mirror of
synced 2025-02-08 14:41:48 +00:00
* Add tests for unpacked array in DPI-C * Add more generic parameter generator to AstNodes * Supports multi dimensional array in DPI ( DPI argmuments <=> Verilator internal type conversion) consider typedef in V3Task fix export test fix inout for scalar support export func of time * V3Premit does not show an error for wide words nor ArraySel * Unnecessary pack func for unapcked array does not appear anymore * Support unpacked array in runtime header - Add an overload for lvalue VL_CVT_PACK_STR_NN - Allow conversion from void * * touch up tests for codacy advices * resolve free functions. no functional change intended.
513 lines
22 KiB
513 lines
22 KiB
// -*- mode: C++; c-file-style: "cc-mode" -*-
// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Build DPI protected C++ and SV
// Code available from: https://verilator.org
// Copyright 2003-2020 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you
// can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
// Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
// Version 2.0.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only OR Artistic-2.0
#include "config_build.h"
#include "verilatedos.h"
#include "V3Global.h"
#include "V3String.h"
#include "V3ProtectLib.h"
#include "V3Hashed.h"
#include "V3Task.h"
#include <list>
// ProtectLib top-level visitor
class ProtectVisitor final : public AstNVisitor {
AstVFile* m_vfilep = nullptr; // DPI-enabled Verilog wrapper
AstCFile* m_cfilep = nullptr; // C implementation of DPI functions
// Verilog text blocks
AstTextBlock* m_modPortsp = nullptr; // Module port list
AstTextBlock* m_comboPortsp = nullptr; // Combo function port list
AstTextBlock* m_seqPortsp = nullptr; // Sequential function port list
AstTextBlock* m_comboIgnorePortsp = nullptr; // Combo ignore function port list
AstTextBlock* m_comboDeclsp = nullptr; // Combo signal declaration list
AstTextBlock* m_seqDeclsp = nullptr; // Sequential signal declaration list
AstTextBlock* m_tmpDeclsp = nullptr; // Temporary signal declaration list
AstTextBlock* m_hashValuep = nullptr; // CPP hash value
AstTextBlock* m_comboParamsp = nullptr; // Combo function parameter list
AstTextBlock* m_clkSensp = nullptr; // Clock sensitivity list
AstTextBlock* m_comboIgnoreParamsp = nullptr; // Combo ignore parameter list
AstTextBlock* m_seqParamsp = nullptr; // Sequential parameter list
AstTextBlock* m_nbAssignsp = nullptr; // Non-blocking assignment list
AstTextBlock* m_seqAssignsp = nullptr; // Sequential assignment list
AstTextBlock* m_comboAssignsp = nullptr; // Combo assignment list
// C text blocks
AstTextBlock* m_cHashValuep = nullptr; // CPP hash value
AstTextBlock* m_cComboParamsp = nullptr; // Combo function parameter list
AstTextBlock* m_cComboInsp = nullptr; // Combo input copy list
AstTextBlock* m_cComboOutsp = nullptr; // Combo output copy list
AstTextBlock* m_cSeqParamsp = nullptr; // Sequential parameter list
AstTextBlock* m_cSeqClksp = nullptr; // Sequential clock copy list
AstTextBlock* m_cSeqOutsp = nullptr; // Sequential output copy list
AstTextBlock* m_cIgnoreParamsp = nullptr; // Combo ignore parameter list
string m_libName;
string m_topName;
bool m_foundTop = false; // Have seen the top module
bool m_hasClk = false; // True if the top module has sequential logic
