2020-11-29 18:26:06 -05:00

1733 lines
60 KiB

// -*- mode: C++; c-file-style: "cc-mode" -*-
// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Ast node structures
// Code available from:
// Copyright 2003-2020 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you
// can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
// Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
// Version 2.0.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only OR Artistic-2.0
#include "config_build.h"
#include "verilatedos.h"
#include "V3Ast.h"
#include "V3File.h"
#include "V3Global.h"
#include "V3Graph.h"
#include "V3PartitionGraph.h" // Just for mtask dumping
#include "V3String.h"
#include "V3EmitCBase.h"
#include <iomanip>
#include <vector>
// Special methods
// We need these here, because the classes they point to aren't defined when we declare the class
const char* AstIfaceRefDType::broken() const {
BROKEN_RTN(m_ifacep && !m_ifacep->brokeExists());
BROKEN_RTN(m_cellp && !m_cellp->brokeExists());
BROKEN_RTN(m_modportp && !m_modportp->brokeExists());
return nullptr;
AstIface* AstIfaceRefDType::ifaceViaCellp() const {
return ((m_cellp && m_cellp->modp()) ? VN_CAST(m_cellp->modp(), Iface) : m_ifacep);
const char* AstNodeVarRef::broken() const {
BROKEN_RTN(m_varScopep && !m_varScopep->brokeExists());
BROKEN_RTN(m_varp && !m_varp->brokeExists());
return nullptr;
void AstNodeVarRef::cloneRelink() {
if (m_varp && m_varp->clonep()) { m_varp = m_varp->clonep(); }
string AstNodeVarRef::hiernameProtect() const {
return hiernameToUnprot() + VIdProtect::protectWordsIf(hiernameToProt(), protect());
int AstNodeSel::bitConst() const {
AstConst* constp = VN_CAST(bitp(), Const);
return (constp ? constp->toSInt() : 0);
void AstNodeUOrStructDType::repairMemberCache() {
for (AstMemberDType* itemp = membersp(); itemp; itemp = VN_CAST(itemp->nextp(), MemberDType)) {
if (m_members.find(itemp->name()) != m_members.end()) {
itemp->v3error("Duplicate declaration of member name: " << itemp->prettyNameQ());
} else {
m_members.insert(make_pair(itemp->name(), itemp));
const char* AstNodeUOrStructDType::broken() const {
std::unordered_set<AstMemberDType*> exists;
for (AstMemberDType* itemp = membersp(); itemp; itemp = VN_CAST(itemp->nextp(), MemberDType)) {
for (MemberNameMap::const_iterator it = m_members.begin(); it != m_members.end(); ++it) {
if (VL_UNCOVERABLE(exists.find(it->second) == exists.end())) {
this->v3error("Internal: Structure member broken: " << it->first);
return "member broken";
return nullptr;
void AstNodeStmt::dump(std::ostream& str) const { this->AstNode::dump(str); }
void AstNodeCCall::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
if (funcp()) {
str << " " << funcp()->name() << " => ";
} else {
str << " " << name();
void AstNodeCCall::cloneRelink() {
if (m_funcp && m_funcp->clonep()) { m_funcp = m_funcp->clonep(); }
const char* AstNodeCCall::broken() const {
BROKEN_RTN(m_funcp && !m_funcp->brokeExists());
return nullptr;
bool AstNodeCCall::isPure() const { return funcp()->pure(); }
string AstNodeCCall::hiernameProtect() const {
return hiernameToUnprot() + VIdProtect::protectWordsIf(hiernameToProt(), protect());
void AstNodeCond::numberOperate(V3Number& out, const V3Number& lhs, const V3Number& rhs,
const V3Number& ths) {
if (lhs.isNeqZero()) {
} else {
int AstBasicDType::widthAlignBytes() const {
if (width() <= 8) {
return 1;
} else if (width() <= 16) {
return 2;
} else if (isQuad()) {
return 8;
} else {
return 4;
int AstBasicDType::widthTotalBytes() const {
if (width() <= 8) {
return 1;
} else if (width() <= 16) {
return 2;
} else if (isQuad()) {
return 8;
} else {
return widthWords() * (VL_EDATASIZE / 8);
int AstNodeUOrStructDType::widthTotalBytes() const {
if (width() <= 8) {
return 1;
} else if (width() <= 16) {
return 2;
} else if (isQuad()) {
return 8;
} else {
return widthWords() * (VL_EDATASIZE / 8);
int AstNodeUOrStructDType::widthAlignBytes() const {
// Could do max across members but that would be slow,
// instead intuit based on total structure size
if (width() <= 8) {
return 1;
} else if (width() <= 16) {
return 2;
} else if (width() <= 32) {
return 4;
} else {
return 8;
AstNodeBiop* AstEq::newTyped(FileLine* fl, AstNode* lhsp, AstNode* rhsp) {
if (lhsp->isString() && rhsp->isString()) {
return new AstEqN(fl, lhsp, rhsp);
} else if (lhsp->isDouble() && rhsp->isDouble()) {
return new AstEqD(fl, lhsp, rhsp);
} else {
return new AstEq(fl, lhsp, rhsp);
AstNodeBiop* AstGte::newTyped(FileLine* fl, AstNode* lhsp, AstNode* rhsp) {
if (lhsp->isString() && rhsp->isString()) {
return new AstGteN(fl, lhsp, rhsp);
} else if (lhsp->isDouble() && rhsp->isDouble()) {
return new AstGteD(fl, lhsp, rhsp);
} else if (lhsp->isSigned() && rhsp->isSigned()) {
return new AstGteS(fl, lhsp, rhsp);
} else {
return new AstGte(fl, lhsp, rhsp);
AstNodeBiop* AstLte::newTyped(FileLine* fl, AstNode* lhsp, AstNode* rhsp) {
if (lhsp->isString() && rhsp->isString()) {
return new AstLteN(fl, lhsp, rhsp);
} else if (lhsp->isDouble() && rhsp->isDouble()) {
return new AstLteD(fl, lhsp, rhsp);
} else if (lhsp->isSigned() && rhsp->isSigned()) {
return new AstLteS(fl, lhsp, rhsp);
} else {
return new AstLte(fl, lhsp, rhsp);
AstNodeBiop* AstEqWild::newTyped(FileLine* fl, AstNode* lhsp, AstNode* rhsp) {
if (lhsp->isString() && rhsp->isString()) {
return new AstEqN(fl, lhsp, rhsp);
} else if (lhsp->isDouble() && rhsp->isDouble()) {
return new AstEqD(fl, lhsp, rhsp);
} else {
return new AstEqWild(fl, lhsp, rhsp);
AstExecGraph::AstExecGraph(FileLine* fileline)
: AstNode{AstType::atExecGraph, fileline} {
m_depGraphp = new V3Graph;
AstExecGraph::~AstExecGraph() { VL_DO_DANGLING(delete m_depGraphp, m_depGraphp); }
AstNode* AstInsideRange::newAndFromInside(AstNode* exprp, AstNode* lhsp, AstNode* rhsp) {
AstNode* ap = new AstGte(fileline(), exprp->cloneTree(true), lhsp);
AstNode* bp = new AstLte(fileline(), exprp->cloneTree(true), rhsp);
ap->fileline()->modifyWarnOff(V3ErrorCode::UNSIGNED, true);
bp->fileline()->modifyWarnOff(V3ErrorCode::CMPCONST, true);
AstNode* newp = new AstAnd(fileline(), ap, bp);
return newp;
AstConst* AstConst::parseParamLiteral(FileLine* fl, const string& literal) {
bool success = false;
if (literal[0] == '"') {
// This is a string
string v = literal.substr(1, literal.find('"', 1) - 1);
return new AstConst(fl, AstConst::VerilogStringLiteral(), v);
} else if (literal.find_first_of(".eEpP") != string::npos) {
// This may be a real
double v = VString::parseDouble(literal, &success);
if (success) return new AstConst(fl, AstConst::RealDouble(), v);
if (!success) {
// This is either an integer or an error
// We first try to convert it as C literal. If strtol returns
// 0 this is either an error or 0 was parsed. But in any case
// we will try to parse it as a verilog literal, hence having
// the false negative for 0 is okay. If anything remains in
// the string after the number, this is invalid C and we try
// the Verilog literal parser.
