// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test module // // This file ONLY is placed into the Public Domain, for any use, // without warranty, 2014 by Wilson Snyder. `define checkh(gotv,expv) do if ((gotv) !== (expv)) begin $write("%%Error: %s:%0d: got='h%x exp='h%x\n", `__FILE__,`__LINE__, (gotv), (expv)); $stop; end while(0) module t (/*AUTOARG*/); // verilator lint_off WIDTH wire [1:0] bug729_au = ~0; wire signed [1:0] bug729_as = ~0; wire [2:0] bug729_b = ~0; // the $signed output is unsigned because the input is unsigned; the signedness does not change. wire [0:0] bug729_yuu = $signed(2'b11) == 3'b111; //1'b0 wire [0:0] bug729_ysu = $signed(2'sb11) == 3'b111; //1'b0 wire [0:0] bug729_yus = $signed(2'b11) == 3'sb111; //1'b1 wire [0:0] bug729_yss = $signed(2'sb11) == 3'sb111; //1'b1 wire [0:0] bug729_zuu = 2'sb11 == 3'b111; //1'b0 wire [0:0] bug729_zsu = 2'sb11 == 3'b111; //1'b0 wire [0:0] bug729_zus = 2'sb11 == 3'sb111; //1'b1 wire [0:0] bug729_zss = 2'sb11 == 3'sb111; //1'b1 wire [3:0] bug733_a = 4'b0010; wire [3:0] bug733_yu = $signed(|bug733_a); // 4'b1111 note | is always unsigned wire signed [3:0] bug733_ys = $signed(|bug733_a); // 4'b1111 wire [3:0] bug733_zu = $signed(2'b11); // 4'b1111 wire signed [3:0] bug733_zs = $signed(2'sb11); // 4'b1111 // When RHS of assignment is fewer bits than lhs, RHS sign or zero extends based on RHS's sign wire [3:0] bug733_qu = 2'sb11; // 4'b1111 wire signed [3:0] bug733_qs = 2'sb11; // 4'b1111 reg signed [32:0] bug349_s; reg signed [32:0] bug349_u; wire signed [1:0] sb11 = 2'sb11; wire [3:0] subout_u; sub sub (.a(2'sb11), .z(subout_u)); initial `checkh(subout_u, 4'b1111); wire [5:0] cond_a = 1'b1 ? 3'sb111 : 5'sb11111; initial `checkh(cond_a, 6'b111111); wire [5:0] cond_b = 1'b0 ? 3'sb111 : 5'sb11111; initial `checkh(cond_b, 6'b111111); initial begin // verilator lint_on WIDTH `checkh(bug729_yuu, 1'b0); `checkh(bug729_ysu, 1'b0); `checkh(bug729_yus, 1'b1); `checkh(bug729_yss, 1'b1); `checkh(bug729_zuu, 1'b0); `checkh(bug729_zsu, 1'b0); `checkh(bug729_zus, 1'b1); `checkh(bug729_zss, 1'b1); `checkh(bug733_yu, 4'b1111); `checkh(bug733_ys, 4'b1111); `checkh(bug733_zu, 4'b1111); `checkh(bug733_zs, 4'b1111); `checkh(bug733_qu, 4'b1111); `checkh(bug733_qs, 4'b1111); // verilator lint_off WIDTH bug349_s = 4'sb1111; `checkh(bug349_s, 33'h1ffffffff); bug349_u = 4'sb1111; `checkh(bug349_u, 33'h1ffffffff); bug349_s = 4'sb1111 - 1'b1; `checkh(bug349_s,33'he); bug349_s = 4'sb1111 - 5'b00001; `checkh(bug349_s,33'he); case (2'sb11) 4'b1111: ; default: $stop; endcase case (sb11) 4'b1111: ; default: $stop; endcase $write("*-* All Finished *-*\n"); $finish; end endmodule module sub (input [3:0] a, output [3:0] z); assign z = a; endmodule