virtual void visit(AstNetlist* nodep) override {
= new AstVFile(nodep->fileline(), v3Global.opt.makeDir() + "/" + m_libName + ".sv");
= new AstCFile(nodep->fileline(), v3Global.opt.makeDir() + "/" + m_libName + ".cpp");
virtual void visit(AstNodeModule* nodep) override {
if (!nodep->isTop()) {
} else {
UASSERT_OBJ(!m_foundTop, nodep, "Multiple root modules");
FileLine* fl = nodep->fileline();
// Need to know the existence of clk before createSvFile()
m_hasClk = checkIfClockExists(nodep);
createSvFile(fl, nodep);
V3Hash hash = V3Hashed::uncachedHash(m_cfilep);
m_hashValuep->addText(fl, cvtToStr(hash.fullValue()) + ";\n");
m_cHashValuep->addText(fl, cvtToStr(hash.fullValue()) + "U;\n");
m_foundTop = true;
void addComment(AstTextBlock* txtp, FileLine* fl, const string& comment) {
txtp->addNodep(new AstComment(fl, comment));
void hashComment(AstTextBlock* txtp, FileLine* fl) {
addComment(txtp, fl, "Checks to make sure the .sv wrapper and library agree");
void initialComment(AstTextBlock* txtp, FileLine* fl) {
addComment(txtp, fl, "Creates an instance of the secret module at initial-time");
addComment(txtp, fl, "(one for each instance in the user's design) also evaluates");
addComment(txtp, fl, "the secret module's initial process");
void comboComment(AstTextBlock* txtp, FileLine* fl) {
addComment(txtp, fl, "Updates all non-clock inputs and retrieves the results");
void seqComment(AstTextBlock* txtp, FileLine* fl) {
addComment(txtp, fl, "Updates all clocks and retrieves the results");
void comboIgnoreComment(AstTextBlock* txtp, FileLine* fl) {
addComment(txtp, fl, "Need to convince some simulators that the input to the module");
addComment(txtp, fl, "must be evaluated before evaluating the clock edge");
void finalComment(AstTextBlock* txtp, FileLine* fl) {
addComment(txtp, fl, "Evaluates the secret module's final process");
void createSvFile(FileLine* fl, AstNodeModule* modp) {
// Comments
AstTextBlock* txtp = new AstTextBlock(fl);
addComment(txtp, fl, "Wrapper module for DPI protected library");
addComment(txtp, fl,
"This module requires lib" + m_libName + ".a or lib" + m_libName
+ ".so to work");
addComment(txtp, fl,
"See instructions in your simulator for how"
" to use DPI libraries\n");
bool timescaleShown = false;
if (v3Global.opt.hierChild() && !modp->timeunit().isNone()) {
// Emit timescale for hierarhical verilation
timescaleShown = true;
txtp->addText(fl, string("`timescale ") + modp->timeunit().ascii() + "/"
+ v3Global.rootp()->timeprecision().ascii() + "\n\n");
// Module declaration
m_modPortsp = new AstTextBlock(fl, "module " + m_libName + " (\n", false, true);
txtp->addText(fl, ");\n\n");
// Timescale
if (!timescaleShown) {
addComment(txtp, fl,
"Precision of submodule"
" (commented out to avoid requiring timescale on all modules)");
addComment(txtp, fl, string("timeunit ") + v3Global.rootp()->timeunit().ascii() + ";");
addComment(txtp, fl,
string("timeprecision ") + v3Global.rootp()->timeprecision().ascii()
+ ";\n");
// DPI declarations
hashComment(txtp, fl);
txtp->addText(fl, "import \"DPI-C\" function void " + m_libName
+ "_protectlib_check_hash(int protectlib_hash__V);\n\n");
initialComment(txtp, fl);
txtp->addText(fl, "import \"DPI-C\" function chandle " + m_libName
+ "_protectlib_create(string scope__V);\n\n");
