// -*- mode: C++; c-file-style: "cc-mode" -*-
// Copyright 2012-2019 by Wilson Snyder.  This program is free software;
// you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
// Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License Version 2.0.
// This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.
/// \file
/// \brief Save-restore serialization of verilated modules

#define _VERILATED_SAVE_C_H_ 1

#include "verilatedos.h"

#include <string>

// VerilatedSerialize - convert structures to a stream representation
// This class is not thread safe, it must be called by a single thread

class VerilatedSerialize {
    // MEMBERS
    // For speed, keep m_cp as the first member of this structure
    vluint8_t*          m_cp;           ///< Current pointer into m_bufp buffer
    vluint8_t*          m_bufp;         ///< Output buffer
    bool                m_isOpen;       ///< True indicates open file/stream
    std::string         m_filename;     ///< Filename, for error messages
    VerilatedAssertOneThread m_assertOne;  ///< Assert only called from single thread

    inline static size_t bufferSize() { return 256*1024; }  // See below for slack calculation
    inline static size_t bufferInsertSize() { return 16*1024; }

    void header() VL_MT_UNSAFE_ONE;
    void trailer() VL_MT_UNSAFE_ONE;

    VerilatedSerialize() {
        m_isOpen = false;
        m_bufp = new vluint8_t [bufferSize()];
        m_cp = m_bufp;
    virtual ~VerilatedSerialize() {
        if (m_bufp) { delete m_bufp; m_bufp=NULL; }
    // METHODS
    bool isOpen() const { return m_isOpen; }
    std::string filename() const { return m_filename; }
    virtual void close() VL_MT_UNSAFE_ONE { flush(); }
    virtual void flush() VL_MT_UNSAFE_ONE {}
    inline VerilatedSerialize& write(const void* __restrict datap, size_t size) VL_MT_UNSAFE_ONE {
        const vluint8_t* __restrict dp = (const vluint8_t* __restrict)datap;
        while (size) {
            size_t blk = size;  if (blk>bufferInsertSize()) blk = bufferInsertSize();
            const vluint8_t* __restrict maxp = dp + blk;
            while (dp < maxp) *m_cp++ = *dp++;
            size -= blk;
        return *this;  // For function chaining
    VerilatedSerialize& bufferCheck() VL_MT_UNSAFE_ONE {
        // Flush the write buffer if there's not enough space left for new information
        // We only call this once per vector, so we need enough slop for a very wide "b###" line
        if (VL_UNLIKELY(m_cp > (m_bufp+(bufferSize()-bufferInsertSize())))) {
        return *this;  // For function chaining

// VerilatedDeserial - load structures from a stream representation
// This class is not thread safe, it must be called by a single thread

class VerilatedDeserialize {
    // MEMBERS
    // For speed, keep m_cp as the first member of this structure
    vluint8_t*          m_cp;           ///< Current pointer into m_bufp buffer
    vluint8_t*          m_bufp;         ///< Output buffer
    vluint8_t*          m_endp;         ///< Last valid byte in m_bufp buffer
    bool                m_isOpen;       ///< True indicates open file/stream
    std::string         m_filename;     ///< Filename, for error messages
    VerilatedAssertOneThread m_assertOne;       ///< Assert only called from single thread

    inline static size_t bufferSize() { return 256*1024; }  // See below for slack calculation
    inline static size_t bufferInsertSize() { return 16*1024; }

    virtual void fill() = 0;
    void header() VL_MT_UNSAFE_ONE;
    void trailer() VL_MT_UNSAFE_ONE;

    VerilatedDeserialize() {
        m_isOpen = false;
        m_bufp = new vluint8_t [bufferSize()];
        m_cp = m_bufp;
        m_endp = NULL;
    virtual ~VerilatedDeserialize() {
        if (m_bufp) { delete m_bufp; m_bufp=NULL; }
    // METHODS
    bool isOpen() const { return m_isOpen; }
    std::string filename() const { return m_filename; }
    virtual void close() VL_MT_UNSAFE_ONE { flush(); }
    virtual void flush() VL_MT_UNSAFE_ONE {}
    inline VerilatedDeserialize& read(void* __restrict datap, size_t size) VL_MT_UNSAFE_ONE {
        vluint8_t* __restrict dp = (vluint8_t* __restrict)datap;
        while (size) {
            size_t blk = size;  if (blk>bufferInsertSize()) blk = bufferInsertSize();
            const vluint8_t* __restrict maxp = dp + blk;
            while (dp < maxp) *dp++ = *m_cp++;
            size -= blk;
        return *this;  // For function chaining
    // Read a datum and compare with expected value
    VerilatedDeserialize& readAssert(const void* __restrict datap, size_t size) VL_MT_UNSAFE_ONE;
    VerilatedDeserialize& readAssert(vluint64_t data) VL_MT_UNSAFE_ONE {
        return readAssert(&data, sizeof(data)); }
    bool readDiffers(const void* __restrict datap, size_t size) VL_MT_UNSAFE_ONE;
    VerilatedDeserialize& bufferCheck() VL_MT_UNSAFE_ONE {
        // Flush the write buffer if there's not enough space left for new information
        // We only call this once per vector, so we need enough slop for a very wide "b###" line
        if (VL_UNLIKELY((m_cp+bufferInsertSize()) > m_endp)) {
        return *this;  // For function chaining