char* endp;
int v = strtol(literal.c_str(), &endp, 0);
if ((v != 0) && (endp[0] == 0)) { // C literal
return new AstConst(fl, AstConst::WidthedValue(), 32, v);
} else { // Try a Verilog literal (fatals if not)
return new AstConst(fl, AstConst::StringToParse(), literal.c_str());
return nullptr;
void AstNetlist::timeprecisionMerge(FileLine*, const VTimescale& value) {
VTimescale prec = v3Global.opt.timeComputePrec(value);
if (prec.isNone() || prec == m_timeprecision) {
} else if (m_timeprecision.isNone()) {
m_timeprecision = prec;
} else if (prec < m_timeprecision) {
m_timeprecision = prec;
bool AstVar::isSigPublic() const {
return (m_sigPublic || (v3Global.opt.allPublic() && !isTemp() && !isGenVar()));
bool AstVar::isScQuad() const { return (isSc() && isQuad() && !isScBv() && !isScBigUint()); }
bool AstVar::isScBv() const {
return ((isSc() && width() >= v3Global.opt.pinsBv()) || m_attrScBv);
bool AstVar::isScUint() const {
return ((isSc() && v3Global.opt.pinsScUint() && width() >= 2 && width() <= 64) && !isScBv());
bool AstVar::isScBigUint() const {
return ((isSc() && v3Global.opt.pinsScBigUint() && width() >= 65 && width() <= 512)
&& !isScBv());
void AstVar::combineType(AstVarType type) {
// These flags get combined with the existing settings of the flags.
// We don't test varType for certain types, instead set flags since
// when we combine wires cross-hierarchy we need a union of all characteristics.
m_varType = type;
// These flags get combined with the existing settings of the flags.
if (type == AstVarType::TRIWIRE || type == AstVarType::TRI0 || type == AstVarType::TRI1) {
m_tristate = true;
if (type == AstVarType::TRI0) m_isPulldown = true;
if (type == AstVarType::TRI1) m_isPullup = true;
string AstVar::verilogKwd() const {
if (isIO()) {
return direction().verilogKwd();
} else if (isTristate()) {
return "tri";
} else if (varType() == AstVarType::WIRE) {
return "wire";
} else if (varType() == AstVarType::WREAL) {
return "wreal";
} else if (varType() == AstVarType::IFACEREF) {
return "ifaceref";
} else {
return dtypep()->name();
string AstVar::vlArgType(bool named, bool forReturn, bool forFunc, const string& namespc) const {
UASSERT_OBJ(!forReturn, this,
"Internal data is never passed as return, but as first argument");
string ostatic;
if (isStatic() && namespc.empty()) ostatic = "static ";
bool isRef = isDpiOpenArray() || (forFunc && (isWritable() || direction().isRefOrConstRef()));
if (forFunc && isReadOnly() && isRef) ostatic = ostatic + "const ";
string oname;
if (named) {
if (!namespc.empty()) oname += namespc + "::";
oname += VIdProtect::protectIf(name(), protect());
return ostatic + dtypep()->cType(oname, forFunc, isRef);
string AstVar::vlEnumType() const {
string arg;
AstBasicDType* bdtypep = basicp();
bool strtype = bdtypep && bdtypep->keyword() == AstBasicDTypeKwd::STRING;
if (bdtypep && bdtypep->keyword() == AstBasicDTypeKwd::CHARPTR) {
return "VLVT_PTR";
} else if (bdtypep && bdtypep->keyword() == AstBasicDTypeKwd::SCOPEPTR) {
return "VLVT_PTR";
} else if (strtype) {
arg += "VLVT_STRING";
} else if (widthMin() <= 8) {
arg += "VLVT_UINT8";
} else if (widthMin() <= 16) {
arg += "VLVT_UINT16";
} else if (widthMin() <= VL_IDATASIZE) {
arg += "VLVT_UINT32";
} else if (isQuad()) {
arg += "VLVT_UINT64";
} else if (isWide()) {
arg += "VLVT_WDATA";
// else return "VLVT_UNKNOWN"
return arg;
string AstVar::vlEnumDir() const {
string out;
if (isInoutish()) {
out = "VLVD_INOUT";
} else if (isWritable()) {
out = "VLVD_OUT";
} else if (isNonOutput()) {
out = "VLVD_IN";
} else {
out = "VLVD_NODIR";
if (isSigUserRWPublic()) {
out += "|VLVF_PUB_RW";
} else if (isSigUserRdPublic()) {
out += "|VLVF_PUB_RD";
if (AstBasicDType* bdtypep = basicp()) {
if (bdtypep->keyword().isDpiCLayout()) out += "|VLVF_DPI_CLAY";
return out;
string AstVar::vlPropDecl(const string& propName) const {
string out;
std::vector<int> ulims; // Unpacked dimension limits
for (const AstNodeDType* dtp = dtypep(); dtp;) {
dtp = dtp->skipRefp(); // Skip AstRefDType/AstTypedef, or return same node
if (const AstNodeArrayDType* const adtypep = VN_CAST_CONST(dtp, NodeArrayDType)) {
dtp = adtypep->subDTypep();
} else {
break; // AstBasicDType - nothing below
if (!ulims.empty()) {
out += "static const int " + propName + "__ulims[";
out += cvtToStr(ulims.size());
out += "] = {";
auto it = ulims.cbegin();
out += cvtToStr(*it);
while (++it != ulims.cend()) {
out += ", ";
out += cvtToStr(*it);
out += "};\n";
out += "static const VerilatedVarProps ";
out += propName;
out += "(";
out += vlEnumType(); // VLVT_UINT32 etc
out += ", " + vlEnumDir(); // VLVD_IN etc
if (const AstBasicDType* const bdtypep = basicp()) {
out += ", VerilatedVarProps::Packed()";
out += ", " + cvtToStr(bdtypep->left());
