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* vpi_user.h
* IEEE Std 1800-2023 Programming Language Interface (PLI)
* This file contains the constant definitions, structure definitions, and
* routine declarations used by the SystemVerilog Verification Procedural
* Interface (VPI) access routines.
* NOTE: the constant values 1 through 299 are reserved for use in this
* vpi_user.h file.
#ifndef VPI_USER_H
#define VPI_USER_H
#include <stdarg.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/*----------------------------- Portability Help -----------------------------*/
/* Define size-critical types on all OS platforms. */
#if defined (_MSC_VER)
typedef unsigned __int64 uint64_t;
typedef unsigned __int32 uint32_t;
typedef unsigned __int8 uint8_t;
typedef signed __int64 int64_t;
typedef signed __int32 int32_t;
typedef signed __int8 int8_t;
#elif defined(__MINGW32__)
#include <stdint.h>
#elif defined(__linux) || (defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__))
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
/* Sized variables */
#ifndef SVPI_TYPES
#define SVPI_TYPES
typedef int64_t PLI_INT64;
typedef uint64_t PLI_UINT64;
#ifndef PLI_TYPES
#define PLI_TYPES
typedef int PLI_INT32;
typedef unsigned int PLI_UINT32;
typedef short PLI_INT16;
typedef unsigned short PLI_UINT16;
typedef char PLI_BYTE8;
typedef unsigned char PLI_UBYTE8;
/* Use to import a symbol */
#if (defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(__CYGWIN__))
#define PLI_DLLISPEC __declspec(dllimport)
/* Use to export a symbol */
#if (defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(__CYGWIN__))
#define PLI_DLLESPEC __declspec(dllexport)
/* Use to mark a function as external */
#ifndef PLI_EXTERN
#define PLI_EXTERN
/* Use to mark a variable as external */
#define PLI_VEXTERN extern
#define PROTO_PARAMS(params) params
/* object is defined imported by the application */
#undef XXTERN
/* object is exported by the application */
#undef EETERN
/********************************** TYPEDEFS **********************************/
typedef PLI_UINT32 *vpiHandle;
/******************************** OBJECT TYPES ********************************/
#define vpiAlways 1 /* always procedure */
#define vpiAssignStmt 2 /* quasi-continuous assignment */
#define vpiAssignment 3 /* procedural assignment */
#define vpiBegin 4 /* block statement */
#define vpiCase 5 /* case statement */
#define vpiCaseItem 6 /* case statement item */
#define vpiConstant 7 /* numerical constant or string literal */
#define vpiContAssign 8 /* continuous assignment */
#define vpiDeassign 9 /* deassignment statement */
#define vpiDefParam 10 /* defparam */
#define vpiDelayControl 11 /* delay statement (e.g., #10) */
#define vpiDisable 12 /* named block disable statement */
#define vpiEventControl 13 /* wait on event, e.g., @e */
#define vpiEventStmt 14 /* event trigger, e.g., ->e */
#define vpiFor 15 /* for statement */
#define vpiForce 16 /* force statement */
#define vpiForever 17 /* forever statement */
#define vpiFork 18 /* fork-join block */
#define vpiFuncCall 19 /* function call */
#define vpiFunction 20 /* function */
#define vpiGate 21 /* primitive gate */
#define vpiIf 22 /* if statement */
#define vpiIfElse 23 /* if-else statement */
#define vpiInitial 24 /* initial procedure */
#define vpiIntegerVar 25 /* integer variable */
#define vpiInterModPath 26 /* intermodule wire delay */
#define vpiIterator 27 /* iterator */
#define vpiIODecl 28 /* input/output declaration */
#define vpiMemory 29 /* behavioral memory */
#define vpiMemoryWord 30 /* single word of memory */
#define vpiModPath 31 /* module path for path delays */
#define vpiModule 32 /* module instance */
#define vpiNamedBegin 33 /* named block statement */
#define vpiNamedEvent 34 /* event variable */
#define vpiNamedFork 35 /* named fork-join block */
#define vpiNet 36 /* scalar or vector net */
#define vpiNetBit 37 /* bit of vector net */
#define vpiNullStmt 38 /* a semicolon. Ie. #10 ; */
#define vpiOperation 39 /* behavioral operation */
#define vpiParamAssign 40 /* module parameter assignment */
#define vpiParameter 41 /* module parameter */
#define vpiPartSelect 42 /* part-select */
#define vpiPathTerm 43 /* terminal of module path */
#define vpiPort 44 /* module port */
#define vpiPortBit 45 /* bit of vector module port */
#define vpiPrimTerm 46 /* primitive terminal */
#define vpiRealVar 47 /* real variable */
#define vpiReg 48 /* scalar or vector reg */