// VerilatedSave - serialize to a file
// This class is not thread safe, it must be called by a single thread

class VerilatedSave : public VerilatedSerialize {
    int                 m_fd;           ///< File descriptor we're writing to

    VerilatedSave() { m_fd=-1; }
    virtual ~VerilatedSave() { close(); }
    // METHODS
    void open(const char* filenamep) VL_MT_UNSAFE_ONE;  ///< Open the file; call isOpen() to see if errors
    void open(const std::string& filename) VL_MT_UNSAFE_ONE { open(filename.c_str()); }
    virtual void close() VL_MT_UNSAFE_ONE;
    virtual void flush() VL_MT_UNSAFE_ONE;

// VerilatedRestore - deserialize from a file
// This class is not thread safe, it must be called by a single thread

class VerilatedRestore : public VerilatedDeserialize {
    int                 m_fd;           ///< File descriptor we're writing to

    VerilatedRestore() { m_fd=-1; }
    virtual ~VerilatedRestore() { close(); }

    // METHODS
    void open(const char* filenamep) VL_MT_UNSAFE_ONE;  ///< Open the file; call isOpen() to see if errors
    void open(const std::string& filename) VL_MT_UNSAFE_ONE { open(filename.c_str()); }
    virtual void close() VL_MT_UNSAFE_ONE;
    virtual void flush() VL_MT_UNSAFE_ONE {}
    virtual void fill() VL_MT_UNSAFE_ONE;


inline VerilatedSerialize&   operator<<(VerilatedSerialize& os,   vluint64_t& rhs) {
    return os.write(&rhs, sizeof(rhs));
inline VerilatedDeserialize& operator>>(VerilatedDeserialize& os, vluint64_t& rhs){
    return os.read(&rhs, sizeof(rhs));
inline VerilatedSerialize&   operator<<(VerilatedSerialize& os,   vluint32_t& rhs) {
    return os.write(&rhs, sizeof(rhs));
inline VerilatedDeserialize& operator>>(VerilatedDeserialize& os, vluint32_t& rhs) {
    return os.read(&rhs, sizeof(rhs));
inline VerilatedSerialize&   operator<<(VerilatedSerialize& os,   vluint16_t& rhs) {
    return os.write(&rhs, sizeof(rhs));
inline VerilatedDeserialize& operator>>(VerilatedDeserialize& os, vluint16_t& rhs) {
    return os.read(&rhs, sizeof(rhs));
inline VerilatedSerialize&   operator<<(VerilatedSerialize& os,   vluint8_t& rhs) {
    return os.write(&rhs, sizeof(rhs));
inline VerilatedDeserialize& operator>>(VerilatedDeserialize& os, vluint8_t& rhs) {
    return os.read(&rhs, sizeof(rhs));
inline VerilatedSerialize&   operator<<(VerilatedSerialize& os,   bool& rhs) {
    return os.write(&rhs, sizeof(rhs));
inline VerilatedDeserialize& operator>>(VerilatedDeserialize& os, bool& rhs) {
    return os.read(&rhs, sizeof(rhs));
inline VerilatedSerialize&   operator<<(VerilatedSerialize& os,   double& rhs) {
    return os.write(&rhs, sizeof(rhs));
inline VerilatedDeserialize& operator>>(VerilatedDeserialize& os, double& rhs) {
    return os.read(&rhs, sizeof(rhs));
inline VerilatedSerialize&   operator<<(VerilatedSerialize& os,   float& rhs) {
    return os.write(&rhs, sizeof(rhs));
inline VerilatedDeserialize& operator>>(VerilatedDeserialize& os, float& rhs) {
    return os.read(&rhs, sizeof(rhs));
inline VerilatedSerialize&   operator<<(VerilatedSerialize& os,   std::string& rhs) {
    vluint32_t len = rhs.length();
    return os.write(rhs.data(), len);
inline VerilatedDeserialize& operator>>(VerilatedDeserialize& os, std::string& rhs) {
    vluint32_t len = 0;
    return os.read((void*)rhs.data(), len);

#endif  // Guard