comboComment(txtp, fl);
m_comboPortsp = new AstTextBlock(fl,
"import \"DPI-C\" function longint " + m_libName
+ "_protectlib_combo_update "
false, true);
m_comboPortsp->addText(fl, "chandle handle__V\n");
txtp->addText(fl, ");\n\n");
seqComment(txtp, fl);
if (m_hasClk) {
m_seqPortsp = new AstTextBlock(fl,
"import \"DPI-C\" function longint " + m_libName
+ "_protectlib_seq_update"
false, true);
m_seqPortsp->addText(fl, "chandle handle__V\n");
txtp->addText(fl, ");\n\n");
comboIgnoreComment(txtp, fl);
m_comboIgnorePortsp = new AstTextBlock(fl,
"import \"DPI-C\" function void " + m_libName
+ "_protectlib_combo_ignore"
false, true);
m_comboIgnorePortsp->addText(fl, "chandle handle__V\n");
txtp->addText(fl, ");\n\n");
finalComment(txtp, fl);
txtp->addText(fl, "import \"DPI-C\" function void " + m_libName
+ "_protectlib_final(chandle handle__V);\n\n");
// Local variables
txtp->addText(fl, "chandle handle__V;\n\n");
m_comboDeclsp = new AstTextBlock(fl);
m_seqDeclsp = new AstTextBlock(fl);
m_tmpDeclsp = new AstTextBlock(fl);
txtp->addText(fl, "\ntime last_combo_seqnum__V;\n");
if (m_hasClk) { txtp->addText(fl, "time last_seq_seqnum__V;\n\n"); }
// CPP hash value
addComment(txtp, fl, "Hash value to make sure this file and the corresponding");
addComment(txtp, fl, "library agree");
m_hashValuep = new AstTextBlock(fl, "localparam int protectlib_hash__V = 32'd");
txtp->addText(fl, "\n");
// Initial
txtp->addText(fl, "initial begin\n");
txtp->addText(fl, m_libName + "_protectlib_check_hash(protectlib_hash__V);\n");
txtp->addText(fl, "handle__V = " + m_libName
+ "_protectlib_create"
txtp->addText(fl, "end\n\n");
// Combinatorial process
addComment(txtp, fl, "Combinatorialy evaluate changes to inputs");
m_comboParamsp = new AstTextBlock(fl,
"always @(*) begin\n"
"last_combo_seqnum__V = "
+ m_libName + "_protectlib_combo_update(\n",
false, true);
m_comboParamsp->addText(fl, "handle__V\n");
txtp->addText(fl, ");\n");
txtp->addText(fl, "end\n\n");
// Sequential process
if (m_hasClk) {
addComment(txtp, fl, "Evaluate clock edges");
m_clkSensp = new AstTextBlock(fl, "always @(", false, true);
txtp->addText(fl, ") begin\n");
= new AstTextBlock(fl, m_libName + "_protectlib_combo_ignore(\n", false, true);
m_comboIgnoreParamsp->addText(fl, "handle__V\n");
txtp->addText(fl, ");\n");
m_seqParamsp = new AstTextBlock(
fl, "last_seq_seqnum__V <= " + m_libName + "_protectlib_seq_update(\n", false,
m_seqParamsp->addText(fl, "handle__V\n");
txtp->addText(fl, ");\n");
m_nbAssignsp = new AstTextBlock(fl);
txtp->addText(fl, "end\n\n");
// Select between combinatorial and sequential results
addComment(txtp, fl, "Select between combinatorial and sequential results");
txtp->addText(fl, "always @(*) begin\n");
if (m_hasClk) {
m_seqAssignsp = new AstTextBlock(fl, "if (last_seq_seqnum__V > "
"last_combo_seqnum__V) begin\n");
m_comboAssignsp = new AstTextBlock(fl, "end else begin\n");
txtp->addText(fl, "end\n");
} else {
m_comboAssignsp = new AstTextBlock(fl, "");
txtp->addText(fl, "end\n\n");
// Final
txtp->addText(fl, "final " + m_libName + "_protectlib_final(handle__V);\n\n");
txtp->addText(fl, "endmodule\n");
void castPtr(FileLine* fl, AstTextBlock* txtp) {
txtp->addText(fl, m_topName
+ "_container* handlep__V = " // LCOV_EXCL_LINE // lcov bug