#define vpiRegBit 49 /* bit of vector reg */
#define vpiRelease 50 /* release statement */
#define vpiRepeat 51 /* repeat statement */
#define vpiRepeatControl 52 /* repeat control in an assign stmt */
#define vpiSchedEvent 53 /* vpi_put_value() event */
#define vpiSpecParam 54 /* specparam */
#define vpiSwitch 55 /* transistor switch */
#define vpiSysFuncCall 56 /* system function call */
#define vpiSysTaskCall 57 /* system task call */
#define vpiTableEntry 58 /* UDP state table entry */
#define vpiTask 59 /* task */
#define vpiTaskCall 60 /* task call */
#define vpiTchk 61 /* timing check */
#define vpiTchkTerm 62 /* terminal of timing check */
#define vpiTimeVar 63 /* time variable */
#define vpiTimeQueue 64 /* simulation event queue */
#define vpiUdp 65 /* user-defined primitive */
#define vpiUdpDefn 66 /* UDP definition */
#define vpiUserSystf 67 /* user-defined system task/function */
#define vpiVarSelect 68 /* variable array selection */
#define vpiWait 69 /* wait statement */
#define vpiWhile 70 /* while statement */
/********************** object types added with 1364-2001 *********************/
#define vpiAttribute 105 /* attribute of an object */
#define vpiBitSelect 106 /* Bit-select of parameter, var select */
#define vpiCallback 107 /* callback object */
#define vpiDelayTerm 108 /* Delay term which is a load or driver */
#define vpiDelayDevice 109 /* Delay object within a net */
#define vpiFrame 110 /* reentrant task/func frame */
#define vpiGateArray 111 /* gate instance array */
#define vpiModuleArray 112 /* module instance array */
#define vpiPrimitiveArray 113 /* vpiprimitiveArray type */
#define vpiNetArray 114 /* multidimensional net */
#define vpiRange 115 /* range declaration */
#define vpiRegArray 116 /* multidimensional reg */
#define vpiSwitchArray 117 /* switch instance array */
#define vpiUdpArray 118 /* UDP instance array */
#define vpiContAssignBit 128 /* Bit of a vector continuous assignment */
#define vpiNamedEventArray 129 /* multidimensional named event */
/********************** object types added with 1364-2005 *********************/
#define vpiIndexedPartSelect 130 /* Indexed part-select object */
#define vpiGenScopeArray 133 /* array of generated scopes */
#define vpiGenScope 134 /* A generated scope */
#define vpiGenVar 135 /* Object used to instantiate gen scopes */
/*********************************** METHODS **********************************/
/**************** methods used to traverse 1 to 1 relationships ***************/
#define vpiCondition 71 /* condition expression */
#define vpiDelay 72 /* net or gate delay */
#define vpiElseStmt 73 /* else statement */
#define vpiForIncStmt 74 /* increment statement in for loop */
#define vpiForInitStmt 75 /* initialization statement in for loop */
#define vpiHighConn 76 /* higher connection to port */
#define vpiLhs 77 /* left-hand side of assignment */
#define vpiIndex 78 /* index of var select, bit-select, etc. */
#define vpiLeftRange 79 /* left range of vector or part-select */
#define vpiLowConn 80 /* lower connection to port */
#define vpiParent 81 /* parent object */
#define vpiRhs 82 /* right-hand side of assignment */
#define vpiRightRange 83 /* right range of vector or part-select */
#define vpiScope 84 /* containing scope object */
#define vpiSysTfCall 85 /* task function call */
#define vpiTchkDataTerm 86 /* timing check data term */
#define vpiTchkNotifier 87 /* timing check notifier */
#define vpiTchkRefTerm 88 /* timing check reference term */
/************* methods used to traverse 1 to many relationships ***************/
#define vpiArgument 89 /* argument to (system) task/function */
#define vpiBit 90 /* bit of vector net or port */
#define vpiDriver 91 /* driver for a net */
#define vpiInternalScope 92 /* internal scope in module */
#define vpiLoad 93 /* load on net or reg */
#define vpiModDataPathIn 94 /* data terminal of a module path */
#define vpiModPathIn 95 /* Input terminal of a module path */
#define vpiModPathOut 96 /* output terminal of a module path */
#define vpiOperand 97 /* operand of expression */
#define vpiPortInst 98 /* connected port instance */
#define vpiProcess 99 /* process in module, program or interface */
#define vpiVariables 100 /* variables in module */
#define vpiUse 101 /* usage */
/******** methods which can traverse 1 to 1, or 1 to many relationships *******/
#define vpiExpr 102 /* connected expression */
#define vpiPrimitive 103 /* primitive (gate, switch, UDP) */
