// $Id$ // DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test module // // This file ONLY is placed into the Public Domain, for any use, // without warranty, 2006 by Wilson Snyder. module t (/*AUTOARG*/ // Inputs clk ); // verilator lint_off MULTIDRIVEN wire [31:0] outb0c0; wire [31:0] outb0c1; wire [31:0] outb1c0; wire [31:0] outb1c1; ma ma0 (.outb0c0(outb0c0), .outb0c1(outb0c1), .outb1c0(outb1c0), .outb1c1(outb1c1) ); global_mod #(32'hf00d) global_cell (); global_mod #(32'hf22d) global_cell2 (); input clk; integer cyc=1; always @ (posedge clk) begin cyc <= cyc + 1; //$write("[%0t] cyc%0d: %0x %0x %0x %0x\n", $time, cyc, outb0c0, outb0c1, outb1c0, outb1c1); if (cyc==2) begin if (global_cell.global != 32'hf00d) $stop; if (global_cell2.global != 32'hf22d) $stop; if (outb0c0 != 32'h00) $stop; if (outb0c1 != 32'h01) $stop; if (outb1c0 != 32'h10) $stop; if (outb1c1 != 32'h11) $stop; end if (cyc==3) begin // Can we scope down and read and write vars? ma0.mb0.mc0.out <= ma0.mb0.mc0.out + 32'h100; ma0.mb0.mc1.out <= ma0.mb0.mc1.out + 32'h100; ma0.mb1.mc0.out <= ma0.mb1.mc0.out + 32'h100; ma0.mb1.mc1.out <= ma0.mb1.mc1.out + 32'h100; end if (cyc==4) begin if (outb0c0 != 32'h100) $stop; if (outb0c1 != 32'h101) $stop; if (outb1c0 != 32'h110) $stop; if (outb1c1 != 32'h111) $stop; end if (cyc==5) begin if (outb0c0 != 32'h1100) $stop; if (outb0c1 != 32'h2101) $stop; if (outb1c0 != 32'h2110) $stop; if (outb1c1 != 32'h3111) $stop; end if (cyc==6) begin if (outb0c0 != 32'h31100) $stop; if (outb0c1 != 32'h02101) $stop; if (outb1c0 != 32'h42110) $stop; if (outb1c1 != 32'h03111) $stop; end if (cyc==9) begin $write("*-* All Finished *-*\n"); $finish; end end endmodule `ifdef USE_INLINE_MID `define INLINE_MODULE /*verilator inline_module*/ `define INLINE_MID_MODULE /*verilator no_inline_module*/ `else `ifdef USE_INLINE `define INLINE_MODULE /*verilator inline_module*/ `define INLINE_MID_MODULE /*verilator inline_module*/ `else `define INLINE_MODULE /*verilator public_module*/ `define INLINE_MID_MODULE /*verilator public_module*/ `endif `endif module global_mod; `INLINE_MODULE parameter INITVAL = 0; integer global; initial global = INITVAL; endmodule module ma ( output wire [31:0] outb0c0, output wire [31:0] outb0c1, output wire [31:0] outb1c0, output wire [31:0] outb1c1 ); `INLINE_MODULE mb #(0) mb0 (.outc0(outb0c0), .outc1(outb0c1)); mb #(1) mb1 (.outc0(outb1c0), .outc1(outb1c1)); endmodule module mb ( output wire [31:0] outc0, output wire [31:0] outc1 ); `INLINE_MID_MODULE parameter P2 = 0; mc #(P2,0) mc0 (.out(outc0)); mc #(P2,1) mc1 (.out(outc1)); global_mod #(32'hf33d) global_cell2 (); wire reach_up_clk = t.clk; always @(reach_up_clk) begin if (P2==0) begin // Only for mb0 if (outc0 !== t.ma0.mb0.mc0.out) $stop; // Top module name and lower instances if (outc0 !== ma0.mb0.mc0.out) $stop; // Upper module name and lower instances if (outc0 !== ma .mb0.mc0.out) $stop; // Upper module name and lower instances if (outc0 !== mb.mc0.out) $stop; // This module name and lower instances if (outc0 !== mb0.mc0.out) $stop; // Upper instance name and lower instances if (outc0 !== mc0.out) $stop; // Lower instances if (outc1 !== t.ma0.mb0.mc1.out) $stop; // Top module name and lower instances if (outc1 !== ma0.mb0.mc1.out) $stop; // Upper module name and lower instances if (outc1 !== ma .mb0.mc1.out) $stop; // Upper module name and lower instances if (outc1 !== mb.mc1.out) $stop; // This module name and lower instances if (outc1 !== mb0.mc1.out) $stop; // Upper instance name and lower instances if (outc1 !== mc1.out) $stop; // Lower instances end end endmodule module mc (output reg [31:0] out); `INLINE_MODULE parameter P2 = 0; parameter P3 = 0; initial begin out = {24'h0,P2[3:0],P3[3:0]}; //$write("%m P2=%0x p3=%0x out=%x\n",P2, P3, out); end // Can we look from the top module name down? wire [31:0] reach_up_cyc = t.cyc; always @ (posedge t.clk) begin //$write("[%0t] %m: Got reachup, cyc=%0d\n", $time, reach_up_cyc); if (reach_up_cyc==2) begin if (global_cell.global != 32'hf00d) $stop; if (global_cell2.global != 32'hf33d) $stop; end if (reach_up_cyc==4) begin out[15:12] <= {P2[3:0]+P3[3:0]+4'd1}; end if (reach_up_cyc==5) begin // Can we set another instance? if (P3==1) begin // Without this, there are two possible correct answers... mc0.out[19:16] <= {mc0.out[19:16]+P2[3:0]+P3[3:0]+4'd2}; $display("%m Set %x->%x %x %x %x %x",mc0.out, {mc0.out[19:16]+P2[3:0]+P3[3:0]+4'd2}, mc0.out[19:16],P2[3:0],P3[3:0],4'd2); end end end endmodule