std::vector<Record> m_records; // Record information
VlPgoProfiler() = default;
~VlPgoProfiler() = default;
void write(const char* modelp, const std::string& filename) VL_MT_SAFE;
void addCounter(size_t counter, const std::string& name) {
VL_DEBUG_IF(assert(counter < T_Entries););
m_records.emplace_back(Record{name, counter});
void startCounter(size_t counter) {
// -= so when we add end time in stopCounter, the net effect is adding the difference,
// without needing to hold onto a temporary
m_counters[counter] -= VL_CPU_TICK();
void stopCounter(size_t counter) { m_counters[counter] += VL_CPU_TICK(); }
template <std::size_t T_Entries>
void VlPgoProfiler<T_Entries>::write(const char* modelp, const std::string& filename) VL_MT_SAFE {
static VerilatedMutex s_mutex;
const VerilatedLockGuard lock{s_mutex};
// On the first call we create the file. On later calls we append.
// So when we have multiple models in an executable, possibly even
// running on different threads, each will have a different symtab so
// each will collect is own data correctly. However when each is
// destroyed we need to get all the data, not keep overwriting and only
// get the last model's data.
static bool s_firstCall = true;
VL_DEBUG_IF(VL_DBG_MSGF("+prof+vlt+file writing to '%s'\n", filename.c_str()););
FILE* const fp = std::fopen(filename.c_str(), s_firstCall ? "w" : "a");
if (VL_UNLIKELY(!fp)) {
VL_FATAL_MT(filename.c_str(), 0, "", "+prof+vlt+file file not writable");
s_firstCall = false;
// TODO Perhaps merge with verilated_coverage output format, so can
// have a common merging and reporting tool, etc.
fprintf(fp, "// Verilated model profile-guided optimization data dump file\n");
fprintf(fp, "`verilator_config\n");
for (const Record& rec : m_records) {
fprintf(fp, "profile_data -model \"%s\" -mtask \"%s\" -cost 64'd%" PRIu64 "\n", modelp,
rec.m_name.c_str(), m_counters[rec.m_counterNumber]);