#define vpiStmt 104 /* statement in process or task */
/************************ methods added with 1364-2001 ************************/
#define vpiActiveTimeFormat 119 /* active $timeformat() system task */
#define vpiInTerm 120 /* To get to a delay device's drivers. */
#define vpiInstanceArray 121 /* vpiInstance arrays */
#define vpiLocalDriver 122 /* local drivers (within a module */
#define vpiLocalLoad 123 /* local loads (within a module */
#define vpiOutTerm 124 /* To get to a delay device's loads. */
#define vpiPorts 125 /* Module port */
#define vpiSimNet 126 /* simulated net after collapsing */
#define vpiTaskFunc 127 /* task/function */
/************************ methods added with 1364-2005 ************************/
#define vpiBaseExpr 131 /* Indexed part-select's base expression */
#define vpiWidthExpr 132 /* Indexed part-select's width expression */
/************************ methods added with 1800-2009 ************************/
#define vpiAutomatics 136 /* Automatic variables of a frame */
/********************************* PROPERTIES *********************************/
/************************** generic object properties *************************/
#define vpiUndefined -1 /* undefined property */
#define vpiType 1 /* type of object */
#define vpiName 2 /* local name of object */
#define vpiFullName 3 /* full hierarchical name */
#define vpiSize 4 /* size of gate, net, port, etc. */
#define vpiFile 5 /* File name in which the object is used*/
#define vpiLineNo 6 /* line number where the object is used */
/***************************** module properties ******************************/
#define vpiTopModule 7 /* top-level module (Boolean) */
#define vpiCellInstance 8 /* cell (Boolean) */
#define vpiDefName 9 /* module definition name */
#define vpiProtected 10 /* source protected module (Boolean) */
#define vpiTimeUnit 11 /* module time unit */
#define vpiTimePrecision 12 /* module time precision */
#define vpiDefNetType 13 /* default net type */
#define vpiUnconnDrive 14 /* unconnected port drive strength */
#define vpiHighZ 1 /* No default drive given */
#define vpiPull1 2 /* default pull1 drive */
#define vpiPull0 3 /* default pull0 drive */
#define vpiDefFile 15 /* File name where the module is defined*/
#define vpiDefLineNo 16 /* line number for module definition */
#define vpiDefDelayMode 47 /* Default delay mode for a module */
#define vpiDelayModeNone 1 /* no delay mode specified */
#define vpiDelayModePath 2 /* path delay mode */
#define vpiDelayModeDistrib 3 /* distributed delay mode */
#define vpiDelayModeUnit 4 /* unit delay mode */
#define vpiDelayModeZero 5 /* zero delay mode */
#define vpiDelayModeMTM 6 /* min:typ:max delay mode */
#define vpiDefDecayTime 48 /* Default decay time for a module */
/*************************** port and net properties **************************/
#define vpiScalar 17 /* scalar (Boolean) */
#define vpiVector 18 /* vector (Boolean) */
#define vpiExplicitName 19 /* port is explicitly named */
#define vpiDirection 20 /* direction of port: */
#define vpiInput 1 /* input */
#define vpiOutput 2 /* output */
#define vpiInout 3 /* inout */
#define vpiMixedIO 4 /* mixed input-output */
#define vpiNoDirection 5 /* no direction */
#define vpiConnByName 21 /* connected by name (Boolean) */
#define vpiNetType 22 /* net subtypes: */
#define vpiWire 1 /* wire net */
#define vpiWand 2 /* wire-and net */
#define vpiWor 3 /* wire-or net */
#define vpiTri 4 /* tri net */
#define vpiTri0 5 /* pull-down net */
#define vpiTri1 6 /* pull-up net */
#define vpiTriReg 7 /* three-state reg net */
#define vpiTriAnd 8 /* three-state wire-and net */
#define vpiTriOr 9 /* three-state wire-or net */
#define vpiSupply1 10 /* supply-1 net */
#define vpiSupply0 11 /* supply-0 net */
#define vpiNone 12 /* no default net type (1364-2001) */
#define vpiUwire 13 /* unresolved wire net (1364-2005) */
#define vpiNettypeNet 14 /* user-defined nettype net */
#define vpiNettypeNetSelect 15 /* user-defined nettype net subelement */
#define vpiInterconnect 16 /* interconnect net */
#define vpiExplicitScalared 23 /* explicitly scalared (Boolean) */
#define vpiExplicitVectored 24 /* explicitly vectored (Boolean) */
#define vpiExpanded 25 /* expanded vector net (Boolean) */
#define vpiImplicitDecl 26 /* implicitly declared net (Boolean) */
#define vpiChargeStrength 27 /* charge decay strength of net */
/* Defined as part of strengths section.
