// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test module // // This file ONLY is placed under the Creative Commons Public Domain, for // any use, without warranty, 2003 by Wilson Snyder. // SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 module t (/*AUTOARG*/ // Inputs clk ); input clk; // verilator lint_off COMBDLY // verilator lint_off UNOPT // verilator lint_off UNOPTFLAT // verilator lint_off BLKANDNBLK reg c1_start; initial c1_start = 0; wire [31:0] c1_count; comb_loop c1 (.count(c1_count), .start(c1_start)); wire s2_start = c1_start; wire [31:0] s2_count; seq_loop s2 (.count(s2_count), .start(s2_start)); wire c3_start = (s2_count[0]); wire [31:0] c3_count; comb_loop c3 (.count(c3_count), .start(c3_start)); reg [7:0] cyc; initial cyc=0; always @ (posedge clk) begin //$write("[%0t] %x counts %x %x %x\n",$time,cyc,c1_count,s2_count,c3_count); cyc <= cyc + 8'd1; case (cyc) 8'd00: begin c1_start <= 1'b0; end 8'd01: begin c1_start <= 1'b1; end default: ; endcase case (cyc) 8'd02: begin // On Verilator, we expect these comparisons to match exactly, // confirming that our settle loop repeated the exact number of // iterations we expect. No '$stop' should be called here, and we // should reach the normal '$finish' below on the next cycle. if (c1_count!=32'h3) $stop; if (s2_count!=32'h3) $stop; if (c3_count!=32'h5) $stop; end 8'd03: begin $write("*-* All Finished *-*\n"); $finish; end default: ; endcase end endmodule module comb_loop (/*AUTOARG*/ // Outputs count, // Inputs start ); input start; output reg [31:0] count; initial count = 0; reg [31:0] runnerm1, runner; initial runner = 0; always @ (posedge start) begin runner = 3; end always @ (/*AS*/runner) begin runnerm1 = runner - 32'd1; end always @ (/*AS*/runnerm1) begin if (runner > 0) begin count = count + 1; runner = runnerm1; $write ("%m count=%d runner =%x\n",count, runnerm1); end end endmodule module seq_loop (/*AUTOARG*/ // Outputs count, // Inputs start ); input start; output reg [31:0] count; initial count = 0; reg [31:0] runnerm1, runner; initial runner = 0; always @ (posedge start) begin runner <= 3; end always @ (/*AS*/runner) begin runnerm1 = runner - 32'd1; end always @ (/*AS*/runnerm1) begin if (runner > 0) begin count = count + 1; runner <= runnerm1; $write ("%m count=%d runner<=%x\n",count, runnerm1); end end endmodule