+ m_topName + "_container*>(vhandlep__V);\n");
void createCppFile(FileLine* fl) {
// Comments
AstTextBlock* txtp = new AstTextBlock(fl);
addComment(txtp, fl, "Wrapper functions for DPI protected library\n");
// Includes
txtp->addText(fl, "#include \"" + m_topName + ".h\"\n");
txtp->addText(fl, "#include \"verilated_dpi.h\"\n\n");
txtp->addText(fl, "#include <cstdio>\n");
txtp->addText(fl, "#include <cstdlib>\n\n");
// Verilated module plus sequence number
addComment(txtp, fl, "Container class to house verilated object and sequence number");
txtp->addText(fl, "class " + m_topName + "_container: public " + m_topName + " {\n");
txtp->addText(fl, "public:\n");
txtp->addText(fl, "long long m_seqnum;\n");
txtp->addText(fl, m_topName + "_container(const char* scopep__V):\n");
txtp->addText(fl, m_topName + "(scopep__V) {}\n");
txtp->addText(fl, "};\n\n");
// Extern C
txtp->addText(fl, "extern \"C\" {\n\n");
// Hash check
hashComment(txtp, fl);
txtp->addText(fl, "void " + m_libName
+ "_protectlib_check_hash"
"(int protectlib_hash__V) {\n");
m_cHashValuep = new AstTextBlock(fl, "int expected_hash__V = ");
txtp->addText(fl, "if (protectlib_hash__V != expected_hash__V) {\n");
txtp->addText(fl, "fprintf(stderr, \"%%Error: cannot use " + m_libName
+ " library, "
"Verliog (%u) and library (%u) hash values do not "
"agree\\n\", protectlib_hash__V, expected_hash__V);\n");
txtp->addText(fl, "exit(EXIT_FAILURE);\n");
txtp->addText(fl, "}\n");
txtp->addText(fl, "}\n\n");
// Initial
initialComment(txtp, fl);
txtp->addText(fl, "void* " + m_libName + "_protectlib_create(const char* scopep__V) {\n");
txtp->addText(fl, m_topName + "_container* handlep__V = new " + m_topName
+ "_container(scopep__V);\n");
txtp->addText(fl, "return handlep__V;\n");
txtp->addText(fl, "}\n\n");
// Updates
comboComment(txtp, fl);
m_cComboParamsp = new AstTextBlock(
fl, "long long " + m_libName + "_protectlib_combo_update(\n", false, true);
m_cComboParamsp->addText(fl, "void* vhandlep__V\n");
txtp->addText(fl, ")\n");
m_cComboInsp = new AstTextBlock(fl, "{\n");
castPtr(fl, m_cComboInsp);
m_cComboOutsp = new AstTextBlock(fl, "handlep__V->eval();\n");
txtp->addText(fl, "return handlep__V->m_seqnum++;\n");
txtp->addText(fl, "}\n\n");
if (m_hasClk) {
seqComment(txtp, fl);
m_cSeqParamsp = new AstTextBlock(
fl, "long long " + m_libName + "_protectlib_seq_update(\n", false, true);
m_cSeqParamsp->addText(fl, "void* vhandlep__V\n");
txtp->addText(fl, ")\n");
m_cSeqClksp = new AstTextBlock(fl, "{\n");
castPtr(fl, m_cSeqClksp);
m_cSeqOutsp = new AstTextBlock(fl, "handlep__V->eval();\n");
txtp->addText(fl, "return handlep__V->m_seqnum++;\n");
txtp->addText(fl, "}\n\n");
comboIgnoreComment(txtp, fl);
m_cIgnoreParamsp = new AstTextBlock(
fl, "void " + m_libName + "_protectlib_combo_ignore(\n", false, true);
m_cIgnoreParamsp->addText(fl, "void* vhandlep__V\n");
txtp->addText(fl, ")\n");
txtp->addText(fl, "{ }\n\n");
// Final
finalComment(txtp, fl);
txtp->addText(fl, "void " + m_libName + "_protectlib_final(void* vhandlep__V) {\n");
castPtr(fl, txtp);
txtp->addText(fl, "handlep__V->final();\n");
txtp->addText(fl, "delete handlep__V;\n");
txtp->addText(fl, "}\n\n");
txtp->addText(fl, "}\n");
virtual void visit(AstVar* nodep) override {
if (!nodep->isIO()) return;
if (VN_IS(nodep->dtypep(), UnpackArrayDType)) {