#define vpiLargeCharge 0x10
#define vpiMediumCharge 0x04
#define vpiSmallCharge 0x02
#define vpiArray 28 /* variable array (Boolean) */
#define vpiPortIndex 29 /* Port index */
/************************ gate and terminal properties ************************/
#define vpiTermIndex 30 /* Index of a primitive terminal */
#define vpiStrength0 31 /* 0-strength of net or gate */
#define vpiStrength1 32 /* 1-strength of net or gate */
#define vpiPrimType 33 /* primitive subtypes: */
#define vpiAndPrim 1 /* and gate */
#define vpiNandPrim 2 /* nand gate */
#define vpiNorPrim 3 /* nor gate */
#define vpiOrPrim 4 /* or gate */
#define vpiXorPrim 5 /* xor gate */
#define vpiXnorPrim 6 /* xnor gate */
#define vpiBufPrim 7 /* buffer */
#define vpiNotPrim 8 /* not gate */
#define vpiBufif0Prim 9 /* zero-enabled buffer */
#define vpiBufif1Prim 10 /* one-enabled buffer */
#define vpiNotif0Prim 11 /* zero-enabled not gate */
#define vpiNotif1Prim 12 /* one-enabled not gate */
#define vpiNmosPrim 13 /* nmos switch */
#define vpiPmosPrim 14 /* pmos switch */
#define vpiCmosPrim 15 /* cmos switch */
#define vpiRnmosPrim 16 /* resistive nmos switch */
#define vpiRpmosPrim 17 /* resistive pmos switch */
#define vpiRcmosPrim 18 /* resistive cmos switch */
#define vpiRtranPrim 19 /* resistive bidirectional */
#define vpiRtranif0Prim 20 /* zero-enable resistive bidirectional */
#define vpiRtranif1Prim 21 /* one-enable resistive bidirectional */
#define vpiTranPrim 22 /* bidirectional */
#define vpiTranif0Prim 23 /* zero-enabled bidirectional */
#define vpiTranif1Prim 24 /* one-enabled bidirectional */
#define vpiPullupPrim 25 /* pullup */
#define vpiPulldownPrim 26 /* pulldown */
#define vpiSeqPrim 27 /* sequential UDP */
#define vpiCombPrim 28 /* combinational UDP */
/**************** path, path terminal, timing check properties ****************/
#define vpiPolarity 34 /* polarity of module path... */
#define vpiDataPolarity 35 /* ...or data path: */
#define vpiPositive 1 /* positive */
#define vpiNegative 2 /* negative */
#define vpiUnknown 3 /* unknown (unspecified) */
#define vpiEdge 36 /* edge type of module path: */
#define vpiNoEdge 0x00 /* no edge */
#define vpiEdge01 0x01 /* 0 -> 1 */
#define vpiEdge10 0x02 /* 1 -> 0 */
#define vpiEdge0x 0x04 /* 0 -> x */
#define vpiEdgex1 0x08 /* x -> 1 */
#define vpiEdge1x 0x10 /* 1 -> x */
#define vpiEdgex0 0x20 /* x -> 0 */
#define vpiPosedge (vpiEdgex1 | vpiEdge01 | vpiEdge0x)
#define vpiNegedge (vpiEdgex0 | vpiEdge10 | vpiEdge1x)
#define vpiAnyEdge (vpiPosedge | vpiNegedge)
#define vpiPathType 37 /* path delay connection subtypes: */
#define vpiPathFull 1 /* ( a *> b ) */
#define vpiPathParallel 2 /* ( a => b ) */
#define vpiTchkType 38 /* timing check subtypes: */
#define vpiSetup 1 /* $setup */
#define vpiHold 2 /* $hold */
#define vpiPeriod 3 /* $period */
#define vpiWidth 4 /* $width */
#define vpiSkew 5 /* $skew */
#define vpiRecovery 6 /* $recovery */
#define vpiNoChange 7 /* $nochange */
#define vpiSetupHold 8 /* $setuphold */
#define vpiFullskew 9 /* $fullskew -- added for 1364-2001 */
#define vpiRecrem 10 /* $recrem -- added for 1364-2001 */
#define vpiRemoval 11 /* $removal -- added for 1364-2001 */
#define vpiTimeskew 12 /* $timeskew -- added for 1364-2001 */
/**************************** expression properties ***************************/
#define vpiOpType 39 /* operation subtypes: */
#define vpiMinusOp 1 /* unary minus */
#define vpiPlusOp 2 /* unary plus */
#define vpiNotOp 3 /* unary not */
#define vpiBitNegOp 4 /* bitwise negation */
#define vpiUnaryAndOp 5 /* bitwise reduction AND */
#define vpiUnaryNandOp 6 /* bitwise reduction NAND */
#define vpiUnaryOrOp 7 /* bitwise reduction OR */
#define vpiUnaryNorOp 8 /* bitwise reduction NOR */
#define vpiUnaryXorOp 9 /* bitwise reduction XOR */
#define vpiUnaryXNorOp 10 /* bitwise reduction XNOR */
#define vpiSubOp 11 /* binary subtraction */
#define vpiDivOp 12 /* binary division */
#define vpiModOp 13 /* binary modulus */
#define vpiEqOp 14 /* binary equality */
#define vpiNeqOp 15 /* binary inequality */
#define vpiCaseEqOp 16 /* case (x and z) equality */
#define vpiCaseNeqOp 17 /* case inequality */
#define vpiGtOp 18 /* binary greater than */
#define vpiGeOp 19 /* binary greater than or equal */
#define vpiLtOp 20 /* binary less than */
#define vpiLeOp 21 /* binary less than or equal */
#define vpiLShiftOp 22 /* binary left shift */
#define vpiRShiftOp 23 /* binary right shift */
#define vpiAddOp 24 /* binary addition */
