`line 1 "t/t_preproc.v" 1 `line 9 "t/t_preproc.v" 0 `line 1 "t/t_preproc_inc2.vh" 1 At file "t/t_preproc_inc2.vh" line 4 `line 6 "t/t_preproc_inc2.vh" 0 `line 1 "t/t_preproc_inc3.vh" 1 `line 2 "inc3_a_filename_from_line_directive" 0 At file "inc3_a_filename_from_line_directive" line 10 `line 13 "inc3_a_filename_from_line_directive" 0 `line 17 "inc3_a_filename_from_line_directive" 0 `line 18 "inc3_a_filename_from_line_directive" 2 `line 6 "t/t_preproc_inc2.vh" 0 `line 7 "t/t_preproc_inc2.vh" 2 `line 9 "t/t_preproc.v" 0 /*verilator pass_thru comment*/ /*verilator pass_thru_comment2*/ wire [3:0] q = { 1'b1 `line 25 "t/t_preproc.v" 0 , `line 26 "t/t_preproc.v" 0 1'b0 , 1'b1 `line 27 "t/t_preproc.v" 0 , 1'b1 `line 28 "t/t_preproc.v" 0 }; text. foo bar foobar2 first part second part third part Line_Preproc_Check 49 deep deep "Inside: `nosubst" "`nosubst" x y LLZZ x y p q LLZZ p q r s LLZZ r s LLZZ p q LLZZ p q r s LLZZ r s firstline comma","line LLZZ firstline comma","line x y LLZZ "a" y (a,b)(a,b) $display("left side: \"right side\"") bar_suffix more $c("Zap(\"",bug1,"\");");; $c("Zap(\"","bug2","\");");; wire tmp_d1 = d1; wire tmp_o1 = tmp_d1 + 1; assign o1 = tmp_o1 ; wire tmp_d2 = d2 ; wire tmp_o2 = tmp_d2 + 1; assign o2 = tmp_o2 ; generate for (i=0; i<(3); i=i+1) begin psl cover { m5k.f .ctl._ctl_mvldx_m1.d[i] & ~m5k.f .ctl._ctl_mvldx_m1.q[i] & !m5k.f .ctl._ctl_mvldx_m1.cond & ((m5k.f .ctl.alive & m5k.f .ctl.alive_m1))} report "fondNoRise: m5kc_fcl._ctl_mvldx_m1"; psl cover { ~m5k.f .ctl._ctl_mvldx_m1.d[i] & m5k.f .ctl._ctl_mvldx_m1.q[i] & !m5k.f .ctl._ctl_mvldx_m1.cond & ((m5k.f .ctl.alive & m5k.f .ctl.alive_m1))} report "fondNoFall: m5kc_fcl._ctl_mvldx_m1"; end endgenerate begin addr <= (({regs[6], regs[7]} + 1)); rd <= 1; end and begin addr <= (({regs[6], regs[7]})); wdata <= (rdata); wr <= 1; end begin addr <= ({regs[6], regs[7]} + 1); rd <= 1; end begin addr <= ({regs[6], regs[7]}); wdata <= (rdata); wr <= 1; end `line 130 "t/t_preproc.v" 0 Line_Preproc_Check 131 (p,q) (x,y ) Line_Preproc_Check 144 x,y)--bee submacro has comma paren $display("bits %d %d", $bits(foo), `10); `line 162 "t/t_preproc.v" 0 `line 164 "t/t_preproc.v" 0 `line 165 "t/t_preproc.v" 0 `line 181 "t/t_preproc.v" 0 `line 181 "t/t_preproc.v" 0 assign a3 = ~b3 ; \ def foo 1 /*verilator NOT IN DEFINE*/ (nodef) 2 /*verilator PART OF DEFINE*/ (hasdef) 3 /*verilator NOT PART OF DEFINE*/ (nodef) 4 /*verilator PART OF DEFINE*/ (nodef) 5 also in also3 (nodef) HAS a NEW LINE EXP: clxx_scen clxx_scen EXP: clxx_scen "clxx_scen" EXP: do if (start("verilog/inc1.v", 25)) begin message({"Blah-", "clx_scen", " end"}); end while(0); do `line 239 "t/t_preproc.v" 0 if (start("t/t_preproc.v", 239)) begin message({"Blah-", "clx_scen", " end"}); end while(0); `line 249 "t/t_preproc.v" 0 EXP: This is fooed This is fooed EXP: This is fooed_2 This is fooed_2 np np `line 262 "t/t_preproc.v" 2