out += ", " + cvtToStr(bdtypep->right());
if (!ulims.empty()) {
out += ", VerilatedVarProps::Unpacked()";
out += ", " + cvtToStr(ulims.size() / 2);
out += ", " + propName + "__ulims";
out += ");\n";
return out;
string AstVar::cPubArgType(bool named, bool forReturn) const {
if (forReturn) named = false;
string arg;
if (isWide() && isReadOnly()) arg += "const ";
if (widthMin() == 1) {
arg += "bool";
} else if (widthMin() <= VL_IDATASIZE) {
arg += "uint32_t";
} else if (widthMin() <= VL_QUADSIZE) {
arg += "vluint64_t";
} else {
arg += "uint32_t"; // []'s added later
if (isWide()) {
if (forReturn) {
v3warn(E_UNSUPPORTED, "Unsupported: Public functions with >64 bit outputs; "
"make an output of a public task instead");
arg += " (& " + name();
arg += ")[" + cvtToStr(widthWords()) + "]";
} else {
if (!forReturn && (isWritable() || direction().isRefOrConstRef())) arg += "&";
if (named) arg += " " + name();
return arg;
class dpiTypesToStringConverter VL_NOT_FINAL {
virtual string openArray(const AstVar*) const { return "const svOpenArrayHandle"; }
virtual string bitLogicVector(const AstVar* varp, bool isBit) const {
return isBit ? "svBitVecVal" : "svLogicVecVal";
virtual string primitive(const AstVar* varp) const {
string type;
if (varp->basicp()->keyword().isDpiUnsignable() && !varp->basicp()->isSigned()) {
type = "unsigned ";
type += varp->basicp()->keyword().dpiType();
return type;
string convert(const AstVar* varp) const {
if (varp->isDpiOpenArray()) {
return openArray(varp);
} else if (!varp->basicp()) {
return "UNKNOWN";
} else if (varp->basicp()->isDpiBitVec() || varp->basicp()->isDpiLogicVec()) {
return bitLogicVector(varp, varp->basicp()->isDpiBitVec());
} else {
return primitive(varp);
string AstVar::dpiArgType(bool named, bool forReturn) const {
if (forReturn) {
return dpiTypesToStringConverter{}.convert(this);
} else {
class converter final : public dpiTypesToStringConverter {
virtual string bitLogicVector(const AstVar* varp, bool isBit) const override {
return string(varp->isReadOnly() ? "const " : "")
+ dpiTypesToStringConverter::bitLogicVector(varp, isBit) + '*';
virtual string primitive(const AstVar* varp) const override {
string type = dpiTypesToStringConverter::primitive(varp);
if (varp->isWritable() || VN_IS(varp->dtypep()->skipRefp(), UnpackArrayDType)) {
if (!varp->isWritable()
&& varp->basicp()->keyword() != AstBasicDTypeKwd::STRING)
type = "const " + type;
type += "*";
return type;
string arg = converter{}.convert(this);
if (named) arg += " " + name();
return arg;
string AstVar::dpiTmpVarType(const string& varName) const {
class converter final : public dpiTypesToStringConverter {
string m_name;
string arraySuffix(const AstVar* varp, size_t n) const {
if (AstUnpackArrayDType* unpackp
= VN_CAST(varp->dtypep()->skipRefp(), UnpackArrayDType)) {
// Convert multi dimensional unpacked array to 1D array
if (n == 0) n = 1;
n *= unpackp->arrayUnpackedElements();
return '[' + cvtToStr(n) + ']';
} else if (n > 0) {
return '[' + cvtToStr(n) + ']';
} else {
return "";
virtual string openArray(const AstVar* varp) const override {
return dpiTypesToStringConverter::openArray(varp) + ' ' + m_name
+ arraySuffix(varp, 0);
virtual string bitLogicVector(const AstVar* varp, bool isBit) const override {
string type = dpiTypesToStringConverter::bitLogicVector(varp, isBit);
type += ' ' + m_name + arraySuffix(varp, varp->widthWords());
return type;
virtual string primitive(const AstVar* varp) const override {
string type = dpiTypesToStringConverter::primitive(varp);
if (varp->isWritable() || VN_IS(varp->dtypep()->skipRefp(), UnpackArrayDType)) {
if (!varp->isWritable() && varp->basicp()->keyword() == AstBasicDTypeKwd::CHANDLE)
type = "const " + type;
type += ' ' + m_name + arraySuffix(varp, 0);
return type;
explicit converter(const string& name)
: m_name(name) {}
return converter{varName}.convert(this);
string AstVar::scType() const {
if (isScBigUint()) {
return (string("sc_biguint<") + cvtToStr(widthMin())
+ "> "); // Keep the space so don't get >>
} else if (isScUint()) {
return (string("sc_uint<") + cvtToStr(widthMin())
+ "> "); // Keep the space so don't get >>
} else if (isScBv()) {
return (string("sc_bv<") + cvtToStr(widthMin()) + "> "); // Keep the space so don't get >>
} else if (widthMin() == 1) {
return "bool";
} else if (widthMin() <= VL_IDATASIZE) {
if (widthMin() <= 8 && v3Global.opt.pinsUint8()) {
return "uint8_t";
} else if (widthMin() <= 16 && v3Global.opt.pinsUint8()) {
return "uint16_t";
} else {
return "uint32_t";
} else {
return "vluint64_t";
AstVar* AstVar::scVarRecurse(AstNode* nodep) {
// See if this is a SC assignment; if so return that type
// Historically sc variables are identified by a variable
// attribute. TODO it would better be a data type attribute.