#define vpiMultOp 25 /* binary multiplication */
#define vpiLogAndOp 26 /* binary logical AND */
#define vpiLogOrOp 27 /* binary logical OR */
#define vpiBitAndOp 28 /* binary bitwise AND */
#define vpiBitOrOp 29 /* binary bitwise OR */
#define vpiBitXorOp 30 /* binary bitwise XOR */
#define vpiBitXNorOp 31 /* binary bitwise XNOR */
#define vpiBitXnorOp vpiBitXNorOp /* added with 1364-2001 */
#define vpiConditionOp 32 /* ternary conditional */
#define vpiConcatOp 33 /* n-ary concatenation */
#define vpiMultiConcatOp 34 /* repeated concatenation */
#define vpiEventOrOp 35 /* event OR */
#define vpiNullOp 36 /* null operation */
#define vpiListOp 37 /* list of expressions */
#define vpiMinTypMaxOp 38 /* min:typ:max: delay expression */
#define vpiPosedgeOp 39 /* posedge */
#define vpiNegedgeOp 40 /* negedge */
#define vpiArithLShiftOp 41 /* arithmetic left shift (1364-2001) */
#define vpiArithRShiftOp 42 /* arithmetic right shift (1364-2001) */
#define vpiPowerOp 43 /* arithmetic power op (1364-2001) */
#define vpiConstType 40 /* constant subtypes: */
#define vpiDecConst 1 /* decimal integer */
#define vpiRealConst 2 /* real */
#define vpiBinaryConst 3 /* binary integer */
#define vpiOctConst 4 /* octal integer */
#define vpiHexConst 5 /* hexadecimal integer */
#define vpiStringConst 6 /* string literal */
#define vpiIntConst 7 /* integer constant (1364-2001) */
#define vpiTimeConst 8 /* time constant */
#define vpiBlocking 41 /* blocking assignment (Boolean) */
#define vpiCaseType 42 /* case statement subtypes: */
#define vpiCaseExact 1 /* exact match */
#define vpiCaseX 2 /* ignore X's */
#define vpiCaseZ 3 /* ignore Z's */
#define vpiNetDeclAssign 43 /* assign part of decl (Boolean) */
/************************** task/function properties **************************/
#define vpiFuncType 44 /* function & system function type */
#define vpiIntFunc 1 /* returns integer */
#define vpiRealFunc 2 /* returns real */
#define vpiTimeFunc 3 /* returns time */
#define vpiSizedFunc 4 /* returns an arbitrary size */
#define vpiSizedSignedFunc 5 /* returns sized signed value */
/** alias 1364-1995 system function subtypes to 1364-2001 function subtypes ***/
#define vpiSysFuncType vpiFuncType
#define vpiSysFuncInt vpiIntFunc
#define vpiSysFuncReal vpiRealFunc
#define vpiSysFuncTime vpiTimeFunc
#define vpiSysFuncSized vpiSizedFunc
#define vpiUserDefn 45 /*user-defined system task/func(Boolean)*/
#define vpiScheduled 46 /* object still scheduled (Boolean) */
/*********************** properties added with 1364-2001 **********************/
#define vpiActive 49 /* reentrant task/func frame is active */
#define vpiAutomatic 50 /* task/func obj is automatic */
#define vpiCell 51 /* configuration cell */
#define vpiConfig 52 /* configuration config file */
#define vpiConstantSelect 53 /* (Boolean) bit-select or part-select
indices are constant expressions */
#define vpiDecompile 54 /* decompile the object */
#define vpiDefAttribute 55 /* Attribute defined for the obj */
#define vpiDelayType 56 /* delay subtype */
#define vpiModPathDelay 1 /* module path delay */
#define vpiInterModPathDelay 2 /* intermodule path delay */
#define vpiMIPDelay 3 /* module input port delay */
#define vpiIteratorType 57 /* object type of an iterator */
#define vpiLibrary 58 /* configuration library */
#define vpiOffset 60 /* offset from LSB */
#define vpiResolvedNetType 61 /* net subtype after resolution, returns
same subtypes as vpiNetType */
#define vpiSaveRestartID 62 /* unique ID for save/restart data */
#define vpiSaveRestartLocation 63 /* name of save/restart data file */
/* vpiValid,vpiValidTrue,vpiValidFalse were deprecated in 1800-2009 */
#define vpiValid 64 /* reentrant task/func frame or automatic
variable is valid */
#define vpiValidFalse 0
#define vpiValidTrue 1
#define vpiSigned 65 /* TRUE for vpiIODecl and any object in
the expression class if the object
has the signed attribute */
#define vpiLocalParam 70 /* TRUE when a param is declared as a
localparam */
#define vpiModPathHasIfNone 71 /* Mod path has an ifnone statement */
/*********************** properties added with 1364-2005 **********************/
#define vpiIndexedPartSelectType 72 /* Indexed part-select type */
#define vpiPosIndexed 1 /* +: */
#define vpiNegIndexed 2 /* -: */
#define vpiIsMemory 73 /* TRUE for a one-dimensional reg array */
#define vpiIsProtected 74 /* TRUE for protected design information */
/*************** vpi_control() constants (added with 1364-2001) ***************/