nodep->v3warn(E_UNSUPPORTED, "Unsupported: unpacked arrays with protect-lib on "
<< nodep->prettyNameQ());
if (nodep->direction() == VDirection::INPUT) {
if (nodep->isUsedClock() || nodep->attrClocker() == VVarAttrClocker::CLOCKER_YES) {
UASSERT_OBJ(m_hasClk, nodep, "checkIfClockExists() didn't find this clock");
} else {
} else if (nodep->direction() == VDirection::OUTPUT) {
} else {
nodep->v3warn(E_UNSUPPORTED, "Unsupported: protect-lib port direction: "
<< nodep->direction().ascii());
virtual void visit(AstNode*) override {}
string cInputConnection(AstVar* varp) {
string frstmt;
string ket;
bool useSetWSvlv = V3Task::dpiToInternalFrStmt(varp, varp->name(), frstmt, ket);
if (useSetWSvlv) {
return frstmt + ket + " handlep__V->" + varp->name() + ", " + varp->name() + ");\n";
return "handlep__V->" + varp->name() + " = " + frstmt + ket + ";\n";
void handleClock(AstVar* varp) {
FileLine* fl = varp->fileline();
if (m_hasClk) {
m_seqParamsp->addText(fl, varp->name() + "\n");
m_clkSensp->addText(fl, "posedge " + varp->name() + " or negedge " + varp->name());
m_cSeqParamsp->addText(fl, varp->dpiArgType(true, false) + "\n");
m_cSeqClksp->addText(fl, cInputConnection(varp));
void handleDataInput(AstVar* varp) {
FileLine* fl = varp->fileline();
m_comboParamsp->addText(fl, varp->name() + "\n");
if (m_hasClk) { m_comboIgnoreParamsp->addText(fl, varp->name() + "\n"); }
m_cComboParamsp->addText(fl, varp->dpiArgType(true, false) + "\n");
m_cComboInsp->addText(fl, cInputConnection(varp));
m_cIgnoreParamsp->addText(fl, varp->dpiArgType(true, false) + "\n");
void handleInput(AstVar* varp) { m_modPortsp->addNodep(varp->cloneTree(false)); }
void handleOutput(AstVar* varp) {
FileLine* fl = varp->fileline();
m_comboParamsp->addText(fl, varp->name() + "_combo__V\n");
if (m_hasClk) {
m_seqParamsp->addText(fl, varp->name() + "_tmp__V\n");
AstNodeDType* comboDtypep = varp->dtypep()->cloneTree(false);
m_comboDeclsp->addText(fl, " " + varp->name() + "_combo__V;\n");
if (m_hasClk) {
AstNodeDType* seqDtypep = varp->dtypep()->cloneTree(false);
m_seqDeclsp->addText(fl, " " + varp->name() + "_seq__V;\n");
AstNodeDType* tmpDtypep = varp->dtypep()->cloneTree(false);
m_tmpDeclsp->addText(fl, " " + varp->name() + "_tmp__V;\n");
m_nbAssignsp->addText(fl, varp->name() + "_seq__V <= " + varp->name() + "_tmp__V;\n");
m_seqAssignsp->addText(fl, varp->name() + " = " + varp->name() + "_seq__V;\n");
m_comboAssignsp->addText(fl, varp->name() + " = " + varp->name() + "_combo__V;\n");
m_cComboParamsp->addText(fl, varp->dpiArgType(true, false) + "\n");
V3Task::assignInternalToDpi(varp, true, "", "", "handlep__V->"));
if (m_hasClk) {
m_cSeqParamsp->addText(fl, varp->dpiArgType(true, false) + "\n");
V3Task::assignInternalToDpi(varp, true, "", "", "handlep__V->"));
static bool checkIfClockExists(AstNodeModule* modp) {
for (AstNode* stmtp = modp->stmtsp(); stmtp; stmtp = stmtp->nextp()) {
if (AstVar* varp = VN_CAST(stmtp, Var)) {
if (varp->direction() == VDirection::INPUT
&& (varp->isUsedClock()
|| varp->attrClocker() == VVarAttrClocker::CLOCKER_YES)) {
return true;
return false;
explicit ProtectVisitor(AstNode* nodep)
: m_libName{v3Global.opt.protectLib()}
, m_topName{v3Global.opt.prefix()} {
// ProtectLib class functions
void V3ProtectLib::protect() {
UINFO(2, __FUNCTION__ << ": " << endl);