// DESCRIPTION::Verilog Test module // // This file ONLY is placed under the Creative Commons Public Domain, for // any use, without warranty, 2013 by Wilson Snyder. // SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 `define stop $stop `define checkh(gotv,expv) do if ((gotv) !== (expv)) begin $write("%%Error: %s:%0d: got='h%x exp='h%x\n", `__FILE__,`__LINE__, (gotv), (expv)); `stop; end while(0); module t; typedef enum logic [1:0] { ZERO = 2'd0, ONE = 2'd1, TWO = 2'd2, THREE = 2'd3, XXX = 2'dx } num_t; function automatic logic is_odd; input en; input num_t number; case (en) 1'b1: begin unique if (number inside {ONE, THREE}) is_odd = 1'b1; else if (number inside {ZERO, TWO}) is_odd = 1'b0; else is_odd = 1'bx; end 1'b0: is_odd = 1'bx; default: is_odd = 1'bx; endcase endfunction function automatic bit is_00_to_04 (input byte value); return value inside { [ 8'h0 : 8'h04 ] }; endfunction function automatic bit is_fe_to_ff (input byte value); return value inside { [ 8'hfe : 8'hff ] }; endfunction initial begin `checkh ((4'd4 inside {4'd1,4'd5}), 1'b0); `checkh ((4'd4 inside {4'd1,4'd4}), 1'b1); // `checkh ((4'b1011 inside {4'b1001}), 1'b0); `checkh ((4'b1011 inside {4'b1xx1}), 1'b1); // Uses ==? `checkh ((4'b1001 inside {4'b1xx1}), 1'b1); // Uses ==? `checkh ((4'b1001 inside {4'b1??1}), 1'b1); `ifndef VERILATOR `checkh ((4'b1z11 inside {4'b11?1, 4'b1011}),1'bx); `endif // Range `checkh ((4'd4 inside {[4'd5:4'd3], [4'd10:4'd8]}), 1'b0); // If left of colon < never matches `checkh ((4'd3 inside {[4'd1:4'd2], [4'd3:4'd5]}), 1'b1); `checkh ((4'd4 inside {[4'd1:4'd2], [4'd3:4'd5]}), 1'b1); `checkh ((4'd5 inside {[4'd1:4'd2], [4'd3:4'd5]}), 1'b1); // // Unsupported $ bound // // Unsupported if unpacked array, elements tranversed //int unpackedarray [$] = '{8,9}; //( expr inside {2, 3, unpackedarray}) // { 2,3,8,9} // `checkh (is_odd(1'b1, ZERO), 1'd0); `checkh (is_odd(1'b1, ONE), 1'd1); `checkh (is_odd(1'b1, TWO), 1'd0); `checkh (is_odd(1'b1, THREE),1'd1); `ifndef VERILATOR `checkh (is_odd(1'b1, XXX), 1'dx); `endif // // Should not give UNSIGNED/CMPCONST warnings // (Verilator converts to 8'h00 >= 8'h00 which is always true) `checkh(is_00_to_04(8'h00), 1'b1); `checkh(is_00_to_04(8'h04), 1'b1); `checkh(is_00_to_04(8'h05), 1'b0); `checkh(is_fe_to_ff(8'hfd), 1'b0); `checkh(is_fe_to_ff(8'hfe), 1'b1); `checkh(is_fe_to_ff(8'hff), 1'b1); // $write("*-* All Finished *-*\n"); $finish; end endmodule