// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test module // // This file ONLY is placed under the Creative Commons Public Domain, for // any use, without warranty, 2011 by Wilson Snyder. // SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 module t; typedef logic [3:0] mc_t; typedef mc_t tocast_t; typedef struct packed { logic [15:0] data; } packed_t; typedef enum [15:0] { ONE = 1 } enum_t; packed_t pdata; packed_t pdata_reg; assign pdata.data = 16'h1234; logic [7:0] logic8bit; assign logic8bit = $bits(logic8bit)'(pdata >> 8); mc_t o; enum_t e; logic [15:0] allones = 16'hffff; parameter FOUR = 4; // bug925 localparam [6:0] RESULT = 7'((6*9+92)%96); logic signed [14:0] samp0 = 15'h0000; logic signed [14:0] samp1 = 15'h0000; logic signed [14:0] samp2 = 15'h6000; logic signed [11:0] coeff0 = 12'h009; logic signed [11:0] coeff1 = 12'h280; logic signed [11:0] coeff2 = 12'h4C5; logic signed [26:0] mida = ((27'(coeff2 * samp2) >>> 11)); // verilator lint_off WIDTH logic signed [26:0] midb = 15'((27'(coeff2 * samp2) >>> 11)); // verilator lint_on WIDTH logic signed [14:0] outa = 15'((27'(coeff0 * samp0) >>> 11) + // 27' size casting in order for intermediate result to not be truncated to the width of LHS vector (27'(coeff1 * samp1) >>> 11) + (27'(coeff2 * samp2) >>> 11)); // 15' size casting to avoid synthesis/simulator warnings logic one = 1'b1; logic [32:0] b33 = {32'(0), one}; logic [31:0] b32 = {31'(0), one}; initial begin if (logic8bit != 8'h12) $stop; if (4'shf > 4'sh0) $stop; if (signed'(4'hf) > 4'sh0) $stop; if (4'hf < 4'h0) $stop; if (unsigned'(4'shf) < 4'h0) $stop; if (const'(4'shf) !== 4'shf) $stop; if (4'(allones) !== 4'hf) $stop; if (6'(allones) !== 6'h3f) $stop; if ((4)'(allones) !== 4'hf) $stop; if ((4+2)'(allones) !== 6'h3f) $stop; if ((4-2)'(allones) !== 2'h3) $stop; if ((FOUR+2)'(allones) !== 6'h3f) $stop; if (50 !== RESULT) $stop; e = ONE; if (e != 1) $stop; if (e != ONE) $stop; e = enum_t'(ONE); if (e != ONE) $stop; e = enum_t'(16'h1); if (e != ONE) $stop; pdata_reg.data = 1; e = enum_t'(pdata_reg); if (e != ONE) $stop; o = tocast_t'(4'b1); if (o != 4'b1) $stop; if (15'h6cec != outa) $stop; if (27'h7ffecec != mida) $stop; if (27'h7ffecec != midb) $stop; if (b33 != 33'b1) $stop; if (b32 != 32'b1) $stop; $write("*-* All Finished *-*\n"); $finish; end endmodule