// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test module // // This file ONLY is placed into the Public Domain, for any use, // without warranty, 2003 by Wilson Snyder. module t_param(/*AUTOARG*/ // Outputs passed, // Inputs clk ); input clk; output passed; reg passed; initial passed = 0; reg _ranit; /*AUTOWIRE*/ // Beginning of automatic wires (for undeclared instantiated-module outputs) wire [4:0] par1; // From a1 of t_param_a.v wire [4:0] par2; // From a2 of t_param_a.v wire [4:0] par3; // From a3 of t_param_a.v wire [4:0] par4; // From a4 of t_param_a.v wire [1:0] varwidth1; // From a1 of t_param_a.v wire [2:0] varwidth2; // From a2 of t_param_a.v wire [3:0] varwidth3; // From a3 of t_param_a.v wire [3:0] varwidth4; // From a4 of t_param_a.v // End of automatics /*t_param_a AUTO_TEMPLATE ( .par (par@[])); .varwidth (varwidth@[])); */ parameter XX = 2'bXX; parameter THREE = 3; t_param_a #(1,5) a1 ( // Outputs .varwidth (varwidth1[1:0]), /*AUTOINST*/ // Outputs .par (par1[4:0])); // Templated t_param_a #(2,5) a2 ( // Outputs .varwidth (varwidth2[2:0]), /*AUTOINST*/ // Outputs .par (par2[4:0])); // Templated t_param_a #(THREE,5) a3 ( // Outputs .varwidth (varwidth3[3:0]), /*AUTOINST*/ // Outputs .par (par3[4:0])); // Templated t_param_a #(THREE,5) a4 ( // Outputs .varwidth (varwidth4[3:0]), /*AUTOINST*/ // Outputs .par (par4[4:0])); // Templated parameter THREE_BITS_WIDE = 3'b011; parameter THREE_2WIDE = 2'b11; parameter ALSO_THREE_WIDE = THREE_BITS_WIDE; parameter THREEPP_32_WIDE = 2*8*2+3; parameter THREEPP_3_WIDE = 3'd4*3'd4*3'd2+3'd3; // Yes folks VCS says 3 bits wide // Width propagation doesn't care about LHS vs RHS // But the width of a RHS/LHS on a upper node does affect lower nodes; // Thus must double-descend in width analysis. // VCS 7.0.1 is broken on this test! parameter T10 = (3'h7+3'h7)+4'h0; //initial if (T10!==4'd14) $stop; parameter T11 = 4'h0+(3'h7+3'h7); //initial if (T11!==4'd14) $stop; // Parameters assign LHS is affectively width zero. parameter T12 = THREE_2WIDE + THREE_2WIDE; initial if (T12!==2'd2) $stop; parameter T13 = THREE_2WIDE + 3; initial if (T13!==32'd6) $stop; // Must be careful about LSB's with extracts parameter [39:8] T14 = 32'h00_1234_56; initial if (T14[24:16]!==9'h34) $stop; // parameter THREEPP_32P_WIDE = 3'd4*3'd4*2+3'd3; parameter THREE_32_WIDE = 3%32; parameter THIRTYTWO = 2; // Param is 32 bits parameter [40:0] WIDEPARAM = 41'h12_3456789a; parameter [40:0] WIDEPARAM2 = WIDEPARAM; reg [7:0] eightb; reg [3:0] fourb; wire [7:0] eight = 8'b00010000; wire [1:0] eight2two = eight[THREE_32_WIDE+1:THREE_32_WIDE]; wire [2:0] threebits = ALSO_THREE_WIDE; // surefire lint_off CWCCXX initial _ranit = 0; always @ (posedge clk) begin if (!_ranit) begin _ranit <= 1; $write("[%0t] t_param: Running\n", $time); // $write(" %d %d %d\n", par1,par2,par3); if (par1!==5'd1) $stop; if (par2!==5'd2) $stop; if (par3!==5'd3) $stop; if (par4!==5'd3) $stop; if (varwidth1!==2'd2) $stop; if (varwidth2!==3'd2) $stop; if (varwidth3!==4'd2) $stop; if (varwidth4!==4'd2) $stop; if (threebits !== 3'b011) $stop; if (eight !== 8'b00010000) $stop; if (eight2two !== 2'b10) $stop; $write(" Params = %b %b\n %b %b\n", THREEPP_32_WIDE,THREEPP_3_WIDE, THIRTYTWO, THREEPP_32P_WIDE); if (THREEPP_32_WIDE !== 32'h23) $stop; if (THREEPP_3_WIDE !== 3'h3) $stop; if (THREEPP_32P_WIDE !== 32'h23) $stop; if (THIRTYTWO[1:0] !== 2'h2) $stop; if (THIRTYTWO !== 32'h2) $stop; if (THIRTYTWO !== 2) $stop; if ((THIRTYTWO[1:0]+2'b00) !== 2'b10) $stop; if ({1'b1,{THIRTYTWO[1:0]+2'b00}} !== 3'b110) $stop; if (XX===0 || XX===1 || XX===2 || XX===3) $stop; // Paradoxical but right, since 1'bx!=0 && !=1 // // Example of assignment LHS affecting expression widths. // verilator lint_off WIDTH // surefire lint_off ASWCMB // surefire lint_off ASWCBB eightb = (4'd8+4'd8)/4'd4; if (eightb!==8'd4) $stop; fourb = (4'd8+4'd8)/4'd4; if (fourb!==4'd0) $stop; fourb = (4'd8+8)/4'd4; if (fourb!==4'd4) $stop; // verilator lint_on WIDTH // surefire lint_on ASWCMB // surefire lint_on ASWCBB // $write("[%0t] t_param: Passed\n", $time); passed <= 1'b1; end end endmodule