if (AstVar* anodep = VN_CAST(nodep, Var)) {
if (anodep->isSc()) {
return anodep;
} else {
return nullptr;
} else if (VN_IS(nodep, VarRef)) {
if (VN_CAST(nodep, VarRef)->varp()->isSc()) {
return VN_CAST(nodep, VarRef)->varp();
} else {
return nullptr;
} else if (VN_IS(nodep, ArraySel)) {
if (nodep->op1p()) {
if (AstVar* p = scVarRecurse(nodep->op1p())) return p;
if (nodep->op2p()) {
if (AstVar* p = scVarRecurse(nodep->op2p())) return p;
if (nodep->op3p()) {
if (AstVar* p = scVarRecurse(nodep->op3p())) return p;
if (nodep->op4p()) {
if (AstVar* p = scVarRecurse(nodep->op4p())) return p;
return nullptr;
string AstVar::mtasksString() const {
std::ostringstream os;
os << "all: ";
for (const auto& id : m_mtaskIds) os << id << " ";
return os.str();
class AstNodeDType::CTypeRecursed final {
string m_type; // The base type, e.g.: "Foo_t"s
string m_dims; // Array dimensions, e.g.: "[3][2][1]"
string render(const string& name, bool isRef) const {
string out;
out += m_type;
if (name != "") out += " ";
out += isRef ? "(&" + name + ")" : name;
out += m_dims;
return out;
string AstNodeDType::cType(const string& name, bool forFunc, bool isRef) const {
CTypeRecursed info = cTypeRecurse(false);
return info.render(name, isRef);
AstNodeDType::CTypeRecursed AstNodeDType::cTypeRecurse(bool compound) const {
CTypeRecursed info;
const AstNodeDType* dtypep = this->skipRefp();
if (const auto* adtypep = VN_CAST_CONST(dtypep, AssocArrayDType)) {
const CTypeRecursed key = adtypep->keyDTypep()->cTypeRecurse(true);
const CTypeRecursed val = adtypep->subDTypep()->cTypeRecurse(true);
info.m_type = "VlAssocArray<" + key.m_type + ", " + val.m_type + ">";
} else if (const auto* adtypep = VN_CAST_CONST(dtypep, DynArrayDType)) {
const CTypeRecursed sub = adtypep->subDTypep()->cTypeRecurse(true);
info.m_type = "VlQueue<" + sub.m_type + ">";
} else if (const auto* adtypep = VN_CAST_CONST(dtypep, QueueDType)) {
const CTypeRecursed sub = adtypep->subDTypep()->cTypeRecurse(true);
info.m_type = "VlQueue<" + sub.m_type;
// + 1 below as VlQueue uses 0 to mean unlimited, 1 to mean size() max is 1
if (adtypep->boundp()) info.m_type += ", " + cvtToStr(adtypep->boundConst() + 1);
info.m_type += ">";
} else if (const auto* adtypep = VN_CAST_CONST(dtypep, ClassRefDType)) {
info.m_type = "VlClassRef<" + EmitCBaseVisitor::prefixNameProtect(adtypep) + ">";
} else if (const auto* adtypep = VN_CAST_CONST(dtypep, UnpackArrayDType)) {
if (compound) {
v3fatalSrc("Dynamic arrays or queues with unpacked elements are not yet supported");
const CTypeRecursed sub = adtypep->subDTypep()->cTypeRecurse(compound);
info.m_type = sub.m_type;
info.m_dims = "[" + cvtToStr(adtypep->declRange().elements()) + "]" + sub.m_dims;
} else if (const AstBasicDType* bdtypep = dtypep->basicp()) {
// We don't print msb()/lsb() as multidim packed would require recursion,
// and may confuse users as C++ data is stored always with bit 0 used
const string bitvec = (!bdtypep->isOpaque() && !v3Global.opt.protectIds())
? "/*" + cvtToStr(dtypep->width() - 1) + ":0*/"
: "";
if (bdtypep->keyword() == AstBasicDTypeKwd::CHARPTR) {
info.m_type = "const char*";
} else if (bdtypep->keyword() == AstBasicDTypeKwd::SCOPEPTR) {
info.m_type = "const VerilatedScope*";
} else if (bdtypep->keyword() == AstBasicDTypeKwd::DOUBLE) {
info.m_type = "double";
} else if (bdtypep->keyword() == AstBasicDTypeKwd::STRING) {
info.m_type = "std::string";
} else if (dtypep->widthMin() <= 8) { // Handle unpacked arrays; not bdtypep->width
info.m_type = "CData" + bitvec;
} else if (dtypep->widthMin() <= 16) {
info.m_type = "SData" + bitvec;
} else if (dtypep->widthMin() <= VL_IDATASIZE) {
info.m_type = "IData" + bitvec;
} else if (dtypep->isQuad()) {
info.m_type = "QData" + bitvec;
} else if (dtypep->isWide()) {
if (compound) {
info.m_type = "VlWide<" + cvtToStr(dtypep->widthWords()) + "> ";
} else {
info.m_type += "WData" + bitvec; // []'s added later
info.m_dims = "[" + cvtToStr(dtypep->widthWords()) + "]";
} else {
v3fatalSrc("Unknown data type in var type emitter: " << dtypep->prettyName());
UASSERT_OBJ(!compound || info.m_dims.empty(), this, "Declaring C array inside compound type");
return info;
AstNodeDType* AstNodeDType::dtypeDimensionp(int dimension) {
// dimension passed from AstArraySel::dimension
// Dimension 0 means the VAR itself, 1 is the closest SEL to the AstVar,
// which is the lowest in the dtype list.
// ref order: a[1][2][3][4]
// Created as: reg [4] a [1][2][3];
// *or* reg a [1][2][3][4];
// // The bit select is optional; used only if "leftover" []'s
// SEL1 needs to select from entire variable which is a pointer to ARRAYSEL0
// TODO this function should be removed in favor of recursing the dtype(),
// as that allows for more complicated data types.
int dim = 0;
for (AstNodeDType* dtypep = this; dtypep;) {
dtypep = dtypep->skipRefp(); // Skip AstRefDType/AstTypedef, or return same node
if (AstNodeArrayDType* adtypep = VN_CAST(dtypep, NodeArrayDType)) {
if ((dim++) == dimension) return dtypep;
dtypep = adtypep->subDTypep();
} else if (AstBasicDType* adtypep = VN_CAST(dtypep, BasicDType)) {
// AstBasicDType - nothing below, return null
if (adtypep->isRanged()) {
if ((dim++) == dimension) return adtypep;
return nullptr;
} else if (AstNodeUOrStructDType* adtypep = VN_CAST(dtypep, NodeUOrStructDType)) {
if (adtypep->packed()) {
if ((dim++) == dimension) return adtypep;
return nullptr;
// Node no ->next in loop; use continue where necessary
return nullptr;
uint32_t AstNodeDType::arrayUnpackedElements() {
uint32_t entries = 1;
for (AstNodeDType* dtypep = this; dtypep;) {
dtypep = dtypep->skipRefp(); // Skip AstRefDType/AstTypedef, or return same node
if (AstUnpackArrayDType* adtypep = VN_CAST(dtypep, UnpackArrayDType)) {
entries *= adtypep->elementsConst();
dtypep = adtypep->subDTypep();
} else {
// AstBasicDType - nothing below, 1
return entries;
std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> AstNodeDType::dimensions(bool includeBasic) {
// How many array dimensions (packed,unpacked) does this Var have?
uint32_t packed = 0;
uint32_t unpacked = 0;
for (AstNodeDType* dtypep = this; dtypep;) {
dtypep = dtypep->skipRefp(); // Skip AstRefDType/AstTypedef, or return same node
if (const AstNodeArrayDType* adtypep = VN_CAST(dtypep, NodeArrayDType)) {
if (VN_IS(adtypep, PackArrayDType)) {
} else {
dtypep = adtypep->subDTypep();
} else if (const AstQueueDType* qdtypep = VN_CAST(dtypep, QueueDType)) {
dtypep = qdtypep->subDTypep();
} else if (const AstBasicDType* adtypep = VN_CAST(dtypep, BasicDType)) {
if (includeBasic && (adtypep->isRanged() || adtypep->isString())) packed++;
} else if (VN_IS(dtypep, StructDType)) {
return make_pair(packed, unpacked);
int AstNodeDType::widthPow2() const {
// I.e. width 30 returns 32, width 32 returns 32.
uint32_t width = this->width();
for (int p2 = 30; p2 >= 0; p2--) {
if (width > (1UL << p2)) return (1UL << (p2 + 1));
return 1;
/// What is the base variable (or const) this dereferences?
