// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test module // // Copyright 2009 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you can // redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU // Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License // Version 2.0. module t; sub a (.inst(1)); sub b (.inst(2)); // Returns integer line number, or -1 for all ok import "DPI-C" context function int dpix_run_tests(); export "DPI-C" task dpix_t_int; task dpix_t_int(input int i, output int o); o = ~i; endtask export "DPI-C" dpix_t_renamed = task dpix_t_ren; task dpix_t_ren(input int i, output int o); o = i+2; endtask export "DPI-C" function dpix_int123; function int dpix_int123(); dpix_int123 = 32'h123; endfunction export "DPI-C" function dpix_f_bit; export "DPI-C" function dpix_f_bit15; export "DPI-C" function dpix_f_int; export "DPI-C" function dpix_f_byte; export "DPI-C" function dpix_f_shortint; export "DPI-C" function dpix_f_longint; export "DPI-C" function dpix_f_chandle; function bit dpix_f_bit (bit i); dpix_f_bit = ~i; endfunction function bit [14:0] dpix_f_bit15 (bit [14:0] i); dpix_f_bit15 = ~i; endfunction function int dpix_f_int (int i); dpix_f_int = ~i; endfunction function byte dpix_f_byte (byte i); dpix_f_byte = ~i; endfunction function shortint dpix_f_shortint(shortint i); dpix_f_shortint = ~i; endfunction function longint dpix_f_longint (longint i); dpix_f_longint = ~i; endfunction function chandle dpix_f_chandle (chandle i); dpix_f_chandle = i; endfunction int lineno; initial begin lineno = dpix_run_tests(); if (lineno != -1) begin $display("[%0t] %%Error: t_dpix_ort_c.c:%0d: dpix_run_tests returned an error", $time, lineno); $stop; end $write("*-* All Finished *-*\n"); $finish; end endmodule module sub (input int inst); export "DPI-C" function dpix_sub_inst; function int dpix_sub_inst (int i); dpix_sub_inst = inst + i; endfunction endmodule