#define vpiStop 66 /* execute simulator's $stop */
#define vpiFinish 67 /* execute simulator's $finish */
#define vpiReset 68 /* execute simulator's $reset */
#define vpiSetInteractiveScope 69 /* set simulator's interactive scope */
/**************************** I/O related defines *****************************/
#define VPI_MCD_STDOUT 0x00000001
/*************************** STRUCTURE DEFINITIONS ****************************/
/******************************* time structure *******************************/
#ifndef VPI_TIME /* added in 1800-2023 */
#define VPI_TIME
typedef struct t_vpi_time
PLI_INT32 type; /* [vpiScaledRealTime, vpiSimTime,
vpiSuppressTime] */
PLI_UINT32 high, low; /* for vpiSimTime */
double real; /* for vpiScaledRealTime */
} s_vpi_time, *p_vpi_time;
/* time types */
#define vpiScaledRealTime 1
#define vpiSimTime 2
#define vpiSuppressTime 3
/****************************** delay structures ******************************/
typedef struct t_vpi_delay
struct t_vpi_time *da; /* pointer to application-allocated
array of delay values */
PLI_INT32 no_of_delays; /* number of delays */
PLI_INT32 time_type; /* [vpiScaledRealTime, vpiSimTime,
vpiSuppressTime] */
PLI_INT32 mtm_flag; /* true for mtm values */
PLI_INT32 append_flag; /* true for append */
PLI_INT32 pulsere_flag; /* true for pulsere values */
} s_vpi_delay, *p_vpi_delay;
/***************************** value structures *******************************/
/* vector value */
#ifndef VPI_VECVAL /* added in 1364-2005 */
#define VPI_VECVAL
typedef struct t_vpi_vecval
/* following fields are repeated enough times to contain vector */
PLI_UINT32 aval, bval; /* bit encoding: ab: 00=0, 10=1, 11=X, 01=Z */
} s_vpi_vecval, *p_vpi_vecval;
/* strength (scalar) value */
typedef struct t_vpi_strengthval
PLI_INT32 logic; /* vpi[0,1,X,Z] */
PLI_INT32 s0, s1; /* refer to strength coding below */
} s_vpi_strengthval, *p_vpi_strengthval;
/* strength values */
#define vpiSupplyDrive 0x80
#define vpiStrongDrive 0x40
#define vpiPullDrive 0x20
#define vpiWeakDrive 0x08
#define vpiLargeCharge 0x10
#define vpiMediumCharge 0x04
#define vpiSmallCharge 0x02
#define vpiHiZ 0x01
/* generic value */
typedef struct t_vpi_value
PLI_INT32 format; /* vpi[[Bin,Oct,Dec,Hex]Str,Scalar,Int,Real,String,
Vector,Strength,Suppress,Time,ObjType]Val */
PLI_BYTE8 *str; /* string value */
PLI_INT32 scalar; /* vpi[0,1,X,Z] */
PLI_INT32 integer; /* integer value */
double real; /* real value */
struct t_vpi_time *time; /* time value */
struct t_vpi_vecval *vector; /* vector value */
struct t_vpi_strengthval *strength; /* strength value */
PLI_BYTE8 *misc; /* ...other */
} value;
} s_vpi_value, *p_vpi_value;
typedef struct t_vpi_arrayvalue
PLI_UINT32 format; /* vpi[Int,Real,Time,ShortInt,LongInt,ShortReal,
RawTwoState,RawFourState]Val */
PLI_UINT32 flags; /* array bit flags- vpiUserAllocFlag */
PLI_INT32 *integers; /* integer values */
PLI_INT16 *shortints; /* short integer values */
PLI_INT64 *longints; /* long integer values */
PLI_BYTE8 *rawvals; /* 2/4-state vector elements */
struct t_vpi_vecval *vectors; /* 4-state vector elements */
struct t_vpi_time *times; /* time values */
double *reals; /* real values */
float *shortreals; /* short real values */
} value;
} s_vpi_arrayvalue, *p_vpi_arrayvalue;
/* value formats */
#define vpiBinStrVal 1
#define vpiOctStrVal 2
#define vpiDecStrVal 3
#define vpiHexStrVal 4
#define vpiScalarVal 5
#define vpiIntVal 6
#define vpiRealVal 7
#define vpiStringVal 8
#define vpiVectorVal 9
#define vpiStrengthVal 10
#define vpiTimeVal 11
#define vpiObjTypeVal 12
#define vpiSuppressVal 13
#define vpiShortIntVal 14
#define vpiLongIntVal 15
#define vpiShortRealVal 16
#define vpiRawTwoStateVal 17
#define vpiRawFourStateVal 18
/* delay modes */
#define vpiNoDelay 1
#define vpiInertialDelay 2
#define vpiTransportDelay 3
#define vpiPureTransportDelay 4
/* force and release flags */
#define vpiForceFlag 5
#define vpiReleaseFlag 6
/* scheduled event cancel flag */
#define vpiCancelEvent 7
/* bit mask for the flags argument to vpi_put_value() */
#define vpiReturnEvent 0x1000
/* bit flags for vpi_get_value_array flags field */
#define vpiUserAllocFlag 0x2000
/* bit flags for vpi_put_value_array flags field */
#define vpiOneValue 0x4000
#define vpiPropagateOff 0x8000
/* scalar values */
#define vpi0 0
#define vpi1 1
#define vpiZ 2
#define vpiX 3
#define vpiH 4
#define vpiL 5
#define vpiDontCare 6
#define vpiNoChange 7 Defined under vpiTchkType, but
can be used here.