AstNode* AstArraySel::baseFromp(AstNode* nodep) {
// Else AstArraySel etc; search for the base
while (nodep) {
if (VN_IS(nodep, ArraySel)) {
nodep = VN_CAST(nodep, ArraySel)->fromp();
} else if (VN_IS(nodep, Sel)) {
nodep = VN_CAST(nodep, Sel)->fromp();
// AstNodeSelPre stashes the associated variable under an ATTROF
// of AstAttrType::VAR_BASE/MEMBER_BASE so it isn't constified
else if (VN_IS(nodep, AttrOf)) {
nodep = VN_CAST(nodep, AttrOf)->fromp();
} else if (VN_IS(nodep, NodePreSel)) {
if (VN_CAST(nodep, NodePreSel)->attrp()) {
nodep = VN_CAST(nodep, NodePreSel)->attrp();
} else {
nodep = VN_CAST(nodep, NodePreSel)->lhsp();
} else {
return nodep;
const char* AstJumpBlock::broken() const {
return nullptr;
void AstJumpBlock::cloneRelink() {
if (m_labelp->clonep()) m_labelp = m_labelp->clonep();
const char* AstScope::broken() const {
BROKEN_RTN(m_aboveScopep && !m_aboveScopep->brokeExists());
BROKEN_RTN(m_aboveCellp && !m_aboveCellp->brokeExists());
BROKEN_RTN(m_modp && !m_modp->brokeExists());
return nullptr;
void AstScope::cloneRelink() {
if (m_aboveScopep && m_aboveScopep->clonep()) m_aboveScopep->clonep();
if (m_aboveCellp && m_aboveCellp->clonep()) m_aboveCellp->clonep();
if (m_modp && static_cast<AstNode*>(m_modp)->clonep()) {
string AstScope::nameDotless() const {
string out = shortName();
string::size_type pos;
while ((pos = out.find('.')) != string::npos) out.replace(pos, 1, "__");
return out;
string AstScopeName::scopePrettyNameFormatter(AstText* scopeTextp) const {
string out;
for (AstText* textp = scopeTextp; textp; textp = VN_CAST(textp->nextp(), Text)) {
out += textp->text();
// TOP will be replaced by top->name()
if (out.substr(0, 10) == "__DOT__TOP") out.replace(0, 10, "");
if (out.substr(0, 7) == "__DOT__") out.replace(0, 7, "");
if (out.substr(0, 1) == ".") out.replace(0, 1, "");
return AstNode::prettyName(out);
string AstScopeName::scopeNameFormatter(AstText* scopeTextp) const {
string out;
for (AstText* textp = scopeTextp; textp; textp = VN_CAST(textp->nextp(), Text)) {
out += textp->text();
if (out.substr(0, 10) == "__DOT__TOP") out.replace(0, 10, "");
if (out.substr(0, 7) == "__DOT__") out.replace(0, 7, "");
if (out.substr(0, 1) == ".") out.replace(0, 1, "");
string::size_type pos;
while ((pos = out.find('.')) != string::npos) out.replace(pos, 1, "__");
while ((pos = out.find("__DOT__")) != string::npos) out.replace(pos, 7, "__");
return out;
bool AstSenTree::hasClocked() const {
UASSERT_OBJ(sensesp(), this, "SENTREE without any SENITEMs under it");
for (AstSenItem* senp = sensesp(); senp; senp = VN_CAST(senp->nextp(), SenItem)) {
if (senp->isClocked()) return true;
return false;
bool AstSenTree::hasSettle() const {
UASSERT_OBJ(sensesp(), this, "SENTREE without any SENITEMs under it");
for (AstSenItem* senp = sensesp(); senp; senp = VN_CAST(senp->nextp(), SenItem)) {
if (senp->isSettle()) return true;
return false;
bool AstSenTree::hasInitial() const {
UASSERT_OBJ(sensesp(), this, "SENTREE without any SENITEMs under it");
for (AstSenItem* senp = sensesp(); senp; senp = VN_CAST(senp->nextp(), SenItem)) {
if (senp->isInitial()) return true;
return false;
bool AstSenTree::hasCombo() const {
UASSERT_OBJ(sensesp(), this, "SENTREE without any SENITEMs under it");
for (AstSenItem* senp = sensesp(); senp; senp = VN_CAST(senp->nextp(), SenItem)) {
if (senp->isCombo()) return true;
return false;
void AstTypeTable::clearCache() {
// When we mass-change widthMin in V3WidthCommit, we need to correct the table.
// Just clear out the maps; the search functions will be used to rebuild the map
for (auto& itr : m_basicps) itr = nullptr;
// Clear generic()'s so dead detection will work
for (AstNode* nodep = typesp(); nodep; nodep = nodep->nextp()) {
if (AstBasicDType* bdtypep = VN_CAST(nodep, BasicDType)) bdtypep->generic(false);
void AstTypeTable::repairCache() {
// After we mass-change widthMin in V3WidthCommit, we need to correct the table.
for (AstNode* nodep = typesp(); nodep; nodep = nodep->nextp()) {
if (AstBasicDType* bdtypep = VN_CAST(nodep, BasicDType)) {
AstVoidDType* AstTypeTable::findVoidDType(FileLine* fl) {
if (VL_UNLIKELY(!m_voidp)) {
AstVoidDType* newp = new AstVoidDType(fl);
m_voidp = newp;
return m_voidp;
AstQueueDType* AstTypeTable::findQueueIndexDType(FileLine* fl) {
if (VL_UNLIKELY(!m_queueIndexp)) {
AstQueueDType* newp = new AstQueueDType(fl, AstNode::findUInt32DType(), nullptr);
m_queueIndexp = newp;
return m_queueIndexp;
AstBasicDType* AstTypeTable::findBasicDType(FileLine* fl, AstBasicDTypeKwd kwd) {
if (m_basicps[kwd]) return m_basicps[kwd];
AstBasicDType* new1p = new AstBasicDType(fl, kwd);
// Because the detailed map doesn't update this map,
// check the detailed map for this same node
// Also adds this new node to the detailed map
AstBasicDType* newp = findInsertSameDType(new1p);
if (newp != new1p) {
VL_DO_DANGLING(new1p->deleteTree(), new1p);
} else {
m_basicps[kwd] = newp;
return newp;
AstBasicDType* AstTypeTable::findLogicBitDType(FileLine* fl, AstBasicDTypeKwd kwd, int width,
int widthMin, VSigning numeric) {
AstBasicDType* new1p = new AstBasicDType(fl, kwd, numeric, width, widthMin);
AstBasicDType* newp = findInsertSameDType(new1p);
if (newp != new1p) {
VL_DO_DANGLING(new1p->deleteTree(), new1p);
} else {
return newp;
AstBasicDType* AstTypeTable::findLogicBitDType(FileLine* fl, AstBasicDTypeKwd kwd,
const VNumRange& range, int widthMin,
VSigning numeric) {
AstBasicDType* new1p = new AstBasicDType(fl, kwd, numeric, range, widthMin);
AstBasicDType* newp = findInsertSameDType(new1p);
if (newp != new1p) {
VL_DO_DANGLING(new1p->deleteTree(), new1p);
} else {
return newp;
AstBasicDType* AstTypeTable::findInsertSameDType(AstBasicDType* nodep) {
VBasicTypeKey key(nodep->width(), nodep->widthMin(), nodep->numeric(), nodep->keyword(),
DetailedMap& mapr = m_detailedMap;
const auto it = mapr.find(key);
if (it != mapr.end()) return it->second;
mapr.insert(make_pair(key, nodep));
// No addTypesp; the upper function that called new() is responsible for adding
return nodep;
// Special walking tree inserters
void AstNode::addBeforeStmt(AstNode* newp, AstNode*) {
UASSERT_OBJ(backp(), newp, "Can't find current statement to addBeforeStmt");
// Look up; virtual call will find where to put it
this->backp()->addBeforeStmt(newp, this);
void AstNode::addNextStmt(AstNode* newp, AstNode*) {
UASSERT_OBJ(backp(), newp, "Can't find current statement to addNextStmt");
// Look up; virtual call will find where to put it
this->backp()->addNextStmt(newp, this);
void AstNodeStmt::addBeforeStmt(AstNode* newp, AstNode*) {
// Insert newp before current node
void AstNodeStmt::addNextStmt(AstNode* newp, AstNode*) {
// Insert newp after current node
void AstWhile::addBeforeStmt(AstNode* newp, AstNode* belowp) {
// Special, as statements need to be put in different places
// Belowp is how we came to recurse up to this point
// Preconditions insert first just before themselves (the normal rule
// for other statement types)
if (belowp == precondsp()) {
// Must have been first statement in precondsp list, so newp is new first statement
} else if (belowp == condp()) {
// Goes before condition, IE in preconditions
} else if (belowp == bodysp()) {
// Was first statement in body, so new front
} else {
belowp->v3fatalSrc("Doesn't look like this was really under the while");
void AstWhile::addNextStmt(AstNode* newp, AstNode* belowp) {
// Special, as statements need to be put in different places
// Belowp is how we came to recurse up to this point
// Preconditions insert first just before themselves (the normal rule
// for other statement types)
if (belowp == precondsp()) {
// Next in precond list
} else if (belowp == condp()) {
// Becomes first statement in body, body may have been empty
if (bodysp()) {
} else {
} else if (belowp == bodysp()) {
// Next statement in body
} else {
belowp->v3fatalSrc("Doesn't look like this was really under the while");
// Per-type Debugging
// Render node address for dumps. By default this is just the address
// printed as hex, but with --dump-tree-addrids we map addresses to short
// strings with a bijection to aid human readability. Observe that this might
// not actually be a unique identifier as the address can get reused after a
// node has been freed.
static std::string nodeAddr(const AstNode* nodep) {
return v3Global.opt.dumpTreeAddrids() ? v3Global.ptrToId(nodep) : cvtToHex(nodep);
void AstNode::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
str << typeName() << " "
<< nodeAddr(this)
//<< " " << nodeAddr(m_backp)
<< " <e" << std::dec << editCount() << ((editCount() >= editCountLast()) ? "#>" : ">")
<< " {" << fileline()->filenameLetters() << std::dec << fileline()->lastLineno()
<< fileline()->firstColumnLetters() << "}";
if (user1p()) str << " u1=" << nodeAddr(user1p());
if (user2p()) str << " u2=" << nodeAddr(user2p());
if (user3p()) str << " u3=" << nodeAddr(user3p());
if (user4p()) str << " u4=" << nodeAddr(user4p());
if (user5p()) str << " u5=" << nodeAddr(user5p());
if (hasDType()) {
// Final @ so less likely to by accident read it as a nodep
if (dtypep() == this) {
str << " @dt=this@";
} else {
str << " @dt=" << nodeAddr(dtypep()) << "@";
if (AstNodeDType* dtp = dtypep()) { dtp->dumpSmall(str); }
} else { // V3Broken will throw an error
if (dtypep()) str << " %Error-dtype-exp=null,got=" << nodeAddr(dtypep());
if (name() != "") {
if (VN_IS(this, Const)) {
str << " " << name(); // Already quoted
} else {
str << " " << V3OutFormatter::quoteNameControls(name());
void AstNodeProcedure::dump(std::ostream& str) const { this->AstNode::dump(str); }
void AstAlways::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
if (keyword() != VAlwaysKwd::ALWAYS) str << " [" << keyword().ascii() << "]";
void AstAttrOf::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
str << " [" << attrType().ascii() << "]";
void AstBasicDType::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
str << " kwd=" << keyword().ascii();
if (isRanged() && !rangep()) str << " range=[" << left() << ":" << right() << "]";
string AstBasicDType::prettyDTypeName() const {
std::ostringstream os;
os << keyword().ascii();
if (isRanged() && !rangep() && keyword().width() <= 1) {
os << "[" << left() << ":" << right() << "]";
return os.str();
void AstNodeMath::dump(std::ostream& str) const { this->AstNode::dump(str); }
void AstNodeUniop::dump(std::ostream& str) const { this->AstNodeMath::dump(str); }
void AstCCast::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
str << " sz" << size();
void AstCell::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
if (recursive()) str << " [RECURSIVE]";
if (modp()) {
str << " -> ";
} else {
str << " ->UNLINKED:" << modName();
void AstCellInline::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
str << " -> " << origModName();
str << " [scopep=" << reinterpret_cast<const void*>(scopep()) << "]";
const char* AstClassPackage::broken() const {
BROKEN_RTN(m_classp && !m_classp->brokeExists());
return nullptr;
void AstClass::insertCache(AstNode* nodep) {
bool doit = (VN_IS(nodep, Var) || VN_IS(nodep, EnumItemRef)
|| (VN_IS(nodep, NodeFTask) && !VN_CAST(nodep, NodeFTask)->isExternProto()));
if (doit) {
if (m_members.find(nodep->name()) != m_members.end()) {
nodep->v3error("Duplicate declaration of member name: " << nodep->prettyNameQ());
} else {
m_members.insert(make_pair(nodep->name(), nodep));
void AstClass::repairCache() {
for (AstNode* itemp = membersp(); itemp; itemp = itemp->nextp()) { insertCache(itemp); }
bool AstClass::isClassExtendedFrom(const AstClass* refClassp, const AstClass* baseClassp) {
if (!refClassp || !baseClassp) return false;
if (refClassp == baseClassp) return true;
if (!refClassp->extendsp()) return false;
return isClassExtendedFrom(refClassp->extendsp()->classp(), baseClassp);
void AstClass::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
if (isExtended()) str << " [EXT]";
if (isVirtual()) str << " [VIRT]";
AstClass* AstClassExtends::classp() const {
AstClassRefDType* refp = VN_CAST(dtypep(), ClassRefDType);
if (VL_UNLIKELY(!refp)) { // LinkDot uses this for 'super.'