/*********************** system task/function structure ***********************/
typedef struct t_vpi_systf_data
PLI_INT32 type; /* vpiSysTask, vpiSysFunc */
PLI_INT32 sysfunctype; /* vpi[Int,Real,Time,Sized,SizedSigned]Func */
PLI_BYTE8 *tfname; /* first character has to be '$' */
PLI_INT32 (*calltf)(PLI_BYTE8 *);
PLI_INT32 (*compiletf)(PLI_BYTE8 *);
PLI_INT32 (*sizetf)(PLI_BYTE8 *); /* for sized function callbacks only */
PLI_BYTE8 *user_data;
} s_vpi_systf_data, *p_vpi_systf_data;
#define vpiSysTask 1
#define vpiSysFunc 2
/* the subtypes are defined under the vpiFuncType property */
/**************** SystemVerilog execution information structure ***************/
typedef struct t_vpi_vlog_info
PLI_INT32 argc;
PLI_BYTE8 **argv;
PLI_BYTE8 *product;
PLI_BYTE8 *version;
} s_vpi_vlog_info, *p_vpi_vlog_info;
/*********************** PLI error information structure **********************/
typedef struct t_vpi_error_info
PLI_INT32 state; /* vpi[Compile,PLI,Run] */
PLI_INT32 level; /* vpi[Notice,Warning,Error,System,Internal] */
PLI_BYTE8 *message;
PLI_BYTE8 *product;
PLI_BYTE8 *code;
PLI_BYTE8 *file;
PLI_INT32 line;
} s_vpi_error_info, *p_vpi_error_info;
/* state when error occurred */
#define vpiCompile 1
#define vpiPLI 2
#define vpiRun 3
/* error severity levels */
#define vpiNotice 1
#define vpiWarning 2
#define vpiError 3
#define vpiSystem 4
#define vpiInternal 5
/**************************** callback structures *****************************/
/* normal callback structure */
typedef struct t_cb_data
PLI_INT32 reason; /* callback reason */
PLI_INT32 (*cb_rtn)(struct t_cb_data *); /* call routine */
vpiHandle obj; /* trigger object */
p_vpi_time time; /* callback time */
p_vpi_value value; /* trigger object value */
PLI_INT32 index; /* index of the memory word or
var select that changed */
PLI_BYTE8 *user_data;
} s_cb_data, *p_cb_data;
/****************************** CALLBACK REASONS ******************************/
/***************************** Simulation related *****************************/
#define cbValueChange 1
#define cbStmt 2
#define cbForce 3
#define cbRelease 4
/******************************** Time related ********************************/
#define cbAtStartOfSimTime 5
#define cbReadWriteSynch 6
#define cbReadOnlySynch 7
#define cbNextSimTime 8
#define cbAfterDelay 9
/******************************* Action related *******************************/
#define cbEndOfCompile 10
#define cbStartOfSimulation 11
#define cbEndOfSimulation 12
#define cbError 13
#define cbTchkViolation 14
#define cbStartOfSave 15
#define cbEndOfSave 16
#define cbStartOfRestart 17
#define cbEndOfRestart 18
#define cbStartOfReset 19
#define cbEndOfReset 20
#define cbEnterInteractive 21
#define cbExitInteractive 22
#define cbInteractiveScopeChange 23
#define cbUnresolvedSystf 24
/**************************** Added with 1364-2001 ****************************/
#define cbAssign 25
#define cbDeassign 26
#define cbDisable 27
#define cbPLIError 28
#define cbSignal 29
/**************************** Added with 1364-2005 ****************************/
#define cbNBASynch 30
#define cbAtEndOfSimTime 31
/**************************** FUNCTION DECLARATIONS ***************************/
/* Include compatibility mode macro definitions. */
//#include "vpi_compatibility.h"
/* callback related */
XXTERN vpiHandle vpi_register_cb PROTO_PARAMS((p_cb_data cb_data_p));
XXTERN PLI_INT32 vpi_remove_cb PROTO_PARAMS((vpiHandle cb_obj));
XXTERN void vpi_get_cb_info PROTO_PARAMS((vpiHandle object,
p_cb_data cb_data_p));