refp = VN_CAST(childDTypep(), ClassRefDType);
UASSERT_OBJ(refp, this, "class extends non-ref");
return refp->classp();
void AstClassRefDType::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
if (classp()) {
str << " -> ";
} else {
str << " -> UNLINKED";
void AstClassRefDType::dumpSmall(std::ostream& str) const {
str << "class:" << name();
void AstNodeCoverOrAssert::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
if (immediate()) str << " [IMMEDIATE]";
void AstDisplay::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
// str<<" "<<displayType().ascii();
void AstEnumItemRef::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
str << " -> ";
if (itemp()) {
} else {
str << "UNLINKED";
void AstIfaceRefDType::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
if (cellName() != "") { str << " cell=" << cellName(); }
if (ifaceName() != "") { str << " if=" << ifaceName(); }
if (modportName() != "") { str << " mp=" << modportName(); }
if (cellp()) {
str << " -> ";
} else if (ifacep()) {
str << " -> ";
} else {
str << " -> UNLINKED";
void AstIfaceRefDType::dumpSmall(std::ostream& str) const {
str << "iface";
void AstInitArray::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
int n = 0;
const AstInitArray::KeyItemMap& mapr = map();
for (const auto& itr : mapr) {
if (n++ > 5) {
str << " ...";
str << " [" << itr.first << "]=" << reinterpret_cast<const void*>(itr.second);
void AstJumpGo::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
str << " -> ";
if (labelp()) {
} else {
str << "%Error:UNLINKED";
void AstJumpLabel::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
str << " -> ";
if (blockp()) {
} else {
str << "%Error:UNLINKED";
void AstMemberSel::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
str << " -> ";
if (varp()) {
} else {
str << "%Error:UNLINKED";
void AstMethodCall::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
if (isStatement()) str << " [STMT]";
str << " -> ";
if (taskp()) {
} else {
str << " -> UNLINKED";
void AstModportFTaskRef::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
if (isExport()) str << " EXPORT";
if (isImport()) str << " IMPORT";
if (ftaskp()) {
str << " -> ";
} else {
str << " -> UNLINKED";
void AstModportVarRef::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
if (direction().isAny()) str << " " << direction();
if (varp()) {
str << " -> ";
} else {
str << " -> UNLINKED";
void AstPin::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
if (modVarp()) {
str << " -> ";
} else {
str << " ->UNLINKED";
if (svImplicit()) str << " [.SV]";
void AstPrintTimeScale::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
str << " " << timeunit();
void AstNodeTermop::dump(std::ostream& str) const { this->AstNodeMath::dump(str); }
void AstTime::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
str << " " << timeunit();
void AstTimeD::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
str << " " << timeunit();
void AstTimeImport::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
str << " " << timeunit();
void AstTypedef::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
if (attrPublic()) str << " [PUBLIC]";
void AstNodeRange::dump(std::ostream& str) const { this->AstNode::dump(str); }
void AstRange::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
if (littleEndian()) str << " [LITTLE]";
void AstRefDType::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
if (typedefp() || subDTypep()) {
static bool s_recursing = false;
if (!s_recursing) { // Prevent infinite dump if circular typedefs
s_recursing = true;
str << " -> ";
if (typedefp()) {
} else if (subDTypep()) {
s_recursing = false;
} else {
str << " -> UNLINKED";
void AstNodeUOrStructDType::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
if (packed()) str << " [PACKED]";
if (isFourstate()) str << " [4STATE]";
void AstNodeDType::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
if (generic()) str << " [GENERIC]";
if (AstNodeDType* dtp = virtRefDTypep()) {
str << " refdt=" << nodeAddr(dtp);
void AstNodeDType::dumpSmall(std::ostream& str) const {
str << "(" << (generic() ? "G/" : "") << ((isSigned() && !isDouble()) ? "s" : "")
<< (isNosign() ? "n" : "") << (isDouble() ? "d" : "") << (isString() ? "str" : "");
if (!isDouble() && !isString()) { str << "w" << (widthSized() ? "" : "u") << width(); }
if (!widthSized()) str << "/" << widthMin();
str << ")";
void AstNodeArrayDType::dumpSmall(std::ostream& str) const {
if (VN_IS(this, PackArrayDType)) {
str << "p";
} else {
str << "u";
str << declRange();
void AstNodeArrayDType::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
str << " " << declRange();
string AstPackArrayDType::prettyDTypeName() const {
std::ostringstream os;
os << subDTypep()->prettyDTypeName() << declRange();
return os.str();
string AstUnpackArrayDType::prettyDTypeName() const {
std::ostringstream os;
string ranges = cvtToStr(declRange());
// Unfortunately we need a single $ for the first unpacked, and all
// dimensions shown in "reverse" order
AstNodeDType* subp = subDTypep()->skipRefp();
while (AstUnpackArrayDType* adtypep = VN_CAST(subp, UnpackArrayDType)) {
ranges += cvtToStr(adtypep->declRange());
subp = adtypep->subDTypep()->skipRefp();
os << subp->prettyDTypeName() << "$" << ranges;
return os.str();
std::vector<AstUnpackArrayDType*> AstUnpackArrayDType::unpackDimensions() {
std::vector<AstUnpackArrayDType*> dims;
for (AstUnpackArrayDType* unpackp = this; unpackp;) {
if (AstNodeDType* subp = unpackp->subDTypep()) {
unpackp = VN_CAST(subp, UnpackArrayDType);
} else {
unpackp = nullptr;
return dims;
void AstNetlist::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
str << " [" << timeunit() << "/" << timeprecision() << "]";
void AstNodeModule::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
str << " L" << level();
if (modPublic()) str << " [P]";
if (inLibrary()) str << " [LIB]";
if (dead()) str << " [DEAD]";
if (recursiveClone()) {
str << " [RECURSIVE-CLONE]";
} else if (recursive()) {
str << " [RECURSIVE]";
str << " [" << timeunit() << "]";
void AstPackageExport::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
str << " -> " << packagep();
void AstPackageImport::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
str << " -> " << packagep();
void AstPatMember::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
if (isDefault()) str << " [DEFAULT]";
void AstNodeTriop::dump(std::ostream& str) const { this->AstNodeMath::dump(str); }
void AstSel::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
if (declRange().ranged()) {
str << " decl" << declRange() << "]";
if (declElWidth() != 1) str << "/" << declElWidth();
void AstSliceSel::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
if (declRange().ranged()) str << " decl" << declRange();
void AstMTaskBody::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
str << " ";
void AstTypeTable::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(AstBasicDTypeKwd::_ENUM_MAX); ++i) {
if (AstBasicDType* subnodep = m_basicps[i]) {
str << '\n'; // Newline from caller, so newline first
str << "\t\t" << std::setw(8) << AstBasicDTypeKwd(i).ascii();
str << " -> ";
const DetailedMap& mapr = m_detailedMap;
for (const auto& itr : mapr) {
AstBasicDType* dtypep = itr.second;
str << '\n'; // Newline from caller, so newline first
str << "\t\tdetailed -> ";
// Note get newline from caller too.