XXTERN vpiHandle vpi_register_systf PROTO_PARAMS((p_vpi_systf_data
XXTERN void vpi_get_systf_info PROTO_PARAMS((vpiHandle object,
/* for obtaining handles */
XXTERN vpiHandle vpi_handle_by_name PROTO_PARAMS((PLI_BYTE8 *name,
vpiHandle scope));
XXTERN vpiHandle vpi_handle_by_index PROTO_PARAMS((vpiHandle object,
PLI_INT32 indx));
/* for traversing relationships */
XXTERN vpiHandle vpi_handle PROTO_PARAMS((PLI_INT32 type,
vpiHandle refHandle));
XXTERN vpiHandle vpi_handle_multi PROTO_PARAMS((PLI_INT32 type,
vpiHandle refHandle1,
vpiHandle refHandle2,
... ));
XXTERN vpiHandle vpi_iterate PROTO_PARAMS((PLI_INT32 type,
vpiHandle refHandle));
XXTERN vpiHandle vpi_scan PROTO_PARAMS((vpiHandle iterator));
/* for processing properties */
XXTERN PLI_INT32 vpi_get PROTO_PARAMS((PLI_INT32 property,
vpiHandle object));
XXTERN PLI_INT64 vpi_get64 PROTO_PARAMS((PLI_INT32 property,
vpiHandle object));
XXTERN PLI_BYTE8 *vpi_get_str PROTO_PARAMS((PLI_INT32 property,
vpiHandle object));
/* delay processing */
XXTERN void vpi_get_delays PROTO_PARAMS((vpiHandle object,
p_vpi_delay delay_p));
XXTERN void vpi_put_delays PROTO_PARAMS((vpiHandle object,
p_vpi_delay delay_p));
/* value processing */
XXTERN void vpi_get_value PROTO_PARAMS((vpiHandle expr,
p_vpi_value value_p));
XXTERN vpiHandle vpi_put_value PROTO_PARAMS((vpiHandle object,
p_vpi_value value_p,
p_vpi_time time_p,
PLI_INT32 flags));
XXTERN void vpi_get_value_array PROTO_PARAMS((vpiHandle object,
p_vpi_arrayvalue arrayvalue_p,
PLI_INT32 *index_p,
PLI_UINT32 num));
XXTERN void vpi_put_value_array PROTO_PARAMS((vpiHandle object,
p_vpi_arrayvalue arrayvalue_p,
PLI_INT32 *index_p,
PLI_UINT32 num));
/* time processing */
XXTERN void vpi_get_time PROTO_PARAMS((vpiHandle object,
p_vpi_time time_p));
/* I/O routines */
XXTERN PLI_UINT32 vpi_mcd_open PROTO_PARAMS((PLI_BYTE8 *fileName));
XXTERN PLI_UINT32 vpi_mcd_close PROTO_PARAMS((PLI_UINT32 mcd));
XXTERN PLI_INT32 vpi_mcd_printf PROTO_PARAMS((PLI_UINT32 mcd,
PLI_BYTE8 *format,
XXTERN PLI_INT32 vpi_printf PROTO_PARAMS((PLI_BYTE8 *format,
/* utility routines */
XXTERN PLI_INT32 vpi_compare_objects PROTO_PARAMS((vpiHandle object1,
vpiHandle object2));
XXTERN PLI_INT32 vpi_chk_error PROTO_PARAMS((p_vpi_error_info
/* vpi_free_object() was deprecated in 1800-2009 */
XXTERN PLI_INT32 vpi_free_object PROTO_PARAMS((vpiHandle object));
XXTERN PLI_INT32 vpi_release_handle PROTO_PARAMS((vpiHandle object));
XXTERN PLI_INT32 vpi_get_vlog_info PROTO_PARAMS((p_vpi_vlog_info
/* routines added with 1364-2001 */
PLI_BYTE8 *dataLoc,
PLI_INT32 numOfBytes));
PLI_BYTE8 *dataLoc,
PLI_INT32 numOfBytes));
XXTERN void *vpi_get_userdata PROTO_PARAMS((vpiHandle obj));
XXTERN PLI_INT32 vpi_put_userdata PROTO_PARAMS((vpiHandle obj,
void *userdata));
XXTERN PLI_INT32 vpi_vprintf PROTO_PARAMS((PLI_BYTE8 *format,
va_list ap));
XXTERN PLI_INT32 vpi_mcd_vprintf PROTO_PARAMS((PLI_UINT32 mcd,
PLI_BYTE8 *format,
va_list ap));
XXTERN PLI_INT32 vpi_flush PROTO_PARAMS((void));
XXTERN PLI_INT32 vpi_mcd_flush PROTO_PARAMS((PLI_UINT32 mcd));
XXTERN PLI_INT32 vpi_control PROTO_PARAMS((PLI_INT32 operation,
XXTERN vpiHandle vpi_handle_by_multi_index PROTO_PARAMS((vpiHandle obj,
PLI_INT32 num_index,
PLI_INT32 *index_array));
/****************************** GLOBAL VARIABLES ******************************/
PLI_VEXTERN PLI_DLLESPEC void (*vlog_startup_routines[])( void );
/* array of function pointers, last pointer should be null */
# undef XXTERN
# undef EETERN
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* VPI_USER_H */