void AstAssocArrayDType::dumpSmall(std::ostream& str) const {
str << "[assoc-" << reinterpret_cast<const void*>(keyDTypep()) << "]";
string AstAssocArrayDType::prettyDTypeName() const {
return subDTypep()->prettyDTypeName() + "[" + keyDTypep()->prettyDTypeName() + "]";
void AstDynArrayDType::dumpSmall(std::ostream& str) const {
str << "[]";
string AstDynArrayDType::prettyDTypeName() const { return subDTypep()->prettyDTypeName() + "[]"; }
void AstQueueDType::dumpSmall(std::ostream& str) const {
str << "[queue]";
string AstQueueDType::prettyDTypeName() const {
string str = subDTypep()->prettyDTypeName() + "[$";
if (boundConst()) str += ":" + cvtToStr(boundConst());
return str + "]";
void AstUnsizedArrayDType::dumpSmall(std::ostream& str) const {
str << "[]";
void AstVoidDType::dumpSmall(std::ostream& str) const {
str << "void";
void AstVarScope::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
if (isCircular()) str << " [CIRC]";
if (varp()) {
str << " -> ";
} else {
str << " ->UNLINKED";
void AstNodeVarRef::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
if (classOrPackagep()) str << " pkg=" << nodeAddr(classOrPackagep());
str << " " << access().arrow() << " ";
void AstVarXRef::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
str << ".=" << dotted() << " ";
if (inlinedDots() != "") str << " inline.=" << inlinedDots() << " - ";
if (varScopep()) {
} else if (varp()) {
} else {
str << "UNLINKED";
void AstVarRef::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
if (varScopep()) {
} else if (varp()) {
} else {
str << "UNLINKED";
void AstVar::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
if (isSc()) str << " [SC]";
if (isPrimaryIO()) str << (isInoutish() ? " [PIO]" : (isWritable() ? " [PO]" : " [PI]"));
if (isIO()) str << " " << direction().ascii();
if (isConst()) str << " [CONST]";
if (isPullup()) str << " [PULLUP]";
if (isPulldown()) str << " [PULLDOWN]";
if (isUsedClock()) str << " [CLK]";
if (isSigPublic()) str << " [P]";
if (isUsedLoopIdx()) str << " [LOOP]";
if (attrClockEn()) str << " [aCLKEN]";
if (attrIsolateAssign()) str << " [aISO]";
if (attrFileDescr()) str << " [aFD]";
if (isFuncReturn()) {
str << " [FUNCRTN]";
} else if (isFuncLocal()) {
str << " [FUNC]";
if (isDpiOpenArray()) str << " [DPIOPENA]";
if (!attrClocker().unknown()) str << " [" << attrClocker().ascii() << "] ";
if (!lifetime().isNone()) str << " [" << lifetime().ascii() << "] ";
str << " " << varType();
void AstScope::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
str << " [abovep=" << reinterpret_cast<const void*>(aboveScopep()) << "]";
str << " [cellp=" << reinterpret_cast<const void*>(aboveCellp()) << "]";
str << " [modp=" << reinterpret_cast<const void*>(modp()) << "]";
void AstSenTree::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
if (isMulti()) str << " [MULTI]";
void AstSenItem::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
str << " [" << edgeType().ascii() << "]";
void AstParseRef::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
str << " [" << expect().ascii() << "]";
void AstClassOrPackageRef::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
if (classOrPackagep()) { str << " cpkg=" << nodeAddr(classOrPackagep()); }
str << " -> ";
if (classOrPackagep()) {
} else {
str << "UNLINKED";
void AstDot::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
if (colon()) str << " [::]";
void AstActive::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
str << " => ";
if (sensesp()) {
} else {
str << "UNLINKED";
void AstNodeFTaskRef::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
if (classOrPackagep()) str << " pkg=" << nodeAddr(classOrPackagep());
str << " -> ";
if (dotted() != "") { str << ".=" << dotted() << " "; }
if (taskp()) {
} else {
str << "UNLINKED";
void AstNodeFTask::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
if (classMethod()) str << " [METHOD]";
if (taskPublic()) str << " [PUBLIC]";
if (prototype()) str << " [PROTOTYPE]";
if (dpiImport()) str << " [DPII]";
if (dpiExport()) str << " [DPIX]";
if (dpiOpenChild()) str << " [DPIOPENCHILD]";
if (dpiOpenParent()) str << " [DPIOPENPARENT]";
if ((dpiImport() || dpiExport()) && cname() != name()) str << " [c=" << cname() << "]";
void AstNodeBlock::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
if (unnamed()) str << " [UNNAMED]";
void AstBegin::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
if (generate()) str << " [GEN]";
if (genforp()) str << " [GENFOR]";
if (implied()) str << " [IMPLIED]";
void AstCoverDecl::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
if (!page().empty()) str << " page=" << page();
if (!linescov().empty()) str << " lc=" << linescov();
if (this->dataDeclNullp()) {
str << " -> ";
} else {
if (binNum()) { str << " bin" << std::dec << binNum(); }
void AstCoverInc::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
str << " -> ";
if (declp()) {
} else {
str << "%Error:UNLINKED";
void AstFork::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
if (!joinType().join()) str << " [" << joinType() << "]";
void AstTraceInc::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
str << " -> ";
if (declp()) {
} else {
str << "%Error:UNLINKED";
void AstNodeText::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
string out = text();
string::size_type pos;
if ((pos = out.find('\n')) != string::npos) {
out.erase(pos, out.length() - pos);
out += "...";
str << " \"" << out << "\"";
void AstNodeFile::dump(std::ostream& str) const { this->AstNode::dump(str); }
void AstVFile::dump(std::ostream& str) const { this->AstNodeFile::dump(str); }
void AstCFile::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
if (source()) str << " [SRC]";
if (slow()) str << " [SLOW]";
void AstCFunc::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
if (slow()) str << " [SLOW]";
if (pure()) str << " [PURE]";
if (isStatic().unknown()) {
str << " [STATICU]";
} else if (isStatic().trueUnknown()) {
str << " [STATIC]";
if (dpiImport()) str << " [DPII]";
if (dpiExport()) str << " [DPIX]";
if (dpiExportWrapper()) str << " [DPIXWR]";
if (isConstructor()) str << " [CTOR]";
if (isDestructor()) str << " [DTOR]";
if (isVirtual()) str << " [VIRT]";
void AstCUse::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
str << " [" << useType() << "]";